Author: James Cryer
Company: Huddle
Last updated date: 19 Feb 2013
URL: ...
_this['resemble'] = function( fileData ){
var data = {};
var images = [];
var updateCallbackArray = [];
var tolerance = { // between 0 and 255
red: 16,
green: 16,
blue: 16,
minBrightness: 16,
maxBrightness: 240
var ignoreAntialiasing = false;
var ignoreColors = false;
function triggerDataUpdate(){
var len = updateCallbackArray.length;
var i;
if (typeof updateCallbackArray[i] === 'function'){
function loop(x, y, callback){
var i,j;
for (i=0;i<x;i++){
for (j=0;j<y;j++){
callback(i, j);
function parseImage(sourceImageData, width, height){
var pixleCount = 0;
var redTotal = 0;
var greenTotal = 0;
var blueTotal = 0;
var brightnessTotal = 0;
loop(height, width, function(verticalPos, horizontalPos){
var offset = (verticalPos*width + horizontalPos) * 4;
var red = sourceImageData[offset];
var green = sourceImageData[offset + 1];
var blue = sourceImageData[offset + 2];
var brightness = getBrightness(red,green,blue);
redTotal += red / 255 * 100;
greenTotal += green / 255 * 100;
blueTotal += blue / 255 * 100;
brightnessTotal += brightness / 255 * 100;
data.red = Math.floor(redTotal / pixleCount);
data.green = Math.floor(greenTotal / pixleCount);
data.blue = Math.floor(blueTotal / pixleCount);
data.brightness = Math.floor(brightnessTotal / pixleCount);
function loadImageData( fileData, callback ){
var hiddenImage = new Image();
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function (event) {
hiddenImage.src = event.target.result;
hiddenImage.onload = function() {
var hiddenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var imageData;
var width = hiddenImage.width;
var height = hiddenImage.height;
hiddenCanvas.width = width;
hiddenCanvas.height = height;
hiddenCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(hiddenImage, 0, 0, width, height);
imageData = hiddenCanvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
callback(imageData, width, height);
function isColorSimilar(a, b, color){
var absDiff = Math.abs(a - b);
if(typeof a === 'undefined'){
return false;
if(typeof b === 'undefined'){
return false;
if(a === b){
return true;
} else if ( absDiff < tolerance[color] ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n));
function isPixelBrightnessSimilar(d1, d2){
return Math.abs(d1.brightness - d2.brightness) < tolerance.minBrightness;
function getBrightness(r,g,b){
return 0.3*r + 0.59*g + 0.11*b;
function isRGBSame(d1,d2){
var red = d1.r === d2.r;
var green = d1.g === d2.g;
var blue = d1.b === d2.b;
return red && green && blue;
function isRGBSimilar(d1, d2){
var red = isColorSimilar(d1.r,d2.r,'red');
var green = isColorSimilar(d1.g,d2.g,'green');
var blue = isColorSimilar(d1.b,d2.b,'blue');
return red && green && blue;
function isContrasting(d1, d2){
return Math.abs(d1.brightness - d2.brightness) > tolerance.maxBrightness;
function getHue(r,g,b){
r = r / 255;
g = g / 255;
b = b / 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h;
var d;
if (max == min){
h = 0; // achromatic
} else{
d = max - min;
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return h;
function isAntialiased(sourcePix, data, cacheSet, verticalPos, horizontalPos, width){
var offset;
var targetPix;
var distance = 1;
var i;
var j;
var hasHighContrastSibling = 0;
var hasSiblingWithDifferentHue = 0;
var hasEquivilantSibling = 0;
for (i = distance*-1; i <= distance; i++){
for (j = distance*-1; j <= distance; j++){
if(i===0 && j===0){
// ignore source pixel
} else {
offset = ((verticalPos+j)*width + (horizontalPos+i)) * 4;
targetPix = getPixelInfo(data, offset, cacheSet);
if(targetPix === null){
if( isContrasting(sourcePix, targetPix) ){
if( isRGBSame(sourcePix,targetPix) ){
if( Math.abs(targetPix.h - sourcePix.h) > 0.3 ){
if( hasSiblingWithDifferentHue > 1 || hasHighContrastSibling > 1){
return true;
if(hasEquivilantSibling < 2){
return true;
return false;
function errorPixel(px, offset){
px[offset] = 255; //r
px[offset + 1] = 0; //g
px[offset + 2] = 255; //b
px[offset + 3] = 255; //a
function copyPixel(px, offset, data){
px[offset] = data.r; //r
px[offset + 1] = data.g; //g
px[offset + 2] = data.b; //b
px[offset + 3] = 255; //a
function copyGrayScalePixel(px, offset, data){
px[offset] = data.brightness; //r
px[offset + 1] = data.brightness; //g
px[offset + 2] = data.brightness; //b
px[offset + 3] = 255; //a
function getPixelInfo(data, offset, cacheSet){
var r;
var g;
var b;
var d;
if(typeof data[offset] !== 'undefined'){
r = data[offset];
g = data[offset+1];
b = data[offset+2];
d = {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b
return d;
} else {
return null;
function addBrightnessInfo(data){
data.brightness = getBrightness(data.r,data.g,data.b); // 'corrected' lightness
function addHueInfo(data){
data.h = getHue(data.r,data.g,data.b);
function analyseImages(img1, img2, width, height){
var hiddenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var data1 = img1.data;
var data2 = img2.data;
hiddenCanvas.width = width;
hiddenCanvas.height = height;
var context = hiddenCanvas.getContext('2d');
var imgd = context.createImageData(width,height);
var targetPix = imgd.data;
var mismatchCount = 0;
var time = Date.now();
var skip;
if( (width > 1200 || height > 1200) && ignoreAntialiasing){
skip = 6;
loop(height, width, function(verticalPos, horizontalPos){
if(skip){ // only skip if the image isn't small
if(verticalPos % skip === 0 || horizontalPos % skip === 0){
var offset = (verticalPos*width + horizontalPos) * 4;
var pixel1 = getPixelInfo(data1, offset, 1);
var pixel2 = getPixelInfo(data2, offset, 2);
if(pixel1 === null || pixel2 === null){
if (ignoreColors){
if( isPixelBrightnessSimilar(pixel1, pixel2) ){
copyGrayScalePixel(targetPix, offset, pixel2);
} else {
errorPixel(targetPix, offset);
if( isRGBSimilar(pixel1, pixel2) ){
copyPixel(targetPix, offset, pixel2);
} else if( ignoreAntialiasing && (
addBrightnessInfo(pixel1), // jit pixel info augmentation looks a little weird, sorry.
isAntialiased(pixel1, data1, 1, verticalPos, horizontalPos, width) ||
isAntialiased(pixel2, data2, 2, verticalPos, horizontalPos, width)
if( isPixelBrightnessSimilar(pixel1, pixel2) ){
copyGrayScalePixel(targetPix, offset, pixel2);
} else {
errorPixel(targetPix, offset);
} else {
errorPixel(targetPix, offset);
data.misMatchPercentage = (mismatchCount / (height*width) * 100).toFixed(2);
data.analysisTime = Date.now() - time;
data.getImageDataUrl = function(text){
var barHeight = 0;
barHeight = addLabel(text,context,hiddenCanvas);
context.putImageData(imgd, 0, barHeight);
return hiddenCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
function addLabel(text, context, hiddenCanvas){
var textPadding = 2;
context.font = '12px sans-serif';
var textWidth = context.measureText(text).width + textPadding*2;
var barHeight = 22;
if(textWidth > hiddenCanvas.width){
hiddenCanvas.width = textWidth;
hiddenCanvas.height += barHeight;
context.fillStyle = "#666";
context.fillRect(0,0,hiddenCanvas.width,barHeight -4);
context.fillStyle = "#fff";
context.fillRect(0,barHeight -4,hiddenCanvas.width, 4);
context.fillStyle = "#fff";
context.textBaseline = "top";
context.font = '12px sans-serif';
context.fillText(text, textPadding, 1);
return barHeight;
function compare(one, two){
function onceWeHaveBoth(){
var width;
var height;
if(images.length === 2){
width = images[0].width > images[1].width ? images[0].width : images[1].width;
height = images[0].height > images[1].height ? images[0].height : images[1].height;
if( (images[0].width === images[1].width) && (images[0].height === images[1].height) ){
data.isSameDimensions = true;
} else {
data.isSameDimensions = false;
analyseImages(images[0], images[1], width, height);
images = [];
loadImageData(one, onceWeHaveBoth);
loadImageData(two, onceWeHaveBoth);
function getCompareApi(param){
var hasMethod = typeof param === 'function';
if( !hasMethod ){
// assume it's file data
secondFileData = param;
var self = {
ignoreNothing: function(){
tolerance.red = 16;
tolerance.green = 16;
tolerance.blue = 16;
tolerance.minBrightness = 16;
tolerance.maxBrightness = 240;
ignoreAntialiasing = false;
ignoreColors = false;
if(hasMethod) { param(); }
return self;
ignoreAntialiasing: function(){
tolerance.red = 32;
tolerance.green = 32;
tolerance.blue = 32;
tolerance.minBrightness = 64;
tolerance.maxBrightness = 96;
ignoreAntialiasing = true;
ignoreColors = false;
if(hasMethod) { param(); }
return self;
ignoreColors: function(){
tolerance.minBrightness = 16;
tolerance.maxBrightness = 240;
ignoreAntialiasing = false;
ignoreColors = true;
if(hasMethod) { param(); }
return self;
onComplete: function( callback ){
var wrapper = function(){
compare(fileData, secondFileData);
return getCompareApi(wrapper);
return self;
return {
onComplete: function( callback ){
loadImageData(fileData, function(imageData, width, height){
parseImage(imageData.data, width, height);
compareTo: function(secondFileData){
return getCompareApi(secondFileData);