Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy and intuitive to use.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
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/* Basque/ Euskara LANGUAGE
================================================== */
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wikipedia: "eu"
date: {
month: ["Urtarrila", "Otsaila", "Martxoa", "Apirila", "Maiatza", "Ekaina", "Uztaila", "Abuztua", "Iraila", "Urria", "Azaroa", "Abendua"],
month_abbr: ["Urt.", "Ots.", "Mar.", "Api.", "Mai.", "Eka.", "Uzt.", "Abu.", "Ira.", "Urr.", "Aza.", "Abe."],
day: ["Igandea", "Astelehena", "Asteartea", "Asteazkena", "Osteguna", "Ostirala", "Larunbata"],
day_abbr: ["Iga.", "Asl.", "Asr.", "Asz.", "Osg.", "Osr.", "Lar."]
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full_long: "yyyy'(e)ko' mmmm'ren' d'(e)an,' hh:MM TT'(r)etan'",
full_long_small_date: "hh:MM TT'<br /><small>'yyyy'-'mmm'-'d'</small>"
messages: {
loading_timeline: "Kronologia kargatzen...",
return_to_title: "Titulura itzuli",
expand_timeline: "Handiago ikusi",
contract_timeline: "Txikiago ikusi",
wikipedia: "Wikipedia entziklopedia libretik",
loading_content: "Edukia kargatzen",
loading: "Kargatzen",
swipe_nav: "Swipe to Navigate" }