/*! Verite Timeline Loader 0.3 Designed and built by Zach Wise digitalartwork.net Date: April 28, 2012 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ */ /* CodeKit Import http://incident57.com/codekit/ ================================================== */ // @codekit-prepend "lib/Embed.LoadLib.js"; /* TIMELINE CDN LOADER ================================================== */ /* Embed code with config ================================================== */ /*
*/ /* FONT OPTIONS Arvo-PTSans Merriweather-NewsCycle PoiretOne-Molengo PTSerif-PTSans DroidSerif-DroidSans Lekton-Molengo NixieOne-Ledger AbrilFatface-Average PlayfairDisplay-Muli Rancho-Gudea Bevan-PotanoSans BreeSerif-OpenSans SansitaOne-Kameron Pacifico-Arimo ================================================== */ (function() { /* CONFIG Default ================================================== */ var embed_config = { width: 800, height: 600, source: 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Agl_Dv6iEbDadFYzRjJPUGktY0NkWXFUWkVIZDNGRHc&output=html', font: 'default', css: 'http://embed.verite.co/timeline/css/timeline.css', js: 'http://embed.verite.co/timeline/js/timeline-min.js' } if (typeof timeline_config == 'object') { var x; for (x in timeline_config) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(timeline_config, x)) { embed_config[x] = timeline_config[x]; } } } else if (typeof config == 'object') { var x; for (x in config) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(config, x)) { embed_config[x] = config[x]; } } } timeline_config = embed_config; /* VARS ================================================== */ var jsReady = false; var cssReady = false; var fontCSSReady = false; var fontJSReady = false; var base_path = "http://embed.verite.co/timeline/"; var js_url = "http://embed.verite.co/timeline/js/"; var font_css_url = "http://embed.verite.co/timeline/css/themes/font/" var font_js_url = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js"; var font_google = [ 'News+Cycle:400,700:latin', 'Merriweather:400,700,900:latin' ]; var isReady = false; var preload_checks = 0; var timeout; var timelinejs; /* Add Timeline Div ================================================== */ var t = document.createElement('div'); var te = document.getElementById("timeline-embed"); te.appendChild(t); t.setAttribute("id", 'timeline'); if (embed_config.width.toString().match("%") || embed_config.width.toString().match("px")) { te.style.width = embed_config.width; } else { te.style.width = embed_config.width + 'px'; } if (embed_config.height.toString().match("%") || embed_config.height.toString().match("px")) { te.style.height = embed_config.height; } else { te.style.height = embed_config.height + 'px'; } t.style.position = 'relative'; /* Load CSS ================================================== */ LazyLoad.css(embed_config.css, cssComplete); /* Load Font ================================================== */ if (embed_config.font == "default") { fontJSReady = true; fontCSSReady = true; } else { /* Load Font CSS ================================================== */ if (embed_config.font.match("/")) { font_css_url = embed_config.font; } else { font_css_url = font_css_url + embed_config.font + ".css"; } LazyLoad.css(font_css_url, fontCSSComplete); /* Load Font JS ================================================== */ switch (embed_config.font) { case "Merriweather-NewsCycle": font_google = [ 'News+Cycle:400,700:latin', 'Merriweather:400,700,900:latin' ]; break; case "PoiretOne-Molengo": font_google = [ 'Poiret+One::latin', 'Molengo::latin' ]; break; case "Arvo-PTSans": font_google = [ 'Arvo:400,700,400italic:latin', 'PT+Sans:400,700,400italic:latin' ]; break; case "PTSerif-PTSans": font_google = [ 'PT+Sans:400,700,400italic:latin', 'PT+Serif:400,700,400italic:latin' ]; break; case "DroidSerif-DroidSans": font_google = [ 'Droid+Sans:400,700:latin', 'Droid+Serif:400,700,400italic:latin' ] ; break; case "Lekton-Molengo": font_google = [ 'Lekton:400,700,400italic:latin', 'Molengo::latin' ]; break; case "NixieOne-Ledger": font_google = [ 'Nixie+One::latin', 'Ledger::latin' ]; break; case "AbrilFatface-Average": font_google = [ 'Average::latin', 'Abril+Fatface::latin' ]; break; case "PlayfairDisplay-Muli": font_google = [ 'Playfair+Display:400,400italic:latin', 'Muli:300,400,300italic,400italic:latin' ]; break; case "Rancho-Gudea": font_google = [ 'Rancho::latin', 'Gudea:400,700,400italic:latin' ]; break; case "Bevan-PotanoSans": font_google = [ 'Bevan::latin', 'Pontano+Sans::latin' ]; break; case "BreeSerif-OpenSans": font_google = [ 'Bree+Serif::latin', 'Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,600,700,800:latin' ]; break; case "SansitaOne-Kameron": font_google = [ 'Sansita+One::latin', 'Kameron:400,700:latin' ]; break; case "Pacifico-Arimo": font_google = [ 'Pacifico::latin', 'Arimo:400,700,400italic,700italic:latin' ]; break; default: font_google = [ 'News+Cycle:400,700:latin', 'Merriweather:400,700,900:latin' ]; } WebFontConfig = {google: { families: font_google }}; LazyLoad.js(font_js_url, onFontJSLoaded); } /* Check for jQuery ================================================== */ try { var jqueryLoaded=jQuery; jqueryLoaded=true; } catch(err) { var jqueryLoaded=false; } /* Load jQuery if it doesn't exist ================================================== */ if (!jqueryLoaded) { LazyLoad.js('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js', onJQueryLoaded); } else { onJQueryLoaded(); } function onJQueryLoaded() { LazyLoad.js(embed_config.js, onJSLoaded); } function onJSLoaded() { jsReady = true; checkLoad(); } function cssComplete() { cssReady = true; checkLoad(); } function fontCSSComplete() { fontCSSReady = true; checkLoad(); } function onFontJSLoaded() { fontJSReady = true; checkLoad(); } /* Check to see if everything is loaded. ================================================== */ function checkLoad() { if (preload_checks > 40) { return; alert("Error Loading Files"); } else { preload_checks++; if (jsReady && cssReady && fontCSSReady && fontJSReady) { if (!isReady) { isReady = true; timelinejs = new VMM.Timeline(); timelinejs.init(embed_config.source); } } else { //alert("run timeout"); timeout = setTimeout('checkAgain();', 250); } } } this.checkAgain = function() { checkLoad(); } })();