# Mapzen Search Geocoding service powered by [Pelias](https://github.com/pelias/pelias) and open data These pages offer an introduction to the API and terminology used in Mapzen Search and the accompanying open source geocoder which powers it, Pelias. - [Get started](/get-started.md) - [API keys and rate limits](/api-keys-rate-limits.md) - [`/search` endpoint: finding places](/search.md) - [`/autocomplete` endpoint](/autocomplete.md) - [`/reverse` endpoint: from point to place](/reverse.md) - [`/place` endpoint: retrieving additional information](/place.md) - [API responses](/response.md) - [Data sources](/data-sources.md) - [Loading data from the browser](/use-cors.md) - [Terminology](/glossary.md) - [Transitioning from beta to 1.0](/transition-from-beta.md)