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1027 lines
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1027 lines
26 KiB
const setup = require('../../../controller/coarse_reverse'); |
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru(); |
const _ = require('lodash'); |
module.exports.tests = {}; |
module.exports.tests.interface = (test, common) => { |
test('valid interface', (t) => { |
t.equal(typeof setup, 'function', 'setup is a function'); |
t.equal(typeof setup(), 'function', 'setup returns a controller'); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.early_exit_conditions = (test, common) => { |
test('should_execute returning false should not call service', (t) => { |
t.plan(2); |
const service = () => { |
throw Error('service should not have been called'); |
}; |
const controller = setup(service, _.constant(false)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['locality'] |
}, |
errors: ['error'] |
}; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
// passing res=undefined verifies that it wasn't interacted with |
t.doesNotThrow(controller.bind(null, req, undefined, next)); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.error_conditions = (test, common) => { |
test('service error should log and call next', (t) => { |
t.plan(3); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['locality'] } } ); |
callback('this is an error'); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['locality'] |
} |
}; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
// passing res=undefined verifies that it wasn't interacted with |
controller(req, undefined, next); |
t.ok(logger.isErrorMessage('this is an error')); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.boundary_circle_radius_warnings = (test, common) => { |
test('defined clean[boundary.circle.radius] should add a warning', (t) => { |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
callback(undefined, {}); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
warnings: [], |
clean: { |
'boundary.circle.radius': 17 |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
const next = () => {}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(req.warnings, ['boundary.circle.radius is not applicable for coarse reverse']); |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('defined clean[boundary.circle.radius] should add a warning', (t) => { |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
callback(undefined, {}); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
warnings: [], |
clean: {} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { }; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(req.warnings, []); |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.success_conditions = (test, common) => { |
test('service returning results should use first entry for each layer', (t) => { |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr', |
centroid: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
}, |
bounding_box: '-76.345902,40.006751,-76.254038,40.072939' |
}, |
{ id: 11, name: 'neighbourhood name 2'} |
], |
borough: [ |
{ id: 20, name: 'borough name', abbr: 'borough abbr'}, |
{ id: 21, name: 'borough name 2'} |
], |
locality: [ |
{ id: 30, name: 'locality name', abbr: 'locality abbr'}, |
{ id: 31, name: 'locality name 2'} |
], |
localadmin: [ |
{ id: 40, name: 'localadmin name', abbr: 'localadmin abbr'}, |
{ id: 41, name: 'localadmin name 2'} |
], |
county: [ |
{ id: 50, name: 'county name', abbr: 'county abbr'}, |
{ id: 51, name: 'county name 2'} |
], |
macrocounty: [ |
{ id: 60, name: 'macrocounty name', abbr: 'macrocounty abbr'}, |
{ id: 61, name: 'macrocounty name 2'} |
], |
region: [ |
{ id: 70, name: 'region name', abbr: 'region abbr'}, |
{ id: 71, name: 'region name 2'} |
], |
macroregion: [ |
{ id: 80, name: 'macroregion name', abbr: 'macroregion abbr'}, |
{ id: 81, name: 'macroregion name 2'} |
], |
dependency: [ |
{ id: 90, name: 'dependency name', abbr: 'dependency abbr'}, |
{ id: 91, name: 'dependency name 2'} |
], |
country: [ |
{ id: 100, name: 'country name', abbr: 'xyz'}, |
{ id: 101, name: 'country name 2'} |
], |
empire: [ |
{ id: 110, name: 'empire name', abbr: 'empire abbr'}, |
{ id: 111, name: 'empire name 2'} |
], |
continent: [ |
{ id: 120, name: 'continent name', abbr: 'continent abbr'}, |
{ id: 121, name: 'continent name 2'} |
], |
ocean: [ |
{ id: 130, name: 'ocean name', abbr: 'ocean abbr'}, |
{ id: 131, name: 'ocean name 2'} |
], |
marinearea: [ |
{ id: 140, name: 'marinearea name', abbr: 'marinearea abbr'}, |
{ id: 141, name: 'marinearea name 2'} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: ['neighbourhood abbr'], |
borough: ['borough name'], |
borough_id: ['20'], |
borough_a: ['borough abbr'], |
locality: ['locality name'], |
locality_id: ['30'], |
locality_a: ['locality abbr'], |
localadmin: ['localadmin name'], |
localadmin_id: ['40'], |
localadmin_a: ['localadmin abbr'], |
county: ['county name'], |
county_id: ['50'], |
county_a: ['county abbr'], |
macrocounty: ['macrocounty name'], |
macrocounty_id: ['60'], |
macrocounty_a: ['macrocounty abbr'], |
region: ['region name'], |
region_id: ['70'], |
region_a: ['region abbr'], |
macroregion: ['macroregion name'], |
macroregion_id: ['80'], |
macroregion_a: ['macroregion abbr'], |
dependency: ['dependency name'], |
dependency_id: ['90'], |
dependency_a: ['dependency abbr'], |
country: ['country name'], |
country_id: ['100'], |
country_a: ['xyz'], |
empire: ['empire name'], |
empire_id: ['110'], |
empire_a: ['empire abbr'], |
continent: ['continent name'], |
continent_id: ['120'], |
continent_a: ['continent abbr'], |
ocean: ['ocean name'], |
ocean_id: ['130'], |
ocean_a: ['ocean abbr'], |
marinearea: ['marinearea name'], |
marinearea_id: ['140'], |
marinearea_a: ['marinearea abbr'], |
}, |
center_point: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
}, |
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":40.006751,"max_lat":40.072939,"min_lon":-76.345902,"max_lon":-76.254038}' |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('layers missing from results should be ignored', (t) => { |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
centroid: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
}, |
bounding_box: '-76.345902,40.006751,-76.254038,40.072939' |
} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: [null] |
}, |
center_point: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
}, |
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":40.006751,"max_lat":40.072939,"min_lon":-76.345902,"max_lon":-76.254038}' |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('most granular layer missing centroid should not set', (t) => { |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr', |
bounding_box: '-76.345902,40.006751,-76.254038,40.072939' |
} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: ['neighbourhood abbr'] |
}, |
bounding_box: '{"min_lat":40.006751,"max_lat":40.072939,"min_lon":-76.345902,"max_lon":-76.254038}' |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('most granular layer missing bounding_box should not set', (t) => { |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr', |
centroid: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: ['neighbourhood abbr'] |
}, |
center_point: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('no requested layers should use everything', (t) => { |
// this test is used to test coarse reverse fallback for when non-coarse reverse |
// was requested but no non-coarse results were found |
// by plan'ing the number of tests, we can verify that next() was called w/o |
// additional bookkeeping |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr' |
} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: [], |
point: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
} |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() should have been called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: ['neighbourhood abbr'] |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(req.clean.layers, [], 'req.clean.layers should be unmodified'); |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('layers specifying only venue, address, or street should not exclude coarse results', (t) => { |
// this test is used to test coarse reverse fallback for when non-coarse reverse |
// was requested but no non-coarse results were found |
const non_coarse_layers = ['venue', 'address', 'street']; |
const tests_per_non_coarse_layer = 4; |
// by plan'ing the number of tests, we can verify that next() was called w/o |
// additional bookkeeping |
t.plan(non_coarse_layers.length * tests_per_non_coarse_layer); |
non_coarse_layers.forEach((non_coarse_layer) => { |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr' |
} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: [non_coarse_layer], |
point: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
} |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() should have been called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: ['neighbourhood abbr'] |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(req.clean.layers, [non_coarse_layer], 'req.clean.layers should be unmodified'); |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
}); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('layers specifying venue, address, or street AND coarse layer should not exclude coarse results', (t) => { |
// this test is used to test coarse reverse fallback for when non-coarse reverse |
// was requested but no non-coarse results were found |
const non_coarse_layers = ['venue', 'address', 'street']; |
const tests_per_non_coarse_layer = 4; |
// by plan'ing the number of tests, we can verify that next() was called w/o |
// additional bookkeeping |
t.plan(non_coarse_layers.length * tests_per_non_coarse_layer); |
non_coarse_layers.forEach((non_coarse_layer) => { |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ |
id: 10, |
name: 'neighbourhood name', |
abbr: 'neighbourhood abbr' |
} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: [non_coarse_layer, 'neighbourhood'], |
point: { |
lat: 12.121212, |
lon: 21.212121 |
} |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() should have been called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [ |
{ |
_id: '10', |
_type: 'neighbourhood', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
source_id: '10', |
name: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
phrase: { |
'default': 'neighbourhood name' |
}, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: ['neighbourhood name'], |
neighbourhood_id: ['10'], |
neighbourhood_a: ['neighbourhood abbr'] |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(req.clean.layers, [non_coarse_layer, 'neighbourhood'], 'req.clean.layers should be unmodified'); |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
}); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.tests.failure_conditions = (test, common) => { |
test('service returning 0 results at the requested layer should return nothing', (t) => { |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
// response without neighbourhood results |
const results = { |
borough: [ |
{ id: 20, name: 'borough name', abbr: 'borough abbr'}, |
{ id: 21, name: 'borough name 2'} |
], |
locality: [ |
{ id: 30, name: 'locality name', abbr: 'locality abbr'}, |
{ id: 31, name: 'locality name 2'} |
], |
localadmin: [ |
{ id: 40, name: 'localadmin name', abbr: 'localadmin abbr'}, |
{ id: 41, name: 'localadmin name 2'} |
], |
county: [ |
{ id: 50, name: 'county name', abbr: 'county abbr'}, |
{ id: 51, name: 'county name 2'} |
], |
macrocounty: [ |
{ id: 60, name: 'macrocounty name', abbr: 'macrocounty abbr'}, |
{ id: 61, name: 'macrocounty name 2'} |
], |
region: [ |
{ id: 70, name: 'region name', abbr: 'region abbr'}, |
{ id: 71, name: 'region name 2'} |
], |
macroregion: [ |
{ id: 80, name: 'macroregion name', abbr: 'macroregion abbr'}, |
{ id: 81, name: 'macroregion name 2'} |
], |
dependency: [ |
{ id: 90, name: 'dependency name', abbr: 'dependency abbr'}, |
{ id: 91, name: 'dependency name 2'} |
], |
country: [ |
{ id: 100, name: 'country name', abbr: 'xyz'}, |
{ id: 101, name: 'country name 2'} |
], |
empire: [ |
{ id: 110, name: 'empire name', abbr: 'empire abbr'}, |
{ id: 111, name: 'empire name 2'} |
], |
continent: [ |
{ id: 120, name: 'continent name', abbr: 'continent abbr'}, |
{ id: 121, name: 'continent name 2'} |
], |
ocean: [ |
{ id: 130, name: 'ocean name', abbr: 'ocean abbr'}, |
{ id: 131, name: 'ocean name 2'} |
], |
marinearea: [ |
{ id: 140, name: 'marinearea name', abbr: 'marinearea abbr'}, |
{ id: 141, name: 'marinearea name 2'} |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('service returns 0 length name', (t) => { |
t.plan(6); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ id: 20, name: '' } |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
// logger messages |
t.true(logger.hasMessages('info'), '[controller:coarse_reverse][error]'); |
t.true(logger.hasMessages('error'), 'invalid document type, expecting: truthy, got: '); |
t.true(logger.hasMessages('info'), '{ neighbourhood: [ { id: 20, name: \'\' } ] }'); |
t.end(); |
}); |
test('service returns 0 length abbr', (t) => { |
t.plan(4); |
const service = (req, callback) => { |
t.deepEquals(req, { clean: { layers: ['neighbourhood'] } } ); |
const results = { |
neighbourhood: [ |
{ id: 20, name: 'Example', abbr: '' } |
] |
}; |
callback(undefined, results); |
}; |
const logger = require('pelias-mock-logger')(); |
const controller = proxyquire('../../../controller/coarse_reverse', { |
'pelias-logger': logger |
})(service, _.constant(true)); |
const req = { |
clean: { |
layers: ['neighbourhood'] |
} |
}; |
const res = { }; |
// verify that next was called |
const next = () => { |
t.pass('next() was called'); |
}; |
controller(req, res, next); |
const expected = { |
meta: {}, |
data: [{ |
name: { default: 'Example' }, |
phrase: { default: 'Example' }, |
parent: { |
neighbourhood: [ 'Example' ], |
neighbourhood_id: [ '20' ], |
neighbourhood_a: [ null ] |
}, |
source: 'whosonfirst', |
layer: 'neighbourhood', |
source_id: '20', |
_id: '20', |
_type: 'neighbourhood' |
}] |
}; |
t.deepEquals(res, expected); |
t.notOk(logger.hasErrorMessages()); |
t.end(); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports.all = (tape, common) => { |
function test(name, testFunction) { |
return tape(`GET /coarse_reverse ${name}`, testFunction); |
} |
for( const testCase in module.exports.tests ){ |
module.exports.tests[testCase](test, common); |
} |