118 lines
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var logger = require( 'pelias-logger' ).get( 'api' ),
request = require( 'superagent' ),
peliasConfig = require( 'pelias-config' );
street address interpolation service client
this file provides several different 'transports' which can be used to access the interpolation
service, either directly from disk or via a network connnection.
the exported method for this module checks pelias-config for a configuration block such as:
"interpolation": {
"client": {
"adapter": "http",
"host": "http://localhost:4444"
for more info on running the service see: https://github.com/pelias/interpolation
disables the service completely
function NullTransport(){}
NullTransport.prototype.query = function( coord, number, street, cb ){
cb(); // no-op
allows the api to be used by simply requiring the module
function RequireTransport( addressDbPath, streetDbPath ){
try {
var lib = require('pelias-interpolation'); // lazy load dependency
this.query = lib.api.search( addressDbPath, streetDbPath );
} catch( e ){
logger.error( 'RequireTransport: failed to connect to interpolation service' );
RequireTransport.prototype.query = function( coord, number, street, cb ){
throw new Error( 'interpolation: transport not connected' );
allows the api to be used via a remote web service
function HttpTransport( host, settings ){
this.query = function( coord, number, street, cb ){
.get( host + '/search/geojson' )
.set( 'Accept', 'application/json' )
.query({ lat: coord.lat, lon: coord.lon, number: number, street: street })
.timeout( settings && settings.timeout || 1000 )
.end( function( err, res ){
if( err || !res ){ return cb( err ); }
if( 200 !== res.status ){ return cb( 'non 200 status' ); }
return cb( null, res.body );
HttpTransport.prototype.query = function( coord, number, street, cb ){
throw new Error( 'interpolation: transport not connected' );
allows instantiation of transport depending on configuration and preference
module.exports.search = function setup(){
// user config
var config = peliasConfig.generate();
// ensure config variables set correctly
if( !config.hasOwnProperty('interpolation') || !config.interpolation.hasOwnProperty('client') ){
logger.warn( 'interpolation: configuration not found' );
// valid configuration found
else {
// get adapter settings from config
var settings = config.interpolation.client;
// http adapter
if( 'http' === settings.adapter && settings.hasOwnProperty('host') ){
logger.info( 'interpolation: using http transport:', settings.host );
if( settings.hasOwnProperty('timeout') ){
return new HttpTransport( settings.host, { timeout: parseInt( settings.timeout, 10 ) } );
return new HttpTransport( settings.host );
// require adapter
else if( 'require' === settings.adapter ){
if( settings.hasOwnProperty('streetdb') && settings.hasOwnProperty('addressdb') ){
logger.info( 'interpolation: using require transport' );
return new RequireTransport( settings.addressdb, settings.streetdb );
// default adapter
logger.info( 'interpolation: using null transport' );
return new NullTransport();