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<title> {{ meta_title }} </title>
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<link rel="shortcut icon" href=" {{ asset "favicon.ico" }} ">
{{! Styles - Foundation 5 included}}
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{{!-- styles for syntax highlighter you will find more here: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles just change .min.css file name below --}}
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<link rel="stylesheet" href=" {{ asset "css/style.css" }} ">
{{! Ghost outputs important style and meta data with this tag }}
{{ ghost_head }}
{{! Modernizr }}
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<body class=" {{ body_class }} ">
{{! Everything else gets inserted here }}
{{{ body }}}
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<section class="poweredby ghost">Proudly published with <a href="https://ghost.org">Ghost</a></section>
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{{! Document borders}}
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{{! Ghost outputs important scripts and data with this tag }}
{{ ghost_foot }}
{{! The main JavaScript files }}
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