mirror of https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable.git
10 years ago
22 changed files with 681 additions and 100 deletions
@ -1,26 +1,105 @@ |
Packaging [Sortable](http://rubaxa.github.io/Sortable/) for [Meteor.js](http://meteor.com). |
Reactive reorderable lists with [Sortable](http://rubaxa.github.io/Sortable/), |
backed by [Meteor.js](http://meteor.com) collections: |
* new elements arriving in the collection will update the list as you expect |
* elements removed from the collection will be removed from the list |
* drag and drop between lists updates collections accordingly |
Demo: http://rubaxa-sortable.meteor.com |
# Meteor |
# Meteor |
If you're new to Meteor, here's what the excitement is all about - |
If you're new to Meteor, here's what the excitement is all about - |
[watch the first two minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsi0aJ9yr2o); you'll be hooked by 1:28. |
[watch the first two minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsi0aJ9yr2o); you'll be hooked by 1:28. |
That screencast is from 2012. In the meantime, Meteor has become a mature JavaScript-everywhere web |
That screencast is from 2012. In the meantime, Meteor has become a mature JavaScript-everywhere web |
development framework. Read more at [Why Meteor](http://www.meteorpedia.com/read/Why_Meteor). |
development framework. Read more at [Why Meteor](http://www.meteorpedia.com/read/Why_Meteor). |
# Issues |
# Usage |
If you encounter an issue while using this package, please CC @dandv when you file it in this repo. |
Simplest invocation - order will be lost when the page is refreshed: |
```handlebars |
{{sortable <collection|cursor|array>}} |
``` |
Persist the sort order in the 'order' field of each document in the collection: |
```handlebars |
{{sortable items=<collection|cursor|array> sortField="order"}} |
``` |
Along with `items`, `sortField` is the only Meteor-specific option. If it's missing, the package will |
assume there is a field called "order" in the collection, holding unique `Number`s such that every |
`order` differs from that before and after it by at least 1. Basically, keep to 0, 1, 2, ... . |
Try not to depend on a particular format for this field; it *is* though guaranteed that a `sort` will |
produce lexicographical order, and that the order will be maintained after an arbitrary number of |
reorderings, unlike with [naive solutions](http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/266451/maintain-ordered-collection-by-updating-as-few-order-fields-as-possible). |
## Passing options to the Sortable library |
{{sortable items=<collection|cursor|array> option1=value1 option2=value2...}} |
{{sortable items=<collection|cursor|array> options=myOptions}} |
For available options, please refer to [the main README](../README.md#options). You can pass them directly |
or under the `options` object. Direct options (`key=value`) override those in `options`. It is best |
to pass presentation-related options directly, and functionality-related settings in an `options` |
object, as this will enable designers to work without needing to inspect the JavaScript code: |
# DONE |
<template name="myTemplate"> |
... |
{{sortable items=Players handle=".sortable-handle" ghostClass="sortable-ghost" options=playerOptions}} |
</template> |
* Instantiation test |
Define the options in a helper for the template that calls Sortable: |
```js |
Template.myTemplate.helpers({ |
playerOptions: function () { |
return { |
group: { |
name: "league", |
pull: true, |
put: false |
}, |
sort: false |
}; |
} |
}); |
``` |
## Events |
All the original Sortable events are supported. In addition, they will receive |
the data context in `event.data`. You can access `event.data.order` this way: |
```handlebars |
{{sortable items=players options=playersOptions}} |
```js |
Template.myTemplate.helpers({ |
playersOptions: function () { |
return { |
onSort: function(/**Event*/event) { |
console.log('Moved player #%d from %d to %d', |
event.data.order, event.oldIndex, event.newIndex |
); |
} |
}; |
} |
}); |
``` |
# Issues |
If you encounter an issue while using this package, please CC @dandv when you file it in this repo. |
# TODO |
# TODO |
* Meteor collection backing |
* Array support |
* Tests ensuring correct rendering with Meteor dynamic templates |
* Tests |
* Misc. - see reactivize.js |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
# Meteor packages used by this project, one per line. |
# |
# 'meteor add' and 'meteor remove' will edit this file for you, |
# but you can also edit it by hand. |
meteor-platform |
autopublish |
insecure |
rubaxa:sortable |
fezvrasta:bootstrap-material-design |
# twbs:bootstrap |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
.glyphicon { |
vertical-align: baseline; |
font-size: 80%; |
margin-right: 0.5em; |
} |
[class^="mdi-"], [class*=" mdi-"] { |
vertical-align: baseline; |
font-size: 90%; |
margin-right: 0.4em; |
} |
.list-pair { |
display: flex; /* use the flexbox model */ |
flex-direction: row; |
} |
.sortable { |
/* font-size: 2em;*/ |
} |
.sortable.source { |
/*background: #9FA8DA;*/ |
flex: 0 0 auto; |
margin-right: 1em; |
cursor: move; |
cursor: -webkit-grabbing; |
} |
.sortable.target { |
/*background: #3F51B5;*/ |
flex: 1 1 auto; |
margin-left: 1em; |
} |
.target .well { |
} |
.sortable-handle { |
cursor: move; |
cursor: -webkit-grabbing; |
} |
.sortable-handle.pull-right { |
margin-top: 0.3em; |
} |
.sortable-ghost { |
opacity: 0.6; |
} |
/* show the remove button on hover */ |
.removable .close { |
display: none; |
} |
.removable:hover .close { |
display: block; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
<head> |
<title>RubaXa:Sortable Demo</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div class="container"> |
<div class="page-header"> |
<h1>Custom attributes</h1> |
</div> |
{{> typeDefinition}} |
</div> |
</body> |
<template name="typeDefinition"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="list-pair col-sm-12"> |
<div class="sortable source list-group" id="types"> |
{{#sortable items=types options=typesOptions}} |
<div class="list-group-item well well-sm"> |
{{{icon}}} {{name}} |
</div> |
{{/sortable}} |
</div> |
<div class="sortable target" id="object"> |
{{#sortable items=attributes animation="0" handle=".sortable-handle" ghostClass="sortable-ghost" options=attributesOptions}} |
{{> sortableItemTarget}} |
{{/sortable}} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template name="sortableItemTarget"> |
<div data-id="{{order}}" class="sortable-item removable well well-sm"> |
{{{icon}}} |
<i class="sortable-handle mdi-action-view-headline pull-right"></i> |
<span class="name">{{name}}</span> |
<span class="badge">{{order}}</span> |
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"> |
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span> |
</button> |
</div> |
</template> |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
// Define an object type by dragging together attributes
Template.typeDefinition.helpers({ |
types: function () { |
return Types.find({}, { sort: { order: 1 } }); |
}, |
typesOptions: { |
sortField: 'order', // defaults to 'order' anyway
group: { |
name: 'typeDefinition', |
pull: 'clone', |
put: false |
}, |
sort: false // don't allow reordering the types, just the attributes below
}, |
attributes: function () { |
return Attributes.find({}, { |
sort: { order: 1 }, |
transform: function (doc) { |
doc.icon = Types.findOne({name: doc.type}).icon; |
return doc; |
} |
}); |
}, |
attributesOptions: { |
group: { |
name: 'typeDefinition', |
put: true |
}, |
onAdd: function (event) { |
delete event.data._id; // Generate a new id when inserting in the Attributes collection. Otherwise, if we add the same type twice, we'll get an error that the ids are not unique.
delete event.data.icon; |
event.data.type = event.data.name; |
event.data.name = 'Rename me' |
}, |
// event handler for reordering attributes
onSort: function (event) { |
console.log('Moved object %d from %d to %d', |
event.data.order, event.oldIndex, event.newIndex |
); |
} |
} |
}); |
Template.sortableItemTarget.events({ |
'dblclick .name': function (event, template) { |
// Make the name editable. We should use an existing component, but it's
// in a sorry state - https://github.com/arillo/meteor-x-editable/issues/1
var name = template.$('.name'); |
var input = template.$('input'); |
if (input.length) { // jQuery never returns null - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/920236/how-can-i-detect-if-a-selector-returns-null
input.show(); |
} else { |
input = $('<input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="' + this.name + '" style="display: inline">'); |
name.after(input); |
} |
name.hide(); |
input.focus(); |
}, |
'blur input': function (event, template) { |
// commit the change to the name
var input = template.$('input'); |
input.hide(); |
template.$('.name').show(); |
// TODO - what is the collection here? We'll hard-code for now.
// https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/3303
Attributes.update(this._id, {$set: {name: input.val()}}); |
} |
}); |
// you can add events to all Sortable template instances
Template.sortable.events({ |
'click .close': function (event, template) { |
// `this` is the data context set by the enclosing block helper (#each, here)
template.collection.remove(this._id); |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
Types = new Mongo.Collection('types'); |
Attributes = new Mongo.Collection('attributes'); |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
mklink ..\..\package.js "meteor/package.js" |
mklink package.json "../../package.json" |
meteor run |
del ..\..\package.js package.json |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
# sanity check: make sure we're in the root directory of the example |
cd "$( dirname "$0" )" |
# delete temp files even if Ctrl+C is pressed |
int_trap() { |
echo "Cleaning up..." |
} |
trap int_trap INT |
ln -s "meteor/package.js" ../../package.js |
ln -s "../../package.json" package.json |
meteor run "$@" |
rm ../../package.js package.json |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
Meteor.startup(function () { |
if (Types.find().count() === 0) { |
[ |
{ |
name: 'String', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Text, multi-line', |
icon: '<i class="mdi-communication-message" aria-hidden="true"></i>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Category', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Number', |
icon: '<i class="mdi-image-looks-one" aria-hidden="true"></i>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Date', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Hyperlink', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Image', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Progress', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Duration', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Map address', |
icon: '<i class="mdi-maps-place" aria-hidden="true"></i>' |
}, |
{ |
name: 'Relationship', |
icon: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flash" aria-hidden="true"></span>' |
} |
].forEach(function (type, i) { |
Types.insert({ |
name: type.name, |
icon: type.icon, |
order: i |
}); |
} |
); |
console.log('Initialized attribute types.'); |
} |
if (Attributes.find().count() === 0) { |
[ |
{ name: 'Name', type: 'String' }, |
{ name: 'Created at', type: 'Date' }, |
{ name: 'Link', type: 'Hyperlink' }, |
{ name: 'Owner', type: 'Relationship' } |
].forEach(function (attribute, i) { |
Attributes.insert({ |
name: attribute.name, |
type: attribute.type, |
order: i |
}); |
} |
); |
console.log('Created sample object type.'); |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
'use strict'; |
Meteor.methods({ |
/** |
* Update the orderField of documents with given ids in a collection, incrementing it by incDec |
* @param {String} collectionName - name of the collection to update |
* @param {String[]} ids - array of document ids |
* @param {String} orderField - the name of the order field, usually "order" |
* @param {Number} incDec - pass 1 or -1 |
*/ |
'rubaxa:sortable/collection-update': function (collectionName, ids, orderField, incDec) { |
check(collectionName, String); |
check(ids, [String]); |
check(orderField, String); |
check(incDec, Number); |
var selector = {_id: {$in: ids}}, modifier = {$inc: {}}; |
modifier.$inc[orderField] = incDec; |
Mongo.Collection.get(collectionName).update(selector, modifier, {multi: true}); |
} |
}); |
@ -1,30 +1,34 @@ |
// package metadata file for Meteor.js
// package metadata file for Meteor.js
'use strict'; |
'use strict'; |
var packageName = 'rubaxa:sortable'; // http://atmospherejs.com/sortable/sortable
var packageName = 'rubaxa:sortable'; // http://atmospherejs.com/rubaxa/sortable
var where = 'client'; // where to install: 'client', 'server', or ['client', 'server']
var packageJson = JSON.parse(Npm.require("fs").readFileSync('package.json')); |
var packageJson = JSON.parse(Npm.require("fs").readFileSync('package.json')); |
Package.describe({ |
Package.describe({ |
name: packageName, |
name: packageName, |
summary: 'Sortable (official): minimalist reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices', |
summary: 'Sortable: reactive minimalist reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices', |
version: packageJson.version, |
version: packageJson.version, |
git: 'https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable.git' |
git: 'https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable.git', |
readme: 'https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable/blob/master/meteor/README.md' |
}); |
}); |
Package.onUse(function (api) { |
Package.onUse(function (api) { |
api.versionsFrom('METEOR@0.9.0'); |
api.versionsFrom(['METEOR@0.9.0', 'METEOR@1.0']); |
api.export('Sortable'); |
api.use('templating', 'client'); |
api.addFiles([ |
api.use('dburles:mongo-collection-instances@0.2.5'); // to watch collections getting created
'Sortable.js' |
api.export('Sortable'); |
], where |
api.addFiles([ |
); |
'Sortable.js', |
'meteor/template.html', // the HTML comes first, so reactivize.js can refer to the template in it
'meteor/reactivize.js' |
], 'client'); |
api.addFiles('meteor/methods.js'); // add to both client and server
}); |
}); |
Package.onTest(function (api) { |
Package.onTest(function (api) { |
api.use(packageName, where); |
api.use(packageName, 'client'); |
api.use('tinytest', where); |
api.use('tinytest', 'client'); |
api.addFiles('meteor/test.js', where); |
api.addFiles('meteor/test.js', 'client'); |
}); |
}); |
@ -1,72 +1,40 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#!/bin/bash |
# Publish package on Meteor's Atmosphere.js |
# Publish package to Meteor's repository, Atmospherejs.com |
# Make sure Meteor is installed, per https://www.meteor.com/install. The curl'ed script is totally safe; takes 2 minutes to read its source and check. |
# Make sure Meteor is installed, per https://www.meteor.com/install. |
# The curl'ed script is totally safe; takes 2 minutes to read its source and check. |
type meteor >/dev/null 2>&1 || { curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh; } |
type meteor >/dev/null 2>&1 || { curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh; } |
# sanity check: make sure we're in the root directory of the checkout |
# sanity check: make sure we're in the root directory of the checkout |
cd "$( dirname "$0" )/.." |
cd "$( dirname "$0" )/.." |
function cleanup() { |
# test any package*.js packages we may have, e.g. package.js, package-compat.js |
# we copied the file as package.js, regardless of its original name |
rm package.js |
# temporary build files |
rm -rf ".build.$PACKAGE_NAME" versions.json |
} |
# publish separately any package*.js files we have, e.g. package.js, package-compat.js |
for PACKAGE_FILE in meteor/package*.js; do |
for PACKAGE_FILE in meteor/package*.js; do |
# Meteor expects package.js to be in the root directory of the checkout, so copy there our package file under that name, temporarily |
# Meteor expects package.js to be in the root directory of the checkout, so copy there our package file under that name, temporarily |
cp $PACKAGE_FILE ./package.js |
cp $PACKAGE_FILE ./package.js |
# publish package, creating it if it's the first time we're publishing |
# publish package, creating it if it's the first time we're publishing |
PACKAGE_NAME=$(grep -i name $PACKAGE_FILE | head -1 | cut -d "'" -f 2) |
PACKAGE_NAME=$(grep -i name package.js | head -1 | cut -d "'" -f 2) |
echo "Publishing $PACKAGE_NAME..." |
echo "Publishing $PACKAGE_NAME..." |
# attempt to re-publish the package - the most common operation once the initial release has been made |
# Attempt to re-publish the package - the most common operation once the initial release has |
POTENTIAL_ERROR=$( meteor publish 2>&1 ) |
# been made. If the package name was changed (rare), you'll have to pass the --create flag. |
meteor publish "$@"; EXIT_CODE=$? |
if [[ $POTENTIAL_ERROR =~ "There is no package named" ]]; then |
# actually this is the first time the package is created, so pass the special --create flag and congratulate the maintainer |
if (( $EXIT_CODE == 0 )); then |
echo "Thank you for creating the official Meteor package for this library!" |
echo "Thanks for releasing a new version. You can see it at" |
if meteor publish --create; then |
echo "https://atmospherejs.com/${PACKAGE_NAME/://}" |
echo "Please post the following to https://github.com/raix/Meteor-community-discussions/issues/14: |
--------------------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------------------------------- |
Happy to announce that I've published the official $PACKAGE_NAME to Atmosphere. Please star! |
https://atmospherejs.com/$ATMOSPHERE_NAME |
--------------------------------------------- >8 -------------------------------------------------------- |
" |
else |
echo "We got an error. Please post it at https://github.com/raix/Meteor-community-discussions/issues/14" |
cleanup |
exit 1 |
fi |
else |
else |
if (( $? > 0 )); then |
echo "We got an error. Please post it at https://github.com/raix/Meteor-community-discussions/issues/14" |
# the error wasn't that the package didn't exist, so we need to ask for help |
echo "We got an error. Please post it at https://github.com/raix/Meteor-community-discussions/issues/14: |
--------------------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------------------------------- |
--------------------------------------------- >8 -------------------------------------------------------- |
" |
cleanup |
exit 1 |
else |
echo "Thanks for releasing a new version of $PACKAGE_NAME! You can see it at |
https://atmospherejs.com/$ATMOSPHERE_NAME" |
fi |
fi |
fi |
cleanup |
# rm the temporary build files and package.js |
rm -rf ".build.$PACKAGE_NAME" versions.json package.js |
done |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ |
/* |
Make a Sortable reactive by binding it to a Mongo.Collection. |
Calls `rubaxa:sortable/collection-update` on the server to update the sortField or affected records. |
* supply consecutive values if the `order` field doesn't have any |
* .get(DOMElement) - return the Sortable object of a DOMElement |
* create a new _id automatically onAdd if the event.from list had pull: 'clone' |
* support arrays |
* sparse arrays |
* tests |
* drop onto existing empty lists |
* insert back into lists emptied by dropping |
* performance on dragging into long list at the beginning |
* handle failures on Collection operations, e.g. add callback to .insert |
* when adding elements, update ranks just for the half closer to the start/end of the list |
* revisit http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/266451/maintain-ordered-collection-by-updating-as-few-order-fields-as-possible
* reproduce the insidious bug where the list isn't always sorted (fiddle with dragging #1 over #2, then back, then #N before #1) |
*/ |
'use strict'; |
Template.sortable.created = function () { |
var templateInstance = this; |
// `this` is a template instance that can store properties of our choice - http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/template_inst
if (templateInstance.setupDone) return; // paranoid: only run setup once
// this.data is the data context - http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/template_data
// normalize all options into templateInstance.options, and remove them from .data
templateInstance.options = templateInstance.data.options || {}; |
Object.keys(templateInstance.data).forEach(function (key) { |
if (key === 'options' || key === 'items') return; |
templateInstance.options[key] = templateInstance.data[key]; |
delete templateInstance.data[key]; |
}); |
templateInstance.options.sortField = templateInstance.options.sortField || 'order'; |
// We can get the collection via the .collection property of the cursor, but changes made that way
// will NOT be sent to the server - https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/3271#issuecomment-66656257
// Thus we need to use dburles:mongo-collection-instances to get a *real* collection
if (templateInstance.data.items && templateInstance.data.items.collection) { |
// cursor passed via items=; its .collection works client-only and has a .name property
templateInstance.collectionName = templateInstance.data.items.collection.name; |
templateInstance.collection = Mongo.Collection.get(templateInstance.collectionName); |
} else if (templateInstance.data.items) { |
// collection passed via items=; does NOT have a .name property, but _name
templateInstance.collection = templateInstance.data.items; |
templateInstance.collectionName = templateInstance.collection._name; |
} else if (templateInstance.data.collection) { |
// cursor passed directly
templateInstance.collectionName = templateInstance.data.collection.name; |
templateInstance.collection = Mongo.Collection.get(templateInstance.collectionName); |
} else { |
templateInstance.collection = templateInstance.data; // collection passed directly
templateInstance.collectionName = templateInstance.collection._name; |
} |
// TODO if (Array.isArray(templateInstance.collection))
// What if user filters some of the items in the cursor, instead of ordering the entire collection?
// Use case: reorder by preference movies of a given genre, a filter within all movies.
// A: Modify all intervening items **that are on the client**, to preserve the overall order
// TODO: update *all* orders via a server method that takes not ids, but start & end elements - mild security risk
delete templateInstance.data.options; |
/** |
* When an element was moved, adjust its orders and possibly the order of |
* other elements, so as to maintain a consistent and correct order. |
* |
* There are three approaches to this: |
* 1) Using arbitrary precision arithmetic and setting only the order of the moved |
* element to the average of the orders of the elements around it - |
* http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/266451/maintain-ordered-collection-by-updating-as-few-order-fields-as-possible
* The downside is that the order field in the DB will increase by one byte every |
* time an element is reordered. |
* 2) Adjust the orders of the intervening items. This keeps the orders sane (integers) |
* but is slower because we have to modify multiple documents. |
* TODO: we may be able to update fewer records by only altering the |
* order of the records between the newIndex/oldIndex and the start/end of the list. |
* 3) Use regular precision arithmetic, but when the difference between the orders of the |
* moved item and the one before/after it falls below a certain threshold, adjust |
* the order of that other item, and cascade doing so up or down the list. |
* This will keep the `order` field constant in size, and will only occasionally |
* require updating the `order` of other records. |
* |
* For now, we use approach #2. |
* |
* @param {String} itemId - the _id of the item that was moved |
* @param {Number} orderPrevItem - the order of the item before it, or null |
* @param {Number} orderNextItem - the order of the item after it, or null |
*/ |
templateInstance.adjustOrders = function adjustOrders(itemId, orderPrevItem, orderNextItem) { |
var orderField = templateInstance.options.sortField; |
var selector = {}, modifier = {$set: {}}; |
var ids = []; |
var startOrder = templateInstance.collection.findOne(itemId)[orderField]; |
if (orderPrevItem !== null) { |
// Element has a previous sibling, therefore it was moved down in the list.
// Decrease the order of intervening elements.
selector[orderField] = {$lte: orderPrevItem, $gt: startOrder}; |
ids = _.pluck(templateInstance.collection.find(selector, {fields: {_id: 1}}).fetch(), '_id'); |
Meteor.call('rubaxa:sortable/collection-update', templateInstance.collectionName, ids, orderField, -1); |
// Set the order of the dropped element to the order of its predecessor, whose order was decreased
modifier.$set[orderField] = orderPrevItem; |
} else { |
// element moved up the list, increase order of intervening elements
selector[orderField] = {$gte: orderNextItem, $lt: startOrder}; |
ids = _.pluck(templateInstance.collection.find(selector, {fields: {_id: 1}}).fetch(), '_id'); |
Meteor.call('rubaxa:sortable/collection-update', templateInstance.collectionName, ids, orderField, 1); |
// Set the order of the dropped element to the order of its successor, whose order was increased
modifier.$set[orderField] = orderNextItem; |
} |
templateInstance.collection.update(itemId, modifier); |
}; |
templateInstance.setupDone = true; |
}; |
Template.sortable.rendered = function () { |
var templateInstance = this; |
var orderField = templateInstance.options.sortField; |
// sorting was changed within the list
var optionsOnUpdate = templateInstance.options.onUpdate; |
templateInstance.options.onUpdate = function sortableUpdate(/**Event*/event) { |
var itemEl = event.item; // dragged HTMLElement
event.data = Blaze.getData(itemEl); |
if (event.newIndex < event.oldIndex) { |
// Element moved up in the list. The dropped element has a next sibling for sure.
var orderNextItem = Blaze.getData(itemEl.nextElementSibling)[orderField]; |
templateInstance.adjustOrders(event.data._id, null, orderNextItem); |
} else if (event.newIndex > event.oldIndex) { |
// Element moved down in the list. The dropped element has a previous sibling for sure.
var orderPrevItem = Blaze.getData(itemEl.previousElementSibling)[orderField]; |
templateInstance.adjustOrders(event.data._id, orderPrevItem, null); |
} else { |
// do nothing - drag and drop in the same location
} |
if (optionsOnUpdate) optionsOnUpdate(event); |
}; |
// element was added from another list
var optionsOnAdd = templateInstance.options.onAdd; |
templateInstance.options.onAdd = function sortableAdd(/**Event*/event) { |
var itemEl = event.item; // dragged HTMLElement
event.data = Blaze.getData(itemEl); |
// let the user decorate the object with additional properties before insertion
if (optionsOnAdd) optionsOnAdd(event); |
// Insert the new element at the end of the list and move it where it was dropped.
// We could insert it at the beginning, but that would lead to negative orders.
var sortSpecifier = {}; sortSpecifier[orderField] = -1; |
event.data.order = templateInstance.collection.findOne({}, { sort: sortSpecifier, limit: 1 }).order + 1; |
// TODO: this can obviously be optimized by setting the order directly as the arithmetic average, with the caveats described above
var newElementId = templateInstance.collection.insert(event.data); |
event.data._id = newElementId; |
if (itemEl.nextElementSibling) { |
var orderNextItem = Blaze.getData(itemEl.nextElementSibling)[orderField]; |
templateInstance.adjustOrders(newElementId, null, orderNextItem); |
} else { |
// do nothing - inserted after the last element
} |
// remove the dropped HTMLElement from the list because we have inserted it in the collection, which will update the template
itemEl.parentElement.removeChild(itemEl); |
}; |
// element was removed by dragging into another list
var optionsOnRemove = templateInstance.options.onRemove; |
templateInstance.options.onRemove = function sortableRemove(/**Event*/event) { |
var itemEl = event.item; // dragged HTMLElement
event.data = Blaze.getData(itemEl); |
// don't remove from the collection if group.pull is clone or false
if (typeof templateInstance.options.group === 'undefined' |
|| typeof templateInstance.options.group.pull === 'undefined' |
|| templateInstance.options.group.pull === true |
) templateInstance.collection.remove(event.data._id); |
if (optionsOnRemove) optionsOnRemove(event); |
}; |
// just compute the `data` context
['onStart', 'onEnd', 'onSort', 'onFilter'].forEach(function (eventHandler) { |
if (templateInstance.options[eventHandler]) { |
var userEventHandler = templateInstance.options[eventHandler]; |
templateInstance.options[eventHandler] = function (/**Event*/event) { |
var itemEl = event.item; // dragged HTMLElement
event.data = Blaze.getData(itemEl); |
userEventHandler(event); |
}; |
} |
}); |
templateInstance.sortable = Sortable.create(templateInstance.firstNode.parentElement, templateInstance.options); |
// TODO make the object accessible, e.g. via Sortable.getSortableById() or some such
}; |
Template.sortable.destroyed = function () { |
this.sortable.destroy(); |
}; |
@ -1,37 +1,46 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
#!/bin/sh |
# Test Meteor package before publishing to Atmospherejs.com |
# Test Meteor package before publishing to Atmospherejs.com |
# Make sure Meteor is installed, per https://www.meteor.com/install. The curl'ed script is totally safe; takes 2 minutes to read its source and check. |
# Make sure Meteor is installed, per https://www.meteor.com/install. |
# The curl'ed script is totally safe; takes 2 minutes to read its source and check. |
type meteor >/dev/null 2>&1 || { curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh; } |
type meteor >/dev/null 2>&1 || { curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh; } |
# sanity check: make sure we're in the root directory of the checkout |
# sanity check: make sure we're in the root directory of the checkout |
cd "$( dirname "$0" )/.." |
cd "$( dirname "$0" )/.." |
# run tests and delete the temporary package.js even if Ctrl+C is pressed |
# delete the temporary files even if Ctrl+C is pressed |
int_trap() { |
int_trap() { |
echo |
printf "\nTests interrupted. Cleaning up...\n\n" |
printf "Tests interrupted. Hopefully you verified in the browser that tests pass?\n\n" |
} |
} |
trap int_trap INT |
trap int_trap INT |
# test any package*.js packages we may have, e.g. package.js, package-compat.js |
for PACKAGE_FILE in meteor/package*.js; do |
PACKAGE_NAME=$(grep -i name $PACKAGE_FILE | head -1 | cut -d "'" -f 2) |
echo "Testing $PACKAGE_NAME..." |
# test any package*.js packages we may have, e.g. package.js, package-standalone.js |
for PACKAGE_FILE in meteor/package*.js; do |
# Meteor expects package.js to be in the root directory of the checkout, so copy there our package file under that name, temporarily |
# Meteor expects package.js in the root dir of the checkout, so copy there our package file under that name, temporarily |
cp $PACKAGE_FILE ./package.js |
cp $PACKAGE_FILE ./package.js |
# provide an invalid MONGO_URL so Meteor doesn't bog us down with an empty Mongo database |
PACKAGE_NAME=$(grep -i name package.js | head -1 | cut -d "'" -f 2) |
MONGO_URL=mongodb:// meteor test-packages ./ |
rm -rf ".build.$PACKAGE_NAME" |
echo "### Testing $PACKAGE_NAME..." |
rm -rf ".build.local-test:$PACKAGE_NAME" |
rm versions.json 2>/dev/null |
rm package.js |
# provide an invalid MONGO_URL so Meteor doesn't bog us down with an empty Mongo database |
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then |
# interpret any parameter to mean we want an interactive test |
MONGO_URL=mongodb:// meteor test-packages ./ |
else |
# automated/CI test with phantomjs |
./node_modules/.bin/spacejam --mongo-url mongodb:// test-packages ./ |
fi |
# delete temporary build files and package.js |
rm -rf .build.* versions.json package.js |
done |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
<template name="sortable"> |
{{#each items}} |
{{> Template.contentBlock this}} |
{{/each}} |
</template> |
Reference in new issue