From d6291e21d8fb8a9529418e2d09d8e467282e3f4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: RubaXa Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:46:57 +0400 Subject: [PATCH] + modularization --- .gitignore | 1 + Gruntfile.js | 49 +- Ply.min.js | 464 +++++++++++++++- src/Context.es6 | 74 +++ src/Ply.es6 | 1054 +----------------------------------- src/css.es6 | 48 ++ src/defaults.es6 | 28 + src/dom.es6 | 312 +++++++++++ src/effects.es6 | 191 +++++++ src/effects.preset.es6 | 137 +++++ src/jquery.es6 | 5 + src/keys.es6 | 7 + src/lang.es6 | 5 + src/stack.es6 | 73 +++ src/support.es6 | 25 + src/{Ply.ui.es6 => ui.es6} | 44 +- src/utils.es6 | 133 +++++ tests/Ply.ui.tests.js | 2 +- tests/index.html | 1 - 19 files changed, 1588 insertions(+), 1065 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/Context.es6 create mode 100644 src/css.es6 create mode 100644 src/defaults.es6 create mode 100644 src/dom.es6 create mode 100644 src/effects.es6 create mode 100644 src/effects.preset.es6 create mode 100644 src/jquery.es6 create mode 100644 src/keys.es6 create mode 100644 src/lang.es6 create mode 100644 src/stack.es6 create mode 100644 src/support.es6 rename src/{Ply.ui.es6 => ui.es6} (93%) create mode 100644 src/utils.es6 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index fc86718..5891b27 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ report .DS_Store node_modules Ply.js +Ply.es6 Ply.ui.js diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js index 581c31f..2acee23 100644 --- a/Gruntfile.js +++ b/Gruntfile.js @@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ module.exports = function (grunt){ es6transpiler: { core: { - src: 'src/Ply.es6', + src: 'Ply.es6', dest: 'Ply.js' - }, - ui: { - src: 'src/Ply.ui.es6', - dest: 'Ply.ui.js' } }, + export: { + src: "src/Ply.es6", + dst: "Ply.es6" + }, + watch: { scripts: { files: 'src/*.es6', - tasks: ['es6transpiler'], + tasks: ['es'], options: { interrupt: true } } }, @@ -46,20 +47,52 @@ module.exports = function (grunt){ }, dist: { files: { - '<%= pkg.exportName %>.min.js': ['Ply.js', 'Ply.ui.js'] + '<%= pkg.exportName %>.min.js': ['Ply.js'] } } } }); + + grunt.registerTask('export', 'Export es6 to js', function () { + function file(rel, name) { + return rel.split('/').slice(0, -1).concat(name).join('/') + '.es6'; + } + + function parse(src, pad) { + grunt.log.writeln((pad || '') + 'Parse file:', src); + + return + .replace(/module\.exports\s*=\s*([\s\S]+);/, '$1') + .replace(/require\('(.*?)'\);?/g, function (_, name) { + return parse(file(src, name), ' '); + }) + .replace(/\/+\s+&import\s+"(.*?)".*?\n/g, function (_, name) { + return parse(file(src, name), ' '); + }) + .trim() + ; + } + + var config = grunt.config(; + var content = parse(config.src).replace(/;;;[^\n]+/g, ''); + + grunt.log.writeln(new Array(50).join('-')); + grunt.log.oklns('Write file:', config.dst); + + grunt.file.write(config.dst, content); + }); + + + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-qunit-istanbul'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-es6-transpiler'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); - grunt.registerTask('es', ['es6transpiler']); + grunt.registerTask('es', ['export', 'es6transpiler']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['es', 'qunit']); grunt.registerTask('min', ['uglify']); grunt.registerTask('default', ['build', 'min']); diff --git a/Ply.min.js b/Ply.min.js index 6bc68fa..b190bcb 100644 --- a/Ply.min.js +++ b/Ply.min.js @@ -1,2 +1,464 @@ /*! 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a.children=b,a}),b.factory(":root",function(a){return{tag:".ply-form",className:a.mod,children:[b(":header",a.header),b(":content",a.content),a.ctrls&&b(":default",{tag:"div.ply-footer",children:a.ctrls})]}}),b.factory(":header",function(a,b){return{tag:".ply-header",text:a.text,children:b}}),b.factory(":content",function(a,b){return{tag:".ply-content",children:b}},!0),b.factory("ok",function(a){return{ply:":ok",tag:"button.ply-ctrl.ply-ok",text:a===!0?l.ok:a}}),b.factory("cancel",function(a){return{ply:":close",tag:"button.ply-ctrl.ply-cancel",type:"reset",text:a===!0?l.cancel:a}}),c.use=function(a,b,d,e,f){c["_"+a](b,d,e,f)},c("default",function(a,b,c){c(b||{})}),c("alert",function(a,b,c){c(d("alert",a,b,{ok:!0}))}),c("confirm",function(a,b,c){c(d("confirm",a,b,{ok:!0,cancel:!0}))}),c("prompt",function(a,b,c){c(d("prompt",a,b,{ok:!0,cancel:!0}))}),b.factory("dialog-form 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b=a.state||"next"===i.back,c=m[i[b?"next":"back"]];return c?(p(c,i[b?"nextEffect":"backEffect"],function(b){o(a,b)}),!1):void(a.state?d:e)(a,n)}})})):(d||(d=c||{},c={}),,c,d).then(function(a){return i(function(b){a.options.close=function(){b(a.result)}})}))},a.ui=b,a.factory=c}); \ No newline at end of file +!function (a) { + window.Ply = a(window) +}(function (a, b) { + "use strict"; + function c(a) { + return"function" == typeof a + } + + function d(a) { + if (O)return new O(a); + var b = P.Deferred(); + return a(b.resolve, b.reject), b + } + + function e(a) { + return O ? O.all(a) : P.when.apply(P, a) + } + + function f(a) { + return d(function (b) { + return b(a) + }) + } + + function g(a) { + return a && a.then ? a : f(a) + } + + function h(a, b) { + if (a)for (var c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b(a[c], c, a) + } + + function i(a) { + var b = {}; + return h(a, function (a, d) { + b[d] = c(a) ? a : a instanceof Object ? i(a) : a + }), b + } + + function j(a) { + for (var b = Array.prototype.slice, c =, 1), d = 0, e = c.length; e > d; d++)h(c[d], function (b, c) { + a[c] = b + }); + return a + } + + function k(a, b) { + try { + return(b || H).querySelector(a) + } catch (c) { + return P(a, b)[0] + } + } + + function l(a, b) { + return a.getElementsByTagName(b) + } + + function m(a, b) { + try { + a && b && a.appendChild(b) + } catch (c) { + } + } + + function n(a) { + a && a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a) + } + + function o(a, b, c) { + var d = c.handle = c.handle || function (b) { + || ( = b.srcElement || H), 3 === && ( =, b.preventDefault || (b.preventDefault = function () { + b.returnValue = !1 + }), b.stopPropagation || (b.stopPropagation = function () { + b.cancelBubble = !0 + }),, b) + }; + a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, d, !1) : a.attachEvent("on" + b, d) + } + + function p(a, b, c) { + var d = c.handle; + d && (a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, d, !1) : a.detachEvent("on" + b, d)) + } + + function q(a) { + if (null == a && (a = "div"), a.appendChild)return a; + if (a.skip)return H.createDocumentFragment(); + "string" == typeof a && (a = {tag: a}); + var b, c = a.children, d = Q.exec(a.tag || ""); + return delete a.children, a.tag = d[1] || "div", = || (d[2] || "").substr(1), d = (d[3] || "").split("."), d[0] = a.className || "", a.className = d.join(" "), b = H.createElement(a.tag), delete a.tag, h(a, function (c, d) { + if (c)if ("css" === d)t(b, a.css); else if ("text" === d)null != c && m(b, H.createTextNode(c)); else if ("html" === d)null != c && (b.innerHTML = c); else if ("ply" === d)b.setAttribute(M, c); else if (d in b)try { + b[d] = c + } catch (e) { + b.setAttribute(d, c) + } else/^data-/.test(d) && b.setAttribute(d, c) + }), c && c.appendChild ? m(b, c) : h(c, function (a, c) { + a && ("string" == typeof a ? a = {text: a} : "object" != typeof a && (a = {}), "string" == typeof c && (a.tag = a.tag || c), m(b, q(a))) + }), b + } + + function r(a) { + for (var b, c, d = l(a, "input"), e = 0, f = d.length; f > e; e++)if (b = d[e], "submit" === b.type)!c && (c = b); else if (!/hidden|check|radio/.test(b.type) && "" == b.value) { + c = b; + break + } + c || (c = l(a, "button")[0]); + try { + c.focus() + } catch (g) { + } + } + + function s(a) { + return u(!0), d(function (b) { + for (var c, d = l(a, "img"), e = d.length, f = e, g = function () { + if (--f <= 0) { + for (e = d.length; e--;)c = d[e], p(c, "load", g), p(c, "error", g); + u(!1), b() + } + }; e--;)c = d[e], c.complete ? f-- : (o(c, "load", g), o(c, "error", g)); + !f && g() + }) + } + + function t(a, b, c) { + if (a && && b)if (b instanceof Object)for (var d in b)t(a, d, b[d]); else { + if (void 0 === c)return H.defaultView && H.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? c = H.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, "") : a.currentStyle && (c = a.currentStyle), void 0 === b ? c : c[b]; + R[b] ? R[b](, c) :[K[b] || b] = c + } + } + + function u(a) { + var b = u.get(); + clearTimeout(, = a ? I(function () { + m(H.body, b) + }, 100) : I(function () { + n(b) + }, 100) + } + + function v(a, b) { + return q({css: {padding: "20px 20px 40px", display: "inline-block", position: "relative", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", verticalAlign: "middle", transform: "translate3d(0, 0, 0)"}, children: b.baseHtml ? [ + {ply: ":layer", tag: ".ply-layer", className: b.mod, css: j({overflow: "hidden", position: "relative", backfaceVisibility: "hidden"}, b.layer), children: [b.flags.closeBtn && {ply: ":close", tag: ".ply-x", text: J.cross}, {tag: ".ply-inside", children: a}]} + ] : a}) + } + + function w(a) { + return q({ply: ":overlay", tag: ".ply-overlay", css: {top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, position: "fixed"}, children: [ + {tag: "div", css: j({width: "100%", height: "100%"}, a)} + ]}) + } + + function x(a, b, c) { + a.wrapEl = q({tag: "form", css: {whiteSpace: "nowrap", zIndex: b.zIndex}}), c || (a.overlayEl = w(b.overlay), a.overlayBoxEl = a.overlayEl.firstChild, m(a.wrapEl, a.overlayEl)); + var d = q(); + t(d, {height: "100%", display: "inline-block", verticalAlign: "middle"}), m(a.wrapEl, d); + var e = b.el; + return a.el = e && e.cloneNode ? e.cloneNode(!0) : q({html: e || ""}), a.layerEl = v(a.el, b), a.contentEl = y(a.layerEl), a.context = new A(a.layerEl), m(a.wrapEl, a.layerEl), a.bodyEl = b.body && k(b.body) || H.body, a.wrapEl.tabIndex = -1, t(a.wrapEl, {top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, position: "fixed", textAlign: "center", overflow: "auto", outline: 0}), a + } + + function y(a) { + return a.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild + } + + function z(a, b) { + b = a instanceof Object ? a : b || {}, b.el = b.el || a; + var c = this; + c.cid = "c" + F++, N.zIndex++, c.options = b = j({}, N, b), b.flags = j({}, N.flags, b.flags), x(c, b), c.setEffect(b.effect), c.fx = function (a) { + return!(c.fx.queue = c.fx.queue.then(a, a).then(function () { + return c + })) + }, c.fx.queue = f(), c.on("click", ":overlay", function () { + c.hasFlag("closeByOverlay") && c.closeBy("overlay") + }), c.on("click", ":close", function (a, b) { + a.preventDefault(), c.closeBy("BUTTON" === b.nodeName ? "cancel" : "x") + }), c.options.init(this) + } + + function A(a) { + this.el = a + } + + function B(a, b) { + return null == a ? {skip: !0} : ("string" == typeof a && (a = {text: a}), "object" == typeof a && ( = || b), a) + } + + function C(a, b, c) { + var d, e = C[a]; + return e || (a = a.split(/\s+/).slice(0, -1).join(" "), e = b && (C[a + " [name=" + + "]"] || C[a + " [type=" + b.type + "]"]) || C[a + " *"] || C[":default"]), d = q(e(b, c)), b && && d.setAttribute(M + "-name",, d.className += " ply-ui", d + } + + function D(a, b) { + D["_" + a] = b, D[a] = function (a, c) { + return d(function (d, e) { + b(a, c, d, e) + }).then(function (a) { + return a.appendChild || (a = C(":root", a)), a + }) + } + } + + function E(a, b, c, d) { + return b.mod = a, b.effect = b.effect || "slide", b.flags = j({closeBtn: !1}, b.flags), {header: c.title, content: c.form ? {"dialog-form": {children: c.form}} : {el: c.text || c}, ctrls: {ok: c.ok || d.ok, cancel: c.cancel === !1 ? null : c.cancel || d.cancel}} + } + + var F = 1, G = function () { + }, H = a.document, I = a.setTimeout, J = {ok: "OK", cancel: "Cancel", cross: "✖"}, K = function () { + var a = {}, b = H.createElement("div").style, c = "opacity transition transform perspective transformStyle transformOrigin backfaceVisibility".split(" "), d = ["Webkit", "Moz", "O", "MS"]; + return h(c, function (c, e) { + if (a[c] = c in b && c, !a[c])for (e = 0; 4 > e; e++) { + var f = d[e] + c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.substr(1); + if (a[c] = f in b && f)break + } + }), a + }(), L = {esc: 27}, M = "data-ply", N = {zIndex: 1e4, layer: {}, overlay: {opacity: .6, backgroundColor: "rgb(0, 0, 0)"}, flags: {closeBtn: !0, bodyScroll: !1, closeByEsc: !0, closeByOverlay: !0, hideLayerInStack: !0, visibleOverlayInStack: !1}, baseHtml: !0, init: G, open: G, close: G, destroy: G, callback: G}, O = b || a.Promise, P = a.jQuery || a.Zepto || a.ender || a.$, Q = /^(\w+)?(#\w+)?((?:\.[\w_-]+)*)/i, R = {opacity: !K.opacity && function (a, b) { + a.zoom = 1, a.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * b + ")" + }}; + u.get = function () { + return u.el || (u.el = q({tag: ".ply-loading", children: {".ply-loading-spinner": !0}})) + }, z.fn = z.prototype = {constructor: z, _activate: function () { + if (!this.hasFlag("bodyScroll")) { + var a = this.bodyEl, b = q({css: {overflow: "auto", visibility: "hidden", height: "5px"}, children: [ + {tag: "div", css: {height: "100px"}} + ]}); + this.__overflow = t(a, "overflow"), this.__paddingRight = t(a, "paddingRight"), m(a, b), t(a, {overflow: "hidden", paddingRight: b.offsetWidth - b.firstChild.offsetWidth + "px"}), n(b) + } + o(this.wrapEl, "submit", this._getHandleEvent("submit")) + }, _deactivate: function () { + this.hasFlag("bodyScroll") || t(this.bodyEl, {overflow: this.__overflow, paddingRight: this.__paddingRight}), p(this.layerEl, "submit", this._getHandleEvent("submit")) + }, _getHandleEvent: function (a) { + var b = this, c = b.__handleEvent || (b.__handleEvent = {}); + return c[a] || (c[a] = function (c) { + b._handleEvent(a, c) + }), c[a] + }, _handleEvent: function (a, b) { + b.preventDefault(), this.closeBy(a) + }, applyEffect: function (a, b, c) { + return a = this[a] || a, a.nodeType || (c = b, b = a, a = this.layerEl), c = z.effects.get(c || this.effects),, a, b) + }, closeBy: function (a) { + var b = this, c = {by: a, state: "submit" === a, layer: this, data: this.context.toJSON(), context: this.context}, d = this.options.callback(c); + g(d).then(function (a) { + a !== !1 && (b.result = c, b.close()) + }) + }, on: function (a, b, c) { + var d = this; + return c || (c = b, b = ":layer"), c["_" + b] = function (a) { + var e =; + do if (1 === e.nodeType && e.getAttribute(M) === b)return, a, e); while (e !== d.wrapEl && (e = e.parentNode)) + }, o(d.wrapEl, a, c["_" + b]), d + }, off: function (a, b, c) { + return c || (c = b, b = "layer"), p(this.wrapEl, a, c["_" + b] || G), this + }, hasFlag: function (a) { + return!!this.options.flags[a] + }, setEffect: function (a) { + return this.effects = z.effects.get(a), this + }, _toggleState: function (a, b) { + var c = this, d = a ? "open" : "close", f = z.stack.last; + return c.visible != a && (c.visible = a, c[a ? "_activate" : "_deactivate"](), z.stack[a ? "add" : "remove"](c), c.fx(function () { + return s(c.wrapEl).then(function () { + var g = z.stack.length === (a ? 1 : 0), h = f && f.hasFlag("hideLayerInStack"), i = g || c.hasFlag("visibleOverlayInStack"); + return a ? (!i && n(c.overlayBoxEl), m(c.bodyEl, c.wrapEl), c.wrapEl.focus(), r(c.layerEl), h && f.applyEffect("close.layer", b).then(function () { + n(f.layerEl) + })) : (f = z.stack.last) && (m(f.wrapEl, f.layerEl), f.hasFlag("hideLayerInStack") && f.applyEffect("open.layer", b).then(function () { + r(f.el) + })), e([c.applyEffect(d + ".layer", b), i && c.applyEffect("overlayEl", d + ".overlay", b)]).then(function () { + a || (n(c.wrapEl), m(c.overlayEl, c.overlayBoxEl)), c.options[d](c) + }) + }) + })), c.fx.queue + }, open: function (a) { + return this.result = null, this._toggleState(!0, a) + }, close: function (a) { + return this._toggleState(!1, a) + }, _swap: function (a, b, c, d, f) { + var g = this; + return g.visible ? g.fx(function () { + return s(b).then(function () { + return d(), e([g.applyEffect(a, "close.layer", c), g.applyEffect(b, "open.layer", c)]).then(function () { + n(a), f(), g.wrapEl.focus(), r(b) + }) + }) + }) : f(), g.fx.queue + }, swap: function (a, b) { + a = j({}, this.options, a); + var c = this, d = x({}, a, !0), e = b || a.effect ? z.effects.get(b || a.effect) : c.effects, f = c.layerEl, g = d.layerEl; + return c._swap(f, g, e, function () { + m(c.bodyEl, c.wrapEl), m(c.bodyEl, d.wrapEl) + }, function () { + n(d.wrapEl), m(c.wrapEl, g), c.el = d.el, c.layerEl = g, c.contentEl = y(g), c.context.el = g + }) + }, innerSwap: function (a, b) { + a = j({}, this.options, a); + var c = this, d = x({}, a, !0), e = b || a.effect ? z.effects.get(b || a.effect) : c.effects, f = k(".ply-inside", d.layerEl), g = k(".ply-inside", c.layerEl); + return c._swap(g, f, e, function () { + t(g, {width: g.offsetWidth + "px", position: "absolute"}), m(g.parentNode, f) + }, G) + }, destroy: function () { + n(this.wrapEl), this._deactivate(), z.stack.remove(this), this.visible = !1, this.options.destroy(this) + }}; + var S = [], T = S.push, U = S.splice; + return z.stack = {_idx: {}, last: null, length: 0, _pop: function (a) { + var b = z.stack.last; + a.keyCode === L.esc && b.hasFlag("closeByEsc") && b.closeBy("esc") + }, add: function (a) { + var b =, a); + this.last = a, this._idx[a.cid] = b - 1, 1 === b && o(H, "keyup", this._pop) + }, remove: function (a) { + var b = this._idx[a.cid]; + b >= 0 && (, b, 1), delete this._idx[a.cid], this.last = this[this.length - 1], this.last || p(H, "keyup", this._pop)) + }}, z.effects = {defaults: {duration: 300, open: {layer: null, overlay: null}, close: {layer: null, overlay: null}}, setup: function (a) { + this.defaults = this.get(a) + }, set: function (a) { + j(this, a) + }, get: function (a) { + function b(a) { + var b = /^([\w_-]+)(?::(\d+%?))?(\[[^\]]+\])?/.exec(a) || []; + return{name: b[1] || a, duration: b[2] || null, args: JSON.parse(b[3] || "null") || {}} + } + + function c(c, d, e) { + var f = b(d), g = c[] || e || {}, h = f.duration || g.duration || c.duration || a.duration; + return"string" == typeof g && (g = b(g), delete g.args), /%/.test(g.duration) && (g.duration = parseInt(g.duration, 10) / 100 * h), g.duration = 0 | (g.duration || h), g + } + + var d = i(this.defaults); + if ("string" == typeof a) { + var e = b(a); + a = i(this[] || {open: {}, close: {}}), a.duration = e.duration || a.duration, = e.args[0], a.close.args = e.args[1] + } else if (a instanceof Array) { + var f = b(a[0]), g = b(a[1]), h = this[], j = this[]; + a = {open: i(h && || {layer: a[0], overlay: a[0]}), close: i(j && j.close || {layer: a[1], overlay: a[1]})}, = f.args[0], a.close.args = g.args[0] + } else a instanceof Object || (a = {}); + a.duration = 0 | (a.duration || d.duration); + for (var k in{open: 0, close: 0}) { + var l = a[k] || d[k] || {}; + "string" == typeof l && (l = {layer: l}), l.layer = c(l, "layer", d[k].layer), l.overlay = c(l, "overlay", d[k].overlay), void 0 === l.args && delete l.args, a[k] = l + } + return a + }, apply: function (a, b) { + b = b.split("."); + var e, g, j = this[b[0]], k = a.firstChild, l = [a.getAttribute("style"), k && k.getAttribute("style")]; + return K.transition && j && (g = j[b[1]]) && (e = z.effects[]) && ( || e.from) ? (e = i(e), t(a, "transition", "none"), t(k, "transition", "none"), h(, function (b, c, d) { + "&" === b && (d[c] = t(a, c)) + }), c(e.from) ? e.from(a, j.args) : e.from && t(a, e.from), d(function (b) { + e.width = a.offsetWidth, t(a, "transition", "all " + g.duration + "ms"), t(k, "transition", "all " + g.duration + "ms"), c( ?, j.args) : t(a,, I(b, g.duration) + }).then(function () { + a.setAttribute("style", l[0]), k && k.setAttribute("style", l[1]) + })) : f() + }}, z.effects.set({fade: {open: {layer: "fade-in:80%", overlay: "fade-in:100%"}, close: {layer: "fade-out:60%", overlay: "fade-out:60%"}}, scale: {open: {layer: "scale-in", overlay: "fade-in"}, close: {layer: "scale-out", overlay: "fade-out"}}, fall: {open: {layer: "fall-in", overlay: "fade-in"}, close: {layer: "fall-out", overlay: "fade-out"}}, slide: {open: {layer: "slide-in", overlay: "fade-in"}, close: {layer: "slide-out", overlay: "fade-out"}}, "3d-flip": {open: {layer: "3d-flip-in", overlay: "fade-in"}, close: {layer: "3d-flip-out", overlay: "fade-out"}}, "3d-sign": {open: {layer: "3d-sign-in", overlay: "fade-in"}, close: {layer: "3d-sign-out", overlay: "fade-out"}}, inner: {open: {layer: "inner-in"}, close: {layer: "inner-out"}}, "fade-in": {from: {opacity: 0}, to: {opacity: "&"}}, "fade-out": {to: {opacity: 0}}, "slide-in": {from: {opacity: 0, transform: "translateY(20%)"}, to: {opacity: "&", transform: "translateY(0)"}}, "slide-out": {to: {opacity: 0, transform: "translateY(20%)"}}, "fall-in": {from: {opacity: 0, transform: "scale(1.3)"}, to: {opacity: "&", transform: "scale(1)"}}, "fall-out": {to: {opacity: 0, transform: "scale(1.3)"}}, "scale-in": {from: {opacity: 0, transform: "scale(0.7)"}, to: {opacity: "&", transform: "scale(1)"}}, "scale-out": {to: {opacity: 0, transform: "scale(0.7)"}}, rotate3d: function (a, b, c, d, e) { + t(a, {perspective: "1300px"}), t(a.firstChild, {opacity: b, transform: "rotate" + c + "(" + d + "deg)", transformStyle: "preserve-3d", transformOrigin: e ? "50% 0" : "50%"}) + }, "3d-sign-in": {from: function (a) { + z.effects.rotate3d(a, 0, "X", -60, "50% 0") + }, to: function (a) { + t(a.firstChild, {opacity: 1, transform: "rotateX(0)"}) + }}, "3d-sign-out": {from: function (a) { + z.effects.rotate3d(a, 1, "X", 0, "50% 0") + }, to: function (a) { + t(a.firstChild, {opacity: 0, transform: "rotateX(-60deg)"}) + }}, "3d-flip-in": {from: function (a, b) { + z.effects.rotate3d(a, 0, "Y", b || -70) + }, to: function (a) { + t(a.firstChild, {opacity: 1, transform: "rotateY(0)"}) + }}, "3d-flip-out": {from: function (a) { + z.effects.rotate3d(a, 1, "Y", 0) + }, to: function (a, b) { + t(a.firstChild, {opacity: 0, transform: "rotateY(" + (b || 70) + "deg)"}) + }}, "inner-in": {from: function (a) { + t(a, "transform", "translateX(100%)") + }, to: function (a) { + t(a, "transform", "translateX(0%)") + }}, "inner-out": {from: function (a) { + t(a, "transform", "translateX(0%)") + }, to: function (a) { + t(a, "transform", "translateX(-100%)") + }}}), A.fn = A.prototype = {constructor: A, getEl: function (a) { + return this.el ? k("[" + M + '-name="' + a + '"]', this.el) : void 0 + }, val: function (a, b) { + var c = "string" == typeof a ? this.getEl(a) : a; + return c && null == c.value && (c = l(c, "input")[0] || l(c, "textarea")[0] || l(c, "select")[0]), c && null != b && (c.value = b), c && c.value || "" + }, toJSON: function () { + for (var a, b = this.el.querySelectorAll("[" + M + "-name]"), c = {}, d = b.length; d--;)a = b[d], c[a.getAttribute(M + "-name")] = this.val(a); + return c + }}, C.factory = function (a, b, c) { + C[a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ")] = function (d, e) { + var f = H.createDocumentFragment(); + if (null != d || ":root" === a) { + d = c ? d : B(d), h(c ? d : d.children, function (b, c) { + var d = ((e || a) + " " + c).replace(/^:\w+\s+/, ""), g = C(d, B(b, c), d); + m(f, g) + }), c || delete d.children; + var g = b(d, f); + return g.appendChild || j(g, d), g + } + return f + } + }, C.factory(":default", function (a, b) { + return a.children = b, a + }), C.factory(":root", function (a) { + return{tag: ".ply-form", className: a.mod, children: [C(":header", a.header), C(":content", a.content), a.ctrls && C(":default", {tag: "div.ply-footer", children: a.ctrls})]} + }), C.factory(":header", function (a, b) { + return{tag: ".ply-header", text: a.text, children: b} + }), C.factory(":content", function (a, b) { + return{tag: ".ply-content", children: b} + }, !0), C.factory("ok", function (a) { + return{ply: ":ok", tag: "button.ply-ctrl.ply-ok", text: a === !0 ? J.ok : a} + }), C.factory("cancel", function (a) { + return{ply: ":close", tag: "button.ply-ctrl.ply-cancel", type: "reset", text: a === !0 ? J.cancel : a} + }), D.use = function (a, b, c, d, e) { + D["_" + a](b, c, d, e) + }, D("default", function (a, b, c) { + c(b || {}) + }), D("alert", function (a, b, c) { + c(E("alert", a, b, {ok: !0})) + }), D("confirm", function (a, b, c) { + c(E("confirm", a, b, {ok: !0, cancel: !0})) + }), D("prompt", function (a, b, c) { + c(E("prompt", a, b, {ok: !0, cancel: !0})) + }), C.factory("dialog-form *", function (a) { + return{tag: "input.ply-input", type: a.type || "text", name:, value: a.value, required: !0, placeholder: a.hint || a.text} + }), z.create = function (a, b, c) { + c || (c = b, b = {}); + var d = D[a] || D["default"]; + return d(b, c).then(function (a) { + return new z(j(b, {el: a})) + }) + }, = function (a, b, c) { + return z.create(a, b, c).then(function (a) { + return + }) + }, z.dialog = function (a, b, c) { + return a instanceof Object ? (b = b || {}, d(function (c, d) { + var e, f, g, i = b.initState, k = a, l = {}, m = function (a, c) { + (b.progress || G)(j({name: e.$name, index: e.$index, length: o, stack: k, current: e, layer: c}, a), l) + }, n = function (a, b, c) { + var d = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; + e = a, g = !0, (a.prepare || G)(d, l), z.create(a.ui || "alert", a.options || {}, d).then(function (d) { + var e; + f ? e = f[/^inner/.test(b) ? "innerSwap" : "swap"](d, b) : (f = d, e =, e.then(function () { + l[a.$name].el = f.layerEl, g = !1 + }), c(f) + }) + }, o = 0; + h(k, function (a, b) { + i = i || b, a.effects = a.effects || {}, a.$name = b, a.$index = o++, l[b] = new z.Context + }), k.$length = o, n(k[i], null, function (a) { + m({}, a), f.options.callback = function (a) { + if (g)return!1; + var b = a.state || "next" === e.back, f = k[e[b ? "next" : "back"]]; + return f ? (n(f, e[b ? "nextEffect" : "backEffect"], function (b) { + m(a, b) + }), !1) : void(a.state ? c : d)(a, l) + } + }) + })) : (c || (c = b || {}, b = {}),, b, c).then(function (a) { + return d(function (b) { + a.options.close = function () { + b(a.result) + } + }) + })) + }, z.ui = C, z.factory = D, z.lang = J, z.css = t, z.cssHooks = R, z.keys = L, z.noop = G, z.each = h, z.extend = j, z.promise = d, = K, z.defaults = N, z.attrName = M, z.Context = A, z.dom = {build: q, append: m, remove: n, addEvent: o, removeEvent: p}, z +}); diff --git a/src/Context.es6 b/src/Context.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d13afcf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Context.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// +// Ply-контекст +// + + +/** + * @class Ply.Context + * @param {HTMLElement} el + */ +function Context(el) { + /** + * Корневой элемент + * @type {HTMLElement} + */ + this.el = el; +} + +Context.fn = Context.prototype = /** @lends Ply.Context */{ + constructor: Context, + + + /** + * Получить элемент по имени + * @param {String} name + * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} + */ + getEl: function (name) { + if (this.el) { + return _querySelector('[' + _plyAttr + '-name="' + name + '"]', this.el); + } + }, + + + /** + * Получить или установить значение по имени + * @param {String} name + * @param {String} [value] + * @returns {String} + */ + val: function (name, value) { + var el = typeof name === 'string' ? this.getEl(name) : name; + + if (el && (el.value == null)) { + el = _getElementsByTagName(el, 'input')[0] + || _getElementsByTagName(el, 'textarea')[0] + || _getElementsByTagName(el, 'select')[0] + ; + } + + if (el && value != null) { + el.value = value; + } + + return el && el.value || ""; + }, + + + /** + * Получить JSON + * @returns {Object} + */ + toJSON: function () { + var items = this.el.querySelectorAll('[' + _plyAttr + '-name]'), + json = {}, + el, + i = items.length + ; + while (i--) { + el = items[i]; + json[el.getAttribute(_plyAttr + '-name')] = this.val(el); + } + return json; + } +}; diff --git a/src/Ply.es6 b/src/Ply.es6 index ca68c15..c6067d7 100644 --- a/src/Ply.es6 +++ b/src/Ply.es6 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Обязательно нужен JSON и Promise */ -/*global define, window */ +/*global require, define, window */ ((factory) => { window['Ply'] = factory(window); })((window, Deferred) => { @@ -17,547 +17,34 @@ document = window.document, setTimeout = window.setTimeout, - $ = window.jQuery - || /* istanbul ignore next */ window.Zepto - || /* istanbul ignore next */ window.ender - || /* istanbul ignore next */ window.$, - - Promise = Deferred || window.Promise, - - - /** - * Разбор строки "" - * @const {RegExp} - */ - R_SELECTOR = /^(\w+)?(#\w+)?((?:\.[\w_-]+)*)/i, - - - /** - * Поддерживаемые css-свойства - * @type {Object} - */ - support = (() => { - var props = {}, - style = _buildDOM().style, - names = 'opacity transition transform perspective transformStyle transformOrigin backfaceVisibility'.split(' '), - prefix = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'MS'] - ; - - _each(names, (name, i) => { - props[name] = (name in style) && /* istanbul ignore next */ name; - - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (!props[name]) { - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - var pname = prefix[i] + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1); - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (props[name] = (pname in style) && pname) { - break; - } - } - } - }); - - return props; - })(), - + lang = require('lang'), + support = require('support'), /** * Коды кнопок * @type {Object} */ - keys = { - esc: 27 - }, - - - /** - * Хуки для css - * @type {Object} - */ - _cssHooks = { - }, + keys = require('keys'), - array_core = [], - array_push = array_core.push, - array_splice = array_core.splice, _plyAttr = 'data-ply' ; // - // Определяем css-хуки + // Настройки по умолчанию // - if (!support.opacity) { - _cssHooks.opacity = function (style, value) { - style.zoom = 1; - style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')'; - }; - } + var _defaults = require('defaults'); // - // Вспомогательные методы + // Утилиты, CSS, DOM // + require('utils'); + require('dom'); + require('css'); - /** - * Функция? - * @param {*} fn - * @returns {Boolean} - */ - function isFn(fn) { - return typeof fn === 'function'; - } - - - /** - * Создать «Обещание» - * @param {Function} executor - * @returns {Promise} - * @private - */ - function _promise(executor) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (Promise) { - return new Promise(executor); - } else { - var dfd = $.Deferred(); - executor(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject); - return dfd; - } - } - - - /** - * Дождаться разрешения всех «Обещаний» - * @param {Promise[]} iterable - * @returns {Promise} - * @private - */ - function _promiseAll(iterable) { - return Promise - ? /* istanbul ignore next */ Promise.all(iterable) - : $.when.apply($, iterable); - } - - - /** - * Вернуть разрешенное «Обещание» - * @param {*} [value] - * @returns {Promise} - * @private - */ - function _resolvePromise(value) { - return _promise((resolve) => resolve(value)); - } - - - /** - * Привести значение к «Обещанию» - * @param {*} value - * @returns {Promise} - * @private - */ - function _cast(value) { - return value && value.then ? value : _resolvePromise(value); - } - - - - /** - * Object iterator - * @param {Object|Array} obj - * @param {Function} iterator - * @private - */ - function _each(obj, iterator) { - if (obj) { - for (var key in obj) { - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - iterator(obj[key], key, obj); - } - } - } - } - - - /** - * Глубокое клонирование - * @param {*} obj - * @returns {*} - * @private - */ - function _deepClone(obj) { - var result = {}; - - _each(obj, (val, key) => { - if (isFn(val)) { - result[key] = val; - } - else if (val instanceof Object) { - result[key] = _deepClone(val); - } - else { - result[key] = val; - } - }); - - return result; - } - - - /** - * Перенос свойств одного объект к другому - * @param {Object} dst - * @param {...Object} src - * @returns {Object} - * @private - */ - function _extend(dst, ...src) { - var i = 0, n = src.length; - for (; i < n; i++) { - _each(src[i], (val, key) => { - dst[key] = val; - }); - } - - return dst; - } - - - /** - * Выбрать элементы по заданному селектору - * @param {String} selector - * @param {HTMLElement} [ctx] - * @returns {HTMLElement} - */ - function _querySelector(selector, ctx) { - try { - return (ctx || document).querySelector(selector); - } catch (err) { - /* istanbul ignore next */ - return $(selector, ctx)[0]; - } - } - - - /** - * Найти элементы по имени - * @param {HTMLElement} el - * @param {String} name - * @returns {NodeList} - */ - function _getElementsByTagName(el, name) { - return el.getElementsByTagName(name); - } - - - /** - * Присоединить элемент - * @param {HTMLElement} parent - * @param {HTMLElement} el - * @private - */ - function _appendChild(parent, el) { - try { - parent && el && parent.appendChild(el); - } catch (e) {} - } - - - /** - * Удалить элемент - * @param {HTMLElement} el - * @private - */ - function _removeElement(el) { - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (el && el.parentNode) { - el.parentNode.removeChild(el); - } - } - - - /** - * Добавить слуашетеля - * @param {HTMLElement} el - * @param {String} name - * @param {Function} fn - * @private - */ - function _addEvent(el, name, fn) { - var handle = fn.handle = fn.handle || ((evt) => { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (! { - = evt.srcElement || document; - } - - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if ( === 3) { - =; - } - - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (!evt.preventDefault) { - evt.preventDefault = () => { - evt.returnValue = false; - }; - } - - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (!evt.stopPropagation) { - evt.stopPropagation = () => { - evt.cancelBubble = true; - }; - } - -, evt); - }); - - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (el.addEventListener) { - el.addEventListener(name, handle, false); - } else { - el.attachEvent('on' + name, handle); - } - } - - - /** - * Удалить слуашетеля - * @param {HTMLElement} el - * @param {String} name - * @param {Function} fn - * @private - */ - function _removeEvent(el, name, fn) { - var handle = fn.handle; - if (handle) { - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (el.removeEventListener) { - el.removeEventListener(name, handle, false); - } else { - el.detachEvent('on' + name, handle); - } - } - } - - - /** - * Установка или получение css свойства - * @param {HTMLElement} el - * @param {Object|String} prop - * @param {String} [val] - * @returns {*} - * @private - */ - function _css(el, prop, val) { - if (el && && prop) { - if (prop instanceof Object) { - for (var name in prop) { - _css(el, name, prop[name]); - } - } - else if (val === void 0) { - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { - val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, ''); - } - else if (el.currentStyle) { - val = el.currentStyle; - } - - return prop === void 0 ? val : val[prop]; - } else if (_cssHooks[prop]) { - _cssHooks[prop](, val); - } else { -[support[prop] || prop] = val; - } - } - } - - - /** - * Создание DOM структуры по спецификации - * @param {String|Object|HTMLElement} [spec] - * @returns {HTMLElement} - * @private - */ - function _buildDOM(spec) { - if (spec == null) { - spec = 'div'; - } - - if (spec.appendChild) { - return spec; - } - else if (spec.skip) { - return document.createDocumentFragment(); - } - - if (typeof spec === 'string') { // selector - spec = { tag: spec }; - } - - var el, - children = spec.children, - selector = R_SELECTOR.exec(spec.tag || '') - ; - - // Это нам больше не нужно - delete spec.children; - - // Разбираем селектор - spec.tag = selector[1] || 'div'; - = || (selector[2] || '').substr(1); - - // Собираем className - selector = (selector[3] || '').split('.'); - selector[0] = (spec.className || ''); - spec.className = selector.join(' '); - - // Создаем элемент, теперь можно - el = document.createElement(spec.tag); - delete spec.tag; - - // Определяем свойсва - _each(spec, (value, name) => { - if (value) { - if (name === 'css') { - // Определяем CSS свойства - _css(el, spec.css); - } - else if (name === 'text') { - (value != null) && _appendChild(el, document.createTextNode(value)); - } - else if (name === 'html') { - (value != null) && (el.innerHTML = value); - } - else if (name === 'ply') { - // Ply-аттрибут - el.setAttribute(_plyAttr, value); - } - else if (name in el) { - try { - el[name] = value; - } catch (e) { - el.setAttribute(name, value); - } - } - else if (/^data-/.test(name)) { - el.setAttribute(name, value); - } - } - }); - - // Детишки - if (children && children.appendChild) { - _appendChild(el, children); - } - else { - _each(children, (spec, selector) => { - if (spec) { - if (typeof spec === 'string') { - spec = { text: spec }; - } - else if (typeof spec !== 'object') { - spec = {}; - } - - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (typeof selector === 'string') { - spec.tag = spec.tag || selector; - } - - _appendChild(el, _buildDOM(spec)); - } - }); - } - - return el; - } - - - /** - * Выбрать первый не заполненый элемент - * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode - * @private - */ - function _autoFocus(parentNode) { - var items = _getElementsByTagName(parentNode, 'input'), - i = 0, - n = items.length, - el, - element - ; - - for (; i < n; i++) { - el = items[i]; - - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (el.type === 'submit') { - !element && (element = el); - } - else if (!/hidden|check|radio/.test(el.type) && el.value == '') { - element = el; - break; - } - } - - if (!element) { - element = _getElementsByTagName(parentNode, 'button')[0]; - } - - try { element.focus(); } catch (err) { } - } - - - /** - * Предзагрузить все изображения - * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode - * @returns {Promise} - * @private - */ - function _preloadImage(parentNode) { - _loading(true); - - return _promise((resolve) => { - var items = _getElementsByTagName(parentNode, 'img'), - i = items.length, - queue = i, - img, - complete = () => { - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (--queue <= 0) { - i = items.length; - while (i--) { - img = items[i]; - _removeEvent(img, 'load', complete); - _removeEvent(img, 'error', complete); - } - _loading(false); - resolve(); - } - } - ; - - while (i--) { - img = items[i]; - if (img.complete) { - queue--; - } else { - _addEvent(img, 'load', complete); - _addEvent(img, 'error', complete); - } - } - - !queue && complete(); - }); - } - /** * «Загрузка» @@ -589,6 +76,7 @@ }; + /** * Создать слой с контентом * @param {HTMLElement} contentEl @@ -619,7 +107,7 @@ children: [options.flags.closeBtn && { ply: ':close', tag: '.ply-x', - text: Ply.lang.cross + text: lang.cross }, { tag: '.ply-inside', children: contentEl @@ -730,41 +218,6 @@ - // - // Настройки по умолчанию - // - var _defaults = { - zIndex: 10000, - - layer: {}, // css - - overlay: { - opacity: .6, - backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' - }, - - flags: { - closeBtn: true, - bodyScroll: false, - closeByEsc: true, - closeByOverlay: true, - hideLayerInStack: true, - visibleOverlayInStack: false - }, - - baseHtml: true, - - // Callback's - init: noop, - open: noop, - close: noop, - destroy: noop, - callback: noop - }; - - - - // // Основной код // @@ -1230,490 +683,37 @@ }; + // // Ply-стек - Ply.stack = { - _idx: {}, - - - /** - * Последний Ply в стеке - * @type {Ply} - */ - last: null, - - - /** - * Длинна стека - * @type {Number} - */ - length: 0, - - - /** - * Удаить последний ply-слой из стека - * @param {Event} evt - * @private - */ - _pop: function (evt) { - var layer = Ply.stack.last; - - if (evt.keyCode === keys.esc && layer.hasFlag('closeByEsc')) { - layer.closeBy('esc'); - } - }, - - - /** - * Добавить ply в стек - * @param {Ply} layer - */ - add: function (layer) { - var idx =, layer); - - this.last = layer; - this._idx[layer.cid] = idx - 1; - - if (idx === 1) { - _addEvent(document, 'keyup', this._pop); - } - }, - - - /** - * Удалить ply из стека - * @param {Ply} layer - */ - remove: function (layer) { - var idx = this._idx[layer.cid]; - - if (idx >= 0) { -, idx, 1); - - delete this._idx[layer.cid]; - this.last = this[this.length-1]; - - if (!this.last) { - _removeEvent(document, 'keyup', this._pop); - } - } - } - }; + // + require('stack'); // // Эффекты // - Ply.effects = { - // Установки по умолчанию - defaults: { - duration: 300, - - open: { - layer: null, - overlay: null - }, - - close: { - layer: null, - overlay: null - } - }, - - - /** - * Настройти эффекты по умолчанию - * @static - * @param {Object} options - */ - setup: function (options) { - this.defaults = this.get(options); - }, - - - - /** - * Получить опции на основе переданных и по умолчанию - * @static - * @param {Object} options опции - * @returns {Object} - */ - get: function (options) { - var defaults = _deepClone(this.defaults); - - // Функция разбора выражения `name:duration[args]` - function parseKey(key) { - var match = /^([\w_-]+)(?::(\d+%?))?(\[[^\]]+\])?/.exec(key) || []; - return { - name: match[1] || key, - duration: match[2] || null, - args: JSON.parse(match[3] || 'null') || {} - }; - } - - - function toObj(obj, key, def) { - var fx = parseKey(key), - val = (obj[] || def || {}), - duration = (fx.duration || val.duration || obj.duration || options.duration) - ; - - if (typeof val === 'string') { - val = parseKey(val); - delete val.args; - } - - if (/%/.test(val.duration)) { - val.duration = parseInt(val.duration, 10) / 100 * duration; - } - - val.duration = (val.duration || duration) | 0; - - return val; - } - - - if (typeof options === 'string') { - var fx = parseKey(options); - options = _deepClone(this[] || { open: {}, close: {} }); - options.duration = fx.duration || options.duration; - = fx.args[0]; - options.close.args = fx.args[1]; - } - else if (options instanceof Array) { - var openFx = parseKey(options[0]), - closeFx = parseKey(options[1]), - open = this[], - close = this[] - ; - - options = { - open: _deepClone(open && || { layer: options[0], overlay: options[0] }), - close: _deepClone(close && close.close || { layer: options[1], overlay: options[1] }) - }; - - = openFx.args[0]; - options.close.args = closeFx.args[0]; - } - else if (!(options instanceof Object)) { - options = {}; - } - - options.duration = (options.duration || defaults.duration) | 0; - - for (var key in {open: 0, close: 0}) { - var val = options[key] || defaults[key] || {}; - if (typeof val === 'string') { - // если это строка, то только layer - val = { layer: val }; - } - val.layer = toObj(val, 'layer', defaults[key].layer); - val.overlay = toObj(val, 'overlay', defaults[key].overlay); - - if(val.args === void 0){ - // clean - delete val.args; - } - - options[key] = val; - } - - return options; - }, - - - /** - * Применить эффекты - * @static - * @param {HTMLElement} el элемент, к которому нужно применить эффект - * @param {String} name название эффекта - * @returns {Promise|undefined} - */ - apply: function (el, name) { - name = name.split('.'); - - var effects = this[name[0]], // эффекты open/close - firstEl = el.firstChild, - oldStyle = [el.getAttribute('style'), firstEl && firstEl.getAttribute('style')], - fx, - effect - ; - - - if (support.transition && effects && (effect = effects[name[1]]) && (fx = Ply.effects[])) { - if (fx['to'] || fx['from']) { - // Клонируем - fx = _deepClone(fx); - - // Выключаем анимацию - _css(el, 'transition', 'none'); - _css(firstEl, 'transition', 'none'); - - // Определяем текущее css-значения - _each(fx['to'], (val, key, target) => { - if (val === '&') { - target[key] = _css(el, key); - } - }); - - // Выставляем initied значения - if (isFn(fx['from'])) { - fx['from'](el, effects.args); - } else if (fx['from']) { - _css(el, fx['from']); - } - - return _promise((resolve) => { - // Принудительный repaint/reflow - fx.width = el.offsetWidth; - - // Включаем анимацию - _css(el, 'transition', 'all ' + effect.duration + 'ms'); - _css(firstEl, 'transition', 'all ' + effect.duration + 'ms'); - - // Изменяем css - if (isFn(fx['to'])) { - fx['to'](el, effects.args); - } - else { - _css(el, fx['to']); - } - - // Ждем завершения анимации - setTimeout(resolve, effect.duration); - }).then(() => { - el.setAttribute('style', oldStyle[0]); - firstEl && firstEl.setAttribute('style', oldStyle[1]); - }); - } - } - - return _resolvePromise(); - }, - - - // - // Комбинированный эффекты - // - - 'fade': { - open: { layer: 'fade-in:80%', overlay: 'fade-in:100%' }, - close: { layer: 'fade-out:60%', overlay: 'fade-out:60%' } - }, - - 'scale': { - open: { layer: 'scale-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, - close: { layer: 'scale-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } - }, - - 'fall': { - open: { layer: 'fall-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, - close: { layer: 'fall-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } - }, - - 'slide': { - open: { layer: 'slide-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, - close: { layer: 'slide-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } - }, - - '3d-flip': { - open: { layer: '3d-flip-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, - close: { layer: '3d-flip-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } - }, - - '3d-sign': { - open: { layer: '3d-sign-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, - close: { layer: '3d-sign-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } - }, - - 'inner': { - open: { layer: 'inner-in' }, - close: { layer: 'inner-out' } - }, - - - // - // Описание эффекта - // - - 'fade-in': { - 'from': { opacity: 0 }, - 'to': { opacity: '&' } - }, - - 'fade-out': { - 'to': { opacity: 0 } - }, - - 'slide-in': { - 'from': { opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(20%)' }, - 'to': { opacity: '&', transform: 'translateY(0)' } - }, - - 'slide-out': { - 'to': { opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(20%)' } - }, - - 'fall-in': { - 'from': { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(1.3)' }, - 'to': { opacity: '&', transform: 'scale(1)' } - }, - - 'fall-out': { - 'to': { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(1.3)' } - }, - - 'scale-in': { - 'from': { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.7)' }, - 'to': { opacity: '&', transform: 'scale(1)' } - }, - - 'scale-out': { - 'to': { opacity: 0, 'transform': 'scale(0.7)' } - }, - - 'rotate3d': (el, opacity, axis, deg, origin) => { - _css(el, { perspective: '1300px' }); - _css(el.firstChild, { - opacity: opacity, - transform: 'rotate' + axis + '(' + deg + 'deg)', - transformStyle: 'preserve-3d', - transformOrigin: origin ? '50% 0' : '50%' - }); - }, - - '3d-sign-in': { - 'from': (el) => { - Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 0, 'X', -60, '50% 0'); - }, - 'to': (el) => { - _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 1, transform: 'rotateX(0)' }); - } - }, - - '3d-sign-out': { - 'from': (el) => { - Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 1, 'X', 0, '50% 0'); - }, - 'to': (el) => { - _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 0, transform: 'rotateX(-60deg)' }); - } - }, - - '3d-flip-in': { - 'from': (el, args) => { - Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 0, 'Y', args || -70); - }, - 'to': (el) => { - _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 1, transform: 'rotateY(0)' }); - } - }, - - '3d-flip-out': { - 'from': (el) => { - Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 1, 'Y', 0); - }, - 'to': (el, args) => { - _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 0, transform: 'rotateY(' + (args || 70) + 'deg)' }); - } - }, - - 'inner-in': { - 'from': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(100%)'); }, - 'to': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(0%)'); } - }, - 'inner-out': { - 'from': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(0%)'); }, - 'to': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(-100%)'); } - } - }; + Ply.effects = require('effects'); + Ply.effects.set(require('effects.preset')); // - // Ply-контекст + // Ply.Context // + require('Context'); - /** - * @class Ply.Context - * @param {HTMLElement} el - */ - function Context(el) { - /** - * Корневой элемент - * @type {HTMLElement} - */ - this.el = el; - } - - Context.fn = Context.prototype = /** @lends Ply.Context */{ - constructor: Context, - - - /** - * Получить элемент по имени - * @param {String} name - * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} - */ - getEl: function (name) { - if (this.el) { - return _querySelector('[' + _plyAttr + '-name="' + name + '"]', this.el); - } - }, - - - /** - * Получить или установить значение по имени - * @param {String} name - * @param {String} [value] - * @returns {String} - */ - val: function (name, value) { - var el = typeof name === 'string' ? this.getEl(name) : name; - - if (el && (el.value == null)) { - el = _getElementsByTagName(el, 'input')[0] - || _getElementsByTagName(el, 'textarea')[0] - || _getElementsByTagName(el, 'select')[0] - ; - } - - if (el && value != null) { - el.value = value; - } - - return el && el.value || ""; - }, - - - /** - * Получить JSON - * @returns {Object} - */ - toJSON: function () { - var items = this.el.querySelectorAll('[' + _plyAttr + '-name]'), - json = {}, - el, - i = items.length - ; - while (i--) { - el = items[i]; - json[el.getAttribute(_plyAttr + '-name')] = this.val(el); - } - return json; - } - }; - + // + // Ply.ui + // + require('ui'); + // // Export - Ply.lang = { - ok: 'OK', - cancel: 'Cancel', - cross: '✖' - }; - + // + Ply.lang = lang; Ply.css = _css; Ply.cssHooks = _cssHooks; @@ -1735,5 +735,7 @@ removeEvent: _removeEvent }; + + return Ply; }); diff --git a/src/css.es6 b/src/css.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a551252 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/css.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*global support, document*/ + + +/** + * Хуки для css + * @type {Object} + */ +var _cssHooks = { + opacity: !support.opacity && function (style, value) { + style.zoom = 1; + style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')'; + } +}; + + + +/** + * Установка или получение css свойства + * @param {HTMLElement} el + * @param {Object|String} prop + * @param {String} [val] + * @returns {*} + * @private + */ +function _css(el, prop, val) { + if (el && && prop) { + if (prop instanceof Object) { + for (var name in prop) { + _css(el, name, prop[name]); + } + } + else if (val === void 0) { + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { + val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, ''); + } + else if (el.currentStyle) { + val = el.currentStyle; + } + + return prop === void 0 ? val : val[prop]; + } else if (_cssHooks[prop]) { + _cssHooks[prop](, val); + } else { +[support[prop] || prop] = val; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/defaults.es6 b/src/defaults.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01c26b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/defaults.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +module.exports = { + zIndex: 10000, + + layer: {}, // css + + overlay: { + opacity: .6, + backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' + }, + + flags: { + closeBtn: true, + bodyScroll: false, + closeByEsc: true, + closeByOverlay: true, + hideLayerInStack: true, + visibleOverlayInStack: false + }, + + baseHtml: true, + + // Callback's + init: noop, + open: noop, + close: noop, + destroy: noop, + callback: noop +}; diff --git a/src/dom.es6 b/src/dom.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8217c1b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/dom.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +// +// Работа с DOM +// + + +var $ = require('jquery'); + + +/** + * Разбор строки "" + * @const {RegExp} + */ +var R_SELECTOR = /^(\w+)?(#\w+)?((?:\.[\w_-]+)*)/i; + + + +/** + * Выбрать элементы по заданному селектору + * @param {String} selector + * @param {HTMLElement} [ctx] + * @returns {HTMLElement} + */ +function _querySelector(selector, ctx) { + try { + return (ctx || document).querySelector(selector); + } catch (err) { + /* istanbul ignore next */ + return $(selector, ctx)[0]; + } +} + + +/** + * Найти элементы по имени + * @param {HTMLElement} el + * @param {String} name + * @returns {NodeList} + */ +function _getElementsByTagName(el, name) { + return el.getElementsByTagName(name); +} + + +/** + * Присоединить элемент + * @param {HTMLElement} parent + * @param {HTMLElement} el + * @private + */ +function _appendChild(parent, el) { + try { + parent && el && parent.appendChild(el); + } catch (e) {} +} + + +/** + * Удалить элемент + * @param {HTMLElement} el + * @private + */ +function _removeElement(el) { + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (el && el.parentNode) { + el.parentNode.removeChild(el); + } +} + + +/** + * Добавить слуашетеля + * @param {HTMLElement} el + * @param {String} name + * @param {Function} fn + * @private + */ +function _addEvent(el, name, fn) { + var handle = fn.handle = fn.handle || ((evt) => { + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if (! { + = evt.srcElement || document; + } + + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if ( === 3) { + =; + } + + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if (!evt.preventDefault) { + evt.preventDefault = () => { + evt.returnValue = false; + }; + } + + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if (!evt.stopPropagation) { + evt.stopPropagation = () => { + evt.cancelBubble = true; + }; + } + +, evt); + }); + + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (el.addEventListener) { + el.addEventListener(name, handle, false); + } else { + el.attachEvent('on' + name, handle); + } +} + + +/** + * Удалить слуашетеля + * @param {HTMLElement} el + * @param {String} name + * @param {Function} fn + * @private + */ +function _removeEvent(el, name, fn) { + var handle = fn.handle; + if (handle) { + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (el.removeEventListener) { + el.removeEventListener(name, handle, false); + } else { + el.detachEvent('on' + name, handle); + } + } +} + + + +/** + * Создание DOM структуры по спецификации + * @param {String|Object|HTMLElement} [spec] + * @returns {HTMLElement} + * @private + */ +function _buildDOM(spec) { + if (spec == null) { + spec = 'div'; + } + + if (spec.appendChild) { + return spec; + } + else if (spec.skip) { + return document.createDocumentFragment(); + } + + if (typeof spec === 'string') { // selector + spec = { tag: spec }; + } + + var el, + children = spec.children, + selector = R_SELECTOR.exec(spec.tag || '') + ; + + // Это нам больше не нужно + delete spec.children; + + // Разбираем селектор + spec.tag = selector[1] || 'div'; + = || (selector[2] || '').substr(1); + + // Собираем className + selector = (selector[3] || '').split('.'); + selector[0] = (spec.className || ''); + spec.className = selector.join(' '); + + // Создаем элемент, теперь можно + el = document.createElement(spec.tag); + delete spec.tag; + + // Определяем свойсва + _each(spec, (value, name) => { + if (value) { + if (name === 'css') { + // Определяем CSS свойства + _css(el, spec.css); + } + else if (name === 'text') { + (value != null) && _appendChild(el, document.createTextNode(value)); + } + else if (name === 'html') { + (value != null) && (el.innerHTML = value); + } + else if (name === 'ply') { + // Ply-аттрибут + el.setAttribute(_plyAttr, value); + } + else if (name in el) { + try { + el[name] = value; + } catch (e) { + el.setAttribute(name, value); + } + } + else if (/^data-/.test(name)) { + el.setAttribute(name, value); + } + } + }); + + // Детишки + if (children && children.appendChild) { + _appendChild(el, children); + } + else { + _each(children, (spec, selector) => { + if (spec) { + if (typeof spec === 'string') { + spec = { text: spec }; + } + else if (typeof spec !== 'object') { + spec = {}; + } + + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (typeof selector === 'string') { + spec.tag = spec.tag || selector; + } + + _appendChild(el, _buildDOM(spec)); + } + }); + } + + return el; +} + + +/** + * Выбрать первый не заполненый элемент + * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode + * @private + */ +function _autoFocus(parentNode) { + var items = _getElementsByTagName(parentNode, 'input'), + i = 0, + n = items.length, + el, + element + ; + + for (; i < n; i++) { + el = items[i]; + + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (el.type === 'submit') { + !element && (element = el); + } + else if (!/hidden|check|radio/.test(el.type) && el.value == '') { + element = el; + break; + } + } + + if (!element) { + element = _getElementsByTagName(parentNode, 'button')[0]; + } + + try { element.focus(); } catch (err) { } +} + + +/** + * Предзагрузить все изображения + * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode + * @returns {Promise} + * @private + */ +function _preloadImage(parentNode) { + _loading(true); + + return _promise((resolve) => { + var items = _getElementsByTagName(parentNode, 'img'), + i = items.length, + queue = i, + img, + complete = () => { + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (--queue <= 0) { + i = items.length; + while (i--) { + img = items[i]; + _removeEvent(img, 'load', complete); + _removeEvent(img, 'error', complete); + } + _loading(false); + resolve(); + } + } + ; + + while (i--) { + img = items[i]; + if (img.complete) { + queue--; + } else { + _addEvent(img, 'load', complete); + _addEvent(img, 'error', complete); + } + } + + !queue && complete(); + }); +} diff --git a/src/effects.es6 b/src/effects.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c19a82a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/effects.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +module.exports = { + // Установки по умолчанию + defaults: { + duration: 300, + + open: { + layer: null, + overlay: null + }, + + close: { + layer: null, + overlay: null + } + }, + + + /** + * Настройти эффекты по умолчанию + * @static + * @param {Object} options + */ + setup: function (options) { + this.defaults = this.get(options); + }, + + + set: function (desc) { + _extend(this, desc); + }, + + + /** + * Получить опции на основе переданных и по умолчанию + * @static + * @param {Object} options опции + * @returns {Object} + */ + get: function (options) { + var defaults = _deepClone(this.defaults); + + // Функция разбора выражения `name:duration[args]` + function parseKey(key) { + var match = /^([\w_-]+)(?::(\d+%?))?(\[[^\]]+\])?/.exec(key) || []; + return { + name: match[1] || key, + duration: match[2] || null, + args: JSON.parse(match[3] || 'null') || {} + }; + } + + + function toObj(obj, key, def) { + var fx = parseKey(key), + val = (obj[] || def || {}), + duration = (fx.duration || val.duration || obj.duration || options.duration) + ; + + if (typeof val === 'string') { + val = parseKey(val); + delete val.args; + } + + if (/%/.test(val.duration)) { + val.duration = parseInt(val.duration, 10) / 100 * duration; + } + + val.duration = (val.duration || duration) | 0; + + return val; + } + + + if (typeof options === 'string') { + var fx = parseKey(options); + options = _deepClone(this[] || { open: {}, close: {} }); + options.duration = fx.duration || options.duration; + = fx.args[0]; + options.close.args = fx.args[1]; + } + else if (options instanceof Array) { + var openFx = parseKey(options[0]), + closeFx = parseKey(options[1]), + open = this[], + close = this[] + ; + + options = { + open: _deepClone(open && || { layer: options[0], overlay: options[0] }), + close: _deepClone(close && close.close || { layer: options[1], overlay: options[1] }) + }; + + = openFx.args[0]; + options.close.args = closeFx.args[0]; + } + else if (!(options instanceof Object)) { + options = {}; + } + + options.duration = (options.duration || defaults.duration) | 0; + + for (var key in {open: 0, close: 0}) { + var val = options[key] || defaults[key] || {}; + if (typeof val === 'string') { + // если это строка, то только layer + val = { layer: val }; + } + val.layer = toObj(val, 'layer', defaults[key].layer); + val.overlay = toObj(val, 'overlay', defaults[key].overlay); + + if(val.args === void 0){ + // clean + delete val.args; + } + + options[key] = val; + } + + return options; + }, + + + /** + * Применить эффекты + * @static + * @param {HTMLElement} el элемент, к которому нужно применить эффект + * @param {String} name название эффекта + * @returns {Promise|undefined} + */ + apply: function (el, name) { + name = name.split('.'); + + var effects = this[name[0]], // эффекты open/close + firstEl = el.firstChild, + oldStyle = [el.getAttribute('style'), firstEl && firstEl.getAttribute('style')], + fx, + effect + ; + + + if (support.transition && effects && (effect = effects[name[1]]) && (fx = Ply.effects[])) { + if (fx['to'] || fx['from']) { + // Клонируем + fx = _deepClone(fx); + + // Выключаем анимацию + _css(el, 'transition', 'none'); + _css(firstEl, 'transition', 'none'); + + // Определяем текущее css-значения + _each(fx['to'], (val, key, target) => { + if (val === '&') { + target[key] = _css(el, key); + } + }); + + // Выставляем initied значения + if (isFn(fx['from'])) { + fx['from'](el, effects.args); + } else if (fx['from']) { + _css(el, fx['from']); + } + + return _promise((resolve) => { + // Принудительный repaint/reflow + fx.width = el.offsetWidth; + + // Включаем анимацию + _css(el, 'transition', 'all ' + effect.duration + 'ms'); + _css(firstEl, 'transition', 'all ' + effect.duration + 'ms'); + + // Изменяем css + if (isFn(fx['to'])) { + fx['to'](el, effects.args); + } + else { + _css(el, fx['to']); + } + + // Ждем завершения анимации + setTimeout(resolve, effect.duration); + }).then(() => { + el.setAttribute('style', oldStyle[0]); + firstEl && firstEl.setAttribute('style', oldStyle[1]); + }); + } + } + + return _resolvePromise(); + } +}; diff --git a/src/effects.preset.es6 b/src/effects.preset.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d164dec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/effects.preset.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +module.exports = { + // + // Комбинированный эффекты + // + + 'fade': { + open: { layer: 'fade-in:80%', overlay: 'fade-in:100%' }, + close: { layer: 'fade-out:60%', overlay: 'fade-out:60%' } + }, + + 'scale': { + open: { layer: 'scale-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, + close: { layer: 'scale-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } + }, + + 'fall': { + open: { layer: 'fall-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, + close: { layer: 'fall-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } + }, + + 'slide': { + open: { layer: 'slide-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, + close: { layer: 'slide-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } + }, + + '3d-flip': { + open: { layer: '3d-flip-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, + close: { layer: '3d-flip-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } + }, + + '3d-sign': { + open: { layer: '3d-sign-in', overlay: 'fade-in' }, + close: { layer: '3d-sign-out', overlay: 'fade-out' } + }, + + 'inner': { + open: { layer: 'inner-in' }, + close: { layer: 'inner-out' } + }, + + + // + // Описание эффекта + // + + 'fade-in': { + 'from': { opacity: 0 }, + 'to': { opacity: '&' } + }, + + 'fade-out': { + 'to': { opacity: 0 } + }, + + 'slide-in': { + 'from': { opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(20%)' }, + 'to': { opacity: '&', transform: 'translateY(0)' } + }, + + 'slide-out': { + 'to': { opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(20%)' } + }, + + 'fall-in': { + 'from': { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(1.3)' }, + 'to': { opacity: '&', transform: 'scale(1)' } + }, + + 'fall-out': { + 'to': { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(1.3)' } + }, + + 'scale-in': { + 'from': { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.7)' }, + 'to': { opacity: '&', transform: 'scale(1)' } + }, + + 'scale-out': { + 'to': { opacity: 0, 'transform': 'scale(0.7)' } + }, + + 'rotate3d': (el, opacity, axis, deg, origin) => { + _css(el, { perspective: '1300px' }); + _css(el.firstChild, { + opacity: opacity, + transform: 'rotate' + axis + '(' + deg + 'deg)', + transformStyle: 'preserve-3d', + transformOrigin: origin ? '50% 0' : '50%' + }); + }, + + '3d-sign-in': { + 'from': (el) => { + Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 0, 'X', -60, '50% 0'); + }, + 'to': (el) => { + _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 1, transform: 'rotateX(0)' }); + } + }, + + '3d-sign-out': { + 'from': (el) => { + Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 1, 'X', 0, '50% 0'); + }, + 'to': (el) => { + _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 0, transform: 'rotateX(-60deg)' }); + } + }, + + '3d-flip-in': { + 'from': (el, args) => { + Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 0, 'Y', args || -70); + }, + 'to': (el) => { + _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 1, transform: 'rotateY(0)' }); + } + }, + + '3d-flip-out': { + 'from': (el) => { + Ply.effects.rotate3d(el, 1, 'Y', 0); + }, + 'to': (el, args) => { + _css(el.firstChild, { opacity: 0, transform: 'rotateY(' + (args || 70) + 'deg)' }); + } + }, + + 'inner-in': { + 'from': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(100%)'); }, + 'to': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(0%)'); } + }, + + 'inner-out': { + 'from': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(0%)'); }, + 'to': (el) => { _css(el, 'transform', 'translateX(-100%)'); } + } +}; diff --git a/src/jquery.es6 b/src/jquery.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96603eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/jquery.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +module.exports = window.jQuery + || /* istanbul ignore next */ window.Zepto + || /* istanbul ignore next */ window.ender + || /* istanbul ignore next */ window.$ +; diff --git a/src/keys.es6 b/src/keys.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04e4945 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/keys.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +/** + * Коды кнопок + * @type {Object} + */ +module.exports = { + esc: 27 +}; diff --git a/src/lang.es6 b/src/lang.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a08aa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lang.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +module.exports = { + ok: 'OK', + cancel: 'Cancel', + cross: '✖' +}; diff --git a/src/stack.es6 b/src/stack.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dc1348 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/stack.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +var array_core = [], + array_push = array_core.push, + array_splice = array_core.splice +; + + +Ply.stack = { + _idx: {}, + + + /** + * Последний Ply в стеке + * @type {Ply} + */ + last: null, + + + /** + * Длинна стека + * @type {Number} + */ + length: 0, + + + /** + * Удаить последний ply-слой из стека + * @param {Event} evt + * @private + */ + _pop: function (evt) { + var layer = Ply.stack.last; + + if (evt.keyCode === keys.esc && layer.hasFlag('closeByEsc')) { + layer.closeBy('esc'); + } + }, + + + /** + * Добавить ply в стек + * @param {Ply} layer + */ + add: function (layer) { + var idx =, layer); + + this.last = layer; + this._idx[layer.cid] = idx - 1; + + if (idx === 1) { + _addEvent(document, 'keyup', this._pop); + } + }, + + + /** + * Удалить ply из стека + * @param {Ply} layer + */ + remove: function (layer) { + var idx = this._idx[layer.cid]; + + if (idx >= 0) { +, idx, 1); + + delete this._idx[layer.cid]; + this.last = this[this.length-1]; + + if (!this.last) { + _removeEvent(document, 'keyup', this._pop); + } + } + } +}; diff --git a/src/support.es6 b/src/support.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a73c7e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/support.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*global _buildDOM*/ +module.exports = (() => { + var props = {}, + style = document.createElement('div').style, + names = 'opacity transition transform perspective transformStyle transformOrigin backfaceVisibility'.split(' '), + prefix = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'MS'] + ; + + _each(names, (name, i) => { + props[name] = (name in style) && /* istanbul ignore next */ name; + + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (!props[name]) { + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + var pname = prefix[i] + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1); + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (props[name] = (pname in style) && pname) { + break; + } + } + } + }); + + return props; +})(); diff --git a/src/Ply.ui.es6 b/src/ui.es6 similarity index 93% rename from src/Ply.ui.es6 rename to src/ui.es6 index 4fa0d7c..c044e92 100644 --- a/src/Ply.ui.es6 +++ b/src/ui.es6 @@ -1,35 +1,23 @@ /*global define, Ply */ -((factory) => { - factory(Ply); -})((Ply) => { +;;;(Ply => { 'use strict'; - var _plyAttr = Ply.attrName, - noop = Ply.noop, - _each = Ply.each, - _extend = Ply.extend, - _promise = Ply.promise, - _buildDOM =, - _appendChild = Ply.dom.append, - _lang = Ply.lang, - - _toBlock = (block, name) => { - if (block == null) { - return { skip: true }; - } - - if (typeof block === 'string') { - block = { text: block }; - } + function _toBlock(block, name) { + if (block == null) { + return { skip: true }; + } - if (typeof block === 'object') { - = || name; - } + if (typeof block === 'string') { + block = { text: block }; + } - return block; + if (typeof block === 'object') { + = || name; } - ; + + return block; + } @@ -143,7 +131,7 @@ return { ply: ':ok', tag: 'button.ply-ctrl.ply-ok', - text: data === true ? _lang.ok : data + text: data === true ? lang.ok : data }; }); @@ -154,7 +142,7 @@ ply: ':close', tag: 'button.ply-ctrl.ply-cancel', type: 'reset', - text: data === true ? _lang.cancel : data + text: data === true ? lang.cancel : data }; }); @@ -417,4 +405,4 @@ // Export Ply.ui = ui; Ply.factory = factory; -}); +;;;})(); diff --git a/src/utils.es6 b/src/utils.es6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d282c1e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils.es6 @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +// +// Вспомогательные методы +// + +var Promise = Deferred || window.Promise; + + + + +/** + * Функция? + * @param {*} fn + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +function isFn(fn) { + return typeof fn === 'function'; +} + + +/** + * Создать «Обещание» + * @param {Function} executor + * @returns {Promise} + * @private + */ +function _promise(executor) { + /* istanbul ignore if */ + if (Promise) { + return new Promise(executor); + } else { + var dfd = $.Deferred(); + executor(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject); + return dfd; + } +} + + +/** + * Дождаться разрешения всех «Обещаний» + * @param {Promise[]} iterable + * @returns {Promise} + * @private + */ +function _promiseAll(iterable) { + return Promise + ? /* istanbul ignore next */ Promise.all(iterable) + : $.when.apply($, iterable); +} + + +/** + * Вернуть разрешенное «Обещание» + * @param {*} [value] + * @returns {Promise} + * @private + */ +function _resolvePromise(value) { + return _promise((resolve) => resolve(value)); +} + + +/** + * Привести значение к «Обещанию» + * @param {*} value + * @returns {Promise} + * @private + */ +function _cast(value) { + return value && value.then ? value : _resolvePromise(value); +} + + + +/** + * Object iterator + * @param {Object|Array} obj + * @param {Function} iterator + * @private + */ +function _each(obj, iterator) { + if (obj) { + for (var key in obj) { + /* istanbul ignore else */ + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + iterator(obj[key], key, obj); + } + } + } +} + + +/** + * Глубокое клонирование + * @param {*} obj + * @returns {*} + * @private + */ +function _deepClone(obj) { + var result = {}; + + _each(obj, (val, key) => { + if (isFn(val)) { + result[key] = val; + } + else if (val instanceof Object) { + result[key] = _deepClone(val); + } + else { + result[key] = val; + } + }); + + return result; +} + + +/** + * Перенос свойств одного объект к другому + * @param {Object} dst + * @param {...Object} src + * @returns {Object} + * @private + */ +function _extend(dst, ...src) { + var i = 0, n = src.length; + for (; i < n; i++) { + _each(src[i], (val, key) => { + dst[key] = val; + }); + } + + return dst; +} diff --git a/tests/Ply.ui.tests.js b/tests/Ply.ui.tests.js index 4386b78..7f8213e 100644 --- a/tests/Ply.ui.tests.js +++ b/tests/Ply.ui.tests.js @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ setTimeout(function () { var el = ui.layer.layerEl; (el.getElementsByTagName('button')[1] || el.getElementsByTagName('button')[0]).click(); - }, 50); + }, 100); } }).then(function () { equal(log.join('\n'), [ diff --git a/tests/index.html b/tests/index.html index 129ef67..7b8d193 100644 --- a/tests/index.html +++ b/tests/index.html @@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ -