Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy and intuitive to use.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
1.6 KiB

/* Slovak LANGUAGE
================================================== */
typeof VMM != "undefined" && (VMM.Language = {
lang: "sk",
api: {
wikipedia: "sk"
date: {
month: ["Január", "Február", "Marec", "Apríl", "Máj", "Jún", "Júl", "August", "September", "Október", "November", "December"],
month_abbr: ["Jan.", "Feb.", "Marec", "Apríl", "Máj", "Jún", "Júl", "Aug.", "Sept.", "Okt.", "Nov.", "Dec."],
day: ["Nedeľa", "Pondelok", "Utorok", "Streda", "Štvrtok", "Piatok", "Sobota"],
day_abbr: ["Ned.", "Pon.", "Uto.", "Str.", "Štv.", "Pia.", "Sob."]
dateformats: {
year: "yyyy",
month_short: "mmm",
month: "mmmm yyyy",
full_short: "mmm d",
full: "d. mmmm',' yyyy",
time_short: "h:MM:ss TT",
time_no_seconds_short: "h:MM TT",
time_no_seconds_small_date: "h:MM TT'<br/><small>'mmmm d',' yyyy'</small>'",
full_long: "mmm d',' yyyy 'at' hh:MM TT",
full_long_small_date: "hh:MM TT'<br/><small>mmm d',' yyyy'</small>'"
messages: {
loading_timeline: "Na&#269;&#237;tam &#269;asov&#250; os... ",
return_to_title: "Sp&#228;&#357; na &#250;vod",
expand_timeline: "Zv&#228;&#269;&#353;i&#357; &#269;asov&#250; os",
contract_timeline: "Zmen&#353;i&#357; &#269;asov&#250; os",
wikipedia: "Z Wikipedie, encyklop&#233;die zadarmo",
loading_content: "Na&#269;&#237;tam obsah",
loading: "Na&#269;&#237;tanie"