Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy and intuitive to use.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.3 KiB

/* Korean LANGUAGE
================================================== */
if(typeof VMM != 'undefined') {
VMM.Language = {
lang: "ko",
api: {
wikipedia: "ko"
date: {
month: ["1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월","7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월"],
month_abbr: ["1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월","7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월"],
day: ["일요일" , "월요일" , "화요일" , "수요일" , "목요일" , "금요일" , "토요일"],
day_abbr: ["일" , "월" , "화" , "수" , "목" , "금" , "토"]
dateformats: {
year: "yyyy",
month_short: "mmm",
month: "yyyy mmm",
full_short: "mmm d",
full: "yyyy mmm d ",
time_short: "HH:MM:ss",
time_no_seconds_short: "HH:MM",
time_no_seconds_small_date: "HH:MM'<br/><small>'yyyy mmm d'</small>'",
full_long: "dddd',' d mmm yyyy 'um' HH:MM",
full_long_small_date: "HH:MM'<br/><small>'dddd','yyyy mmm d'</small>'"
messages: {
loading_timeline: "타임라인을 불러오고 있습니다.... ",
return_to_title: "첫화면으로",
expand_timeline: "타임라인 확대",
contract_timeline: "타임라인 축소",
wikipedia: "출처: 위키피디아, 우리 모두의 백과사전",
loading_content: "내용을 불러오고 있습니다.",
loading: "불러오는중"