mirror of https://github.com/juliancwirko/abc.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
163 lines
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163 lines
4.6 KiB
11 years ago
// Foundation by ZURB
// foundation.zurb.com
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
@import "global";
// @variables
$include-pagination-classes: $include-html-classes !default;
// We use these to control the pagination container
$pagination-height: rem-calc(24) !default;
$pagination-margin: rem-calc(-5) !default;
// We use these to set the list-item properties
$pagination-li-float: $default-float !default;
$pagination-li-height: rem-calc(24) !default;
$pagination-li-font-color: $jet !default;
$pagination-li-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default;
$pagination-li-margin: rem-calc(5) !default;
// We use these for the pagination anchor links
$pagination-link-pad: rem-calc(1 10 1) !default;
$pagination-link-font-color: $aluminum !default;
$pagination-link-active-bg: scale-color($white, $lightness: -10%) !default;
// We use these for disabled anchor links
$pagination-link-unavailable-cursor: default !default;
$pagination-link-unavailable-font-color: $aluminum !default;
$pagination-link-unavailable-bg-active: transparent !default;
// We use these for currently selected anchor links
$pagination-link-current-background: $primary-color !default;
$pagination-link-current-font-color: $white !default;
$pagination-link-current-font-weight: $font-weight-bold !default;
$pagination-link-current-cursor: default !default;
$pagination-link-current-active-bg: $primary-color !default;
// @mixins
// Style the pagination container. Currently only used when centering elements.
// $center - Default: false, Options: true
@mixin pagination-container($center:false) {
@if $center { text-align: center; }
// @mixins
// Style unavailable list items
@mixin pagination-unavailable-item {
a, button {
cursor: $pagination-link-unavailable-cursor;
color: $pagination-link-unavailable-font-color;
&:hover a,
& a:focus,
&:hover button,
& button:focus
{ background: $pagination-link-unavailable-bg-active; }
// @mixins
// Style the current list item. Do not assume that the current item has
// an anchor <a> element.
// $has-anchor - Default: true, Options: false
@mixin pagination-current-item($has-anchor: true) {
@if $has-anchor {
a, button {
background: $pagination-link-current-background;
color: $pagination-link-current-font-color;
font-weight: $pagination-link-current-font-weight;
cursor: $pagination-link-current-cursor;
&:focus { background: $pagination-link-current-active-bg; }
} @else {
height: auto;
padding: $pagination-link-pad;
background: $pagination-link-current-background;
color: $pagination-link-current-font-color;
font-weight: $pagination-link-current-font-weight;
cursor: $pagination-link-current-cursor;
@include radius;
&:focus { background: $pagination-link-current-active-bg; }
// @mixins
// We use this mixin to set the properties for the creating Foundation pagination
// $center - Left or center align the li elements. Default: false
// $base-style - Sets base styles for pagination. Default: true, Options: false
// $use-default-classes - Makes unavailable & current classes available for use. Default: true
@mixin pagination($center:false, $base-style:true, $use-default-classes:true) {
@if $base-style {
display: block;
min-height: $pagination-height;
margin-#{$default-float}: $pagination-margin;
li {
height: $pagination-li-height;
color: $pagination-li-font-color;
font-size: $pagination-li-font-size;
margin-#{$default-float}: $pagination-li-margin;
a, button {
display: block;
padding: $pagination-link-pad;
color: $pagination-link-font-color;
background: none;
@include radius;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 1em;
line-height: inherit;
@include single-transition(background-color);
&:hover a,
&:hover button,
{ background: $pagination-link-active-bg; }
@if $use-default-classes {
&.unavailable { @include pagination-unavailable-item(); }
&.current { @include pagination-current-item(); }
// Left or center align the li elements
li {
@if $center {
float: none;
display: inline-block;
} @else {
float: $pagination-li-float;
display: block;
@include exports("pagination") {
@if $include-pagination-classes {
ul.pagination {
@include pagination;
/* Pagination centred wrapper */
.pagination-centered {
@include pagination-container(true);
ul.pagination {
@include pagination(true, false);