/ *
TimelineJS - ver . 2.35 . 4 - 2015 - 02 - 17
Copyright ( c ) 2012 - 2013 Northwestern University
a project of the Northwestern University Knight Lab , originally created by Zach Wise
https : //github.com/NUKnightLab/TimelineJS
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v . 2.0 .
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at http : //mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* /
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * *
* VéritéCo JS Core
* Designed and built by Zach Wise at VéritéCo zach @ verite . co
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License , v . 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file , You can obtain one at http : //mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* /
/ * S i m p l e J a v a S c r i p t I n h e r i t a n c e
By John Resig http : //ejohn.org/
MIT Licensed .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
( function ( ) {
var initializing = false ,
fnTest = /xyz/ . test ( function ( ) {
xyz ;
} ) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/ ;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
this . Class = function ( ) { } ;
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class . extend = function ( prop ) {
var _super = this . prototype ;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the init constructor)
initializing = true ;
var prototype = new this ( ) ;
initializing = false ;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for ( var name in prop ) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
prototype [ name ] = typeof prop [ name ] == "function" &&
typeof _super [ name ] == "function" && fnTest . test ( prop [ name ] ) ?
( function ( name , fn ) {
return function ( ) {
var tmp = this . _super ;
// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
// but on the super-class
this . _super = _super [ name ] ;
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
// remove it when we're done executing
var ret = fn . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
this . _super = tmp ;
return ret ;
} ;
} ) ( name , prop [ name ] ) :
prop [ name ] ;
// The dummy class constructor
function Class ( ) {
// All construction is actually done in the init method
if ( ! initializing && this . init )
this . init . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
// Populate our constructed prototype object
Class . prototype = prototype ;
// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
Class . prototype . constructor = Class ;
// And make this class extendable
Class . extend = arguments . callee ;
return Class ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
/ * A c c e s s t o t h e G l o b a l O b j e c t
access the global object without hard - coding the identifier window
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
var global = ( function ( ) {
return this || ( 1 , eval ) ( 'this' ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
/ * V M M
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM == 'undefined' ) {
/ * M a i n S c o p e C o n t a i n e r
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
//var VMM = {};
var VMM = Class . extend ( { } ) ;
/ * D e b u g
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
VMM . debug = true ;
/ * M a s t e r C o n f i g
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
VMM . master _config = ( {
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
sizes : {
api : {
width : 0 ,
height : 0
} ,
vp : "Pellentesque nibh felis, eleifend id, commodo in, interdum vitae, leo" ,
api _keys _master : {
flickr : "RAIvxHY4hE/Elm5cieh4X5ptMyDpj7MYIxziGxi0WGCcy1s+yr7rKQ==" ,
//google: "jwNGnYw4hE9lmAez4ll0QD+jo6SKBJFknkopLS4FrSAuGfIwyj57AusuR0s8dAo=",
google : "uQKadH1VMlCsp560gN2aOiMz4evWkl1s34yryl3F/9FJOsn+/948CbBUvKLN46U=" ,
twitter : ""
} ,
timers : {
api : 7000
} ,
api : {
pushques : [ ]
} ,
twitter : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
flickr : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
youtube : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
vimeo : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
vine : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
webthumb : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
googlemaps : {
active : false ,
map _active : false ,
places _active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
googledocs : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
googleplus : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ,
wikipedia : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ] ,
tries : 0
} ,
soundcloud : {
active : false ,
array : [ ] ,
api _loaded : false ,
que : [ ]
} ) . init ( ) ;
//VMM.createElement(tag, value, cName, attrs, styles);
VMM . createElement = function ( tag , value , cName , attrs , styles ) {
var ce = "" ;
if ( tag != null && tag != "" ) {
// TAG
ce += "<" + tag ;
if ( cName != null && cName != "" ) {
ce += " class='" + cName + "'" ;
} ;
if ( attrs != null && attrs != "" ) {
ce += " " + attrs ;
} ;
if ( styles != null && styles != "" ) {
ce += " style='" + styles + "'" ;
} ;
ce += ">" ;
if ( value != null && value != "" ) {
ce += value ;
ce = ce + "</" + tag + ">" ;
return ce ;
} ;
VMM . createMediaElement = function ( media , caption , credit ) {
var ce = "" ;
var _valid = false ;
ce += "<div class='media'>" ;
if ( media != null && media != "" ) {
valid = true ;
ce += "<img src='" + media + "'>" ;
if ( credit != null && credit != "" ) {
ce += VMM . createElement ( "div" , credit , "credit" ) ;
if ( caption != null && caption != "" ) {
ce += VMM . createElement ( "div" , caption , "caption" ) ;
ce += "</div>" ;
return ce ;
} ;
// Hide URL Bar for iOS and Android by Scott Jehl
// https://gist.github.com/1183357
VMM . hideUrlBar = function ( ) {
var win = window ,
doc = win . document ;
// If there's a hash, or addEventListener is undefined, stop here
if ( ! location . hash || ! win . addEventListener ) {
//scroll to 1
window . scrollTo ( 0 , 1 ) ;
var scrollTop = 1 ,
//reset to 0 on bodyready, if needed
bodycheck = setInterval ( function ( ) {
if ( doc . body ) {
clearInterval ( bodycheck ) ;
scrollTop = "scrollTop" in doc . body ? doc . body . scrollTop : 1 ;
win . scrollTo ( 0 , scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 ) ;
} , 15 ) ;
win . addEventListener ( "load" , function ( ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
//reset to hide addr bar at onload
win . scrollTo ( 0 , scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 ) ;
} , 0 ) ;
} , false ) ;
} ;
/ * T r a c e ( c o n s o l e . l o g )
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function trace ( msg ) {
if ( VMM . debug ) {
if ( window . console ) {
console . log ( msg ) ;
} else if ( typeof ( jsTrace ) != 'undefined' ) {
jsTrace . send ( msg ) ;
} else {
/ * E x t e n d i n g D a t e t o i n c l u d e W e e k
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
Date . prototype . getWeek = function ( ) {
var onejan = new Date ( this . getFullYear ( ) , 0 , 1 ) ;
return Math . ceil ( ( ( ( this - onejan ) / 86400000 ) + onejan . getDay ( ) + 1 ) / 7 ) ;
/ * E x t e n d i n g D a t e t o i n c l u d e D a y o f Y e a r
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
Date . prototype . getDayOfYear = function ( ) {
var onejan = new Date ( this . getFullYear ( ) , 0 , 1 ) ;
return Math . ceil ( ( this - onejan ) / 86400000 ) ;
/ * A M O R E S P E C I F I C T Y P E O F ( ) ;
// http://rolandog.com/archives/2007/01/18/typeof-a-more-specific-typeof/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// type.of()
var is = {
Null : function ( a ) { return a === null ; } ,
Undefined : function ( a ) { return a === undefined ; } ,
nt : function ( a ) { return ( a === null || a === undefined ) ; } ,
Function : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "function" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /Function/ ) !== null : false ; } ,
String : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "string" ) ? true : ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /string/i ) !== null : false ; } ,
Array : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /array/i ) !== null || a . length !== undefined : false ; } ,
Boolean : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "boolean" ) ? true : ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /boolean/i ) !== null : false ; } ,
Date : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "date" ) ? true : ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /date/i ) !== null : false ; } ,
HTML : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /html/i ) !== null : false ; } ,
Number : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "number" ) ? true : ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /Number/ ) !== null : false ; } ,
Object : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "object" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /object/i ) !== null : false ; } ,
RegExp : function ( a ) { return ( typeof ( a ) === "function" ) ? a . constructor . toString ( ) . match ( /regexp/i ) !== null : false ; }
} ;
var type = {
of : function ( a ) {
for ( var i in is ) {
if ( is [ i ] ( a ) ) {
return i . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Library . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * L I B R A R Y A B S T R A C T I O N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' ) {
VMM . smoothScrollTo = function ( elem , duration , ease ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
var _ease = "easein" ,
_duration = 1000 ;
if ( duration != null ) {
if ( duration < 1 ) {
_duration = 1 ;
} else {
_duration = Math . round ( duration ) ;
if ( ease != null && ease != "" ) {
_ease = ease ;
if ( jQuery ( window ) . scrollTop ( ) != VMM . Lib . offset ( elem ) . top ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( 'html,body' , _duration , _ease , { scrollTop : VMM . Lib . offset ( elem ) . top } )
} ;
VMM . attachElement = function ( element , content ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . html ( content ) ;
} ;
VMM . appendElement = function ( element , content ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . append ( content ) ;
} ;
VMM . getHTML = function ( element ) {
var e ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
e = jQuery ( element ) . html ( ) ;
return e ;
} ;
VMM . getElement = function ( element , p ) {
var e ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
if ( p ) {
e = jQuery ( element ) . parent ( ) . get ( 0 ) ;
} else {
e = jQuery ( element ) . get ( 0 ) ;
return e ;
} ;
VMM . bindEvent = function ( element , the _handler , the _event _type , event _data ) {
var e ;
var _event _type = "click" ;
var _event _data = { } ;
if ( the _event _type != null && the _event _type != "" ) {
_event _type = the _event _type ;
if ( _event _data != null && _event _data != "" ) {
_event _data = event _data ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . bind ( _event _type , _event _data , the _handler ) ;
//return e;
} ;
VMM . unbindEvent = function ( element , the _handler , the _event _type ) {
var e ;
var _event _type = "click" ;
var _event _data = { } ;
if ( the _event _type != null && the _event _type != "" ) {
_event _type = the _event _type ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . unbind ( _event _type , the _handler ) ;
//return e;
} ;
VMM . fireEvent = function ( element , the _event _type , the _data ) {
var e ;
var _event _type = "click" ;
var _data = [ ] ;
if ( the _event _type != null && the _event _type != "" ) {
_event _type = the _event _type ;
if ( the _data != null && the _data != "" ) {
_data = the _data ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . trigger ( _event _type , _data ) ;
//return e;
} ;
VMM . getJSON = function ( url , data , callback ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery . ajaxSetup ( {
timeout : 3000
} ) ;
/ * C H E C K F O R I E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( VMM . Browser . browser == "Explorer" &&
parseInt ( VMM . Browser . version , 10 ) >= 7 &&
window . XDomainRequest &&
url . match ( '^https?://' ) ) {
trace ( "old IE JSON doesn't like retrieving from different protocol" ) ;
var colon = url . indexOf ( ':' ) ;
url = url . substr ( colon + 1 ) ;
return jQuery . getJSON ( url , data , callback ) ;
VMM . parseJSON = function ( the _json ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery . parseJSON ( the _json ) ;
VMM . appendAndGetElement = function ( append _to _element , tag , cName , content ) {
var e ,
_tag = "<div>" ,
_class = "" ,
_content = "" ,
_id = "" ;
if ( tag != null && tag != "" ) {
_tag = tag ;
if ( cName != null && cName != "" ) {
_class = cName ;
if ( content != null && content != "" ) {
_content = content ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
e = jQuery ( tag ) ;
e . addClass ( _class ) ;
e . html ( _content ) ;
jQuery ( append _to _element ) . append ( e ) ;
return e ;
} ;
VMM . Lib = {
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
hide : function ( element , duration ) {
if ( duration != null && duration != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . hide ( duration ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . hide ( ) ;
} ,
remove : function ( element ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . remove ( ) ;
} ,
detach : function ( element ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . detach ( ) ;
} ,
append : function ( element , value ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . append ( value ) ;
} ,
prepend : function ( element , value ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . prepend ( value ) ;
} ,
show : function ( element , duration ) {
if ( duration != null && duration != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . show ( duration ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . show ( ) ;
} ,
load : function ( element , callback _function , event _data ) {
var _event _data = { elem : element } ; // return element by default
if ( _event _data != null && _event _data != "" ) {
_event _data = event _data ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . load ( _event _data , callback _function ) ;
} ,
addClass : function ( element , cName ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . addClass ( cName ) ;
} ,
removeClass : function ( element , cName ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . removeClass ( cName ) ;
} ,
attr : function ( element , aName , value ) {
if ( value != null && value != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . attr ( aName , value ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . attr ( aName ) ;
} ,
prop : function ( element , aName , value ) {
if ( typeof jQuery == 'undefined' || ! /[1-9]\.[3-9].[1-9]/ . test ( jQuery . fn . jquery ) ) {
VMM . Lib . attribute ( element , aName , value ) ;
} else {
jQuery ( element ) . prop ( aName , value ) ;
} ,
attribute : function ( element , aName , value ) {
if ( value != null && value != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . attr ( aName , value ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . attr ( aName ) ;
} ,
visible : function ( element , show ) {
if ( show != null ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
if ( show ) {
jQuery ( element ) . show ( 0 ) ;
} else {
jQuery ( element ) . hide ( 0 ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
if ( jQuery ( element ) . is ( ':visible' ) ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
} ,
css : function ( element , prop , value ) {
if ( value != null && value != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . css ( prop , value ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . css ( prop ) ;
} ,
cssmultiple : function ( element , propval ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . css ( propval ) ;
} ,
offset : function ( element ) {
var p ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
p = jQuery ( element ) . offset ( ) ;
return p ;
} ,
position : function ( element ) {
var p ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
p = jQuery ( element ) . position ( ) ;
return p ;
} ,
width : function ( element , s ) {
if ( s != null && s != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . width ( s ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . width ( ) ;
} ,
height : function ( element , s ) {
if ( s != null && s != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . height ( s ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . height ( ) ;
} ,
toggleClass : function ( element , cName ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . toggleClass ( cName ) ;
} ,
each : function ( element , return _function ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . each ( return _function ) ;
} ,
html : function ( element , str ) {
var e ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
e = jQuery ( element ) . html ( ) ;
return e ;
if ( str != null && str != "" ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . html ( str ) ;
} else {
var e ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
e = jQuery ( element ) . html ( ) ;
return e ;
} ,
find : function ( element , selec ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
return jQuery ( element ) . find ( selec ) ;
} ,
stop : function ( element ) {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . stop ( ) ;
} ,
delay _animate : function ( delay , element , duration , ease , att , callback _function ) {
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" || VMM . Browser . device == "tablet" ) {
var _tdd = Math . round ( ( duration / 1500 ) * 10 ) / 10 ,
_ _duration = _tdd + 's' ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-webkit-transition' , 'all ' + _ _duration + ' ease' ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-moz-transition' , 'all ' + _ _duration + ' ease' ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-o-transition' , 'all ' + _ _duration + ' ease' ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-ms-transition' , 'all ' + _ _duration + ' ease' ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , 'transition' , 'all ' + _ _duration + ' ease' ) ;
VMM . Lib . cssmultiple ( element , _att ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
jQuery ( element ) . delay ( delay ) . animate ( att , { duration : duration , easing : ease } ) ;
} ,
animate : function ( element , duration , ease , att , que , callback _function ) {
var _ease = "easein" ,
_que = false ,
_duration = 1000 ,
_att = { } ;
if ( duration != null ) {
if ( duration < 1 ) {
_duration = 1 ;
} else {
_duration = Math . round ( duration ) ;
if ( ease != null && ease != "" ) {
_ease = ease ;
if ( que != null && que != "" ) {
_que = que ;
if ( att != null ) {
_att = att
} else {
_att = { opacity : 0 }
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" || VMM . Browser . device == "tablet" ) {
var _tdd = Math . round ( ( _duration / 1500 ) * 10 ) / 10 ,
_ _duration = _tdd + 's' ;
_ease = " cubic-bezier(0.33, 0.66, 0.66, 1)" ;
//_ease = " ease-in-out";
for ( x in _att ) {
if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( _att , x ) ) {
trace ( x + " to " + _att [ x ] ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-webkit-transition' , x + ' ' + _ _duration + _ease ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-moz-transition' , x + ' ' + _ _duration + _ease ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-o-transition' , x + ' ' + _ _duration + _ease ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , '-ms-transition' , x + ' ' + _ _duration + _ease ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( element , 'transition' , x + ' ' + _ _duration + _ease ) ;
VMM . Lib . cssmultiple ( element , _att ) ;
} else {
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
if ( callback _function != null && callback _function != "" ) {
jQuery ( element ) . animate ( _att , { queue : _que , duration : _duration , easing : _ease , complete : callback _function } ) ;
} else {
jQuery ( element ) . animate ( _att , { queue : _que , duration : _duration , easing : _ease } ) ;
if ( typeof ( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ) {
/ * X D R A J A X E X T E N T I O N F O R j Q u e r y
https : //github.com/jaubourg/ajaxHooks/blob/master/src/ajax/xdr.js
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
( function ( jQuery ) {
if ( window . XDomainRequest ) {
jQuery . ajaxTransport ( function ( s ) {
if ( s . crossDomain && s . async ) {
if ( s . timeout ) {
s . xdrTimeout = s . timeout ;
delete s . timeout ;
var xdr ;
return {
send : function ( _ , complete ) {
function callback ( status , statusText , responses , responseHeaders ) {
xdr . onload = xdr . onerror = xdr . ontimeout = jQuery . noop ;
xdr = undefined ;
complete ( status , statusText , responses , responseHeaders ) ;
xdr = new XDomainRequest ( ) ;
xdr . open ( s . type , s . url ) ;
xdr . onload = function ( ) {
callback ( 200 , "OK" , { text : xdr . responseText } , "Content-Type: " + xdr . contentType ) ;
} ;
xdr . onerror = function ( ) {
callback ( 404 , "Not Found" ) ;
} ;
if ( s . xdrTimeout ) {
xdr . ontimeout = function ( ) {
callback ( 0 , "timeout" ) ;
} ;
xdr . timeout = s . xdrTimeout ;
xdr . send ( ( s . hasContent && s . data ) || null ) ;
} ,
abort : function ( ) {
if ( xdr ) {
xdr . onerror = jQuery . noop ( ) ;
xdr . abort ( ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery ) ;
/ * j Q u e r y E a s i n g v 1 . 3
http : //gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
jQuery . easing [ 'jswing' ] = jQuery . easing [ 'swing' ] ;
jQuery . extend ( jQuery . easing , {
def : 'easeOutQuad' ,
swing : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
return jQuery . easing [ jQuery . easing . def ] ( x , t , b , c , d ) ;
} ,
easeInExpo : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
return ( t == 0 ) ? b : c * Math . pow ( 2 , 10 * ( t / d - 1 ) ) + b ;
} ,
easeOutExpo : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
return ( t == d ) ? b + c : c * ( - Math . pow ( 2 , - 10 * t / d ) + 1 ) + b ;
} ,
easeInOutExpo : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
if ( t == 0 ) return b ;
if ( t == d ) return b + c ;
if ( ( t /= d / 2 ) < 1 ) return c / 2 * Math . pow ( 2 , 10 * ( t - 1 ) ) + b ;
return c / 2 * ( - Math . pow ( 2 , - 10 * -- t ) + 2 ) + b ;
} ,
easeInQuad : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
return c * ( t /= d ) * t + b ;
} ,
easeOutQuad : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
return - c * ( t /= d ) * ( t - 2 ) + b ;
} ,
easeInOutQuad : function ( x , t , b , c , d ) {
if ( ( t /= d / 2 ) < 1 ) return c / 2 * t * t + b ;
return - c / 2 * ( ( -- t ) * ( t - 2 ) - 1 ) + b ;
} ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Browser . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * D E V I C E A N D B R O W S E R D E T E C T I O N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Browser == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Browser = {
init : function ( ) {
this . browser = this . searchString ( this . dataBrowser ) || "An unknown browser" ;
this . version = this . searchVersion ( navigator . userAgent )
|| this . searchVersion ( navigator . appVersion )
|| "an unknown version" ;
this . tridentVersion = this . searchTridentVersion ( navigator . userAgent ) ;
this . OS = this . searchString ( this . dataOS ) || "an unknown OS" ;
this . device = this . searchDevice ( navigator . userAgent ) ;
this . orientation = this . searchOrientation ( window . orientation ) ;
} ,
searchOrientation : function ( orientation ) {
var orient = "" ;
if ( orientation == 0 || orientation == 180 ) {
orient = "portrait" ;
} else if ( orientation == 90 || orientation == - 90 ) {
orient = "landscape" ;
} else {
orient = "normal" ;
return orient ;
} ,
searchDevice : function ( d ) {
var device = "" ;
if ( d . match ( /Android/i ) || d . match ( /iPhone|iPod/i ) ) {
device = "mobile" ;
} else if ( d . match ( /iPad/i ) ) {
device = "tablet" ;
} else if ( d . match ( /BlackBerry/i ) || d . match ( /IEMobile/i ) ) {
device = "other mobile" ;
} else {
device = "desktop" ;
return device ;
} ,
searchString : function ( data ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++ ) {
var dataString = data [ i ] . string ,
dataProp = data [ i ] . prop ;
this . versionSearchString = data [ i ] . versionSearch || data [ i ] . identity ;
if ( dataString ) {
if ( dataString . indexOf ( data [ i ] . subString ) != - 1 ) {
return data [ i ] . identity ;
} else if ( dataProp ) {
return data [ i ] . identity ;
} ,
searchVersion : function ( dataString ) {
var index = dataString . indexOf ( this . versionSearchString ) ;
if ( index == - 1 ) return ;
return parseFloat ( dataString . substring ( index + this . versionSearchString . length + 1 ) ) ;
} ,
searchTridentVersion : function ( dataString ) {
var index = dataString . indexOf ( "Trident/" ) ;
if ( index == - 1 ) return 0 ;
return parseFloat ( dataString . substring ( index + 8 ) ) ;
} ,
dataBrowser : [
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "Chrome" ,
identity : "Chrome"
} ,
{ string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "OmniWeb" ,
versionSearch : "OmniWeb/" ,
identity : "OmniWeb"
} ,
string : navigator . vendor ,
subString : "Apple" ,
identity : "Safari" ,
versionSearch : "Version"
} ,
prop : window . opera ,
identity : "Opera" ,
versionSearch : "Version"
} ,
string : navigator . vendor ,
subString : "iCab" ,
identity : "iCab"
} ,
string : navigator . vendor ,
subString : "KDE" ,
identity : "Konqueror"
} ,
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "Firefox" ,
identity : "Firefox"
} ,
string : navigator . vendor ,
subString : "Camino" ,
identity : "Camino"
} ,
{ // for newer Netscapes (6+)
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "Netscape" ,
identity : "Netscape"
} ,
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "MSIE" ,
identity : "Explorer" ,
versionSearch : "MSIE"
} ,
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "Gecko" ,
identity : "Mozilla" ,
versionSearch : "rv"
} ,
{ // for older Netscapes (4-)
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "Mozilla" ,
identity : "Netscape" ,
versionSearch : "Mozilla"
] ,
dataOS : [
string : navigator . platform ,
subString : "Win" ,
identity : "Windows"
} ,
string : navigator . platform ,
subString : "Mac" ,
identity : "Mac"
} ,
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "iPhone" ,
identity : "iPhone/iPod"
} ,
string : navigator . userAgent ,
subString : "iPad" ,
identity : "iPad"
} ,
string : navigator . platform ,
subString : "Linux" ,
identity : "Linux"
VMM . Browser . init ( ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . FileExtention . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * F i l e E x t e n t i o n
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . FileExtention == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . FileExtention = {
googleDocType : function ( url ) {
var fileName = url . replace ( /\s\s*$/ , '' ) ,
fileExtension = "" ,
validFileExtensions = [ "DOC" , "DOCX" , "XLS" , "XLSX" , "PPT" , "PPTX" , "PDF" , "PAGES" , "AI" , "PSD" , "TIFF" , "DXF" , "SVG" , "EPS" , "PS" , "TTF" , "XPS" , "ZIP" , "RAR" ] ,
flag = false ;
fileExtension = fileName . substr ( fileName . length - 5 , 5 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < validFileExtensions . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( fileExtension . toLowerCase ( ) . match ( validFileExtensions [ i ] . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) || fileName . match ( "docs.google.com" ) ) {
flag = true ;
return flag ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Date . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * U t i l i t i e s a n d U s e f u l F u n c t i o n s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Date == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Date = ( {
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
dateformats : {
year : "yyyy" ,
month _short : "mmm" ,
month : "mmmm yyyy" ,
full _short : "mmm d" ,
full : "mmmm d',' yyyy" ,
time _short : "h:MM:ss TT" ,
time _no _seconds _short : "h:MM TT" ,
time _no _seconds _small _date : "h:MM TT'<br/><small>'mmmm d',' yyyy'</small>'" ,
full _long : "mmm d',' yyyy 'at' hh:MM TT" ,
full _long _small _date : "hh:MM TT'<br/><small>mmm d',' yyyy'</small>'"
} ,
month : [ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December" ] ,
month _abbr : [ "Jan." , "Feb." , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "Aug." , "Sept." , "Oct." , "Nov." , "Dec." ] ,
day : [ "Sunday" , "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" ] ,
day _abbr : [ "Sun." , "Mon." , "Tues." , "Wed." , "Thurs." , "Fri." , "Sat." ] ,
hour : [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ] ,
hour _suffix : [ "am" ] ,
bc _format : {
year : "yyyy" ,
month _short : "mmm" ,
month : "mmmm yyyy" ,
full _short : "mmm d" ,
full : "mmmm d',' yyyy" ,
time _no _seconds _short : "h:MM TT" ,
time _no _seconds _small _date : "dddd', 'h:MM TT'<br/><small>'mmmm d',' yyyy'</small>'" ,
full _long : "dddd',' mmm d',' yyyy 'at' hh:MM TT" ,
full _long _small _date : "hh:MM TT'<br/><small>'dddd',' mmm d',' yyyy'</small>'"
} ,
setLanguage : function ( lang ) {
trace ( "SET DATE LANGUAGE" ) ;
VMM . Date . dateformats = lang . dateformats ;
VMM . Date . month = lang . date . month ;
VMM . Date . month _abbr = lang . date . month _abbr ;
VMM . Date . day = lang . date . day ;
VMM . Date . day _abbr = lang . date . day _abbr ;
dateFormat . i18n . dayNames = lang . date . day _abbr . concat ( lang . date . day ) ;
dateFormat . i18n . monthNames = lang . date . month _abbr . concat ( lang . date . month ) ;
} ,
parse : function ( d , precision ) {
"use strict" ;
var date ,
date _array ,
time _array ,
time _parse ,
p = {
year : false ,
month : false ,
day : false ,
hour : false ,
minute : false ,
second : false ,
millisecond : false
} ;
if ( type . of ( d ) == "date" ) {
trace ( "DEBUG THIS, ITs A DATE" ) ;
date = d ;
} else {
date = new Date ( 0 ) ;
date . setMonth ( 0 ) ; date . setDate ( 1 ) ; date . setHours ( 0 ) ; date . setMinutes ( 0 ) ; date . setSeconds ( 0 ) ; date . setMilliseconds ( 0 ) ;
if ( d . match ( /,/gi ) ) {
date _array = d . split ( "," ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < date _array . length ; i ++ ) {
date _array [ i ] = parseInt ( date _array [ i ] , 10 ) ;
if ( date _array [ 0 ] ) {
date . setFullYear ( date _array [ 0 ] ) ;
p . year = true ;
if ( date _array [ 1 ] ) {
date . setMonth ( date _array [ 1 ] - 1 ) ;
p . month = true ;
if ( date _array [ 2 ] ) {
date . setDate ( date _array [ 2 ] ) ;
p . day = true ;
if ( date _array [ 3 ] ) {
date . setHours ( date _array [ 3 ] ) ;
p . hour = true ;
if ( date _array [ 4 ] ) {
date . setMinutes ( date _array [ 4 ] ) ;
p . minute = true ;
if ( date _array [ 5 ] ) {
date . setSeconds ( date _array [ 5 ] ) ;
if ( date _array [ 5 ] >= 1 ) {
p . second = true ;
if ( date _array [ 6 ] ) {
date . setMilliseconds ( date _array [ 6 ] ) ;
if ( date _array [ 6 ] >= 1 ) {
p . millisecond = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "/" ) ) {
if ( d . match ( " " ) ) {
time _parse = d . split ( " " ) ;
if ( d . match ( ":" ) ) {
time _array = time _parse [ 1 ] . split ( ":" ) ;
if ( time _array [ 0 ] >= 0 ) {
date . setHours ( time _array [ 0 ] ) ;
p . hour = true ;
if ( time _array [ 1 ] >= 0 ) {
date . setMinutes ( time _array [ 1 ] ) ;
p . minute = true ;
if ( time _array [ 2 ] >= 0 ) {
date . setSeconds ( time _array [ 2 ] ) ;
p . second = true ;
if ( time _array [ 3 ] >= 0 ) {
date . setMilliseconds ( time _array [ 3 ] ) ;
p . millisecond = true ;
date _array = time _parse [ 0 ] . split ( "/" ) ;
} else {
date _array = d . split ( "/" ) ;
if ( date _array [ 2 ] ) {
date . setFullYear ( date _array [ 2 ] ) ;
p . year = true ;
if ( date _array [ 0 ] >= 0 ) {
var month = date _array [ 0 ] - 1 ;
date . setMonth ( month ) ;
// if (date.getMonth() != month) {
// date.setMonth(month); // WTF javascript?
// }
p . month = true ;
if ( date _array [ 1 ] >= 0 ) {
if ( date _array [ 1 ] . length > 2 ) {
date . setFullYear ( date _array [ 1 ] ) ;
p . year = true ;
} else {
date . setDate ( date _array [ 1 ] ) ;
p . day = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "now" ) ) {
var now = new Date ( ) ;
date . setFullYear ( now . getFullYear ( ) ) ;
p . year = true ;
date . setMonth ( now . getMonth ( ) ) ;
p . month = true ;
date . setDate ( now . getDate ( ) ) ;
p . day = true ;
if ( d . match ( "hours" ) ) {
date . setHours ( now . getHours ( ) ) ;
p . hour = true ;
if ( d . match ( "minutes" ) ) {
date . setHours ( now . getHours ( ) ) ;
date . setMinutes ( now . getMinutes ( ) ) ;
p . hour = true ;
p . minute = true ;
if ( d . match ( "seconds" ) ) {
date . setHours ( now . getHours ( ) ) ;
date . setMinutes ( now . getMinutes ( ) ) ;
date . setSeconds ( now . getSeconds ( ) ) ;
p . hour = true ;
p . minute = true ;
p . second = true ;
if ( d . match ( "milliseconds" ) ) {
date . setHours ( now . getHours ( ) ) ;
date . setMinutes ( now . getMinutes ( ) ) ;
date . setSeconds ( now . getSeconds ( ) ) ;
date . setMilliseconds ( now . getMilliseconds ( ) ) ;
p . hour = true ;
p . minute = true ;
p . second = true ;
p . millisecond = true ;
} else if ( d . length <= 8 ) {
p . year = true ;
date . setFullYear ( parseInt ( d , 10 ) ) ;
date . setMonth ( 0 ) ;
date . setDate ( 1 ) ;
date . setHours ( 0 ) ;
date . setMinutes ( 0 ) ;
date . setSeconds ( 0 ) ;
date . setMilliseconds ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( d . match ( "T" ) ) {
if ( navigator . userAgent . match ( /MSIE\s(?!9.0)/ ) ) {
// IE 8 < Won't accept dates with a "-" in them.
time _parse = d . split ( "T" ) ;
if ( d . match ( ":" ) ) {
time _array = time _parse [ 1 ] . split ( ":" ) ;
if ( time _array [ 0 ] >= 1 ) {
date . setHours ( time _array [ 0 ] ) ;
p . hour = true ;
if ( time _array [ 1 ] >= 1 ) {
date . setMinutes ( time _array [ 1 ] ) ;
p . minute = true ;
if ( time _array [ 2 ] >= 1 ) {
date . setSeconds ( time _array [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( time _array [ 2 ] >= 1 ) {
p . second = true ;
if ( time _array [ 3 ] >= 1 ) {
date . setMilliseconds ( time _array [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( time _array [ 3 ] >= 1 ) {
p . millisecond = true ;
date _array = time _parse [ 0 ] . split ( "-" ) ;
if ( date _array [ 0 ] ) {
date . setFullYear ( date _array [ 0 ] ) ;
p . year = true ;
if ( date _array [ 1 ] >= 0 ) {
date . setMonth ( date _array [ 1 ] - 1 ) ;
p . month = true ;
if ( date _array [ 2 ] >= 0 ) {
date . setDate ( date _array [ 2 ] ) ;
p . day = true ;
} else {
date = new Date ( Date . parse ( d ) ) ;
p . year = true ;
p . month = true ;
p . day = true ;
p . hour = true ;
p . minute = true ;
if ( date . getSeconds ( ) >= 1 ) {
p . second = true ;
if ( date . getMilliseconds ( ) >= 1 ) {
p . millisecond = true ;
} else {
date = new Date (
parseInt ( d . slice ( 0 , 4 ) , 10 ) ,
parseInt ( d . slice ( 4 , 6 ) , 10 ) - 1 ,
parseInt ( d . slice ( 6 , 8 ) , 10 ) ,
parseInt ( d . slice ( 8 , 10 ) , 10 ) ,
parseInt ( d . slice ( 10 , 12 ) , 10 )
) ;
p . year = true ;
p . month = true ;
p . day = true ;
p . hour = true ;
p . minute = true ;
if ( date . getSeconds ( ) >= 1 ) {
p . second = true ;
if ( date . getMilliseconds ( ) >= 1 ) {
p . millisecond = true ;
if ( precision != null && precision != "" ) {
return {
date : date ,
precision : p
} ;
} else {
return date ;
} ,
prettyDate : function ( d , is _abbr , p , d2 ) {
var _date ,
_date2 ,
format ,
bc _check ,
is _pair = false ,
bc _original ,
bc _number ,
bc _string ;
if ( d2 != null && d2 != "" && typeof d2 != 'undefined' ) {
is _pair = true ;
trace ( "D2 " + d2 ) ;
if ( type . of ( d ) == "date" ) {
if ( type . of ( p ) == "object" ) {
if ( p . millisecond || p . second && d . getSeconds ( ) >= 1 ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _short ;
} else if ( p . minute ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _small _date ;
} else if ( p . hour ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _small _date ;
} else if ( p . day ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . full _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . full ;
} else if ( p . month ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . month _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . month ;
} else if ( p . year ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . year ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . year ;
} else {
if ( d . getMonth ( ) === 0 && d . getDate ( ) == 1 && d . getHours ( ) === 0 && d . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . year ;
} else if ( d . getDate ( ) <= 1 && d . getHours ( ) === 0 && d . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . month _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . month ;
} else if ( d . getHours ( ) === 0 && d . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . full _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . full ;
} else if ( d . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _small _date ;
} else {
if ( is _abbr ) {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . time _no _seconds _short ;
} else {
format = VMM . Date . dateformats . full _long ;
_date = dateFormat ( d , format , false ) ;
//_date = "Jan"
bc _check = _date . split ( " " ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < bc _check . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( parseInt ( bc _check [ i ] , 10 ) < 0 ) {
trace ( "YEAR IS BC" ) ;
bc _original = bc _check [ i ] ;
bc _number = Math . abs ( parseInt ( bc _check [ i ] , 10 ) ) ;
bc _string = bc _number . toString ( ) + " B.C." ;
_date = _date . replace ( bc _original , bc _string ) ;
if ( is _pair ) {
_date2 = dateFormat ( d2 , format , false ) ;
bc _check = _date2 . split ( " " ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < bc _check . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( parseInt ( bc _check [ j ] , 10 ) < 0 ) {
trace ( "YEAR IS BC" ) ;
bc _original = bc _check [ j ] ;
bc _number = Math . abs ( parseInt ( bc _check [ j ] , 10 ) ) ;
bc _string = bc _number . toString ( ) + " B.C." ;
_date2 = _date2 . replace ( bc _original , bc _string ) ;
} else {
trace ( "NOT A VALID DATE?" ) ;
trace ( d ) ;
if ( is _pair ) {
return _date + " — " + _date2 ;
} else {
return _date ;
} ) . init ( ) ;
/ *
* Date Format 1.2 . 3
* ( c ) 2007 - 2009 Steven Levithan < stevenlevithan . com >
* MIT license
* Includes enhancements by Scott Trenda < scott . trenda . net >
* and Kris Kowal < cixar . com / ~ kris . kowal / >
* Accepts a date , a mask , or a date and a mask .
* Returns a formatted version of the given date .
* The date defaults to the current date / time .
* The mask defaults to dateFormat . masks . default .
* /
var dateFormat = function ( ) {
var token = /d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|([HhMsTt])\1?|[WLloSZ]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g ,
timezone = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g ,
timezoneClip = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g ,
pad = function ( val , len ) {
val = String ( val ) ;
len = len || 2 ;
while ( val . length < len ) val = "0" + val ;
return val ;
} ;
// Regexes and supporting functions are cached through closure
return function ( date , mask , utc ) {
var dF = dateFormat ;
// You can't provide utc if you skip other args (use the "UTC:" mask prefix)
if ( arguments . length == 1 && Object . prototype . toString . call ( date ) == "[object String]" && ! /\d/ . test ( date ) ) {
mask = date ;
date = undefined ;
// Passing date through Date applies Date.parse, if necessary
// Caused problems in IE
// date = date ? new Date(date) : new Date;
if ( isNaN ( date ) ) {
trace ( "invalid date " + date ) ;
//return "";
mask = String ( dF . masks [ mask ] || mask || dF . masks [ "default" ] ) ;
// Allow setting the utc argument via the mask
if ( mask . slice ( 0 , 4 ) == "UTC:" ) {
mask = mask . slice ( 4 ) ;
utc = true ;
var _ = utc ? "getUTC" : "get" ,
d = date [ _ + "Date" ] ( ) ,
D = date [ _ + "Day" ] ( ) ,
m = date [ _ + "Month" ] ( ) ,
y = date [ _ + "FullYear" ] ( ) ,
H = date [ _ + "Hours" ] ( ) ,
M = date [ _ + "Minutes" ] ( ) ,
s = date [ _ + "Seconds" ] ( ) ,
L = date [ _ + "Milliseconds" ] ( ) ,
W = date . getWeek ( ) ,
o = utc ? 0 : date . getTimezoneOffset ( ) ,
flags = {
d : d ,
dd : pad ( d ) ,
ddd : dF . i18n . dayNames [ D ] ,
dddd : dF . i18n . dayNames [ D + 7 ] ,
m : m + 1 ,
mm : pad ( m + 1 ) ,
mmm : dF . i18n . monthNames [ m ] ,
mmmm : dF . i18n . monthNames [ m + 12 ] ,
yy : String ( y ) . slice ( 2 ) ,
yyyy : y ,
h : H % 12 || 12 ,
hh : pad ( H % 12 || 12 ) ,
H : H ,
HH : pad ( H ) ,
M : M ,
MM : pad ( M ) ,
s : s ,
ss : pad ( s ) ,
l : pad ( L , 3 ) ,
L : pad ( L > 99 ? Math . round ( L / 10 ) : L ) ,
t : H < 12 ? "a" : "p" ,
tt : H < 12 ? "am" : "pm" ,
T : H < 12 ? "A" : "P" ,
TT : H < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" ,
Z : utc ? "UTC" : ( String ( date ) . match ( timezone ) || [ "" ] ) . pop ( ) . replace ( timezoneClip , "" ) ,
o : ( o > 0 ? "-" : "+" ) + pad ( Math . floor ( Math . abs ( o ) / 60 ) * 100 + Math . abs ( o ) % 60 , 4 ) ,
S : [ "th" , "st" , "nd" , "rd" ] [ d % 10 > 3 ? 0 : ( d % 100 - d % 10 != 10 ) * d % 10 ] ,
W : W
} ;
return mask . replace ( token , function ( $0 ) {
return $0 in flags ? flags [ $0 ] : $0 . slice ( 1 , $0 . length - 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ( ) ;
// Some common format strings
dateFormat . masks = {
"default" : "ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss" ,
shortDate : "m/d/yy" ,
mediumDate : "mmm d, yyyy" ,
longDate : "mmmm d, yyyy" ,
fullDate : "dddd, mmmm d, yyyy" ,
shortTime : "h:MM TT" ,
mediumTime : "h:MM:ss TT" ,
longTime : "h:MM:ss TT Z" ,
isoDate : "yyyy-mm-dd" ,
isoTime : "HH:MM:ss" ,
isoDateTime : "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss" ,
isoUtcDateTime : "UTC:yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss'Z'"
} ;
// Internationalization strings
dateFormat . i18n = {
dayNames : [
"Sun" , "Mon" , "Tue" , "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri" , "Sat" ,
"Sunday" , "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday"
] ,
monthNames : [
"Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" , "Jul" , "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec" ,
"January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December"
} ;
// For convenience...
Date . prototype . format = function ( mask , utc ) {
return dateFormat ( this , mask , utc ) ;
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Util . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * * U t i l i t i e s a n d U s e f u l F u n c t i o n s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Util == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Util = ( {
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
removeRange : function ( array , from , to ) { // rather than change Array.prototype; Thanks Jeff McWhirter for nudge
var rest = array . slice ( ( to || from ) + 1 || array . length ) ;
array . length = from < 0 ? array . length + from : from ;
return array . push . apply ( array , rest ) ;
} ,
/ * * C O R R E C T P R O T O C O L ( D O E S N O T W O R K )
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
correctProtocol : function ( url ) {
var loc = ( window . parent . location . protocol ) . toString ( ) ,
prefix = "" ,
the _url = url . split ( "://" , 2 ) ;
if ( loc . match ( "http" ) ) {
prefix = loc ;
} else {
prefix = "https" ;
return prefix + "://" + the _url [ 1 ] ;
} ,
/ * * M E R G E C O N F I G
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
mergeConfig : function ( config _main , config _to _merge ) {
var x ;
for ( x in config _to _merge ) {
if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( config _to _merge , x ) ) {
config _main [ x ] = config _to _merge [ x ] ;
return config _main ;
} ,
/ * * G E T O B J E C T A T T R I B U T E B Y I N D E X
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
getObjectAttributeByIndex : function ( obj , index ) {
if ( typeof obj != 'undefined' ) {
var i = 0 ;
for ( var attr in obj ) {
if ( index === i ) {
return obj [ attr ] ;
i ++ ;
return "" ;
} else {
return "" ;
} ,
/ * * O R D I N A L
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
ordinal : function ( n ) {
return [ "th" , "st" , "nd" , "rd" ] [ ( ! ( ( ( n % 10 ) > 3 ) || ( Math . floor ( n % 100 / 10 ) == 1 ) ) ) * ( n % 10 ) ] ;
} ,
/ * * R A N D O M B E T W E E N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
//VMM.Util.randomBetween(1, 3)
randomBetween : function ( min , max ) {
return Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * ( max - min + 1 ) + min ) ;
} ,
/ * * A V E R A G E
* http : //jsfromhell.com/array/average
* var x = VMM . Util . average ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) ;
* VMM . Util . average ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) . mean
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
average : function ( a ) {
var r = { mean : 0 , variance : 0 , deviation : 0 } , t = a . length ;
for ( var m , s = 0 , l = t ; l -- ; s += a [ l ] ) ;
for ( m = r . mean = s / t , l = t , s = 0 ; l -- ; s += Math . pow ( a [ l ] - m , 2 ) ) ;
return r . deviation = Math . sqrt ( r . variance = s / t ) , r ;
} ,
/ * * C U S T O M S O R T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
customSort : function ( a , b ) {
var a1 = a , b1 = b ;
if ( a1 == b1 ) return 0 ;
return a1 > b1 ? 1 : - 1 ;
} ,
/ * * R e m o v e D u p l i c a t e s f r o m A r r a y
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
deDupeArray : function ( arr ) {
var i ,
len = arr . length ,
out = [ ] ,
obj = { } ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
obj [ arr [ i ] ] = 0 ;
for ( i in obj ) {
out . push ( i ) ;
return out ;
} ,
/ * * R e t u r n s a w o r d c o u n t n u m b e r
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
wordCount : function ( s ) {
var fullStr = s + " " ;
var initial _whitespace _rExp = /^[^A-Za-z0-9\'\-]+/gi ;
var left _trimmedStr = fullStr . replace ( initial _whitespace _rExp , "" ) ;
var non _alphanumerics _rExp = /[^A-Za-z0-9\'\-]+/gi ;
var cleanedStr = left _trimmedStr . replace ( non _alphanumerics _rExp , " " ) ;
var splitString = cleanedStr . split ( " " ) ;
var word _count = splitString . length - 1 ;
if ( fullStr . length < 2 ) {
word _count = 0 ;
return word _count ;
} ,
ratio : {
fit : function ( w , h , ratio _w , ratio _h ) {
//VMM.Util.ratio.fit(w, h, ratio_w, ratio_h).width;
var _fit = { width : 0 , height : 0 } ;
_fit . width = w ;
//_fit.height = Math.round((h / ratio_h) * ratio_w);
_fit . height = Math . round ( ( w / ratio _w ) * ratio _h ) ;
if ( _fit . height > h ) {
_fit . height = h ;
//_fit.width = Math.round((w / ratio_w) * ratio_h);
_fit . width = Math . round ( ( h / ratio _h ) * ratio _w ) ;
if ( _fit . width > w ) {
trace ( "FIT: DIDN'T FIT!!! " )
return _fit ;
} ,
r16 _9 : function ( w , h ) {
//VMM.Util.ratio.r16_9(w, h) // Returns corresponding number
if ( w !== null && w !== "" ) {
return Math . round ( ( h / 16 ) * 9 ) ;
} else if ( h !== null && h !== "" ) {
return Math . round ( ( w / 9 ) * 16 ) ;
} ,
r4 _3 : function ( w , h ) {
if ( w !== null && w !== "" ) {
return Math . round ( ( h / 4 ) * 3 ) ;
} else if ( h !== null && h !== "" ) {
return Math . round ( ( w / 3 ) * 4 ) ;
} ,
doubledigit : function ( n ) {
return ( n < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + n ;
} ,
/ * * R e t u r n s a t r u n c a t e d s e g e m e n t o f a l o n g s t r i n g o f b e t w e e n m i n a n d m a x w o r d s . I f p o s s i b l e , e n d s o n a p e r i o d ( o t h e r w i s e g o e s t o m a x ) .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
truncateWords : function ( s , min , max ) {
if ( ! min ) min = 30 ;
if ( ! max ) max = min ;
var initial _whitespace _rExp = /^[^A-Za-z0-9\'\-]+/gi ;
var left _trimmedStr = s . replace ( initial _whitespace _rExp , "" ) ;
var words = left _trimmedStr . split ( " " ) ;
var result = [ ] ;
min = Math . min ( words . length , min ) ;
max = Math . min ( words . length , max ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < min ; i ++ ) {
result . push ( words [ i ] ) ;
for ( var j = min ; i < max ; i ++ ) {
var word = words [ i ] ;
result . push ( word ) ;
if ( word . charAt ( word . length - 1 ) == '.' ) {
break ;
return ( result . join ( ' ' ) ) ;
} ,
/ * * T u r n s p l a i n t e x t l i n k s i n t o r e a l l i n k s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
linkify : function ( text , targets , is _touch ) {
// http://, https://, ftp://
var urlPattern = /\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[a-z0-9-+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[a-z0-9-+&@#\/%=~_|]/gim ;
// www. sans http:// or https://
var pseudoUrlPattern = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim ;
// Email addresses
var emailAddressPattern = /(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@[a-zA-Z_]+?(?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}))+/gim ;
return text
. replace ( urlPattern , "<a target='_blank' href='$&' onclick='void(0)'>$&</a>" )
. replace ( pseudoUrlPattern , "$1<a target='_blank' onclick='void(0)' href='http://$2'>$2</a>" )
. replace ( emailAddressPattern , "<a target='_blank' onclick='void(0)' href='mailto:$1'>$1</a>" ) ;
} ,
linkify _with _twitter : function ( text , targets , is _touch ) {
// http://, https://, ftp://
var urlPattern = /\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[a-z0-9-+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[a-z0-9-+&@#\/%=~_|]/gim ;
var url _pattern = /(\()((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)(\))|(\[)((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)(\])|(\{)((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)(\})|(<|&(?:lt|#60|#x3c);)((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)(>|&(?:gt|#62|#x3e);)|((?:^|[^=\s'"\]])\s*['"]?|[^=\s]\s+)(\b(?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+(?:(?!&(?:gt|#0*62|#x0*3e);|&(?:amp|apos|quot|#0*3[49]|#x0*2[27]);[.!&',:?;]?(?:[^a-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]|$))&[a-z0-9\-._~!$'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]*)*[a-z0-9\-_~$()*+=\/#[\]@%])/img ;
var url _replace = '$1$4$7$10$13<a href="$2$5$8$11$14" target="_blank" class="hyphenate">$2$5$8$11$14</a>$3$6$9$12' ;
// www. sans http:// or https://
var pseudoUrlPattern = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim ;
function replaceURLWithHTMLLinks ( text ) {
var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/([-A-Z0-9+&@#%?=~_|!:,.;]*)([-A-Z0-9+&@#%?\/=~_|!:,.;]*)[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig ;
return text . replace ( exp , "<a href='$1' target='_blank'>$3</a>" ) ;
// Email addresses
var emailAddressPattern = /([a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)/gim ;
var twitterHandlePattern = /\B@([\w-]+)/gm ;
var twitterSearchPattern = /(#([\w]+))/g ;
return text
. replace ( emailAddressPattern , "<a target='_blank' onclick='void(0)' href='mailto:$1'>$1</a>" )
. replace ( twitterHandlePattern , "<a href='http://twitter.com/$1' target='_blank' onclick='void(0)'>@$1</a>" ) ;
//.replace(twitterSearchPattern, "<a href='http://twitter.com/search?q=%23$2' target='_blank' 'void(0)'>$1</a>");
} ,
linkify _wikipedia : function ( text ) {
var urlPattern = /<i[^>]*>(.*?)<\/i>/gim ;
return text
. replace ( urlPattern , "<a target='_blank' href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$&' onclick='void(0)'>$&</a>" )
. replace ( /<i\b[^>]*>/gim , "" )
. replace ( /<\/i>/gim , "" )
. replace ( /<b\b[^>]*>/gim , "" )
. replace ( /<\/b>/gim , "" ) ;
} ,
/ * * T u r n s p l a i n t e x t l i n k s i n t o r e a l l i n k s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// VMM.Util.unlinkify();
unlinkify : function ( text ) {
if ( ! text ) return text ;
text = text . replace ( /<a\b[^>]*>/i , "" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /<\/a>/i , "" ) ;
return text ;
} ,
untagify : function ( text ) {
if ( ! text ) {
return text ;
text = text . replace ( /<\/?\s*\w.*?>/g , "" ) ;
return text ;
} ,
/ * * T K
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
nl2br : function ( text ) {
return text . replace ( /(\r\n|[\r\n]|\\n|\\r)/g , "<br/>" ) ;
} ,
/ * * G e n e r a t e a U n i q u e I D
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// VMM.Util.unique_ID(size);
unique _ID : function ( size ) {
var getRandomNumber = function ( range ) {
return Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * range ) ;
} ;
var getRandomChar = function ( ) {
var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ" ;
return chars . substr ( getRandomNumber ( 62 ) , 1 ) ;
} ;
var randomID = function ( size ) {
var str = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) {
str += getRandomChar ( ) ;
return str ;
} ;
return randomID ( size ) ;
} ,
/ * * T e l l s y o u i f a n u m b e r i s e v e n o r n o t
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// VMM.Util.isEven(n)
isEven : function ( n ) {
return ( n % 2 === 0 ) ? true : false ;
} ,
/ * * G e t U R L V a r i a b l e s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// var somestring = VMM.Util.getUrlVars(str_url)["varname"];
getUrlVars : function ( string ) {
var str = string . toString ( ) ;
if ( str . match ( '&' ) ) {
str = str . replace ( "&" , "&" ) ;
} else if ( str . match ( '&' ) ) {
str = str . replace ( "&" , "&" ) ;
} else if ( str . match ( '&' ) ) {
str = str . replace ( "&" , "&" ) ;
var vars = [ ] , hash ;
var hashes = str . slice ( str . indexOf ( '?' ) + 1 ) . split ( '&' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < hashes . length ; i ++ ) {
hash = hashes [ i ] . split ( '=' ) ;
vars . push ( hash [ 0 ] ) ;
vars [ hash [ 0 ] ] = hash [ 1 ] ;
return vars ;
} ,
/ * * C l e a n s u p s t r i n g s t o b e c o m e r e a l H T M L
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
toHTML : function ( text ) {
text = this . nl2br ( text ) ;
text = this . linkify ( text ) ;
return text . replace ( /\s\s/g , " " ) ;
} ,
/ * * R e t u r n s t e x t s t r i n g s a s C a m e l C a s e
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
toCamelCase : function ( s , forceLowerCase ) {
if ( forceLowerCase !== false ) forceLowerCase = true ;
var sps = ( ( forceLowerCase ) ? s . toLowerCase ( ) : s ) . split ( " " ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < sps . length ; i ++ ) {
sps [ i ] = sps [ i ] . substr ( 0 , 1 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + sps [ i ] . substr ( 1 ) ;
return sps . join ( " " ) ;
} ,
/ * * R e p l a c e s d u m b q u o t e m a r k s w i t h s m a r t o n e s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
properQuotes : function ( str ) {
return str . replace ( /\"([^\"]*)\"/gi , "“$1”" ) ;
} ,
/ * * A d d C o m m a s t o n u m b e r s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
niceNumber : function ( nStr ) {
nStr += '' ;
x = nStr . split ( '.' ) ;
x1 = x [ 0 ] ;
x2 = x . length > 1 ? '.' + x [ 1 ] : '' ;
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/ ;
while ( rgx . test ( x1 ) ) {
x1 = x1 . replace ( rgx , '$1' + ',' + '$2' ) ;
return x1 + x2 ;
} ,
/ * * T r a n s f o r m t e x t t o T i t l e C a s e
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
toTitleCase : function ( t ) {
if ( VMM . Browser . browser == "Explorer" && parseInt ( VMM . Browser . version , 10 ) >= 7 ) {
return t . replace ( "_" , "%20" ) ;
} else {
var _ _TitleCase = {
_ _smallWords : [ 'a' , 'an' , 'and' , 'as' , 'at' , 'but' , 'by' , 'en' , 'for' , 'if' , 'in' , 'of' , 'on' , 'or' , 'the' , 'to' , 'v[.]?' , 'via' , 'vs[.]?' ] ,
init : function ( ) {
this . _ _smallRE = this . _ _smallWords . join ( '|' ) ;
this . _ _lowerCaseWordsRE = new RegExp ( '\\b(' + this . _ _smallRE + ')\\b' , 'gi' ) ;
this . _ _firstWordRE = new RegExp ( '^([^a-zA-Z0-9 \\r\\n\\t]*)(' + this . _ _smallRE + ')\\b' , 'gi' ) ;
this . _ _lastWordRE = new RegExp ( '\\b(' + this . _ _smallRE + ')([^a-zA-Z0-9 \\r\\n\\t]*)$' , 'gi' ) ;
} ,
toTitleCase : function ( string ) {
var line = '' ;
var split = string . split ( /([:.;?!][ ]|(?:[ ]|^)["“])/ ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < split . length ; ++ i ) {
var s = split [ i ] ;
s = s . replace ( /\b([a-zA-Z][a-z.'’]*)\b/g , this . _ _titleCaseDottedWordReplacer ) ;
// lowercase the list of small words
s = s . replace ( this . _ _lowerCaseWordsRE , this . _ _lowerReplacer ) ;
// if the first word in the title is a small word then capitalize it
s = s . replace ( this . _ _firstWordRE , this . _ _firstToUpperCase ) ;
// if the last word in the title is a small word, then capitalize it
s = s . replace ( this . _ _lastWordRE , this . _ _firstToUpperCase ) ;
line += s ;
// special cases
line = line . replace ( / V(s?)\. /g , ' v$1. ' ) ;
line = line . replace ( /(['’])S\b/g , '$1s' ) ;
line = line . replace ( /\b(AT&T|Q&A)\b/ig , this . _ _upperReplacer ) ;
return line ;
} ,
_ _titleCaseDottedWordReplacer : function ( w ) {
return ( w . match ( /[a-zA-Z][.][a-zA-Z]/ ) ) ? w : _ _TitleCase . _ _firstToUpperCase ( w ) ;
} ,
_ _lowerReplacer : function ( w ) { return w . toLowerCase ( ) } ,
_ _upperReplacer : function ( w ) { return w . toUpperCase ( ) } ,
_ _firstToUpperCase : function ( w ) {
var split = w . split ( /(^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(.*)$/ ) ;
if ( split [ 1 ] ) {
split [ 1 ] = split [ 1 ] . toUpperCase ( ) ;
return split . join ( '' ) ;
} ;
_ _TitleCase . init ( ) ;
t = t . replace ( /_/g , " " ) ;
t = _ _TitleCase . toTitleCase ( t ) ;
return t ;
} ) . init ( ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin LazyLoad . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/*jslint browser: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, newcap: true, immed: true, regexp: false */
/ *
LazyLoad makes it easy and painless to lazily load one or more external
JavaScript or CSS files on demand either during or after the rendering of a web
page .
Supported browsers include Firefox 2 + , IE6 + , Safari 3 + ( including Mobile
Safari ) , Google Chrome , and Opera 9 + . Other browsers may or may not work and
are not officially supported .
Visit https : //github.com/rgrove/lazyload/ for more info.
Copyright ( c ) 2011 Ryan Grove < ryan @ wonko . com >
All rights reserved .
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files ( the 'Software' ) , to deal in
the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights to
use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell copies of
the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so ,
subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
@ module lazyload
@ class LazyLoad
@ static
@ version 2.0 . 3 ( git )
* /
LazyLoad = ( function ( doc ) {
// -- Private Variables ------------------------------------------------------
// User agent and feature test information.
var env ,
// Reference to the <head> element (populated lazily).
head ,
// Requests currently in progress, if any.
pending = { } ,
// Number of times we've polled to check whether a pending stylesheet has
// finished loading. If this gets too high, we're probably stalled.
pollCount = 0 ,
// Queued requests.
queue = { css : [ ] , js : [ ] } ,
// Reference to the browser's list of stylesheets.
styleSheets = doc . styleSheets ;
// -- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------
/ * *
Creates and returns an HTML element with the specified name and attributes .
@ method createNode
@ param { String } name element name
@ param { Object } attrs name / value mapping of element attributes
@ return { HTMLElement }
@ private
* /
function createNode ( name , attrs ) {
var node = doc . createElement ( name ) , attr ;
for ( attr in attrs ) {
if ( attrs . hasOwnProperty ( attr ) ) {
node . setAttribute ( attr , attrs [ attr ] ) ;
return node ;
/ * *
Called when the current pending resource of the specified type has finished
loading . Executes the associated callback ( if any ) and loads the next
resource in the queue .
@ method finish
@ param { String } type resource type ( 'css' or 'js' )
@ private
* /
function finish ( type ) {
var p = pending [ type ] ,
callback ,
urls ;
if ( p ) {
callback = p . callback ;
urls = p . urls ;
urls . shift ( ) ;
pollCount = 0 ;
// If this is the last of the pending URLs, execute the callback and
// start the next request in the queue (if any).
if ( ! urls . length ) {
callback && callback . call ( p . context , p . obj ) ;
pending [ type ] = null ;
queue [ type ] . length && load ( type ) ;
/ * *
Populates the < code > env < / c o d e > v a r i a b l e w i t h u s e r a g e n t a n d f e a t u r e t e s t
information .
@ method getEnv
@ private
* /
function getEnv ( ) {
var ua = navigator . userAgent ;
env = {
// True if this browser supports disabling async mode on dynamically
// created script nodes. See
// http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Dynamic_Script_Execution_Order
async : doc . createElement ( 'script' ) . async === true
} ;
( env . webkit = /AppleWebKit\// . test ( ua ) )
|| ( env . ie = /MSIE/ . test ( ua ) )
|| ( env . opera = /Opera/ . test ( ua ) )
|| ( env . gecko = /Gecko\// . test ( ua ) )
|| ( env . unknown = true ) ;
/ * *
Loads the specified resources , or the next resource of the specified type
in the queue if no resources are specified . If a resource of the specified
type is already being loaded , the new request will be queued until the
first request has been finished .
When an array of resource URLs is specified , those URLs will be loaded in
parallel if it is possible to do so while preserving execution order . All
browsers support parallel loading of CSS , but only Firefox and Opera
support parallel loading of scripts . In other browsers , scripts will be
queued and loaded one at a time to ensure correct execution order .
@ method load
@ param { String } type resource type ( 'css' or 'js' )
@ param { String | Array } urls ( optional ) URL or array of URLs to load
@ param { Function } callback ( optional ) callback function to execute when the
resource is loaded
@ param { Object } obj ( optional ) object to pass to the callback function
@ param { Object } context ( optional ) if provided , the callback function will
be executed in this object ' s context
@ private
* /
function load ( type , urls , callback , obj , context ) {
var _finish = function ( ) { finish ( type ) ; } ,
isCSS = type === 'css' ,
nodes = [ ] ,
i , len , node , p , pendingUrls , url ;
env || getEnv ( ) ;
if ( urls ) {
// If urls is a string, wrap it in an array. Otherwise assume it's an
// array and create a copy of it so modifications won't be made to the
// original.
urls = typeof urls === 'string' ? [ urls ] : urls . concat ( ) ;
// Create a request object for each URL. If multiple URLs are specified,
// the callback will only be executed after all URLs have been loaded.
// Sadly, Firefox and Opera are the only browsers capable of loading
// scripts in parallel while preserving execution order. In all other
// browsers, scripts must be loaded sequentially.
// All browsers respect CSS specificity based on the order of the link
// elements in the DOM, regardless of the order in which the stylesheets
// are actually downloaded.
if ( isCSS || env . async || env . gecko || env . opera ) {
// Load in parallel.
queue [ type ] . push ( {
urls : urls ,
callback : callback ,
obj : obj ,
context : context
} ) ;
} else {
// Load sequentially.
for ( i = 0 , len = urls . length ; i < len ; ++ i ) {
queue [ type ] . push ( {
urls : [ urls [ i ] ] ,
callback : i === len - 1 ? callback : null , // callback is only added to the last URL
obj : obj ,
context : context
} ) ;
// If a previous load request of this type is currently in progress, we'll
// wait our turn. Otherwise, grab the next item in the queue.
if ( pending [ type ] || ! ( p = pending [ type ] = queue [ type ] . shift ( ) ) ) {
return ;
head || ( head = doc . head || doc . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) [ 0 ] ) ;
pendingUrls = p . urls ;
for ( i = 0 , len = pendingUrls . length ; i < len ; ++ i ) {
url = pendingUrls [ i ] ;
if ( isCSS ) {
node = env . gecko ? createNode ( 'style' ) : createNode ( 'link' , {
href : url ,
rel : 'stylesheet'
} ) ;
} else {
node = createNode ( 'script' , { src : url } ) ;
node . async = false ;
node . className = 'lazyload' ;
node . setAttribute ( 'charset' , 'utf-8' ) ;
if ( env . ie && ! isCSS ) {
node . onreadystatechange = function ( ) {
if ( /loaded|complete/ . test ( node . readyState ) ) {
node . onreadystatechange = null ;
_finish ( ) ;
} ;
} else if ( isCSS && ( env . gecko || env . webkit ) ) {
// Gecko and WebKit don't support the onload event on link nodes.
if ( env . webkit ) {
// In WebKit, we can poll for changes to document.styleSheets to
// figure out when stylesheets have loaded.
p . urls [ i ] = node . href ; // resolve relative URLs (or polling won't work)
pollWebKit ( ) ;
} else {
// In Gecko, we can import the requested URL into a <style> node and
// poll for the existence of node.sheet.cssRules. Props to Zach
// Leatherman for calling my attention to this technique.
node . innerHTML = '@import "' + url + '";' ;
pollGecko ( node ) ;
} else {
node . onload = node . onerror = _finish ;
nodes . push ( node ) ;
for ( i = 0 , len = nodes . length ; i < len ; ++ i ) {
head . appendChild ( nodes [ i ] ) ;
/ * *
Begins polling to determine when the specified stylesheet has finished loading
in Gecko . Polling stops when all pending stylesheets have loaded or after 10
seconds ( to prevent stalls ) .
Thanks to Zach Leatherman for calling my attention to the @ import - based
cross - domain technique used here , and to Oleg Slobodskoi for an earlier
same - domain implementation . See Zach ' s blog for more details :
http : //www.zachleat.com/web/2010/07/29/load-css-dynamically/
@ method pollGecko
@ param { HTMLElement } node Style node to poll .
@ private
* /
function pollGecko ( node ) {
var hasRules ;
try {
// We don't really need to store this value or ever refer to it again, but
// if we don't store it, Closure Compiler assumes the code is useless and
// removes it.
hasRules = ! ! node . sheet . cssRules ;
} catch ( ex ) {
// An exception means the stylesheet is still loading.
pollCount += 1 ;
if ( pollCount < 200 ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) { pollGecko ( node ) ; } , 50 ) ;
} else {
// We've been polling for 10 seconds and nothing's happened. Stop
// polling and finish the pending requests to avoid blocking further
// requests.
hasRules && finish ( 'css' ) ;
return ;
// If we get here, the stylesheet has loaded.
finish ( 'css' ) ;
/ * *
Begins polling to determine when pending stylesheets have finished loading
in WebKit . Polling stops when all pending stylesheets have loaded or after 10
seconds ( to prevent stalls ) .
@ method pollWebKit
@ private
* /
function pollWebKit ( ) {
var css = pending . css , i ;
if ( css ) {
i = styleSheets . length ;
// Look for a stylesheet matching the pending URL.
while ( -- i >= 0 ) {
if ( styleSheets [ i ] . href === css . urls [ 0 ] ) {
finish ( 'css' ) ;
break ;
pollCount += 1 ;
if ( css ) {
if ( pollCount < 200 ) {
setTimeout ( pollWebKit , 50 ) ;
} else {
// We've been polling for 10 seconds and nothing's happened, which may
// indicate that the stylesheet has been removed from the document
// before it had a chance to load. Stop polling and finish the pending
// request to prevent blocking further requests.
finish ( 'css' ) ;
return {
/ * *
Requests the specified CSS URL or URLs and executes the specified
callback ( if any ) when they have finished loading . If an array of URLs is
specified , the stylesheets will be loaded in parallel and the callback
will be executed after all stylesheets have finished loading .
@ method css
@ param { String | Array } urls CSS URL or array of CSS URLs to load
@ param { Function } callback ( optional ) callback function to execute when
the specified stylesheets are loaded
@ param { Object } obj ( optional ) object to pass to the callback function
@ param { Object } context ( optional ) if provided , the callback function
will be executed in this object ' s context
@ static
* /
css : function ( urls , callback , obj , context ) {
load ( 'css' , urls , callback , obj , context ) ;
} ,
/ * *
Requests the specified JavaScript URL or URLs and executes the specified
callback ( if any ) when they have finished loading . If an array of URLs is
specified and the browser supports it , the scripts will be loaded in
parallel and the callback will be executed after all scripts have
finished loading .
Currently , only Firefox and Opera support parallel loading of scripts while
preserving execution order . In other browsers , scripts will be
queued and loaded one at a time to ensure correct execution order .
@ method js
@ param { String | Array } urls JS URL or array of JS URLs to load
@ param { Function } callback ( optional ) callback function to execute when
the specified scripts are loaded
@ param { Object } obj ( optional ) object to pass to the callback function
@ param { Object } context ( optional ) if provided , the callback function
will be executed in this object ' s context
@ static
* /
js : function ( urls , callback , obj , context ) {
load ( 'js' , urls , callback , obj , context ) ;
} ;
} ) ( this . document ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . LoadLib . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ *
Designed and built by Zach Wise digitalartwork . net
* /
/ * * C o d e K i t I m p o r t
* http : //incident57.com/codekit/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// @codekit-prepend "../Library/LazyLoad.js";
LoadLib = ( function ( doc ) {
var loaded = [ ] ;
function isLoaded ( url ) {
var i = 0 ,
has _loaded = false ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < loaded . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( loaded [ i ] == url ) {
has _loaded = true ;
if ( has _loaded ) {
return true ;
} else {
loaded . push ( url ) ;
return false ;
return {
css : function ( urls , callback , obj , context ) {
if ( ! isLoaded ( urls ) ) {
LazyLoad . css ( urls , callback , obj , context ) ;
} ,
js : function ( urls , callback , obj , context ) {
if ( ! isLoaded ( urls ) ) {
LazyLoad . js ( urls , callback , obj , context ) ;
} ;
} ) ( this . document ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Language . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * D E F A U L T L A N G U A G E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Language == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Language = {
lang : "en" ,
api : {
wikipedia : "en"
} ,
date : {
month : [ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December" ] ,
month _abbr : [ "Jan." , "Feb." , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "Aug." , "Sept." , "Oct." , "Nov." , "Dec." ] ,
day : [ "Sunday" , "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" ] ,
day _abbr : [ "Sun." , "Mon." , "Tues." , "Wed." , "Thurs." , "Fri." , "Sat." ]
} ,
dateformats : {
year : "yyyy" ,
month _short : "mmm" ,
month : "mmmm yyyy" ,
full _short : "mmm d" ,
full : "mmmm d',' yyyy" ,
time _short : "h:MM:ss TT" ,
time _no _seconds _short : "h:MM TT" ,
time _no _seconds _small _date : "h:MM TT'<br/><small>'mmmm d',' yyyy'</small>'" ,
full _long : "mmm d',' yyyy 'at' h:MM TT" ,
full _long _small _date : "h:MM TT'<br/><small>mmm d',' yyyy'</small>'"
} ,
messages : {
loading _timeline : "Loading Timeline... " ,
return _to _title : "Return to Title" ,
expand _timeline : "Expand Timeline" ,
contract _timeline : "Contract Timeline" ,
wikipedia : "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ,
loading _content : "Loading Content" ,
loading : "Loading" ,
swipe _nav : "Swipe to Navigate"
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Core . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * V e r i t e C o C o r e
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
/ * * C o d e K i t I m p o r t
* http : //incident57.com/codekit/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.Library.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.Browser.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.FileExtention.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.Date.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.Util.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.LoadLib.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.Language.js";
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . ExternalAPI . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * E x t e r n a l A P I
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . ExternalAPI == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI = ( {
keys : {
google : "" ,
flickr : "" ,
twitter : ""
} ,
keys _master : {
vp : "Pellentesque nibh felis, eleifend id, commodo in, interdum vitae, leo" ,
flickr : "RAIvxHY4hE/Elm5cieh4X5ptMyDpj7MYIxziGxi0WGCcy1s+yr7rKQ==" ,
google : "jwNGnYw4hE9lmAez4ll0QD+jo6SKBJFknkopLS4FrSAuGfIwyj57AusuR0s8dAo=" ,
twitter : ""
} ,
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
setKeys : function ( d ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . keys = d ;
} ,
pushQues : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . googlemaps . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . youtube . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . soundcloud . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . soundcloud . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . googledocs . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googledocs . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . googleplus . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googleplus . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . wikipedia . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . wikipedia . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . vimeo . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . vimeo . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . vine . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . vine . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . twitter . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . flickr . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . pushQue ( ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . webthumb . active ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . webthumb . pushQue ( ) ;
} ,
twitter : {
tweetArray : [ ] ,
get : function ( m ) {
var tweet = { mid : m . id , id : m . uid } ;
VMM . master _config . twitter . que . push ( tweet ) ;
VMM . master _config . twitter . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( tweet , callback ) {
var id = tweet . mid . toString ( ) ,
error _obj = { twitterid : tweet . mid } ,
the _url = "//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/show.json?id=" + tweet . mid + "&include_entities=true&callback=?" ;
//twitter_timeout = setTimeout(VMM.ExternalAPI.twitter.errorTimeOut, VMM.master_config.timers.api, tweet),
//callback_timeout= setTimeout(callback, VMM.master_config.timers.api, tweet);
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . getOEmbed ( tweet , callback ) ;
/ *
// Disabled thanks to twitter's new api
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
var id = d . id _str ,
twit = "<blockquote><p>" ,
td = VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( d . text , "_blank" ) ;
twit += td ;
twit += "</p></blockquote>" ;
if ( typeof d . entities . media != 'undefined' ) {
if ( d . entities . media [ 0 ] . type == "photo" ) {
//twit += "<img src=' " + d.entities.media[0].media_url + "' alt=''>"
twit += "<div class='vcard author'>" ;
twit += "<a class='screen-name url' href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "' data-screen-name='" + d . user . screen _name + "' target='_blank'>" ;
twit += "<span class='avatar'><img src=' " + d . user . profile _image _url + "' alt=''></span>" ;
twit += "<span class='fn'>" + d . user . name + "</span>" ;
twit += "<span class='nickname'>@" + d . user . screen _name + "<span class='thumbnail-inline'></span></span>" ;
twit += "</a>" ;
twit += "</div>" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , twit ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#text_thumb_" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , d . text ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#marker_content_" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , d . text ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "TWITTER error" ) ;
trace ( "TWITTER ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "ERROR LOADING TWEET " + tweet . mid ) ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( twitter _timeout ) ;
clearTimeout ( callback _timeout ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
* /
} ,
errorTimeOut : function ( tweet ) {
trace ( "TWITTER JSON ERROR TIMEOUT " + tweet . mid ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "Still waiting on Twitter: " + tweet . mid ) ) ;
VMM . getJSON ( "//api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.json" , function ( d ) {
trace ( "REMAINING TWITTER API CALLS " + d . remaining _hits ) ;
trace ( "TWITTER RATE LIMIT WILL RESET AT " + d . reset _time ) ;
var mes = "" ;
if ( d . remaining _hits == 0 ) {
mes = "<p>You've reached the maximum number of tweets you can load in an hour.</p>" ;
mes += "<p>You can view tweets again starting at: <br/>" + d . reset _time + "</p>" ;
} else {
mes = "<p>Still waiting on Twitter. " + tweet . mid + "</p>" ;
//mes = "<p>Tweet " + id + " was not found.</p>";
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( mes ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
errorTimeOutOembed : function ( tweet ) {
trace ( "TWITTER JSON ERROR TIMEOUT " + tweet . mid ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "Still waiting on Twitter: " + tweet . mid ) ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . twitter . que . length > 0 ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . create ( VMM . master _config . twitter . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . twitter . que , 0 ) ;
} ,
getOEmbed : function ( tweet , callback ) {
var the _url = "//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?id=" + tweet . mid + "&omit_script=true&include_entities=true&callback=?" ,
twitter _timeout = setTimeout ( VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . errorTimeOutOembed , VMM . master _config . timers . api , tweet ) ;
//callback_timeout= setTimeout(callback, VMM.master_config.timers.api, tweet);
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
var twit = "" ,
tuser = "" ;
twit += d . html . split ( "<\/p>\—" ) [ 0 ] + "</p></blockquote>" ;
tuser = d . author _url . split ( "twitter.com\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
twit += "<div class='vcard author'>" ;
twit += "<a class='screen-name url' href='" + d . author _url + "' target='_blank'>" ;
twit += "<span class='avatar'></span>" ;
twit += "<span class='fn'>" + d . author _name + "</span>" ;
twit += "<span class='nickname'>@" + tuser + "<span class='thumbnail-inline'></span></span>" ;
twit += "</a>" ;
twit += "</div>" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , twit ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#text_thumb_" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , d . html ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#marker_content_" + tweet . id . toString ( ) , d . html ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "TWITTER error" ) ;
trace ( "TWITTER ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
clearTimeout ( twitter _timeout ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + tweet . id , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "ERROR LOADING TWEET " + tweet . mid ) ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( twitter _timeout ) ;
// clearTimeout(callback_timeout);
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
getHTML : function ( id ) {
//var the_url = document.location.protocol + "//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?id=" + id+ "&callback=?";
var the _url = "//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?id=" + id + "&omit_script=true&include_entities=true&callback=?" ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . onJSONLoaded ) ;
} ,
onJSONLoaded : function ( d ) {
var id = d . id ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + id , VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( d . html ) ) ;
} ,
parseTwitterDate : function ( d ) {
var date = new Date ( Date . parse ( d ) ) ;
/ *
var t = d . replace ( /(\d{1,2}[:]\d{2}[:]\d{2}) (.*)/ , '$2 $1' ) ;
t = t . replace ( /(\+\S+) (.*)/ , '$2 $1' ) ;
var date = new Date ( Date . parse ( t ) ) . toLocaleDateString ( ) ;
var time = new Date ( Date . parse ( t ) ) . toLocaleTimeString ( ) ;
* /
return date ;
} ,
prettyParseTwitterDate : function ( d ) {
var date = new Date ( Date . parse ( d ) ) ;
return VMM . Date . prettyDate ( date , true ) ;
} ,
getTweets : function ( tweets ) {
var tweetArray = [ ] ;
var number _of _tweets = tweets . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tweets . length ; i ++ ) {
var twitter _id = "" ;
/ * F I N D T H E T W I T T E R I D
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( tweets [ i ] . tweet . match ( "status\/" ) ) {
twitter _id = tweets [ i ] . tweet . split ( "status\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else if ( tweets [ i ] . tweet . match ( "statuses\/" ) ) {
twitter _id = tweets [ i ] . tweet . split ( "statuses\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else {
twitter _id = "" ;
/ * F E T C H T H E D A T A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
var the _url = "//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/show.json?id=" + twitter _id + "&include_entities=true&callback=?" ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
var tweet = { }
/ * F O R M A T R E S P O N S E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
var twit = "<div class='twitter'><blockquote><p>" ;
var td = VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( d . text , "_blank" ) ;
twit += td ;
twit += "</p>" ;
twit += "— " + d . user . name + " (<a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "'>@" + d . user . screen _name + "</a>) <a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "/status/" + d . id + "'>" + VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . prettyParseTwitterDate ( d . created _at ) + " </a></blockquote></div>" ;
tweet . content = twit ;
tweet . raw = d ;
tweetArray . push ( tweet ) ;
/ * C H E C K I F T H A T S A L L O F T H E M
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( tweetArray . length == number _of _tweets ) {
var the _tweets = { tweetdata : tweetArray }
VMM . fireEvent ( global , "TWEETSLOADED" , the _tweets ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( ) { trace ( "second success" ) ; } )
. error ( function ( ) { trace ( "error" ) ; } )
. complete ( function ( ) { trace ( "complete" ) ; } ) ;
} ,
getTweetSearch : function ( tweets , number _of _tweets ) {
var _number _of _tweets = 40 ;
if ( number _of _tweets != null && number _of _tweets != "" ) {
_number _of _tweets = number _of _tweets ;
var the _url = "//search.twitter.com/search.json?q=" + tweets + "&rpp=" + _number _of _tweets + "&include_entities=true&result_type=mixed" ;
var tweetArray = [ ] ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
/ * F O R M A T R E S P O N S E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
for ( var i = 0 ; i < d . results . length ; i ++ ) {
var tweet = { }
var twit = "<div class='twitter'><blockquote><p>" ;
var td = VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( d . results [ i ] . text , "_blank" ) ;
twit += td ;
twit += "</p>" ;
twit += "— " + d . results [ i ] . from _user _name + " (<a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . results [ i ] . from _user + "'>@" + d . results [ i ] . from _user + "</a>) <a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . results [ i ] . from _user + "/status/" + d . id + "'>" + VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . prettyParseTwitterDate ( d . results [ i ] . created _at ) + " </a></blockquote></div>" ;
tweet . content = twit ;
tweet . raw = d . results [ i ] ;
tweetArray . push ( tweet ) ;
var the _tweets = { tweetdata : tweetArray }
VMM . fireEvent ( global , "TWEETSLOADED" , the _tweets ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
prettyHTML : function ( id , secondary ) {
var id = id . toString ( ) ;
var error _obj = {
twitterid : id
} ;
var the _url = "//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/show.json?id=" + id + "&include_entities=true&callback=?" ;
var twitter _timeout = setTimeout ( VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . errorTimeOut , VMM . master _config . timers . api , id ) ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . formatJSON )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "TWITTER error" ) ;
trace ( "TWITTER ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#twitter_" + id , "<p>ERROR LOADING TWEET " + id + "</p>" ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( twitter _timeout ) ;
if ( secondary ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . secondaryMedia ( d ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
formatJSON : function ( d ) {
var id = d . id _str ;
var twit = "<blockquote><p>" ;
var td = VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( d . text , "_blank" ) ;
//td = td.replace(/(@([\w]+))/g,"<a href='http://twitter.com/$2' target='_blank'>$1</a>");
//td = td.replace(/(#([\w]+))/g,"<a href='http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23$2' target='_blank'>$1</a>");
twit += td ;
twit += "</p></blockquote>" ;
//twit += " <a href='https://twitter.com/" + d.user.screen_name + "/status/" + d.id_str + "' target='_blank' alt='link to original tweet' title='link to original tweet'>" + "<span class='created-at'></span>" + " </a>";
twit += "<div class='vcard author'>" ;
twit += "<a class='screen-name url' href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "' data-screen-name='" + d . user . screen _name + "' target='_blank'>" ;
twit += "<span class='avatar'><img src=' " + d . user . profile _image _url + "' alt=''></span>" ;
twit += "<span class='fn'>" + d . user . name + "</span>" ;
twit += "<span class='nickname'>@" + d . user . screen _name + "<span class='thumbnail-inline'></span></span>" ;
twit += "</a>" ;
twit += "</div>" ;
if ( typeof d . entities . media != 'undefined' ) {
if ( d . entities . media [ 0 ] . type == "photo" ) {
twit += "<img src=' " + d . entities . media [ 0 ] . media _url + "' alt=''>"
VMM . attachElement ( "#twitter_" + id . toString ( ) , twit ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#text_thumb_" + id . toString ( ) , d . text ) ;
} ,
googlemaps : {
maptype : "TERRAIN" , // see also below for default if this is a google type
setMapType : function ( d ) {
if ( d != "" ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . maptype = d ;
} ,
get : function ( m ) {
var timer ,
api _key ,
map _url ;
m . vars = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . keys . google != "" ) {
api _key = VMM . ExternalAPI . keys . google ;
} else {
api _key = Aes . Ctr . decrypt ( VMM . ExternalAPI . keys _master . google , VMM . ExternalAPI . keys _master . vp , 256 ) ;
/ *
Investigating a google map api change on the latest release that causes custom map types to stop working
http : //stackoverflow.com/questions/13486271/google-map-markermanager-cannot-call-method-substr-of-undefined
soulution is to use api ver 3.9
* /
map _url = "//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=" + api _key + "&v=3.9&libraries=places&sensor=false&callback=VMM.ExternalAPI.googlemaps.onMapAPIReady" ;
if ( VMM . master _config . googlemaps . active ) {
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . que . push ( m ) ;
} else {
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . que . push ( m ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . googlemaps . api _loaded ) {
} else {
LoadLib . js ( map _url , function ( ) {
trace ( "Google Maps API Library Loaded" ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
create : function ( m ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . createAPIMap ( m ) ;
} ,
createiFrameMap : function ( m ) {
var embed _url = m . id + "&output=embed" ,
mc = "" ,
unique _map _id = m . uid . toString ( ) + "_gmap" ;
mc += "<div class='google-map' id='" + unique _map _id + "' style='width=100%;height=100%;'>" ;
mc += "<iframe width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src='" + embed _url + "'></iframe>" ;
mc += "</div>" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , mc ) ;
} ,
createAPIMap : function ( m ) {
var map _attribution = "" ,
layer ,
map ,
map _options ,
unique _map _id = m . uid . toString ( ) + "_gmap" ,
map _attribution _html = "" ,
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( 41.875696 , - 87.624207 ) ,
latlong ,
zoom = 11 ,
has _location = false ,
has _zoom = false ,
api _limit = false ,
map _bounds ;
function mapProvider ( name ) {
if ( name in VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _providers ) {
map _attribution = VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _attribution [ VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _providers [ name ] . attribution ] ;
return VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _providers [ name ] ;
} else {
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( name ) ) {
return google . maps . MapTypeId [ name . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
} else {
trace ( "Not a maptype: " + name ) ;
google . maps . VeriteMapType = function ( name ) {
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( name ) ) {
return google . maps . MapTypeId [ name . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
} else {
var provider = mapProvider ( name ) ;
return google . maps . ImageMapType . call ( this , {
"getTileUrl" : function ( coord , zoom ) {
var index = ( zoom + coord . x + coord . y ) % VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _subdomains . length ;
var retURL = provider . url
. replace ( "{S}" , VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _subdomains [ index ] )
. replace ( "{Z}" , zoom )
. replace ( "{X}" , coord . x )
. replace ( "{Y}" , coord . y )
. replace ( "{z}" , zoom )
. replace ( "{x}" , coord . x )
. replace ( "{y}" , coord . y ) ;
// trace(retURL);
return retURL ;
} ,
"tileSize" : new google . maps . Size ( 256 , 256 ) ,
"name" : name ,
"minZoom" : provider . minZoom ,
"maxZoom" : provider . maxZoom
} ) ;
} ;
google . maps . VeriteMapType . prototype = new google . maps . ImageMapType ( "_" ) ;
/ * M a k e t h e M a p
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . maptype != "" ) {
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . maptype ) ) {
layer = google . maps . MapTypeId [ VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . maptype . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
} else {
layer = VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . maptype ;
} else {
layer = google . maps . MapTypeId [ 'TERRAIN' ] ;
var new _google _url _regex = new RegExp ( /@([0-9\.\-]+),([0-9\.\-]+),(\d+)z/ ) ;
if ( m . id . match ( new _google _url _regex ) ) {
var match = m . id . match ( new _google _url _regex )
lat = parseFloat ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
lng = parseFloat ( match [ 2 ] ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( lat , lng ) ;
zoom = parseFloat ( match [ 3 ] ) ;
has _location = has _zoom = true ;
} else {
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "ll" ] ) == "string" ) {
has _location = true ;
latlong = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "ll" ] . split ( "," ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( latlong [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( latlong [ 1 ] ) ) ;
} else if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "sll" ] ) == "string" ) {
latlong = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "sll" ] . split ( "," ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( latlong [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( latlong [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "z" ] ) == "string" ) {
has _zoom = true ;
zoom = parseFloat ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "z" ] ) ;
map _options = {
zoom : zoom ,
draggable : false ,
disableDefaultUI : true ,
mapTypeControl : false ,
zoomControl : true ,
zoomControlOptions : {
style : google . maps . ZoomControlStyle . SMALL ,
position : google . maps . ControlPosition . TOP _RIGHT
} ,
center : location ,
mapTypeId : layer ,
mapTypeControlOptions : {
mapTypeIds : [ layer ]
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , "<div class='google-map' id='" + unique _map _id + "' style='width=100%;height=100%;'></div>" ) ;
map = new google . maps . Map ( document . getElementById ( unique _map _id ) , map _options ) ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . maptype ) ) {
} else {
map . mapTypes . set ( layer , new google . maps . VeriteMapType ( layer ) ) ;
map _attribution _html = "<div class='map-attribution'><div class='attribution-text'>" + map _attribution + "</div></div>" ;
VMM . appendElement ( "#" + unique _map _id , map _attribution _html ) ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "msid" ] ) == "string" ) {
loadKML ( ) ;
} else {
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "q" ] ) == "string" ) {
geocodePlace ( ) ;
function geocodePlace ( ) {
var geocoder = new google . maps . Geocoder ( ) ,
address = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "q" ] ,
marker ;
if ( address . match ( "loc:" ) ) {
var address _latlon = address . split ( ":" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "+" ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( address _latlon [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( address _latlon [ 1 ] ) ) ;
has _location = true ;
geocoder . geocode ( { 'address' : address } , function ( results , status ) {
if ( status == google . maps . GeocoderStatus . OK ) {
marker = new google . maps . Marker ( {
map : map ,
position : results [ 0 ] . geometry . location
} ) ;
if ( typeof results [ 0 ] . geometry . viewport != 'undefined' ) {
map . fitBounds ( results [ 0 ] . geometry . viewport ) ;
} else if ( typeof results [ 0 ] . geometry . bounds != 'undefined' ) {
map . fitBounds ( results [ 0 ] . geometry . bounds ) ;
} else {
map . setCenter ( results [ 0 ] . geometry . location ) ;
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} else {
trace ( "Geocode for " + address + " was not successful for the following reason: " + status ) ;
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
loadPlaces ( ) ;
} ) ;
function loadPlaces ( ) {
var place ,
search _request ,
infowindow ,
search _bounds ,
bounds _sw ,
bounds _ne ;
place _search = new google . maps . places . PlacesService ( map ) ;
infowindow = new google . maps . InfoWindow ( ) ;
search _request = {
query : "" ,
types : [ 'country' , 'neighborhood' , 'political' , 'locality' , 'geocode' ]
} ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "q" ] ) == "string" ) {
search _request . query = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "q" ] ;
if ( has _location ) {
search _request . location = location ;
search _request . radius = "15000" ;
} else {
bounds _sw = new google . maps . LatLng ( - 89.999999 , - 179.999999 ) ;
bounds _ne = new google . maps . LatLng ( 89.999999 , 179.999999 ) ;
search _bounds = new google . maps . LatLngBounds ( bounds _sw , bounds _ne ) ;
//search_request.location = search_bounds;
place _search . textSearch ( search _request , placeResults ) ;
function placeResults ( results , status ) {
if ( status == google . maps . places . PlacesServiceStatus . OK ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < results . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
} else {
if ( results . length >= 1 ) {
map . panTo ( results [ 0 ] . geometry . location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} else {
trace ( "Place search for " + search _request . query + " was not successful for the following reason: " + status ) ;
// IF There's a problem loading the map, load a simple iFrame version instead
trace ( "FIND OUT HOW TO GET YOUR KEY HERE: https://developers.google.com/places/documentation/#Authentication" ) ;
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} else {
if ( m . id [ 0 ] . match ( "https" ) ) {
m . id = m . url [ 0 ] . replace ( "https" , "http" ) ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . createiFrameMap ( m ) ;
function createMarker ( place ) {
var marker , placeLoc ;
placeLoc = place . geometry . location ;
marker = new google . maps . Marker ( {
map : map ,
position : place . geometry . location
} ) ;
google . maps . event . addListener ( marker , 'click' , function ( ) {
infowindow . setContent ( place . name ) ;
infowindow . open ( map , this ) ;
} ) ;
function loadPlacesAlt ( ) {
var api _key ,
places _url ,
has _key = false ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . keys . google != "" ) {
api _key = VMM . ExternalAPI . keys . google ;
has _key = true ;
} else {
trace ( "FIND OUT HOW TO GET YOUR KEY HERE: https://developers.google.com/places/documentation/#Authentication" ) ;
places _url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json?key=" + api _key + "&sensor=false&language=" + m . lang + "&" ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "q" ] ) == "string" ) {
places _url += "query=" + VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . id ) [ "q" ] ;
if ( has _location ) {
places _url += "&location=" + location ;
if ( has _key ) {
VMM . getJSON ( places _url , function ( d ) {
trace ( "PLACES JSON" ) ;
var places _location = "" ,
places _bounds = "" ,
places _bounds _ne = "" ,
places _bounds _sw = "" ;
trace ( d ) ;
if ( d . status == "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" ) {
trace ( "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" ) ;
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} else {
api _limit = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . createiFrameMap ( m ) ;
} else {
if ( d . results . length >= 1 ) {
//location = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(d.results[0].geometry.location.lat),parseFloat(d.results[0].geometry.location.lng));
places _bounds _ne = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( d . results [ 0 ] . geometry . viewport . northeast . lat ) , parseFloat ( d . results [ 0 ] . geometry . viewport . northeast . lng ) ) ;
places _bounds _sw = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( d . results [ 0 ] . geometry . viewport . southwest . lat ) , parseFloat ( d . results [ 0 ] . geometry . viewport . southwest . lng ) ) ;
places _bounds = new google . maps . LatLngBounds ( places _bounds _sw , places _bounds _ne )
map . fitBounds ( places _bounds ) ;
} else {
trace ( "NO RESULTS" ) ;
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "PLACES JSON ERROR" ) ;
trace ( "PLACES JSON ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
} ) ;
} else {
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} else {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . createiFrameMap ( m ) ;
// KML
function loadKML ( ) {
var kml _url , kml _layer , infowindow , text ;
kml _url = m . id + "&output=kml" ;
kml _url = kml _url . replace ( "&output=embed" , "" ) ;
kml _layer = new google . maps . KmlLayer ( kml _url , { preserveViewport : true } ) ;
infowindow = new google . maps . InfoWindow ( ) ;
kml _layer . setMap ( map ) ;
google . maps . event . addListenerOnce ( kml _layer , "defaultviewport_changed" , function ( ) {
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
} else {
map . fitBounds ( kml _layer . getDefaultViewport ( ) ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} ) ;
google . maps . event . addListener ( kml _layer , 'click' , function ( kmlEvent ) {
text = kmlEvent . featureData . description ;
showInfoWindow ( text ) ;
function showInfoWindow ( c ) {
infowindow . setContent ( c ) ;
infowindow . open ( map ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . googlemaps . que . length ; i ++ ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . create ( VMM . master _config . googlemaps . que [ i ] ) ;
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . que = [ ] ;
} ,
onMapAPIReady : function ( ) {
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . map _active = true ;
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . places _active = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . onAPIReady ( ) ;
} ,
onPlacesAPIReady : function ( ) {
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . places _active = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . onAPIReady ( ) ;
} ,
onAPIReady : function ( ) {
if ( ! VMM . master _config . googlemaps . active ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . googlemaps . map _active && VMM . master _config . googlemaps . places _active ) {
VMM . master _config . googlemaps . active = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . pushQue ( ) ;
} ,
defaultType : function ( name ) {
if ( name . toLowerCase ( ) == "satellite" || name . toLowerCase ( ) == "hybrid" || name . toLowerCase ( ) == "terrain" || name . toLowerCase ( ) == "roadmap" ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
} ,
map _subdomains : [ "a" , "b" , "c" , "d" ] ,
map _attribution : {
"stamen" : "Map tiles by <a href='http://stamen.com'>Stamen Design</a>, under <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0'>CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href='http://openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0'>CC BY SA</a>." ,
"apple" : "Map data © 2012 Apple, Imagery © 2012 Apple" ,
"osm" : "© <a href='http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"
} ,
map _providers : {
"toner" : {
"url" : "https://stamen-tiles-{S}.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"toner-lines" : {
"url" : "https://stamen-tiles-{S}.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner-lines/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"toner-labels" : {
"url" : "https://stamen-tiles-{S}.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner-labels/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"sterrain" : {
"url" : "https://stamen-tiles-{S}.a.ssl.fastly.net/terrain/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.jpg" ,
"minZoom" : 4 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"apple" : {
"url" : "//gsp2.apple.com/tile?api=1&style=slideshow&layers=default&lang=en_US&z={z}&x={x}&y={y}&v=9" ,
"minZoom" : 4 ,
"maxZoom" : 14 ,
"attribution" : "apple"
} ,
"watercolor" : {
"url" : "https://stamen-tiles-{S}.a.ssl.fastly.net/watercolor/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.jpg" ,
"minZoom" : 3 ,
"maxZoom" : 16 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"osm" : {
"url" : "//tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 3 ,
"maxZoom" : 18 ,
"attribution" : "osm"
} ,
googleplus : {
get : function ( m ) {
var api _key ;
var gplus = { user : m . user , activity : m . id , id : m . uid } ;
VMM . master _config . googleplus . que . push ( gplus ) ;
VMM . master _config . googleplus . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( gplus , callback ) {
var mediaElem = "" ,
api _key = "" ,
g _activity = "" ,
g _content = "" ,
g _attachments = "" ,
gperson _api _url ,
gactivity _api _url ;
googleplus _timeout = setTimeout ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googleplus . errorTimeOut , VMM . master _config . timers . api , gplus ) ,
callback _timeout = setTimeout ( callback , VMM . master _config . timers . api , gplus ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . Timeline . api _keys . google != "" ) {
api _key = VMM . master _config . Timeline . api _keys . google ;
} else {
api _key = Aes . Ctr . decrypt ( VMM . master _config . api _keys _master . google , VMM . master _config . vp , 256 ) ;
gperson _api _url = "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/" + gplus . user + "/activities/public?alt=json&maxResults=100&fields=items(id,url)&key=" + api _key ;
//mediaElem = "<iframe class='doc' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='" + gplus.url + "&embedded=true'></iframe>";
mediaElem = "GOOGLE PLUS API CALL" ;
VMM . getJSON ( gperson _api _url , function ( p _data ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < p _data . items . length ; i ++ ) {
trace ( "loop" ) ;
if ( p _data . items [ i ] . url . split ( "posts/" ) [ 1 ] == gplus . activity ) {
trace ( "FOUND IT!!" ) ;
g _activity = p _data . items [ i ] . id ;
gactivity _api _url = "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/" + g _activity + "?alt=json&key=" + api _key ;
VMM . getJSON ( gactivity _api _url , function ( a _data ) {
trace ( a _data ) ;
//g_content += "<h4>" + a_data.title + "</h4>";
if ( typeof a _data . annotation != 'undefined' ) {
g _content += "<div class='googleplus-annotation'>'" + a _data . annotation + "</div>" ;
g _content += a _data . object . content ;
} else {
g _content += a _data . object . content ;
if ( typeof a _data . object . attachments != 'undefined' ) {
//g_attachments += "<div class='googleplus-attachemnts'>";
for ( var k = 0 ; k < a _data . object . attachments . length ; k ++ ) {
if ( a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . objectType == "photo" ) {
g _attachments = "<a href='" + a _data . object . url + "' target='_blank'>" + "<img src='" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . image . url + "' class='article-thumb'></a>" + g _attachments ;
} else if ( a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . objectType == "video" ) {
g _attachments = "<img src='" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . image . url + "' class='article-thumb'>" + g _attachments ;
g _attachments += "<div>" ;
g _attachments += "<a href='" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . url + "' target='_blank'>"
g _attachments += "<h5>" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . displayName + "</h5>" ;
//g_attachments += "<p>" + a_data.object.attachments[k].content + "</p>";
g _attachments += "</a>" ;
g _attachments += "</div>" ;
} else if ( a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . objectType == "article" ) {
g _attachments += "<div>" ;
g _attachments += "<a href='" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . url + "' target='_blank'>"
g _attachments += "<h5>" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . displayName + "</h5>" ;
g _attachments += "<p>" + a _data . object . attachments [ k ] . content + "</p>" ;
g _attachments += "</a>" ;
g _attachments += "</div>" ;
trace ( a _data . object . attachments [ k ] ) ;
g _attachments = "<div class='googleplus-attachments'>" + g _attachments + "</div>" ;
//mediaElem = "<div class='googleplus'>";
mediaElem = "<div class='googleplus-content'>" + g _content + g _attachments + "</div>" ;
mediaElem += "<div class='vcard author'><a class='screen-name url' href='" + a _data . url + "' target='_blank'>" ;
mediaElem += "<span class='avatar'><img src='" + a _data . actor . image . url + "' style='max-width: 32px; max-height: 32px;'></span>"
mediaElem += "<span class='fn'>" + a _data . actor . displayName + "</span>" ;
mediaElem += "<span class='nickname'><span class='thumbnail-inline'></span></span>" ;
mediaElem += "</a></div>" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#googleplus_" + gplus . activity , mediaElem ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
var error _obj = VMM . parseJSON ( jqXHR . responseText ) ;
trace ( error _obj . error . message ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#googleplus_" + gplus . activity , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "<p>ERROR LOADING GOOGLE+ </p><p>" + error _obj . error . message + "</p>" ) ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( googleplus _timeout ) ;
clearTimeout ( callback _timeout ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . googleplus . que . length > 0 ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googleplus . create ( VMM . master _config . googleplus . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . googleplus . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . googleplus . que , 0 ) ;
/ *
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . googleplus . que . length ; i ++ ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googleplus . create ( VMM . master _config . googleplus . que [ i ] ) ;
VMM . master _config . googleplus . que = [ ] ;
* /
} ,
errorTimeOut : function ( gplus ) {
trace ( "GOOGLE+ JSON ERROR TIMEOUT " + gplus . activity ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#googleplus_" + gplus . activity , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "<p>Still waiting on GOOGLE+ </p><p>" + gplus . activity + "</p>" ) ) ;
} ,
googledocs : {
get : function ( m ) {
VMM . master _config . googledocs . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . googledocs . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( m ) {
var mediaElem = "" ;
if ( m . id . match ( /docs.google.com/i ) ) {
mediaElem = "<iframe class='doc' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='" + m . id + "&embedded=true'></iframe>" ;
} else {
mediaElem = "<iframe class='doc' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='" + "//docs.google.com/viewer?url=" + m . id + "&embedded=true'></iframe>" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , mediaElem ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . googledocs . que . length ; i ++ ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . googledocs . create ( VMM . master _config . googledocs . que [ i ] ) ;
VMM . master _config . googledocs . que = [ ] ;
} ,
flickr : {
get : function ( m ) {
VMM . master _config . flickr . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . flickr . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( m , callback ) {
var api _key ,
callback _timeout = setTimeout ( callback , VMM . master _config . timers . api , m ) ;
if ( typeof VMM . master _config . Timeline != 'undefined' && VMM . master _config . Timeline . api _keys . flickr != "" ) {
api _key = VMM . master _config . Timeline . api _keys . flickr ;
} else {
api _key = Aes . Ctr . decrypt ( VMM . master _config . api _keys _master . flickr , VMM . master _config . vp , 256 )
var the _url = "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.getSizes&api_key=" + api _key + "&photo_id=" + m . id + "&format=json&jsoncallback=?" ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
var flickr _id = VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . getFlickrIdFromUrl ( d . sizes . size [ 0 ] . url ) ;
var flickr _large _id = "#" + m . uid ,
flickr _thumb _id = "#" + m . uid + "_thumb" ;
//flickr_thumb_id = "flickr_" + uid + "_thumb";
var flickr _img _size ,
flickr _img _thumb ,
flickr _size _found = false ,
flickr _best _size = "Large" ;
flickr _best _size = VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . sizes ( VMM . master _config . sizes . api . height ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < d . sizes . size . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( d . sizes . size [ i ] . label == flickr _best _size ) {
flickr _size _found = true ;
flickr _img _size = d . sizes . size [ i ] . source ;
if ( ! flickr _size _found ) {
flickr _img _size = d . sizes . size [ d . sizes . size . length - 2 ] . source ;
flickr _img _thumb = d . sizes . size [ 0 ] . source ;
VMM . Lib . attr ( flickr _large _id , "src" , flickr _img _size ) ;
//VMM.attachElement(flickr_large_id, "<a href='" + flick.link + "' target='_blank'><img src='" + flickr_img_size + "'></a>");
VMM . attachElement ( flickr _thumb _id , "<img src='" + flickr _img _thumb + "'>" ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "FLICKR error" ) ;
trace ( "FLICKR ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( callback _timeout ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . flickr . que . length > 0 ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . create ( VMM . master _config . flickr . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . flickr . que , 0 ) ;
} ,
sizes : function ( s ) {
var _size = "" ;
if ( s <= 75 ) {
_size = "Thumbnail" ;
} else if ( s <= 180 ) {
_size = "Small" ;
} else if ( s <= 240 ) {
_size = "Small 320" ;
} else if ( s <= 375 ) {
_size = "Medium" ;
} else if ( s <= 480 ) {
_size = "Medium 640" ;
} else if ( s <= 600 ) {
_size = "Large" ;
} else {
_size = "Large" ;
return _size ;
} ,
getFlickrIdFromUrl : function ( url ) {
var idx = url . indexOf ( "flickr.com/photos/" ) ;
if ( idx == - 1 ) return null ;
var pos = idx + "flickr.com/photos/" . length ;
var photo _info = url . substr ( pos )
if ( photo _info . indexOf ( '/' ) == - 1 ) return null ;
if ( photo _info . indexOf ( '/' ) == 0 ) photo _info = photo _info . substr ( 1 ) ;
return photo _info . split ( "/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} ,
instagram : {
get : function ( m , thumb ) {
if ( thumb ) {
return "//instagr.am/p/" + m . id + "/media/?size=t" ;
} else {
return "//instagr.am/p/" + m . id + "/media/?size=" + VMM . ExternalAPI . instagram . sizes ( VMM . master _config . sizes . api . height ) ;
} ,
sizes : function ( s ) {
var _size = "" ;
if ( s <= 150 ) {
_size = "t" ;
} else if ( s <= 306 ) {
_size = "m" ;
} else {
_size = "l" ;
return _size ;
} ,
isInstagramUrl : function ( url ) {
return url . match ( "instagr.am/p/" ) || url . match ( "instagram.com/p/" ) ;
} ,
getInstagramIdFromUrl : function ( url ) {
try {
return url . split ( "\/p\/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "/" ) [ 0 ] ;
} catch ( e ) {
trace ( "Invalid Instagram url: " + url ) ;
return null ;
} ,
soundcloud : {
get : function ( m ) {
VMM . master _config . soundcloud . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . soundcloud . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( m , callback ) {
var the _url = "//soundcloud.com/oembed?url=" + m . id + "&maxheight=168&format=js&callback=?" ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , d . html ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . soundcloud . que . length > 0 ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . soundcloud . create ( VMM . master _config . soundcloud . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . soundcloud . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . soundcloud . que , 0 ) ;
} ,
wikipedia : {
get : function ( m ) {
VMM . master _config . wikipedia . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . wikipedia . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( m , callback ) {
var the _url = "//" + m . lang + ".wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&redirects=&titles=" + m . id + "&exintro=1&format=json&callback=?" ;
callback _timeout = setTimeout ( callback , VMM . master _config . timers . api , m ) ;
if ( VMM . Browser . browser == "Explorer" && parseInt ( VMM . Browser . version , 10 ) >= 7 && window . XDomainRequest ) {
var temp _text = "<h4><a href='http://" + VMM . master _config . language . api . wikipedia + ".wikipedia.org/wiki/" + m . id + "' target='_blank'>" + m . url + "</a></h4>" ;
temp _text += "<span class='wiki-source'>" + VMM . master _config . language . messages . wikipedia + "</span>" ;
temp _text += "<p>Wikipedia entry unable to load using Internet Explorer 8 or below.</p>" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , temp _text ) ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
if ( d . query ) {
var wiki _extract ,
wiki _title ,
_wiki = "" ,
wiki _text = "" ,
wiki _number _of _paragraphs = 1 ,
wiki _text _array = [ ] ;
wiki _extract = VMM . Util . getObjectAttributeByIndex ( d . query . pages , 0 ) . extract ;
wiki _title = VMM . Util . getObjectAttributeByIndex ( d . query . pages , 0 ) . title ;
if ( wiki _extract . match ( "<p>" ) ) {
wiki _text _array = wiki _extract . split ( "<p>" ) ;
} else {
wiki _text _array . push ( wiki _extract ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < wiki _text _array . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i + 1 <= wiki _number _of _paragraphs && i + 1 < wiki _text _array . length ) {
wiki _text += "<p>" + wiki _text _array [ i + 1 ] ;
_wiki = "<h4><a href='http://" + VMM . master _config . language . api . wikipedia + ".wikipedia.org/wiki/" + wiki _title + "' target='_blank'>" + wiki _title + "</a></h4>" ;
_wiki += "<span class='wiki-source'>" + VMM . master _config . language . messages . wikipedia + "</span>" ;
_wiki += VMM . Util . linkify _wikipedia ( wiki _text ) ;
if ( wiki _extract . match ( "REDIRECT" ) ) {
} else {
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , _wiki ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "WIKIPEDIA error" ) ;
trace ( "WIKIPEDIA ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
trace ( errorThrown ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( "<p>Wikipedia is not responding</p>" ) ) ;
clearTimeout ( callback _timeout ) ;
if ( VMM . master _config . wikipedia . tries < 4 ) {
trace ( "WIKIPEDIA ATTEMPT " + VMM . master _config . wikipedia . tries ) ;
trace ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . wikipedia . tries ++ ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . wikipedia . create ( m , callback ) ;
} else {
callback ( ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
VMM . master _config . wikipedia . tries = 0 ;
clearTimeout ( callback _timeout ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . wikipedia . que . length > 0 ) {
trace ( "WIKIPEDIA PUSH QUE " + VMM . master _config . wikipedia . que . length ) ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . wikipedia . create ( VMM . master _config . wikipedia . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . wikipedia . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . wikipedia . que , 0 ) ;
} ,
youtube : {
get : function ( m ) {
var the _url = "//gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/" + m . id + "?v=2&alt=jsonc&callback=?" ;
VMM . master _config . youtube . que . push ( m ) ;
if ( ! VMM . master _config . youtube . active ) {
if ( ! VMM . master _config . youtube . api _loaded ) {
LoadLib . js ( '//www.youtube.com/player_api' , function ( ) {
trace ( "YouTube API Library Loaded" ) ;
} ) ;
VMM . getJSON ( the _url , function ( d ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . createThumb ( d , m )
} ) ;
} ,
create : function ( m ) {
if ( typeof ( m . start ) != 'undefined' ) {
var vidstart = m . start . toString ( ) ,
vid _start _minutes = 0 ,
vid _start _seconds = 0 ;
if ( vidstart . match ( 'm' ) ) {
vid _start _minutes = parseInt ( vidstart . split ( "m" ) [ 0 ] , 10 ) ;
vid _start _seconds = parseInt ( vidstart . split ( "m" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "s" ) [ 0 ] , 10 ) ;
m . start = ( vid _start _minutes * 60 ) + vid _start _seconds ;
} else {
m . start = 0 ;
} else {
m . start = 0 ;
var p = {
active : false ,
player : { } ,
name : m . uid ,
playing : false ,
hd : false
} ;
if ( typeof ( m . hd ) != 'undefined' ) {
p . hd = true ;
p . player [ m . id ] = new YT . Player ( m . uid , {
height : '390' ,
width : '640' ,
playerVars : {
enablejsapi : 1 ,
color : ( "dark" == VMM . master _config . Timeline . youtubeTheme ) ? "red" : "white" , // https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#color
showinfo : 0 ,
theme : ( "undefined" !== VMM . master _config . Timeline . youtubeTheme ) ? VMM . master _config . Timeline . youtubeTheme : "light" , // https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#theme
start : m . start ,
rel : 0
} ,
videoId : m . id ,
events : {
'onReady' : VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . onPlayerReady ,
'onStateChange' : VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . onStateChange
} ) ;
VMM . master _config . youtube . array . push ( p ) ;
} ,
createThumb : function ( d , m ) {
trace ( "CREATE THUMB" ) ;
trace ( d ) ;
trace ( m ) ;
if ( typeof d . data != 'undefined' ) {
var thumb _id = "#" + m . uid + "_thumb" ;
VMM . attachElement ( thumb _id , "<img src='" + d . data . thumbnail . sqDefault + "'>" ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . youtube . que . length ; i ++ ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . create ( VMM . master _config . youtube . que [ i ] ) ;
VMM . master _config . youtube . que = [ ] ;
} ,
onAPIReady : function ( ) {
VMM . master _config . youtube . active = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . pushQue ( ) ;
} ,
stopPlayers : function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . youtube . array . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . playing ) {
if ( typeof VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player . the _name !== 'undefined' ) {
VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player . the _name . stopVideo ( ) ;
} ,
onStateChange : function ( e ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . youtube . array . length ; i ++ ) {
for ( var z in VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player [ z ] == e . target ) {
VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player . the _name = VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player [ z ] ;
if ( VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player . the _name == e . target ) {
if ( e . data == YT . PlayerState . PLAYING ) {
VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . playing = true ;
if ( VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . hd === false ) {
VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . hd = true ;
VMM . master _config . youtube . array [ i ] . player . the _name . setPlaybackQuality ( "hd720" ) ;
} ,
onPlayerReady : function ( e ) {
} ,
vimeo : {
get : function ( m ) {
VMM . master _config . vimeo . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . vimeo . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( m , callback ) {
trace ( "VIMEO CREATE" ) ;
var thumb _url = "//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" + m . id + ".json" ,
video _url = "//player.vimeo.com/video/" + m . id + "?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" ;
VMM . getJSON ( thumb _url , function ( d ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . vimeo . createThumb ( d , m ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , "<iframe autostart='false' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='" + video _url + "'></iframe>" ) ;
} ,
createThumb : function ( d , m ) {
trace ( "VIMEO CREATE THUMB" ) ;
var thumb _id = "#" + m . uid + "_thumb" ;
VMM . attachElement ( thumb _id , "<img src='" + d [ 0 ] . thumbnail _small + "'>" ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . vimeo . que . length > 0 ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . vimeo . create ( VMM . master _config . vimeo . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . vimeo . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . vimeo . que , 0 ) ;
} ,
vine : {
get : function ( m ) {
VMM . master _config . vine . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . vine . active = true ;
} ,
create : function ( m , callback ) {
trace ( "VINE CREATE" ) ;
var video _url = "https://vine.co/v/" + m . id + "/embed/simple" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , "<iframe frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='" + video _url + "'></iframe><script async src='http://platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js' charset='utf-8'></script>" ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
if ( VMM . master _config . vine . que . length > 0 ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . vine . create ( VMM . master _config . vine . que [ 0 ] , VMM . ExternalAPI . vine . pushQue ) ;
VMM . Util . removeRange ( VMM . master _config . vine . que , 0 ) ;
} ,
webthumb : {
get : function ( m , thumb ) {
VMM . master _config . webthumb . que . push ( m ) ;
VMM . master _config . webthumb . active = true ;
} ,
sizes : function ( s ) {
var _size = "" ;
if ( s <= 150 ) {
_size = "t" ;
} else if ( s <= 306 ) {
_size = "m" ;
} else {
_size = "l" ;
return _size ;
} ,
create : function ( m ) {
trace ( "WEB THUMB CREATE" ) ;
var thumb _url = "//api.pagepeeker.com/v2/thumbs.php?" ;
url = m . id . replace ( "http://" , "" ) ; //.split("/")[0];
// Main Image
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid , "<a href='" + m . id + "' target='_blank'><img src='" + thumb _url + "size=x&url=" + url + "'></a>" ) ;
// Thumb
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . uid + "_thumb" , "<img src='" + thumb _url + "size=t&url=" + url + "'>" ) ;
} ,
pushQue : function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VMM . master _config . webthumb . que . length ; i ++ ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . webthumb . create ( VMM . master _config . webthumb . que [ i ] ) ;
VMM . master _config . webthumb . que = [ ] ;
} ) . init ( ) ;
/ * Y O U T U B E A P I R E A D Y
Can ' t find a way to customize this callback and keep it in the VMM namespace
Youtube wants it to be this function .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady ( ) {
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . onAPIReady ( ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . MediaElement . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * M e d i a E l e m e n t
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . MediaElement == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . MediaElement = ( {
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
loadingmessage : function ( m ) {
return "<div class='vco-loading'><div class='vco-loading-container'><div class='vco-loading-icon'></div>" + "<div class='vco-message'><p>" + m + "</p></div></div></div>" ;
} ,
thumbnail : function ( data , w , h , uid ) {
var _w = 16 ,
_h = 24 ,
_uid = "" ;
if ( w != null && w != "" ) { _w = w } ;
if ( h != null && h != "" ) { _h = h } ;
if ( uid != null && uid != "" ) { _uid = uid } ;
if ( data . thumbnail != null && data . thumbnail != "" ) {
trace ( "CUSTOM THUMB" ) ;
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-custom' id='" + uid + "_custom_thumb'><img src='" + data . thumbnail + "'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( data . media != null && data . media != "" ) {
var _valid = true ,
mediaElem = "" ,
m = VMM . MediaType ( data . media ) ; //returns an object with .type and .id
if ( m . type == "image" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-photo'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "flickr" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-photo' id='" + uid + "_thumb'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "instagram" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-instagram' id='" + uid + "_thumb'><img src='" + VMM . ExternalAPI . instagram . get ( m , true ) + "'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "youtube" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-youtube' id='" + uid + "_thumb'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "googledoc" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-document'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "vimeo" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-vimeo' id='" + uid + "_thumb'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "vine" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-vine'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "dailymotion" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-video'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "twitter" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-twitter'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "twitter-ready" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-twitter'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "soundcloud" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-audio'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "google-map" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-map'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "googleplus" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-googleplus'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "wikipedia" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-wikipedia'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "storify" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-storify'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "quote" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-quote'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "iframe" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-video'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "unknown" ) {
if ( m . id . match ( "blockquote" ) ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-quote'></div>" ;
} else {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-plaintext'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "website" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-website' id='" + uid + "_thumb'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail thumb-plaintext'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} ,
create : function ( data , uid ) {
var _valid = false ,
//loading_messege = "<span class='messege'><p>" + VMM.master_config.language.messages.loading + "</p></span>";
loading _messege = VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( VMM . master _config . language . messages . loading + "..." ) ;
if ( data . media != null && data . media != "" ) {
var mediaElem = "" , captionElem = "" , creditElem = "" , _id = "" , isTextMedia = false , m ;
m = VMM . MediaType ( data . media ) ; //returns an object with .type and .id
m . uid = uid ;
_valid = true ;
if ( data . credit != null && data . credit != "" ) {
creditElem = "<div class='credit'>" + VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( data . credit , "_blank" ) + "</div>" ;
if ( data . caption != null && data . caption != "" ) {
captionElem = "<div class='caption'>" + VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( data . caption , "_blank" ) + "</div>" ;
if ( m . type == "image" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-image media-shadow'><img src='" + m . id + "' class='media-image'></div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "flickr" ) {
//mediaElem = "<div class='media-image media-shadow' id='" + uid + "'>" + loading_messege + "</div>";
mediaElem = "<div class='media-image media-shadow'><a href='" + m . link + "' target='_blank'><img id='" + uid + "'></a></div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "instagram" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-image media-shadow'><a href='" + m . link + "' target='_blank'><img src='" + VMM . ExternalAPI . instagram . get ( m ) + "'></a></div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "googledoc" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-frame media-shadow doc' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googledocs . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "youtube" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow'><div class='media-frame video youtube' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div></div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "vimeo" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow media-frame video vimeo' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . vimeo . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "dailymotion" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow'><iframe class='media-frame video dailymotion' autostart='false' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/" + m . id + "'></iframe></div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "vine" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow media-frame video vine' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . vine . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "twitter" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='twitter' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
isTextMedia = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "twitter-ready" ) {
isTextMedia = true ;
mediaElem = m . id ;
} else if ( m . type == "soundcloud" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-frame media-shadow soundcloud' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . soundcloud . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "google-map" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-frame media-shadow map' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "googleplus" ) {
_id = "googleplus_" + m . id ;
mediaElem = "<div class='googleplus' id='" + _id + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
isTextMedia = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googleplus . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "wikipedia" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='wikipedia' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
isTextMedia = true ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . wikipedia . get ( m ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "storify" ) {
isTextMedia = true ;
mediaElem = "<div class='plain-text-quote'>" + m . id + "</div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "iframe" ) {
isTextMedia = true ;
mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow'><iframe class='media-frame video' autostart='false' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='" + m . id + "'></iframe></div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "quote" ) {
isTextMedia = true ;
mediaElem = "<div class='plain-text-quote'>" + m . id + "</div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "unknown" ) {
isTextMedia = true ;
mediaElem = "<div class='plain-text'><div class='container'>" + VMM . Util . properQuotes ( m . id ) + "</div></div>" ;
} else if ( m . type == "website" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow website' id='" + m . uid + "'>" + loading _messege + "</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . webthumb . get ( m ) ;
//mediaElem = "<div class='media-shadow website'><a href='" + m.id + "' target='_blank'>" + "<img src='http://api1.thumbalizr.com/?url=" + m.id.replace(/[\./]$/g, "") + "&width=300' class='media-image'></a></div>";
} else {
trace ( m . type ) ;
mediaElem = "<div class='media-container' >" + mediaElem + creditElem + captionElem + "</div>" ;
if ( isTextMedia ) {
return "<div class='text-media'><div class='media-wrapper'>" + mediaElem + "</div></div>" ;
} else {
return "<div class='media-wrapper'>" + mediaElem + "</div>" ;
} ;
} ) . init ( ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . MediaType . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * M e d i a T y p e
Determines the type of media the url string is .
returns an object with . type and . id
the id is a key piece of information needed to make
the request of the api .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . MediaType == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . MediaType = function ( _d ) {
var d = _d . replace ( /^\s\s*/ , '' ) . replace ( /\s\s*$/ , '' ) ,
success = false ,
media = {
type : "unknown" ,
id : "" ,
start : 0 ,
hd : false ,
link : "" ,
lang : VMM . Language . lang ,
uniqueid : VMM . Util . unique _ID ( 6 )
} ;
if ( d . match ( "div class='twitter'" ) ) {
media . type = "twitter-ready" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '<blockquote' ) ) {
media . type = "quote" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '<iframe' ) ) {
media . type = "iframe" ;
trace ( "IFRAME" )
regex = /src=['"](\S+?)['"]/ ;
group = d . match ( regex ) ;
if ( group ) {
media . id = group [ 1 ] ;
trace ( "iframe url: " + media . id ) ;
success = Boolean ( media . id ) ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?youtube|youtu\.be' ) ) {
if ( d . match ( 'v=' ) ) {
media . id = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( d ) [ "v" ] ;
} else if ( d . match ( '\/embed\/' ) ) {
// TODO Issue #618 better splitting
media . id = d . split ( "embed\/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( d . match ( /v\/|v=|youtu\.be\// ) ) {
media . id = d . split ( /v\/|v=|youtu\.be\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ;
} else {
media . start = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( d ) [ "t" ] ;
media . hd = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( d ) [ "hd" ] ;
media . type = "youtube" ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(player.)?vimeo\.com' ) ) {
media . type = "vimeo" ;
media . id = d . split ( /video\/|\/\/vimeo\.com\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ; ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?dailymotion\.com' ) ) {
media . id = d . split ( /video\/|\/\/dailymotion\.com\// ) [ 1 ] ;
media . type = "dailymotion" ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?vine\.co' ) ) {
trace ( "VINE" ) ;
if ( d . match ( "vine.co/v/" ) ) {
media . id = d . split ( "vine.co/v/" ) [ 1 ] ;
trace ( media . id ) ;
trace ( d ) ;
media . type = "vine" ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(player.)?soundcloud\.com' ) ) {
media . type = "soundcloud" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?twitter\.com' ) && d . match ( 'status' ) ) {
if ( d . match ( "status\/" ) ) {
media . id = d . split ( "status\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else if ( d . match ( "statuses\/" ) ) {
media . id = d . split ( "statuses\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else {
media . id = "" ;
media . type = "twitter" ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "maps.google" ) && ! d . match ( "staticmap" ) && ! d . match ( 'streetview' ) ) {
media . type = "google-map" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( /www.google.\w+\/maps/ ) ) {
media . type = "google-map" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "plus.google" ) ) {
media . type = "googleplus" ;
media . id = d . split ( "/posts/" ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( d . split ( "/posts/" ) [ 0 ] . match ( "u/0/" ) ) {
media . user = d . split ( "u/0/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "/posts" ) [ 0 ] ;
} else {
media . user = d . split ( "google.com/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "/posts/" ) [ 0 ] ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "flickr.com/photos/" ) ) {
media . type = "flickr" ;
media . id = VMM . ExternalAPI . flickr . getFlickrIdFromUrl ( d )
media . link = d ;
success = Boolean ( media . id ) ;
} else if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . instagram . isInstagramUrl ( d ) ) {
media . type = "instagram" ;
media . link = d ;
media . id = VMM . ExternalAPI . instagram . getInstagramIdFromUrl ( d )
success = Boolean ( media . id ) ;
} else if ( d . match ( /jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|bmp/i ) ||
d . match ( "staticmap" ) ||
d . match ( "yfrog.com" ) ||
d . match ( "twitpic.com" ) ||
d . match ( 'maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview' ) ) {
media . type = "image" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( VMM . FileExtention . googleDocType ( d ) ) {
media . type = "googledoc" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?wikipedia\.org' ) ) {
media . type = "wikipedia" ;
//media.id = d.split("wiki\/")[1];
// TODO Issue #618 better splitting
var wiki _id = d . split ( "wiki\/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "#" ) [ 0 ] . replace ( "_" , " " ) ;
media . id = wiki _id . replace ( " " , "%20" ) ;
media . lang = d . split ( "//" ) [ 1 ] . split ( ".wikipedia" ) [ 0 ] ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . indexOf ( 'http://' ) == 0 ) {
media . type = "website" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( 'storify' ) ) {
media . type = "storify" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else {
trace ( "unknown media" ) ;
media . type = "unknown" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
if ( success ) {
return media ;
} else {
trace ( "No valid media id detected" ) ;
trace ( d ) ;
return false ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . TextElement . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * T e x t E l e m e n t
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . TextElement == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . TextElement = ( {
init : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
create : function ( data ) {
return data ;
} ) . init ( ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Media . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * M e d i a
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/ * * C o d e K i t I m p o r t
* http : //incident57.com/codekit/
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// @codekit-prepend "VMM.ExternalAPI.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.MediaElement.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.MediaType.js";
// @codekit-prepend "VMM.TextElement.js";
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . DragSlider . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * D R A G S L I D E R
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . DragSlider == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . DragSlider = function ( ) {
var drag = {
element : "" ,
element _move : "" ,
constraint : "" ,
sliding : false ,
pagex : {
start : 0 ,
end : 0
} ,
pagey : {
start : 0 ,
end : 0
} ,
left : {
start : 0 ,
end : 0
} ,
time : {
start : 0 ,
end : 0
} ,
touch : false ,
ease : "easeOutExpo"
} ,
dragevent = {
down : "mousedown" ,
up : "mouseup" ,
leave : "mouseleave" ,
move : "mousemove"
} ,
mousedrag = {
down : "mousedown" ,
up : "mouseup" ,
leave : "mouseleave" ,
move : "mousemove"
} ,
touchdrag = {
down : "touchstart" ,
up : "touchend" ,
leave : "mouseleave" ,
move : "touchmove"
} ,
dragslider = this ,
is _sticky = false ;
/ * P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . createPanel = function ( drag _object , move _object , constraint , touch , sticky ) {
drag . element = drag _object ;
drag . element _move = move _object ;
//dragslider = drag_object;
if ( sticky != null && sticky != "" ) {
is _sticky = sticky ;
if ( constraint != null && constraint != "" ) {
drag . constraint = constraint ;
} else {
drag . constraint = false ;
if ( touch ) {
drag . touch = touch ;
} else {
drag . touch = false ;
trace ( "TOUCH" + drag . touch ) ;
if ( drag . touch ) {
dragevent = touchdrag ;
} else {
dragevent = mousedrag ;
makeDraggable ( drag . element , drag . element _move ) ;
this . updateConstraint = function ( constraint ) {
trace ( "updateConstraint" ) ;
drag . constraint = constraint ;
this . cancelSlide = function ( e ) {
VMM . unbindEvent ( drag . element , onDragMove , dragevent . move ) ;
return true ;
/ * P R I V A T E F U N C T I O N S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function makeDraggable ( drag _object , move _object ) {
VMM . bindEvent ( drag _object , onDragStart , dragevent . down , { element : move _object , delement : drag _object } ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( drag _object , onDragEnd , dragevent . up , { element : move _object , delement : drag _object } ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( drag _object , onDragLeave , dragevent . leave , { element : move _object , delement : drag _object } ) ;
function onDragLeave ( e ) {
VMM . unbindEvent ( e . data . delement , onDragMove , dragevent . move ) ;
if ( ! drag . touch ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( drag . sliding ) {
drag . sliding = false ;
dragEnd ( e . data . element , e . data . delement , e ) ;
return false ;
} else {
return true ;
function onDragStart ( e ) {
dragStart ( e . data . element , e . data . delement , e ) ;
if ( ! drag . touch ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
return true ;
function onDragEnd ( e ) {
if ( ! drag . touch ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( drag . sliding ) {
drag . sliding = false ;
dragEnd ( e . data . element , e . data . delement , e ) ;
return false ;
} else {
return true ;
function onDragMove ( e ) {
dragMove ( e . data . element , e ) ;
function dragStart ( elem , delem , e ) {
if ( drag . touch ) {
trace ( "IS TOUCH" )
VMM . Lib . css ( elem , '-webkit-transition-duration' , '0' ) ;
drag . pagex . start = e . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] . screenX ;
drag . pagey . start = e . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] . screenY ;
} else {
drag . pagex . start = e . pageX ;
drag . pagey . start = e . pageY ;
drag . left . start = getLeft ( elem ) ;
drag . time . start = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
VMM . Lib . stop ( elem ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( delem , onDragMove , dragevent . move , { element : elem } ) ;
function dragEnd ( elem , delem , e ) {
VMM . unbindEvent ( delem , onDragMove , dragevent . move ) ;
dragMomentum ( elem , e ) ;
function dragMove ( elem , e ) {
var drag _to , drag _to _y ;
drag . sliding = true ;
if ( drag . touch ) {
drag . pagex . end = e . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] . screenX ;
drag . pagey . end = e . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] . screenY ;
} else {
drag . pagex . end = e . pageX ;
drag . pagey . end = e . pageY ;
drag . left . end = getLeft ( elem ) ;
drag _to = - ( drag . pagex . start - drag . pagex . end - drag . left . start ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( drag . pagey . start ) - Math . abs ( drag . pagey . end ) > 10 ) {
trace ( "SCROLLING Y" )
trace ( Math . abs ( drag . pagey . start ) - Math . abs ( drag . pagey . end ) ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( drag _to - drag . left . start ) > 10 ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( elem , 'left' , drag _to ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
function dragMomentum ( elem , e ) {
var drag _info = {
left : drag . left . end ,
left _adjust : 0 ,
change : {
x : 0
} ,
time : ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - drag . time . start ) * 10 ,
time _adjust : ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - drag . time . start ) * 10
} ,
multiplier = 3000 ;
if ( drag . touch ) {
multiplier = 6000 ;
drag _info . change . x = multiplier * ( Math . abs ( drag . pagex . end ) - Math . abs ( drag . pagex . start ) ) ;
drag _info . left _adjust = Math . round ( drag _info . change . x / drag _info . time ) ;
drag _info . left = Math . min ( drag _info . left + drag _info . left _adjust ) ;
if ( drag . constraint ) {
if ( drag _info . left > drag . constraint . left ) {
drag _info . left = drag . constraint . left ;
if ( drag _info . time > 5000 ) {
drag _info . time = 5000 ;
} else if ( drag _info . left < drag . constraint . right ) {
drag _info . left = drag . constraint . right ;
if ( drag _info . time > 5000 ) {
drag _info . time = 5000 ;
VMM . fireEvent ( dragslider , "DRAGUPDATE" , [ drag _info ] ) ;
if ( ! is _sticky ) {
if ( drag _info . time > 0 ) {
if ( drag . touch ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( elem , drag _info . time , "easeOutCirc" , { "left" : drag _info . left } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . animate ( elem , drag _info . time , drag . ease , { "left" : drag _info . left } ) ;
function getLeft ( elem ) {
return parseInt ( VMM . Lib . css ( elem , 'left' ) . substring ( 0 , VMM . Lib . css ( elem , 'left' ) . length - 2 ) , 10 ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Slider . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * S l i d e r
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/ * * C o d e K i t I m p o r t
* http : //incident57.com/codekit/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// @codekit-append "VMM.Slider.Slide.js";
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Slider == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Slider = function ( parent , parent _config ) {
var config ,
timer ,
$slider ,
$slider _mask ,
$slider _container ,
$slides _items ,
$dragslide ,
$explainer ,
events = { } ,
data = [ ] ,
slides = [ ] ,
slide _positions = [ ] ,
slides _content = "" ,
current _slide = 0 ,
current _width = 960 ,
touch = {
move : false ,
x : 10 ,
y : 0 ,
off : 0 ,
dampen : 48
} ,
content = "" ,
_active = false ,
layout = parent ,
navigation = {
nextBtn : "" ,
prevBtn : "" ,
nextDate : "" ,
prevDate : "" ,
nextTitle : "" ,
prevTitle : ""
} ;
if ( typeof parent _config != 'undefined' ) {
config = parent _config ;
} else {
config = {
preload : 4 ,
current _slide : 0 ,
interval : 10 ,
something : 0 ,
width : 720 ,
height : 400 ,
ease : "easeInOutExpo" ,
duration : 1000 ,
timeline : false ,
spacing : 15 ,
slider : {
width : 720 ,
height : 400 ,
content : {
width : 720 ,
height : 400 ,
padding : 120 ,
padding _default : 120
} ,
nav : {
width : 100 ,
height : 200
} ;
/ * P U B L I C V A R S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . ver = "0.6" ;
config . slider . width = config . width ;
config . slider . height = config . height ;
/ * P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . init = function ( d ) {
slides = [ ] ;
slide _positions = [ ] ;
if ( typeof d != 'undefined' ) {
this . setData ( d ) ;
} else {
trace ( "WAITING ON DATA" ) ;
} ;
this . width = function ( w ) {
if ( w != null && w != "" ) {
config . slider . width = w ;
reSize ( ) ;
} else {
return config . slider . width ;
this . height = function ( h ) {
if ( h != null && h != "" ) {
config . slider . height = h ;
reSize ( ) ;
} else {
return config . slider . height ;
/ * G E T T E R S A N D S E T T E R S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . setData = function ( d ) {
if ( typeof d != 'undefined' ) {
data = d ;
build ( ) ;
} else {
trace ( "NO DATA" ) ;
} ;
this . getData = function ( ) {
return data ;
} ;
this . setConfig = function ( d ) {
if ( typeof d != 'undefined' ) {
config = d ;
} else {
trace ( "NO CONFIG DATA" ) ;
this . getConfig = function ( ) {
return config ;
} ;
this . setSize = function ( w , h ) {
if ( w != null ) { config . slider . width = w } ;
if ( h != null ) { config . slider . height = h } ;
if ( _active ) {
reSize ( ) ;
this . active = function ( ) {
return _active ;
} ;
this . getCurrentNumber = function ( ) {
return current _slide ;
} ;
this . setSlide = function ( n ) {
goToSlide ( n ) ;
} ;
/ * O N E V E N T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onConfigSet ( ) {
trace ( "onConfigSet" ) ;
} ;
function reSize ( go _to _slide , from _start ) {
var _go _to _slide = true ,
_from _start = false ;
if ( go _to _slide != null ) { _go _to _slide = go _to _slide } ;
if ( from _start != null ) { _from _start = from _start } ;
current _width = config . slider . width ;
config . slider . nav . height = VMM . Lib . height ( navigation . prevBtnContainer ) ;
// Handle smaller sizes
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" || current _width <= 640 ) {
config . slider . content . padding = 10 ;
} else {
config . slider . content . padding = config . slider . content . padding _default ;
config . slider . content . width = current _width - ( config . slider . content . padding * 2 ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( $slides _items , ( slides . length * config . slider . content . width ) ) ;
if ( _from _start ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( $slider _container , "left" , slides [ current _slide ] . leftpos ( ) ) ;
sizeSlides ( ) ;
positionSlides ( ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( navigation . nextBtn , "left" , ( current _width - config . slider . nav . width ) ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( navigation . prevBtn , config . slider . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( navigation . nextBtn , config . slider . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( navigation . nextBtnContainer , "top" , ( ( config . slider . height / 2 ) - ( config . slider . nav . height / 2 ) ) + 10 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( navigation . prevBtnContainer , "top" , ( ( config . slider . height / 2 ) - ( config . slider . nav . height / 2 ) ) + 10 ) ;
// Animate Changes
VMM . Lib . height ( $slider _mask , config . slider . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( $slider _mask , current _width ) ;
if ( _go _to _slide ) {
goToSlide ( current _slide , "linear" , 1 ) ;
} ;
if ( current _slide == 0 ) {
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . prevBtn , false ) ;
function onDragFinish ( e , d ) {
trace ( "DRAG FINISH" ) ;
trace ( d . left _adjust ) ;
trace ( ( config . slider . width / 2 ) ) ;
if ( d . left _adjust < 0 ) {
if ( Math . abs ( d . left _adjust ) > ( config . slider . width / 2 ) ) {
if ( current _slide == slides . length - 1 ) {
backToCurrentSlide ( ) ;
} else {
goToSlide ( current _slide + 1 , "easeOutExpo" ) ;
upDate ( ) ;
} else {
backToCurrentSlide ( ) ;
} else if ( Math . abs ( d . left _adjust ) > ( config . slider . width / 2 ) ) {
if ( current _slide == 0 ) {
backToCurrentSlide ( ) ;
} else {
goToSlide ( current _slide - 1 , "easeOutExpo" ) ;
upDate ( ) ;
} else {
backToCurrentSlide ( ) ;
/ * N A V I G A T I O N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onNextClick ( e ) {
if ( current _slide == slides . length - 1 ) {
backToCurrentSlide ( ) ;
} else {
goToSlide ( current _slide + 1 ) ;
upDate ( ) ;
function onPrevClick ( e ) {
if ( current _slide == 0 ) {
backToCurrentSlide ( ) ;
} else {
goToSlide ( current _slide - 1 ) ;
upDate ( ) ;
function onKeypressNav ( e ) {
switch ( e . keyCode ) {
case 39 :
onNextClick ( e ) ;
break ;
case 37 :
onPrevClick ( e ) ;
break ;
function onTouchUpdate ( e , b ) {
if ( slide _positions . length == 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
slide _positions . push ( slides [ i ] . leftpos ( ) ) ;
if ( typeof b . left == "number" ) {
var _pos = b . left ;
var _slide _pos = - ( slides [ current _slide ] . leftpos ( ) ) ;
if ( _pos < _slide _pos - ( config . slider _width / 3 ) ) {
onNextClick ( ) ;
} else if ( _pos > _slide _pos + ( config . slider _width / 3 ) ) {
onPrevClick ( ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . animate ( $slider _container , config . duration , config . ease , { "left" : _slide _pos } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . animate ( $slider _container , config . duration , config . ease , { "left" : _slide _pos } ) ;
if ( typeof b . top == "number" ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( $slider _container , config . duration , config . ease , { "top" : - b . top } ) ;
} else {
} ;
function onExplainerClick ( e ) {
detachMessege ( ) ;
/ * U P D A T E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function upDate ( ) {
config . current _slide = current _slide ;
VMM . fireEvent ( layout , "UPDATE" ) ;
} ;
/ * G E T D A T A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function getData ( d ) {
data = d ;
} ;
/ * B U I L D S L I D E S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function buildSlides ( d ) {
var i = 0 ;
VMM . attachElement ( $slides _items , "" ) ;
slides = [ ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < d . length ; i ++ ) {
var _slide = new VMM . Slider . Slide ( d [ i ] , $slides _items ) ;
slides . push ( _slide ) ;
function preloadSlides ( skip ) {
var i = 0 ;
if ( skip ) {
preloadTimeOutSlides ( ) ;
} else {
for ( i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
slides [ i ] . clearTimers ( ) ;
timer = setTimeout ( preloadTimeOutSlides , config . duration ) ;
function preloadTimeOutSlides ( ) {
var i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
slides [ i ] . enqueue = true ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < config . preload ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! ( ( current _slide + i ) > slides . length - 1 ) ) {
slides [ current _slide + i ] . show ( ) ;
slides [ current _slide + i ] . enqueue = false ;
if ( ! ( ( current _slide - i ) < 0 ) ) {
slides [ current _slide - i ] . show ( ) ;
slides [ current _slide - i ] . enqueue = false ;
if ( slides . length > 50 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( slides [ i ] . enqueue ) {
slides [ i ] . hide ( ) ;
sizeSlides ( ) ;
function sizeSlide ( slide _id ) {
/ * S I Z E S L I D E S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function sizeSlides ( ) {
var i = 0 ,
layout _text _media = ".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container " ,
layout _media = ".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container " ,
layout _both = ".slider-item .media .media-container" ,
layout _caption = ".slider-item .media .media-container .media-shadow .caption" ,
is _skinny = false ,
mediasize = {
text _media : {
width : ( config . slider . content . width / 100 ) * 60 ,
height : config . slider . height - 60 ,
video : {
width : 0 ,
height : 0
} ,
text : {
width : ( ( config . slider . content . width / 100 ) * 40 ) - 30 ,
height : config . slider . height
} ,
media : {
width : config . slider . content . width ,
height : config . slider . height - 110 ,
video : {
width : 0 ,
height : 0
} ;
// Handle smaller sizes
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" || current _width < 641 ) {
is _skinny = true ;
VMM . master _config . sizes . api . width = mediasize . media . width ;
VMM . master _config . sizes . api . height = mediasize . media . height ;
mediasize . text _media . video = VMM . Util . ratio . fit ( mediasize . text _media . width , mediasize . text _media . height , 16 , 9 ) ;
mediasize . media . video = VMM . Util . ratio . fit ( mediasize . media . width , mediasize . media . height , 16 , 9 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item" , "width" , config . slider . content . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( ".slider-item" , config . slider . height ) ;
if ( is _skinny ) {
mediasize . text _media . width = config . slider . content . width - ( config . slider . content . padding * 2 ) ;
mediasize . media . width = config . slider . content . width - ( config . slider . content . padding * 2 ) ;
mediasize . text _media . height = ( ( config . slider . height / 100 ) * 50 ) - 50 ;
mediasize . media . height = ( ( config . slider . height / 100 ) * 70 ) - 40 ;
mediasize . text _media . video = VMM . Util . ratio . fit ( mediasize . text _media . width , mediasize . text _media . height , 16 , 9 ) ;
mediasize . media . video = VMM . Util . ratio . fit ( mediasize . media . width , mediasize . media . height , 16 , 9 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text" , "width" , "100%" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text" , "display" , "block" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text .container" , "display" , "block" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text .container" , "width" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text .container .start" , "width" , "auto" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .media" , "float" , "none" ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( ".slider-item .content-container" , "pad-top" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .media blockquote p" , "line-height" , "18px" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .media blockquote p" , "font-size" , "16px" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item" , "overflow-y" , "auto" ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text" , "width" , "40%" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text" , "display" , "table-cell" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text .container" , "display" , "table-cell" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text .container" , "width" , "auto" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .text .container .start" , "width" , mediasize . text _media . text . width ) ;
//VMM.Lib.addClass(".slider-item .content-container", "pad-left");
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( ".slider-item .content-container" , "pad-top" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media .media" , "float" , "left" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .layout-text-media" , "display" , "table" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .media blockquote p" , "line-height" , "36px" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item .media blockquote p" , "font-size" , "28px" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item" , "display" , "table" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider-item" , "overflow-y" , "auto" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + ".media-frame" , "max-width" , mediasize . text _media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _text _media + ".media-frame" , mediasize . text _media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _text _media + ".media-frame" , mediasize . text _media . width ) ;
//VMM.Lib.css( layout_both + ".website", "max-width", 300 );
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + "img" , "max-height" , mediasize . text _media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + "img" , "max-height" , mediasize . media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + "img" , "max-width" , mediasize . text _media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + ".avatar img" , "max-width" , 32 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + ".avatar img" , "max-height" , 32 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".avatar img" , "max-width" , 32 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".avatar img" , "max-height" , 32 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + ".article-thumb" , "max-width" , "50%" ) ;
//VMM.Lib.css( layout_text_media + ".article-thumb", "max-height", 100 );
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".article-thumb" , "max-width" , 200 ) ;
//VMM.Lib.css( layout_media + ".article-thumb", "max-height", 100 );
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _text _media + ".media-frame" , mediasize . text _media . video . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _text _media + ".media-frame" , mediasize . text _media . video . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".media-frame" , mediasize . media . video . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _media + ".media-frame" , mediasize . media . video . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".media-frame" , "max-height" , mediasize . media . video . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".media-frame" , "max-width" , mediasize . media . video . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _media + ".soundcloud" , 168 ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _text _media + ".soundcloud" , 168 ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".soundcloud" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _text _media + ".soundcloud" , mediasize . text _media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _both + ".soundcloud" , "max-height" , 168 ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _text _media + ".map" , mediasize . text _media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _text _media + ".map" , mediasize . text _media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".map" , "max-height" , mediasize . media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".map" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _text _media + ".doc" , mediasize . text _media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _text _media + ".doc" , mediasize . text _media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( layout _media + ".doc" , mediasize . media . height ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".doc" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".wikipedia" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".twitter" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".plain-text-quote" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( layout _media + ".plain-text" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _both , "max-width" , mediasize . media . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _text _media + ".caption" , "max-width" , mediasize . text _media . video . width ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( layout _media + ".caption" , "max-width" , mediasize . media . video . width ) ;
//VMM.Lib.css( layout_text_media + ".caption", "max-width", mediasize.text_media.width);
//VMM.Lib.css( layout_media + ".caption", "max-width", mediasize.media.width);
for ( i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
slides [ i ] . layout ( is _skinny ) ;
if ( slides [ i ] . content _height ( ) > config . slider . height + 20 ) {
slides [ i ] . css ( "display" , "block" ) ;
} else {
slides [ i ] . css ( "display" , "table" ) ;
/ * P O S I T I O N S L I D E S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function positionSlides ( ) {
var pos = 0 ,
i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
pos = i * ( config . slider . width + config . spacing ) ;
slides [ i ] . leftpos ( pos ) ;
/ * O P A C I T Y S L I D E S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function opacitySlides ( n ) {
var _ease = "linear" ,
i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < slides . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i == current _slide ) {
slides [ i ] . animate ( config . duration , _ease , { "opacity" : 1 } ) ;
} else if ( i == current _slide - 1 || i == current _slide + 1 ) {
slides [ i ] . animate ( config . duration , _ease , { "opacity" : 0.1 } ) ;
} else {
slides [ i ] . opacity ( n ) ;
/ * G O T O S L I D E
goToSlide ( n , ease , duration ) ;
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function goToSlide ( n , ease , duration , fast , firstrun ) {
var _ease = config . ease ,
_duration = config . duration ,
is _last = false ,
is _first = false ,
_title = "" ,
_pos ;
/ * S T O P A N Y V I D E O P L A Y E R S A C T I V E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
VMM . ExternalAPI . youtube . stopPlayers ( ) ;
// Set current slide
current _slide = n ;
_pos = slides [ current _slide ] . leftpos ( ) ;
if ( current _slide == 0 ) { is _first = true } ;
if ( current _slide + 1 >= slides . length ) { is _last = true } ;
if ( ease != null && ease != "" ) { _ease = ease } ;
if ( duration != null && duration != "" ) { _duration = duration } ;
/ * N A V I G A T I O N
set proper nav titles and dates etc .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// Handle smaller sizes
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" ) {
//if (VMM.Browser.device == "mobile" || current_width <= 640) {
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . prevBtn , false ) ;
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . nextBtn , false ) ;
} else {
if ( is _first ) {
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . prevBtn , false ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . prevBtn , true ) ;
_title = VMM . Util . unlinkify ( data [ current _slide - 1 ] . title )
if ( config . type == "timeline" ) {
if ( typeof data [ current _slide - 1 ] . date === "undefined" ) {
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . prevDate , _title ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . prevTitle , "" ) ;
} else {
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . prevDate , VMM . Date . prettyDate ( data [ current _slide - 1 ] . startdate , false , data [ current _slide - 1 ] . precisiondate ) ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . prevTitle , _title ) ;
} else {
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . prevTitle , _title ) ;
if ( is _last ) {
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . nextBtn , false ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . nextBtn , true ) ;
_title = VMM . Util . unlinkify ( data [ current _slide + 1 ] . title ) ;
if ( config . type == "timeline" ) {
if ( typeof data [ current _slide + 1 ] . date === "undefined" ) {
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . nextDate , _title ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . nextTitle , "" ) ;
} else {
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . nextDate , VMM . Date . prettyDate ( data [ current _slide + 1 ] . startdate , false , data [ current _slide + 1 ] . precisiondate ) ) ;
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . nextTitle , _title ) ;
} else {
VMM . attachElement ( navigation . nextTitle , _title ) ;
/ * A N I M A T E S L I D E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( fast ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( $slider _container , "left" , - ( _pos - config . slider . content . padding ) ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . stop ( $slider _container ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( $slider _container , _duration , _ease , { "left" : - ( _pos - config . slider . content . padding ) } ) ;
if ( firstrun ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( layout , "LOADED" ) ;
/ * S E T V e r t i c a l S c o l l
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( slides [ current _slide ] . height ( ) > config . slider _height ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( ".slider" , "overflow-y" , "scroll" ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . css ( layout , "overflow-y" , "hidden" ) ;
var scroll _height = 0 ;
try {
scroll _height = VMM . Lib . prop ( layout , "scrollHeight" ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( layout , _duration , _ease , { scrollTop : scroll _height - VMM . Lib . height ( layout ) } ) ;
catch ( err ) {
scroll _height = VMM . Lib . height ( layout ) ;
preloadSlides ( ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( $slider , "MESSAGE" , "TEST" ) ;
function backToCurrentSlide ( ) {
VMM . Lib . stop ( $slider _container ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( $slider _container , config . duration , "easeOutExpo" , { "left" : - ( slides [ current _slide ] . leftpos ( ) ) + config . slider . content . padding } ) ;
/ * M E S S E G E S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function showMessege ( e , msg , other ) {
trace ( "showMessege " + msg ) ;
//VMM.attachElement($timeline, $feedback);
VMM . attachElement ( $explainer , "<div class='vco-explainer'><div class='vco-explainer-container'><div class='vco-bezel'><div class='vco-gesture-icon'></div>" + "<div class='vco-message'><p>" + msg + "</p></div></div></div></div>" ) ;
} ;
function hideMessege ( ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( $explainer , config . duration , config . ease , { "opacity" : 0 } , detachMessege ) ;
} ;
function detachMessege ( ) {
VMM . Lib . detach ( $explainer ) ;
/ * B U I L D N A V I G A T I O N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function buildNavigation ( ) {
var temp _icon = "<div class='icon'> </div>" ;
navigation . nextBtn = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slider , "<div>" , "nav-next" ) ;
navigation . prevBtn = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slider , "<div>" , "nav-previous" ) ;
navigation . nextBtnContainer = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( navigation . nextBtn , "<div>" , "nav-container" , temp _icon ) ;
navigation . prevBtnContainer = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( navigation . prevBtn , "<div>" , "nav-container" , temp _icon ) ;
if ( config . type == "timeline" ) {
navigation . nextDate = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( navigation . nextBtnContainer , "<div>" , "date" , "" ) ;
navigation . prevDate = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( navigation . prevBtnContainer , "<div>" , "date" , "" ) ;
navigation . nextTitle = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( navigation . nextBtnContainer , "<div>" , "title" , "" ) ;
navigation . prevTitle = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( navigation . prevBtnContainer , "<div>" , "title" , "" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( ".nav-next" , onNextClick ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( ".nav-previous" , onPrevClick ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( window , onKeypressNav , 'keydown' ) ;
/ * B U I L D
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function build ( ) {
var _ _duration = 3000 ;
// Clear out existing content
VMM . attachElement ( layout , "" ) ;
// Get DOM Objects to local objects
$slider = VMM . getElement ( layout ) ;
$slider _mask = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slider , "<div>" , "slider-container-mask" ) ;
$slider _container = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slider _mask , "<div>" , "slider-container" ) ;
$slides _items = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slider _container , "<div>" , "slider-item-container" ) ;
buildNavigation ( ) ;
buildSlides ( data ) ;
/ * M A K E S L I D E R D R A G G A B L E / T O U C H A B L E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "tablet" || VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" ) {
// Different Animation duration for touch
config . duration = 500 ;
_ _duration = 1000 ;
// Make touchable
$dragslide = new VMM . DragSlider ( ) ;
$dragslide . createPanel ( $slider , $slider _container , "" , config . touch , true ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $dragslide , onDragFinish , 'DRAGUPDATE' ) ;
$explainer = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slider _mask , "<div>" , "vco-feedback" , "" ) ;
showMessege ( null , VMM . master _config . language . messages . swipe _nav ) ;
VMM . Lib . height ( $explainer , config . slider . height ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $explainer , onExplainerClick ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $explainer , onExplainerClick , 'touchend' ) ;
reSize ( false , true ) ;
VMM . Lib . visible ( navigation . prevBtn , false ) ;
goToSlide ( config . current _slide , "easeOutExpo" , _ _duration , true , true ) ;
_active = true ;
} ;
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Slider . Slide . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * S l i d e r S l i d e
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM . Slider != 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Slider . Slide = function ( d , _parent ) {
var $media , $text , $slide , $wrap , element , c ,
data = d ,
slide = { } ,
element = "" ,
media = "" ,
loaded = false ,
preloaded = false ,
is _skinny = false ,
_enqueue = true ,
_removeque = false ,
_id = "slide_" ,
_class = 0 ,
timer = { pushque : "" , render : "" , relayout : "" , remove : "" , skinny : false } ,
times = { pushque : 500 , render : 100 , relayout : 100 , remove : 30000 } ;
_id = _id + data . uniqueid ;
this . enqueue = _enqueue ;
this . id = _id ;
element = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _parent , "<div>" , "slider-item" ) ;
if ( typeof data . classname != 'undefined' ) {
trace ( "HAS CLASSNAME" ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( element , data . classname ) ;
} else {
trace ( "NO CLASSNAME" ) ;
trace ( data ) ;
c = { slide : "" , text : "" , media : "" , media _element : "" , layout : "content-container layout" , has : { headline : false , text : false , media : false } } ;
/ * P U B L I C
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . show = function ( skinny ) {
_enqueue = false ;
timer . skinny = skinny ;
_removeque = false ;
clearTimeout ( timer . remove ) ;
if ( ! loaded ) {
if ( preloaded ) {
clearTimeout ( timer . relayout ) ;
timer . relayout = setTimeout ( reloadLayout , times . relayout ) ;
} else {
render ( skinny ) ;
} ;
this . hide = function ( ) {
if ( loaded && ! _removeque ) {
_removeque = true ;
clearTimeout ( timer . remove ) ;
timer . remove = setTimeout ( removeSlide , times . remove ) ;
} ;
this . clearTimers = function ( ) {
clearTimeout ( timer . relayout ) ;
clearTimeout ( timer . pushque ) ;
clearTimeout ( timer . render ) ;
} ;
this . layout = function ( skinny ) {
if ( loaded && preloaded ) {
reLayout ( skinny ) ;
} ;
this . elem = function ( ) {
return element ;
} ;
this . position = function ( ) {
return VMM . Lib . position ( element ) ;
} ;
this . leftpos = function ( p ) {
if ( typeof p != 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( element , "left" , p ) ;
} else {
return VMM . Lib . position ( element ) . left
} ;
this . animate = function ( d , e , p ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( element , d , e , p ) ;
} ;
this . css = function ( p , v ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( element , p , v ) ;
this . opacity = function ( p ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( element , "opacity" , p ) ;
this . width = function ( ) {
return VMM . Lib . width ( element ) ;
} ;
this . height = function ( ) {
return VMM . Lib . height ( element ) ;
} ;
this . content _height = function ( ) {
var ch = VMM . Lib . find ( element , ".content" ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( ch != 'undefined' && ch != null ) {
return VMM . Lib . height ( ch ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
/ * P R I V A T E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
var render = function ( skinny ) {
trace ( "RENDER " + _id ) ;
loaded = true ;
preloaded = true ;
timer . skinny = skinny ;
buildSlide ( ) ;
clearTimeout ( timer . pushque ) ;
clearTimeout ( timer . render ) ;
timer . pushque = setTimeout ( VMM . ExternalAPI . pushQues , times . pushque ) ;
} ;
var removeSlide = function ( ) {
//VMM.attachElement(element, "");
loaded = false ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $media ) ;
} ;
var reloadLayout = function ( ) {
loaded = true ;
reLayout ( timer . skinny , true ) ;
} ;
var reLayout = function ( skinny , reload ) {
if ( c . has . text ) {
if ( skinny ) {
if ( ! is _skinny || reload ) {
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( $slide , "pad-left" ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $media ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $media ) ;
is _skinny = true ;
} else {
if ( is _skinny || reload ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $slide , "pad-left" ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $media ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $media ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $text ) ;
is _skinny = false ;
} else if ( reload ) {
if ( c . has . headline ) {
VMM . Lib . detach ( $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $media ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $media ) ;
var buildSlide = function ( ) {
trace ( "BUILDSLIDE" ) ;
$wrap = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( element , "<div>" , "content" ) ;
$slide = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $wrap , "<div>" ) ;
/ * D A T E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . startdate != null && data . startdate != "" ) {
if ( type . of ( data . startdate ) == "date" ) {
if ( data . type != "start" ) {
var st = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( data . startdate , false , data . precisiondate ) ;
var en = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( data . enddate , false , data . precisiondate ) ;
var tag = "" ;
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . tag != null && data . tag != "" ) {
tag = VMM . createElement ( "span" , data . tag , "slide-tag" ) ;
if ( st != en ) {
c . text += VMM . createElement ( "h2" , st + " — " + en + tag , "date" ) ;
} else {
c . text += VMM . createElement ( "h2" , st + tag , "date" ) ;
/ * H E A D L I N E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . headline != null && data . headline != "" ) {
c . has . headline = true ;
if ( data . type == "start" ) {
c . text += VMM . createElement ( "h2" , VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( data . headline , "_blank" ) , "start" ) ;
} else {
c . text += VMM . createElement ( "h3" , VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( data . headline , "_blank" ) ) ;
/ * T E X T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . text != null && data . text != "" ) {
c . has . text = true ;
c . text += VMM . createElement ( "p" , VMM . Util . linkify _with _twitter ( data . text , "_blank" ) ) ;
if ( c . has . text || c . has . headline ) {
c . text = VMM . createElement ( "div" , c . text , "container" ) ;
//$text = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slide, "<div>", "text", c.text);
$text = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slide , "<div>" , "text" , VMM . TextElement . create ( c . text ) ) ;
/ * S L U G
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . needs _slug ) {
/ * M E D I A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . asset != null && data . asset != "" ) {
if ( data . asset . media != null && data . asset . media != "" ) {
c . has . media = true ;
$media = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $slide , "<div>" , "media" , VMM . MediaElement . create ( data . asset , data . uniqueid ) ) ;
/ * C O M B I N E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( c . has . text ) { c . layout += "-text" } ;
if ( c . has . media ) { c . layout += "-media" } ;
if ( c . has . text ) {
if ( timer . skinny ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $slide , c . layout ) ;
is _skinny = true ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $slide , c . layout ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $slide , "pad-left" ) ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( $text ) ;
VMM . Lib . append ( $slide , $text ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $slide , c . layout ) ;
} ;
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin AES . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* AES implementation in JavaScript (c) Chris Veness 2005-2011 */
/* - see http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html#197 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
var Aes = { } ; // Aes namespace
/ * *
* AES Cipher function : encrypt 'input' state with Rijndael algorithm
* applies Nr rounds ( 10 / 12 / 14 ) using key schedule w for 'add round key' stage
* @ param { Number [ ] } input 16 - byte ( 128 - bit ) input state array
* @ param { Number [ ] [ ] } w Key schedule as 2 D byte - array ( Nr + 1 x Nb bytes )
* @ returns { Number [ ] } Encrypted output state array
* /
Aes . cipher = function ( input , w ) { // main Cipher function [§5.1]
var Nb = 4 ; // block size (in words): no of columns in state (fixed at 4 for AES)
var Nr = w . length / Nb - 1 ; // no of rounds: 10/12/14 for 128/192/256-bit keys
var state = [ [ ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ ] ] ; // initialise 4xNb byte-array 'state' with input [§3.4]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 * Nb ; i ++ ) state [ i % 4 ] [ Math . floor ( i / 4 ) ] = input [ i ] ;
state = Aes . addRoundKey ( state , w , 0 , Nb ) ;
for ( var round = 1 ; round < Nr ; round ++ ) {
state = Aes . subBytes ( state , Nb ) ;
state = Aes . shiftRows ( state , Nb ) ;
state = Aes . mixColumns ( state , Nb ) ;
state = Aes . addRoundKey ( state , w , round , Nb ) ;
state = Aes . subBytes ( state , Nb ) ;
state = Aes . shiftRows ( state , Nb ) ;
state = Aes . addRoundKey ( state , w , Nr , Nb ) ;
var output = new Array ( 4 * Nb ) ; // convert state to 1-d array before returning [§3.4]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 * Nb ; i ++ ) output [ i ] = state [ i % 4 ] [ Math . floor ( i / 4 ) ] ;
return output ;
/ * *
* Perform Key Expansion to generate a Key Schedule
* @ param { Number [ ] } key Key as 16 / 24 / 32 - byte array
* @ returns { Number [ ] [ ] } Expanded key schedule as 2 D byte - array ( Nr + 1 x Nb bytes )
* /
Aes . keyExpansion = function ( key ) { // generate Key Schedule (byte-array Nr+1 x Nb) from Key [§5.2]
var Nb = 4 ; // block size (in words): no of columns in state (fixed at 4 for AES)
var Nk = key . length / 4 // key length (in words): 4/6/8 for 128/192/256-bit keys
var Nr = Nk + 6 ; // no of rounds: 10/12/14 for 128/192/256-bit keys
var w = new Array ( Nb * ( Nr + 1 ) ) ;
var temp = new Array ( 4 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Nk ; i ++ ) {
var r = [ key [ 4 * i ] , key [ 4 * i + 1 ] , key [ 4 * i + 2 ] , key [ 4 * i + 3 ] ] ;
w [ i ] = r ;
for ( var i = Nk ; i < ( Nb * ( Nr + 1 ) ) ; i ++ ) {
w [ i ] = new Array ( 4 ) ;
for ( var t = 0 ; t < 4 ; t ++ ) temp [ t ] = w [ i - 1 ] [ t ] ;
if ( i % Nk == 0 ) {
temp = Aes . subWord ( Aes . rotWord ( temp ) ) ;
for ( var t = 0 ; t < 4 ; t ++ ) temp [ t ] ^= Aes . rCon [ i / Nk ] [ t ] ;
} else if ( Nk > 6 && i % Nk == 4 ) {
temp = Aes . subWord ( temp ) ;
for ( var t = 0 ; t < 4 ; t ++ ) w [ i ] [ t ] = w [ i - Nk ] [ t ] ^ temp [ t ] ;
return w ;
/ *
* -- -- remaining routines are private , not called externally -- --
* /
Aes . subBytes = function ( s , Nb ) { // apply SBox to state S [§5.1.1]
for ( var r = 0 ; r < 4 ; r ++ ) {
for ( var c = 0 ; c < Nb ; c ++ ) s [ r ] [ c ] = Aes . sBox [ s [ r ] [ c ] ] ;
return s ;
Aes . shiftRows = function ( s , Nb ) { // shift row r of state S left by r bytes [§5.1.2]
var t = new Array ( 4 ) ;
for ( var r = 1 ; r < 4 ; r ++ ) {
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) t [ c ] = s [ r ] [ ( c + r ) % Nb ] ; // shift into temp copy
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) s [ r ] [ c ] = t [ c ] ; // and copy back
} // note that this will work for Nb=4,5,6, but not 7,8 (always 4 for AES):
return s ; // see asmaes.sourceforge.net/rijndael/rijndaelImplementation.pdf
Aes . mixColumns = function ( s , Nb ) { // combine bytes of each col of state S [§5.1.3]
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) {
var a = new Array ( 4 ) ; // 'a' is a copy of the current column from 's'
var b = new Array ( 4 ) ; // 'b' is a•{02} in GF(2^8)
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
a [ i ] = s [ i ] [ c ] ;
b [ i ] = s [ i ] [ c ] & 0x80 ? s [ i ] [ c ] << 1 ^ 0x011b : s [ i ] [ c ] << 1 ;
// a[n] ^ b[n] is a•{03} in GF(2^8)
s [ 0 ] [ c ] = b [ 0 ] ^ a [ 1 ] ^ b [ 1 ] ^ a [ 2 ] ^ a [ 3 ] ; // 2*a0 + 3*a1 + a2 + a3
s [ 1 ] [ c ] = a [ 0 ] ^ b [ 1 ] ^ a [ 2 ] ^ b [ 2 ] ^ a [ 3 ] ; // a0 * 2*a1 + 3*a2 + a3
s [ 2 ] [ c ] = a [ 0 ] ^ a [ 1 ] ^ b [ 2 ] ^ a [ 3 ] ^ b [ 3 ] ; // a0 + a1 + 2*a2 + 3*a3
s [ 3 ] [ c ] = a [ 0 ] ^ b [ 0 ] ^ a [ 1 ] ^ a [ 2 ] ^ b [ 3 ] ; // 3*a0 + a1 + a2 + 2*a3
return s ;
Aes . addRoundKey = function ( state , w , rnd , Nb ) { // xor Round Key into state S [§5.1.4]
for ( var r = 0 ; r < 4 ; r ++ ) {
for ( var c = 0 ; c < Nb ; c ++ ) state [ r ] [ c ] ^= w [ rnd * 4 + c ] [ r ] ;
return state ;
Aes . subWord = function ( w ) { // apply SBox to 4-byte word w
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) w [ i ] = Aes . sBox [ w [ i ] ] ;
return w ;
Aes . rotWord = function ( w ) { // rotate 4-byte word w left by one byte
var tmp = w [ 0 ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) w [ i ] = w [ i + 1 ] ;
w [ 3 ] = tmp ;
return w ;
// sBox is pre-computed multiplicative inverse in GF(2^8) used in subBytes and keyExpansion [§5.1.1]
Aes . sBox = [ 0x63 , 0x7c , 0x77 , 0x7b , 0xf2 , 0x6b , 0x6f , 0xc5 , 0x30 , 0x01 , 0x67 , 0x2b , 0xfe , 0xd7 , 0xab , 0x76 ,
0xca , 0x82 , 0xc9 , 0x7d , 0xfa , 0x59 , 0x47 , 0xf0 , 0xad , 0xd4 , 0xa2 , 0xaf , 0x9c , 0xa4 , 0x72 , 0xc0 ,
0xb7 , 0xfd , 0x93 , 0x26 , 0x36 , 0x3f , 0xf7 , 0xcc , 0x34 , 0xa5 , 0xe5 , 0xf1 , 0x71 , 0xd8 , 0x31 , 0x15 ,
0x04 , 0xc7 , 0x23 , 0xc3 , 0x18 , 0x96 , 0x05 , 0x9a , 0x07 , 0x12 , 0x80 , 0xe2 , 0xeb , 0x27 , 0xb2 , 0x75 ,
0x09 , 0x83 , 0x2c , 0x1a , 0x1b , 0x6e , 0x5a , 0xa0 , 0x52 , 0x3b , 0xd6 , 0xb3 , 0x29 , 0xe3 , 0x2f , 0x84 ,
0x53 , 0xd1 , 0x00 , 0xed , 0x20 , 0xfc , 0xb1 , 0x5b , 0x6a , 0xcb , 0xbe , 0x39 , 0x4a , 0x4c , 0x58 , 0xcf ,
0xd0 , 0xef , 0xaa , 0xfb , 0x43 , 0x4d , 0x33 , 0x85 , 0x45 , 0xf9 , 0x02 , 0x7f , 0x50 , 0x3c , 0x9f , 0xa8 ,
0x51 , 0xa3 , 0x40 , 0x8f , 0x92 , 0x9d , 0x38 , 0xf5 , 0xbc , 0xb6 , 0xda , 0x21 , 0x10 , 0xff , 0xf3 , 0xd2 ,
0xcd , 0x0c , 0x13 , 0xec , 0x5f , 0x97 , 0x44 , 0x17 , 0xc4 , 0xa7 , 0x7e , 0x3d , 0x64 , 0x5d , 0x19 , 0x73 ,
0x60 , 0x81 , 0x4f , 0xdc , 0x22 , 0x2a , 0x90 , 0x88 , 0x46 , 0xee , 0xb8 , 0x14 , 0xde , 0x5e , 0x0b , 0xdb ,
0xe0 , 0x32 , 0x3a , 0x0a , 0x49 , 0x06 , 0x24 , 0x5c , 0xc2 , 0xd3 , 0xac , 0x62 , 0x91 , 0x95 , 0xe4 , 0x79 ,
0xe7 , 0xc8 , 0x37 , 0x6d , 0x8d , 0xd5 , 0x4e , 0xa9 , 0x6c , 0x56 , 0xf4 , 0xea , 0x65 , 0x7a , 0xae , 0x08 ,
0xba , 0x78 , 0x25 , 0x2e , 0x1c , 0xa6 , 0xb4 , 0xc6 , 0xe8 , 0xdd , 0x74 , 0x1f , 0x4b , 0xbd , 0x8b , 0x8a ,
0x70 , 0x3e , 0xb5 , 0x66 , 0x48 , 0x03 , 0xf6 , 0x0e , 0x61 , 0x35 , 0x57 , 0xb9 , 0x86 , 0xc1 , 0x1d , 0x9e ,
0xe1 , 0xf8 , 0x98 , 0x11 , 0x69 , 0xd9 , 0x8e , 0x94 , 0x9b , 0x1e , 0x87 , 0xe9 , 0xce , 0x55 , 0x28 , 0xdf ,
0x8c , 0xa1 , 0x89 , 0x0d , 0xbf , 0xe6 , 0x42 , 0x68 , 0x41 , 0x99 , 0x2d , 0x0f , 0xb0 , 0x54 , 0xbb , 0x16 ] ;
// rCon is Round Constant used for the Key Expansion [1st col is 2^(r-1) in GF(2^8)] [§5.2]
Aes . rCon = [ [ 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x10 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x20 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x40 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x80 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x1b , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ,
[ 0x36 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ] ;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* AES Counter-mode implementation in JavaScript (c) Chris Veness 2005-2011 */
/* - see http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
Aes . Ctr = { } ; // Aes.Ctr namespace: a subclass or extension of Aes
/ * *
* Encrypt a text using AES encryption in Counter mode of operation
* Unicode multi - byte character safe
* @ param { String } plaintext Source text to be encrypted
* @ param { String } password The password to use to generate a key
* @ param { Number } nBits Number of bits to be used in the key ( 128 , 192 , or 256 )
* @ returns { string } Encrypted text
* /
Aes . Ctr . encrypt = function ( plaintext , password , nBits ) {
var blockSize = 16 ; // block size fixed at 16 bytes / 128 bits (Nb=4) for AES
if ( ! ( nBits == 128 || nBits == 192 || nBits == 256 ) ) return '' ; // standard allows 128/192/256 bit keys
plaintext = Utf8 . encode ( plaintext ) ;
password = Utf8 . encode ( password ) ;
//var t = new Date(); // timer
// use AES itself to encrypt password to get cipher key (using plain password as source for key
// expansion) - gives us well encrypted key (though hashed key might be preferred for prod'n use)
var nBytes = nBits / 8 ; // no bytes in key (16/24/32)
var pwBytes = new Array ( nBytes ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nBytes ; i ++ ) { // use 1st 16/24/32 chars of password for key
pwBytes [ i ] = isNaN ( password . charCodeAt ( i ) ) ? 0 : password . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
var key = Aes . cipher ( pwBytes , Aes . keyExpansion ( pwBytes ) ) ; // gives us 16-byte key
key = key . concat ( key . slice ( 0 , nBytes - 16 ) ) ; // expand key to 16/24/32 bytes long
// initialise 1st 8 bytes of counter block with nonce (NIST SP800-38A §B.2): [0-1] = millisec,
// [2-3] = random, [4-7] = seconds, together giving full sub-millisec uniqueness up to Feb 2106
var counterBlock = new Array ( blockSize ) ;
var nonce = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ; // timestamp: milliseconds since 1-Jan-1970
var nonceMs = nonce % 1000 ;
var nonceSec = Math . floor ( nonce / 1000 ) ;
var nonceRnd = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 0xffff ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i ++ ) counterBlock [ i ] = ( nonceMs >>> i * 8 ) & 0xff ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i ++ ) counterBlock [ i + 2 ] = ( nonceRnd >>> i * 8 ) & 0xff ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) counterBlock [ i + 4 ] = ( nonceSec >>> i * 8 ) & 0xff ;
// and convert it to a string to go on the front of the ciphertext
var ctrTxt = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) ctrTxt += String . fromCharCode ( counterBlock [ i ] ) ;
// generate key schedule - an expansion of the key into distinct Key Rounds for each round
var keySchedule = Aes . keyExpansion ( key ) ;
var blockCount = Math . ceil ( plaintext . length / blockSize ) ;
var ciphertxt = new Array ( blockCount ) ; // ciphertext as array of strings
for ( var b = 0 ; b < blockCount ; b ++ ) {
// set counter (block #) in last 8 bytes of counter block (leaving nonce in 1st 8 bytes)
// done in two stages for 32-bit ops: using two words allows us to go past 2^32 blocks (68GB)
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) counterBlock [ 15 - c ] = ( b >>> c * 8 ) & 0xff ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) counterBlock [ 15 - c - 4 ] = ( b / 0x100000000 >>> c * 8 )
var cipherCntr = Aes . cipher ( counterBlock , keySchedule ) ; // -- encrypt counter block --
// block size is reduced on final block
var blockLength = b < blockCount - 1 ? blockSize : ( plaintext . length - 1 ) % blockSize + 1 ;
var cipherChar = new Array ( blockLength ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < blockLength ; i ++ ) { // -- xor plaintext with ciphered counter char-by-char --
cipherChar [ i ] = cipherCntr [ i ] ^ plaintext . charCodeAt ( b * blockSize + i ) ;
cipherChar [ i ] = String . fromCharCode ( cipherChar [ i ] ) ;
ciphertxt [ b ] = cipherChar . join ( '' ) ;
// Array.join is more efficient than repeated string concatenation in IE
var ciphertext = ctrTxt + ciphertxt . join ( '' ) ;
ciphertext = Base64 . encode ( ciphertext ) ; // encode in base64
//alert((new Date()) - t);
return ciphertext ;
/ * *
* Decrypt a text encrypted by AES in counter mode of operation
* @ param { String } ciphertext Source text to be encrypted
* @ param { String } password The password to use to generate a key
* @ param { Number } nBits Number of bits to be used in the key ( 128 , 192 , or 256 )
* @ returns { String } Decrypted text
* /
Aes . Ctr . decrypt = function ( ciphertext , password , nBits ) {
var blockSize = 16 ; // block size fixed at 16 bytes / 128 bits (Nb=4) for AES
if ( ! ( nBits == 128 || nBits == 192 || nBits == 256 ) ) return '' ; // standard allows 128/192/256 bit keys
ciphertext = Base64 . decode ( ciphertext ) ;
password = Utf8 . encode ( password ) ;
//var t = new Date(); // timer
// use AES to encrypt password (mirroring encrypt routine)
var nBytes = nBits / 8 ; // no bytes in key
var pwBytes = new Array ( nBytes ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nBytes ; i ++ ) {
pwBytes [ i ] = isNaN ( password . charCodeAt ( i ) ) ? 0 : password . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
var key = Aes . cipher ( pwBytes , Aes . keyExpansion ( pwBytes ) ) ;
key = key . concat ( key . slice ( 0 , nBytes - 16 ) ) ; // expand key to 16/24/32 bytes long
// recover nonce from 1st 8 bytes of ciphertext
var counterBlock = new Array ( 8 ) ;
ctrTxt = ciphertext . slice ( 0 , 8 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) counterBlock [ i ] = ctrTxt . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
// generate key schedule
var keySchedule = Aes . keyExpansion ( key ) ;
// separate ciphertext into blocks (skipping past initial 8 bytes)
var nBlocks = Math . ceil ( ( ciphertext . length - 8 ) / blockSize ) ;
var ct = new Array ( nBlocks ) ;
for ( var b = 0 ; b < nBlocks ; b ++ ) ct [ b ] = ciphertext . slice ( 8 + b * blockSize , 8 + b * blockSize + blockSize ) ;
ciphertext = ct ; // ciphertext is now array of block-length strings
// plaintext will get generated block-by-block into array of block-length strings
var plaintxt = new Array ( ciphertext . length ) ;
for ( var b = 0 ; b < nBlocks ; b ++ ) {
// set counter (block #) in last 8 bytes of counter block (leaving nonce in 1st 8 bytes)
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) counterBlock [ 15 - c ] = ( ( b ) >>> c * 8 ) & 0xff ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c ++ ) counterBlock [ 15 - c - 4 ] = ( ( ( b + 1 ) / 0x100000000 - 1 ) >>> c * 8 ) & 0xff ;
var cipherCntr = Aes . cipher ( counterBlock , keySchedule ) ; // encrypt counter block
var plaintxtByte = new Array ( ciphertext [ b ] . length ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ciphertext [ b ] . length ; i ++ ) {
// -- xor plaintxt with ciphered counter byte-by-byte --
plaintxtByte [ i ] = cipherCntr [ i ] ^ ciphertext [ b ] . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
plaintxtByte [ i ] = String . fromCharCode ( plaintxtByte [ i ] ) ;
plaintxt [ b ] = plaintxtByte . join ( '' ) ;
// join array of blocks into single plaintext string
var plaintext = plaintxt . join ( '' ) ;
plaintext = Utf8 . decode ( plaintext ) ; // decode from UTF8 back to Unicode multi-byte chars
//alert((new Date()) - t);
return plaintext ;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* Base64 class: Base 64 encoding / decoding (c) Chris Veness 2002-2011 */
/* note: depends on Utf8 class */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
var Base64 = { } ; // Base64 namespace
Base64 . code = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" ;
/ * *
* Encode string into Base64 , as defined by RFC 4648 [ http : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648]
* ( instance method extending String object ) . As per RFC 4648 , no newlines are added .
* @ param { String } str The string to be encoded as base - 64
* @ param { Boolean } [ utf8encode = false ] Flag to indicate whether str is Unicode string to be encoded
* to UTF8 before conversion to base64 ; otherwise string is assumed to be 8 - bit characters
* @ returns { String } Base64 - encoded string
* /
Base64 . encode = function ( str , utf8encode ) { // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648
utf8encode = ( typeof utf8encode == 'undefined' ) ? false : utf8encode ;
var o1 , o2 , o3 , bits , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , e = [ ] , pad = '' , c , plain , coded ;
var b64 = Base64 . code ;
plain = utf8encode ? str . encodeUTF8 ( ) : str ;
c = plain . length % 3 ; // pad string to length of multiple of 3
if ( c > 0 ) { while ( c ++ < 3 ) { pad += '=' ; plain += '\0' ; } }
// note: doing padding here saves us doing special-case packing for trailing 1 or 2 chars
for ( c = 0 ; c < plain . length ; c += 3 ) { // pack three octets into four hexets
o1 = plain . charCodeAt ( c ) ;
o2 = plain . charCodeAt ( c + 1 ) ;
o3 = plain . charCodeAt ( c + 2 ) ;
bits = o1 << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3 ;
h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f ;
h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f ;
h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f ;
h4 = bits & 0x3f ;
// use hextets to index into code string
e [ c / 3 ] = b64 . charAt ( h1 ) + b64 . charAt ( h2 ) + b64 . charAt ( h3 ) + b64 . charAt ( h4 ) ;
coded = e . join ( '' ) ; // join() is far faster than repeated string concatenation in IE
// replace 'A's from padded nulls with '='s
coded = coded . slice ( 0 , coded . length - pad . length ) + pad ;
return coded ;
/ * *
* Decode string from Base64 , as defined by RFC 4648 [ http : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648]
* ( instance method extending String object ) . As per RFC 4648 , newlines are not catered for .
* @ param { String } str The string to be decoded from base - 64
* @ param { Boolean } [ utf8decode = false ] Flag to indicate whether str is Unicode string to be decoded
* from UTF8 after conversion from base64
* @ returns { String } decoded string
* /
Base64 . decode = function ( str , utf8decode ) {
utf8decode = ( typeof utf8decode == 'undefined' ) ? false : utf8decode ;
var o1 , o2 , o3 , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , bits , d = [ ] , plain , coded ;
var b64 = Base64 . code ;
coded = utf8decode ? str . decodeUTF8 ( ) : str ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < coded . length ; c += 4 ) { // unpack four hexets into three octets
h1 = b64 . indexOf ( coded . charAt ( c ) ) ;
h2 = b64 . indexOf ( coded . charAt ( c + 1 ) ) ;
h3 = b64 . indexOf ( coded . charAt ( c + 2 ) ) ;
h4 = b64 . indexOf ( coded . charAt ( c + 3 ) ) ;
bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4 ;
o1 = bits >>> 16 & 0xff ;
o2 = bits >>> 8 & 0xff ;
o3 = bits & 0xff ;
d [ c / 4 ] = String . fromCharCode ( o1 , o2 , o3 ) ;
// check for padding
if ( h4 == 0x40 ) d [ c / 4 ] = String . fromCharCode ( o1 , o2 ) ;
if ( h3 == 0x40 ) d [ c / 4 ] = String . fromCharCode ( o1 ) ;
plain = d . join ( '' ) ; // join() is far faster than repeated string concatenation in IE
return utf8decode ? plain . decodeUTF8 ( ) : plain ;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* Utf8 class: encode / decode between multi-byte Unicode characters and UTF-8 multiple */
/* single-byte character encoding (c) Chris Veness 2002-2011 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
var Utf8 = { } ; // Utf8 namespace
/ * *
* Encode multi - byte Unicode string into utf - 8 multiple single - byte characters
* ( BMP / basic multilingual plane only )
* Chars in range U + 0080 - U + 07 FF are encoded in 2 chars , U + 0800 - U + FFFF in 3 chars
* @ param { String } strUni Unicode string to be encoded as UTF - 8
* @ returns { String } encoded string
* /
Utf8 . encode = function ( strUni ) {
// use regular expressions & String.replace callback function for better efficiency
// than procedural approaches
var strUtf = strUni . replace (
/[\u0080-\u07ff]/g , // U+0080 - U+07FF => 2 bytes 110yyyyy, 10zzzzzz
function ( c ) {
var cc = c . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ;
return String . fromCharCode ( 0xc0 | cc >> 6 , 0x80 | cc & 0x3f ) ; }
) ;
strUtf = strUtf . replace (
/[\u0800-\uffff]/g , // U+0800 - U+FFFF => 3 bytes 1110xxxx, 10yyyyyy, 10zzzzzz
function ( c ) {
var cc = c . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ;
return String . fromCharCode ( 0xe0 | cc >> 12 , 0x80 | cc >> 6 & 0x3F , 0x80 | cc & 0x3f ) ; }
) ;
return strUtf ;
/ * *
* Decode utf - 8 encoded string back into multi - byte Unicode characters
* @ param { String } strUtf UTF - 8 string to be decoded back to Unicode
* @ returns { String } decoded string
* /
Utf8 . decode = function ( strUtf ) {
// note: decode 3-byte chars first as decoded 2-byte strings could appear to be 3-byte char!
var strUni = strUtf . replace (
/[\u00e0-\u00ef][\u0080-\u00bf][\u0080-\u00bf]/g , // 3-byte chars
function ( c ) { // (note parentheses for precence)
var cc = ( ( c . charCodeAt ( 0 ) & 0x0f ) << 12 ) | ( ( c . charCodeAt ( 1 ) & 0x3f ) << 6 ) | ( c . charCodeAt ( 2 ) & 0x3f ) ;
return String . fromCharCode ( cc ) ; }
) ;
strUni = strUni . replace (
/[\u00c0-\u00df][\u0080-\u00bf]/g , // 2-byte chars
function ( c ) { // (note parentheses for precence)
var cc = ( c . charCodeAt ( 0 ) & 0x1f ) << 6 | c . charCodeAt ( 1 ) & 0x3f ;
return String . fromCharCode ( cc ) ; }
) ;
return strUni ;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin bootstrap - tooltip . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* bootstrap - tooltip . js v2 . 0.1
* http : //twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#tooltips
* Inspired by the original jQuery . tipsy by Jason Frame
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==
* Copyright 2012 Twitter , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === = * /
! function ( $ ) {
"use strict"
/ * T O O L T I P P U B L I C C L A S S D E F I N I T I O N
* === === === === === === === === === === = * /
var Tooltip = function ( element , options ) {
this . init ( 'tooltip' , element , options )
Tooltip . prototype = {
constructor : Tooltip
, init : function ( type , element , options ) {
var eventIn
, eventOut
this . type = type
this . $element = $ ( element )
this . options = this . getOptions ( options )
this . enabled = true
if ( this . options . trigger != 'manual' ) {
eventIn = this . options . trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focus'
eventOut = this . options . trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'blur'
this . $element . on ( eventIn , this . options . selector , $ . proxy ( this . enter , this ) )
this . $element . on ( eventOut , this . options . selector , $ . proxy ( this . leave , this ) )
this . options . selector ?
( this . _options = $ . extend ( { } , this . options , { trigger : 'manual' , selector : '' } ) ) :
this . fixTitle ( )
, getOptions : function ( options ) {
options = $ . extend ( { } , $ . fn [ this . type ] . defaults , options , this . $element . data ( ) )
if ( options . delay && typeof options . delay == 'number' ) {
options . delay = {
show : options . delay
, hide : options . delay
return options
, enter : function ( e ) {
var self = $ ( e . currentTarget ) [ this . type ] ( this . _options ) . data ( this . type )
if ( ! self . options . delay || ! self . options . delay . show ) {
self . show ( )
} else {
self . hoverState = 'in'
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( self . hoverState == 'in' ) {
self . show ( )
} , self . options . delay . show )
, leave : function ( e ) {
var self = $ ( e . currentTarget ) [ this . type ] ( this . _options ) . data ( this . type )
if ( ! self . options . delay || ! self . options . delay . hide ) {
self . hide ( )
} else {
self . hoverState = 'out'
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( self . hoverState == 'out' ) {
self . hide ( )
} , self . options . delay . hide )
, show : function ( ) {
var $tip
, inside
, pos
, actualWidth
, actualHeight
, placement
, tp
if ( this . hasContent ( ) && this . enabled ) {
$tip = this . tip ( )
this . setContent ( )
if ( this . options . animation ) {
$tip . addClass ( 'fade' )
placement = typeof this . options . placement == 'function' ?
this . options . placement . call ( this , $tip [ 0 ] , this . $element [ 0 ] ) :
this . options . placement
inside = /in/ . test ( placement )
. remove ( )
. css ( { top : 0 , left : 0 , display : 'block' } )
. appendTo ( inside ? this . $element : document . body )
pos = this . getPosition ( inside )
actualWidth = $tip [ 0 ] . offsetWidth
actualHeight = $tip [ 0 ] . offsetHeight
switch ( inside ? placement . split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ] : placement ) {
case 'bottom' :
tp = { top : pos . top + pos . height , left : pos . left + pos . width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 }
case 'top' :
tp = { top : pos . top - actualHeight , left : pos . left + pos . width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 }
case 'left' :
tp = { top : pos . top + pos . height / 2 - actualHeight / 2 , left : pos . left - actualWidth }
case 'right' :
tp = { top : pos . top + pos . height / 2 - actualHeight / 2 , left : pos . left + pos . width }
. css ( tp )
. addClass ( placement )
. addClass ( 'in' )
, setContent : function ( ) {
var $tip = this . tip ( )
$tip . find ( '.timeline-tooltip-inner' ) . html ( this . getTitle ( ) )
$tip . removeClass ( 'fade in top bottom left right' )
, hide : function ( ) {
var that = this
, $tip = this . tip ( )
$tip . removeClass ( 'in' )
function removeWithAnimation ( ) {
var timeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$tip . off ( $ . support . transition . end ) . remove ( )
} , 500 )
$tip . one ( $ . support . transition . end , function ( ) {
clearTimeout ( timeout )
$tip . remove ( )
} )
$ . support . transition && this . $tip . hasClass ( 'fade' ) ?
removeWithAnimation ( ) :
$tip . remove ( )
, fixTitle : function ( ) {
var $e = this . $element
if ( $e . attr ( 'title' ) || typeof ( $e . attr ( 'data-original-title' ) ) != 'string' ) {
$e . attr ( 'data-original-title' , $e . attr ( 'title' ) || '' ) . removeAttr ( 'title' )
, hasContent : function ( ) {
return this . getTitle ( )
, getPosition : function ( inside ) {
return $ . extend ( { } , ( inside ? { top : 0 , left : 0 } : this . $element . offset ( ) ) , {
width : this . $element [ 0 ] . offsetWidth
, height : this . $element [ 0 ] . offsetHeight
} )
, getTitle : function ( ) {
var title
, $e = this . $element
, o = this . options
title = $e . attr ( 'data-original-title' )
|| ( typeof o . title == 'function' ? o . title . call ( $e [ 0 ] ) : o . title )
title = title . toString ( ) . replace ( /(^\s*|\s*$)/ , "" )
return title
, tip : function ( ) {
return this . $tip = this . $tip || $ ( this . options . template )
, validate : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . $element [ 0 ] . parentNode ) {
this . hide ( )
this . $element = null
this . options = null
, enable : function ( ) {
this . enabled = true
, disable : function ( ) {
this . enabled = false
, toggleEnabled : function ( ) {
this . enabled = ! this . enabled
, toggle : function ( ) {
this [ this . tip ( ) . hasClass ( 'in' ) ? 'hide' : 'show' ] ( )
/ * T O O L T I P P L U G I N D E F I N I T I O N
* === === === === === === === === = * /
$ . fn . tooltip = function ( option ) {
return this . each ( function ( ) {
var $this = $ ( this )
, data = $this . data ( 'tooltip' )
, options = typeof option == 'object' && option
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'tooltip' , ( data = new Tooltip ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] ( )
} )
$ . fn . tooltip . Constructor = Tooltip
$ . fn . tooltip . defaults = {
animation : true
, delay : 0
, selector : false
, placement : 'top'
, trigger : 'hover'
, title : ''
, template : '<div class="timeline-tooltip"><div class="timeline-tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="timeline-tooltip-inner"></div></div>'
} ( window . jQuery ) ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . StoryJS . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * V e r i t e C o S t o r y J S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
/ * * C o d e K i t I m p o r t
* http : //incident57.com/codekit/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// @codekit-prepend "Core/VMM.Core.js";
// @codekit-prepend "Language/VMM.Language.js";
// @codekit-prepend "Media/VMM.Media.js";
// @codekit-prepend "Slider/VMM.DragSlider.js";
// @codekit-prepend "Slider/VMM.Slider.js";
// @codekit-prepend "Library/AES.js";
// @codekit-prepend "Library/bootstrap-tooltip.js";
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . StoryJS == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . StoryJS = function ( ) {
/ * P R I V A T E V A R S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
/ * P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . init = function ( d ) {
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Timeline . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
// VMM.Timeline.js
/ * * C o d e K i t I m p o r t
* http : //incident57.com/codekit/
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// @codekit-prepend "Core/VMM.StoryJS.js";
// @codekit-append "VMM.Timeline.TimeNav.js";
// @codekit-append "VMM.Timeline.DataObj.js";
/ * T i m e l i n e
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Timeline == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Timeline = function ( _timeline _id , w , h ) {
var $timeline ,
$container ,
$feature ,
$feedback ,
$slider ,
$navigation ,
slider ,
timenav ,
version = "2.x" ,
timeline _id = "#timelinejs" ,
events = { } ,
data = { } ,
_dates = [ ] ,
config = { } ,
has _width = false ,
has _height = false ,
ie7 = false ,
is _moving = false ;
if ( type . of ( _timeline _id ) == "string" ) {
if ( _timeline _id . match ( "#" ) ) {
timeline _id = _timeline _id ;
} else {
timeline _id = "#" + _timeline _id ;
} else {
timeline _id = "#timelinejs" ;
/ * C O N F I G
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
config = {
embed : false ,
events : {
data _ready : "DATAREADY" ,
messege : "MESSEGE" ,
headline : "HEADLINE" ,
slide _change : "SLIDE_CHANGE" ,
resize : "resize"
} ,
id : timeline _id ,
source : "nothing" ,
type : "timeline" ,
touch : false ,
orientation : "normal" ,
maptype : "" ,
version : "2.x" ,
preload : 4 ,
current _slide : 0 ,
hash _bookmark : false ,
start _at _end : false ,
start _at _slide : 0 ,
start _zoom _adjust : 0 ,
start _page : false ,
api _keys : {
google : "" ,
flickr : "" ,
twitter : ""
} ,
interval : 10 ,
something : 0 ,
width : 960 ,
height : 540 ,
spacing : 15 ,
loaded : {
slider : false ,
timenav : false ,
percentloaded : 0
} ,
nav : {
start _page : false ,
interval _width : 200 ,
density : 4 ,
minor _width : 0 ,
minor _left : 0 ,
constraint : {
left : 0 ,
right : 0 ,
right _min : 0 ,
right _max : 0
} ,
zoom : {
adjust : 0
} ,
multiplier : {
current : 6 ,
min : . 1 ,
max : 50
} ,
rows : [ 1 , 1 , 1 ] ,
width : 960 ,
height : 200 ,
marker : {
width : 150 ,
height : 50
} ,
feature : {
width : 960 ,
height : 540
} ,
slider : {
width : 720 ,
height : 400 ,
content : {
width : 720 ,
height : 400 ,
padding : 130 ,
padding _default : 130
} ,
nav : {
width : 100 ,
height : 200
} ,
ease : "easeInOutExpo" ,
duration : 1000 ,
gmap _key : "" ,
language : VMM . Language
} ;
if ( w != null && w != "" ) {
config . width = w ;
has _width = true ;
if ( h != null && h != "" ) {
config . height = h ;
has _height = true ;
if ( window . location . hash ) {
var hash = window . location . hash . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( hash ) ) {
config . current _slide = parseInt ( hash ) ;
window . onhashchange = function ( ) {
var hash = window . location . hash . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( config . hash _bookmark ) {
if ( is _moving ) {
goToEvent ( parseInt ( hash ) ) ;
} else {
is _moving = false ;
} else {
goToEvent ( parseInt ( hash ) ) ;
/ * C R E A T E C O N F I G
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function createConfig ( conf ) {
if ( typeof embed _config == 'object' ) {
timeline _config = embed _config ;
if ( typeof timeline _config == 'object' ) {
config = VMM . Util . mergeConfig ( config , timeline _config ) ;
} else if ( typeof conf == 'object' ) {
config = VMM . Util . mergeConfig ( config , conf ) ;
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" || VMM . Browser . device == "tablet" ) {
config . touch = true ;
config . nav . width = config . width ;
config . nav . height = 200 ;
config . feature . width = config . width ;
config . feature . height = config . height - config . nav . height ;
config . nav . zoom . adjust = parseInt ( config . start _zoom _adjust , 10 ) ;
VMM . Timeline . Config = config ;
VMM . master _config . Timeline = VMM . Timeline . Config ;
this . events = config . events ;
if ( config . gmap _key != "" ) {
config . api _keys . google = config . gmap _key ;
trace ( "VERSION " + config . version ) ;
version = config . version ;
/ * C R E A T E T I M E L I N E S T R U C T U R E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function createStructure ( ) {
$timeline = VMM . getElement ( timeline _id ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $timeline , "vco-timeline" ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $timeline , "vco-storyjs" ) ;
$container = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timeline , "<div>" , "vco-container vco-main" ) ;
$feature = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $container , "<div>" , "vco-feature" ) ;
$slider = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $feature , "<div>" , "vco-slider" ) ;
$navigation = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $container , "<div>" , "vco-navigation" ) ;
$feedback = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timeline , "<div>" , "vco-feedback" , "" ) ;
if ( typeof config . language . right _to _left != 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $timeline , "vco-right-to-left" ) ;
slider = new VMM . Slider ( $slider , config ) ;
timenav = new VMM . Timeline . TimeNav ( $navigation ) ;
if ( ! has _width ) {
config . width = VMM . Lib . width ( $timeline ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . width ( $timeline , config . width ) ;
if ( ! has _height ) {
config . height = VMM . Lib . height ( $timeline ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . height ( $timeline , config . height ) ;
if ( config . touch ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $timeline , "vco-touch" ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $timeline , "vco-notouch" ) ;
/ * O N E V E N T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onDataReady ( e , d ) {
trace ( "onDataReady" ) ;
data = d . timeline ;
if ( type . of ( data . era ) != "array" ) {
data . era = [ ] ;
buildDates ( ) ;
} ;
function onDatesProcessed ( ) {
build ( ) ;
function reSize ( ) {
updateSize ( ) ;
slider . setSize ( config . feature . width , config . feature . height ) ;
timenav . setSize ( config . width , config . height ) ;
if ( orientationChange ( ) ) {
setViewport ( ) ;
} ;
function onSliderLoaded ( e ) {
config . loaded . slider = true ;
onComponentLoaded ( ) ;
} ;
function onComponentLoaded ( e ) {
config . loaded . percentloaded = config . loaded . percentloaded + 25 ;
if ( config . loaded . slider && config . loaded . timenav ) {
hideMessege ( ) ;
function onTimeNavLoaded ( e ) {
config . loaded . timenav = true ;
onComponentLoaded ( ) ;
function onSlideUpdate ( e ) {
is _moving = true ;
config . current _slide = slider . getCurrentNumber ( ) ;
setHash ( config . current _slide ) ;
timenav . setMarker ( config . current _slide , config . ease , config . duration ) ;
} ;
function onMarkerUpdate ( e ) {
is _moving = true ;
config . current _slide = timenav . getCurrentNumber ( ) ;
setHash ( config . current _slide ) ;
slider . setSlide ( config . current _slide ) ;
} ;
function goToEvent ( n ) {
if ( n <= _dates . length - 1 && n >= 0 ) {
config . current _slide = n ;
slider . setSlide ( config . current _slide ) ;
timenav . setMarker ( config . current _slide , config . ease , config . duration ) ;
function setHash ( n ) {
if ( config . hash _bookmark ) {
window . location . hash = "#" + n . toString ( ) ;
function getViewport ( ) {
function setViewport ( ) {
var viewport _content = "" ,
viewport _orientation = searchOrientation ( window . orientation ) ;
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" ) {
if ( viewport _orientation == "portrait" ) {
//viewport_content = "width=device-width; initial-scale=0.75, maximum-scale=0.75";
viewport _content = "width=device-width; initial-scale=0.5, maximum-scale=0.5" ;
} else if ( viewport _orientation == "landscape" ) {
viewport _content = "width=device-width; initial-scale=0.5, maximum-scale=0.5" ;
} else {
viewport _content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0" ;
} else if ( VMM . Browser . device == "tablet" ) {
//viewport_content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0";
if ( document . getElementById ( "viewport" ) ) {
//VMM.Lib.attr("#viewport", "content", viewport_content);
} else {
//VMM.appendElement("head", "<meta id='viewport' name='viewport' content=" + viewport_content + "/>");
/ * O R I E N T A T I O N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function searchOrientation ( orientation ) {
var orient = "" ;
if ( orientation == 0 || orientation == 180 ) {
orient = "portrait" ;
} else if ( orientation == 90 || orientation == - 90 ) {
orient = "landscape" ;
} else {
orient = "normal" ;
return orient ;
function orientationChange ( ) {
var orientation = searchOrientation ( window . orientation ) ;
if ( orientation == config . orientation ) {
return false ;
} else {
config . orientation = orientation ;
return true ;
/ * P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . init = function ( c , _data ) {
trace ( 'INIT' ) ;
setViewport ( ) ;
createConfig ( c ) ;
createStructure ( ) ;
if ( type . of ( _data ) == "string" ) {
config . source = _data ;
VMM . Date . setLanguage ( config . language ) ;
VMM . master _config . language = config . language ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . setKeys ( config . api _keys ) ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . setMapType ( config . maptype ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( global , onDataReady , config . events . data _ready ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( global , showMessege , config . events . messege ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . messege , config . language . messages . loading _timeline ) ;
/ * G E T D A T A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( VMM . Browser . browser == "Explorer" || VMM . Browser . browser == "MSIE" ) {
if ( parseInt ( VMM . Browser . version , 10 ) <= 7 && ( VMM . Browser . tridentVersion == null || VMM . Browser . tridentVersion < 4 ) ) {
ie7 = true ;
if ( type . of ( config . source ) == "string" || type . of ( config . source ) == "object" ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . getData ( config . source ) ;
} else {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . messege , "No data source provided" ) ;
} ;
this . iframeLoaded = function ( ) {
trace ( "iframeLoaded" ) ;
} ;
this . reload = function ( _d ) {
trace ( "Load new timeline data" + _d ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . messege , config . language . messages . loading _timeline ) ;
data = { } ;
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . getData ( _d ) ;
config . current _slide = 0 ;
slider . setSlide ( 0 ) ;
timenav . setMarker ( 0 , config . ease , config . duration ) ;
} ;
/ * D A T A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function getData ( url ) {
VMM . getJSON ( url , function ( d ) {
data = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . getData ( d ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . data _ready ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * M E S S E G E S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function showMessege ( e , msg , other ) {
trace ( "showMessege " + msg ) ;
//VMM.attachElement($timeline, $feedback);
if ( other ) {
VMM . attachElement ( $feedback , msg ) ;
} else {
VMM . attachElement ( $feedback , VMM . MediaElement . loadingmessage ( msg ) ) ;
} ;
function hideMessege ( ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( $feedback , config . duration , config . ease * 4 , { "opacity" : 0 } , detachMessege ) ;
} ;
function detachMessege ( ) {
VMM . Lib . detach ( $feedback ) ;
/ * B U I L D D I S P L A Y
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function build ( ) {
if ( parseInt ( config . start _at _slide ) > 0 && config . current _slide == 0 ) {
config . current _slide = parseInt ( config . start _at _slide ) ;
if ( config . start _at _end && config . current _slide == 0 ) {
config . current _slide = _dates . length - 1 ;
// IE7
if ( ie7 ) {
ie7 = true ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . messege , "Internet Explorer " + VMM . Browser . version + " is not supported by TimelineJS. Please update your browser to version 8 or higher. If you are using a recent version of Internet Explorer you may need to disable compatibility mode in your browser." ) ;
} else {
detachMessege ( ) ;
reSize ( ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $slider , onSliderLoaded , "LOADED" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $navigation , onTimeNavLoaded , "LOADED" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $slider , onSlideUpdate , "UPDATE" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $navigation , onMarkerUpdate , "UPDATE" ) ;
slider . init ( _dates ) ;
timenav . init ( _dates , data . era ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( global , reSize , config . events . resize ) ;
} ;
function updateSize ( ) {
trace ( "UPDATE SIZE" ) ;
config . width = VMM . Lib . width ( $timeline ) ;
config . height = VMM . Lib . height ( $timeline ) ;
config . nav . width = config . width ;
config . feature . width = config . width ;
config . feature . height = config . height - config . nav . height - 3 ;
if ( VMM . Browser . device == "mobile" ) {
/ *
if ( VMM . Browser . orientation == "portrait" ) {
config . feature . height = 480 ;
config . height = 480 + config . nav . height ;
} else if ( VMM . Browser . orientation == "landscape" ) {
config . feature . height = 320 ;
config . height = 320 + config . nav . height ;
} else {
config . feature . height = config . height - config . nav . height - 3 ;
* /
if ( config . width < 641 ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $timeline , "vco-skinny" ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( $timeline , "vco-skinny" ) ;
} ;
function buildDates ( ) {
_dates = [ ] ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . messege , "Building Dates" ) ;
updateSize ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < data . date . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( data . date [ i ] . startDate != null && data . date [ i ] . startDate != "" ) {
var _date = { } ,
do _start = VMM . Date . parse ( data . date [ i ] . startDate , true ) ,
do _end ;
_date . startdate = do _start . date ;
_date . precisiondate = do _start . precision ;
if ( ! isNaN ( _date . startdate ) ) {
if ( data . date [ i ] . endDate != null && data . date [ i ] . endDate != "" ) {
_date . enddate = VMM . Date . parse ( data . date [ i ] . endDate ) ;
} else {
_date . enddate = _date . startdate ;
_date . needs _slug = false ;
if ( data . date [ i ] . headline == "" ) {
if ( data . date [ i ] . slug != null && data . date [ i ] . slug != "" ) {
_date . needs _slug = true ;
_date . title = data . date [ i ] . headline ;
_date . headline = data . date [ i ] . headline ;
_date . type = data . date [ i ] . type ;
_date . date = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( _date . startdate , false , _date . precisiondate ) ;
_date . asset = data . date [ i ] . asset ;
_date . fulldate = _date . startdate . getTime ( ) ;
_date . text = data . date [ i ] . text ;
_date . content = "" ;
_date . tag = data . date [ i ] . tag ;
_date . slug = data . date [ i ] . slug ;
_date . uniqueid = VMM . Util . unique _ID ( 7 ) ;
_date . classname = data . date [ i ] . classname ;
_dates . push ( _date ) ;
} ;
/ * C U S T O M S O R T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . type != "storify" ) {
_dates . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . fulldate - b . fulldate
} ) ;
/ * C R E A T E S T A R T P A G E I F A V A I L A B L E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . headline != null && data . headline != "" && data . text != null && data . text != "" ) {
var startpage _date ,
do _start ,
_date = { } ,
td _num = 0 ,
td ;
if ( typeof data . startDate != 'undefined' ) {
do _start = VMM . Date . parse ( data . startDate , true ) ;
startpage _date = do _start . date ;
} else {
startpage _date = false ;
trace ( "HAS STARTPAGE" ) ;
trace ( startpage _date ) ;
if ( startpage _date && startpage _date < _dates [ 0 ] . startdate ) {
_date . startdate = new Date ( startpage _date ) ;
} else {
td = _dates [ 0 ] . startdate ;
_date . startdate = new Date ( _dates [ 0 ] . startdate ) ;
if ( td . getMonth ( ) === 0 && td . getDate ( ) == 1 && td . getHours ( ) === 0 && td . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
// trace("YEAR ONLY");
_date . startdate . setFullYear ( td . getFullYear ( ) - 1 ) ;
} else if ( td . getDate ( ) <= 1 && td . getHours ( ) === 0 && td . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
// trace("YEAR MONTH");
_date . startdate . setMonth ( td . getMonth ( ) - 1 ) ;
} else if ( td . getHours ( ) === 0 && td . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
// trace("YEAR MONTH DAY");
_date . startdate . setDate ( td . getDate ( ) - 1 ) ;
} else if ( td . getMinutes ( ) === 0 ) {
// trace("YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR");
_date . startdate . setHours ( td . getHours ( ) - 1 ) ;
} else {
_date . startdate . setMinutes ( td . getMinutes ( ) - 1 ) ;
_date . uniqueid = VMM . Util . unique _ID ( 7 ) ;
_date . enddate = _date . startdate ;
_date . precisiondate = do _start . precision ;
_date . title = data . headline ;
_date . headline = data . headline ;
_date . text = data . text ;
_date . type = "start" ;
_date . date = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( data . startDate , false , _date . precisiondate ) ;
_date . asset = data . asset ;
_date . slug = false ;
_date . needs _slug = false ;
_date . fulldate = _date . startdate . getTime ( ) ;
if ( config . embed ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , config . events . headline , _date . headline ) ;
_dates . unshift ( _date ) ;
/ * C U S T O M S O R T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( data . type != "storify" ) {
_dates . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . fulldate - b . fulldate
} ) ;
onDatesProcessed ( ) ;
} ;
VMM . Timeline . Config = { } ;
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Timeline . TimeNav . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * V M M . T i m e l i n e . T i m e N a v . j s
This class handles the bottom timeline navigation .
It requires the VMM . Util class and VMM . Date class
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM . Timeline != 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Timeline . TimeNav == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Timeline . TimeNav = function ( parent , content _width , content _height ) {
trace ( "VMM.Timeline.TimeNav" ) ;
var $timenav , $content , $time , $timeintervalminor , $timeinterval , $timeintervalmajor , $timebackground ,
$timeintervalbackground , $timenavline , $timenavindicator , $timeintervalminor _minor , $toolbar , $zoomin , $zoomout , $dragslide ,
config = VMM . Timeline . Config ,
row _height ,
events = { } ,
timespan = { } ,
layout = parent ,
data = [ ] ,
era _markers = [ ] ,
markers = [ ] ,
interval _array = [ ] ,
interval _major _array = [ ] ,
tags = [ ] ,
current _marker = 0 ,
_active = false ,
eras ,
content ,
timeouts = {
interval _position : ""
} ,
timenav _pos = {
left : "" ,
visible : {
left : "" ,
right : ""
} ,
timelookup = {
day : 24 ,
month : 12 ,
year : 10 ,
hour : 60 ,
minute : 60 ,
second : 1000 ,
decade : 10 ,
century : 100 ,
millenium : 1000 ,
age : 1000000 ,
epoch : 10000000 ,
era : 100000000 ,
eon : 500000000 ,
week : 4.34812141 ,
days _in _month : 30.4368499 ,
days _in _week : 7 ,
weeks _in _month : 4.34812141 ,
weeks _in _year : 52.177457 ,
days _in _year : 365.242199 ,
hours _in _day : 24
} ,
dateFractionBrowser = {
day : 86400000 ,
week : 7 ,
month : 30.4166666667 ,
year : 12 ,
hour : 24 ,
minute : 1440 ,
second : 86400 ,
decade : 10 ,
century : 100 ,
millenium : 1000 ,
age : 1000000 ,
epoch : 10000000 ,
era : 100000000 ,
eon : 500000000
} ,
interval = {
type : "year" ,
number : 10 ,
first : 1970 ,
last : 2011 ,
multiplier : 100 ,
classname : "_idd" ,
interval _type : "interval"
} ,
interval _major = {
type : "year" ,
number : 10 ,
first : 1970 ,
last : 2011 ,
multiplier : 100 ,
classname : "major" ,
interval _type : "interval major"
} ,
interval _macro = {
type : "year" ,
number : 10 ,
first : 1970 ,
last : 2011 ,
multiplier : 100 ,
classname : "_dd_minor" ,
interval _type : "interval minor"
} ,
interval _calc = {
day : { } ,
month : { } ,
year : { } ,
hour : { } ,
minute : { } ,
second : { } ,
decade : { } ,
century : { } ,
millenium : { } ,
week : { } ,
age : { } ,
epoch : { } ,
era : { } ,
eon : { }
} ;
/ * A D D t o C o n f i g
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
row _height = config . nav . marker . height / 2 ;
config . nav . rows = {
full : [ 1 , row _height * 2 , row _height * 4 ] ,
half : [ 1 , row _height , row _height * 2 , row _height * 3 , row _height * 4 , row _height * 5 ] ,
current : [ ]
if ( content _width != null && content _width != "" ) {
config . nav . width = content _width ;
if ( content _height != null && content _height != "" ) {
config . nav . height = content _height ;
/ * I N I T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . init = function ( d , e ) {
trace ( 'VMM.Timeline.TimeNav init' ) ;
// need to evaluate d
// some function to determine type of data and prepare it
if ( typeof d != 'undefined' ) {
this . setData ( d , e ) ;
} else {
trace ( "WAITING ON DATA" ) ;
} ;
/ * G E T T E R S A N D S E T T E R S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
this . setData = function ( d , e ) {
if ( typeof d != 'undefined' ) {
data = { } ;
data = d ;
eras = e ;
build ( ) ;
} else {
trace ( "NO DATA" ) ;
} ;
this . setSize = function ( w , h ) {
if ( w != null ) { config . width = w } ;
if ( h != null ) { config . height = h } ;
if ( _active ) {
reSize ( ) ;
this . setMarker = function ( n , ease , duration , fast ) {
goToMarker ( n , ease , duration ) ;
this . getCurrentNumber = function ( ) {
return current _marker ;
/ * O N E V E N T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onConfigSet ( ) {
trace ( "onConfigSet" ) ;
} ;
function reSize ( firstrun ) {
config . nav . constraint . left = ( config . width / 2 ) ;
config . nav . constraint . right = config . nav . constraint . right _min - ( config . width / 2 ) ;
$dragslide . updateConstraint ( config . nav . constraint ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( $timenavline , "left" , Math . round ( config . width / 2 ) + 2 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( $timenavindicator , "left" , Math . round ( config . width / 2 ) - 8 ) ;
goToMarker ( config . current _slide , config . ease , config . duration , true , firstrun ) ;
} ;
function upDate ( ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( layout , "UPDATE" ) ;
function onZoomIn ( ) {
$dragslide . cancelSlide ( ) ;
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > config . nav . multiplier . min ) {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current <= 1 ) {
config . nav . multiplier . current = config . nav . multiplier . current - . 25 ;
} else {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > 5 ) {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > 16 ) {
config . nav . multiplier . current = Math . round ( config . nav . multiplier . current - 10 ) ;
} else {
config . nav . multiplier . current = Math . round ( config . nav . multiplier . current - 4 ) ;
} else {
config . nav . multiplier . current = Math . round ( config . nav . multiplier . current - 1 ) ;
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current <= 0 ) {
config . nav . multiplier . current = config . nav . multiplier . min ;
refreshTimeline ( ) ;
function onZoomOut ( ) {
$dragslide . cancelSlide ( ) ;
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current < config . nav . multiplier . max ) {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > 4 ) {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > 16 ) {
config . nav . multiplier . current = Math . round ( config . nav . multiplier . current + 10 ) ;
} else {
config . nav . multiplier . current = Math . round ( config . nav . multiplier . current + 4 ) ;
} else {
config . nav . multiplier . current = Math . round ( config . nav . multiplier . current + 1 ) ;
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current >= config . nav . multiplier . max ) {
config . nav . multiplier . current = config . nav . multiplier . max ;
refreshTimeline ( ) ;
function onBackHome ( e ) {
$dragslide . cancelSlide ( ) ;
goToMarker ( 0 ) ;
upDate ( ) ;
function onMouseScroll ( e ) {
var delta = 0 ,
scroll _to = 0 ;
if ( ! e ) {
e = window . event ;
if ( e . originalEvent ) {
e = e . originalEvent ;
// Browsers unable to differntiate between up/down and left/right scrolling
/ *
if ( e . wheelDelta ) {
delta = e . wheelDelta / 6 ;
} else if ( e . detail ) {
delta = - e . detail * 12 ;
* /
// Webkit and browsers able to differntiate between up/down and left/right scrolling
if ( typeof e . wheelDeltaX != 'undefined' ) {
delta = e . wheelDeltaY / 6 ;
if ( Math . abs ( e . wheelDeltaX ) > Math . abs ( e . wheelDeltaY ) ) {
delta = e . wheelDeltaX / 6 ;
} else {
//delta = e.wheelDeltaY/6;
delta = 0 ;
if ( delta ) {
if ( e . preventDefault ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . returnValue = false ;
// Stop from scrolling too far
scroll _to = VMM . Lib . position ( $timenav ) . left + delta ;
if ( scroll _to > config . nav . constraint . left ) {
scroll _to = config . width / 2 ;
} else if ( scroll _to < config . nav . constraint . right ) {
scroll _to = config . nav . constraint . right ;
//VMM.Lib.animate($timenav, config.duration/2, "linear", {"left": scroll_to});
VMM . Lib . css ( $timenav , "left" , scroll _to ) ;
function refreshTimeline ( ) {
trace ( "config.nav.multiplier " + config . nav . multiplier . current ) ;
positionMarkers ( true ) ;
positionEras ( true ) ;
positionInterval ( $timeinterval , interval _array , true , true ) ;
positionInterval ( $timeintervalmajor , interval _major _array , true ) ;
config . nav . constraint . left = ( config . width / 2 ) ;
config . nav . constraint . right = config . nav . constraint . right _min - ( config . width / 2 ) ;
$dragslide . updateConstraint ( config . nav . constraint ) ;
} ;
/ * M A R K E R E V E N T S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onMarkerClick ( e ) {
$dragslide . cancelSlide ( ) ;
goToMarker ( e . data . number ) ;
upDate ( ) ;
} ;
function onMarkerHover ( e ) {
VMM . Lib . toggleClass ( e . data . elem , "zFront" ) ;
} ;
function goToMarker ( n , ease , duration , fast , firstrun ) {
trace ( "GO TO MARKER" ) ;
var _ease = config . ease ,
_duration = config . duration ,
is _last = false ,
is _first = false ;
current _marker = n ;
timenav _pos . left = ( config . width / 2 ) - markers [ current _marker ] . pos _left
timenav _pos . visible . left = Math . abs ( timenav _pos . left ) - 100 ;
timenav _pos . visible . right = Math . abs ( timenav _pos . left ) + config . width + 100 ;
if ( current _marker == 0 ) {
is _first = true ;
if ( current _marker + 1 == markers . length ) {
is _last = true
if ( ease != null && ease != "" ) { _ease = ease } ;
if ( duration != null && duration != "" ) { _duration = duration } ;
// set marker style
for ( var i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; i ++ ) {
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( markers [ i ] . marker , "active" ) ;
if ( config . start _page && markers [ 0 ] . type == "start" ) {
VMM . Lib . visible ( markers [ 0 ] . marker , false ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( markers [ 0 ] . marker , "start" ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( markers [ current _marker ] . marker , "active" ) ;
VMM . Lib . stop ( $timenav ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( $timenav , _duration , _ease , { "left" : timenav _pos . left } ) ;
/ * T O U C H E V E N T S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function onTouchUpdate ( e , b ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( $timenav , b . time / 2 , config . ease , { "left" : b . left } ) ;
} ;
/ * C A L C U L A T I O N S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function averageMarkerPositionDistance ( ) {
var last _pos = 0 ,
pos = 0 ,
pos _dif = 0 ,
mp _diff = [ ] ,
i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( data [ i ] . type == "start" ) {
} else {
var _pos = positionOnTimeline ( interval , markers [ i ] . relative _pos ) ,
last _pos = pos ;
pos = _pos . begin ;
pos _dif = pos - last _pos ;
mp _diff . push ( pos _dif ) ;
return VMM . Util . average ( mp _diff ) . mean ;
function averageDateDistance ( ) {
var last _dd = 0 ,
dd = 0 ,
_dd = "" ,
date _dif = 0 ,
date _diffs = [ ] ,
is _first _date = true ,
i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( data [ i ] . type == "start" ) {
trace ( "DATA DATE IS START" )
} else {
_dd = data [ i ] . startdate ;
last _dd = dd ;
dd = _dd ;
date _dif = dd - last _dd ;
date _diffs . push ( date _dif ) ;
return VMM . Util . average ( date _diffs ) ;
function calculateMultiplier ( ) {
var temp _multiplier = config . nav . multiplier . current ,
i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < temp _multiplier ; i ++ ) {
if ( averageMarkerPositionDistance ( ) < 75 ) {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > 1 ) {
config . nav . multiplier . current = ( config . nav . multiplier . current - 1 ) ;
function calculateInterval ( ) {
var _first = getDateFractions ( data [ 0 ] . startdate ) ,
_last = getDateFractions ( data [ data . length - 1 ] . enddate ) ;
// EON
interval _calc . eon . type = "eon" ;
interval _calc . eon . first = _first . eons ;
interval _calc . eon . base = Math . floor ( _first . eons ) ;
interval _calc . eon . last = _last . eons ;
interval _calc . eon . number = timespan . eons ;
interval _calc . eon . multiplier = timelookup . eons ;
interval _calc . eon . minor = timelookup . eons ;
// ERA
interval _calc . era . type = "era" ;
interval _calc . era . first = _first . eras ;
interval _calc . era . base = Math . floor ( _first . eras ) ;
interval _calc . era . last = _last . eras ;
interval _calc . era . number = timespan . eras ;
interval _calc . era . multiplier = timelookup . eras ;
interval _calc . era . minor = timelookup . eras ;
interval _calc . epoch . type = "epoch" ;
interval _calc . epoch . first = _first . epochs ;
interval _calc . epoch . base = Math . floor ( _first . epochs ) ;
interval _calc . epoch . last = _last . epochs ;
interval _calc . epoch . number = timespan . epochs ;
interval _calc . epoch . multiplier = timelookup . epochs ;
interval _calc . epoch . minor = timelookup . epochs ;
// AGE
interval _calc . age . type = "age" ;
interval _calc . age . first = _first . ages ;
interval _calc . age . base = Math . floor ( _first . ages ) ;
interval _calc . age . last = _last . ages ;
interval _calc . age . number = timespan . ages ;
interval _calc . age . multiplier = timelookup . ages ;
interval _calc . age . minor = timelookup . ages ;
interval _calc . millenium . type = "millenium" ;
interval _calc . millenium . first = _first . milleniums ;
interval _calc . millenium . base = Math . floor ( _first . milleniums ) ;
interval _calc . millenium . last = _last . milleniums ;
interval _calc . millenium . number = timespan . milleniums ;
interval _calc . millenium . multiplier = timelookup . millenium ;
interval _calc . millenium . minor = timelookup . millenium ;
interval _calc . century . type = "century" ;
interval _calc . century . first = _first . centuries ;
interval _calc . century . base = Math . floor ( _first . centuries ) ;
interval _calc . century . last = _last . centuries ;
interval _calc . century . number = timespan . centuries ;
interval _calc . century . multiplier = timelookup . century ;
interval _calc . century . minor = timelookup . century ;
interval _calc . decade . type = "decade" ;
interval _calc . decade . first = _first . decades ;
interval _calc . decade . base = Math . floor ( _first . decades ) ;
interval _calc . decade . last = _last . decades ;
interval _calc . decade . number = timespan . decades ;
interval _calc . decade . multiplier = timelookup . decade ;
interval _calc . decade . minor = timelookup . decade ;
interval _calc . year . type = "year" ;
interval _calc . year . first = _first . years ;
interval _calc . year . base = Math . floor ( _first . years ) ;
interval _calc . year . last = _last . years ;
interval _calc . year . number = timespan . years ;
interval _calc . year . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . year . minor = timelookup . month ;
interval _calc . month . type = "month" ;
interval _calc . month . first = _first . months ;
interval _calc . month . base = Math . floor ( _first . months ) ;
interval _calc . month . last = _last . months ;
interval _calc . month . number = timespan . months ;
interval _calc . month . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . month . minor = Math . round ( timelookup . week ) ;
interval _calc . week . type = "week" ;
interval _calc . week . first = _first . weeks ;
interval _calc . week . base = Math . floor ( _first . weeks ) ;
interval _calc . week . last = _last . weeks ;
interval _calc . week . number = timespan . weeks ;
interval _calc . week . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . week . minor = 7 ;
// DAY
interval _calc . day . type = "day" ;
interval _calc . day . first = _first . days ;
interval _calc . day . base = Math . floor ( _first . days ) ;
interval _calc . day . last = _last . days ;
interval _calc . day . number = timespan . days ;
interval _calc . day . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . day . minor = 24 ;
interval _calc . hour . type = "hour" ;
interval _calc . hour . first = _first . hours ;
interval _calc . hour . base = Math . floor ( _first . hours ) ;
interval _calc . hour . last = _last . hours ;
interval _calc . hour . number = timespan . hours ;
interval _calc . hour . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . hour . minor = 60 ;
interval _calc . minute . type = "minute" ;
interval _calc . minute . first = _first . minutes ;
interval _calc . minute . base = Math . floor ( _first . minutes ) ;
interval _calc . minute . last = _last . minutes ;
interval _calc . minute . number = timespan . minutes ;
interval _calc . minute . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . minute . minor = 60 ;
interval _calc . second . type = "decade" ;
interval _calc . second . first = _first . seconds ;
interval _calc . second . base = Math . floor ( _first . seconds ) ;
interval _calc . second . last = _last . seconds ;
interval _calc . second . number = timespan . seconds ;
interval _calc . second . multiplier = 1 ;
interval _calc . second . minor = 10 ;
function getDateFractions ( the _date , is _utc ) {
var _time = { } ;
_time . days = the _date / dateFractionBrowser . day ;
_time . weeks = _time . days / dateFractionBrowser . week ;
_time . months = _time . days / dateFractionBrowser . month ;
_time . years = _time . months / dateFractionBrowser . year ;
_time . hours = _time . days * dateFractionBrowser . hour ;
_time . minutes = _time . days * dateFractionBrowser . minute ;
_time . seconds = _time . days * dateFractionBrowser . second ;
_time . decades = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . decade ;
_time . centuries = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . century ;
_time . milleniums = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . millenium ;
_time . ages = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . age ;
_time . epochs = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . epoch ;
_time . eras = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . era ;
_time . eons = _time . years / dateFractionBrowser . eon ;
/ *
trace ( "AGES " + _time . ages ) ;
trace ( "EPOCHS " + _time . epochs ) ;
trace ( "MILLENIUMS " + _time . milleniums ) ;
trace ( "CENTURIES " + _time . centuries ) ;
trace ( "DECADES " + _time . decades ) ;
trace ( "YEARS " + _time . years ) ;
trace ( "MONTHS " + _time . months ) ;
trace ( "WEEKS " + _time . weeks ) ;
trace ( "DAYS " + _time . days ) ;
trace ( "HOURS " + _time . hours ) ;
trace ( "MINUTES " + _time . minutes ) ;
trace ( "SECONDS " + _time . seconds ) ;
* /
return _time ;
/ * P O S I T I O N
Positions elements on the timeline based on date
relative to the calculated interval
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function positionRelative ( _interval , first , last ) {
var _first ,
_last ,
_type = _interval . type ,
timerelative = {
start : "" ,
end : "" ,
type : _type
} ;
/ * F I R S T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
_first = getDateFractions ( first ) ;
timerelative . start = first . months ;
if ( _type == "eon" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . eons ;
} else if ( _type == "era" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . eras ;
} else if ( _type == "epoch" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . epochs ;
} else if ( _type == "age" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . ages ;
} else if ( _type == "millenium" ) {
timerelative . start = first . milleniums ;
} else if ( _type == "century" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . centuries ;
} else if ( _type == "decade" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . decades ;
} else if ( _type == "year" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . years ;
} else if ( _type == "month" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . months ;
} else if ( _type == "week" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . weeks ;
} else if ( _type == "day" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . days ;
} else if ( _type == "hour" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . hours ;
} else if ( _type == "minute" ) {
timerelative . start = _first . minutes ;
/ * L A S T
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( type . of ( last ) == "date" ) {
_last = getDateFractions ( last ) ;
timerelative . end = last . months ;
if ( _type == "eon" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . eons ;
} else if ( _type == "era" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . eras ;
} else if ( _type == "epoch" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . epochs ;
} else if ( _type == "age" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . ages ;
} else if ( _type == "millenium" ) {
timerelative . end = last . milleniums ;
} else if ( _type == "century" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . centuries ;
} else if ( _type == "decade" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . decades ;
} else if ( _type == "year" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . years ;
} else if ( _type == "month" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . months ;
} else if ( _type == "week" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . weeks ;
} else if ( _type == "day" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . days ;
} else if ( _type == "hour" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . hours ;
} else if ( _type == "minute" ) {
timerelative . end = _last . minutes ;
} else {
timerelative . end = timerelative . start ;
return timerelative
function positionOnTimeline ( the _interval , timerelative ) {
return {
begin : ( timerelative . start - interval . base ) * ( config . nav . interval _width / config . nav . multiplier . current ) ,
end : ( timerelative . end - interval . base ) * ( config . nav . interval _width / config . nav . multiplier . current )
} ;
function positionMarkers ( is _animated ) {
var row = 2 ,
previous _pos = 0 ,
pos _offset = - 2 ,
row _depth = 0 ,
row _depth _sub = 0 ,
line _last _height _pos = 150 ,
line _height = 6 ,
cur _mark = 0 ,
in _view _margin = config . width ,
pos _cache _array = [ ] ,
pos _cache _max = 6 ,
in _view = {
left : timenav _pos . visible . left - in _view _margin ,
right : timenav _pos . visible . right + in _view _margin
} ,
i = 0 ,
k = 0 ;
config . nav . minor _width = config . width ;
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( ".flag" , "row1" ) ;
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( ".flag" , "row2" ) ;
VMM . Lib . removeClass ( ".flag" , "row3" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; i ++ ) {
var line ,
marker = markers [ i ] ,
pos = positionOnTimeline ( interval , markers [ i ] . relative _pos ) ,
row _pos = 0 ,
is _in _view = false ,
pos _cache _obj = { id : i , pos : 0 , row : 0 } ,
pos _cache _close = 0 ;
pos . begin = Math . round ( pos . begin + pos _offset ) ;
pos . end = Math . round ( pos . end + pos _offset ) ;
line = Math . round ( pos . end - pos . begin ) ;
marker . pos _left = pos . begin ;
if ( current _marker == i ) {
timenav _pos . left = ( config . width / 2 ) - pos ;
timenav _pos . visible . left = Math . abs ( timenav _pos . left ) ;
timenav _pos . visible . right = Math . abs ( timenav _pos . left ) + config . width ;
in _view . left = timenav _pos . visible . left - in _view _margin ;
in _view . right = timenav _pos . visible . right + in _view _margin ;
if ( Math . abs ( pos . begin ) >= in _view . left && Math . abs ( pos . begin ) <= in _view . right ) {
is _in _view = true ;
if ( is _animated ) {
VMM . Lib . stop ( marker . marker ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( marker . marker , config . duration / 2 , config . ease , { "left" : pos . begin } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . stop ( marker . marker ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( marker . marker , "left" , pos . begin ) ;
if ( i == current _marker ) {
cur _mark = pos . begin ;
if ( line > 5 ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( marker . lineevent , "height" , line _height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( marker . lineevent , "top" , line _last _height _pos ) ;
if ( is _animated ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( marker . lineevent , config . duration / 2 , config . ease , { "width" : line } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . css ( marker . lineevent , "width" , line ) ;
if ( tags . length > 0 ) {
for ( k = 0 ; k < tags . length ; k ++ ) {
if ( k < config . nav . rows . current . length ) {
if ( marker . tag == tags [ k ] ) {
row = k ;
if ( k == config . nav . rows . current . length - 1 ) {
trace ( "ON LAST ROW" ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( marker . flag , "flag-small-last" ) ;
row _pos = config . nav . rows . current [ row ] ;
} else {
if ( pos . begin - previous _pos . begin < ( config . nav . marker . width + config . spacing ) ) {
if ( row < config . nav . rows . current . length - 1 ) {
row ++ ;
} else {
row = 0 ;
row _depth ++ ;
} else {
row _depth = 1 ;
row = 1 ;
row _pos = config . nav . rows . current [ row ] ;
previous _pos = pos ;
pos _cache _obj . pos = pos ;
pos _cache _obj . row = row ;
pos _cache _array . push ( pos _cache _obj ) ;
if ( pos _cache _array . length > pos _cache _max ) {
VMM . Util . removeRange ( pos _cache _array , 0 ) ;
//if (is_animated && is_in_view) {
if ( is _animated ) {
VMM . Lib . stop ( marker . flag ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( marker . flag , config . duration , config . ease , { "top" : row _pos } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . stop ( marker . flag ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( marker . flag , "top" , row _pos ) ;
if ( config . start _page && markers [ i ] . type == "start" ) {
VMM . Lib . visible ( marker . marker , false ) ;
if ( pos > config . nav . minor _width ) {
config . nav . minor _width = pos ;
if ( pos < config . nav . minor _left ) {
config . nav . minor _left = pos ;
if ( is _animated ) {
VMM . Lib . stop ( $timenav ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( $timenav , config . duration / 2 , config . ease , { "left" : ( config . width / 2 ) - ( cur _mark ) } ) ;
} else {
//VMM.Lib.delay_animate(config.duration, $timenav, config.duration/2, config.ease, {"left": (config.width/2) - (cur_mark)});
function positionEras ( is _animated ) {
var i = 0 ,
p = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < era _markers . length ; i ++ ) {
var era = era _markers [ i ] ,
pos = positionOnTimeline ( interval , era . relative _pos ) ,
row _pos = 0 ,
row = 0 ,
era _height = config . nav . marker . height * config . nav . rows . full . length ,
era _length = pos . end - pos . begin ;
if ( era . tag != "" ) {
era _height = ( config . nav . marker . height * config . nav . rows . full . length ) / config . nav . rows . current . length ;
for ( p = 0 ; p < tags . length ; p ++ ) {
if ( p < config . nav . rows . current . length ) {
if ( era . tag == tags [ p ] ) {
row = p ;
row _pos = config . nav . rows . current [ row ] ;
} else {
row _pos = - 1 ;
if ( is _animated ) {
VMM . Lib . stop ( era . content ) ;
VMM . Lib . stop ( era . text _content ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( era . content , config . duration / 2 , config . ease , { "top" : row _pos , "left" : pos . begin , "width" : era _length , "height" : era _height } ) ;
VMM . Lib . animate ( era . text _content , config . duration / 2 , config . ease , { "left" : pos . begin } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . stop ( era . content ) ;
VMM . Lib . stop ( era . text _content ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( era . content , "left" , pos . begin ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( era . content , "width" , era _length ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( era . content , "height" , era _height ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( era . content , "top" , row _pos ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( era . text _content , "left" , pos . begin ) ;
function positionInterval ( the _main _element , the _intervals , is _animated , is _minor ) {
var last _position = 0 ,
last _position _major = 0 ,
//in_view_margin = (config.nav.minor_width/config.nav.multiplier.current)/2,
in _view _margin = config . width ,
in _view = {
left : timenav _pos . visible . left - in _view _margin ,
right : timenav _pos . visible . right + in _view _margin
not _too _many = true ,
i = 0 ;
config . nav . minor _left = 0 ;
if ( the _intervals . length > 100 ) {
not _too _many = false ;
trace ( "TOO MANY " + the _intervals . length ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < the _intervals . length ; i ++ ) {
var _interval = the _intervals [ i ] . element ,
_interval _date = the _intervals [ i ] . date ,
_interval _visible = the _intervals [ i ] . visible ,
_pos = positionOnTimeline ( interval , the _intervals [ i ] . relative _pos ) ,
pos = _pos . begin ,
_animation = the _intervals [ i ] . animation ,
is _visible = true ,
is _in _view = false ,
pos _offset = 50 ;
_animation . pos = pos ;
_animation . animate = false ;
if ( Math . abs ( pos ) >= in _view . left && Math . abs ( pos ) <= in _view . right ) {
is _in _view = true ;
if ( true ) {
if ( config . nav . multiplier . current > 16 && is _minor ) {
is _visible = false ;
} else {
if ( ( pos - last _position ) < 65 ) {
if ( ( pos - last _position ) < 35 ) {
if ( i % 4 == 0 ) {
if ( pos == 0 ) {
is _visible = false ;
} else {
is _visible = false ;
} else {
if ( ! VMM . Util . isEven ( i ) ) {
is _visible = false ;
if ( is _visible ) {
if ( the _intervals [ i ] . is _detached ) {
VMM . Lib . append ( the _main _element , _interval ) ;
the _intervals [ i ] . is _detached = false ;
} else {
the _intervals [ i ] . is _detached = true ;
VMM . Lib . detach ( _interval ) ;
if ( _interval _visible ) {
if ( ! is _visible ) {
_animation . opacity = "0" ;
if ( is _animated && not _too _many ) {
_animation . animate = true ;
the _intervals [ i ] . interval _visible = false ;
} else {
_animation . opacity = "100" ;
if ( is _animated && is _in _view ) {
_animation . animate = true ;
} else {
_animation . opacity = "100" ;
if ( is _visible ) {
if ( is _animated && not _too _many ) {
_animation . animate = true ;
} else {
if ( is _animated && is _in _view ) {
_animation . animate = true ;
the _intervals [ i ] . interval _visible = true ;
} else {
if ( is _animated && not _too _many ) {
_animation . animate = true ;
last _position = pos ;
if ( pos > config . nav . minor _width ) {
config . nav . minor _width = pos ;
if ( pos < config . nav . minor _left ) {
config . nav . minor _left = pos ;
if ( _animation . animate ) {
VMM . Lib . animate ( _interval , config . duration / 2 , config . ease , { opacity : _animation . opacity , left : _animation . pos } ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . css ( _interval , "opacity" , _animation . opacity ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( _interval , "left" , pos ) ;
config . nav . constraint . right _min = - ( config . nav . minor _width ) + ( config . width ) ;
config . nav . constraint . right = config . nav . constraint . right _min + ( config . width / 2 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( $timeintervalminor _minor , "left" , config . nav . minor _left - ( config . width ) / 2 ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( $timeintervalminor _minor , ( config . nav . minor _width ) + ( config . width ) + Math . abs ( config . nav . minor _left ) ) ;
/ * I n t e r v a l E l e m e n t s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function createIntervalElements ( _interval , _array , _element _parent ) {
var inc _time = 0 ,
_first _run = true ,
_last _pos = 0 ,
_largest _pos = 0 ,
_timezone _offset ,
_first _date ,
_last _date ,
int _number = Math . ceil ( _interval . number ) + 2 ,
firefox = {
flag : false ,
offset : 0
} ,
i = 0 ;
VMM . attachElement ( _element _parent , "" ) ;
_interval . date = new Date ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
_timezone _offset = _interval . date . getTimezoneOffset ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < int _number ; i ++ ) {
trace ( _interval . type ) ;
var _is _year = false ,
int _obj = {
element : VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _element _parent , "<div>" , _interval . classname ) ,
date : new Date ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ,
visible : false ,
date _string : "" ,
type : _interval . interval _type ,
relative _pos : 0 ,
is _detached : false ,
animation : {
animate : false ,
pos : "" ,
opacity : "100"
} ;
if ( _interval . type == "eon" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 500000000 ) * 500000000 ;
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 500000000 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "era" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 100000000 ) * 100000000 ;
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 100000000 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "epoch" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 10000000 ) * 10000000
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 10000000 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "age" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 1000000 ) * 1000000
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 1000000 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "millenium" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 1000 ) * 1000 ;
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 1000 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "century" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 100 ) * 100
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 100 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "decade" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = Math . floor ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) / 10 ) * 10 ;
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 10 ) ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "year" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getFullYear ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setFullYear ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
_is _year = true ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "month" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "week" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setDate ( _first _date + ( inc _time * 7 ) ) ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "day" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getDate ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setDate ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "hour" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getHours ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setDate ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getDate ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setHours ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "minute" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMinutes ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setDate ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getDate ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setHours ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getHours ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setMinutes ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "second" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getSeconds ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setDate ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getDate ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setHours ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getHours ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setMinutes ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMinutes ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setSeconds ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
} else if ( _interval . type == "millisecond" ) {
if ( _first _run ) {
_first _date = data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMilliseconds ( ) ;
int _obj . date . setMonth ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMonth ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setDate ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getDate ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setHours ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getHours ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setMinutes ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getMinutes ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setSeconds ( data [ 0 ] . startdate . getSeconds ( ) ) ;
int _obj . date . setMilliseconds ( _first _date + inc _time ) ;
if ( VMM . Browser . browser == "Firefox" ) {
if ( int _obj . date . getFullYear ( ) == "1970" && int _obj . date . getTimezoneOffset ( ) != _timezone _offset ) {
trace ( "FIREFOX 1970 TIMEZONE OFFSET " + int _obj . date . getTimezoneOffset ( ) + " SHOULD BE " + _timezone _offset ) ;
trace ( _interval . type + " " + _interval . date ) ;
// try and fix firefox bug, if not the flag will catch it
firefox . offset = ( int _obj . date . getTimezoneOffset ( ) / 60 ) ;
firefox . flag = true ;
int _obj . date . setHours ( int _obj . date . getHours ( ) + firefox . offset ) ;
} else if ( firefox . flag ) {
// catch the bug the second time around
firefox . flag = false ;
int _obj . date . setHours ( int _obj . date . getHours ( ) + firefox . offset ) ;
if ( _is _year ) {
firefox . flag = true ;
if ( _is _year ) {
if ( int _obj . date . getFullYear ( ) < 0 ) {
int _obj . date _string = Math . abs ( int _obj . date . getFullYear ( ) ) . toString ( ) + " B.C." ;
} else {
int _obj . date _string = int _obj . date . getFullYear ( ) ;
} else {
int _obj . date _string = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( int _obj . date , true ) ;
// Increment Time
inc _time = inc _time + 1 ;
// No longer first run
_first _run = false ;
int _obj . relative _pos = positionRelative ( interval , int _obj . date ) ;
_last _pos = int _obj . relative _pos . begin ;
if ( int _obj . relative _pos . begin > _largest _pos ) {
_largest _pos = int _obj . relative _pos . begin ;
// Add the time string to the element and position it.
VMM . appendElement ( int _obj . element , int _obj . date _string ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( int _obj . element , "text-indent" , - ( VMM . Lib . width ( int _obj . element ) / 2 ) ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( int _obj . element , "opacity" , "0" ) ;
// add the interval element to the array
_array . push ( int _obj ) ;
VMM . Lib . width ( $timeintervalminor _minor , _largest _pos ) ;
positionInterval ( _element _parent , _array ) ;
/ * B U I L D
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
function build ( ) {
var i = 0 ,
j = 0 ;
VMM . attachElement ( layout , "" ) ;
$timenav = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( layout , "<div>" , "timenav" ) ;
$content = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timenav , "<div>" , "content" ) ;
$time = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timenav , "<div>" , "time" ) ;
$timeintervalminor = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $time , "<div>" , "time-interval-minor" ) ;
$timeintervalminor _minor = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timeintervalminor , "<div>" , "minor" ) ;
$timeintervalmajor = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $time , "<div>" , "time-interval-major" ) ;
$timeinterval = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $time , "<div>" , "time-interval" ) ;
$timebackground = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( layout , "<div>" , "timenav-background" ) ;
$timenavline = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timebackground , "<div>" , "timenav-line" ) ;
$timenavindicator = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timebackground , "<div>" , "timenav-indicator" ) ;
$timeintervalbackground = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timebackground , "<div>" , "timenav-interval-background" , "<div class='top-highlight'></div>" ) ;
$toolbar = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( layout , "<div>" , "vco-toolbar" ) ;
buildInterval ( ) ;
buildMarkers ( ) ;
buildEras ( ) ;
calculateMultiplier ( ) ;
positionMarkers ( false ) ;
positionEras ( ) ;
positionInterval ( $timeinterval , interval _array , false , true ) ;
positionInterval ( $timeintervalmajor , interval _major _array ) ;
if ( config . start _page ) {
$backhome = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $toolbar , "<div>" , "back-home" , "<div class='icon'></div>" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( ".back-home" , onBackHome , "click" ) ;
VMM . Lib . attribute ( $backhome , "title" , VMM . master _config . language . messages . return _to _title ) ;
VMM . Lib . attribute ( $backhome , "rel" , "timeline-tooltip" ) ;
$dragslide = new VMM . DragSlider ;
$dragslide . createPanel ( layout , $timenav , config . nav . constraint , config . touch ) ;
if ( config . touch && config . start _page ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( $toolbar , "touch" ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( $toolbar , "top" , 55 ) ;
VMM . Lib . css ( $toolbar , "left" , 10 ) ;
} else {
if ( config . start _page ) {
VMM . Lib . css ( $toolbar , "top" , 27 ) ;
$zoomin = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $toolbar , "<div>" , "zoom-in" , "<div class='icon'></div>" ) ;
$zoomout = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $toolbar , "<div>" , "zoom-out" , "<div class='icon'></div>" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $zoomin , onZoomIn , "click" ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( $zoomout , onZoomOut , "click" ) ;
VMM . Lib . attribute ( $zoomin , "title" , VMM . master _config . language . messages . expand _timeline ) ;
VMM . Lib . attribute ( $zoomin , "rel" , "timeline-tooltip" ) ;
VMM . Lib . attribute ( $zoomout , "title" , VMM . master _config . language . messages . contract _timeline ) ;
VMM . Lib . attribute ( $zoomout , "rel" , "timeline-tooltip" ) ;
$toolbar . tooltip ( { selector : "div[rel=timeline-tooltip]" , placement : "right" } ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( layout , onMouseScroll , 'DOMMouseScroll' ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( layout , onMouseScroll , 'mousewheel' ) ;
if ( config . nav . zoom . adjust != 0 ) {
if ( config . nav . zoom . adjust < 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < Math . abs ( config . nav . zoom . adjust ) ; i ++ ) {
onZoomOut ( ) ;
} else {
for ( j = 0 ; j < config . nav . zoom . adjust ; j ++ ) {
onZoomIn ( ) ;
//VMM.fireEvent(layout, "LOADED");
_active = true ;
reSize ( true ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( layout , "LOADED" ) ;
} ;
function buildInterval ( ) {
var i = 0 ,
j = 0 ;
timespan = getDateFractions ( ( data [ data . length - 1 ] . enddate ) - ( data [ 0 ] . startdate ) , true ) ;
trace ( timespan ) ;
calculateInterval ( ) ;
/ * D E T E R M I N E D E F A U L T I N T E R V A L T Y P E
millenium , ages , epoch , era and eon are not optimized yet . They may never be .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
/ *
if ( timespan . eons > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . eon ;
interval _major = interval _calc . eon ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . era ;
} else if ( timespan . eras > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . era ;
interval _major = interval _calc . eon ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . epoch ;
} else if ( timespan . epochs > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . epoch ;
interval _major = interval _calc . era ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . age ;
} else if ( timespan . ages > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . ages ;
interval _major = interval _calc . epoch ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . millenium ;
} else if ( timespan . milleniums > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . millenium ;
interval _major = interval _calc . age ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . century ;
} else
* /
if ( timespan . centuries > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . century ;
interval _major = interval _calc . millenium ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . decade ;
} else if ( timespan . decades > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . decade ;
interval _major = interval _calc . century ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . year ;
} else if ( timespan . years > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . year ;
interval _major = interval _calc . decade ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . month ;
} else if ( timespan . months > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . month ;
interval _major = interval _calc . year ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . day ;
} else if ( timespan . days > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . day ;
interval _major = interval _calc . month ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . hour ;
} else if ( timespan . hours > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . hour ;
interval _major = interval _calc . day ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . minute ;
} else if ( timespan . minutes > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . minute ;
interval _major = interval _calc . hour ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . second ;
} else if ( timespan . seconds > data . length / config . nav . density ) {
interval = interval _calc . second ;
interval _major = interval _calc . minute ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . second ;
} else {
interval = interval _calc . day ;
interval _major = interval _calc . month ;
interval _macro = interval _calc . hour ;
trace ( "INTERVAL TYPE: " + interval . type ) ;
trace ( "INTERVAL MAJOR TYPE: " + interval _major . type ) ;
createIntervalElements ( interval , interval _array , $timeinterval ) ;
createIntervalElements ( interval _major , interval _major _array , $timeintervalmajor ) ;
// Cleanup duplicate interval elements between normal and major
for ( i = 0 ; i < interval _array . length ; i ++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < interval _major _array . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( interval _array [ i ] . date _string == interval _major _array [ j ] . date _string ) {
VMM . attachElement ( interval _array [ i ] . element , "" ) ;
function buildMarkers ( ) {
var row = 2 ,
lpos = 0 ,
row _depth = 0 ,
i = 0 ,
k = 0 ,
l = 0 ;
markers = [ ] ;
era _markers = [ ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++ ) {
var _marker ,
_marker _flag ,
_marker _content ,
_marker _dot ,
_marker _line ,
_marker _line _event ,
_marker _obj ,
_marker _title = "" ,
has _title = false ;
_marker = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $content , "<div>" , "marker" ) ;
_marker _flag = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _marker , "<div>" , "flag" ) ;
_marker _content = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _marker _flag , "<div>" , "flag-content" ) ;
_marker _dot = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _marker , "<div>" , "dot" ) ;
_marker _line = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _marker , "<div>" , "line" ) ;
_marker _line _event = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( _marker _line , "<div>" , "event-line" ) ;
_marker _relative _pos = positionRelative ( interval , data [ i ] . startdate , data [ i ] . enddate ) ;
_marker _thumb = "" ;
if ( data [ i ] . asset != null && data [ i ] . asset != "" ) {
VMM . appendElement ( _marker _content , VMM . MediaElement . thumbnail ( data [ i ] . asset , 24 , 24 , data [ i ] . uniqueid ) ) ;
} else {
VMM . appendElement ( _marker _content , "<div style='margin-right:7px;height:50px;width:2px;float:left;'></div>" ) ;
if ( data [ i ] . title == "" || data [ i ] . title == " " ) {
trace ( "TITLE NOTHING" )
if ( typeof data [ i ] . slug != 'undefined' && data [ i ] . slug != "" ) {
trace ( "SLUG" )
_marker _title = VMM . Util . untagify ( data [ i ] . slug ) ;
has _title = true ;
} else {
var m = VMM . MediaType ( data [ i ] . asset . media ) ;
if ( m . type == "quote" || m . type == "unknown" ) {
_marker _title = VMM . Util . untagify ( m . id ) ;
has _title = true ;
} else {
has _title = false ;
} else if ( data [ i ] . title != "" || data [ i ] . title != " " ) {
trace ( data [ i ] . title )
_marker _title = VMM . Util . untagify ( data [ i ] . title ) ;
has _title = true ;
} else {
trace ( "TITLE SLUG NOT FOUND " + data [ i ] . slug )
if ( has _title ) {
VMM . appendElement ( _marker _content , "<h3>" + _marker _title + "</h3>" ) ;
} else {
VMM . appendElement ( _marker _content , "<h3>" + _marker _title + "</h3>" ) ;
VMM . appendElement ( _marker _content , "<h3 id='marker_content_" + data [ i ] . uniqueid + "'>" + _marker _title + "</h3>" ) ;
VMM . Lib . attr ( _marker , "id" , ( "marker_" + data [ i ] . uniqueid ) . toString ( ) ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( _marker _flag , onMarkerClick , "" , { number : i } ) ;
VMM . bindEvent ( _marker _flag , onMarkerHover , "mouseenter mouseleave" , { number : i , elem : _marker _flag } ) ;
_marker _obj = {
marker : _marker ,
flag : _marker _flag ,
lineevent : _marker _line _event ,
type : "marker" ,
full : true ,
relative _pos : _marker _relative _pos ,
tag : data [ i ] . tag ,
pos _left : 0
} ;
if ( data [ i ] . type == "start" ) {
config . start _page = true ;
_marker _obj . type = "start" ;
if ( data [ i ] . type == "storify" ) {
_marker _obj . type = "storify" ;
if ( data [ i ] . tag ) {
tags . push ( data [ i ] . tag ) ;
markers . push ( _marker _obj ) ;
tags = VMM . Util . deDupeArray ( tags ) ;
if ( tags . length > 3 ) {
config . nav . rows . current = config . nav . rows . half ;
} else {
config . nav . rows . current = config . nav . rows . full ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < tags . length ; k ++ ) {
if ( k < config . nav . rows . current . length ) {
var tag _element = VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timebackground , "<div>" , "timenav-tag" ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( tag _element , "timenav-tag-row-" + ( k + 1 ) ) ;
if ( tags . length > 3 ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( tag _element , "timenav-tag-size-half" ) ;
} else {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( tag _element , "timenav-tag-size-full" ) ;
VMM . appendElement ( tag _element , "<div><h3>" + tags [ k ] + "</h3></div>" ) ;
if ( tags . length > 3 ) {
for ( l = 0 ; l < markers . length ; l ++ ) {
VMM . Lib . addClass ( markers [ l ] . flag , "flag-small" ) ;
markers [ l ] . full = false ;
function buildEras ( ) {
var number _of _colors = 6 ,
current _color = 0 ,
j = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < eras . length ; j ++ ) {
var era = {
content : VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $content , "<div>" , "era" ) ,
text _content : VMM . appendAndGetElement ( $timeinterval , "<div>" , "era" ) ,
startdate : VMM . Date . parse ( eras [ j ] . startDate ) ,
enddate : VMM . Date . parse ( eras [ j ] . endDate ) ,
title : eras [ j ] . headline ,
uniqueid : VMM . Util . unique _ID ( 6 ) ,
tag : "" ,
relative _pos : ""
} ,
st = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( era . startdate ) ,
en = VMM . Date . prettyDate ( era . enddate ) ,
era _text = "<div> </div>" ;
if ( typeof eras [ j ] . tag != "undefined" ) {
era . tag = eras [ j ] . tag ;
era . relative _pos = positionRelative ( interval , era . startdate , era . enddate ) ;
VMM . Lib . attr ( era . content , "id" , era . uniqueid ) ;
VMM . Lib . attr ( era . text _content , "id" , era . uniqueid + "_text" ) ;
// Background Color
VMM . Lib . addClass ( era . content , "era" + ( current _color + 1 ) ) ;
VMM . Lib . addClass ( era . text _content , "era" + ( current _color + 1 ) ) ;
if ( current _color < number _of _colors ) {
current _color ++ ;
} else {
current _color = 0 ;
VMM . appendElement ( era . content , era _text ) ;
VMM . appendElement ( era . text _content , VMM . Util . unlinkify ( era . title ) ) ;
era _markers . push ( era ) ;
} ;
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Begin VMM . Timeline . DataObj . js
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * V M M . T i m e l i n e . D a t a O b j . j s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( typeof VMM . Timeline !== 'undefined' && typeof VMM . Timeline . DataObj == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj = {
data _obj : { } ,
model _array : [ ] ,
getData : function ( raw _data ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . data _obj = { } ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , VMM . Timeline . Config . language . messages . loading _timeline ) ;
if ( type . of ( raw _data ) == "object" ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . parseJSON ( raw _data ) ;
} else if ( type . of ( raw _data ) == "string" ) {
if ( raw _data . match ( "%23" ) ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . tweets . getData ( "%23medill" ) ;
} else if ( raw _data . match ( "spreadsheet" ) ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . googlespreadsheet . getData ( raw _data ) ;
} else if ( raw _data . match ( "storify.com" ) ) {
trace ( "DATA SOURCE: STORIFY" ) ;
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . storify . getData ( raw _data ) ;
} else if ( raw _data . match ( "\.jsonp" ) ) {
trace ( "DATA SOURCE: JSONP" ) ;
LoadLib . js ( raw _data , VMM . Timeline . DataObj . onJSONPLoaded ) ;
} else {
trace ( "DATA SOURCE: JSON" ) ;
var req = "" ;
if ( raw _data . indexOf ( "?" ) > - 1 ) {
req = raw _data + "&callback=onJSONP_Data" ;
} else {
req = raw _data + "?callback=onJSONP_Data" ;
VMM . getJSON ( req , VMM . Timeline . DataObj . parseJSON ) ;
} else if ( type . of ( raw _data ) == "html" ) {
trace ( "DATA SOURCE: HTML" ) ;
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . parseHTML ( raw _data ) ;
} else {
trace ( "DATA SOURCE: UNKNOWN" ) ;
} ,
onJSONPLoaded : function ( ) {
trace ( "JSONP IS LOADED" ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , storyjs _jsonp _data ) ;
} ,
parseHTML : function ( d ) {
trace ( "parseHTML" ) ;
trace ( "WARNING: THIS IS STILL ALPHA AND WILL NOT WORK WITH ID's other than #timeline" ) ;
var _data _obj = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . data _template _obj ;
/ * T i m e l i n e s t a r t s l i d e
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "time" ) [ 0 ] ) {
_data _obj . timeline . startDate = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "time" ) [ 0 ] ) ;
_data _obj . timeline . headline = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "h2" ) ) ;
_data _obj . timeline . text = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "article" ) ) ;
var found _main _media = false ;
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "figure img" ) . length != 0 ) {
found _main _media = true ;
_data _obj . timeline . asset . media = VMM . Lib . attr ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "figure img" ) , "src" ) ;
} else if ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "figure a" ) . length != 0 ) {
found _main _media = true ;
_data _obj . timeline . asset . media = VMM . Lib . attr ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "figure a" ) , "href" ) ;
} else {
//trace("NOT FOUND");
if ( found _main _media ) {
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "cite" ) . length != 0 ) {
_data _obj . timeline . asset . credit = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "cite" ) ) ;
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figcaption" ) . length != 0 ) {
_data _obj . timeline . asset . caption = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( "#timeline section" , "figcaption" ) ) ;
/ * T i m e l i n e D a t e S l i d e s
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
VMM . Lib . each ( "#timeline li" , function ( i , elem ) {
var valid _date = false ;
var _date = {
"type" : "default" ,
"startDate" : "" ,
"headline" : "" ,
"text" : "" ,
"asset" :
"media" : "" ,
"credit" : "" ,
"caption" : ""
} ,
"tags" : "Optional"
} ;
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "time" ) != 0 ) {
valid _date = true ;
_date . startDate = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "time" ) [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "time" ) [ 1 ] ) {
_date . endDate = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "time" ) [ 1 ] ) ;
_date . headline = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "h3" ) ) ;
_date . text = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "article" ) ) ;
var found _media = false ;
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figure img" ) . length != 0 ) {
found _media = true ;
_date . asset . media = VMM . Lib . attr ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figure img" ) , "src" ) ;
} else if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figure a" ) . length != 0 ) {
found _media = true ;
_date . asset . media = VMM . Lib . attr ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figure a" ) , "href" ) ;
} else {
//trace("NOT FOUND");
if ( found _media ) {
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "cite" ) . length != 0 ) {
_date . asset . credit = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "cite" ) ) ;
if ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figcaption" ) . length != 0 ) {
_date . asset . caption = VMM . Lib . html ( VMM . Lib . find ( this , "figcaption" ) ) ;
trace ( _date ) ;
_data _obj . timeline . date . push ( _date ) ;
} ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , _data _obj ) ;
} ,
parseJSON : function ( d ) {
trace ( "parseJSON" ) ;
if ( d . timeline . type == "default" ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , d ) ;
} else if ( d . timeline . type == "twitter" ) {
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model _Tweets . buildData ( d ) ;
} else {
trace ( type . of ( d . timeline ) ) ;
} ;
} ,
/ * M O D E L O B J E C T S
New Types of Data can be formatted for the timeline here
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
model : {
googlespreadsheet : {
extractSpreadsheetKey : function ( url ) {
var key = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( url ) [ "key" ] ;
if ( ! key ) {
if ( url . match ( "docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/" ) ) {
var pos = url . indexOf ( "docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/" ) + "docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/" . length ;
var tail = url . substr ( pos ) ;
key = tail . split ( '/' ) [ 0 ]
if ( ! key ) { key = url }
return key ;
} ,
getData : function ( raw ) {
var getjsondata , key , worksheet , url , timeout , tries = 0 ;
// new Google Docs URLs can specify 'key' differently.
// that format doesn't seem to have a way to specify a worksheet.
key = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . googlespreadsheet . extractSpreadsheetKey ( raw ) ;
worksheet = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( raw ) [ "worksheet" ] ;
if ( typeof worksheet == "undefined" ) worksheet = "1" ;
url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/" + key + "/" + worksheet + "/public/values?alt=json" ;
timeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
trace ( "Google Docs timeout " + url ) ;
trace ( url ) ;
if ( tries < 3 ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Still waiting on Google Docs, trying again " + tries ) ;
tries ++ ;
getjsondata . abort ( )
requestJsonData ( ) ;
} else {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Google Docs is not responding" ) ;
} , 16000 ) ;
function requestJsonData ( ) {
getjsondata = VMM . getJSON ( url , function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . googlespreadsheet . buildData ( d ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
if ( jqXHR . status == 400 ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Error reading Google spreadsheet. Check the URL and make sure it's published to the web." ) ;
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
return ;
trace ( "Google Docs ERROR" ) ;
trace ( "Google Docs ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
} ) ;
requestJsonData ( ) ;
} ,
buildData : function ( d ) {
var data _obj = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . data _template _obj ,
is _valid = false ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Parsing Google Doc Data" ) ;
function getGVar ( v ) {
if ( typeof v != 'undefined' ) {
return v . $t ;
} else {
return "" ;
if ( typeof d . feed . entry == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Error parsing spreadsheet. Make sure you have no blank rows and that the headers have not been changed." ) ;
} else {
is _valid = true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < d . feed . entry . length ; i ++ ) {
var dd = d . feed . entry [ i ] ,
dd _type = "" ;
if ( typeof ( dd . gsx$startdate ) == 'undefined' ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Missing start date. Make sure the headers of your Google Spreadsheet have not been changed." ) ;
return ;
if ( typeof dd . gsx$type != 'undefined' ) {
dd _type = dd . gsx$type . $t ;
} else if ( typeof dd . gsx$titleslide != 'undefined' ) {
dd _type = dd . gsx$titleslide . $t ;
if ( dd _type . match ( "start" ) || dd _type . match ( "title" ) ) {
data _obj . timeline . startDate = getGVar ( dd . gsx$startdate ) ;
data _obj . timeline . headline = getGVar ( dd . gsx$headline ) ;
data _obj . timeline . asset . media = getGVar ( dd . gsx$media ) ;
data _obj . timeline . asset . caption = getGVar ( dd . gsx$mediacaption ) ;
data _obj . timeline . asset . credit = getGVar ( dd . gsx$mediacredit ) ;
data _obj . timeline . text = getGVar ( dd . gsx$text ) ;
data _obj . timeline . type = "google spreadsheet" ;
} else if ( dd _type . match ( "era" ) ) {
var era = {
startDate : getGVar ( dd . gsx$startdate ) ,
endDate : getGVar ( dd . gsx$enddate ) ,
headline : getGVar ( dd . gsx$headline ) ,
text : getGVar ( dd . gsx$text ) ,
tag : getGVar ( dd . gsx$tag )
data _obj . timeline . era . push ( era ) ;
} else {
var date = {
type : "google spreadsheet" ,
startDate : getGVar ( dd . gsx$startdate ) ,
endDate : getGVar ( dd . gsx$enddate ) ,
headline : getGVar ( dd . gsx$headline ) ,
text : getGVar ( dd . gsx$text ) ,
tag : getGVar ( dd . gsx$tag ) ,
asset : {
media : getGVar ( dd . gsx$media ) ,
credit : getGVar ( dd . gsx$mediacredit ) ,
caption : getGVar ( dd . gsx$mediacaption ) ,
thumbnail : getGVar ( dd . gsx$mediathumbnail )
} ;
data _obj . timeline . date . push ( date ) ;
} ;
if ( is _valid ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Finished Parsing Data" ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , data _obj ) ;
} else {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , VMM . Language . messages . loading + " Google Doc Data (cells)" ) ;
trace ( "There may be too many entries. Still trying to load data. Now trying to load cells to avoid Googles limitation on cells" ) ;
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . googlespreadsheet . getDataCells ( d . feed . link [ 0 ] . href ) ;
} ,
getDataCells : function ( raw ) {
var getjsondata , key , url , timeout , tries = 0 ;
key = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . googlespreadsheet . extractSpreadsheetKey ( raw ) ;
url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/" + key + "/od6/public/values?alt=json" ;
timeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
trace ( "Google Docs timeout " + url ) ;
trace ( url ) ;
if ( tries < 3 ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Still waiting on Google Docs, trying again " + tries ) ;
tries ++ ;
getjsondata . abort ( )
requestJsonData ( ) ;
} else {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Google Docs is not responding" ) ;
} , 16000 ) ;
function requestJsonData ( ) {
getjsondata = VMM . getJSON ( url , function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . googlespreadsheet . buildDataCells ( d ) ;
} )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "Google Docs ERROR" ) ;
trace ( "Google Docs ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
} ) ;
requestJsonData ( ) ;
} ,
buildDataCells : function ( d ) {
var data _obj = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . data _template _obj ,
is _valid = false ,
cellnames = [ "timeline" ] ,
list = [ ] ,
max _row = 0 ,
i = 0 ,
k = 0 ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , VMM . Language . messages . loading _timeline + " Parsing Google Doc Data (cells)" ) ;
function getGVar ( v ) {
if ( typeof v != 'undefined' ) {
return v . $t ;
} else {
return "" ;
if ( typeof d . feed . entry != 'undefined' ) {
is _valid = true ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < d . feed . entry . length ; i ++ ) {
var dd = d . feed . entry [ i ] ;
if ( parseInt ( dd . gs$cell . row ) > max _row ) {
max _row = parseInt ( dd . gs$cell . row ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < max _row + 1 ; i ++ ) {
var date = {
type : "" ,
startDate : "" ,
endDate : "" ,
headline : "" ,
text : "" ,
tag : "" ,
asset : {
media : "" ,
credit : "" ,
caption : "" ,
thumbnail : ""
} ;
list . push ( date ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < d . feed . entry . length ; i ++ ) {
var dd = d . feed . entry [ i ] ,
dd _type = "" ,
column _name = "" ,
cell = {
content : getGVar ( dd . gs$cell ) ,
col : dd . gs$cell . col ,
row : dd . gs$cell . row ,
name : ""
} ;
if ( cell . row == 1 ) {
if ( cell . content == "Start Date" ) {
column _name = "startDate" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "End Date" ) {
column _name = "endDate" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Headline" ) {
column _name = "headline" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Text" ) {
column _name = "text" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Media" ) {
column _name = "media" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Media Credit" ) {
column _name = "credit" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Media Caption" ) {
column _name = "caption" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Media Thumbnail" ) {
column _name = "thumbnail" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Type" ) {
column _name = "type" ;
} else if ( cell . content == "Tag" ) {
column _name = "tag" ;
cellnames . push ( column _name ) ;
} else {
cell . name = cellnames [ cell . col ] ;
list [ cell . row ] [ cell . name ] = cell . content ;
} ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i ++ ) {
var date = list [ i ] ;
if ( date . type . match ( "start" ) || date . type . match ( "title" ) ) {
data _obj . timeline . startDate = date . startDate ;
data _obj . timeline . headline = date . headline ;
data _obj . timeline . asset . media = date . media ;
data _obj . timeline . asset . caption = date . caption ;
data _obj . timeline . asset . credit = date . credit ;
data _obj . timeline . text = date . text ;
data _obj . timeline . type = "google spreadsheet" ;
} else if ( date . type . match ( "era" ) ) {
var era = {
startDate : date . startDate ,
endDate : date . endDate ,
headline : date . headline ,
text : date . text ,
tag : date . tag
data _obj . timeline . era . push ( era ) ;
} else {
if ( date . startDate ) {
var date = {
type : "google spreadsheet" ,
startDate : date . startDate ,
endDate : date . endDate ,
headline : date . headline ,
text : date . text ,
tag : date . tag ,
asset : {
media : date . media ,
credit : date . credit ,
caption : date . caption ,
thumbnail : date . thumbnail
} ;
data _obj . timeline . date . push ( date ) ;
} else {
trace ( "Skipping item " + i + " in list: no start date." )
is _valid = data _obj . timeline . date . length > 0 ;
if ( is _valid ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Finished Parsing Data" ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , data _obj ) ;
} else {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Unable to load Google Doc data source. Make sure you have no blank rows and that the headers have not been changed." ) ;
} ,
storify : {
getData : function ( raw ) {
var key , url , storify _timeout ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Loading Storify..." ) ;
key = raw . split ( "storify.com\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
url = "//api.storify.com/v1/stories/" + key + "?per_page=300&callback=?" ;
storify _timeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
trace ( "STORIFY timeout" ) ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Storify is not responding" ) ;
} , 6000 ) ;
VMM . getJSON ( url , VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . storify . buildData )
. error ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
trace ( "STORIFY error" ) ;
trace ( "STORIFY ERROR: " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR . responseText ) ;
} )
. success ( function ( d ) {
clearTimeout ( storify _timeout ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
buildData : function ( d ) {
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . messege , "Parsing Data" ) ;
var _data _obj = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . data _template _obj ;
_data _obj . timeline . startDate = new Date ( d . content . date . created ) ; ;
_data _obj . timeline . headline = d . content . title ;
trace ( d ) ;
var tt = "" ;
var t _name = d . content . author . username ;
var t _nickname = "" ;
if ( typeof d . content . author . name != 'undefined' ) {
t _name = d . content . author . name ;
t _nickname = d . content . author . username + " " ;
if ( typeof d . content . description != 'undefined' && d . content . description != null ) {
tt += d . content . description ;
tt += "<div class='storify'>"
//tt += " <a href='" + d.content.permalink + "' target='_blank' alt='link to original story' title='link to original story'>" + "<span class='created-at'></span>" + " </a>";
tt += "<div class='vcard author'><a class='screen-name url' href='" + d . content . author . permalink + "' target='_blank'>" ;
tt += "<span class='avatar'><img src='" + d . content . author . avatar + "' style='max-width: 32px; max-height: 32px;'></span>"
tt += "<span class='fn'>" + t _name + "</span>" ;
tt += "<span class='nickname'>" + t _nickname + "<span class='thumbnail-inline'></span></span>" ;
tt += "</a>" ;
//tt += "<span class='nickname'>" + d.content.author.stats.stories + " Stories</span>";
//tt += "<span class='nickname'>" + d.content.author.stats.subscribers + " Subscribers</span>";
tt += "</div>"
tt += "</div>" ;
_data _obj . timeline . text = tt ;
_data _obj . timeline . asset . media = d . content . thumbnail ;
//_data_obj.timeline.asset.media = dd.gsx$media.$t;
//_data_obj.timeline.asset.caption = dd.gsx$mediacaption.$t;
//_data_obj.timeline.asset.credit = dd.gsx$mediacredit.$t;
_data _obj . timeline . type = "storify" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < d . content . elements . length ; i ++ ) {
var dd = d . content . elements [ i ] ;
var is _text = false ;
var d _date = new Date ( dd . posted _at ) ;
trace ( dd . type ) ;
var _date = {
"type" : "storify" ,
"startDate" : dd . posted _at ,
"endDate" : dd . posted _at ,
"headline" : " " ,
"slug" : "" ,
"text" : "" ,
"asset" : {
"media" : "" ,
"credit" : "" ,
"caption" : ""
} ;
/ * M E D I A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
if ( dd . type == "image" ) {
if ( typeof dd . source . name != 'undefined' ) {
if ( dd . source . name == "flickr" ) {
_date . asset . media = "//flickr.com/photos/" + dd . meta . pathalias + "/" + dd . meta . id + "/" ;
_date . asset . credit = "<a href='" + _date . asset . media + "'>" + dd . attribution . name + "</a>" ;
_date . asset . credit += " on <a href='" + dd . source . href + "'>" + dd . source . name + "</a>" ;
} else if ( dd . source . name == "instagram" ) {
_date . asset . media = dd . permalink ;
_date . asset . credit = "<a href='" + dd . permalink + "'>" + dd . attribution . name + "</a>" ;
_date . asset . credit += " on <a href='" + dd . source . href + "'>" + dd . source . name + "</a>" ;
} else {
_date . asset . credit = "<a href='" + dd . permalink + "'>" + dd . attribution . name + "</a>" ;
if ( typeof dd . source . href != 'undefined' ) {
_date . asset . credit += " on <a href='" + dd . source . href + "'>" + dd . source . name + "</a>" ;
_date . asset . media = dd . data . image . src ;
} else {
_date . asset . credit = "<a href='" + dd . permalink + "'>" + dd . attribution . name + "</a>" ;
_date . asset . media = dd . data . image . src ;
_date . slug = dd . attribution . name ;
if ( typeof dd . data . image . caption != 'undefined' ) {
if ( dd . data . image . caption != 'undefined' ) {
_date . asset . caption = dd . data . image . caption ;
_date . slug = dd . data . image . caption ;
} else if ( dd . type == "quote" ) {
if ( dd . permalink . match ( "twitter" ) ) {
_date . asset . media = dd . permalink ;
_date . slug = VMM . Util . untagify ( dd . data . quote . text ) ;
} else if ( dd . permalink . match ( "storify" ) ) {
is _text = true ;
_date . asset . media = "<blockquote>" + dd . data . quote . text . replace ( /<\s*\/?\s*b\s*.*?>/g , "" ) + "</blockquote>" ;
} else if ( dd . type == "link" ) {
_date . headline = dd . data . link . title ;
_date . text = dd . data . link . description ;
if ( dd . data . link . thumbnail != 'undefined' && dd . data . link . thumbnail != '' ) {
_date . asset . media = dd . data . link . thumbnail ;
} else {
_date . asset . media = dd . permalink ;
//_date.asset.media = dd.permalink;
_date . asset . caption = "<a href='" + dd . permalink + "' target='_blank'>" + dd . data . link . title + "</a>"
_date . slug = dd . data . link . title ;
} else if ( dd . type == "text" ) {
if ( dd . permalink . match ( "storify" ) ) {
is _text = true ;
var d _name = d . content . author . username ;
var d _nickname = "" ;
if ( typeof dd . attribution . name != 'undefined' ) {
t _name = dd . attribution . name ;
t _nickname = dd . attribution . username + " " ;
var asset _text = "<div class='storify'>"
asset _text += "<blockquote><p>" + dd . data . text . replace ( /<\s*\/?\s*b\s*.*?>/g , "" ) + "</p></blockquote>" ;
//asset_text += " <a href='" + dd.attribution.href + "' target='_blank' alt='link to author' title='link to author'>" + "<span class='created-at'></span>" + " </a>";
asset _text += "<div class='vcard author'><a class='screen-name url' href='" + dd . attribution . href + "' target='_blank'>" ;
asset _text += "<span class='avatar'><img src='" + dd . attribution . thumbnail + "' style='max-width: 32px; max-height: 32px;'></span>"
asset _text += "<span class='fn'>" + t _name + "</span>" ;
asset _text += "<span class='nickname'>" + t _nickname + "<span class='thumbnail-inline'></span></span>" ;
asset _text += "</a></div></div>" ;
_date . text = asset _text ;
// Try and put it before the element where it is expected on storify
if ( ( i + 1 ) >= d . content . elements . length ) {
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i - 1 ] . posted _at ;
} else {
if ( d . content . elements [ i + 1 ] . type == "text" && d . content . elements [ i + 1 ] . permalink . match ( "storify" ) ) {
if ( ( i + 2 ) >= d . content . elements . length ) {
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i - 1 ] . posted _at ;
} else {
if ( d . content . elements [ i + 2 ] . type == "text" && d . content . elements [ i + 2 ] . permalink . match ( "storify" ) ) {
if ( ( i + 3 ) >= d . content . elements . length ) {
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i - 1 ] . posted _at ;
} else {
if ( d . content . elements [ i + 3 ] . type == "text" && d . content . elements [ i + 3 ] . permalink . match ( "storify" ) ) {
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i - 1 ] . posted _at ;
} else {
trace ( "LEVEL 3" ) ;
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i + 3 ] . posted _at ;
} else {
trace ( "LEVEL 2" ) ;
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i + 2 ] . posted _at ;
} else {
trace ( "LEVEL 1" ) ;
_date . startDate = d . content . elements [ i + 1 ] . posted _at ;
_date . endDate = _date . startDate
} else if ( dd . type == "video" ) {
_date . headline = dd . data . video . title ;
_date . asset . caption = dd . data . video . description ;
_date . asset . caption = dd . source . username ;
_date . asset . media = dd . data . video . src ;
} else {
trace ( "NO MATCH " ) ;
trace ( dd ) ;
if ( is _text ) {
_date . slug = VMM . Util . untagify ( dd . data . text ) ;
_data _obj . timeline . date . push ( _date ) ;
} ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , _data _obj ) ;
} ,
tweets : {
type : "twitter" ,
buildData : function ( raw _data ) {
VMM . bindEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . tweets . onTwitterDataReady , "TWEETSLOADED" ) ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . getTweets ( raw _data . timeline . tweets ) ;
} ,
getData : function ( raw _data ) {
VMM . bindEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . DataObj . model . tweets . onTwitterDataReady , "TWEETSLOADED" ) ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . getTweetSearch ( raw _data ) ;
} ,
onTwitterDataReady : function ( e , d ) {
var _data _obj = VMM . Timeline . DataObj . data _template _obj ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < d . tweetdata . length ; i ++ ) {
var _date = {
"type" : "tweets" ,
"startDate" : "" ,
"headline" : "" ,
"text" : "" ,
"asset" :
"media" : "" ,
"credit" : "" ,
"caption" : ""
} ,
"tags" : "Optional"
} ;
// pass in the 'created_at' string returned from twitter //
// stamp arrives formatted as Tue Apr 07 22:52:51 +0000 2009 //
//var twit_date = VMM.ExternalAPI.twitter.parseTwitterDate(d.tweetdata[i].raw.created_at);
_date . startDate = d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . created _at ;
if ( type . of ( d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . from _user _name ) ) {
_date . headline = d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . from _user _name + " (<a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . from _user + "'>" + "@" + d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . from _user + "</a>)" ;
} else {
_date . headline = d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . user . name + " (<a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . user . screen _name + "'>" + "@" + d . tweetdata [ i ] . raw . user . screen _name + "</a>)" ;
_date . asset . media = d . tweetdata [ i ] . content ;
_data _obj . timeline . date . push ( _date ) ;
} ;
VMM . fireEvent ( global , VMM . Timeline . Config . events . data _ready , _data _obj ) ;
} ,
/ * T E M P L A T E O B J E C T S
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
data _template _obj : { "timeline" : { "headline" : "" , "description" : "" , "asset" : { "media" : "" , "credit" : "" , "caption" : "" } , "date" : [ ] , "era" : [ ] } } ,
date _obj : { "startDate" : "2012,2,2,11,30" , "headline" : "" , "text" : "" , "asset" : { "media" : "http://youtu.be/vjVfu8-Wp6s" , "credit" : "" , "caption" : "" } , "tags" : "Optional" }
} ;