( function ( window ) {
'use strict' ;
var c3 = window . c3 = { } ;
var d3 = window . d3 ;
/ *
* Generate chart according to config
* /
c3 . generate = function ( config ) {
var c3 = { data : { } } ,
cache = { } ;
var EXPANDED = '_expanded_' , SELECTED = '_selected_' , INCLUDED = '_included_' ;
/*-- Handle Config --*/
function checkConfig ( key , message ) {
if ( ! ( key in config ) ) { throw Error ( message ) ; }
function getConfig ( keys , defaultValue ) {
var target = config ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! ( keys [ i ] in target ) ) { return defaultValue ; }
target = target [ keys [ i ] ] ;
return target ;
// bindto - id to bind the chart
var _ _bindto = getConfig ( [ 'bindto' ] , '#chart' ) ;
var _ _size _width = getConfig ( [ 'size' , 'width' ] , null ) ,
_ _size _height = getConfig ( [ 'size' , 'height' ] , null ) ;
var _ _padding _left = getConfig ( [ 'padding' , 'left' ] , null ) ,
_ _padding _right = getConfig ( [ 'padding' , 'right' ] , null ) ;
var _ _zoom _enabled = getConfig ( [ 'zoom' , 'enabled' ] , false ) ,
_ _zoom _extent = getConfig ( [ 'zoom' , 'extent' ] , null ) ,
_ _zoom _privileged = getConfig ( [ 'zoom' , 'privileged' ] , false ) ;
var _ _onenter = getConfig ( [ 'onenter' ] , function ( ) { } ) ,
_ _onleave = getConfig ( [ 'onleave' ] , function ( ) { } ) ;
// data - data configuration
checkConfig ( 'data' , 'data is required in config' ) ;
var _ _data _x = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'x' ] , null ) ,
_ _data _xs = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'xs' ] , null ) ,
_ _data _x _format = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'x_format' ] , '%Y-%m-%d' ) ,
_ _data _id _converter = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'id_converter' ] , function ( id ) { return id ; } ) ,
_ _data _names = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'names' ] , { } ) ,
_ _data _groups = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'groups' ] , [ ] ) ,
_ _data _axes = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'axes' ] , { } ) ,
_ _data _type = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'type' ] , null ) ,
_ _data _types = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'types' ] , { } ) ,
_ _data _regions = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'regions' ] , { } ) ,
_ _data _colors = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'colors' ] , { } ) ,
_ _data _selection _enabled = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'selection' , 'enabled' ] , false ) ,
_ _data _selection _grouped = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'selection' , 'grouped' ] , false ) ,
_ _data _selection _isselectable = getConfig ( [ 'data' , 'selection' , 'isselectable' ] , function ( ) { return true ; } ) ;
// subchart
var _ _subchart _show = getConfig ( [ 'subchart' , 'show' ] , false ) ,
_ _subchart _size _height = _ _subchart _show ? getConfig ( [ 'subchart' , 'size' , 'height' ] , 60 ) : 0 ;
// color
var _ _color _pattern = getConfig ( [ 'color' , 'pattern' ] , null ) ;
// legend
var _ _legend _show = getConfig ( [ 'legend' , 'show' ] , true ) ,
_ _legend _item _width = getConfig ( [ 'legend' , 'item' , 'width' ] , 80 ) , // TODO: auto
_ _legend _item _onclick = getConfig ( [ 'legend' , 'item' , 'onclick' ] , function ( ) { } ) ;
// axis
var _ _axis _x _type = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'x' , 'type' ] , 'indexed' ) ,
_ _axis _x _categories = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'x' , 'categories' ] , [ ] ) ,
_ _axis _x _tick _centered = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'x' , 'tick' , 'centered' ] , false ) ,
_ _axis _x _tick _format = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'x' , 'tick' , 'format' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _x _default = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'x' , 'default' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _x _label = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'x' , 'label' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y _max = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'max' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y _min = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'min' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y _center = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'center' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y _label = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'label' ] , null ) ,
// not used
//__axis_y_rescale = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'rescale'], true),
_ _axis _y _inner = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'inner' ] , false ) ,
_ _axis _y _tick _format = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'tick' , 'format' ] , function ( d ) { return d ; } ) ,
_ _axis _y _padding = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'padding' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y _ticks = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y' , 'ticks' ] , 10 ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _show = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'show' ] , false ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _max = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'max' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _min = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'min' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _center = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'center' ] , null ) ,
// not used
// __axis_y2_label = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'text'], null),
// __axis_y2_rescale = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'rescale'], true),
_ _axis _y2 _inner = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'inner' ] , false ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _tick _format = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'tick' , 'format' ] , function ( d ) { return d ; } ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _padding = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'padding' ] , null ) ,
_ _axis _y2 _ticks = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'y2' , 'ticks' ] , 10 ) ,
_ _axis _rotated = getConfig ( [ 'axis' , 'rotated' ] , false ) ;
// grid
var _ _grid _x _show = getConfig ( [ 'grid' , 'x' , 'show' ] , false ) ,
_ _grid _x _type = getConfig ( [ 'grid' , 'x' , 'type' ] , 'tick' ) ,
_ _grid _x _lines = getConfig ( [ 'grid' , 'x' , 'lines' ] , null ) ,
_ _grid _y _show = getConfig ( [ 'grid' , 'y' , 'show' ] , false ) ,
// not used
// __grid_y_type = getConfig(['grid', 'y', 'type'], 'tick'),
_ _grid _y _lines = getConfig ( [ 'grid' , 'y' , 'lines' ] , null ) ;
// point - point of each data
var _ _point _show = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'show' ] , true ) ,
_ _point _r = _ _point _show ? getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'r' ] , 2.5 ) : 0 ,
_ _point _focus _line _enabled = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'focus' , 'line' , 'enabled' ] , true ) ,
_ _point _focus _expand _enabled = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'focus' , 'expand' , 'enabled' ] , true ) ,
_ _point _focus _expand _r = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'focus' , 'expand' , 'r' ] , _ _point _focus _expand _enabled ? 4 : _ _point _r ) ,
_ _point _select _r = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'focus' , 'select' , 'r' ] , 8 ) ,
_ _point _onclick = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'onclick' ] , function ( ) { } ) ,
_ _point _onselected = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'onselected' ] , function ( ) { } ) ,
_ _point _onunselected = getConfig ( [ 'point' , 'onunselected' ] , function ( ) { } ) ;
// region - region to change style
var _ _regions = getConfig ( [ 'regions' ] , [ ] ) ;
// tooltip - show when mouseover on each data
var _ _tooltip _contents = getConfig ( [ 'tooltip' , 'contents' ] , function ( d ) {
var title = getXAxisTickFormat ( ) ( d [ 0 ] . x ) ,
text = "<table class='-tooltip'><tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + "</th></tr>" , i , value , name ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < d . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( isDefined ( d [ i ] ) ) {
value = isDefined ( d [ i ] . value ) ? ( Math . round ( d [ i ] . value * 100 ) / 100 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) : '-' ;
name = d [ i ] . name ;
} else {
value = '-' ;
name = '-' ;
text += "<tr class='-tooltip-name-" + d [ i ] . id + "'><td class='name'><span style='background-color:" + color ( d [ i ] . id ) + "'></span>" + name + "</td><td class='value'>" + value + "</td></tr>" ;
return text + "</table>" ;
} ) ,
_ _tooltip _init _show = getConfig ( [ 'tooltip' , 'init' , 'show' ] , false ) ,
_ _tooltip _init _x = getConfig ( [ 'tooltip' , 'init' , 'x' ] , 0 ) ,
_ _tooltip _init _position = getConfig ( [ 'tooltip' , 'init' , 'position' ] , { top : '0px' , left : '50px' } ) ;
/*-- Set Variables --*/
var clipId = _ _bindto . replace ( '#' , '' ) + '-clip' ,
clipPath = "url(#" + clipId + ")" ;
var isTimeSeries = ( _ _axis _x _type === 'timeseries' ) ,
isCategorized = ( _ _axis _x _type === 'categorized' ) ,
isCustomX = ! isTimeSeries && ( _ _data _x || _ _data _xs ) ;
var dragStart = null , dragging = false , cancelClick = false ;
var legendHeight = _ _legend _show ? 40 : 0 ;
var color = generateColor ( _ _data _colors , _ _color _pattern ) ;
var defaultTimeFormat = ( function ( ) {
var formats = [
[ d3 . time . format ( "%Y/%-m/%-d" ) , function ( ) { return true ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( "%-m/%-d" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getMonth ( ) ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( "%-m/%-d" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getDate ( ) !== 1 ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( "%-m/%-d" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getDay ( ) && d . getDate ( ) !== 1 ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( "%I %p" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getHours ( ) ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( "%I:%M" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getMinutes ( ) ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( ":%S" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getSeconds ( ) ; } ] ,
[ d3 . time . format ( ".%L" ) , function ( d ) { return d . getMilliseconds ( ) ; } ]
] ;
return function ( date ) {
var i = formats . length - 1 , f = formats [ i ] ;
while ( ! f [ 1 ] ( date ) ) { f = formats [ -- i ] ; }
return f [ 0 ] ( date ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
/*-- Set Chart Params --*/
var bottom , bottom2 , right , left , top2 , top3 , margin , margin2 , margin3 , width , height , height2 , height3 , currentWidth , currentHeight ;
var radius , radiusExpanded , svgArc , svgArcExpanded , svgArcExpandedSub , pie ;
var xMin , xMax , yMin , yMax , x , y , y2 , subX , subY , subY2 , xAxis , yAxis , yAxis2 , subXAxis ;
var xOrient = _ _axis _rotated ? "left" : "bottom" ,
yOrient = _ _axis _rotated ? ( _ _axis _y _inner ? "top" : "bottom" ) : ( _ _axis _y _inner ? "right" : "left" ) ,
y2Orient = _ _axis _rotated ? ( _ _axis _y2 _inner ? "bottom" : "top" ) : ( _ _axis _y2 _inner ? "left" : "right" ) ,
subXOrient = "bottom" ;
var translate = {
main : function ( ) { return "translate(" + margin . left + "," + margin . top + ")" ; } ,
context : function ( ) { return "translate(" + margin2 . left + "," + margin2 . top + ")" ; } ,
legend : function ( ) { return "translate(" + margin3 . left + "," + margin3 . top + ")" ; } ,
y2 : function ( ) { return "translate(" + ( _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : width ) + "," + ( _ _axis _rotated ? 10 : 0 ) + ")" ; } ,
x : function ( ) { return "translate(0," + height + ")" ; } ,
subx : function ( ) { return "translate(0," + height2 + ")" ; } ,
arc : function ( ) { return "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")" ; }
} ;
/*-- Define Functions --*/
//-- Sizes --//
function updateSizes ( ) {
currentWidth = getCurrentWidth ( ) ;
currentHeight = getCurrentHeight ( ) ;
bottom = 20 + _ _subchart _size _height + legendHeight ;
right = getCurrentPaddingRight ( ) ;
left = getCurrentPaddingLeft ( ) ;
top2 = currentHeight - _ _subchart _size _height - legendHeight ;
bottom2 = 20 + legendHeight ;
top3 = currentHeight - legendHeight ;
margin = { top : 0 , right : right , bottom : bottom , left : left } ;
margin2 = { top : top2 , right : NaN , bottom : bottom2 , left : left } ;
margin3 = { top : top3 , right : NaN , bottom : 0 , left : left } ;
width = currentWidth - margin . left - margin . right ;
height = currentHeight - margin . top - margin . bottom ;
height2 = currentHeight - margin2 . top - margin2 . bottom ;
height3 = currentHeight - margin3 . top - margin3 . bottom ;
radiusExpanded = height / 2 ;
radius = radiusExpanded * 0.95 ;
function getCurrentWidth ( ) {
return _ _size _width === null ? getParentWidth ( ) : _ _size _width ;
function getCurrentHeight ( ) {
var h = _ _size _height === null ? getParentHeight ( ) : _ _size _height ;
return h > 0 ? h : 320 ;
function getCurrentPaddingLeft ( ) {
if ( _ _padding _left ) {
return _ _padding _left ;
} else {
return _ _axis _y _inner ? 1 : getDefaultPaddingWithAxisId ( 'y' ) ;
function getCurrentPaddingRight ( ) {
if ( _ _padding _right ) {
return _ _padding _right ;
} else if ( _ _axis _y2 _show ) {
return _ _axis _y2 _inner || _ _axis _rotated ? 1 : getDefaultPaddingWithAxisId ( 'y2' ) ;
} else {
return 20 ;
function getDefaultPaddingWithAxisId ( ) {
return 40 ; // TODO: calc automatically
function getParentWidth ( ) {
return + d3 . select ( _ _bindto ) . style ( "width" ) . replace ( 'px' , '' ) ; // TODO: if rotated, use height
function getParentHeight ( ) {
return + d3 . select ( _ _bindto ) . style ( 'height' ) . replace ( 'px' , '' ) ; // TODO: if rotated, use width
function getXAxisClipWidth ( ) {
return width + 2 + margin . left + margin . right ;
function getXAxisClipHeight ( ) {
return 40 ;
function getYAxisClipWidth ( ) {
return margin . left + 20 ;
function getYAxisClipHeight ( ) {
return height - margin . top + 2 + getXAxisClipHeight ( ) ;
//-- Scales --//
function updateScales ( ) {
// update edges
xMin = _ _axis _rotated ? 10 : 0 ;
xMax = _ _axis _rotated ? height : width ;
yMin = _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : height ;
yMax = _ _axis _rotated ? width : 1 ;
// update scales
x = getX ( xMin , xMax , isDefined ( x ) ? x . domain ( ) : undefined , function ( ) { return xAxis . tickOffset ( ) ; } ) ;
y = getY ( yMin , yMax , isDefined ( y ) ? y . domain ( ) : undefined ) ;
y2 = getY ( yMin , yMax , isDefined ( y2 ) ? y2 . domain ( ) : undefined ) ;
subX = getX ( 0 , width , isDefined ( orgXDomain ) ? orgXDomain : undefined , function ( d ) { return d % 1 === 0 ? subXAxis . tickOffset ( ) : 0 ; } ) ;
subY = getY ( height2 , 10 ) ;
subY2 = getY ( height2 , 10 ) ;
// update axes
xAxis = getXAxis ( x , xOrient ) ;
yAxis = getYAxis ( y , yOrient ) ;
yAxis2 = getYAxis ( y2 , y2Orient ) ;
subXAxis = getXAxis ( subX , subXOrient ) ;
// update for arc
svgArc = getSvgArc ( ) ;
svgArcExpanded = getSvgArcExpanded ( ) ;
svgArcExpandedSub = getSvgArcExpanded ( 0.98 ) ;
function getX ( min , max , domain , offset ) {
var scale = ( ( isTimeSeries ) ? d3 . time . scale ( ) : d3 . scale . linear ( ) ) . range ( [ min , max ] ) ;
// Set function and values for c3
scale . orgDomain = function ( ) { return scale . domain ( ) ; } ;
if ( isDefined ( domain ) ) { scale . domain ( domain ) ; }
if ( isUndefined ( offset ) ) { offset = function ( ) { return 0 ; } ; }
// Define customized scale if categorized axis
if ( isCategorized ) {
var _scale = scale , key ;
scale = function ( d ) { return _scale ( d ) + offset ( d ) ; } ;
for ( key in _scale ) {
scale [ key ] = _scale [ key ] ;
scale . orgDomain = function ( ) {
return _scale . domain ( ) ;
} ;
scale . domain = function ( domain ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) {
domain = _scale . domain ( ) ;
return [ domain [ 0 ] , domain [ 1 ] + 1 ] ;
_scale . domain ( domain ) ;
return scale ;
} ;
return scale ;
function getY ( min , max ) {
return d3 . scale . linear ( ) . range ( [ min , max ] ) ;
function getYScale ( id ) {
return getAxisId ( id ) === 'y2' ? y2 : y ;
function getSubYScale ( id ) {
return getAxisId ( id ) === 'y2' ? subY2 : subY ;
//-- Axes --//
function getXAxis ( scale , orient ) {
var axis = ( isCategorized ? categoryAxis ( ) : d3 . svg . axis ( ) ) . scale ( scale ) . orient ( orient ) ;
// Set tick format
axis . tickFormat ( getXAxisTickFormat ( ) ) ;
// Set categories
if ( isCategorized ) {
axis . categories ( _ _axis _x _categories ) . tickCentered ( _ _axis _x _tick _centered ) ;
} else {
// TODO: fix
axis . tickOffset = function ( ) { return 0 ; } ;
return axis ;
function getYAxis ( scale , orient ) {
return d3 . svg . axis ( ) . scale ( scale ) . orient ( orient ) ;
function getAxisId ( id ) {
return id in _ _data _axes ? _ _data _axes [ id ] : 'y' ;
function getXAxisTickFormat ( ) {
var tickFormat = isTimeSeries ? defaultTimeFormat : isCategorized ? category : function ( x ) { return x ; } ;
if ( _ _axis _x _tick _format ) {
tickFormat = typeof _ _axis _x _tick _format === 'function' ? _ _axis _x _tick _format : isTimeSeries ? function ( date ) { return d3 . time . format ( _ _axis _x _tick _format ) ( date ) ; } : tickFormat ;
return tickFormat ;
//-- Arc --//
pie = d3 . layout . pie ( ) . value ( function ( d ) {
return d . values . reduce ( function ( a , b ) { return a + b . value ; } , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
function updateAngle ( d ) {
var found = false ;
pie ( c3 . data . targets ) . forEach ( function ( t ) {
if ( ! found && t . data . id === d . data . id ) {
found = true ;
d = t ;
return ;
} ) ;
return found ? d : null ;
function getSvgArc ( ) {
var arc = d3 . svg . arc ( ) . outerRadius ( radius ) . innerRadius ( 0 ) ,
newArc = function ( d , withoutUpdate ) {
var updated ;
if ( withoutUpdate ) { return arc ( d ) ; } // for interpolate
updated = updateAngle ( d ) ;
return updated ? arc ( updated ) : "M 0 0" ;
} ;
// TODO: extends all function
newArc . centroid = arc . centroid ;
return newArc ;
function getSvgArcExpanded ( rate ) {
var arc = d3 . svg . arc ( ) . outerRadius ( radiusExpanded * ( rate ? rate : 1 ) ) . innerRadius ( 0 ) ;
return function ( d ) {
var updated = updateAngle ( d ) ;
return updated ? arc ( updated ) : "M 0 0" ;
} ;
function getArc ( d , withoutUpdate ) {
return isArcType ( d . data ) ? svgArc ( d , withoutUpdate ) : "M 0 0" ;
function transformForArcLable ( d ) {
var updated = updateAngle ( d ) , c , x , y , h , translate = "" ;
if ( updated ) {
c = svgArc . centroid ( updated ) ;
x = c [ 0 ] , y = c [ 1 ] , h = Math . sqrt ( x * x + y * y ) ;
translate = "translate(" + ( ( x / h ) * radius * 0.8 ) + ',' + ( ( y / h ) * radius * 0.8 ) + ")" ;
return translate ;
function textForArcLable ( d ) {
var ratio = 100 * ( d . endAngle - d . startAngle ) / ( Math . PI * 2 ) ;
return ratio . toFixed ( 1 ) + "%" ;
function expandArc ( targetId , withoutFadeOut ) {
var target = svg . selectAll ( '.chart-arc.target' + ( targetId ? '-' + targetId : '' ) ) ,
noneTargets = svg . selectAll ( '.-arc' ) . filter ( function ( data ) { return data . data . id !== targetId ; } ) ;
target . selectAll ( 'path' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 50 )
. attr ( "d" , svgArcExpanded )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 100 )
. attr ( "d" , svgArcExpandedSub ) ;
if ( ! withoutFadeOut ) {
noneTargets . style ( "opacity" , 0.3 ) ;
function unexpandArc ( targetId ) {
var target = svg . selectAll ( '.chart-arc.target' + ( targetId ? '-' + targetId : '' ) ) ;
target . selectAll ( 'path' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 50 )
. attr ( "d" , svgArc ) ;
svg . selectAll ( '.-arc' )
. style ( "opacity" , 1 ) ;
//-- Domain --//
function getYDomainMin ( targets ) {
return d3 . min ( targets , function ( t ) { return d3 . min ( t . values , function ( v ) { return v . value ; } ) ; } ) ;
function getYDomainMax ( targets ) {
var ys = { } , j , k ;
targets . forEach ( function ( t ) {
ys [ t . id ] = [ ] ;
t . values . forEach ( function ( v ) {
ys [ t . id ] . push ( v . value ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < _ _data _groups . length ; j ++ ) {
for ( k = 1 ; k < _ _data _groups [ j ] . length ; k ++ ) {
if ( ! isBarType ( _ _data _groups [ j ] [ k ] ) ) { continue ; }
if ( isUndefined ( ys [ _ _data _groups [ j ] [ k ] ] ) ) { continue ; }
ys [ _ _data _groups [ j ] [ k ] ] . forEach ( function ( v , i ) {
if ( getAxisId ( _ _data _groups [ j ] [ k ] ) === getAxisId ( _ _data _groups [ j ] [ 0 ] ) && ys [ _ _data _groups [ j ] [ 0 ] ] ) {
ys [ _ _data _groups [ j ] [ 0 ] ] [ i ] += + v ;
} ) ;
return d3 . max ( Object . keys ( ys ) . map ( function ( key ) { return d3 . max ( ys [ key ] ) ; } ) ) ;
function getYDomain ( axisId ) {
var yTargets = getTargets ( function ( d ) { return getAxisId ( d . id ) === axisId ; } ) ,
yMin = axisId === 'y2' ? _ _axis _y2 _min : _ _axis _y _min ,
yMax = axisId === 'y2' ? _ _axis _y2 _max : _ _axis _y _max ,
yDomainMin = ( yMin !== null ) ? yMin : getYDomainMin ( yTargets ) ,
yDomainMax = ( yMax !== null ) ? yMax : getYDomainMax ( yTargets ) ,
padding = Math . abs ( yDomainMax - yDomainMin ) * 0.1 ,
padding _top = padding , padding _bottom = padding ,
center = axisId === 'y2' ? _ _axis _y2 _center : _ _axis _y _center ;
if ( center !== null ) {
var yDomainAbs = Math . max ( Math . abs ( yDomainMin ) , Math . abs ( yDomainMax ) ) ;
yDomainMax = yDomainAbs - center ;
yDomainMin = center - yDomainAbs ;
if ( axisId === 'y' && _ _axis _y _padding !== null ) {
padding _top = isDefined ( _ _axis _y _padding . top ) ? _ _axis _y _padding . top : padding ;
padding _bottom = isDefined ( _ _axis _y _padding . bottom ) ? _ _axis _y _padding . bottom : padding ;
if ( axisId === 'y2' && _ _axis _y2 _padding !== null ) {
padding _top = isDefined ( _ _axis _y2 _padding . top ) ? _ _axis _y2 _padding . top : padding ;
padding _bottom = isDefined ( _ _axis _y2 _padding . bottom ) ? _ _axis _y2 _padding . bottom : padding ;
return [ yDomainMin - padding _bottom , yDomainMax + padding _top ] ;
function getXDomainRatio ( isSub ) {
var domain , extent ;
if ( isSub ) {
domain = x . domain ( ) ;
extent = brush . extent ( ) ;
} else {
domain = orgXDomain ;
extent = x . domain ( ) ;
return ( domain [ 1 ] - domain [ 0 ] ) / ( extent [ 1 ] - extent [ 0 ] ) ;
function getXDomainMin ( targets ) {
return d3 . min ( targets , function ( t ) { return d3 . min ( t . values , function ( v ) { return v . x ; } ) ; } ) ;
function getXDomainMax ( targets ) {
return d3 . max ( targets , function ( t ) { return d3 . max ( t . values , function ( v ) { return v . x ; } ) ; } ) ;
function getXDomain ( targets ) {
var xDomain = [ getXDomainMin ( targets ) , getXDomainMax ( targets ) ] ,
firstX = xDomain [ 0 ] , lastX = xDomain [ 1 ] ,
padding = isCategorized ? 0 : Math . abs ( firstX - lastX ) * 0.01 ,
min = isTimeSeries ? new Date ( firstX . getTime ( ) - padding ) : firstX - padding ,
max = isTimeSeries ? new Date ( lastX . getTime ( ) + padding ) : lastX + padding ;
return [ min , max ] ;
function diffDomain ( d ) {
return d [ 1 ] - d [ 0 ] ;
//-- Cache --//
function hasCaches ( ids ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ids . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! ( ids [ i ] in cache ) ) { return false ; }
return true ;
function addCache ( id , target ) {
cache [ id ] = cloneTarget ( target ) ;
function getCaches ( ids ) {
var targets = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ids . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ids [ i ] in cache ) { targets . push ( cloneTarget ( cache [ ids [ i ] ] ) ) ; }
return targets ;
//-- Regions --//
function regionStart ( d ) {
return ( 'start' in d ) ? x ( isTimeSeries ? parseDate ( d . start ) : d . start ) : 0 ;
function regionWidth ( d ) {
var start = regionStart ( d ) ,
end = ( 'end' in d ) ? x ( isTimeSeries ? parseDate ( d . end ) : d . end ) : width ,
w = end - start ;
return ( w < 0 ) ? 0 : w ;
//-- Data --//
function isX ( key ) {
return ( _ _data _x && key === _ _data _x ) || ( _ _data _xs && hasValue ( _ _data _xs , key ) ) ;
function isNotX ( key ) {
return ! isX ( key ) ;
function getXKey ( id ) {
return _ _data _x ? _ _data _x : _ _data _xs ? _ _data _xs [ id ] : null ;
function getXValue ( id , i ) {
return id in c3 . data . x && c3 . data . x [ id ] && c3 . data . x [ id ] [ i ] ? c3 . data . x [ id ] [ i ] : i ;
function addName ( data ) {
var name = _ _data _names [ data . id ] ;
data . name = isDefined ( name ) ? name : data . id ;
return data ;
function convertRowsToData ( rows ) {
var keys = rows [ 0 ] , new _row = { } , new _rows = [ ] , i , j ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < rows . length ; i ++ ) {
new _row = { } ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < rows [ i ] . length ; j ++ ) {
new _row [ keys [ j ] ] = rows [ i ] [ j ] ;
new _rows . push ( new _row ) ;
return new _rows ;
function convertColumnsToData ( columns ) {
var new _rows = [ ] , i , j , key ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < columns . length ; i ++ ) {
key = columns [ i ] [ 0 ] ;
for ( j = 1 ; j < columns [ i ] . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( isUndefined ( new _rows [ j - 1 ] ) ) {
new _rows [ j - 1 ] = { } ;
new _rows [ j - 1 ] [ key ] = columns [ i ] [ j ] ;
return new _rows ;
function convertDataToTargets ( data ) {
var ids = d3 . keys ( data [ 0 ] ) . filter ( isNotX ) , xs = d3 . keys ( data [ 0 ] ) . filter ( isX ) , targets ;
// check "x" is defined if timeseries
if ( isTimeSeries && xs . length === 0 ) {
window . alert ( 'data.x or data.xs must be specified when axis.x.type == "timeseries"' ) ;
return [ ] ;
// save x for update data by load
if ( isCustomX ) {
ids . forEach ( function ( id ) {
var xKey = getXKey ( id ) ;
if ( xs . indexOf ( xKey ) >= 0 ) {
c3 . data . x [ id ] = data . map ( function ( d ) { return d [ xKey ] ; } ) ;
} ) ;
// convert to target
targets = ids . map ( function ( id ) {
var convertedId = _ _data _id _converter ( id ) ;
return {
id : convertedId ,
id _org : id ,
values : data . map ( function ( d , i ) {
var x , xKey = getXKey ( id ) ;
if ( isTimeSeries ) {
x = parseDate ( d [ xKey ] ) ;
else if ( isCustomX ) {
x = d [ xKey ] ? d [ xKey ] : getXValue ( id , i ) ;
else {
x = i ;
d . x = x ; // used by event-rect
return { x : x , value : d [ id ] !== null && ! isNaN ( d [ id ] ) ? + d [ id ] : null , id : convertedId } ;
} )
} ;
} ) ;
// finish targets
targets . forEach ( function ( t ) {
var i ;
// sort values by its x
t . values = t . values . sort ( function ( v1 , v2 ) {
var x1 = v1 . x || v1 . x === 0 ? v1 . x : Infinity ,
x2 = v2 . x || v2 . x === 0 ? v2 . x : Infinity ;
return x1 - x2 ;
} ) ;
// indexing each value
i = 0 ;
t . values . forEach ( function ( v ) {
v . index = i ++ ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// cache as original id keyed
targets . forEach ( function ( d ) {
addCache ( d . id _org , d ) ;
} ) ;
return targets ;
function cloneTarget ( target ) {
return {
id : target . id ,
id _org : target . id _org ,
values : target . values . map ( function ( d ) {
return { x : d . x , value : d . value , id : d . id } ;
} )
} ;
function getPrevX ( i ) {
return i > 0 && c3 . data . targets [ 0 ] . values [ i - 1 ] ? c3 . data . targets [ 0 ] . values [ i - 1 ] . x : undefined ;
function getNextX ( i ) {
return i < maxDataCount ( ) - 1 ? c3 . data . targets [ 0 ] . values [ i + 1 ] . x : undefined ;
function maxDataCount ( ) {
return d3 . max ( c3 . data . targets , function ( t ) { return t . values . length ; } ) ;
function getTargetIds ( targets ) {
targets = isUndefined ( targets ) ? c3 . data . targets : targets ;
return targets . map ( function ( d ) { return d . id ; } ) ;
function hasTarget ( id ) {
var ids = getTargetIds ( ) , i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ids . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ids [ i ] === id ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function getTargets ( filter ) {
return isDefined ( filter ) ? c3 . data . targets . filter ( filter ) : c3 . data . targets ;
function category ( i ) {
return i < _ _axis _x _categories . length ? _ _axis _x _categories [ i ] : i ;
function classShapes ( d ) { return "-shapes -shapes-" + d . id ; }
function classLine ( d ) { return classShapes ( d ) + " -line -line-" + d . id ; }
function classCircles ( d ) { return classShapes ( d ) + " -circles -circles-" + d . id ; }
function classBars ( d ) { return classShapes ( d ) + " -bars -bars-" + d . id ; }
function classArc ( d ) { return classShapes ( d . data ) + " -arc -arc-" + d . data . id ; }
function classArea ( d ) { return classShapes ( d ) + " -area -area-" + d . id ; }
function classShape ( d , i ) { return "-shape -shape-" + i ; }
function classCircle ( d , i ) { return classShape ( d , i ) + " -circle -circle-" + i ; }
function classBar ( d , i ) { return classShape ( d , i ) + " -bar -bar-" + i ; }
function classRegion ( d , i ) { return 'region region-' + i + ' ' + ( 'classes' in d ? [ ] . concat ( d . classes ) . join ( ' ' ) : '' ) ; }
function xx ( d ) {
return x ( d . x ) ;
function xv ( d ) {
return x ( isTimeSeries ? parseDate ( d . value ) : d . value ) ;
function yv ( d ) {
return y ( d . value ) ;
function findSameXOfValues ( values , index ) {
var i , targetX = values [ index ] . x , sames = [ ] ;
for ( i = index - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( targetX !== values [ i ] . x ) { break ; }
sames . push ( values [ i ] ) ;
for ( i = index ; i < values . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( targetX !== values [ i ] . x ) { break ; }
sames . push ( values [ i ] ) ;
return sames ;
function findClosestOfValues ( values , pos , _min , _max ) { // MEMO: values must be sorted by x
var min = _min ? _min : 0 ,
max = _max ? _max : values . length - 1 ,
med = Math . floor ( ( max - min ) / 2 ) + min ,
value = values [ med ] ,
diff = x ( value . x ) - pos [ 0 ] ,
candidates ;
// Update range for search
diff > 0 ? max = med : min = med ;
// if candidates are two closest min and max, stop recursive call
if ( ( max - min ) === 1 ) {
// Get candidates that has same min and max index
candidates = [ ] ;
if ( values [ min ] . x ) {
candidates = candidates . concat ( findSameXOfValues ( values , min ) ) ;
if ( values [ max ] . x ) {
candidates = candidates . concat ( findSameXOfValues ( values , max ) ) ;
// Determine the closest and return
return findClosest ( candidates , pos ) ;
return findClosestOfValues ( values , pos , min , max ) ;
function findClosestFromTargets ( targets , pos ) {
var candidates ;
// map to array of closest points of each target
candidates = targets . map ( function ( target ) {
return findClosestOfValues ( target . values , pos ) ;
} ) ;
// decide closest point and return
return findClosest ( candidates , pos ) ;
function findClosest ( values , pos ) {
var minDist , closest ;
values . forEach ( function ( v ) {
var d = dist ( v , pos ) ;
if ( d < minDist || ! minDist ) {
minDist = d ;
closest = v ;
} ) ;
return closest ;
//-- Tooltip --//
function showTooltip ( selectedData , mouse ) {
// Construct tooltip
tooltip . html ( _ _tooltip _contents ( selectedData ) )
. style ( "visibility" , "hidden" )
. style ( "display" , "block" ) ;
// Get tooltip dimensions
var tWidth = tooltip . property ( 'offsetWidth' ) ,
tHeight = tooltip . property ( 'offsetHeight' ) ;
// Set tooltip
// todo get rid of magic numbers
. style ( "top" , ( mouse [ 1 ] + 15 + tHeight < getCurrentHeight ( ) ? mouse [ 1 ] + 15 : mouse [ 1 ] - tHeight ) + "px" )
. style ( "left" , ( ( _ _axis _rotated ?
mouse [ 0 ] :
( x ( selectedData [ 0 ] . x ) + 60 + tWidth < getCurrentWidth ( ) ) ?
( x ( selectedData [ 0 ] . x ) + 60 ) + "px" : ( x ( selectedData [ 0 ] . x ) - tWidth + 30 ) + "px"
) ) )
. style ( "visibility" , "visible" ) ;
function hideTooltip ( ) {
tooltip . style ( "display" , "none" ) ;
function showXGridFocus ( data ) {
// Hide when scatter plot exists
if ( hasScatterType ( c3 . data . targets ) || hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
main . selectAll ( 'line.xgrid-focus' )
. style ( "visibility" , "visible" )
. data ( [ data ] )
. attr ( _ _axis _rotated ? 'y1' : 'x1' , xx )
. attr ( _ _axis _rotated ? 'y2' : 'x2' , xx ) ;
function hideXGridFocus ( ) {
main . select ( 'line.xgrid-focus' ) . style ( "visibility" , "hidden" ) ;
//-- Circle --//
function circleX ( d ) {
return d . x || d . x === 0 ? x ( d . x ) : null ;
function circleY ( d ) {
return getYScale ( d . id ) ( d . value ) ;
//-- Bar --//
function getBarIndices ( ) {
var indices = { } , i = 0 , j , k ;
getTargets ( isBarType ) . forEach ( function ( d ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < _ _data _groups . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( _ _data _groups [ j ] . indexOf ( d . id ) < 0 ) { continue ; }
for ( k = 0 ; k < _ _data _groups [ j ] . length ; k ++ ) {
if ( _ _data _groups [ j ] [ k ] in indices ) {
indices [ d . id ] = indices [ _ _data _groups [ j ] [ k ] ] ;
break ;
if ( isUndefined ( indices [ d . id ] ) ) { indices [ d . id ] = i ++ ; }
} ) ;
indices . _ _max _ _ = i - 1 ;
return indices ;
function getBarX ( barW , barTargetsNum , barIndices , isSub ) {
var scale = isSub ? subX : x ;
if ( ! barTargetsNum ) { return function ( ) { return 0 ; } ; }
return function ( d ) {
var barIndex = d . id in barIndices ? barIndices [ d . id ] : 0 ;
return d . x || d . x === 0 ? scale ( d . x ) - barW * ( barTargetsNum / 2 - barIndex ) : 0 ;
} ;
function getBarY ( isSub ) {
return function ( d , i ) {
var scale = isSub ? getSubYScale ( d . id ) : getYScale ( d . id ) ;
return scale ( d . value ) ;
} ;
function getBarOffset ( barIndices , isSub ) {
var indicesIds = Object . keys ( barIndices ) ;
return function ( d , i ) {
var offset = 0 ;
var scale = isSub ? getSubYScale ( d . id ) : getYScale ( d . id ) ;
getTargets ( isBarType ) . forEach ( function ( t ) {
if ( t . id === d . id || barIndices [ t . id ] !== barIndices [ d . id ] ) { return ; }
if ( indicesIds . indexOf ( t . id ) < indicesIds . indexOf ( d . id ) && t . values [ i ] . value * d . value > 0 ) {
offset += scale ( t . values [ i ] . value ) ;
} ) ;
return offset ;
} ;
function getBarW ( axis , barTargetsNum , isSub ) {
var barW ;
if ( isCategorized ) {
barW = barTargetsNum ? ( axis . tickOffset ( ) * 2 * 0.6 ) / barTargetsNum : 0 ;
} else {
barW = ( ( ( _ _axis _rotated ? height : width ) * getXDomainRatio ( isSub ) ) / ( maxDataCount ( ) - 1 ) ) * 0.6 ;
return barW ;
function getBarH ( height , isSub ) {
var h = height === null ? function ( v ) { return v ; } : function ( v ) { return height > v ? height - v : 0 ; } ;
return function ( d ) {
var scale = isSub ? getSubYScale ( d . id ) : getYScale ( d . id ) ;
return h ( scale ( d . value ) ) ;
} ;
//-- Type --//
function setTargetType ( targets , type ) {
var targetIds = isUndefined ( targets ) ? getTargetIds ( ) : targets ;
if ( typeof targetIds === 'string' ) { targetIds = [ targetIds ] ; }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetIds . length ; i ++ ) {
_ _data _types [ targetIds [ i ] ] = type ;
function hasType ( targets , type ) {
var has = false ;
targets . forEach ( function ( t ) {
if ( _ _data _types [ t . id ] === type ) { has = true ; }
if ( ! ( t . id in _ _data _types ) && type === 'line' ) { has = true ; }
} ) ;
return has ;
/ * n o t u s e d
function hasLineType ( targets ) {
return hasType ( targets , 'line' ) ;
* /
function hasBarType ( targets ) {
return hasType ( targets , 'bar' ) ;
function hasScatterType ( targets ) {
return hasType ( targets , 'scatter' ) ;
function hasArcType ( targets ) {
return hasType ( targets , 'pie' ) ;
function isLineType ( d ) {
var id = ( typeof d === 'string' ) ? d : d . id ;
return ! ( id in _ _data _types ) || _ _data _types [ id ] === 'line' || _ _data _types [ id ] === 'spline' || _ _data _types [ id ] === 'area' || _ _data _types [ id ] === 'area-spline' ;
function isSplineType ( d ) {
var id = ( typeof d === 'string' ) ? d : d . id ;
return _ _data _types [ id ] === 'spline' || _ _data _types [ id ] === 'area-spline' ;
function isBarType ( d ) {
var id = ( typeof d === 'string' ) ? d : d . id ;
return _ _data _types [ id ] === 'bar' ;
function isScatterType ( d ) {
var id = ( typeof d === 'string' ) ? d : d . id ;
return _ _data _types [ id ] === 'scatter' ;
function isArcType ( d ) {
var id = ( typeof d === 'string' ) ? d : d . id ;
return _ _data _types [ id ] === 'pie' ;
/ * n o t u s e d
function lineData ( d ) {
return isLineType ( d ) ? d . values : [ ] ;
function scatterData ( d ) {
return isScatterType ( d ) ? d . values : [ ] ;
* /
function barData ( d ) {
return isBarType ( d ) ? d . values : [ ] ;
function lineOrScatterData ( d ) {
return isLineType ( d ) || isScatterType ( d ) ? d . values : [ ] ;
//-- Color --//
function generateColor ( _colors , _pattern ) {
var ids = [ ] ,
colors = _colors ,
pattern = ( _pattern !== null ) ? _pattern : [ '#1f77b4' , '#ff7f0e' , '#2ca02c' , '#d62728' , '#9467bd' , '#8c564b' , '#e377c2' , '#7f7f7f' , '#bcbd22' , '#17becf' ] ; //same as d3.scale.category10()
return function ( id ) {
// if specified, choose that color
if ( id in colors ) { return _colors [ id ] ; }
// if not specified, choose from pattern
if ( ids . indexOf ( id ) === - 1 ) {
ids . push ( id ) ;
return pattern [ ids . indexOf ( id ) % pattern . length ] ;
} ;
//-- Date --//
function parseDate ( date ) {
var parsedDate ;
if ( ! date ) { throw Error ( date + " can not be parsed as d3.time with format " + _ _data _x _format + ". Maybe 'x' of this data is not defined. See data.x or data.xs option." ) ; }
parsedDate = d3 . time . format ( _ _data _x _format ) . parse ( date ) ;
if ( ! parsedDate ) { throw Error ( "Failed to parse '" + date + "' with format " + _ _data _x _format ) ; }
return parsedDate ;
//-- Util --//
function isWithinCircle ( _this , _r ) {
var mouse = d3 . mouse ( _this ) , d3 _this = d3 . select ( _this ) ;
var cx = d3 _this . attr ( "cx" ) * 1 , cy = d3 _this . attr ( "cy" ) * 1 ;
return Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( cx - mouse [ 0 ] , 2 ) + Math . pow ( cy - mouse [ 1 ] , 2 ) ) < _r ;
function isWithinBar ( _this ) {
var mouse = d3 . mouse ( _this ) , d3 _this = d3 . select ( _this ) ;
var x = d3 _this . attr ( "x" ) * 1 , y = d3 _this . attr ( "y" ) * 1 , w = d3 _this . attr ( "width" ) * 1 ;
var sx = x - 10 , ex = x + w + 10 , ey = y - 10 ;
return sx < mouse [ 0 ] && mouse [ 0 ] < ex && ey < mouse [ 1 ] ;
function isWithinRegions ( x , regions ) {
var i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < regions . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( regions [ i ] . start < x && x <= regions [ i ] . end ) { return true ; }
return false ;
function hasValue ( dict , value ) {
var found = false ;
Object . keys ( dict ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
if ( dict [ key ] === value ) { found = true ; }
} ) ;
return found ;
function dist ( data , pos ) {
return Math . pow ( x ( data . x ) - pos [ 0 ] , 2 ) + Math . pow ( y ( data . value ) - pos [ 1 ] , 2 ) ;
//-- Selection --//
function selectPoint ( target , d , i ) {
_ _point _onselected ( target , d ) ;
// add selected-circle on low layer g
main . select ( ".selected-circles-" + d . id ) . selectAll ( '.selected-circle-' + i )
. data ( [ d ] )
. enter ( ) . append ( 'circle' )
. attr ( "class" , function ( ) { return "selected-circle selected-circle-" + i ; } )
. attr ( "cx" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleY : circleX )
. attr ( "cy" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleX : circleY )
. attr ( "stroke" , function ( ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } )
. attr ( "r" , _ _point _select _r * 1.4 )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 100 )
. attr ( "r" , _ _point _select _r ) ;
function unselectPoint ( target , d , i ) {
_ _point _onunselected ( target , d ) ;
// remove selected-circle from low layer g
main . select ( ".selected-circles-" + d . id ) . selectAll ( ".selected-circle-" + i )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 100 ) . attr ( 'r' , 0 )
. remove ( ) ;
function togglePoint ( selected , target , d , i ) {
( selected ) ? selectPoint ( target , d , i ) : unselectPoint ( target , d , i ) ;
function selectBar ( ) {
function unselectBar ( ) {
function toggleBar ( selected , target , d , i ) {
( selected ) ? selectBar ( target , d , i ) : unselectBar ( target , d , i ) ;
function filterRemoveNull ( data ) {
return data . filter ( function ( d ) { return d . value !== null ; } ) ;
//-- Shape --//
function getCircles ( i , id ) {
return ( id ? main . selectAll ( '.-circles-' + id ) : main ) . selectAll ( '.-circle' + ( i || i === 0 ? '-' + i : '' ) ) ;
function expandCircles ( i , id ) {
getCircles ( i , id )
. classed ( EXPANDED , true )
. attr ( 'r' , _ _point _focus _expand _r ) ;
function unexpandCircles ( i ) {
getCircles ( i )
. filter ( function ( ) { return d3 . select ( this ) . classed ( EXPANDED ) ; } )
. classed ( EXPANDED , false )
. attr ( 'r' , _ _point _r ) ;
function getBars ( i ) {
return main . selectAll ( ".-bar" + ( i || i === 0 ? '-' + i : '' ) ) ;
function expandBars ( i ) {
getBars ( i ) . classed ( EXPANDED , false ) ;
function unexpandBars ( i ) {
getBars ( i ) . classed ( EXPANDED , false ) ;
// For main region
var lineOnMain = ( function ( ) {
var line = d3 . svg . line ( )
. x ( _ _axis _rotated ? function ( d ) { return getYScale ( d . id ) ( d . value ) ; } : xx )
. y ( _ _axis _rotated ? xx : function ( d ) { return getYScale ( d . id ) ( d . value ) ; } ) ;
return function ( d ) {
var data = filterRemoveNull ( d . values ) , x0 , y0 ;
if ( isLineType ( d ) ) {
isSplineType ( d ) ? line . interpolate ( "cardinal" ) : line . interpolate ( "linear" ) ;
return _ _data _regions [ d . id ] ? lineWithRegions ( data , x , getYScale ( d . id ) , _ _data _regions [ d . id ] ) : line ( data ) ;
} else {
x0 = x ( data [ 0 ] . x ) ;
y0 = getYScale ( d . id ) ( data [ 0 ] . value ) ;
return _ _axis _rotated ? "M " + y0 + " " + x0 : "M " + x0 + " " + y0 ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var areaOnMain = ( function ( ) {
var area ;
if ( _ _axis _rotated ) {
area = d3 . svg . area ( )
. x0 ( function ( d ) { return getYScale ( d . id ) ( 0 ) ; } )
. x1 ( function ( d ) { return getYScale ( d . id ) ( d . value ) ; } )
. y ( xx ) ;
} else {
area = d3 . svg . area ( )
. x ( xx )
. y0 ( function ( d ) { return getYScale ( d . id ) ( 0 ) ; } )
. y1 ( function ( d ) { return getYScale ( d . id ) ( d . value ) ; } ) ;
return function ( d ) {
var data = filterRemoveNull ( d . values ) , x0 , y0 ;
if ( hasType ( [ d ] , 'area' ) || hasType ( [ d ] , 'area-spline' ) ) {
isSplineType ( d ) ? area . interpolate ( "cardinal" ) : area . interpolate ( "linear" ) ;
return area ( data ) ;
} else {
x0 = x ( data [ 0 ] . x ) ;
y0 = getYScale ( d . id ) ( data [ 0 ] . value ) ;
return _ _axis _rotated ? "M " + y0 + " " + x0 : "M " + x0 + " " + y0 ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
// For brush region
var lineOnSub = ( function ( ) {
var line = d3 . svg . line ( )
. x ( function ( d ) { return subX ( d . x ) ; } )
. y ( function ( d ) { return getSubYScale ( d . id ) ( d . value ) ; } ) ;
return function ( d ) {
var data = filterRemoveNull ( d . values ) ;
return isLineType ( d ) ? line ( data ) : "M " + subX ( data [ 0 ] . x ) + " " + getSubYScale ( d . id ) ( data [ 0 ] . value ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
function lineWithRegions ( d , x , y , _regions ) {
var prev = - 1 , i , j ;
var s = "M" , sWithRegion ;
var xp , yp , dx , dy , dd , diff ;
var xValue , yValue ;
var regions = [ ] ;
// Check start/end of regions
if ( isDefined ( _regions ) ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < _regions . length ; i ++ ) {
regions [ i ] = { } ;
if ( isUndefined ( _regions [ i ] . start ) ) {
regions [ i ] . start = d [ 0 ] . x ;
} else {
regions [ i ] . start = isTimeSeries ? parseDate ( _regions [ i ] . start ) : _regions [ i ] . start ;
if ( isUndefined ( _regions [ i ] . end ) ) {
regions [ i ] . end = d [ d . length - 1 ] . x ;
} else {
regions [ i ] . end = isTimeSeries ? parseDate ( _regions [ i ] . end ) : _regions [ i ] . end ;
// Set scales
xValue = _ _axis _rotated ? function ( d ) { return y ( d . value ) ; } : function ( d ) { return x ( d . x ) ; } ;
yValue = _ _axis _rotated ? function ( d ) { return x ( d . x ) ; } : function ( d ) { return y ( d . value ) ; } ;
// Define svg generator function for region
if ( isTimeSeries ) {
sWithRegion = function ( d0 , d1 , j , diff ) {
var x0 = d0 . x . getTime ( ) , x _diff = d1 . x - d0 . x ,
xv0 = new Date ( x0 + x _diff * j ) ,
xv1 = new Date ( x0 + x _diff * ( j + diff ) ) ;
return "M" + x ( xv0 ) + " " + y ( yp ( j ) ) + " " + x ( xv1 ) + " " + y ( yp ( j + diff ) ) ;
} ;
} else {
sWithRegion = function ( d0 , d1 , j , diff ) {
return "M" + x ( xp ( j ) ) + " " + y ( yp ( j ) ) + " " + x ( xp ( j + diff ) ) + " " + y ( yp ( j + diff ) ) ;
} ;
// Generate
for ( i = 0 ; i < d . length ; i ++ ) {
// Draw as normal
if ( isUndefined ( regions ) || ! isWithinRegions ( d [ i ] . x , regions ) ) {
s += " " + xValue ( d [ i ] ) + " " + yValue ( d [ i ] ) ;
// Draw with region // TODO: Fix for horizotal charts
else {
xp = getX ( d [ i - 1 ] . x , d [ i ] . x ) ;
yp = getY ( d [ i - 1 ] . value , d [ i ] . value ) ;
dx = x ( d [ i ] . x ) - x ( d [ i - 1 ] . x ) ;
dy = y ( d [ i ] . value ) - y ( d [ i - 1 ] . value ) ;
dd = Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( dx , 2 ) + Math . pow ( dy , 2 ) ) ;
diff = 2 / dd ;
var diffx2 = diff * 2 ;
for ( j = diff ; j <= 1 ; j += diffx2 ) {
s += sWithRegion ( d [ i - 1 ] , d [ i ] , j , diff ) ;
prev = d [ i ] . x ;
return s ;
//-- Define brush/zoom -//
var brush = d3 . svg . brush ( ) . on ( "brush" , redrawForBrush ) ;
var zoom = d3 . behavior . zoom ( ) . on ( "zoomstart" , function ( ) { zoom . altDomain = d3 . event . sourceEvent . altKey ? x . orgDomain ( ) : null ; } ) . on ( "zoom" , _ _zoom _enabled ? redrawForZoom : null ) ;
// define functions for c3
brush . update = function ( ) {
if ( context ) { context . select ( '.x.brush' ) . call ( this ) ; }
return this ;
} ;
zoom . orgScaleExtent = function ( ) {
var extent = _ _zoom _extent ? _ _zoom _extent : [ 1 , 10 ] ;
return [ extent [ 0 ] , Math . max ( maxDataCount ( ) / extent [ 1 ] , extent [ 1 ] ) ] ;
} ;
zoom . updateScaleExtent = function ( ) {
var ratio = diffDomain ( x . orgDomain ( ) ) / diffDomain ( orgXDomain ) , extent = this . orgScaleExtent ( ) ;
this . scaleExtent ( [ extent [ 0 ] * ratio , extent [ 1 ] * ratio ] ) ;
return this ;
} ;
/*-- Draw Chart --*/
// for svg elements
var svg , defs , main , context , legend , tooltip , selectChart ;
// for brush area culculation
var orgXDomain ;
function init ( data ) {
var eventRect , grid , xgridLine ;
var i ;
selectChart = d3 . select ( _ _bindto ) ;
if ( selectChart . empty ( ) ) {
window . alert ( 'No bind element found. Check the selector specified by "bindto" and existance of that element. Default "bindto" is "#chart".' ) ;
return ;
} else {
selectChart . html ( "" ) ;
// Init data as targets
c3 . data . x = { } ;
c3 . data . targets = convertDataToTargets ( data ) ;
// TODO: set names if names not specified
// Init sizes and scales
updateSizes ( ) ;
updateScales ( ) ;
// Set domains for each scale
x . domain ( d3 . extent ( getXDomain ( c3 . data . targets ) ) ) ;
y . domain ( getYDomain ( 'y' ) ) ;
y2 . domain ( getYDomain ( 'y2' ) ) ;
subX . domain ( x . domain ( ) ) ;
subY . domain ( y . domain ( ) ) ;
subY2 . domain ( y2 . domain ( ) ) ;
// Set axes attrs
xAxis . ticks ( data . length < 10 ? data . length : 10 ) ;
yAxis . ticks ( _ _axis _y _ticks ) . outerTickSize ( 0 ) . tickFormat ( _ _axis _y _tick _format ) ;
yAxis2 . ticks ( _ _axis _y2 _ticks ) . outerTickSize ( 0 ) . tickFormat ( _ _axis _y2 _tick _format ) ;
// Save original x domain for zoom update
orgXDomain = x . domain ( ) ;
// Set initialized scales to brush and zoom
brush . x ( subX ) ;
if ( _ _zoom _enabled ) { zoom . x ( x ) ; }
/*-- Basic Elements --*/
// Define svgs
svg = d3 . select ( _ _bindto ) . append ( "svg" )
. attr ( "width" , width + margin . left + margin . right )
. attr ( "height" , height + margin . top + margin . bottom )
. on ( 'mouseenter' , _ _onenter )
. on ( 'mouseleave' , _ _onleave ) ;
// Define defs
defs = svg . append ( "defs" ) ;
defs . append ( "clipPath" )
. attr ( "id" , clipId )
. append ( "rect" )
. attr ( "y" , margin . top )
. attr ( "width" , width )
. attr ( "height" , height - margin . top ) ;
defs . append ( "clipPath" )
. attr ( "id" , "xaxis-clip" )
. append ( "rect" )
. attr ( "x" , - 1 - margin . left )
. attr ( "y" , - 20 )
. attr ( "width" , getXAxisClipWidth )
. attr ( "height" , getXAxisClipHeight ) ;
defs . append ( "clipPath" )
. attr ( "id" , "yaxis-clip" )
. append ( "rect" )
. attr ( "x" , - margin . left + 1 )
. attr ( "y" , margin . top - 1 )
. attr ( "width" , getYAxisClipWidth )
. attr ( "height" , getYAxisClipHeight ) ;
// Define regions
main = svg . append ( "g" ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . main ) ;
context = _ _subchart _show ? svg . append ( "g" ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . context ) : null ;
legend = _ _legend _show ? svg . append ( "g" ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . legend ) : null ;
// Define tooltip
tooltip = d3 . select ( _ _bindto )
. style ( "position" , "relative" )
. append ( "div" )
. style ( "position" , "absolute" )
. style ( "z-index" , "10" )
. style ( "display" , "none" ) ;
/*-- Main Region --*/
// Add Axis
main . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "x axis" )
. attr ( "clip-path" , _ _axis _rotated ? "" : "url(#xaxis-clip)" )
. attr ( "transform" , translate . x )
. call ( _ _axis _rotated ? yAxis : xAxis )
. append ( "text" )
. attr ( "class" , "-axis-x-label" )
. attr ( "x" , width )
. attr ( "dy" , "-.5em" )
. style ( "text-anchor" , "end" )
. text ( _ _axis _x _label ) ;
main . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "y axis" )
. attr ( "clip-path" , _ _axis _rotated ? "url(#yaxis-clip)" : "" )
. call ( _ _axis _rotated ? xAxis : yAxis )
. append ( "text" )
. attr ( "transform" , "rotate(-90)" )
. attr ( "dy" , "1.2em" )
. attr ( "dx" , "-.5em" )
. style ( "text-anchor" , "end" )
. text ( _ _axis _y _label ) ;
if ( _ _axis _y2 _show ) {
main . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "y2 axis" )
. attr ( "transform" , translate . y2 )
. call ( yAxis2 ) ;
// Grids
grid = main . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "clip-path" , clipPath )
. attr ( 'class' , 'grid' ) ;
// X-Grid
if ( _ _grid _x _show ) {
grid . append ( "g" ) . attr ( "class" , "xgrids" ) ;
if ( _ _grid _x _lines ) {
xgridLine = grid . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , "xgrid-lines" )
. selectAll ( '.xgrid-line' )
. data ( _ _grid _x _lines )
. enter ( ) . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , "xgrid-line" ) ;
xgridLine . append ( 'line' )
. attr ( "class" , function ( d ) { return "" + d [ 'class' ] ; } ) ;
xgridLine . append ( 'text' )
. attr ( "class" , function ( d ) { return "" + d [ 'class' ] ; } )
. attr ( "text-anchor" , "end" )
. attr ( "transform" , _ _axis _rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)" )
. attr ( 'dx' , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : - margin . top )
. attr ( 'dy' , - 6 )
. text ( function ( d ) { return d . text ; } ) ;
if ( _ _point _focus _line _enabled ) {
grid . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , "xgrid-focus" )
. append ( 'line' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'xgrid-focus' )
. attr ( "x1" , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : - 10 )
. attr ( "x2" , _ _axis _rotated ? width : - 10 )
. attr ( "y1" , _ _axis _rotated ? - 10 : margin . top )
. attr ( "y2" , _ _axis _rotated ? - 10 : height ) ;
// Y-Grid
if ( _ _grid _y _show ) {
grid . append ( 'g' ) . attr ( 'class' , 'ygrids' ) ;
if ( _ _grid _y _lines ) {
grid . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'ygrid-lines' )
. selectAll ( 'ygrid-line' )
. data ( _ _grid _y _lines )
. enter ( ) . append ( 'line' )
. attr ( "class" , function ( d ) { return "ygrid-line " + d [ 'class' ] ; } ) ;
// Area
main . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "clip-path" , clipPath )
. attr ( "class" , "regions" ) ;
// Define g for chart area
main . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "clip-path" , clipPath )
. attr ( 'class' , 'chart' ) ;
// Cover whole with rects for events
eventRect = main . select ( '.chart' ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "event-rects" )
. style ( 'fill-opacity' , 0 )
. style ( 'cursor' , _ _zoom _enabled ? 'ew-resize' : null ) ;
// Generate rect for event handling
_ _data _xs ? generateEventRectsForMultipleXs ( eventRect ) : generateEventRectsForSingleX ( eventRect , data ) ;
// Define g for bar chart area
main . select ( ".chart" ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "chart-bars" ) ;
// Define g for line chart area
main . select ( ".chart" ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "chart-lines" ) ;
// Define g for arc chart area
main . select ( ".chart" ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "chart-arcs" )
. attr ( "transform" , translate . arc ) ;
if ( _ _zoom _enabled ) { // TODO: __zoom_privileged here?
// if zoom privileged, insert rect to forefront
main . insert ( 'rect' , _ _zoom _privileged ? null : 'g.grid' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'zoom-rect' )
. attr ( 'width' , width )
. attr ( 'height' , height )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 )
. style ( 'cursor' , 'ew-resize' )
. call ( zoom ) . on ( "dblclick.zoom" , null ) ;
// Set default extent if defined
if ( _ _axis _x _default !== null ) {
brush . extent ( typeof _ _axis _x _default !== 'function' ? _ _axis _x _default : _ _axis _x _default ( getXDomain ( ) ) ) ;
/*-- Context Region --*/
if ( _ _subchart _show ) {
// Define g for chart area
context . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "clip-path" , clipPath )
. attr ( 'class' , 'chart' ) ;
// Define g for bar chart area
context . select ( ".chart" ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "chart-bars" ) ;
// Define g for line chart area
context . select ( ".chart" ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "chart-lines" ) ;
// Add extent rect for Brush
context . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "clip-path" , clipPath )
. attr ( "class" , "x brush" )
. call ( brush )
. selectAll ( "rect" )
. attr ( "height" , height2 ) ;
// ATTENTION: This must be called AFTER chart added
// Add Axis
context . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "x axis" )
. attr ( "transform" , translate . subx )
. call ( subXAxis ) ;
/*-- Legend Region --*/
if ( _ _legend _show ) { updateLegend ( c3 . data . targets ) ; }
// Set targets
updateTargets ( c3 . data . targets ) ;
// Draw with targets
redraw ( { withTransition : false , withUpdateXDomain : true } ) ;
// Show tooltip if needed
if ( _ _tooltip _init _show ) {
if ( isTimeSeries && typeof _ _tooltip _init _x === 'string' ) {
_ _tooltip _init _x = parseDate ( _ _tooltip _init _x ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c3 . data . targets [ 0 ] . values . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ( c3 . data . targets [ 0 ] . values [ i ] . x - _ _tooltip _init _x ) === 0 ) { break ; }
_ _tooltip _init _x = i ;
tooltip . html ( _ _tooltip _contents ( c3 . data . targets . map ( function ( d ) {
return addName ( d . values [ _ _tooltip _init _x ] ) ;
} ) ) ) ;
tooltip . style ( "top" , _ _tooltip _init _position . top )
. style ( "left" , _ _tooltip _init _position . left )
. style ( "display" , "block" ) ;
// Bind resize event
if ( window . onresize == null ) {
window . onresize = generateResize ( ) ;
if ( window . onresize . add ) {
window . onresize . add ( resize ) ;
function generateEventRectsForSingleX ( eventRect , data ) {
. selectAll ( ".event-rects" )
. data ( data )
. enter ( ) . append ( "rect" )
. attr ( "class" , function ( d , i ) { return "event-rect event-rect-" + i ; } )
. style ( "cursor" , _ _data _selection _enabled && _ _data _selection _grouped ? "pointer" : null )
. on ( 'mouseover' , function ( d , i ) {
if ( dragging ) { return ; } // do nothing if dragging
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
var selectedData = c3 . data . targets . map ( function ( d ) { return addName ( d . values [ i ] ) ; } ) ;
var j , newData ;
// Sort selectedData as names order
if ( Object . keys ( _ _data _names ) . length > 0 ) {
newData = [ ] ;
for ( var id in _ _data _names ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < selectedData . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( selectedData [ j ] . id === id ) {
newData . push ( selectedData [ j ] ) ;
selectedData . shift ( j ) ;
break ;
selectedData = newData . concat ( selectedData ) ; // Add remained
// Expand shapes if needed
if ( _ _point _focus _expand _enabled ) { expandCircles ( i ) ; }
expandBars ( i ) ;
// Show xgrid focus line
showXGridFocus ( selectedData [ 0 ] ) ;
} )
. on ( 'mouseout' , function ( d , i ) {
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
hideXGridFocus ( ) ;
hideTooltip ( ) ;
// Undo expanded shapes
unexpandCircles ( i ) ;
unexpandBars ( ) ;
} )
. on ( 'mousemove' , function ( d , i ) {
var selectedData ;
if ( dragging ) { return ; } // do nothing when dragging
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
// Show tooltip
selectedData = c3 . data . targets . map ( function ( d ) {
return addName ( d . values [ i ] ) ;
} ) ;
showTooltip ( selectedData , d3 . mouse ( this ) ) ;
if ( ! _ _data _selection _enabled ) { return ; }
if ( _ _data _selection _grouped ) { return ; } // nothing to do when grouped
main . selectAll ( '.-shape-' + i )
. filter ( function ( d ) { return _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) ; } )
. each ( function ( ) {
var _this = d3 . select ( this ) . classed ( EXPANDED , true ) ;
if ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) { _this . attr ( 'r' , _ _point _focus _expand _r ) ; }
svg . select ( '.event-rect-' + i ) . style ( 'cursor' , null ) ;
} )
. filter ( function ( ) {
var _this = d3 . select ( this ) ;
if ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) {
return isWithinCircle ( this , _ _point _select _r ) ;
else if ( this . nodeName === 'rect' ) {
return isWithinBar ( this , _this . attr ( 'x' ) , _this . attr ( 'y' ) ) ;
} )
. each ( function ( ) {
var _this = d3 . select ( this ) ;
if ( ! _this . classed ( EXPANDED ) ) {
_this . classed ( EXPANDED , true ) ;
if ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) { _this . attr ( 'r' , _ _point _select _r ) ; }
svg . select ( '.event-rect-' + i ) . style ( 'cursor' , 'pointer' ) ;
} ) ;
} )
. on ( 'click' , function ( d , i ) {
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
if ( cancelClick ) {
cancelClick = false ;
return ;
main . selectAll ( '.-shape-' + i ) . each ( function ( d ) { selectShape ( this , d , i ) ; } ) ;
} )
. call (
d3 . behavior . drag ( ) . origin ( Object )
. on ( 'drag' , function ( ) { drag ( d3 . mouse ( this ) ) ; } )
. on ( 'dragstart' , function ( ) { dragstart ( d3 . mouse ( this ) ) ; } )
. on ( 'dragend' , function ( ) { dragend ( ) ; } )
. call ( zoom ) . on ( "dblclick.zoom" , null ) ;
function generateEventRectsForMultipleXs ( eventRect ) {
eventRect . append ( 'rect' )
. attr ( 'x' , 0 )
. attr ( 'y' , 0 )
. attr ( 'width' , width )
. attr ( 'height' , height )
. attr ( 'class' , "event-rect" )
. on ( 'mouseout' , function ( ) {
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
hideXGridFocus ( ) ;
hideTooltip ( ) ;
unexpandCircles ( ) ;
} )
. on ( 'mousemove' , function ( ) {
var mouse , closest , selectedData ;
if ( dragging ) { return ; } // do nothing when dragging
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
mouse = d3 . mouse ( this ) ;
closest = findClosestFromTargets ( c3 . data . targets , mouse ) ;
// show tooltip when cursor is close to some point
selectedData = [ addName ( closest ) ] ;
showTooltip ( selectedData , mouse ) ;
// expand points
if ( _ _point _focus _expand _enabled ) {
unexpandCircles ( ) ;
expandCircles ( closest . index , closest . id ) ;
// Show xgrid focus line
showXGridFocus ( selectedData [ 0 ] ) ;
// Show cursor as pointer if point is close to mouse position
if ( dist ( closest , mouse ) < 100 ) {
svg . select ( '.event-rect' ) . style ( 'cursor' , 'pointer' ) ;
} else {
svg . select ( '.event-rect' ) . style ( 'cursor' , null ) ;
} )
. on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var mouse , closest ;
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
mouse = d3 . mouse ( this ) ;
closest = findClosestFromTargets ( c3 . data . targets , mouse ) ;
// select if selection enabled
if ( dist ( closest , mouse ) < 100 ) {
main . select ( '.-circles-' + closest . id ) . select ( '.-circle-' + closest . index ) . each ( function ( ) {
selectShape ( this , closest , closest . index ) ;
} ) ;
} )
. call (
d3 . behavior . drag ( ) . origin ( Object )
. on ( 'drag' , function ( ) { drag ( d3 . mouse ( this ) ) ; } )
. on ( 'dragstart' , function ( ) { dragstart ( d3 . mouse ( this ) ) ; } )
. on ( 'dragend' , function ( ) { dragend ( ) ; } )
. call ( zoom ) . on ( "dblclick.zoom" , null ) ;
function selectShape ( target , d , i ) {
var _this = d3 . select ( target ) ,
isSelected = _this . classed ( SELECTED ) ;
var isWithin = false , toggle ;
if ( target . nodeName === 'circle' ) {
isWithin = isWithinCircle ( target , _ _point _select _r * 1.5 ) ;
toggle = togglePoint ;
else if ( target . nodeName === 'rect' ) {
isWithin = isWithinBar ( target ) ;
toggle = toggleBar ;
if ( _ _data _selection _grouped || isWithin ) {
if ( _ _data _selection _enabled && _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) ) {
_this . classed ( SELECTED , ! isSelected ) ;
toggle ( ! isSelected , _this , d , i ) ;
_ _point _onclick ( d , _this ) ; // TODO: should be __data_onclick
function drag ( mouse ) {
var sx , sy , mx , my , minX , maxX , minY , maxY ;
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
if ( ! _ _data _selection _enabled ) { return ; } // do nothing if not selectable
if ( _ _zoom _enabled && ! zoom . altDomain ) { return ; } // skip if zoomable because of conflict drag dehavior
sx = dragStart [ 0 ] ;
sy = dragStart [ 1 ] ;
mx = mouse [ 0 ] ;
my = mouse [ 1 ] ;
minX = Math . min ( sx , mx ) ;
maxX = Math . max ( sx , mx ) ;
minY = ( _ _data _selection _grouped ) ? margin . top : Math . min ( sy , my ) ;
maxY = ( _ _data _selection _grouped ) ? height : Math . max ( sy , my ) ;
main . select ( '.dragarea' )
. attr ( 'x' , minX )
. attr ( 'y' , minY )
. attr ( 'width' , maxX - minX )
. attr ( 'height' , maxY - minY ) ;
// TODO: binary search when multiple xs
main . selectAll ( '.-shapes' ) . selectAll ( '.-shape' )
. filter ( function ( d ) { return _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) ; } )
. each ( function ( d , i ) {
var _this = d3 . select ( this ) ,
isSelected = _this . classed ( SELECTED ) ,
isIncluded = _this . classed ( INCLUDED ) ,
_x , _y , _w , toggle , isWithin = false ;
if ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) {
_x = _this . attr ( "cx" ) * 1 ;
_y = _this . attr ( "cy" ) * 1 ;
toggle = togglePoint ;
isWithin = minX < _x && _x < maxX && minY < _y && _y < maxY ;
else if ( this . nodeName === 'rect' ) {
_x = _this . attr ( "x" ) * 1 ;
_y = _this . attr ( "y" ) * 1 ;
_w = _this . attr ( 'width' ) * 1 ;
toggle = toggleBar ;
isWithin = minX < _x + _w && _x < maxX && _y < maxY ;
if ( isWithin ^ isIncluded ) {
_this . classed ( INCLUDED , ! isIncluded ) ;
// TODO: included/unincluded callback here
_this . classed ( SELECTED , ! isSelected ) ;
toggle ( ! isSelected , _this , d , i ) ;
} ) ;
function dragstart ( mouse ) {
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
if ( ! _ _data _selection _enabled ) { return ; } // do nothing if not selectable
dragStart = mouse ;
main . select ( '.chart' ) . append ( 'rect' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'dragarea' )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0.1 ) ;
dragging = true ;
// TODO: add callback here
function dragend ( ) {
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) { return ; }
if ( ! _ _data _selection _enabled ) { return ; } // do nothing if not selectable
main . select ( '.dragarea' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 100 )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 )
. remove ( ) ;
main . selectAll ( '.-shape' )
. classed ( INCLUDED , false ) ;
dragging = false ;
// TODO: add callback here
function redraw ( options ) {
var xgrid , xgridData , xgridLine ;
var mainCircle , mainBar ;
var barIndices = getBarIndices ( ) , barTargetsNum = barIndices . _ _max _ _ + 1 ;
var barX , barY , barW , barH ;
var rectX , rectW ;
var withY , withSubchart , withTransition , withUpdateXDomain , withUpdateOrgXDomain ;
var isPieChart ;
var duration ;
options = isDefined ( options ) ? options : { } ;
withY = isDefined ( options . withY ) ? options . withY : true ;
withSubchart = isDefined ( options . withSubchart ) ? options . withSubchart : true ;
withTransition = isDefined ( options . withTransition ) ? options . withTransition : true ;
withUpdateXDomain = isDefined ( options . withUpdateXDomain ) ? options . withUpdateXDomain : false ;
withUpdateOrgXDomain = isDefined ( options . withUpdateOrgXDomain ) ? options . withUpdateOrgXDomain : false ;
isPieChart = hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ;
duration = withTransition ? 250 : 0 ;
if ( withUpdateOrgXDomain ) {
x . domain ( d3 . extent ( getXDomain ( c3 . data . targets ) ) ) ;
orgXDomain = x . domain ( ) ;
zoom . x ( x ) . updateScaleExtent ( ) ;
subX . domain ( x . domain ( ) ) ;
brush . x ( subX ) ;
// ATTENTION: call here to update tickOffset
if ( withUpdateXDomain ) {
x . domain ( brush . empty ( ) ? orgXDomain : brush . extent ( ) ) ;
if ( _ _zoom _enabled ) { zoom . x ( x ) . updateScaleExtent ( ) ; }
y . domain ( getYDomain ( 'y' ) ) ;
y2 . domain ( getYDomain ( 'y2' ) ) ;
// axis
main . select ( ".x.axis" ) . transition ( ) . duration ( _ _axis _rotated ? duration : 0 ) . call ( _ _axis _rotated ? yAxis : xAxis ) . style ( "opacity" , isPieChart ? 0 : 1 ) ;
main . select ( ".y.axis" ) . transition ( ) . duration ( _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : duration ) . call ( _ _axis _rotated ? xAxis : yAxis ) . style ( "opacity" , isPieChart ? 0 : 1 ) ;
main . select ( ".y2.axis" ) . transition ( ) . call ( yAxis2 ) . style ( "opacity" , isPieChart ? 0 : 1 ) ;
// Update label position
main . select ( ".x.axis .-axis-x-label" ) . attr ( "x" , width ) ;
// Update sub domain
subY . domain ( y . domain ( ) ) ;
subY2 . domain ( y2 . domain ( ) ) ;
// tooltip
tooltip . style ( "display" , "none" ) ;
// grid
main . select ( 'line.xgrid-focus' )
. style ( "visibility" , "hidden" )
. attr ( 'y2' , height ) ;
if ( _ _grid _x _show ) {
if ( _ _grid _x _type === 'year' ) {
xgridData = [ ] ;
var xDomain = getXDomain ( ) ;
var firstYear = xDomain [ 0 ] . getFullYear ( ) ;
var lastYear = xDomain [ 1 ] . getFullYear ( ) ;
for ( var year = firstYear ; year <= lastYear ; year ++ ) {
xgridData . push ( new Date ( year + '-01-01 00:00:00' ) ) ;
} else {
xgridData = x . ticks ( 10 ) ;
xgrid = main . select ( '.xgrids' ) . selectAll ( ".xgrid" )
. data ( xgridData ) ;
xgrid . enter ( ) . append ( 'line' ) . attr ( "class" , "xgrid" ) ;
xgrid . attr ( "x1" , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : function ( d ) { return x ( d ) - xAxis . tickOffset ( ) ; } )
. attr ( "x2" , _ _axis _rotated ? width : function ( d ) { return x ( d ) - xAxis . tickOffset ( ) ; } )
. attr ( "y1" , _ _axis _rotated ? function ( d ) { return x ( d ) - xAxis . tickOffset ( ) ; } : margin . top )
. attr ( "y2" , _ _axis _rotated ? function ( d ) { return x ( d ) - xAxis . tickOffset ( ) ; } : height )
. style ( "opacity" , function ( ) { return + d3 . select ( this ) . attr ( _ _axis _rotated ? 'y1' : 'x1' ) === ( _ _axis _rotated ? height : 0 ) ? 0 : 1 ; } ) ;
xgrid . exit ( ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( _ _grid _x _lines ) {
xgridLine = main . selectAll ( ".xgrid-lines" ) ;
xgridLine . selectAll ( 'line' )
. attr ( "x1" , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : xv )
. attr ( "x2" , _ _axis _rotated ? width : xv )
. attr ( "y1" , _ _axis _rotated ? xv : margin . top )
. attr ( "y2" , _ _axis _rotated ? xv : height ) ;
xgridLine . selectAll ( 'text' )
. attr ( "x" , _ _axis _rotated ? width : 0 )
. attr ( "y" , xv ) ;
// Y-Grid
if ( withY && _ _grid _y _show ) {
var ygrid = main . select ( '.ygrids' ) . selectAll ( ".ygrid" )
. data ( y . ticks ( 10 ) ) ;
ygrid . enter ( ) . append ( 'line' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'ygrid' ) ;
ygrid . attr ( "x1" , _ _axis _rotated ? y : 0 )
. attr ( "x2" , _ _axis _rotated ? y : width )
. attr ( "y1" , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : y )
. attr ( "y2" , _ _axis _rotated ? height : y ) ;
ygrid . exit ( ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( withY && _ _grid _y _lines ) {
main . select ( '.ygrid-lines' ) . selectAll ( '.ygrid-line' )
. attr ( "y1" , yv )
. attr ( "y2" , yv ) ;
// bars
var barOnMain = function ( isSub ) {
var barW = getBarW ( xAxis , barTargetsNum , ! ! isSub ) ,
barX = getBarX ( barW , barTargetsNum , barIndices ) ,
barY = getBarY ( ! ! isSub ) ,
barOffset = getBarOffset ( barIndices ) ;
return function ( d , i ) {
var y = barY ;
var x = barX ;
var y0 = getYScale ( d . id ) ( 0 ) ,
offset = barOffset ( d , i ) || y0 ; // offset is for stacked bar chart, by default
// 4 points that make a bar
var points = [
[ x ( d ) , offset ] ,
[ x ( d ) , y ( d ) - ( y0 - offset ) ] ,
[ x ( d ) + barW , y ( d ) - ( y0 - offset ) ] ,
[ x ( d ) + barW , offset ]
] ;
// switch points if axis is rotated, not applicable for sub chart
var indexX = isSub || ! _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : 1 ;
var indexY = isSub || ! _ _axis _rotated ? 1 : 0 ;
var path = 'M ' + points [ 0 ] [ indexX ] + ',' + points [ 0 ] [ indexY ] + ' ' +
'L' + points [ 1 ] [ indexX ] + ',' + points [ 1 ] [ indexY ] + ' ' +
'L' + points [ 2 ] [ indexX ] + ',' + points [ 2 ] [ indexY ] + ' ' +
'L' + points [ 3 ] [ indexX ] + ',' + points [ 3 ] [ indexY ] + ' ' +
'z' ;
return path ;
} ;
mainBar = main . selectAll ( '.-bars' ) . selectAll ( '.-bar' )
. data ( barData ) ;
mainBar . enter ( ) . append ( 'path' )
. attr ( 'd' , barOnMain ( false ) )
. style ( "stroke" , 'none' )
. style ( "fill" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } )
. attr ( "class" , classBar ) ;
. style ( "opacity" , 0 )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attr ( 'd' , barOnMain ( false ) )
. style ( 'opacity' , 1 ) ;
mainBar . exit ( ) . transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 )
. remove ( ) ;
// lines and cricles
main . selectAll ( '.chart-line' ) . select ( '.-line' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attr ( "d" , lineOnMain ) ;
main . selectAll ( '.-area' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attr ( "d" , areaOnMain ) ;
mainCircle = main . selectAll ( '.-circles' ) . selectAll ( '.-circle' )
. data ( lineOrScatterData ) ;
mainCircle . transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. style ( 'opacity' , function ( d ) { return d . value === null ? 0 : 1 ; } )
. attr ( "cx" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleY : circleX )
. attr ( "cy" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleX : circleY ) ;
mainCircle . enter ( ) . append ( "circle" )
. style ( 'opacity' , function ( d ) { return d . value === null ? 0 : 1 ; } )
. attr ( "class" , classCircle )
. attr ( "cx" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleY : circleX )
. attr ( "cy" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleX : circleY )
. attr ( "r" , _ _point _r ) ;
mainCircle . exit ( ) . remove ( ) ;
// arc
main . selectAll ( '.chart-arc' ) . select ( '.-arc' )
. style ( "opacity" , function ( d ) { return d === this . _current ? 0 : 1 ; } )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attrTween ( "d" , function ( d ) {
var updated = updateAngle ( d ) ;
if ( ! updated ) {
return function ( ) { return "M 0 0" ; } ;
/ *
if ( this . _current === d ) {
this . _current = {
startAngle : Math . PI * 2 ,
endAngle : Math . PI * 2 ,
} ;
* /
var i = d3 . interpolate ( this . _current , updated ) ;
this . _current = i ( 0 ) ;
return function ( t ) { return getArc ( i ( t ) , true ) ; } ;
} )
. style ( "opacity" , 1 ) ;
main . selectAll ( '.chart-arc' ) . select ( 'text' )
. attr ( "transform" , transformForArcLable )
. attr ( "opacity" , 0 )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. text ( textForArcLable )
. attr ( "opacity" , function ( d ) { return isArcType ( d . data ) ? 1 : 0 ; } ) ;
// subchart
if ( _ _subchart _show ) {
// reflect main chart to extent on subchart if zoomed
if ( d3 . event !== null && d3 . event . type === 'zoom' ) {
brush . extent ( x . orgDomain ( ) ) . update ( ) ;
// update subchart elements if needed
if ( withSubchart ) {
// axes
// TODO: fix when rotated
context . select ( '.x.axis' ) . transition ( ) . duration ( _ _axis _rotated ? duration : 0 ) . call ( _ _axis _rotated ? yAxis : subXAxis ) ;
// extent rect
if ( ! brush . empty ( ) ) {
brush . extent ( x . orgDomain ( ) ) . update ( ) ;
// bars
barW = getBarW ( subXAxis , barTargetsNum , true ) ;
barH = getBarH ( height2 , true ) ;
barX = getBarX ( barW , barTargetsNum , barIndices , true ) ;
barY = getBarY ( barH , barIndices , false , true ) ;
var contextBar = context . selectAll ( '.-bars' ) . selectAll ( '.-bar' )
. data ( barData ) ;
contextBar . transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attr ( "x" , barX ) . attr ( "y" , barY ) . attr ( "width" , barW ) . attr ( "height" , barH ) ;
contextBar . enter ( ) . append ( 'rect' )
. attr ( "class" , classBar )
. attr ( "x" , barX ) . attr ( "y" , barY ) . attr ( "width" , barW ) . attr ( "height" , barH )
. style ( "opacity" , 0 )
. transition ( )
. style ( 'opacity' , 1 ) ;
contextBar . exit ( ) . transition ( )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 )
. remove ( ) ;
// lines
context . selectAll ( '.-line' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attr ( "d" , lineOnSub ) ;
// circles for select
main . selectAll ( '.selected-circles' )
. filter ( function ( d ) { return isBarType ( d ) ; } )
. selectAll ( 'circle' )
. remove ( ) ;
main . selectAll ( '.selected-circle' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. attr ( "cx" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleY : circleX )
. attr ( "cy" , _ _axis _rotated ? circleX : circleY ) ;
// rect for mouseover
if ( ! _ _data _xs ) {
if ( isCustomX ) {
rectW = function ( d , i ) {
var prevX = getPrevX ( i ) , nextX = getNextX ( i ) ;
return ( x ( nextX ? nextX : d . x + 50 ) - x ( prevX ? prevX : d . x - 50 ) ) / 2 ;
} ;
rectX = function ( d , i ) {
var prevX = getPrevX ( i ) ;
return ( x ( d . x ) + x ( prevX ? prevX : d . x - 50 ) ) / 2 ;
} ;
} else {
rectW = ( ( ( _ _axis _rotated ? height : width ) * getXDomainRatio ( ) ) / ( maxDataCount ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
rectX = function ( d ) { return x ( d . x ) - ( rectW / 2 ) ; } ;
main . selectAll ( '.event-rect' )
. attr ( "x" , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : rectX )
. attr ( "y" , _ _axis _rotated ? rectX : 0 )
. attr ( "width" , _ _axis _rotated ? width : rectW )
. attr ( "height" , _ _axis _rotated ? rectW : height ) ;
// rect for regions
var mainRegion = main . select ( '.regions' ) . selectAll ( 'rect.region' )
. data ( _ _regions ) ;
mainRegion . enter ( ) . append ( 'rect' ) ;
. attr ( 'class' , classRegion )
. attr ( "x" , _ _axis _rotated ? 0 : regionStart )
. attr ( "y" , _ _axis _rotated ? regionStart : margin . top )
. attr ( "width" , _ _axis _rotated ? width : regionWidth )
. attr ( "height" , _ _axis _rotated ? regionWidth : height )
. style ( "fill-opacity" , function ( d ) { return isDefined ( d . opacity ) ? d . opacity : 0.1 ; } ) ;
mainRegion . exit ( ) . transition ( ) . duration ( duration )
. style ( "fill-opacity" , 0 )
. remove ( ) ;
function redrawForBrush ( ) {
redraw ( {
withTransition : false ,
withY : false ,
withSubchart : false ,
withUpdateXDomain : true
} ) ;
function redrawForZoom ( ) {
if ( d3 . event . sourceEvent . type === 'mousemove' && zoom . altDomain ) {
x . domain ( zoom . altDomain ) ;
zoom . x ( x ) . updateScaleExtent ( ) ;
return ;
if ( isCategorized && x . orgDomain ( ) [ 0 ] === orgXDomain [ 0 ] ) {
x . domain ( [ orgXDomain [ 0 ] - 1e-10 , x . orgDomain ( ) [ 1 ] ] ) ;
redraw ( {
withTransition : false ,
withY : false ,
withSubchart : false
} ) ;
if ( d3 . event . sourceEvent . type === 'mousemove' ) {
cancelClick = true ;
function generateResize ( ) {
var resizeFunctions = [ ] ;
function callResizeFunctions ( ) {
resizeFunctions . forEach ( function ( f ) {
f ( ) ;
} ) ;
callResizeFunctions . add = function ( f ) {
resizeFunctions . push ( f ) ;
} ;
return callResizeFunctions ;
function resize ( ) {
// Update sizes and scales
updateSizes ( ) ;
updateScales ( ) ;
// Set x for brush again because of scale update
brush . x ( subX ) ;
// Set x for zoom again because of scale update
if ( _ _zoom _enabled ) { zoom . x ( x ) ; }
// Update sizes
svg . attr ( 'width' , currentWidth ) . attr ( 'height' , currentHeight ) ;
svg . select ( '#' + clipId ) . select ( 'rect' ) . attr ( 'width' , width ) . attr ( 'height' , height ) ;
svg . select ( '#xaxis-clip' ) . select ( 'rect' ) . attr ( 'width' , getXAxisClipWidth ) ;
svg . select ( '.zoom-rect' ) . attr ( 'width' , width ) . attr ( 'height' , height ) ;
// Update main positions
main . select ( '.x.axis' ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . x ) ;
main . select ( '.y2.axis' ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . y2 ) ;
main . select ( '.chart-arcs' ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . arc ) ;
// Update context sizes and positions
if ( _ _subchart _show ) {
context . select ( '.x.brush' ) . selectAll ( 'rect' ) . attr ( 'height' , height2 ) ;
context . attr ( "transform" , translate . context ) ;
context . select ( '.x.axis' ) . attr ( "transform" , translate . subx ) ;
// Update legend positions
if ( _ _legend _show ) {
legend . attr ( "transform" , translate . legend ) ;
updateLegend ( c3 . data . targets , { withTransition : false } ) ;
// Draw with new sizes & scales
redraw ( { withTransition : false , withUpdateXDomain : true } ) ;
function updateTargets ( targets ) {
var mainLineEnter , mainLineUpdate , mainBarEnter , mainBarUpdate , mainPieEnter , mainPieUpdate ;
var contextLineEnter , contextLineUpdate , contextBarEnter , contextBarUpdate ;
/*-- Main --*/
// Set data type if data.type is specified
if ( _ _data _type ) {
setTargetType ( getTargetIds ( targets ) . filter ( function ( id ) { return ! ( id in _ _data _types ) ; } ) , _ _data _type ) ;
//-- Bar --//
mainBarUpdate = main . select ( '.chart-bars' )
. selectAll ( '.chart-bar' )
. data ( targets ) ;
mainBarEnter = mainBarUpdate . enter ( ) . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , function ( d ) { return 'chart-bar target target-' + d . id ; } )
. style ( "pointer-events" , "none" )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 ) ;
// Bars for each data
mainBarEnter . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , classBars )
. style ( "fill" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } )
. style ( "stroke" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } )
. style ( "stroke-width" , 0 )
. style ( "cursor" , function ( d ) { return _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) ? "pointer" : null ; } ) ;
//-- Line --//
mainLineUpdate = main . select ( '.chart-lines' )
. selectAll ( '.chart-line' )
. data ( targets ) ;
mainLineEnter = mainLineUpdate . enter ( ) . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , function ( d ) { return 'chart-line target target-' + d . id ; } )
. style ( "pointer-events" , "none" )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 ) ;
// Lines for each data
mainLineEnter . append ( "path" )
. attr ( "class" , classLine )
. style ( "stroke" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } ) ;
// Areas
mainLineEnter . append ( "path" )
. attr ( "class" , classArea )
. style ( "fill" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } ) ;
// Circles for each data point on lines
mainLineEnter . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , function ( d ) { return "selected-circles selected-circles-" + d . id ; } ) ;
mainLineEnter . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , classCircles )
. style ( "fill" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } )
. style ( "cursor" , function ( d ) { return _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) ? "pointer" : null ; } ) ;
// Update date for selected circles
targets . forEach ( function ( t ) {
main . selectAll ( '.selected-circles-' + t . id ) . selectAll ( '.selected-circle' ) . each ( function ( d ) {
d . value = t . values [ d . x ] . value ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// MEMO: can not keep same color...
//-- Pie --//
mainPieUpdate = main . select ( '.chart-arcs' )
. selectAll ( ".chart-arc" )
. data ( pie ( targets ) ) ;
mainPieEnter = mainPieUpdate . enter ( ) . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , function ( d ) { return 'chart-arc target target-' + d . data . id ; } )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 ) ;
mainPieEnter . append ( "path" )
. attr ( "class" , classArc )
. style ( "fill" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . data . id ) ; } )
. style ( "cursor" , function ( d ) { return _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) ? "pointer" : null ; } )
. each ( function ( d ) { this . _current = d ; } )
. on ( 'mouseover' , function ( d ) {
expandArc ( d . data . id ) ;
focusLegend ( d . data . id ) ;
} )
. on ( 'mouseout' , function ( d ) {
unexpandArc ( d . data . id ) ;
revertLegend ( ) ;
} ) ;
mainPieEnter . append ( "text" )
. attr ( "dy" , ".35em" )
. style ( "text-anchor" , "middle" )
. style ( "pointer-events" , "none" ) ;
// MEMO: can not keep same color..., but not bad to update color in redraw
/*-- Context --*/
if ( _ _subchart _show ) {
contextBarUpdate = context . select ( '.chart-bars' )
. selectAll ( '.chart-bar' )
. data ( targets ) ;
contextBarEnter = contextBarUpdate . enter ( ) . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , function ( d ) { return 'chart-bar target target-' + d . id ; } )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 ) ;
// Bars for each data
contextBarEnter . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( "class" , classBars )
. style ( "fill" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } ) ;
//-- Line --//
contextLineUpdate = context . select ( '.chart-lines' )
. selectAll ( '.chart-line' )
. data ( targets ) ;
contextLineEnter = contextLineUpdate . enter ( ) . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , function ( d ) { return 'chart-line target target-' + d . id ; } )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 ) ;
// Lines for each data
contextLineEnter . append ( "path" )
. attr ( "class" , classLine )
. style ( "stroke" , function ( d ) { return color ( d . id ) ; } ) ;
/*-- Legend --*/
if ( _ _legend _show ) {
updateLegend ( targets ) ;
/*-- Show --*/
// Fade-in each chart
svg . selectAll ( '.target' )
. transition ( )
. style ( "opacity" , 1 ) ;
function load ( targets , done ) {
// Update/Add data
c3 . data . targets . forEach ( function ( d ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( d . id === targets [ i ] . id ) {
d . values = targets [ i ] . values ;
targets . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
c3 . data . targets = c3 . data . targets . concat ( targets ) ; // add remained
// Set targets
updateTargets ( c3 . data . targets ) ;
// Redraw with new targets
redraw ( { withUpdateOrgXDomain : true , withUpdateXDomain : true } ) ;
done ( ) ;
/*-- Draw Legend --*/
function focusLegend ( id ) {
svg . selectAll ( '.legend-item' ) . filter ( function ( d ) { return d !== id ; } )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 100 )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0.3 ) ;
function revertLegend ( ) {
svg . selectAll ( '.legend-item' )
. transition ( ) . duration ( 100 )
. style ( 'opacity' , 1 ) ;
function updateLegend ( targets , options ) {
var ids = getTargetIds ( targets ) , l ;
var padding = width / 2 - _ _legend _item _width * Object . keys ( targets ) . length / 2 ;
var withTransition ;
options = isUndefined ( options ) ? { } : options ;
withTransition = isDefined ( options . withTransition ) ? options . withTransition : true ;
// Define g for legend area
l = legend . selectAll ( '.legend-item' )
. data ( ids )
. enter ( ) . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , function ( d ) { return 'legend-item legend-item-' + d ; } )
. style ( 'cursor' , 'pointer' )
. on ( 'click' , function ( d ) {
_ _legend _item _onclick ( d ) ;
} )
. on ( 'mouseover' , function ( d ) {
focusLegend ( d ) ;
c3 . focus ( d ) ;
} )
. on ( 'mouseout' , function ( ) {
revertLegend ( ) ;
c3 . revert ( ) ;
} ) ;
l . append ( 'rect' )
. attr ( "class" , "legend-item-event" )
. style ( 'fill-opacity' , 0 )
. attr ( 'x' , - 200 )
. attr ( 'y' , function ( ) { return legendHeight / 2 - 16 ; } )
. attr ( 'width' , _ _legend _item _width )
. attr ( 'height' , 24 ) ;
l . append ( 'rect' )
. attr ( "class" , "legend-item-tile" )
. style ( "pointer-events" , "none" )
. style ( 'fill' , function ( d ) { return color ( d ) ; } )
. attr ( 'x' , - 200 )
. attr ( 'y' , function ( ) { return legendHeight / 2 - 9 ; } )
. attr ( 'width' , 10 )
. attr ( 'height' , 10 ) ;
l . append ( 'text' )
. text ( function ( d ) { return isDefined ( _ _data _names [ d ] ) ? _ _data _names [ d ] : d ; } )
. style ( "pointer-events" , "none" )
. attr ( 'x' , - 200 )
. attr ( 'y' , function ( ) { return legendHeight / 2 ; } ) ;
legend . selectAll ( 'rect.legend-item-event' )
. data ( ids )
. transition ( ) . duration ( withTransition ? 250 : 0 )
. attr ( 'x' , function ( d , i ) { return padding + _ _legend _item _width * i ; } ) ;
legend . selectAll ( 'rect.legend-item-tile' )
. data ( ids )
. transition ( ) . duration ( withTransition ? 250 : 0 )
. attr ( 'x' , function ( d , i ) { return padding + _ _legend _item _width * i ; } ) ;
legend . selectAll ( 'text' )
. data ( ids )
. transition ( ) . duration ( withTransition ? 250 : 0 )
. attr ( 'x' , function ( d , i ) { return padding + _ _legend _item _width * i + 14 ; } ) ;
/*-- Event Handling --*/
function getTargetSelector ( target ) {
return isDefined ( target ) ? '.target-' + target : '.target' ;
function isNoneArc ( d ) {
return hasTarget ( d . id ) ;
function isArc ( d ) {
return 'data' in d && hasTarget ( d . data . id ) ;
c3 . focus = function ( target ) {
var candidates = svg . selectAll ( getTargetSelector ( target ) ) ,
candidatesForNoneArc = candidates . filter ( isNoneArc ) ,
candidatesForArc = candidates . filter ( isArc ) ;
function focus ( targets ) {
targets . transition ( ) . duration ( 100 ) . style ( 'opacity' , 1 ) ;
c3 . defocus ( ) ;
focus ( candidatesForNoneArc . classed ( 'focused' , true ) ) ;
focus ( candidatesForArc ) ;
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) {
expandArc ( target , true ) ;
} ;
c3 . defocus = function ( target ) {
var candidates = svg . selectAll ( getTargetSelector ( target ) ) ,
candidatesForNoneArc = candidates . filter ( isNoneArc ) ,
candidatesForArc = candidates . filter ( isArc ) ;
function defocus ( targets ) {
targets . transition ( ) . duration ( 100 ) . style ( 'opacity' , 0.3 ) ;
defocus ( candidatesForNoneArc . classed ( 'focused' , false ) ) ;
defocus ( candidatesForArc ) ;
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) {
unexpandArc ( target ) ;
} ;
c3 . revert = function ( target ) {
var candidates = svg . selectAll ( getTargetSelector ( target ) ) ,
candidatesForNoneArc = candidates . filter ( isNoneArc ) ,
candidatesForArc = candidates . filter ( isArc ) ;
function revert ( targets ) {
targets . transition ( ) . duration ( 100 ) . style ( 'opacity' , 1 ) ;
revert ( candidatesForNoneArc . classed ( 'focused' , false ) ) ;
revert ( candidatesForArc ) ;
if ( hasArcType ( c3 . data . targets ) ) {
unexpandArc ( target ) ;
} ;
c3 . show = function ( target ) {
svg . selectAll ( getTargetSelector ( target ) )
. transition ( )
. style ( 'opacity' , 1 ) ;
} ;
c3 . hide = function ( target ) {
svg . selectAll ( getTargetSelector ( target ) )
. transition ( )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 ) ;
} ;
c3 . unzoom = function ( ) {
brush . clear ( ) . update ( ) ;
redraw ( { withUpdateXDomain : true } ) ;
} ;
c3 . load = function ( args ) {
// check args
if ( isUndefined ( args . done ) ) {
args . done = function ( ) { } ;
// update categories if exists
if ( 'categories' in args && isCategorized ) {
_ _axis _x _categories = args . categories ;
xAxis . categories ( _ _axis _x _categories ) ;
// use cache if exists
if ( 'cacheIds' in args && hasCaches ( args . cacheIds ) ) {
load ( getCaches ( args . cacheIds ) , args . done ) ;
return ;
// load data
if ( 'data' in args ) {
load ( convertDataToTargets ( args . data ) , args . done ) ;
else if ( 'url' in args ) {
d3 . csv ( args . url , function ( error , data ) {
load ( convertDataToTargets ( data ) , args . done ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( 'rows' in args ) {
load ( convertDataToTargets ( convertRowsToData ( args . rows ) ) , args . done ) ;
else if ( 'columns' in args ) {
load ( convertDataToTargets ( convertColumnsToData ( args . columns ) ) , args . done ) ;
else {
throw Error ( 'url or rows or columns is required.' ) ;
} ;
c3 . unload = function ( target ) {
c3 . data . targets = c3 . data . targets . filter ( function ( d ) {
return d . id !== target ;
} ) ;
svg . selectAll ( '.target-' + target )
. transition ( )
. style ( 'opacity' , 0 )
. remove ( ) ;
if ( _ _legend _show ) {
svg . selectAll ( '.legend-item-' + target ) . remove ( ) ;
updateLegend ( c3 . data . targets ) ;
if ( c3 . data . targets . length > 0 ) {
redraw ( { withUpdateOrgXDomain : true , withUpdateXDomain : true } ) ;
} ;
c3 . selected = function ( target ) {
var suffix = isDefined ( target ) ? '-' + target : '' ;
return d3 . merge (
main . selectAll ( '.-shapes' + suffix ) . selectAll ( '.-shape' )
. filter ( function ( ) { return d3 . select ( this ) . classed ( SELECTED ) ; } )
. map ( function ( d ) { return d . map ( function ( _d ) { return _d . _ _data _ _ ; } ) ; } )
) ;
} ;
c3 . select = function ( ids , indices , resetOther ) {
if ( ! _ _data _selection _enabled ) { return ; }
main . selectAll ( '.-shapes' ) . selectAll ( '.-shape' ) . each ( function ( d , i ) {
var selectShape = ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) ? selectPoint : selectBar ,
unselectShape = ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) ? unselectPoint : unselectBar ;
if ( indices . indexOf ( i ) >= 0 ) {
if ( _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) && ( _ _data _selection _grouped || isUndefined ( ids ) || ids . indexOf ( d . id ) >= 0 ) ) {
selectShape ( d3 . select ( this ) . classed ( SELECTED , true ) , d , i ) ;
} else if ( isDefined ( resetOther ) && resetOther ) {
unselectShape ( d3 . select ( this ) . classed ( SELECTED , false ) , d , i ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
c3 . unselect = function ( ids , indices ) {
if ( ! _ _data _selection _enabled ) { return ; }
main . selectAll ( '.-shapes' ) . selectAll ( '.-shape' ) . each ( function ( d , i ) {
var unselectShape = ( this . nodeName === 'circle' ) ? unselectPoint : unselectBar ;
if ( isUndefined ( indices ) || indices . indexOf ( i ) >= 0 ) {
if ( _ _data _selection _isselectable ( d ) && ( _ _data _selection _grouped || isUndefined ( ids ) || ids . indexOf ( d . id ) >= 0 ) ) {
unselectShape ( d3 . select ( this ) . classed ( SELECTED , false ) , d , i ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
c3 . toLine = function ( targets ) {
setTargetType ( targets , 'line' ) ;
redraw ( ) ;
} ;
c3 . toSpline = function ( targets ) {
setTargetType ( targets , 'spline' ) ;
redraw ( ) ;
} ;
c3 . toBar = function ( targets ) {
setTargetType ( targets , 'bar' ) ;
redraw ( ) ;
} ;
c3 . toScatter = function ( targets ) {
setTargetType ( targets , 'scatter' ) ;
redraw ( ) ;
} ;
c3 . groups = function ( groups ) {
if ( isUndefined ( groups ) ) { return _ _data _groups ; }
_ _data _groups = groups ;
redraw ( ) ;
return _ _data _groups ;
} ;
c3 . regions = function ( regions ) {
if ( isUndefined ( regions ) ) { return _ _regions ; }
_ _regions = regions ;
redraw ( ) ;
return _ _regions ;
} ;
c3 . regions . add = function ( regions ) {
if ( isUndefined ( regions ) ) { return _ _regions ; }
_ _regions = _ _regions . concat ( regions ) ;
redraw ( ) ;
return _ _regions ;
} ;
c3 . regions . remove = function ( classes , options ) {
var regionClasses = [ ] . concat ( classes ) ;
options = isDefined ( options ) ? options : { } ;
regionClasses . forEach ( function ( cls ) {
var regions = svg . selectAll ( '.' + cls ) ;
if ( isDefined ( options . duration ) ) {
regions = regions . transition ( ) . duration ( options . duration ) . style ( 'fill-opacity' , 0 ) ;
regions . remove ( ) ;
_ _regions = _ _regions . filter ( function ( region ) {
return region . classes . indexOf ( cls ) < 0 ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return _ _regions ;
} ;
c3 . data . get = function ( id ) {
var target = c3 . data . getAsTarget ( id ) ;
return isDefined ( target ) ? target . values . map ( function ( d ) { return d . value ; } ) : undefined ;
} ;
c3 . data . getAsTarget = function ( id ) {
var targets = getTargets ( function ( d ) { return d . id === id ; } ) ;
return targets . length > 0 ? targets [ 0 ] : undefined ;
} ;
c3 . destroy = function ( ) {
c3 . data . targets = undefined ;
c3 . data . x = { } ;
selectChart . html ( "" ) ;
window . onresize = null ;
} ;
/*-- Load data and init chart with defined functions --*/
if ( 'url' in config . data ) {
d3 . csv ( config . data . url , function ( error , data ) { init ( data ) ; } ) ;
else if ( 'rows' in config . data ) {
init ( convertRowsToData ( config . data . rows ) ) ;
else if ( 'columns' in config . data ) {
init ( convertColumnsToData ( config . data . columns ) ) ;
else {
throw Error ( 'url or rows or columns is required.' ) ;
return c3 ;
} ;
function categoryAxis ( ) {
var scale = d3 . scale . linear ( ) , orient = "bottom" ;
var tickMajorSize = 6 , /*tickMinorSize = 6,*/ tickEndSize = 6 , tickPadding = 3 , tickCentered = false , tickTextNum = 10 , tickOffset = 0 , tickFormat = null ;
var categories = [ ] ;
function axisX ( selection , x ) {
selection . attr ( "transform" , function ( d ) {
return "translate(" + ( x ( d ) + tickOffset ) + ", 0)" ;
} ) ;
function axisY ( selection , y ) {
selection . attr ( "transform" , function ( d ) {
return "translate(0," + y ( d ) + ")" ;
} ) ;
function scaleExtent ( domain ) {
var start = domain [ 0 ] , stop = domain [ domain . length - 1 ] ;
return start < stop ? [ start , stop ] : [ stop , start ] ;
function generateTicks ( domain ) {
var ticks = [ ] ;
for ( var i = Math . ceil ( domain [ 0 ] ) ; i < domain [ 1 ] ; i ++ ) {
ticks . push ( i ) ;
if ( ticks . length > 0 && ticks [ 0 ] > 0 ) {
ticks . unshift ( ticks [ 0 ] - ( ticks [ 1 ] - ticks [ 0 ] ) ) ;
return ticks ;
function shouldShowTickText ( ticks , i ) {
return ticks . length < tickTextNum || i % Math . ceil ( ticks . length / tickTextNum ) === 0 ;
function category ( i ) {
return i < categories . length ? categories [ i ] : i ;
function formattedCategory ( i ) {
var c = category ( i ) ;
return tickFormat ? tickFormat ( c ) : c ;
function axis ( g ) {
g . each ( function ( ) {
var g = d3 . select ( this ) ;
var ticks = generateTicks ( scale . domain ( ) ) ;
var tick = g . selectAll ( ".tick.major" ) . data ( ticks , String ) ,
tickEnter = tick . enter ( ) . insert ( "g" , "path" ) . attr ( "class" , "tick major" ) . style ( "opacity" , 1e-6 ) ,
tickExit = d3 . transition ( tick . exit ( ) ) . style ( "opacity" , 1e-6 ) . remove ( ) ,
tickUpdate = d3 . transition ( tick ) . style ( "opacity" , 1 ) ,
tickTransform ,
tickX ;
var range = scale . rangeExtent ? scale . rangeExtent ( ) : scaleExtent ( scale . range ( ) ) ,
path = g . selectAll ( ".domain" ) . data ( [ 0 ] ) ;
path . enter ( ) . append ( "path" ) . attr ( "class" , "domain" ) ;
var pathUpdate = d3 . transition ( path ) ;
var scale1 = scale . copy ( ) , scale0 = this . _ _chart _ _ || scale1 ;
this . _ _chart _ _ = scale1 ;
tickEnter . append ( "line" ) ;
tickEnter . append ( "text" ) ;
var lineEnter = tickEnter . select ( "line" ) , lineUpdate = tickUpdate . select ( "line" ) , text = tick . select ( "text" ) , textEnter = tickEnter . select ( "text" ) , textUpdate = tickUpdate . select ( "text" ) ;
tickOffset = ( scale1 ( 1 ) - scale1 ( 0 ) ) / 2 ;
tickX = tickCentered ? 0 : tickOffset ;
switch ( orient ) {
case "bottom" :
tickTransform = axisX ;
lineEnter . attr ( "y2" , tickMajorSize ) ;
textEnter . attr ( "y" , Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) ;
lineUpdate . attr ( "x1" , tickX ) . attr ( "x2" , tickX ) . attr ( "y2" , tickMajorSize ) ;
textUpdate . attr ( "x" , 0 ) . attr ( "y" , Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) ;
text . attr ( "dy" , ".71em" ) . style ( "text-anchor" , "middle" ) ;
text . text ( function ( i ) { return shouldShowTickText ( ticks , i ) ? formattedCategory ( i ) : "" ; } ) ;
pathUpdate . attr ( "d" , "M" + range [ 0 ] + "," + tickEndSize + "V0H" + range [ 1 ] + "V" + tickEndSize ) ;
break ;
/ * T O D O : i m p l e m e n t
case "top" :
tickTransform = axisX
lineEnter . attr ( "y2" , - tickMajorSize )
textEnter . attr ( "y" , - ( Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) )
lineUpdate . attr ( "x2" , 0 ) . attr ( "y2" , - tickMajorSize )
textUpdate . attr ( "x" , 0 ) . attr ( "y" , - ( Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) )
text . attr ( "dy" , "0em" ) . style ( "text-anchor" , "middle" )
pathUpdate . attr ( "d" , "M" + range [ 0 ] + "," + - tickEndSize + "V0H" + range [ 1 ] + "V" + - tickEndSize )
* /
case "left" :
tickTransform = axisY ;
lineEnter . attr ( "x2" , - tickMajorSize ) ;
textEnter . attr ( "x" , - ( Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) ) ;
lineUpdate . attr ( "x2" , - tickMajorSize ) . attr ( "y2" , 0 ) ;
textUpdate . attr ( "x" , - ( Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) ) . attr ( "y" , tickOffset ) ;
text . attr ( "dy" , ".32em" ) . style ( "text-anchor" , "end" ) ;
text . text ( function ( i ) { return shouldShowTickText ( ticks , i ) ? formattedCategory ( i ) : "" ; } ) ;
pathUpdate . attr ( "d" , "M" + - tickEndSize + "," + range [ 0 ] + "H0V" + range [ 1 ] + "H" + - tickEndSize ) ;
break ;
/ *
case "right" :
tickTransform = axisY
lineEnter . attr ( "x2" , tickMajorSize )
textEnter . attr ( "x" , Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding )
lineUpdate . attr ( "x2" , tickMajorSize ) . attr ( "y2" , 0 )
textUpdate . attr ( "x" , Math . max ( tickMajorSize , 0 ) + tickPadding ) . attr ( "y" , 0 )
text . attr ( "dy" , ".32em" ) . style ( "text-anchor" , "start" )
pathUpdate . attr ( "d" , "M" + tickEndSize + "," + range [ 0 ] + "H0V" + range [ 1 ] + "H" + tickEndSize )
* /
if ( scale . ticks ) {
tickEnter . call ( tickTransform , scale0 ) ;
tickUpdate . call ( tickTransform , scale1 ) ;
tickExit . call ( tickTransform , scale1 ) ;
} else {
var dx = scale1 . rangeBand ( ) / 2 , x = function ( d ) {
return scale1 ( d ) + dx ;
} ;
tickEnter . call ( tickTransform , x ) ;
tickUpdate . call ( tickTransform , x ) ;
} ) ;
axis . scale = function ( x ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) { return scale ; }
scale = x ;
return axis ;
} ;
axis . orient = function ( x ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) { return orient ; }
orient = x in { top : 1 , right : 1 , bottom : 1 , left : 1 } ? x + "" : "bottom" ;
return axis ;
} ;
axis . categories = function ( x ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) { return categories ; }
categories = x ;
return axis ;
} ;
axis . tickCentered = function ( x ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) { return tickCentered ; }
tickCentered = x ;
return axis ;
} ;
axis . tickTextNum = function ( x ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) { return tickTextNum ; }
tickTextNum = x ;
return axis ;
} ;
axis . tickFormat = function ( format ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) { return tickFormat ; }
tickFormat = format ;
return axis ;
} ;
axis . tickOffset = function ( ) {
return tickOffset ;
} ;
axis . ticks = function ( ) {
return ; // TODO: implement
} ;
return axis ;
function isUndefined ( v ) {
return typeof v === 'undefined' ;
function isDefined ( v ) {
return typeof v !== 'undefined' ;
} ) ( window ) ;