null), $atts )); // HELP ME OUT HERE, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PHP-ZW //extract the height from the shortcode attribute //extract( shortcode_atts( array('height' => null), $atts )); if($url) $verite_json_uri = $url; //if($height) $verite_height = $height; //if($width) $verite_width = $width; //if($js) $verite_js = $js; //if($css) $verite_css = $css; //write to the DOM return "
"; } function detectVeriteShortCodes(){ global $post; //if there is a shortcode in the post... $verite_shortcode_exists = stripos($post->post_content, '[verite-timeline'); //load in scripts if($verite_shortcode_exists || $verite_shortcode_exists === 0){ //take out any existing versions of jquery to use our own //wp_dequeue_script( 'jquery' ); //wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); //register our scripts and styles //wp_register_script( 'jquery', plugins_url('/jquery-min.js', __FILE__) ); //wp_register_script( 'verite_script', plugins_url('/timeline-min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '0.5', false ); //wp_register_style( 'verite_styles', plugins_url('/timeline.css', __FILE__), false, '0.5', 'all'); //load them into the DOM //wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); //wp_enqueue_script('verite_script'); //wp_enqueue_style('verite_styles'); } } } function VeriteTimelinePluginInit(){ global $veriteTimelineInstance; $veriteTimelineInstance = new VeriteTimelinePlugin(); } add_action('init', 'VeriteTimelinePluginInit');