49 lines
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var geo_common = require ('./_geo_common');
var _ = require('lodash');
var defaults = require('../query/reverse_defaults');
// validate inputs, convert types and apply defaults
module.exports = function sanitize( raw, clean ){
// error & warning messages
var messages = { errors: [], warnings: [] };
// helper function to determine if raw has a boundary.circle property
var hasBoundaryCircleField = function(field) {
return raw.hasOwnProperty('boundary.circle.' + field);
if (['lat', 'lon'].some(hasBoundaryCircleField)) {
messages.warnings.push('boundary.circle.lat/boundary.circle.lon are currently unsupported');
try {
// first verify that point.lat/point.lon are valid
geo_common.sanitize_point( 'point', clean, raw, LAT_LON_IS_REQUIRED );
// overwrite boundary.circle.lat/lon with point.lat/lon
raw['boundary.circle.lat'] = clean['point.lat'];
raw['boundary.circle.lon'] = clean['point.lon'];
// if no radius was passed, set the default
if ( _.isUndefined( raw['boundary.circle.radius'] ) ) {
// the default is small unless layers other than venue or address were explicitly specified
if (clean.layers && clean.layers.length > 0 && !_.includes(clean.layers, 'venue') && !_.includes(clean.layers, 'address')) {
raw['boundary.circle.radius'] = defaults['boundary:circle:radius:coarse'];
} else {
raw['boundary.circle.radius'] = defaults['boundary:circle:radius'];
// santize the boundary.circle
geo_common.sanitize_circle( 'boundary.circle', clean, raw, CIRCLE_IS_REQUIRED );
catch (err) {
messages.errors.push( err.message );
return messages;