c3_chart_internal_fn.getScale = function (min, max, forTimeseries) { return (forTimeseries ? this.d3.time.scale() : this.d3.scale.linear()).range([min, max]); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getX = function (min, max, domain, offset) { var $$ = this, scale = $$.getScale(min, max, $$.isTimeSeries()), _scale = domain ? scale.domain(domain) : scale, key; // Define customized scale if categorized axis if ($$.isCategorized()) { offset = offset || function () { return 0; }; scale = function (d, raw) { var v = _scale(d) + offset(d); return raw ? v : Math.ceil(v); }; } else { scale = function (d, raw) { var v = _scale(d); return raw ? v : Math.ceil(v); }; } // define functions for (key in _scale) { scale[key] = _scale[key]; } scale.orgDomain = function () { return _scale.domain(); }; // define custom domain() for categorized axis if ($$.isCategorized()) { scale.domain = function (domain) { if (!arguments.length) { domain = this.orgDomain(); return [domain[0], domain[1] + 1]; } _scale.domain(domain); return scale; }; } return scale; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getY = function (min, max, domain) { var scale = this.getScale(min, max); if (domain) { scale.domain(domain); } return scale; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getYScale = function (id) { return this.getAxisId(id) === 'y2' ? this.y2 : this.y; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getSubYScale = function (id) { return this.getAxisId(id) === 'y2' ? this.subY2 : this.subY; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.updateScales = function () { var $$ = this, config = $$.config, forInit = !$$.x; // update edges $$.xMin = config[__axis_rotated] ? 1 : 0; $$.xMax = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.height : $$.width; $$.yMin = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.height; $$.yMax = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.width : 1; $$.subXMin = $$.xMin; $$.subXMax = $$.xMax; $$.subYMin = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.height2; $$.subYMax = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.width2 : 1; // update scales $$.x = $$.getX($$.xMin, $$.xMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.x.orgDomain(), function () { return $$.xAxis.tickOffset(); }); $$.y = $$.getY($$.yMin, $$.yMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.y.domain()); $$.y2 = $$.getY($$.yMin, $$.yMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.y2.domain()); $$.subX = $$.getX($$.xMin, $$.xMax, $$.orgXDomain, function (d) { return d % 1 ? 0 : $$.subXAxis.tickOffset(); }); $$.subY = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.subY.domain()); $$.subY2 = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.subY2.domain()); // update axes $$.xAxisTickFormat = $$.getXAxisTickFormat(); $$.xAxisTickValues = config[__axis_x_tick_values] ? config[__axis_x_tick_values] : (forInit ? undefined : $$.xAxis.tickValues()); $$.xAxis = $$.getXAxis($$.x, $$.xOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues); $$.subXAxis = $$.getXAxis($$.subX, $$.subXOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues); $$.yAxis = $$.getYAxis($$.y, $$.yOrient, config[__axis_y_tick_format], config[__axis_y_ticks]); $$.y2Axis = $$.getYAxis($$.y2, $$.y2Orient, config[__axis_y2_tick_format], config[__axis_y2_ticks]); // Set initialized scales to brush and zoom if (!forInit) { if ($$.brush) { $$.brush.scale($$.subX); } if (config[__zoom_enabled]) { $$.zoom.scale($$.x); } } // update for arc if (isFunction($$.updateArc)) { $$.updateArc(); } };