@ -213,13 +213,35 @@ This time, we'll use the `boundary.circle.*` parameter grouping to get the job d
> [/v1/search?api_key={YOUR-KEY}&text=starbucks&___boundary.circle.lat=40.414149&boundary.circle.lon=-3.703755&boundary.circle.radius=3___ ](http://pelias.bigdev.mapzen.com/v1/search?api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}&text=starbucks&boundary.circle.lat=40.414149&boundary.circle.lon=-3.703755&boundary.circle.radius=3 )
#### ...specific country
Sometimes your usecase might require that all the search results are from a particular country. Well, we've got that covered! You just need to set the `boundary.country` parameter value to the **alpha-2** or **alpha-3** [ISO-3166 country code ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 ).
##### Try searching for *San Francisco* in *Columbia*
| parameter | value |
| :--- | :--- |
| `text` | san francisco |
| `boundary.country` | ** *COL*** |
| `api_key` | [get yours here ](https://mapzen.com/developers ) |
> [/v1/search?api_key={YOUR-KEY}&text=san francisco&___boundary.country=COL___ ](http://pelias.bigdev.mapzen.com/v1/search?api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}&text=san francisco&boundary.country=COL )
Note that all the results have `country` set to **Columbia** .
##### Now try searching for *San Francisco* in the *USA*
| parameter | value |
| :--- | :--- |
| `text` | san francisco |
| `boundary.country` | ** *US*** |
| `api_key` | [get yours here ](https://mapzen.com/developers ) |
> [/v1/search?api_key={YOUR-KEY}&text=san francisco&___boundary.country=US___ ](http://pelias.bigdev.mapzen.com/v1/search?api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}&text=san francisco&boundary.country=US )
You can see all the results are now from within the US, and the top place is **San Francisco, CA** . Awesome, right?!