You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

278 lines
9.8 KiB

const _ = require('lodash');
const logger = require('pelias-logger').get('api');
const Document = require('pelias-model').Document;
const geolib = require('geolib');
// composition of toNumber and isFinite, useful for single call to convert a value
// to a number, then checking to see if it's finite
function isFiniteNumber(value) {
return !_.isEmpty(_.trim(value)) && _.isFinite(_.toNumber(value));
// returns true if value is parseable as finite non-negative number
function isNonNegativeFiniteNumber(value) {
return isFiniteNumber(value) && _.gte(value, 0);
function hasLatLon(result) {
return _.isFinite(_.get(result.geom, 'lat')) && _.isFinite(_.get(result.geom, 'lon'));
function getLatLon(result) {
return {
longitude: result.geom.lon
// if are parseable as finite numbers, convert to a finite number
// otherwise remove the field
function numberifyGeomLatLon(result) {
['lat', 'lon'].forEach((f) => {
if (isFiniteNumber(_.get(result.geom, f))) {
result.geom[f] = _.toFinite(result.geom[f]);
} else {
// result.geom may not exist, so use unset instead of delete
_.unset(result.geom, f);
return result;
// returns true if all 4 ,-delimited (max) substrings are parseable as finite numbers
// '12.12,21.21,13.13,31.31' returns true
// '12.12,21.21,13.13,31.31,14.14' returns false
// '12.12,21.21,13.13,blah' returns false
// '12.12,21.21,13.13,31.31,blah' returns false
// '12.12,NaN,13.13,31.31' returns false
// '12.12,Infinity,13.13,31.31' returns false
function is4CommaDelimitedNumbers(bbox) {
return _.defaultTo(bbox, '').
filter(isFiniteNumber).length === 4;
function hasName(result) {
return !_.isEmpty(_.trim(;
// filter that passes only results that match on requested layers
function getLayersFilter(clean) {
// passes everything if:
// - req.clean.layers is empty
// - req.clean.parsed_text.street is available
if (_.isEmpty(_.get(clean, 'layers', [])) || _.has(clean, ['parsed_text', 'street'])) {
return () => true;
// otherwise return a function that checks for set inclusion of a result placetype
return (result) => _.includes(clean.layers, result.placetype);
// return true if the hierarchy does not have a country.abbr
// OR hierarchy country.abbr matches
function matchesBoundaryCountry(boundaryCountry, hierarchy) {
return !boundaryCountry || _.get(hierarchy, 'country.abbr') === boundaryCountry;
// return true if the result does not have a lineage
// OR at least one lineage matches the requested
function atLeastOneLineageMatchesBoundaryCountry(boundaryCountry, result) {
return !result.lineage || result.lineage.some(_.partial(matchesBoundaryCountry, boundaryCountry));
// return a function that detects if a result has at least one lineage in
// if there's no, return a function that always returns true
function getBoundaryCountryFilter(clean, geometric_filters_apply) {
if (_.has(clean, '') && geometric_filters_apply) {
return _.partial(atLeastOneLineageMatchesBoundaryCountry, clean['']);
return () => true;
// return a function that detects if a result is inside a bbox if a bbox is available
// if there's no bbox, return a function that always returns true
function getBoundaryRectangleFilter(clean, geometric_filters_apply) {
// check to see if boundary.rect.min_lat/min_lon/max_lat/max_lon are all available
if (geometric_filters_apply && ['min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon'].every((f) => {
return _.has(clean, `boundary.rect.${f}`);
})) {
const polygon = [
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lon'] },
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lon'] },
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lon'] },
{ latitude: clean['boundary.rect.min_lat'], longitude: clean['boundary.rect.max_lon'] }
// isPointInside takes polygon last, so create a function that has it pre-populated
const isPointInsidePolygon = _.partialRight(geolib.isPointInside, polygon);
return _.partial(isInsideGeometry, isPointInsidePolygon);
// there's no bbox filter, so return a function that always returns true
return () => true;
// return a function that detects if a result is inside a circle if a circle is available
// if there's no circle, return a function that always returns true
function getBoundaryCircleFilter(clean, geometric_filters_apply) {
// check to see if are all available
if (geometric_filters_apply && ['lat', 'lon', 'radius'].every((f) => {
return _.has(clean, `${f}`);
})) {
const center = {
latitude: clean[''],
longitude: clean['']
const radiusInMeters = clean[''] * 1000;
// isPointInCircle takes circle/radius last, so create a function that has them pre-populated
const isPointInCircle = _.partialRight(geolib.isPointInCircle, center, radiusInMeters);
return _.partial(isInsideGeometry, isPointInCircle);
// there's no circle filter, so return a function that always returns true
return () => true;
// helper that calls an "is inside some geometry" function
function isInsideGeometry(f, result) {
return hasLatLon(result) ? f(getLatLon(result)) : false;
// returns true if hierarchyElement has both name and id
function placetypeHasNameAndId(hierarchyElement) {
return !_.isEmpty(_.trim( &&
// synthesize an ES doc from a placeholder result
function synthesizeDocs(boundaryCountry, result) {
const doc = new Document('whosonfirst', result.placetype,;
// only assign centroid if both lat and lon are finite numbers
if (hasLatLon(result)) {
doc.setCentroid( { lat:, lon: result.geom.lon } );
} else {
logger.error(`could not parse centroid for id ${}`);
// lodash conformsTo verifies that an object has a property with a certain format
if (_.conformsTo(result.geom, { 'bbox': is4CommaDelimitedNumbers } )) {
const parsedBoundingBox = result.geom.bbox.split(',').map(_.toFinite);
upperLeft: {
lat: parsedBoundingBox[3],
lon: parsedBoundingBox[0]
lowerRight: {
lat: parsedBoundingBox[1],
lon: parsedBoundingBox[2]
} else {
logger.error(`could not parse bbox for id ${}: ${_.get(result, 'geom.bbox')}`);
// set population and popularity if parseable as finite number
if (isNonNegativeFiniteNumber(result.population)) {
if (isNonNegativeFiniteNumber(result.popularity)) {
_.defaultTo(result.lineage, [])
// remove all lineages that don't match an explicit
.filter(_.partial(matchesBoundaryCountry, boundaryCountry))
// add all the lineages to the doc
.map((hierarchy) => {
.filter((placetype) => {
return placetypeHasNameAndId(hierarchy[placetype]);
.forEach((placetype) => {
return buildESDoc(doc);
function buildESDoc(doc) {
const esDoc = doc.toESDocument();
return _.extend(, { _id: esDoc._id, _type: esDoc._type });
function setup(placeholderService, geometric_filters_apply, should_execute) {
function controller( req, res, next ){
// bail early if req/res don't pass conditions for execution
if (!should_execute(req, res)) {
return next();
placeholderService(req, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
// push err.message or err onto req.errors
req.errors.push( _.get(err, 'message', err));
} else {
const boundaryCountry = geometric_filters_apply ? _.get(req, ['clean', '']) : undefined;
// convert results to ES docs
// filter must happen after synthesis since multiple
// lineages may produce different country docs
res.meta = {
query_type: 'fallback'
}; = results
// filter out results that don't have a name
// filter out results that don't match on requested layer(s)
// filter out results that don't match on any lineage country
.filter(getBoundaryCountryFilter(req.clean, geometric_filters_apply))
// clean up for boundary rect/circle checks
// filter out results that aren't in the boundary.rect
.filter(getBoundaryRectangleFilter(req.clean, geometric_filters_apply))
// filter out results that aren't in the
.filter(getBoundaryCircleFilter(req.clean, geometric_filters_apply))
// convert results to ES docs
.map(_.partial(synthesizeDocs, boundaryCountry));
const messageParts = [
`[result_count:${_.defaultTo(, []).length}]`
];' '));
return next();
return controller;
module.exports = setup;