Quite good looking graph derived from d3.js http://c3js.org
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.3 KiB

import { c3_chart_fn } from './core';
import { isValue } from './util';
c3_chart_fn.tooltip = function () {};
c3_chart_fn.tooltip.show = function (args) {
var $$ = this.internal, index, mouse;
// determine mouse position on the chart
if (args.mouse) {
mouse = args.mouse;
// determine focus data
if (args.data) {
if ($$.isMultipleX()) {
// if multiple xs, target point will be determined by mouse
mouse = [$$.x(args.data.x), $$.getYScale(args.data.id)(args.data.value)];
index = null;
} else {
// TODO: when tooltip_grouped = false
index = isValue(args.data.index) ? args.data.index : $$.getIndexByX(args.data.x);
else if (typeof args.x !== 'undefined') {
index = $$.getIndexByX(args.x);
else if (typeof args.index !== 'undefined') {
index = args.index;
// emulate mouse events to show
$$.dispatchEvent('mouseover', index, mouse);
$$.dispatchEvent('mousemove', index, mouse);
$$.config.tooltip_onshow.call($$, args.data);
c3_chart_fn.tooltip.hide = function () {
// TODO: get target data by checking the state of focus
this.internal.dispatchEvent('mouseout', 0);