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TimelineJS - ver . 2 . 26 . 2 - 2013-10-07
Copyright ( c ) 2012-2013 Northwestern University
a project of the Northwestern University Knight Lab , originally created by Zach Wise
https : / / github . com / NUKnightLab / TimelineJS
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v . 2 . 0 .
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at http : / / mozilla . org / MPL / 2 . 0 / .
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. vco-storyjs { font-family : 'PT Serif' , serif ; } . vco-storyjs . twitter , . vco-storyjs . vcard , . vco-storyjs . messege , . vco-storyjs . credit , . vco-storyjs . caption , . vco-storyjs . zoom-in , . vco-storyjs . zoom-out , . vco-storyjs . back-home , . vco-storyjs . time-interval div , . vco-storyjs . time-interval-major div , . vco-storyjs . nav-container { font-family : 'PT Sans' , sans-serif !important }
. vco-storyjs . vco-feature h1 . date , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h2 . date , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h3 . date , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h4 . date , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h5 . date , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h6 . date { font-family : 'PT Sans' , sans-serif !important }
. vco-storyjs . timenav h1 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h1 , . vco-storyjs . era h1 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h2 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h2 , . vco-storyjs . era h2 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h3 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h3 , . vco-storyjs . era h3 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h4 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h4 , . vco-storyjs . era h4 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h5 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h5 , . vco-storyjs . era h5 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h6 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h6 , . vco-storyjs . era h6 { font-family : 'PT Sans' , sans-serif !important }
. vco-storyjs p , . vco-storyjs blockquote , . vco-storyjs blockquote p , . vco-storyjs . twitter blockquote p { font-family : 'PT Serif' , serif !important }
. vco-storyjs blockquote , . vco-storyjs blockquote p , . vco-storyjs . twitter blockquote p { font-style : italic }
. vco-storyjs . vco-feature h1 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h2 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h3 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h4 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h5 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h6 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , sans-serif ; font-weight : 700 }
. timeline-tooltip { font-family : 'PT Sans' , sans-serif }