Please *do not* ask for support using the issue queue. For support, please ask [on chat]( or [the mailing list](!forum/c3js).
2.**Acquire build dependencies.** Make sure you have [Node.js]( installed on your workstation. This is only needed to _build_ C3 from sources. C3 itself has no dependency on Node.js once it is built. Now run:
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
The first `npm` command sets up the popular [Grunt]( build tool. You might need to run this command with `sudo` if you're on Linux or Mac OS X, or in an Administrator command prompt on Windows. The second `npm` command fetches the remaining build dependencies.
Add something about PRs here, indicate that PRs should not bump the version number & the build output files (`c3.js`, `c3.min.js`, `c3.css`&`c3.min.css`) should be excluded