@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
. vco-storyjs . timenav h1 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h1 , . vco-storyjs . era h1 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h2 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h2 , . vco-storyjs . era h2 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h3 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h3 , . vco-storyjs . era h3 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h4 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h4 , . vco-storyjs . era h4 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h5 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h5 , . vco-storyjs . era h5 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h6 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h6 , . vco-storyjs . era h6 { font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif !important ; }
. vco-storyjs . timenav h1 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h1 , . vco-storyjs . era h1 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h2 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h2 , . vco-storyjs . era h2 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h3 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h3 , . vco-storyjs . era h3 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h4 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h4 , . vco-storyjs . era h4 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h5 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h5 , . vco-storyjs . era h5 , . vco-storyjs . timenav h6 , . vco-storyjs . flag-content h6 , . vco-storyjs . era h6 { font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif !important ; }
. vco-storyjs p , . vco-storyjs blockquote , . vco-storyjs blockquote p , . vco-storyjs . twitter blockquote p { font-family : "Georgia" , Times New Roman , Times , serif !important ; }
. vco-storyjs p , . vco-storyjs blockquote , . vco-storyjs blockquote p , . vco-storyjs . twitter blockquote p { font-family : "Georgia" , Times New Roman , Times , serif !important ; }
. vco-storyjs . vco-feature h1 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h2 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h3 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h4 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h5 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h6 { font-family : "Georgia" , Times New Roman , Times , serif ; }
. vco-storyjs . vco-feature h1 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h2 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h3 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h4 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h5 , . vco-storyjs . vco-feature h6 { font-family : "Georgia" , Times New Roman , Times , serif ; }
. tooltip { font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ; }
. timeline-t ooltip { font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ; }
. thumbnail { background-image : url ( themes/timeline-dark.png?v3.4 ) ; }
. thumbnail { background-image : url ( themes/timeline-dark.png?v3.4 ) ; }
@ media only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2 ) , only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio : 2 ) { . thumbnail { background-image : url ( themes/timeline-dark@2x.png?v4.3 ) ; background-size : 352 px 260 px ; } } . vco-storyjs { font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : normal ; line-height : 20 px ; -webkit- font-smoothing : antialiased ; -webkit- text-size-adjust : 100 % ; } . vco-storyjs p { font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : normal ; line-height : 20 px ; margin-bottom : 20 px ; color : #aaaaaa ; } . vco-storyjs p small { font-size : 12 px ; line-height : 17 px ; }
@ media only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2 ) , only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio : 2 ) { . thumbnail { background-image : url ( themes/timeline-dark@2x.png?v4.3 ) ; background-size : 352 px 260 px ; } } . vco-storyjs { font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : normal ; line-height : 20 px ; -webkit- font-smoothing : antialiased ; -webkit- text-size-adjust : 100 % ; } . vco-storyjs p { font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : normal ; line-height : 20 px ; margin-bottom : 20 px ; color : #aaaaaa ; } . vco-storyjs p small { font-size : 12 px ; line-height : 17 px ; }
. vco-storyjs p : first-child { margin-top : 20 px ; }
. vco-storyjs p : first-child { margin-top : 20 px ; }
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@
. vco-storyjs . credit { color : #999999 ; text-align : right ; font-size : 10 px ; line-height : 10 px ; display : block ; margin : 0 auto ; clear : both ; }
. vco-storyjs . credit { color : #999999 ; text-align : right ; font-size : 10 px ; line-height : 10 px ; display : block ; margin : 0 auto ; clear : both ; }
. vco-storyjs . caption { text-align : left ; margin-top : 5 px ; color : #aaaaaa ; font-size : 11 px ; line-height : 14 px ; clear : both ; }
. vco-storyjs . caption { text-align : left ; margin-top : 5 px ; color : #aaaaaa ; font-size : 11 px ; line-height : 14 px ; clear : both ; }
. vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h1 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h2 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h3 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h4 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h5 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h6 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left p , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left blockquote , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left pre , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left a , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left abbr , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left acronym , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left address , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left cite , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left code , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left del , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dfn , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left em , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left img , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left q , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left s , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left samp , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left small , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left strike , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left strong , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left sub , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left sup , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tt , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left var , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dd , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dl , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dt , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left li , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left ol , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left ul , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left fieldset , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left form , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left label , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left legend , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left button , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left table , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left caption , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tbody , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tfoot , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left thead , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tr , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left th , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left td { direction : rtl ; }
. vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h1 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h2 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h3 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h4 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h5 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left h6 , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left p , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left blockquote , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left pre , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left a , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left abbr , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left acronym , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left address , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left cite , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left code , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left del , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dfn , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left em , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left img , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left q , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left s , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left samp , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left small , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left strike , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left strong , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left sub , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left sup , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tt , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left var , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dd , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dl , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left dt , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left li , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left ol , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left ul , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left fieldset , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left form , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left label , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left legend , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left button , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left table , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left caption , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tbody , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tfoot , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left thead , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left tr , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left th , . vco-storyjs . vco-right-to-left td { direction : rtl ; }
. tooltip { position : absolute ; z-index : 205 ; display : block ; visibility : visible ; padding : 5 px ; opacity : 0 ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 0 ) ; font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : bold ; line-height : 20 px ; font-size : 12 px ; line-height : 12 px ; }
. timeline-t ooltip { position : absolute ; z-index : 205 ; display : block ; visibility : visible ; padding : 5 px ; opacity : 0 ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 0 ) ; font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : bold ; line-height : 20 px ; font-size : 12 px ; line-height : 12 px ; }
. tooltip . in { opacity : 0.8 ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 80 ) ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . in { opacity : 0.8 ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 80 ) ; }
. tooltip . top { margin-top : -2 px ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . top { margin-top : -2 px ; }
. tooltip . right { margin-left : 2 px ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . right { margin-left : 2 px ; }
. tooltip . bottom { margin-top : 2 px ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . bottom { margin-top : 2 px ; }
. tooltip . left { margin-left : -2 px ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . left { margin-left : -2 px ; }
. tooltip . top . tooltip-arrow { bottom : 0 ; left : 50 % ; margin-left : -5 px ; border-left : 5 px solid transparent ; border-right : 5 px solid transparent ; border-top : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . top . timeline- tooltip-arrow{ bottom : 0 ; left : 50 % ; margin-left : -5 px ; border-left : 5 px solid transparent ; border-right : 5 px solid transparent ; border-top : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. tooltip . left . tooltip-arrow { top : 50 % ; right : 0 ; margin-top : -5 px ; border-top : 5 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 5 px solid transparent ; border-left : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . left . timeline- tooltip-arrow{ top : 50 % ; right : 0 ; margin-top : -5 px ; border-top : 5 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 5 px solid transparent ; border-left : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. tooltip . bottom . tooltip-arrow { top : 0 ; left : 50 % ; margin-left : -5 px ; border-left : 5 px solid transparent ; border-right : 5 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . bottom . timeline- tooltip-arrow{ top : 0 ; left : 50 % ; margin-left : -5 px ; border-left : 5 px solid transparent ; border-right : 5 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. tooltip . right . tooltip-arrow { top : 50 % ; left : 0 ; margin-top : -5 px ; border-top : 5 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 5 px solid transparent ; border-right : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. timeline-t ooltip . right . timeline- tooltip-arrow{ top : 50 % ; left : 0 ; margin-top : -5 px ; border-top : 5 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 5 px solid transparent ; border-right : 5 px solid #000000 ; }
. tooltip-inner { max-width : 200 px ; padding : 3 px 8 px ; color : #ffffff ; text-align : center ; text-decoration : none ; background-color : #000000 ; -webkit- border-radius : 4 px ; -moz- border-radius : 4 px ; border-radius : 4 px ; }
. timeline-t ooltip-inner { max-width : 200 px ; padding : 3 px 8 px ; color : #ffffff ; text-align : center ; text-decoration : none ; background-color : #000000 ; -webkit- border-radius : 4 px ; -moz- border-radius : 4 px ; border-radius : 4 px ; }
. tooltip-arrow { position : absolute ; width : 0 ; height : 0 ; }
. timeline-t ooltip-arrow { position : absolute ; width : 0 ; height : 0 ; }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 480px ) , only screen and ( max-device-width : 480px ) { . vco-slider . nav-next , . vco-slider . nav-previous { display : none ; } } @ media ( max-width : 640px ) { } . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . layout-text-media . text . container { text-align : center !important ; }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 480px ) , only screen and ( max-device-width : 480px ) { . vco-slider . nav-next , . vco-slider . nav-previous { display : none ; } } @ media ( max-width : 640px ) { } . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . layout-text-media . text . container { text-align : center !important ; }
. vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . layout-text-media h2 , . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . layout-text-media h3 { display : block !important ; width : 100 % !important ; text-align : center !important ; }
. vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . layout-text-media h2 , . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . layout-text-media h3 { display : block !important ; width : 100 % !important ; text-align : center !important ; }
. vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . content-container { display : block ; } . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . content-container . text { width : 100 % ; max-width : 100 % ; min-width : 120 px ; display : block ; } . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . content-container . text . container { display : block ; -webkit- hyphens : auto ; -moz- hyphens : auto ; -ms- hyphens : auto ; hyphens : auto ; word-wrap : break-word ; }
. vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . content-container { display : block ; } . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . content-container . text { width : 100 % ; max-width : 100 % ; min-width : 120 px ; display : block ; } . vco-skinny . vco-slider . slider-item . content . content-container . text . container { display : block ; -webkit- hyphens : auto ; -moz- hyphens : auto ; -ms- hyphens : auto ; hyphens : auto ; word-wrap : break-word ; }