/*! http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com v1.10 by @viljamis */ (function ($, window, i) { $.fn.responsiveSlides = function (options) { // Default settings var settings = $.extend({ "auto": true, // Boolean: Animate automatically "pagination": false, // Boolean: Use pagination "fade": 1000, // Integer: Crossfade time, in milliseconds "maxwidth": "none", // Integer: Max-width of the Slideshow, in pixels "speed": 4000 // Integer: How long image shows before fading to next, in milliseconds }, options); return this.each(function () { // Index which is used for namespacing i++; var $this = $(this); var index = 0, $slide = $this.children(), length = $slide.size(), fadetime = parseFloat(settings.fade), // Namespacing namespace = "rslides", namespaceIndex = namespace + i, // Classes namespaceIndexClass = namespace + " " + namespaceIndex, activeClass = namespace + "_here", visibleClass = namespaceIndex + "_on", slideClassPrefix = namespaceIndex + "_s", tabsClass = namespaceIndex + "_tabs", // Pagination $pagination = $("