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// Foundation by ZURB |
// foundation.zurb.com |
// Licensed under MIT Open Source |
@import 'global'; |
// |
// @name _range-slider.scss |
// @dependencies _global.scss |
// |
// |
// @variables |
// |
$include-html-range-slider-classes: $include-html-classes !default; |
// These variabels define the slider bar styles |
$range-slider-bar-width: 100% !default; |
$range-slider-bar-height: rem-calc(16) !default; |
$range-slider-bar-border-width: 1px !default; |
$range-slider-bar-border-style: solid !default; |
$range-slider-bar-border-color: $gainsboro !default; |
$range-slider-radius: $global-radius !default; |
$range-slider-round: $global-rounded !default; |
$range-slider-bar-bg-color: $ghost !default; |
$range-slider-active-segment-bg-color: scale-color($secondary-color, $lightness: -1%) !default; |
// Vertical bar styles |
$range-slider-vertical-bar-width: rem-calc(16) !default; |
$range-slider-vertical-bar-height: rem-calc(200) !default; |
// These variabels define the slider handle styles |
$range-slider-handle-width: rem-calc(32) !default; |
$range-slider-handle-height: rem-calc(22) !default; |
$range-slider-handle-position-top: rem-calc(-5) !default; |
$range-slider-handle-bg-color: $primary-color !default; |
$range-slider-handle-border-width: 1px !default; |
$range-slider-handle-border-style: solid !default; |
$range-slider-handle-border-color: none !default; |
$range-slider-handle-radius: $global-radius !default; |
$range-slider-handle-round: $global-rounded !default; |
$range-slider-handle-bg-hover-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -12%) !default; |
$range-slider-handle-cursor: pointer !default; |
$range-slider-disabled-opacity: .7 !default; |
$range-slider-disabled-cursor: $cursor-disabled-value !default; |
// |
// @mixins |
// |
@mixin range-slider-bar-base($vertical: false) { |
border: $range-slider-bar-border-width $range-slider-bar-border-style $range-slider-bar-border-color; |
margin: rem-calc(20 0); |
position: relative; |
-ms-touch-action: none; |
touch-action: none; |
@if $vertical == true { |
display: inline-block; |
height: $range-slider-vertical-bar-height; |
width: $range-slider-vertical-bar-width; |
} @else { |
display: block; |
height: $range-slider-bar-height; |
width: $range-slider-bar-width; |
} |
} |
@mixin range-slider-bar-style( |
$bg: true, |
$radius: false, |
$round: false, |
$disabled: false) { |
@if $bg == true { background: $range-slider-bar-bg-color; } |
@if $radius == true { @include radius($range-slider-radius); } |
@if $round == true { @include radius($range-slider-round); } |
@if $disabled == true { |
cursor: $range-slider-disabled-cursor; |
opacity: $range-slider-disabled-opacity; |
} |
} |
@mixin range-slider-bar( |
$bg: $range-slider-bar-bg-color, |
$radius:false) { |
@include range-slider-bar-base; |
@include range-slider-bar-style; |
} |
@mixin range-slider-handle-base() { |
border: $range-slider-handle-border-width $range-slider-handle-border-style $range-slider-handle-border-color; |
cursor: $range-slider-handle-cursor; |
display: inline-block; |
height: $range-slider-handle-height; |
position: absolute; |
top: $range-slider-handle-position-top; |
width: $range-slider-handle-width; |
z-index: 1; |
// This removes the 300ms touch delay on Windows 8 |
-ms-touch-action: manipulation; |
touch-action: manipulation; |
} |
@mixin range-slider-handle-style( |
$bg: true, |
$radius: false, |
$round: false, |
$disabled: false) { |
@if $bg == true { background: $range-slider-handle-bg-color; } |
@if $radius == true { @include radius($range-slider-radius); } |
@if $round == true { @include radius($range-slider-round); } |
@if $disabled == true { |
cursor: $cursor-default-value; |
opacity: $range-slider-disabled-opacity; |
} |
&:hover { |
background: $range-slider-handle-bg-hover-color; |
} |
} |
@mixin range-slider-handle() { |
@include range-slider-handle-base; |
@include range-slider-handle-style; |
} |
// CSS Generation |
@include exports("range-slider-bar") { |
@if $include-html-range-slider-classes { |
.range-slider { |
@include range-slider-bar-base; |
@include range-slider-bar-style($bg:true, $radius:false); |
&.vertical-range { |
@include range-slider-bar-base($vertical: true); |
.range-slider-handle { |
bottom: -($range-slider-vertical-bar-height - $range-slider-handle-width); |
margin-#{$default-float}: -($range-slider-handle-width / 4); |
margin-top: 0; |
position: absolute; |
} |
.range-slider-active-segment { |
border-bottom-left-radius: inherit; |
border-bottom-right-radius: inherit; |
border-top-left-radius: initial; |
bottom: 0; |
height: auto; |
width: $range-slider-bar-height - rem-calc((strip-unit($range-slider-bar-border-width) * 2)); |
} |
} |
&.radius { |
@include range-slider-bar-style($radius:true); |
.range-slider-handle { @include range-slider-handle-style($radius: true); } |
} |
&.round { |
@include range-slider-bar-style($round:true); |
.range-slider-handle { @include range-slider-handle-style($round: true); } |
} |
&.disabled, &[disabled] { |
@include range-slider-bar-style($disabled:true); |
.range-slider-handle { @include range-slider-handle-style($disabled: true); } |
} |
} |
.range-slider-active-segment { |
background: $range-slider-active-segment-bg-color; |
border-bottom-left-radius: inherit; |
border-top-left-radius: inherit; |
display: inline-block; |
height: $range-slider-bar-height - rem-calc((strip-unit($range-slider-bar-border-width) * 2)); |
position: absolute; |
} |
.range-slider-handle { |
@include range-slider-handle-base; |
@include range-slider-handle-style($bg:true, $radius: false); |
} |
} |