@ -1269,6 +1269,12 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
} else if ( m . type == "google-map" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail map'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "unknown" ) {
mediaElem = "" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else if ( m . type == "website" ) {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail website'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
} else {
mediaElem = "<div class='thumbnail'></div>" ;
return mediaElem ;
@ -1338,10 +1344,13 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
var soundcloud _id = "soundcloud_" + VMM . Util . unique _ID ( 5 ) ;
mediaElem = "<div class='media-frame soundcloud' id='" + soundcloud _id + "'>Loading Sound</div>" ;
VMM . ExternalAPI . soundcloud . getSound ( m . id , soundcloud _id )
} else if ( m . type = "google-map" ) {
} else if ( m . type == "google-map" ) {
mediaElem = "<iframe class='media-frame map' onload='timeline.iframeLoaded()' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src='" + m . id + "&output=embed'></iframe>"
//mediaElem = "<iframe class='media-frame video vimeo' onload='timeline.iframeLoaded()' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' src='http://player.vimeo.com/video/" + m.id + "?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff'></iframe>";
} else if ( m . type == "unknown" ) {
mediaElem = VMM . Util . properQuotes ( m . id ) ;
} else if ( m . type == "website" ) {
mediaElem = "<iframe class='media-frame' onload='timeline.iframeLoaded()' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src='" + m . id + "'></iframe>"
} else {
trace ( m . type ) ;
@ -1366,11 +1375,97 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
} ) . init ( ) ;
//VMM.mediaType.youtube(d); //should return a true or false
// VMM.MediaType(url); //returns an object with .type and .id
VMM . MediaType = function ( d ) {
var success = false ;
var media = { } ;
if ( d . match ( "div class='twitter'" ) ) {
media . type = "twitter-ready" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?youtube|youtu\.be' ) ) {
if ( d . match ( 'embed' ) ) {
youtube _id = d . split ( /embed\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 0 ] ;
} else {
youtube _id = d . split ( /v\/|v=|youtu\.be\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ;
//youtube_id = d.split(/v\/|v=|youtu\.be\//)[1].split(/[?&]/)[0];
media . type = "youtube" ;
media . id = youtube _id ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(player.)?vimeo\.com' ) ) {
//vimeo_id = d.split(/video\/|http:\/\/vimeo\.com\//)[1].split(/[?&]/)[0];
vimeo _id = d . split ( /video\/|\/\/vimeo\.com\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ;
media . type = "vimeo" ;
media . id = vimeo _id ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(player.)?soundcloud\.com' ) ) {
//soundcloud_url = unescape(d.split(/value="/)[1].split(/["]/)[0]);
//soundcloud_id = soundcloud_url.split(/tracks\//)[1].split(/[&"]/)[0];
media . type = "soundcloud" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?twitter\.com' ) ) {
trace ( "TWITTER MATCH" ) ;
// https://twitter.com/#!/twitterapi/statuses/133640144317198338
// https://twitter.com/#!/DeliciousHot/status/23189589820702720
if ( d . match ( "status\/" ) ) {
twitter _id = d . split ( "status\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else if ( d . match ( "statuses\/" ) ) {
twitter _id = d . split ( "statuses\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else {
twitter _id = "" ;
media . type = "twitter" ;
media . id = twitter _id ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "maps.google.com" ) ) {
media . type = "google-map" ;
media . id = d . split ( /src=['|"][^'|"]*?['|"]/gi ) ;
trace ( "google map " + media . id ) ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "flickr.com/photos" ) ) {
media . type = "flickr" ;
//media.id = d.split('/photos/[^/]+/([0-9]+)/gi');
media . id = d . split ( "photos\/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "/" ) [ 1 ] ;
//media.id = media.id.split("/")[1];
trace ( "FLICKR " + media . id ) ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( /jpg|png|gif/i ) ) {
media . type = "image" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . indexOf ( 'http://' ) == 0 ) {
media . type = "website" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else {
trace ( "unknown media" ) ;
media . type = "unknown" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
if ( success ) {
return media ;
} else {
trace ( "No valid media id detected" ) ;
trace ( d ) ;
return false ;
VMM . Keys = {
flickr : "6d6f59d8d30d79f4f402a7644d5073e3" ,
VMM . ExternalAPI = {
twitter : {
tweetArray : [ ] ,
// VMM.ExternalAPI.twitter.getHTML(id);
@ -1508,6 +1603,7 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
VMM . ExternalAPI . twitter . formatJSON ( d , id ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
formatJSON : function ( d , id ) {
var twit = "<blockquote><p>" ;
var td = VMM . Util . linkify ( d . text ) ;
@ -1515,8 +1611,21 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
td = td . replace ( /(#([\w]+))/g , "<a href='http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23$2'>$1</a>" ) ;
//twit += VMM.Util.linkify(d.text);
twit += td ;
twit += "</p>" ;
twit += "— " + d . user . name + " (<a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "'>@" + d . user . screen _name + "</a>) <a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "/status/" + d . id + "'>" + d . created _at + " </a></blockquote>" ;
twit += "</p></blockquote>" ;
//twit += "— " + d.user.name + " (<a href='https://twitter.com/" + d.user.screen_name + "'>@" + d.user.screen_name + "</a>) <a href='https://twitter.com/" + d.user.screen_name + "/status/" + d.id + "'>" + d.created_at + " </a>";
//twit += "<a href='" + + "'>" + VMM.ExternalAPI.twitter.prettyParseTwitterDate(d.created_at);
//twit += "<span class='created-at'><a href='https://twitter.com/" + d.user.screen_name + "/status/" + d.id + "'>" + VMM.ExternalAPI.twitter.prettyParseTwitterDate(d.created_at) + " </a></span>";
//twit += "<span class='created-at'><a href='https://twitter.com/" + d.user.screen_name + "/status/" + d.id + "'>" + "Tweet Details" + " </a></span>";
twit += " <a href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "/status/" + d . id + "' alt='link to original tweet' title='link to original tweet'>" + "<span class='created-at'></span>" + " </a>" ;
twit += "<div class='vcard author'>"
twit += "<a class='screen-name url' href='https://twitter.com/" + d . user . screen _name + "' data-screen-name='" + d . user . screen _name + "'>" ;
twit += "<span class='avatar'><img src=' " + d . user . profile _image _url + "' alt=''></span>" ;
twit += "<span class='fn'>" + d . user . name + "</span>" ;
twit += "<span class='nickname'>@" + d . user . screen _name + "</span>" ;
twit += "</a>"
twit += "</div>"
/ *
< blockquote class = "twitter-tweet" >
< p > Tom Brokaw asks < a href = "https://twitter.com/search/%2523Romney" > # Romney < /a> to remove from ads 1997 NBC report on <a href="https:/ / twitter . com / search / % 2523 Gingrich ">#Gingrich</a> legal troubles. Romney unmoved. <a href=" http : //t.co/re7vtLNt" title="http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/28/nbc-news-asks-romney-campaign-to-remove-ad/?hp">thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/28/nbc…</a></p>
@ -1528,6 +1637,7 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
} ,
maps : {
} ,
@ -1651,81 +1761,7 @@ if (typeof VMM == 'undefined') {
//VMM.mediaType.youtube(d); //should return a true or false
// VMM.MediaType(url); //returns an object with .type and .id
VMM . MediaType = function ( d ) {
var success = false ;
var media = { } ;
if ( d . match ( "div class='twitter'" ) ) {
media . type = "twitter-ready" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?youtube|youtu\.be' ) ) {
if ( d . match ( 'embed' ) ) {
youtube _id = d . split ( /embed\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 0 ] ;
} else {
youtube _id = d . split ( /v\/|v=|youtu\.be\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ;
//youtube_id = d.split(/v\/|v=|youtu\.be\//)[1].split(/[?&]/)[0];
media . type = "youtube" ;
media . id = youtube _id ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(player.)?vimeo\.com' ) ) {
//vimeo_id = d.split(/video\/|http:\/\/vimeo\.com\//)[1].split(/[?&]/)[0];
vimeo _id = d . split ( /video\/|\/\/vimeo\.com\// ) [ 1 ] . split ( /[?&]/ ) [ 0 ] ;
media . type = "vimeo" ;
media . id = vimeo _id ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(player.)?soundcloud\.com' ) ) {
//soundcloud_url = unescape(d.split(/value="/)[1].split(/["]/)[0]);
//soundcloud_id = soundcloud_url.split(/tracks\//)[1].split(/[&"]/)[0];
media . type = "soundcloud" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( '(www.)?twitter\.com' ) ) {
trace ( "TWITTER MATCH" ) ;
// https://twitter.com/#!/twitterapi/statuses/133640144317198338
// https://twitter.com/#!/DeliciousHot/status/23189589820702720
if ( d . match ( "status\/" ) ) {
twitter _id = d . split ( "status\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else if ( d . match ( "statuses\/" ) ) {
twitter _id = d . split ( "statuses\/" ) [ 1 ] ;
} else {
twitter _id = "" ;
media . type = "twitter" ;
media . id = twitter _id ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "maps.google.com" ) ) {
media . type = "google-map" ;
media . id = d . split ( /src=['|"][^'|"]*?['|"]/gi ) ;
trace ( "google map " + media . id ) ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( "flickr.com/photos" ) ) {
media . type = "flickr" ;
//media.id = d.split('/photos/[^/]+/([0-9]+)/gi');
media . id = d . split ( "photos\/" ) [ 1 ] . split ( "/" ) [ 1 ] ;
//media.id = media.id.split("/")[1];
trace ( "FLICKR " + media . id ) ;
success = true ;
} else if ( d . match ( /jpg|png|gif/i ) ) {
media . type = "image" ;
media . id = d ;
success = true ;
if ( success ) {
return media ;
} else {
trace ( "No valid media id detected" ) ;
trace ( d ) ;
return false ;
/ * M E D I A
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /