c3_chart_internal_fn.getDefaultConfig = function () { var config = { bindto: '#chart', size_width: undefined, size_height: undefined, padding_left: undefined, padding_right: undefined, padding_top: undefined, padding_bottom: undefined, zoom_enabled: false, zoom_extent: undefined, zoom_privileged: false, zoom_rescale: false, zoom_onzoom: function () {}, zoom_onzoomstart: function () {}, zoom_onzoomend: function () {}, interaction_enabled: true, onmouseover: function () {}, onmouseout: function () {}, onresize: function () {}, onresized: function () {}, oninit: function () {}, transition_duration: 350, data_x: undefined, data_xs: {}, data_xFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', data_xLocaltime: true, data_xSort: true, data_idConverter: function (id) { return id; }, data_names: {}, data_classes: {}, data_groups: [], data_axes: {}, data_type: undefined, data_types: {}, data_labels: {}, data_order: 'desc', data_regions: {}, data_color: undefined, data_colors: {}, data_hide: false, data_filter: undefined, data_selection_enabled: false, data_selection_grouped: false, data_selection_isselectable: function () { return true; }, data_selection_multiple: true, data_selection_draggable: false, data_onclick: function () {}, data_onmouseover: function () {}, data_onmouseout: function () {}, data_onselected: function () {}, data_onunselected: function () {}, data_url: undefined, data_json: undefined, data_rows: undefined, data_columns: undefined, data_mimeType: undefined, data_keys: undefined, // configuration for no plot-able data supplied. data_empty_label_text: "", // subchart subchart_show: false, subchart_size_height: 60, subchart_onbrush: function () {}, // color color_pattern: [], color_threshold: {}, // legend legend_show: true, legend_hide: false, legend_position: 'bottom', legend_inset_anchor: 'top-left', legend_inset_x: 10, legend_inset_y: 0, legend_inset_step: undefined, legend_item_onclick: undefined, legend_item_onmouseover: undefined, legend_item_onmouseout: undefined, legend_equally: false, // axis axis_rotated: false, axis_x_show: true, axis_x_type: 'indexed', axis_x_localtime: true, axis_x_categories: [], axis_x_tick_centered: false, axis_x_tick_format: undefined, axis_x_tick_culling: {}, axis_x_tick_culling_max: 10, axis_x_tick_count: undefined, axis_x_tick_fit: true, axis_x_tick_values: null, axis_x_tick_rotate: 0, axis_x_tick_outer: true, axis_x_tick_multiline: true, axis_x_tick_width: null, axis_x_max: undefined, axis_x_min: undefined, axis_x_padding: {}, axis_x_height: undefined, axis_x_extent: undefined, axis_x_label: {}, axis_y_show: true, axis_y_type: undefined, axis_y_max: undefined, axis_y_min: undefined, axis_y_center: undefined, axis_y_inner: undefined, axis_y_label: {}, axis_y_tick_format: undefined, axis_y_tick_outer: true, axis_y_tick_values: null, axis_y_tick_count: undefined, axis_y_tick_time_value: undefined, axis_y_tick_time_interval: undefined, axis_y_padding: {}, axis_y_default: undefined, axis_y2_show: false, axis_y2_max: undefined, axis_y2_min: undefined, axis_y2_center: undefined, axis_y2_inner: undefined, axis_y2_label: {}, axis_y2_tick_format: undefined, axis_y2_tick_outer: true, axis_y2_tick_values: null, axis_y2_tick_count: undefined, axis_y2_padding: {}, axis_y2_default: undefined, // grid grid_x_show: false, grid_x_type: 'tick', grid_x_lines: [], grid_y_show: false, // not used // grid_y_type: 'tick', grid_y_lines: [], grid_y_ticks: 10, grid_focus_show: true, grid_lines_front: true, // point - point of each data point_show: true, point_r: 2.5, point_focus_expand_enabled: true, point_focus_expand_r: undefined, point_select_r: undefined, // line line_connectNull: false, line_step_type: 'step', // bar bar_width: undefined, bar_width_ratio: 0.6, bar_width_max: undefined, bar_zerobased: true, // area area_zerobased: true, // pie pie_label_show: true, pie_label_format: undefined, pie_label_threshold: 0.05, pie_expand: true, // gauge gauge_label_show: true, gauge_label_format: undefined, gauge_expand: true, gauge_min: 0, gauge_max: 100, gauge_units: undefined, gauge_width: undefined, // donut donut_label_show: true, donut_label_format: undefined, donut_label_threshold: 0.05, donut_width: undefined, donut_expand: true, donut_title: "", // region - region to change style regions: [], // tooltip - show when mouseover on each data tooltip_show: true, tooltip_grouped: true, tooltip_format_title: undefined, tooltip_format_name: undefined, tooltip_format_value: undefined, tooltip_position: undefined, tooltip_contents: function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) { return this.getTooltipContent ? this.getTooltipContent(d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) : ''; }, tooltip_init_show: false, tooltip_init_x: 0, tooltip_init_position: {top: '0px', left: '50px'} }; Object.keys(this.additionalConfig).forEach(function (key) { config[key] = this.additionalConfig[key]; }, this); return config; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.additionalConfig = {}; c3_chart_internal_fn.loadConfig = function (config) { var this_config = this.config, target, keys, read; function find() { var key = keys.shift(); // console.log("key =>", key, ", target =>", target); if (key && target && typeof target === 'object' && key in target) { target = target[key]; return find(); } else if (!key) { return target; } else { return undefined; } } Object.keys(this_config).forEach(function (key) { target = config; keys = key.split('_'); read = find(); // console.log("CONFIG : ", key, read); if (isDefined(read)) { this_config[key] = read; } }); };