{ "name": "tizen sdk: geocode", "priorityThresh": 1, "description": [ "maps_service_geocode (const char *address): Gets the position coordinates for a given address", "maps_service_geocode_inside_area (const char *address, const maps_area_h bounds): Gets the position for a given address, within the specified bounding box", "maps_service_geocode_by_structured_address (const maps_address_h address): Gets the position coordinates for a given address", "maps_service_reverse_geocode (double latitude, double longitude): Gets the address for a given position coordinates", "maps_service_multi_reverse_geocode (maps_coordinates_list_h coordinates_list): Gets the address list for a given position coordinates list" ], "tests": [ { "id": "maps_service_geocode & maps_service_multi_reverse_geocode", "status": "pass", "description": "don't support batch reverse, implement using single calls in the SDK wrapper", "user": "dianashk", "endpoint": "search", "in": { "text": "1 Main St, Richlandtown, PA" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "name": "1 Main St", "region_a": "PA" } ] } }, { "id": "maps_service_geocode_inside_area", "status": "pass", "user": "dianashk", "endpoint": "search", "in": { "text": "30 w 26th street", "boundary.rect.min_lon": -80.947265625, "boundary.rect.min_lat": 41.343824581185686, "boundary.rect.max_lat": 42.407234661551875, "boundary.rect.max_lon": -78.90380859375 }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "name": "30 W 26th St", "region_a": "PA" } ] }, "unexpected": { "properties": [ { "region_a": "NY" } ] } }, { "id": "maps_service_geocode_by_structured_address", "status": "pass", "user": "dianashk", "endpoint": "search/structured", "in": { "address": "30 w 26th street", "region": "new york", "postalcode": "10010" }, "expected": { "priorityThresh": 2, "properties": [ { "name": "30 West 26th Street", "region_a": "NY" } ] } }, { "id": "maps_service_reverse_geocode", "status": "pass", "endpoint": "reverse", "in": { "point.lon": -73.989231, "point.lat": 40.744022, "layers": "address" }, "expected": { "properties": [ { "name": "9 West 26th Street", "distance": 0 } ] } } ] }