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"headline":"The Amazon effect", |
"type":"default", |
"startDate":"2000", |
"text":"<div style='font-size:16px; font-weight:normal; color:#74736c;'>How Amazon has changed the world of commerce</div><br /><div><img src='_media/smile.png'></div>", |
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"startDate":"2004", |
"headline":"How do purchases get from your virtual shopping cart to the doorstep? <br /><br />There are two ways.", |
"text":"", |
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"headline":"Buying a vacuum through <b>Amazon</b>", |
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"text":"", |
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"media":"_media/fulfillment1b.png", |
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"caption":"The vacuum, originally supplied by GoVacuum, is ordered, processed and shipped by Amazon." |
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"startDate":"2016", |
"headline":"What is the Amazon effect?", |
"text":"<div style='font-size:20px; line-height:115%; font-weight:normal; color:#74736c;'><div style='font-size:24px; color:#9b164f;'><i>Consumers</i><br/ ></div><div>Amazon and its Marketplace sellers are a one-stop shop for a broad range of merchandise making products easier to find. The best deals are often faster and cheaper than the alternatives.<br/ ><br /><div style='font-size:24px; color:#9b164f;'><i>Amazon</i><br/ ></div><div>By fusing their businesses, both Amazon and independent sellers can attract more customers and improve profit margins. But doing so can create risks for Amazon and third-party sellers.</div>" |
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{ |
"timeline": { |
"date": [ |
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"asset": { |
"caption": "", |
"media": "http://c8226405.myzen.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/dummy4.jpg" |
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"headline": "1869", |
"startDate": "1869,9,10", |
"classname": "myuniqueclassnamegoeshere", |
"text": "<p>Wm. Sugden and Sons Ltd started tailors shop in Cleckheaton</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": { |
"caption": "", |
"media": "http://c8226405.myzen.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/sewingmachine3.jpg" |
}, |
"headline": "1896", |
"startDate": "1896,9,10,12,06", |
"text": "<p>Starts making shirts in the shop</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1899,9,10", |
"headline": "1899", |
"startDate": "1899,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Shirt business has out grown the shop so moves into a larger factory at Water Lane Mills</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1904,9,10", |
"headline": "1904", |
"startDate": "1904,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Another factory in Barnsley opens</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1911,9,10", |
"headline": "1911", |
"startDate": "1911,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Opens a factory in Wakefield to make workwear and army uniforms</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": { |
"caption": "", |
"media": "http://c8226405.myzen.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/green-shirt3.jpg" |
}, |
"endDate": "1924,9,10", |
"headline": "1924", |
"startDate": "1924,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Moves to a larger factory in Wakefield as product range expands</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1930,9,10", |
"headline": "1920-1930", |
"startDate": "1920,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Acquire two weaving mills in Lancashire and make over five million shirts</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1950,9,10", |
"headline": "1950", |
"startDate": "1950,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Sets up factory in South Yorkshire to manufacture jeans</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1965,9,10", |
"headline": "1965", |
"startDate": "1965,9,10", |
"text": "<p>A bigger factory is needed to accommodate production</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1968,9,10", |
"headline": "1968", |
"startDate": "1968,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Merger with Donner family and Double Two brand</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1990,9,10", |
"headline": "1970-1990", |
"startDate": "1970,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Reputation for quality grows and Topflight brand of workwear is widely sold</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1990,9,10", |
"headline": "1990", |
"startDate": "1990,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Managed Services concept introduced under Threadneedle brand</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "1998,9,10", |
"headline": "1998", |
"startDate": "1998,9,10", |
"text": "<p>John Sugden retires, a new generation of the family takes over</p>" |
}, |
{ |
"asset": null, |
"endDate": "2012,9,10", |
"headline": "Present", |
"startDate": "2012,9,10", |
"text": "<p>Although the business has been reshaped throughout the years, the business still remains a heritage brand and is still an important part of Wakefieldu2019s history</p>" |
} |
], |
"headline": "", |
"text": "", |
"type": "default" |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue