@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ var sortable = new Sortable(el, {
animation: 150, // ms, animation speed moving items when sorting, `0` — without animation
handle: ".my-handle", // Drag handle selector within list items
filter: ".ignore-elements", // Selectors that do not lead to dragging (String or Function)
draggable: ".item", // Specifies which items inside the element should be sort able
draggable: ".item", // Specifies which items inside the element should be dragg able
ghostClass: "sortable-ghost", // Class name for the drop placeholder
chosenClass: "sortable-chosen", // Class name for the chosen item
dataIdAttr: 'data-id',
forceFallback: false, // ignore the HTML5 DnD behaviour and force the fallback to kick in
fallbackClass: "sortable-fallback" // Class name for the cloned DOM Element when using forceFallback
fallbackOnBody: false // Appends the cloned DOM Element into the Document's Body
fallbackClass: "sortable-fallback", // Class name for the cloned DOM Element when using forceFallback
fallbackOnBody: false, // Appends the cloned DOM Element into the Document's Body
scroll: true, // or HTMLElement
scrollSensitivity: 30, // px, how near the mouse must be to an edge to start scrolling.
scrollSpeed: 10, // px
setData: function (dataTransfer, dragEl) {
dataTransfer.setData('Text', dragEl.textContent);
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ var sortable = new Sortable(el, {
onStart: function (/**Event*/evt) {
evt.oldIndex; // element index within parent
// dragging ended
onEnd: function (/**Event*/evt) {
evt.oldIndex; // element's old index within parent
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ var sortable = new Sortable(el, {
onFilter: function (/**Event*/evt) {
var itemEl = evt.item; // HTMLElement receiving the `mousedown|tapstart` event.
// Event when you move an item in the list or between lists
onMove: function (/**Event*/evt) {
// Example: http://jsbin.com/tuyafe/1/edit?js,output
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Demo: http://jsbin.com/pucurizace/edit?html,css,js,output
If set to `true` , the page (or sortable-area) scrolls when coming to an edge.
- `window` : http://jsbin.com/boqugumiqi/1/edit?html,js,output
- `window` : http://jsbin.com/boqugumiqi/1/edit?html,js,output
- `overflow: hidden` : http://jsbin.com/kohamakiwi/1/edit?html,js,output
@ -443,6 +443,64 @@ React.render(<div>
< / div > , document.body);
### Support React ES2015 / TypeScript syntax
As mixins are not supported in ES2015 / TypeScript syntax here is example of ES2015 ref based implementation.
Using refs is the preferred (by facebook) "escape hatch" to underlaying DOM nodes: [React: The ref Callback Attribute ](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/more-about-refs.html#the-ref-callback-attribute )
import * as React from "react";
import Sortable from 'sortablejs';
export class SortableExampleEsnext extends React.Component {
sortableContainersDecorator = (componentBackingInstance) => {
// check if backing instance not null
if (componentBackingInstance) {
let options = {
handle: ".group-title" // Restricts sort start click/touch to the specified element
Sortable.create(componentBackingInstance, options);
sortableGroupDecorator = (componentBackingInstance) => {
// check if backing instance not null
if (componentBackingInstance) {
let options = {
draggable: "div", // Specifies which items inside the element should be sortable
group: "shared"
Sortable.create(componentBackingInstance, options);
render() {
return (
< div className = "container" ref = {this.sortableContainersDecorator} >
< div className = "group" >
< h2 className = "group-title" > Group 1< / h2 >
< div className = "group-list" ref = {this.sortableGroupDecorator} >
< div > Swap them around< / div >
< div > Swap us around< / div >
< div > Swap things around< / div >
< div > Swap everything around< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "group" >
< h2 className = "group-title" > Group 2< / h2 >
< div className = "group-list" ref = {this.sortableGroupDecorator} >
< div > Swap them around< / div >
< div > Swap us around< / div >
< div > Swap things around< / div >
< div > Swap everything around< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
@ -468,7 +526,7 @@ The sortable/draggable bindingHandlers supports the same syntax as Knockouts bui
Other attributes are:
* options: an object that contains settings for the underlaying sortable, ie `group` ,`handle`, events etc.
* collection: if your `foreach` array is a computed then you would supply the underlaying observableArray that you would like to sort here.
* manuallyHandleUpdateEvents: a boolean to turn off the change events on update that other polymer elements listen to.
@ -482,7 +540,7 @@ Other attributes are:
< template is = "dom-repeat" items = {{names}} >
< div > {{item}}< / div >
< / template >
< sortable-js >
< / sortable-js >
### Method
@ -543,7 +601,7 @@ Sortable.create(el, {
* @returns {Array}
get: function (sortable) {
var order = localStorage.getItem(sortable.options.group);
var order = localStorage.getItem(sortable.options.group.name );
return order ? order.split('|') : [];
@ -553,7 +611,7 @@ Sortable.create(el, {
set: function (sortable) {
var order = sortable.toArray();
localStorage.setItem(sortable.options.group, order.join('|'));
localStorage.setItem(sortable.options.group.name , order.join('|'));
@ -665,13 +723,13 @@ Now you can use `jquery.fn.sortable.js`:<br/>
$("#list").sortable({ /* options */ }); // init
$("#list").sortable("widget"); // get Sortable instance
$("#list").sortable("destroy"); // destroy Sortable instance
$("#list").sortable("{method-name}"); // call an instance method
$("#list").sortable("{method-name}", "foo", "bar"); // call an instance method with parameters
@ -682,7 +740,7 @@ And `grunt jquery:mySortableFunc` → `jquery.fn.mySortableFunc.js`
### Contributing (Issue/PR)
Please, [read this ](CONTRIBUTING.md ).
Please, [read this ](CONTRIBUTING.md ).