const logger = require('pelias-logger').get('coarse_reverse');
const _ = require('lodash');
const Document = require('pelias-model').Document;
const Debug = require('../helper/debug');
const debugLog = new Debug('controller:coarse_reverse');

// do not change order, other functionality depends on most-to-least granular order
const coarse_granularities = [

// remove non-coarse layers and return what's left (or all if empty)
function getEffectiveLayers(requested_layers) {
  // remove non-coarse layers
  const non_coarse_layers_removed = _.without(requested_layers, 'venue', 'address', 'street');

  // if resulting array is empty, use all coarse granularities
  if (_.isEmpty(non_coarse_layers_removed)) {
    return coarse_granularities;

  // otherwise use requested layers with non-coarse layers removed
  return non_coarse_layers_removed;


// drop from coarse_granularities until there's one that was requested
// this depends on coarse_granularities being ordered
function getApplicableRequestedLayers(requested_layers) {
  return _.dropWhile(coarse_granularities, (coarse_granularity) => {
    return !_.includes(requested_layers, coarse_granularity);

//  removing non-coarse layers could leave effective_layers empty, so it's
//  important to check for empty layers here
function hasResultsAtRequestedLayers(results, requested_layers) {
  return !_.isEmpty(_.intersection(_.keys(results), requested_layers));

// get the most granular layer from the results by taking the head of the intersection
// of coarse_granularities (which are ordered) and the result layers
// ['neighbourhood', 'borough', 'locality'] - ['locality', 'borough'] = 'borough'
// this depends on coarse_granularities being ordered
function getMostGranularLayerOfResult(result_layers) {
  return _.head(_.intersection(coarse_granularities, result_layers));

// create a model.Document from what's left, using the most granular
// result available as the starting point
function synthesizeDoc(results) {
  // find the most granular layer to use as the document layer
  const most_granular_layer = getMostGranularLayerOfResult(_.keys(results));
  const id = results[most_granular_layer][0].id;

  try {
    const doc = new Document('whosonfirst', most_granular_layer, id.toString());
    doc.setName('default', results[most_granular_layer][0].name);

    // assign the administrative hierarchy
    _.keys(results).forEach((layer) => {
      doc.addParent(layer, results[layer][0].name, results[layer][0].id.toString(), results[layer][0].abbr || undefined);

    // set centroid if available
    if (_.has(results[most_granular_layer][0], 'centroid')) {
      doc.setCentroid( results[most_granular_layer][0].centroid );

    // set bounding box if available
    if (_.has(results[most_granular_layer][0], 'bounding_box')) {
      const parsed_bounding_box = results[most_granular_layer][0].bounding_box.split(',').map(parseFloat);
        upperLeft: {
          lat: parsed_bounding_box[3],
          lon: parsed_bounding_box[0]
        lowerRight: {
          lat: parsed_bounding_box[1],
          lon: parsed_bounding_box[2]


    const esDoc = doc.toESDocument(); = esDoc._id; = esDoc._type;

  } catch( e ) {

    // an error occurred when generating a new Document`[controller:coarse_reverse][error]`);

    return null;

function setup(service, should_execute) {
  function controller(req, res, next) {
    // do not run controller when a request validation error has occurred
    if (!should_execute(req, res)) {
      return next();
    const initialTime = debugLog.beginTimer(req);
    // return a warning to the caller that will be ignored
    if (!_.isUndefined(req.clean[''])) {
      req.warnings.push(' is not applicable for coarse reverse');

    // because coarse reverse is called when non-coarse reverse didn't return
    //  anything, treat requested layers as if it didn't contain non-coarse layers
    const effective_layers = getEffectiveLayers(req.clean.layers);
    debugLog.push(req, {effective_layers: effective_layers});

    const centroid = {
      lat: req.clean[''],
      lon: req.clean['point.lon']

    service(req, (err, results) => {
      // if there's an error, log it and bail
      if (err) {`[controller:coarse_reverse][error]`);
        return next();

      // log how many results there were`[controller:coarse_reverse][queryType:pip][result_count:${_.size(results)}]`);

      // now keep everything from the response that is equal to or less granular
      // than the most granular layer requested.  that is, if effective_layers=['county'],
      // remove neighbourhoods, boroughs, localities, localadmins
      const applicable_results = _.pick(results, getApplicableRequestedLayers(effective_layers));

      res.meta = {}; = [];

      // if there's a result at the requested layer(s), synthesize a doc from results
      if (hasResultsAtRequestedLayers(applicable_results, effective_layers)) {
        const doc = synthesizeDoc(applicable_results);
        if (doc){
      debugLog.stopTimer(req, initialTime);
      return next();



  return controller;


module.exports = setup;