### abc Ghost Theme #### Demo: [http://abc.pxt.be](http://abc.pxt.be) abc theme is a free open source Ghost theme (MIT license). You can use it as you like. If you want you can show me what you have build on it. ### Main features * Zurb Foundation 5 framework [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/zurb-foundation-5/) * Scss (Sass) workflow [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/scss-workflow/) * Code highlighter [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/code-highlighter/) * Font icons [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/font-icons-to-use/) * Post covers [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/post-with-image-cover/) * Video, SoundCloud embeding [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/video-soundcloud/) * Clean text formating [read more](http://abc.pxt.be/welcome-to-ghost/) You can download it from the GitHub repository: [https://github.com/juliancwirko/abc](https://github.com/juliancwirko/abc) If you like it consider starring it on GitHub :) I encourage you to check out my other themes on ThemeForest. Here is a link to my portfolio page: [http://themeforest.net/user/pxThemes/portfolio](http://themeforest.net/user/pxThemes/portfolio) You can contact me through Twitter [**@juliancwirko**](https://twitter.com/JulianCwirko) Your feedback will be very appreciated. You can also send feature requests by opening issues on GitHub. [https://github.com/juliancwirko/abc/issues](https://github.com/juliancwirko/abc/issues) Thanks! #### License MIT