(function () { "use strict"; var init = function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext, sortableOptions) { var options = buildOptions(valueAccessor, sortableOptions); //It's seems that we cannot update the eventhandlers after we've created the sortable, so define them in init instead of update ['onStart', 'onEnd', 'onRemove', 'onAdd', 'onUpdate', 'onSort', 'onFilter'].forEach(function (e) { if (options[e] || eventHandlers[e]) options[e] = function (eventType, parentVM, parentBindings, handler, e) { var itemVM = ko.dataFor(e.item), //All of the bindings on the parent element bindings = ko.utils.peekObservable(parentBindings()), //The binding options for the draggable/sortable binding of the parent element bindingHandlerBinding = bindings.sortable || bindings.draggable, //The collection that we should modify collection = bindingHandlerBinding.collection || bindingHandlerBinding.foreach; if (handler) handler(e, itemVM, parentVM, collection, bindings); if (eventHandlers[eventType]) eventHandlers[eventType](e, itemVM, parentVM, collection, bindings); }.bind(undefined, e, viewModel, allBindings, options[e]); }); viewModel._sortable = Sortable.create(element, options); //Destroy the sortable if knockout disposes the element it's connected to ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () { viewModel._sortable.destroy(); }); return ko.bindingHandlers.template.init(element, valueAccessor); }, update = function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext, sortableOptions) { //There seems to be some problems with updating the options of a sortable //Tested to change eventhandlers and the group options without any luck return ko.bindingHandlers.template.update(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext); }, eventHandlers = (function (handlers) { var moveOperations = [], tryMoveOperation = function (e, itemVM, parentVM, collection, parentBindings) { //A move operation is the combination of a add and remove event, this is to make sure that we have both the target and origin collections var currentOperation = { event: e, itemVM: itemVM, parentVM: parentVM, collection: collection, parentBindings: parentBindings }, existingOperation = moveOperations.filter(function (op) { return op.itemVM === currentOperation.itemVM; })[0]; if (!existingOperation) { moveOperations.push(currentOperation); } else { //We're finishing the operation and already have a handle on the operation item meaning that it's safe to remove it moveOperations.splice(moveOperations.indexOf(existingOperation), 1); var removeOperation = currentOperation.event.type === 'remove' ? currentOperation : existingOperation, addOperation = currentOperation.event.type === 'add' ? currentOperation : existingOperation; moveItem(itemVM, removeOperation.collection, addOperation.collection, addOperation.event.clone, addOperation.event); } }, //Moves an item from the to (collection to from (collection), these can be references to the same collection which means it's a sort, //clone indicates if we should move or copy the item into the new collection moveItem = function (itemVM, from, to, clone, e) { //Unwrapping this allows us to manipulate the actual array var fromArray = from(), //It's not certain that the items actual index is the same as the index reported by sortable due to filtering etc. originalIndex = fromArray.indexOf(itemVM), newIndex = e.newIndex; if (e.item.previousElementSibling) newIndex = fromArray.indexOf(ko.dataFor(e.item.previousElementSibling)); if (originalIndex > newIndex) newIndex = newIndex + 1; //Remove sortables "unbound" element e.item.parentNode.removeChild(e.item); //This splice is necessary for both clone and move/sort //In sort/move since it shouldn't be at this index/in this array anymore //In clone since we have to work around knockouts valuHasMutated when manipulating arrays and avoid a "unbound" item added by sortable fromArray.splice(originalIndex, 1); //Update the array, this will also remove sortables "unbound" clone from.valueHasMutated(); if (clone && from !== to) { //Readd the item fromArray.splice(originalIndex, 0, itemVM); //Force knockout to update from.valueHasMutated(); } //Insert the item on its new position to().splice(newIndex, 0, itemVM); //Make sure to tell knockout that we've modified the actual array. to.valueHasMutated(); }; handlers.onRemove = tryMoveOperation; handlers.onAdd = tryMoveOperation; handlers.onUpdate = function (e, itemVM, parentVM, collection, parentBindings) { //This will be performed as a sort since the to/from collections reference the same collection and clone is set to false moveItem(itemVM, collection, collection, false, e); }; return handlers; })({}), //bindingOptions are the options set in the "data-bind" attribute in the ui. //options are custom options, for instance draggable/sortable specific options buildOptions = function (bindingOptions, options) { //deep clone/copy of properties from the "from" argument onto the "into" argument and returns the modified "into" var merge = function (into, from) { for (var prop in from) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(from[prop]) === '[object Object]') { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(into[prop]) !== '[object Object]') { into[prop] = {}; } into[prop] = merge(into[prop], from[prop]); } else into[prop] = from[prop]; } return into; }, //unwrap the supplied options unwrappedOptions = ko.utils.peekObservable(bindingOptions()).options || {}; //Make sure that we don't modify the provided settings object options = merge({}, options); //group is handled differently since we should both allow to change a draggable to a sortable (and vice versa), //but still be able to set a name on a draggable without it becoming a drop target. if (unwrappedOptions.group && Object.prototype.toString.call(unwrappedOptions.group) !== '[object Object]') { //group property is a name string declaration, convert to object. unwrappedOptions.group = { name: unwrappedOptions.group }; } return merge(options, unwrappedOptions); }; ko.bindingHandlers.draggable = { sortableOptions: { group: { pull: 'clone', put: false }, sort: false }, init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { return init(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext, ko.bindingHandlers.draggable.sortableOptions); }, update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { return update(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext, ko.bindingHandlers.draggable.sortableOptions); } }; ko.bindingHandlers.sortable = { sortableOptions: { group: { pull: true, put: true } }, init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { return init(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext, ko.bindingHandlers.sortable.sortableOptions); }, update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { return update(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext, ko.bindingHandlers.sortable.sortableOptions); } }; })();