You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
1.1 KiB

var peliasQuery = require('pelias-query'),
check = require('check-types');
Population / Popularity subquery
module.exports = function( vs ){
var view = peliasQuery.view.ngrams( vs );
view.match['name.default'].analyzer = vs.var('phrase:analyzer');
delete view.match['name.default'].boost;
// only use complete tokens against the phase index (where possible).
var completeTokens = vs.var('input:name:tokens_complete').get(),
incompleteTokens = vs.var('input:name:tokens_incomplete').get();
// if the tokenizer has run (autocomplete only) then we will combine the
// 'complete' tokens with the 'incomplete' tokens, the resuting array differs
// slightly from the 'input:name:tokens' array as some tokens might have been
// removed in the process; such as single grams which are not present in then
// ngrams index.
if( check.array( completeTokens ) && check.array( incompleteTokens ) ){
var combined = completeTokens.concat( incompleteTokens );
if( combined.length ){
view.match['name.default'].query = combined.join(' ');
return view;