Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy and intuitive to use.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
1.9 KiB

## Requirements
python 2.7.x
# npm install -g less
# npm install -g uglify-js@1
## Setup
# Change into the parent directory containing your repositories
cd path_to_repos_root
# Clone the secrets repository (if necessary)
git clone
# Clone the cdn repository (if necessary)
git clone
# Clone the timeline repository
git clone
# Change into the timeline repository
cd TimelineHS
# Create a virtual environment
mkvirtualenv TimelineJS
# Activate the virtual environment
workon TimelineJS
# Install python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the development server
fab serve
## Overview
Files in the `source` directory are resources for deployment to the CDN.
Files in the `website` directory are specific to the website.
`config.json` is used to control building, staging, and deployment
## Deploying to the CDN
To stage your changes to a versioned directory in your local CDN repository, type `fab stage` This runs a build, copies the files into a versioned directory in your local `` repository, and tags the last commit with a version number.
To stage your changes to the `latest` directory in your local CDN repository, type `fab stage_latest` This copies files from a versioned directory in your local `` respository into the corresponding `latest` directory.
You must push and deploy all CDN changes separately from that repository.
## Deploying to S3 (
To deploy to S3, type `fab deploy`.