{ "name": "Placeholder alt names", "priorityThresh": 2, "tests": [ { "id": 0, "status": "pass", "user": "lily", "description": [ "admin area only", "input: Chinese", "lang: korean" ], "in": { "text": "灣仔, 香港", "lang": "ko" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "name": "완쯔", "country": "홍콩", "country_a": "HKG" } ] } }, { "id": 1, "status": "pass", "user": "lily", "description": [ "address", "lang: spanish" ], "in": { "text": "553 s main st red lion pa usa", "lang": "es" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "region": "Pensilvania", "country": "Estados Unidos" } ] } }, { "id": 2, "status": "pass", "user": "lily", "description": [ "address in French", "lang: japanese" ], "in": { "text": "37 Rue Des Remparts d’Ainay, Lyon", "lang": "ja" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "locality": "リヨン", "country": "フランス" } ] } }, { "id": 3, "status": "pass", "user": "lily", "description": [ "address in French with admin info in Japanese", "lang: Chinese" ], "in": { "text": "3632 Rue Notre-Dame Ouest モントリオール", "lang": "zh" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "locality": "蒙特利尔", "country": "加拿大" } ] } }, { "id": 4, "status": "pass", "user": "lily", "description": [ "Yasnaya Polyana (venue) in Russian with admin info in English", "lang: bengali" ], "in": { "text": "Я́сная Поля́на, Russia", "lang": "bn" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "country": "রাশিয়া" } ] } }, { "id": 5, "status": "pass", "user": "lily", "description": [ "interpolated address", "lang: italian" ], "in": { "text": "3 forest street, cape town, south africa", "lang": "it" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "name": "3 Forest Street", "locality": "Città del Capo", "country": "Sud Africa" } ] } }, { "id": 6, "status": "fail", "user": "lily", "endpoint": "autocomplete", "description": [ "autocomplete", "input text and lang in German", "autocomplete is not yet capable of _searching_ on non-default names" ], "in": { "text": "Österreic", "lang": "de" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "country": "Österreich" } ] } }, { "id": 7, 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