@ -458,129 +458,20 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined') {
} |
}; |
VMM.getJSONnoP = function(url, data, callback) { |
if( typeof( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ){ |
/* CHECK FOR IE AND USE Use Microsoft XDR |
================================================== */ |
if ( VMM.Browser.browser == "Explorer" && parseInt(VMM.Browser.version, 10) >= 7 && window.XDomainRequest) { |
trace("it's ie"); |
var ie_url = url; |
if (ie_url.match('^http://')){ |
trace("RUNNING getJSONnoP XDR2"); |
var xdr = new XDomainRequest(); |
xdr.open("get", ie_url); |
xdr.onload = function() { |
var ie_json = VMM.parseJSON(xdr.responseText); |
trace(xdr.responseText); |
if (type.of(ie_json) == "null" || type.of(ie_json) == "undefined") { |
trace("IE JSON ERROR") |
} else { |
return data(ie_json) |
} |
xdr.send(); |
/* |
jQuery.ajax({ |
url: ie_url, |
dataType: 'json', |
type: "GET", |
}) |
.done(function(d) { |
trace("AJAX GOT IT"); |
trace(d); |
if (type.of(d) == "null" || type.of(d) == "undefined") { |
trace("IE JSON ERROR") |
} else { |
return data(d) |
} |
}) |
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { |
trace(" getJSONnoP error " + textStatus); |
}) |
.always(function() { |
trace(" getJSONnoP complete"); |
}); |
*/ |
} else if (ie_url.match('^https://')) { |
trace("RUNNING XDR"); |
ie_url = ie_url.replace("https://","http://"); |
jQuery.ajax({ |
url: ie_url, |
dataType: 'json', |
type: "GET", |
}) |
.done(function(d) { |
trace("AJAX GOT IT"); |
trace(d); |
if (type.of(d) == "null" || type.of(d) == "undefined") { |
trace("IE JSON ERROR") |
} else { |
return data(d) |
} |
}) |
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { |
trace(" getJSONnoP error " + textStatus); |
}) |
.always(function() { |
trace(" getJSONnoP complete"); |
}); |
} else { |
return jQuery.getJSON(url, data, callback); |
} |
} else { |
return jQuery.getJSON(url, data, callback); |
} |
} |
}; |
VMM.getJSON = function(url, data, callback) { |
if( typeof( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ){ |
/* CHECK FOR IE AND USE Use Microsoft XDR |
================================================== */ |
if ( VMM.Browser.browser == "Explorer" && parseInt(VMM.Browser.version, 10) >= 7 && window.XDomainRequest) { |
trace("it's ie"); |
trace("IE JSON"); |
var ie_url = url; |
if (ie_url.match('^http://')){ |
trace("RUNNING GET JSON"); |
return jQuery.getJSON(ie_url, data, callback); |
} else if (ie_url.match('^https://')) { |
trace("RUNNING XDR"); |
ie_url = ie_url.replace("https://","http://"); |
return jQuery.getJSON(ie_url, data, callback); |
/* |
trace("RUNNING XDR"); |
ie_url = ie_url.replace("https://","http://"); |
var xdr = new XDomainRequest(); |
xdr.open("get", ie_url); |
xdr.onload = function() { |
var ie_json = VMM.parseJSON(xdr.responseText); |
trace(xdr.responseText); |
if (type.of(ie_json) == "null" || type.of(ie_json) == "undefined") { |
trace("IE JSON ERROR") |
} else { |
return data(ie_json) |
} |
xdr.send(); |
*/ |
} else { |
return jQuery.getJSON(url, data, callback); |
} |
@ -933,14 +824,13 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined') {
} |
if( typeof( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ){ |
// XDR
// https://github.com/jaubourg/ajaxHooks/blob/master/src/ajax/xdr.js
================================================== */ |
(function( jQuery ) { |
if ( window.XDomainRequest ) { |
jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) { |
if ( s.crossDomain && s.async ) { |
if ( s.timeout ) { |
s.xdrTimeout = s.timeout; |
@ -982,7 +872,6 @@ if( typeof( jQuery ) != 'undefined' ){
} |
})( jQuery ); |
/* jQuery Easing v1.3 |
================================================== */ |
@ -1436,7 +1325,6 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.MediaType == 'undefined') {
//media.id = d.split("wiki\/")[1];
var wiki_id = d.split("wiki\/")[1].split("#")[0].replace("_", " "); |
media.id = VMM.Util.toTitleCase(wiki_id).replace(" ", "%20"); |
trace("WIKIPEDIA " + media.id); |
success = true; |
} else if (d.indexOf('http://') == 0) { |
media.type = "website"; |
@ -2256,7 +2144,6 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.ExternalAPI == 'undefined') {
wikipedia: { |
get: function(url, id) { |
trace("WIKIPEDIA GET"); |
var api_obj = {url: url, id: id}; |
VMM.master_config.wikipedia.que.push(api_obj); |
VMM.master_config.wikipedia.active = true; |
@ -2266,7 +2153,10 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.ExternalAPI == 'undefined') {
var the_url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&redirects=&titles=" + api_obj.url + "&exintro=1&format=json&callback=?"; |
if ( VMM.Browser.browser == "Explorer" && parseInt(VMM.Browser.version, 10) >= 7 && window.XDomainRequest) { |
VMM.attachElement("#"+api_obj.id, "<p>Wikipedia entry unable to load using Internet Explorer 8 or below.</p>" ); |
var temp_text = "<h4><a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + api_obj.url + "' target='_blank'>" + api_obj.url + "</a></h4>"; |
temp_text += "<div class='wiki-source'>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</span>"; |
temp_text += "<p>Wikipedia entry unable to load using Internet Explorer 8 or below.</p>"; |
VMM.attachElement("#"+api_obj.id, temp_text ); |
} |
VMM.getJSON(the_url, function(d) { |
@ -2293,8 +2183,6 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.ExternalAPI == 'undefined') {
} else { |
VMM.attachElement("#"+api_obj.id, _wiki ); |
} |
} else { |
VMM.attachElement("#"+api_obj.id, "<p>Wikipedia entry unable to load using Internet Explorer 8 or below.</p>" ); |
} |
}); |
@ -2973,8 +2861,8 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Slider == 'undefined') {
VMM.Lib.css(navigation.nextBtn, "left", (current_width - config.slider.nav.width)); |
VMM.Lib.height(navigation.prevBtn, config.slider.height); |
VMM.Lib.height(navigation.nextBtn, config.slider.height); |
VMM.Lib.css(navigation.nextBtnContainer, "top", ( (config.slider.height/2) - (config.slider.nav.height/2) ) ); |
VMM.Lib.css(navigation.prevBtnContainer, "top", ( (config.slider.height/2) - (config.slider.nav.height/2) ) ); |
VMM.Lib.css(navigation.nextBtnContainer, "top", ( (config.slider.height/2) - (config.slider.nav.height/2) ) + 10 ); |
VMM.Lib.css(navigation.prevBtnContainer, "top", ( (config.slider.height/2) - (config.slider.nav.height/2) ) + 10 ); |
// Animate Changes
VMM.Lib.height($slider_mask, config.slider.height); |
@ -4206,74 +4094,78 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Util == 'undefined') {
/* Transform text to Title Case |
================================================== */ |
toTitleCase: function(t){ |
var __TitleCase = { |
__smallWords: ['a', 'an', 'and', 'as', 'at', 'but','by', 'en', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'or','the', 'to', 'v[.]?', 'via', 'vs[.]?'], |
init: function() { |
this.__smallRE = this.__smallWords.join('|'); |
this.__lowerCaseWordsRE = new RegExp('\\b(' + this.__smallRE + ')\\b', 'gi'); |
this.__firstWordRE = new RegExp('^([^a-zA-Z0-9 \\r\\n\\t]*)(' + this.__smallRE + ')\\b', 'gi'); |
this.__lastWordRE = new RegExp('\\b(' + this.__smallRE + ')([^a-zA-Z0-9 \\r\\n\\t]*)$', 'gi'); |
}, |
if ( VMM.Browser.browser == "Explorer" && parseInt(VMM.Browser.version, 10) >= 7) { |
return t.replace("_", "%20"); |
} else { |
var __TitleCase = { |
__smallWords: ['a', 'an', 'and', 'as', 'at', 'but','by', 'en', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'or','the', 'to', 'v[.]?', 'via', 'vs[.]?'], |
init: function() { |
this.__smallRE = this.__smallWords.join('|'); |
this.__lowerCaseWordsRE = new RegExp('\\b(' + this.__smallRE + ')\\b', 'gi'); |
this.__firstWordRE = new RegExp('^([^a-zA-Z0-9 \\r\\n\\t]*)(' + this.__smallRE + ')\\b', 'gi'); |
this.__lastWordRE = new RegExp('\\b(' + this.__smallRE + ')([^a-zA-Z0-9 \\r\\n\\t]*)$', 'gi'); |
}, |
toTitleCase: function(string) { |
var line = ''; |
toTitleCase: function(string) { |
var line = ''; |
var split = string.split(/([:.;?!][ ]|(?:[ ]|^)["“])/); |
var split = string.split(/([:.;?!][ ]|(?:[ ]|^)["“])/); |
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; ++i) { |
var s = split[i]; |
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; ++i) { |
var s = split[i]; |
s = s.replace(/\b([a-zA-Z][a-z.'’]*)\b/g,this.__titleCaseDottedWordReplacer); |
s = s.replace(/\b([a-zA-Z][a-z.'’]*)\b/g,this.__titleCaseDottedWordReplacer); |
// lowercase the list of small words
s = s.replace(this.__lowerCaseWordsRE, this.__lowerReplacer); |
// lowercase the list of small words
s = s.replace(this.__lowerCaseWordsRE, this.__lowerReplacer); |
// if the first word in the title is a small word then capitalize it
s = s.replace(this.__firstWordRE, this.__firstToUpperCase); |
// if the first word in the title is a small word then capitalize it
s = s.replace(this.__firstWordRE, this.__firstToUpperCase); |
// if the last word in the title is a small word, then capitalize it
s = s.replace(this.__lastWordRE, this.__firstToUpperCase); |
// if the last word in the title is a small word, then capitalize it
s = s.replace(this.__lastWordRE, this.__firstToUpperCase); |
line += s; |
} |
line += s; |
} |
// special cases
line = line.replace(/ V(s?)\. /g, ' v$1. '); |
line = line.replace(/(['’])S\b/g, '$1s'); |
line = line.replace(/\b(AT&T|Q&A)\b/ig, this.__upperReplacer); |
// special cases
line = line.replace(/ V(s?)\. /g, ' v$1. '); |
line = line.replace(/(['’])S\b/g, '$1s'); |
line = line.replace(/\b(AT&T|Q&A)\b/ig, this.__upperReplacer); |
return line; |
}, |
return line; |
}, |
__titleCaseDottedWordReplacer: function (w) { |
return (w.match(/[a-zA-Z][.][a-zA-Z]/)) ? w : __TitleCase.__firstToUpperCase(w); |
}, |
__titleCaseDottedWordReplacer: function (w) { |
return (w.match(/[a-zA-Z][.][a-zA-Z]/)) ? w : __TitleCase.__firstToUpperCase(w); |
}, |
__lowerReplacer: function (w) { return w.toLowerCase() }, |
__lowerReplacer: function (w) { return w.toLowerCase() }, |
__upperReplacer: function (w) { return w.toUpperCase() }, |
__upperReplacer: function (w) { return w.toUpperCase() }, |
__firstToUpperCase: function (w) { |
var split = w.split(/(^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(.*)$/); |
if (split[1]){ |
split[1] = split[1].toUpperCase(); |
__firstToUpperCase: function (w) { |
var split = w.split(/(^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(.*)$/); |
if (split[1]) { |
split[1] = split[1].toUpperCase(); |
} |
return split.join(''); |
} else { |
return ""; |
} |
}, |
}; |
}, |
}; |
__TitleCase.init(); |
__TitleCase.init(); |
t = t.replace(/_/g," "); |
t = __TitleCase.toTitleCase(t); |
t = t.replace(/_/g," "); |
t = __TitleCase.toTitleCase(t); |
return t; |
} |
return t; |
}, |
}).init(); |
@ -5805,7 +5697,7 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Timeline == 'undefined') {
timeline_id = "#timeline"; |
} |
version = "1.30"; |
version = "1.35"; |
trace("TIMELINE VERSION " + version); |
@ -5817,7 +5709,8 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Timeline == 'undefined') {
data_ready: "DATAREADY", |
messege: "MESSEGE", |
headline: "TIMELINE_HEADLINE", |
slide_change: "SLIDE_CHANGE" |
slide_change: "SLIDE_CHANGE", |
resize: "resize" |
}, |
id: timeline_id, |
type: "timeline", |
@ -6062,8 +5955,8 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Timeline == 'undefined') {
$feedback = VMM.appendAndGetElement($timeline, "<div>", "feedback", ""); |
$messege = VMM.appendAndGetElement($feedback, "<div>", "messege", VMM.Timeline.Config.language.messages.loading_timeline); |
VMM.bindEvent(global, onDataReady, "DATAREADY"); |
VMM.bindEvent(global, showMessege, "MESSEGE"); |
VMM.bindEvent(global, onDataReady, config.events.data_ready); |
VMM.bindEvent(global, showMessege, config.events.messege); |
================================================== */ |
@ -6140,7 +6033,7 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Timeline == 'undefined') {
timenav.init(_dates, data.era); |
VMM.bindEvent(global, reSize, "resize"); |
VMM.bindEvent(global, reSize, config.events.resize); |
//VMM.bindEvent(global, function(e) {e.preventDefault()}, "touchmove");
}; |