{ "timeline": { "headline":"The Amazon effect", "type":"default", "startDate":"2000", "text":"
How Amazon has changed the world of commerce

", "asset": { "media":"", "credit":"", "caption":"" }, "date": [ { "startDate":"2004", "headline":"How do purchases get from your virtual shopping cart to the doorstep? There are two ways.", "text":"", "asset": { "media":"https://vine.co/v/b55LOA1dgJU", "credit":"", "caption":"" } }, { "startDate":"2008", "headline":"Buying a vacuum through Amazon", "text":"", "asset": { "media":"_media/fulfillment1a.png", "credit":"", "caption":"The vacuum order is placed, processed and shipped completely by Amazon." } }, { "startDate":"2012", "headline":"Buying a vacuum through an alliance between
Amazon and GoVacuum", "text":"", "asset": { "media":"_media/fulfillment1b.png", "credit":"", "caption":"The vacuum, originally supplied by GoVacuum, is ordered, processed and shipped by Amazon." } }, { "startDate":"2016", "headline":"What is the Amazon effect?", "text":"
Amazon and its Marketplace sellers are a one-stop shop for a broad range of merchandise making products easier to find. The best deals are often faster and cheaper than the alternatives.

By fusing their businesses, both Amazon and independent sellers can attract more customers and improve profit margins. But doing so can create risks for Amazon and third-party sellers.
" }, { "startDate":"2024", "headline":"Amazon.com Fulfillment", "asset": { "media":"http://interactive.ftdata.co.uk/features/2012-06-01_amazon/pages/receipts.html" } } ] } }