Quite good looking graph derived from d3.js http://c3js.org
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
2.4 KiB

## Filing an issue
Before filing an issue, please [search the queue](https://github.com/c3js/c3/issues) to make sure it hasn't already been reported.
If a bug, please include the following —
1. What version of C3?
1. What browsers have you confirmed it in?
1. Can you isolate the issue by providing a jsFiddle demonstrating it in a minimalist capacity?
Please *do not* ask for support using the issue queue. For support, please ask [on chat](https://gitter.im/c3js/c3) or [the mailing list](groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/c3js).
## Setup
1. **Clone the repo from GitHub**
git clone https://github.com/c3js/c3.git
cd c3
2. **Acquire build dependencies.** Make sure you have [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) installed on your workstation. This is only needed to _build_ C3 from sources. C3 itself has no dependency on Node.js once it is built. Now run:
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
The first `npm` command sets up the popular [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) build tool. You might need to run this command with `sudo` if you're on Linux or Mac OS X, or in an Administrator command prompt on Windows. The second `npm` command fetches the remaining build dependencies.
## Building C3 from sources
npm run build
## Distribution
npm run dist
Now you'll find the built files in `c3.js`, `c3.min.js`, `c3.css` & `c3.min.css`.
## Running the tests
npm run test
This command will automatically run the specification suite and report its results.
If you want to see specs running live in browser (e.g., for debugging), simply open `http://localhost:9876/` in your browser when phantomjs starts.
## Building the document site (c3js.org)
First you need ruby and [bundler][] to build the documentation site.
**Note:** Currently the site doesn't build with ruby 2.5.x, so you need ruby 2.4.4 or below. ([rbenv][] is useful for switching between ruby versions.)
$ gem install bundler
Then you need to install bundler dependencies.
$ bundle install
Then hit the following command to build the site.
$ npm run watch:docs
Then access ``.
## Contributing your changes
Add something about PRs here, indicate that PRs should not bump the version number & the build output files (`c3.js`, `c3.min.js`, `c3.css` & `c3.min.css`) should be excluded
[bundler]: https://bundler.io
[rbenv]: https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv