/* Slider ================================================== */ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.Slider == 'undefined') { //VMM.Slider = function(parent, content_width, content_height, is_timeline) { VMM.Slider = function(parent, parent_config) { /* PRIVATE VARS ================================================== */ var _private_var = "private"; var events = {}; // CUSTOM EVENT HOLDER var data = []; // HOLDS SLIDE DATA var slides_content = ""; var slides = []; var medias = []; var current_slide = 0; var current_width = 960; var touch = { move: false, x: 10, y:0, off: 0, dampen: 48 }; var slide_positions = []; /* LOCAL CONFIG ================================================== */ var config = { slider: { width: 720, height: 400, content: { width: 720, height: 400, padding: 130, }, nav: { width: 100, height: 200 } } }; var _config = { interval: 10, something: 0, width: 720, height: 400, ease: "easeInOutExpo", duration: 1000, timeline: false, spacing: 15, }; /* APPLY SUPPLIED CONFIG ================================================== */ if (type.of(parent_config) == 'object') { var x; for (x in parent_config) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent_config, x)) { config[x] = parent_config[x]; } } } else if (type.of(_config) == 'object') { var x; for (x in _config) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_config, x)) { config[x] = _config[x]; } } } var slider_width = 1000; config.slider.width = config.width; config.slider.height = config.height; /* if (content_width != null && content_width != "") { config.width = content_width; } if (content_height != null && content_height != "") { config.height = content_height; } if (is_timeline != null && is_timeline != "") { config.timeline = is_timeline; } */ var content = ""; var _active = false; /* ELEMENTS ================================================== */ var $slider = ""; var $slider_mask = ""; var $slider_container = ""; var $slides_items = ""; //var $slide = ""; var navigation = {}; // Nav Items navigation.nextBtn; navigation.prevBtn; navigation.nextDate; navigation.prevDate; navigation.nextTitle; navigation.prevTitle; /* PUBLIC VARS ================================================== */ this.ver = "0.1"; var layout = parent; // expecting slider div /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ================================================== */ this.init = function(d) { if(typeof d != 'undefined') { this.setData(d); } else { trace("WAITING ON DATA"); } }; this.width = function(w) { if (w != null && w != "") { config.slider.width = w; reSize(); } else { return config.slider.width; } } this.height = function(h) { if (h != null && h != "") { config.slider.height = h; reSize(); } else { return config.slider.height; } } /* GETTERS AND SETTERS ================================================== */ this.setData = function(d) { if(typeof d != 'undefined') { data = d; build(); } else{ trace("NO DATA"); } }; this.getData = function() { return data; }; this.setConfig = function(d) { if(typeof d != 'undefined') { config = d; // TO DO // FIRE AN EVENT ETC } else{ trace("NO CONFIG DATA"); } } this.getConfig = function() { return config; }; this.setSize = function(w, h) { if (w != null) {config.slider.width = w}; if (h != null) {config.slider.height = h}; if (_active) { reSize(); } } this.active = function() { return _active; }; this.getCurrentNumber = function() { return current_slide; }; this.setSlide = function(n) { goToSlide(n); }; /* ON EVENT ================================================== */ function onConfigSet() { trace("onConfigSet"); }; function reSize(go_to_slide, from_start) { var _go_to_slide = true; var _from_start = false; if (go_to_slide != null) {_go_to_slide = go_to_slide}; if (from_start != null) {_from_start = from_start}; current_width = config.slider.width; config.slider.nav.height = VMM.Element.height(navigation.prevBtnContainer); config.slider.content.width = current_width - (config.slider.content.padding *2); VMM.Element.width($slides_items, (slides.length * config.slider.content.width)); if (_from_start) { var _pos = VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]); VMM.Element.css($slider_container, "left", _pos.left); } // Position slides positionSlides(); // Position Nav VMM.Element.css(navigation.nextBtn, "left", (current_width - config.slider.nav.width)); VMM.Element.height(navigation.prevBtn, config.slider.height); VMM.Element.height(navigation.nextBtn, config.slider.height); VMM.Element.css(navigation.nextBtnContainer, "top", ( (config.slider.height/2) - (config.slider.nav.height/2) ) ); VMM.Element.css(navigation.prevBtnContainer, "top", ( (config.slider.height/2) - (config.slider.nav.height/2) ) ); // Animate Changes VMM.Element.height($slider_mask, config.slider.height); VMM.Element.width($slider_mask, current_width); if (_go_to_slide) { goToSlide(current_slide, "linear", 1); }; if (current_slide == 0) { VMM.Element.visible(navigation.prevBtn, false); } } function onNextClick(e) { if (current_slide == slides.length - 1) { VMM.Element.animate($slider_container, config.duration, config.ease, {"left": -(VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]).left)}); } else { goToSlide(current_slide+1); upDate(); } } function onPrevClick(e) { if (current_slide == 0) { goToSlide(current_slide); } else { goToSlide(current_slide-1); upDate(); } } function onKeypressNav(e) { switch(e.keyCode) { //right arrow case 39: onNextClick(e); break; //left arrow case 37: onPrevClick(e); break; } } function onTouchUpdate(e, b) { if (slide_positions.length == 0) { for(var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { var sp = VMM.Element.position(slides[i]); slide_positions.push(sp.left); } } if (typeof b.left == "number") { var _pos = b.left; if (_pos < -(VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]).left) - (config.slider_width/3)) { onNextClick(); } else if (_pos > -(VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]).left) + (config.slider_width/3)) { onPrevClick(); } else { VMM.Element.animate($slider_container, config.duration, config.ease, {"left": -(VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]).left)}); } } else { VMM.Element.animate($slider_container, config.duration, config.ease, {"left": -(VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]).left)}); } if (typeof b.top == "number") { VMM.Element.animate($slider_container, config.duration, config.ease, {"top": -b.top}); //VMM.Element.animate(layout, _duration, _ease, {scrollTop: VMM.Element.prop(layout, "scrollHeight") + b.top }); //VMM.Element.animate(layout, _duration, _ease, {scrollTop: VMM.Element.prop(layout, "scrollHeight") + VMM.Element.height(layout) }); //VMM.Element.animate($slider_container, config.duration, config.ease, {"top": -400}); } else { } }; function upDate() { VMM.fireEvent(layout, "UPDATE"); }; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ================================================== */ var getData = function(d) { data = d; }; /* SLIDES ================================================== */ // BUILD SLIDES var buildSlides = function(d) { // Clear out existing content VMM.attachElement($slides_items, ""); for(var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var bw = ""; var _slide; var _media; bw = VMM.createElement("div", d[i].content, "content"); _slide = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slides_items, "
", "slider-item" , bw); slides.push(_slide); } } // POSITION SLIDES AND SIZE THEM var positionSlides = function() { /* SIZE SLIDES ================================================== */ VMM.Element.css(".slider-item", "width", config.slider.content.width ); VMM.Element.height(".slider-item", config.slider.height); VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container img", "max-height", config.slider.height - 50 ); VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container img", "max-height", config.slider.height - 150 ); /* FIX FOR NON-WEBKIT BROWSERS ================================================== */ VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container img", "max-width", ((config.slider.content.width/100) * 60) ); VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .twitter .avatar img", "max-width", 32 ); VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .twitter .avatar img", "max-height", 32 ); /* SOUNDCLOUD ================================================== */ VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .media .media-container .soundcloud", "max-height", 168 ); /* RESIZE IFRAME MEDIA ELEMENTS ================================================== */ //var _iframe_height = Math.round(config.height) - 60; var _iframe_height_full = Math.round(config.slider.height) - 160; //var _iframe_width = Math.round((_iframe_height / 9) * 16); var _iframe_width_full = Math.round((_iframe_height_full / 9) * 16); var _iframe_width = (config.slider.content.width/100)*60 ; var _iframe_height = Math.round((_iframe_width / 16) * 9) + 25; // NORMAL VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .media .media-container .media-frame", _iframe_height); VMM.Element.width(".slider-item .media .media-container .media-frame", _iframe_width); // IFRAME FULL SIZE VIDEO VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container .media-frame", _iframe_height_full); VMM.Element.width(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container .media-frame", _iframe_width_full); // IFRAME FULL SIZE NON VIDEO VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container .soundcloud", config.slider.height - 150); VMM.Element.width(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container .soundcloud", config.slider.content.width); VMM.Element.width(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .soundcloud", _iframe_width); // MAPS VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container .map", _iframe_height_full+60); VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .map", _iframe_height_full+120); // MAPS VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .layout-media .media .media-container .doc", _iframe_height_full+60); VMM.Element.height(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .doc", _iframe_height_full+120); // MAX WIDTH VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .media-frame", "max-width", config.slider.content.width ); //VMM.Element.width(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .media-frame", _iframe_width); //VMM.Element.css(".slider-item .layout-text-media .media .media-container .media-frame", "max-height", _iframe_height ); /* POSITION SLIDES ================================================== */ var pos = 0; for(var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { pos = i * (config.slider.width+config.spacing); VMM.Element.css(slides[i], "left", pos); } } var opacitySlides = function(n) { var _ease = "linear"; for(var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { if (i == current_slide) { VMM.Element.animate(slides[i], config.duration, _ease, {"opacity": 1}); } else if (i == current_slide - 1) { VMM.Element.animate(slides[i], config.duration, _ease, {"opacity": 0.1}); } else if (i == current_slide + 1) { VMM.Element.animate(slides[i], config.duration, _ease, {"opacity": 0.1}); } else { VMM.Element.css(slides[i], "opacity", n); } } } // Go to slide //goToSlide(n, ease, duration); var goToSlide = function(n, ease, duration, fast, firstrun) { /* STOP ANY VIDEO PLAYERS ACTIVE ================================================== */ VMM.ExternalAPI.youtube.stopPlayers(); // Set current slide current_slide = n; var _ease = config.ease; var _duration = config.duration; var is_last = false; var is_first = false; if (current_slide == 0) { is_first = true; } if (current_slide +1 == slides.length) { is_last = true } if (ease != null && ease != "") {_ease = ease}; if (duration != null && duration != "") {_duration = duration}; /* get slide position ================================================== */ var _pos = VMM.Element.position(slides[current_slide]); /* set proper nav titles and dates etc. ================================================== */ if (is_first) { VMM.Element.visible(navigation.prevBtn, false); } else { VMM.Element.visible(navigation.prevBtn, true); if (config.type == "timeline") { VMM.attachElement(navigation.prevDate, data[current_slide - 1].date); } VMM.attachElement(navigation.prevTitle, VMM.Util.unlinkify(data[current_slide - 1].title)); } if (is_last) { VMM.Element.visible(navigation.nextBtn, false); } else { VMM.Element.visible(navigation.nextBtn, true); if (config.type == "timeline") { VMM.attachElement(navigation.nextDate, data[current_slide + 1].date); } VMM.attachElement(navigation.nextTitle, VMM.Util.unlinkify(data[current_slide + 1].title) ); } /* ANIMATE SLIDE ================================================== */ if (fast) { VMM.Element.css($slider_container, "left", -(_pos.left - config.slider.content.padding)); } else{ VMM.Element.stop($slider_container); VMM.Element.animate($slider_container, _duration, _ease, {"left": -(_pos.left - config.slider.content.padding)}); } if (firstrun) { VMM.fireEvent(layout, "LOADED"); } /* SET Vertical Scoll ================================================== */ //opacitySlides(0.85); if (VMM.Element.height(slides[current_slide]) > config.slider_height) { VMM.Element.css(".slider", "overflow-y", "scroll" ); } else { VMM.Element.css(layout, "overflow-y", "hidden" ); VMM.Element.animate(layout, _duration, _ease, {scrollTop: VMM.Element.prop(layout, "scrollHeight") - VMM.Element.height(layout) }); } } /* NAVIGATION ================================================== */ var buildNavigation = function() { var temp_icon = "
"; navigation.nextBtn = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slider, "
", "nav-next"); navigation.prevBtn = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slider, "
", "nav-previous"); navigation.nextBtnContainer = VMM.appendAndGetElement(navigation.nextBtn, "
", "nav-container", temp_icon); navigation.prevBtnContainer = VMM.appendAndGetElement(navigation.prevBtn, "
", "nav-container", temp_icon); if (config.type == "timeline") { navigation.nextDate = VMM.appendAndGetElement(navigation.nextBtnContainer, "
", "date", "1957"); navigation.prevDate = VMM.appendAndGetElement(navigation.prevBtnContainer, "
", "date", "1957"); } navigation.nextTitle = VMM.appendAndGetElement(navigation.nextBtnContainer, "
", "title", "Title Goes Here"); navigation.prevTitle = VMM.appendAndGetElement(navigation.prevBtnContainer, "
", "title", "Title Goes Here"); VMM.bindEvent(".nav-next", onNextClick); VMM.bindEvent(".nav-previous", onPrevClick); VMM.bindEvent(window, onKeypressNav, 'keydown'); } /* BUILD ================================================== */ var build = function() { // Clear out existing content VMM.attachElement(layout, ""); // Get DOM Objects to local objects $slider = VMM.getElement("div.slider"); $slider_mask = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slider, "
", "slider-container-mask"); $slider_container = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slider_mask, "
", "slider-container"); $slides_items = VMM.appendAndGetElement($slider_container, "
", "slider-item-container"); // BUILD NAVIGATION buildNavigation(); // ATTACH SLIDES buildSlides(data); /* MAKE SLIDER TOUCHABLE ================================================== */ var __duration = 3000; if (VMM.Browser.device == "tablet" || VMM.Browser.device == "mobile") { config.duration = 500; __duration = 1000; VMM.TouchSlider.createPanel($slider_container, $slider_container, VMM.Element.width(slides[0]), config.spacing, true); VMM.bindEvent($slider_container, onTouchUpdate, "TOUCHUPDATE"); } else if (VMM.Browser.device == "mobile") { } else { //VMM.DragSlider.createPanel($slider_container, $slider_container, VMM.Element.width(slides[0]), config.spacing, true); } reSize(false, true); VMM.Element.visible(navigation.prevBtn, false); // GO TO FIRST SLIDE goToSlide(0, "easeOutExpo", __duration, true, true); _active = true; }; }; }