// Embed Generator include ../includes/mixins section#embed.embed-form div.container h2 mixin brand('Timeline', 'JS') | Embed Generator p.lead On your site or blog in no time. div.row div.span7 form.form-horizontal fieldset // Required elements for embed // Embed Source div.control-group label.control-label a(href='https://docs.google.com/a/digitalartwork.net/previewtemplate?id=0AppSVxABhnltdEhzQjQ4MlpOaldjTmZLclQxQWFTOUE&mode=public',target='_blank') Google Spreadsheet | or other data source URL div.controls input(type='text')#embed-source-url.span4 p.help-inline Make sure you've published it. // Size div.control-group label.control-label Size div.controls div.input-prepend span.add-on Width input(type='text', value='900', placeholder='900')#embed-width.input-mini div.input-prepend span.add-on Height input(type='text', value='650', placeholder='650')#embed-height.input-mini // Optional elements for embed div.well h4 Optional // Language div.control-group label.control-label Language div.controls select#embed-language option(value='en') English option(value='ar') Arabic (beta) option(value='bg') Bulgarian option(value='ca') Catalan option(value='cz') Czech option(value='da') Danish option(value='de') German / Deutsch option(value='el') Greek option(value='es') Spanish option(value='eu') Basque/ Euskara option(value='fi') Finnish option(value='fo') Faroese option(value='fr') French option(value='gl') Galician option(value='hu') Hungarian option(value='hy') Armenian option(value='id') Indonesian option(value='is') Icelandic option(value='it') Italian option(value='iw') Hebrew (beta) option(value='ja') Japanese option(value='ka') Georgian option(value='ko') Korean option(value='lv') Latvian option(value='nl') Dutch option(value='no') Norwegian option(value='pl') Polish option(value='pt-br') Brazilian Portuguese option(value='pt') Portuguese option(value='ru') Russian option(value='sk') Slovak option(value='sl') Slovenian option(value='sr-cy') Serbian (Cyrillic) option(value='sr') Serbian (Latin) option(value='sv') Swedish option(value='ta') Tamil option(value='tl') Tagalog option(value='tr') Turkish option(value='zh-cn') Chinese option(value='zh-tw') Taiwanese // Map Type div.control-group label.control-label Map Type div.controls select#embed-maptype option(value='toner') Stamen Maps: Toner option(value='toner-lines') Stamen Maps: Toner Lines option(value='toner-labels') Stamen Maps: Toner Labels option(value='watercolor') Stamen Maps: Watercolor option(value='sterrain') Stamen Maps: Terrain option(value='ROADMAP') Google Maps: Roadmap option(value='TERRAIN') Google Maps: Terrain option(value='HYBRID') Google Maps: Hybrid option(value='SATELLITE') Google Maps: Satellite input(type='text',placeholder='Google Maps API Key')#embed-googlemapkey p.help-block | Due to recent changes to the Google Maps API, you need a a(href='https://developers.google.com/places/documentation/#Authentication', target='_blank') API Key | in order to use custom map types. // Fonts div.control-group label.control-label Fonts div.controls select#embed-font option(value='Bevan-PotanoSans') Bevan & Potano Sans option(value='Merriweather-NewsCycle') Merriweather & News Cycle option(value='NewsCycle-Merriweather') News Cycle & Merriweather option(value='PoiretOne-Molengo') Poiret One & Molengo option(value='Arvo-PTSans') Arvo & PT Sans option(value='PTSerif-PTSans') PT Serif & PT Sans option(value='DroidSerif-DroidSans') Droid Serif & Droid Sans option(value='Lekton-Molengo') Lekton & Molengo option(value='NixieOne-Ledger') Nixie One & Ledger option(value='AbrilFatface-Average') Abril Fatface & Average option(value='PlayfairDisplay-Muli') Playfair Display & Muli option(value='Rancho-Gudea') Rancho & Gudea option(value='BreeSerif-OpenSans') Bree Serif & Open Sans option(value='SansitaOne-Kameron') Sansita One & Kameron option(value='Pacifico-Arimo') Pacifico & Arimo option(value='PT') PT Sans & PT Narrow & PT Serif // Wordpress Plugin div.control-group label.control-label Misc div.controls label.checkbox input#embed-wordpressplugin(type='checkbox', value='option1') | Wordpress Plugin span.help-inline Is the embed for the Wordpress Plugin? // Start at End? label.checkbox input#embed-startatend(type='checkbox', value='option1') | Start at the End? span.help-inline The most recent event will be shown first. // Hash Bookmarks label.checkbox input#embed-hashbookmark(type='checkbox', value='option1') | Hash Bookmarks span.help-inline On each slide change, a # will be added to the end of the url in the url bar. These urls are bookmarkable so you can share or return to the same place in the timeline // Debug label.checkbox input#embed-debug(type='checkbox', value='option1') | Debug span.help-inline In debug mode, you will see console logs. // Start Zoom Adjust div.control-group label.control-label Adjust the default calculated zoom level div.controls input#embed-startzoomadjust.input-mini(type='text', value='0', placeholder='0') p.help-block This will tweak the default zoom level. Equivilent to pressing the zoom in or zoom out button the specified number of times. Negative numbers zoom out. // Start at Slide div.control-group label.control-label Start at specific slide number? div.controls div.input-prepend span.add-on Slide input#embed-startatslide.input-mini(type='text', value='0', placeholder='0') p.help-block You can tell TimelineJS to start at a specific slide number // Embed Copy and Paste div.span5 form.form-horizontal fieldset h4 Embed Code p Copy this code and paste it where you want your mixin brand('Timeline', 'JS') | to appear. br textarea(readonly='readonly', style='width: 100%; height: 160px; min-height: 110px; max-height: 300px; resize: none; font-family: Menlo,Monaco,\'Courier New\',monospace; font-size: 11px;')#embed_code | div(style='text-align:center;') a(href='#preview-embed-iframe')#iframe-preview-button.btn.btn-primary Preview |   a(href='#embed', target='_blank')#preview-embed-link.btn Link to Preview section.background-fabric div.container h2 Preview div.row div#preview-embed-iframe.span12 br br