{ "name": "GET /place", "endpoint": "place", "priorityThresh": 1, "tests": [ { "id": 1, "status": "pass", "description": "place endpoint should return the desired record", "in": { "ids": "openstreetmap:venue:node:2562438641" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "gid": "openstreetmap:venue:node:2562438641", "layer": "venue", "source": "openstreetmap", "id": "node:2562438641" } ] } }, { "id": 2, "status": "pass", "issue": "https://github.com/pelias/api/issues/441", "description": "shortened source name should also work", "in": { "ids": "osm:venue:node:2562438641" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "gid": "openstreetmap:venue:node:2562438641", "layer": "venue", "source": "openstreetmap", "id": "node:2562438641" } ] } }, { "id": 3, "status": "pass", "description": "the correct OSM way should be returned even when there is an OSM node with the same ID", "issue": "https://github.com/pelias/api/issues/317", "in": { "ids": "openstreetmap:venue:way:5013364" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "gid": "openstreetmap:venue:way:5013364", "layer": "venue", "source": "openstreetmap", "id": "way:5013364" } ] } }, { "id": 4, "status": "pass", "description": "the place endpoint should return multiple results when multiple ids are specified", "in": { "ids": "whosonfirst:region:85688525,whosonfirst:locality:101928027" }, "expected": { "priorityThresh": 2, "properties": [ { "gid": "whosonfirst:region:85688525", "layer": "region", "source": "whosonfirst", "id": "85688525", "name": "North Dakota" }, { "gid": "whosonfirst:locality:101928027", "layer": "locality", "source": "whosonfirst", "id": "101928027", "name": "Cape Town" } ] } }, { "id": 5, "status": "pass", "description": "Records from other layers should not be returned", "issue": "https://github.com/pelias/pelias/issues/643", "in": { "ids": "openstreetmap:address:node:2420772655" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "gid": "openstreetmap:address:node:2420772655", "layer": "address", "source": "openstreetmap", "id": "node:2420772655" } ] } }, { "id": 6, "status": "fail", "description": "Records from other sources should not be returned", "issue": "https://github.com/pelias/pelias/issues/672", "in": { "ids": "whosonfirst:locality:123" }, "unexpected": { "properties": [ { "gid": "geonames:locality:123", "layer": "locality", "source": "geonames", "id": "123" } ] } } ] }