describe('c3 chart tooltip', function () {
'use strict';
var chart;
var tooltipConfiguration = {};
var dataOrder = 'desc';
var dataGroups;
var args = function () {
return {
data: {
columns: [
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], // 1130
['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25], // 160
['data3', 150, 120, 110, 140, 115, 125] // 760
order: dataOrder,
groups: dataGroups,
tooltip: tooltipConfiguration
beforeEach(function (done) {
chart = window.initChart(chart, args(), done);
dataOrder = 'desc';
dataGroups = undefined;
describe('tooltip position', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
tooltipConfiguration = {};
describe('without left margin', function () {
it('should show tooltip on proper position', function () {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(1),
y = chart.internal.y(200);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var tooltipContainer = d3.select('.c3-tooltip-container'),
top = Math.floor(+tooltipContainer.style('top').replace(/px/, '')),
left = Math.floor(+tooltipContainer.style('left').replace(/px/, ''));
describe('with left margin', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
d3.select('#chart').style('margin-left', '300px');
it('should show tooltip on proper position', function () {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(1) + 300, // add margin-left
y = chart.internal.y(200);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var tooltipContainer = d3.select('.c3-tooltip-container'),
top = Math.floor(+tooltipContainer.style('top').replace(/px/, '')),
left = Math.floor(+tooltipContainer.style('left').replace(/px/, ''));
afterAll(function () {
d3.select('#chart').style('margin-left', null);
describe('tooltip positionFunction', function () {
var topExpected = 37, leftExpected = 79;
beforeAll(function () {
tooltipConfiguration = {
position: function (data, width, height, element) {
index: 2,
value: 100,
id: 'data1'
return {top: topExpected, left: leftExpected};
it('should be set to the coordinate where the function returned', function () {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var tooltipContainer = d3.select('.c3-tooltip-container'),
top = Math.floor(+tooltipContainer.style('top').replace(/px/, '')),
left = Math.floor(+tooltipContainer.style('left').replace(/px/, ''));
describe('tooltip getTooltipContent', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
tooltipConfiguration = {
data_order: 'desc'
it('should sort values desc', function () {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with data_order as desc with grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = 'desc';
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each data in descending order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(220);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 1130
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 760
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 160
describe('tooltip with data_order as asc with grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = 'asc';
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each data in ascending order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(220);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 160
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 760
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 1130
describe('tooltip with data_order as NULL with grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = null;
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each data in given order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(220);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with data_order as Function with grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
var order = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ];
dataOrder = function(data1, data2) {
return order.indexOf(data1.id) - order.indexOf(data2.id);
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each data in order given by function', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(220);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with data_order as Array with grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ];
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each data in order given by array', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(220);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with data_order as desc with un-grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = 'desc';
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as asc', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
tooltipConfiguration = {
order: 'asc'
it('should display each tooltip value descending order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
describe('tooltip with data_order as asc with un-grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = 'asc';
it('should display each tooltip value in ascending order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
describe('tooltip with data_order as NULL with un-grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = null;
it('should display each tooltip value in given data order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with data_order as Function with un-grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
var order = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ];
dataOrder = function(data1, data2) {
return order.indexOf(data1.id) - order.indexOf(data2.id);
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by function', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with data_order as Array with un-grouped data', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
dataOrder = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ];
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by array', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as desc', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
tooltipConfiguration = {
order: 'desc'
// this should be ignored
dataOrder = 'asc';
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each tooltip value descending order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as asc', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
tooltipConfiguration = {
order: 'asc'
// this should be ignored
dataOrder = 'desc';
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]];
it('should display each tooltip value in ascending order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(220);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as NULL', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
tooltipConfiguration = {
order: null
it('should display each tooltip value in given order', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as Function', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
var order = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ];
tooltipConfiguration = {
order: function(data1, data2) {
return order.indexOf(data1.id) - order.indexOf(data2.id);
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by function', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as Array', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
tooltipConfiguration = {
order: [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ]
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by array', function() {
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect').node(),
x = chart.internal.x(2),
y = chart.internal.y(100);
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', x, y, eventRect);
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr').nodes().map(function(node) {
return node.className;
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header