//StoryJS Embed Loader // Provide a bootstrap method for instantiating a timeline. On page load, check the definition of these window scoped variables in this order: [url_config, timeline_config, storyjs_config, config]. As soon as one of these is found to be defined with type 'object,' it will be used to automatically instantiate a timeline. /* CodeKit Import http://incident57.com/codekit/ ================================================== */ // @codekit-prepend "Embed.LoadLib.js"; var WebFontConfig; if(typeof embed_path == 'undefined' || typeof embed_path == 'undefined') { // REPLACE WITH YOUR BASEPATH IF YOU WANT OTHERWISE IT WILL TRY AND FIGURE IT OUT var embed_path = getEmbedScriptPath("storyjs-embed.js").split("js/")[0]; } function getEmbedScriptPath(scriptname) { var scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), script_path = "", script_path_end = ""; for(var i = 0; i < scriptTags.length; i++) { if (scriptTags[i].src.match(scriptname)) { script_path = scriptTags[i].src; } } if (script_path != "") { script_path_end = "/" } return script_path.split('?')[0].split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + script_path_end; } /* CHECK TO SEE IF A CONFIG IS ALREADY DEFINED (FOR EASY EMBED) ================================================== */ (function() { if (typeof url_config == 'object') { createStoryJS(url_config); } else if (typeof timeline_config == 'object') { createStoryJS(timeline_config); } else if (typeof storyjs_config == 'object') { createStoryJS(storyjs_config); } else if (typeof config == 'object') { createStoryJS(config); } else { // No existing config. Call createStoryJS(your_config) manually with a config } })(); /* CREATE StoryJS Embed ================================================== */ function createStoryJS(c, src) { /* VARS ================================================== */ var storyjs_embedjs, t, te, x, isCDN = false, js_version = "2.24", jquery_version_required = "1.7.1", jquery_version = "", ready = { timeout: "", checks: 0, finished: false, js: false, css: false, jquery: false, has_jquery: false, language: false, font: { css: false, js: false } }, path = { base: embed_path, css: embed_path + "css/", js: embed_path + "js/", locale: embed_path + "js/locale/", jquery: "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js", font: { google: false, css: embed_path + "css/themes/font/", js: "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js" } }, storyjs_e_config = { version: js_version, debug: false, type: 'timeline', id: 'storyjs', embed_id: 'timeline-embed', embed: true, width: '100%', height: '100%', source: 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Agl_Dv6iEbDadFYzRjJPUGktY0NkWXFUWkVIZDNGRHc&output=html', lang: 'en', font: 'default', css: path.css + 'timeline.css?'+js_version, js: '', api_keys: { google: "", flickr: "", twitter: "" }, gmap_key: "" }, font_presets = [ { name: "Merriweather-NewsCycle", google: [ 'News+Cycle:400,700:latin', 'Merriweather:400,700,900:latin' ] }, { name: "NewsCycle-Merriweather", google: [ 'News+Cycle:400,700:latin', 'Merriweather:300,400,700:latin' ] }, { name: "PoiretOne-Molengo", google: [ 'Poiret+One::latin', 'Molengo::latin' ] }, { name: "Arvo-PTSans", google: [ 'Arvo:400,700,400italic:latin', 'PT+Sans:400,700,400italic:latin' ] }, { name: "PTSerif-PTSans", google: [ 'PT+Sans:400,700,400italic:latin', 'PT+Serif:400,700,400italic:latin' ] }, { name: "PT", google: [ 'PT+Sans+Narrow:400,700:latin', 'PT+Sans:400,700,400italic:latin', 'PT+Serif:400,700,400italic:latin' ] }, { name: "DroidSerif-DroidSans", google: [ 'Droid+Sans:400,700:latin', 'Droid+Serif:400,700,400italic:latin' ] }, { name: "Lekton-Molengo", google: [ 'Lekton:400,700,400italic:latin', 'Molengo::latin' ] }, { name: "NixieOne-Ledger", google: [ 'Nixie+One::latin', 'Ledger::latin' ] }, { name: "AbrilFatface-Average", google: [ 'Average::latin', 'Abril+Fatface::latin' ] }, { name: "PlayfairDisplay-Muli", google: [ 'Playfair+Display:400,400italic:latin', 'Muli:300,400,300italic,400italic:latin' ] }, { name: "Rancho-Gudea", google: [ 'Rancho::latin', 'Gudea:400,700,400italic:latin' ] }, { name: "Bevan-PotanoSans", google: [ 'Bevan::latin', 'Pontano+Sans::latin' ] }, { name: "BreeSerif-OpenSans", google: [ 'Bree+Serif::latin', 'Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,600,700,800:latin' ] }, { name: "SansitaOne-Kameron", google: [ 'Sansita+One::latin', 'Kameron:400,700:latin' ] }, { name: "Lora-Istok", google: [ 'Lora:400,700,400italic,700italic:latin', 'Istok+Web:400,700,400italic,700italic:latin' ] }, { name: "Pacifico-Arimo", google: [ 'Pacifico::latin', 'Arimo:400,700,400italic,700italic:latin' ] } ]; /* BUILD CONFIG ================================================== */ if (typeof c == 'object') { for (x in c) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, x)) { storyjs_e_config[x] = c[x]; } } } if (typeof src != 'undefined') { storyjs_e_config.source = src; } /* CDN VERSION? ================================================== */ if (typeof url_config == 'object') { isCDN = true; /* IS THE SOURCE GOOGLE SPREADSHEET WITH JUST THE KEY? ================================================== */ if (storyjs_e_config.source.match("docs.google.com") || storyjs_e_config.source.match("json") || storyjs_e_config.source.match("storify") ) { } else { storyjs_e_config.source = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=" + storyjs_e_config.source + "&output=html"; } } /* DETERMINE TYPE ================================================== */ // Check for old installs still using the old method of language if (storyjs_e_config.js.match("locale")) { storyjs_e_config.lang = storyjs_e_config.js.split("locale/")[1].replace(".js", ""); storyjs_e_config.js = path.js + 'timeline-min.js?' + js_version; } if (storyjs_e_config.js.match("/")) { } else { storyjs_e_config.css = path.css + storyjs_e_config.type + ".css?" + js_version; // Use unminified js file if in debug mode storyjs_e_config.js = path.js + storyjs_e_config.type; if (storyjs_e_config.debug) { storyjs_e_config.js += ".js?" + js_version; } else { storyjs_e_config.js += "-min.js?" + js_version; } storyjs_e_config.id = "storyjs-" + storyjs_e_config.type; } /* PREPARE LANGUAGE ================================================== */ if (storyjs_e_config.lang.match("/")) { path.locale = storyjs_e_config.lang; } else { path.locale = path.locale + storyjs_e_config.lang + ".js?" + js_version; } /* PREPARE ================================================== */ createEmbedDiv(); /* Load CSS ================================================== */ LoadLib.css(storyjs_e_config.css, onloaded_css); /* Load FONT ================================================== */ if (storyjs_e_config.font == "default") { ready.font.js = true; ready.font.css = true; } else { // FONT CSS var fn; if (storyjs_e_config.font.match("/")) { fn = storyjs_e_config.font.split(".css")[0].split("/"); path.font.name = fn[fn.length -1]; path.font.css = storyjs_e_config.font; } else { path.font.name = storyjs_e_config.font; path.font.css = path.font.css + storyjs_e_config.font + ".css?" + js_version; } LoadLib.css(path.font.css, onloaded_font_css); // FONT GOOGLE JS for(var i = 0; i < font_presets.length; i++) { if (path.font.name == font_presets[i].name) { path.font.google = true; WebFontConfig = {google: { families: font_presets[i].google }}; } } if (path.font.google) { LoadLib.js(path.font.js, onloaded_font_js); } else { ready.font.js = true; } } /* Load jQuery ================================================== */ try { ready.has_jquery = jQuery; ready.has_jquery = true; if (ready.has_jquery) { var jquery_version_array = jQuery.fn.jquery.split("."); var jquery_version_required_array = jquery_version_required.split("."); ready.jquery = true; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (parseFloat(jquery_version_array[i]) < parseFloat(jquery_version_required_array[i])) { //console.log("NOT THE REQUIRED VERSION OF JQUERY, LOADING THE REQUIRED VERSION"); //console.log("YOU HAVE VERSION " + jQuery.fn.jquery + ", JQUERY VERSION " + jquery_version_required + " OR ABOVE NEEDED"); ready.jquery = false; } } } } catch(err) { ready.jquery = false; } if (!ready.jquery) { LoadLib.js(path.jquery, onloaded_jquery); } else { onloaded_jquery(); } /* On Loaded ================================================== */ function onloaded_jquery() { LoadLib.js(storyjs_e_config.js, onloaded_js); } function onloaded_js() { ready.js = true; if (storyjs_e_config.lang != "en") { LazyLoad.js(path.locale, onloaded_language); } else { ready.language = true; } onloaded_check(); } function onloaded_language() { ready.language = true; onloaded_check(); } function onloaded_css() { ready.css = true; onloaded_check(); } function onloaded_font_css() { ready.font.css = true; onloaded_check(); } function onloaded_font_js() { ready.font.js = true; onloaded_check(); } function onloaded_check() { if (ready.checks > 40) { return; alert("Error Loading Files"); } else { ready.checks++; if (ready.js && ready.css && ready.font.css && ready.font.js && ready.language) { if (!ready.finished) { ready.finished = true; buildEmbed(); } } else { ready.timeout = setTimeout('onloaded_check_again();', 250); } } }; this.onloaded_check_again = function() { onloaded_check(); }; /* Build Timeline ================================================== */ function createEmbedDiv() { var embed_classname = "storyjs-embed"; t = document.createElement('div'); if (storyjs_e_config.embed_id != "") { te = document.getElementById(storyjs_e_config.embed_id); } else { te = document.getElementById("timeline-embed"); } te.appendChild(t); t.setAttribute("id", storyjs_e_config.id); if (storyjs_e_config.width.toString().match("%") ) { te.style.width = storyjs_e_config.width.split("%")[0] + "%"; } else { storyjs_e_config.width = storyjs_e_config.width - 2; te.style.width = (storyjs_e_config.width) + 'px'; } if (storyjs_e_config.height.toString().match("%")) { te.style.height = storyjs_e_config.height; embed_classname += " full-embed"; te.style.height = storyjs_e_config.height.split("%")[0] + "%"; } else if (storyjs_e_config.width.toString().match("%")) { embed_classname += " full-embed"; storyjs_e_config.height = storyjs_e_config.height - 16; te.style.height = (storyjs_e_config.height) + 'px'; }else { embed_classname += " sized-embed"; storyjs_e_config.height = storyjs_e_config.height - 16; te.style.height = (storyjs_e_config.height) + 'px'; } te.setAttribute("class", embed_classname); te.setAttribute("className", embed_classname); t.style.position = 'relative'; } function buildEmbed() { VMM.debug = storyjs_e_config.debug; storyjs_embedjs = new VMM.Timeline(storyjs_e_config.id); storyjs_embedjs.init(storyjs_e_config); if (isCDN) { VMM.bindEvent(global, onHeadline, "HEADLINE"); } } }