/** * c3.core.js */ (function (window) { 'use strict'; /*global define, module, exports, require */ var c3 = { version: "0.3.0" }; function Chart(config) { var $$ = this.internal = new Chart.Internal(), d3 = $$.d3 = window.d3 ? window.d3 : 'undefined' !== typeof require ? require("d3") : undefined; $$.chart = this; $$.data = {}; $$.cache = {}; /*-- Handle Config --*/ $$.readConfig(config); /*-- Init Variables --*/ // TODO: some of these should be a function and defined in prototype // MEMO: clipId needs to be unique because it conflicts when multiple charts exist $$.clipId = "c3-" + (+new Date()) + '-clip', $$.clipIdForXAxis = $$.clipId + '-xaxis', $$.clipIdForYAxis = $$.clipId + '-yaxis', $$.clipPath = $$.getClipPath($$.clipId), $$.clipPathForXAxis = $$.getClipPath($$.clipIdForXAxis), $$.clipPathForYAxis = $$.getClipPath($$.clipIdForYAxis); $$.isTimeSeries = ($$.config.axis_x_type === 'timeseries'); $$.isCategorized = ($$.config.axis_x_type.indexOf('categor') >= 0); $$.isCustomX = function () { return !$$.isTimeSeries && ($$.config.data_x || $$.notEmpty($$.config.data_xs)); }; $$.dragStart = null; $$.dragging = false; $$.cancelClick = false; $$.mouseover = false; $$.transiting = false; $$.defaultColorPattern = d3.scale.category10().range(); $$.color = $$.generateColor($$.config.data_colors, $$.notEmpty($$.config.color_pattern) ? $$.config.color_pattern : $$.defaultColorPattern, $$.config.data_color); $$.levelColor = $$.notEmpty($$.config.color_threshold) ? $$.generateLevelColor($$.config.color_pattern, $$.config.color_threshold) : null; $$.dataTimeFormat = $$.config.data_x_localtime ? d3.time.format : d3.time.format.utc; $$.axisTimeFormat = $$.config.axis_x_localtime ? d3.time.format : d3.time.format.utc; $$.defaultAxisTimeFormat = $$.axisTimeFormat.multi([ [".%L", function (d) { return d.getMilliseconds(); }], [":%S", function (d) { return d.getSeconds(); }], ["%I:%M", function (d) { return d.getMinutes(); }], ["%I %p", function (d) { return d.getHours(); }], ["%-m/%-d", function (d) { return d.getDay() && d.getDate() !== 1; }], ["%-m/%-d", function (d) { return d.getDate() !== 1; }], ["%-m/%-d", function (d) { return d.getMonth(); }], ["%Y/%-m/%-d", function () { return true; }] ]); $$.hiddenTargetIds = []; $$.hiddenLegendIds = []; $$.axes = {}; $$.xOrient = $$.config.axis_rotated ? "left" : "bottom"; $$.yOrient = $$.config.axis_rotated ? ($$.config.axis_y_inner ? "top" : "bottom") : ($$.config.axis_y_inner ? "right" : "left"); $$.y2Orient = $$.config.axis_rotated ? ($$.config.axis_y2_inner ? "bottom" : "top") : ($$.config.axis_y2_inner ? "left" : "right"); $$.subXOrient = $$.config.axis_rotated ? "left" : "bottom"; $$.translate = { main : function () { return "translate(" + $$.asHalfPixel($$.margin.left) + "," + $$.asHalfPixel($$.margin.top) + ")"; }, context : function () { return "translate(" + $$.asHalfPixel($$.margin2.left) + "," + $$.asHalfPixel($$.margin2.top) + ")"; }, legend : function () { return "translate(" + $$.margin3.left + "," + $$.margin3.top + ")"; }, x : function () { return "translate(0," + ($$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.height) + ")"; }, y : function () { return "translate(0," + ($$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : 0) + ")"; }, y2 : function () { return "translate(" + ($$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.width) + "," + ($$.config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0) + ")"; }, subx : function () { return "translate(0," + ($$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.height2) + ")"; }, arc: function () { return "translate(" + ($$.arcWidth / 2) + "," + ($$.arcHeight / 2) + ")"; } }; $$.isLegendRight = $$.config.legend_position === 'right'; $$.isLegendInset = $$.config.legend_position === 'inset'; $$.isLegendTop = $$.config.legend_inset_anchor === 'top-left' || $$.config.legend_inset_anchor === 'top-right'; $$.isLegendLeft = $$.config.legend_inset_anchor === 'top-left' || $$.config.legend_inset_anchor === 'bottom-left'; $$.legendStep = 0; $$.legendItemWidth = 0; $$.legendItemHeight = 0; $$.legendOpacityForHidden = 0.15; $$.currentMaxTickWidth = 0; $$.rotated_padding_left = 30; $$.rotated_padding_right = $$.config.axis_rotated && !$$.config.axis_x_show ? 0 : 30; $$.rotated_padding_top = 5; $$.withoutFadeIn = {}; // TODO: this should be pluggable $$.pie = d3.layout.pie().value(function (d) { return d.values.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b.value; }, 0); }); if (!$$.config.pie_sort || !$$.config.donut_sort) { // TODO: this needs to be called by each type $$.pie.sort(null); } // TODO: this should be pluggable $$.brush = d3.svg.brush().on("brush", $$.redrawForBrush); $$.brush.update = function () { if ($$.context) { $$.context.select('.' + this.CLASS.brush).call(this); } return this; }; $$.brush.scale = function (scale) { return $$.config.axis_rotated ? this.y(scale) : this.x(scale); }; // TODO: this should be pluggable $$.zoom = d3.behavior.zoom() .on("zoomstart", function () { $$.zoom.altDomain = d3.event.sourceEvent.altKey ? $$.x.orgDomain() : null; }) .on("zoom", $$.redrawForZoom); $$.zoom.scale = function (scale) { return $$.config.axis_rotated ? this.y(scale) : this.x(scale); }; $$.zoom.orgScaleExtent = function () { var extent = $$.config.zoom_extent ? $$.config.zoom_extent : [1, 10]; return [extent[0], Math.max(this.getMaxDataCount() / extent[1], extent[1])]; }; $$.zoom.updateScaleExtent = function () { var ratio = this.diffDomain($$.x.orgDomain()) / this.diffDomain(this.orgXDomain), extent = this.orgScaleExtent(); this.scaleExtent([extent[0] * ratio, extent[1] * ratio]); return this; }; /*-- Load data and init chart with defined functions --*/ if (config.data.url) { $$.convertUrlToData(config.data.url, config.data.mimeType, config.data.keys, $$.init); } else if (config.data.json) { $$.init($$.convertJsonToData(config.data.json, config.data.keys)); } else if (config.data.rows) { $$.init($$.convertRowsToData(config.data.rows)); } else if (config.data.columns) { $$.init($$.convertColumnsToData(config.data.columns)); } else { throw Error('url or json or rows or columns is required.'); } } Chart.Internal = function () {}; c3.generate = function (config) { return new Chart(config); }; c3.chart = { fn: Chart.prototype, internal: { fn: Chart.Internal.prototype } }; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("c3", ["d3"], c3); } else if ('undefined' !== typeof exports && 'undefined' !== typeof module) { module.exports = c3; } else { window.c3 = c3; } })(window); // TODO: these should be separated into each file (function (c3) { 'use strict'; /** * c3.config.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.config = { bindto: '#chart', size_width: undefined, size_height: undefined, padding_left: undefined, padding_right: undefined, padding_top: undefined, padding_bottom: undefined, zoom_enabled: false, zoom_extent: undefined, zoom_privileged: false, zoom_onzoom: function () {}, interaction_enabled: true, onmouseover: function () {}, onmouseout: function () {}, onresize: function () {}, onresized: function () {}, transition_duration: 350, data_x: undefined, data_xs: {}, data_x_format: '%Y-%m-%d', data_x_localtime: true, data_id_converter: function (id) { return id; }, data_names: {}, data_classes: {}, data_groups: [], data_axes: {}, data_type: undefined, data_types: {}, data_labels: {}, data_order: 'desc', data_regions: {}, data_color: undefined, data_colors: {}, data_hide: false, data_filter: undefined, data_selection_enabled: false, data_selection_grouped: false, data_selection_isselectable: function () { return true; }, data_selection_multiple: true, data_onclick: function () {}, data_onmouseover: function () {}, data_onmouseout: function () {}, data_onselected: function () {}, data_onunselected: function () {}, data_ondragstart: function () {}, data_ondragend: function () {}, data_url: {}, data_json: {}, data_rows: {}, data_columns: {}, // configuration for no plot-able data supplied. data_empty_label_text: "", // subchart subchart_show: false, subchart_size_height: 60, subchart_onbrush: function () {}, // color color_pattern: [], color_threshold : {}, // legend legend_show: true, legend_position: 'bottom', legend_inset_anchor: 'top-left', legend_inset_x: 10, legend_inset_y: 0, legend_inset_step: undefined, legend_item_onclick: undefined, legend_item_onmouseover: undefined, legend_item_onmouseout: undefined, legend_equally: false, // axis axis_rotated: false, axis_x_show: true, axis_x_type: 'indexed', axis_x_localtime: true, axis_x_categories: [], axis_x_tick_centered: false, axis_x_tick_format: undefined, axis_x_tick_culling: {}, axis_x_tick_culling_max: 10, axis_x_tick_count: undefined, axis_x_tick_fit: true, axis_x_tick_values: null, axis_x_tick_rotate: undefined, axis_x_tick_outer: true, axis_x_max: null, axis_x_min: null, axis_x_padding: {}, axis_x_height: undefined, axis_x_default: undefined, axis_x_label: {}, axis_y_show: true, axis_y_max: undefined, axis_y_min: undefined, axis_y_center: undefined, axis_y_label: {}, axis_y_inner: false, axis_y_tick_format: undefined, axis_y_tick_outer: true, axis_y_padding: undefined, axis_y_ticks: 10, axis_y2_show: false, axis_y2_max: undefined, axis_y2_min: undefined, axis_y2_center: undefined, axis_y2_label: {}, axis_y2_inner: false, axis_y2_tick_format: undefined, axis_y2_tick_outer: true, axis_y2_padding: undefined, axis_y2_ticks: 10, // grid grid_x_show: false, grid_x_type: 'tick', grid_x_lines: [], grid_y_show: false, // not used // grid_y_type: {}, 'tick'), grid_y_lines: [], grid_y_ticks: 10, grid_focus_show: true, // point - point of each data point_show: true, point_r: 2.5, point_focus_expand_enabled: true, point_focus_expand_r: undefined, point_select_r: undefined, line_connect_null: false, // bar bar_width: undefined, bar_width_ratio: 0.6, bar_width_max: undefined, bar_zerobased: true, // area area_zerobased: true, // pie pie_label_show: true, pie_label_format: undefined, pie_label_threshold: 0.05, pie_sort: true, pie_expand: true, // gauge gauge_label_show: true, gauge_label_format: undefined, gauge_expand: true, gauge_min: 0, gauge_max: 100, gauge_units: undefined, gauge_width: undefined, // donut donut_label_show: true, donut_label_format: undefined, donut_label_threshold: 0.05, donut_width: undefined, donut_sort: true, donut_expand: true, donut_title: "", // region - region to change style regions: [], // tooltip - show when mouseover on each data tooltip_show: true, tooltip_grouped: true, tooltip_format_title: undefined, tooltip_format_name: undefined, tooltip_format_value: undefined, tooltip_contents: function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) { var titleFormat = this.config.tooltip_format_title || defaultTitleFormat, nameFormat = this.config.tooltip_format_name || function (name) { return name; }, valueFormat = this.config.tooltip_format_value || defaultValueFormat, text, i, title, value, name, bgcolor; for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { if (! (d[i] && (d[i].value || d[i].value === 0))) { continue; } if (! text) { title = titleFormat ? titleFormat(d[i].x) : d[i].x; text = "" + (title || title === 0 ? "" : ""); } name = nameFormat(d[i].name); value = valueFormat(d[i].value, d[i].ratio, d[i].id, d[i].index); bgcolor = this.levelColor ? this.levelColor(d[i].value) : color(d[i].id); text += ""; text += ""; text += ""; text += ""; } return text + "
" + title + "
" + name + "" + value + "
"; }, tooltip_init_show: false, tooltip_init_x: 0, tooltip_init_position: {top: '0px', left: '50px'} }; c3.chart.internal.fn.readConfig = function (config) { var this_config = this.config, target, keys, read; function find() { var key = keys.shift(); // console.log("key =>", key, ", target =>", target); if (key && target && key in target) { target = target[key]; return find(); } else if (!key) { return target; } else { return undefined; } } Object.keys(this_config).forEach(function (key) { target = config; keys = key.split('_'); read = find(); // console.log("CONFIG : ", key, read); if (typeof read !== 'undefined') { this_config[key] = read; } }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.init = function (data) { var $$ = this, d3 = this.d3; var arcs, eventRect, grid, i, binding = true; $$.selectChart = d3.select($$.config.bindto); if ($$.selectChart.empty()) { $$.selectChart = d3.select(document.createElement('div')).style('opacity', 0); this.observeInserted($$.selectChart); binding = false; } $$.selectChart.html("").classed("c3", true); // Init data as targets $$.data.xs = {}; $$.data.targets = $$.convertDataToTargets(data); if ($$.config.data_filter) { $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter($$.config.data_filter); } // Set targets to hide if needed if ($$.config.data_hide) { this.addHiddenTargetIds($$.config.data_hide === true ? this.mapToIds($$.data.targets) : $$.config.data_hide); } // when gauge, hide legend // TODO: fix if (this.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets)) { $$.config.legend_show = false; } // Init sizes and scales this.updateSizes(); this.updateScales(); // Set domains for each scale $$.x.domain(d3.extent(this.getXDomain($$.data.targets))); $$.y.domain(this.getYDomain($$.data.targets, 'y')); $$.y2.domain(this.getYDomain($$.data.targets, 'y2')); $$.subX.domain($$.x.domain()); $$.subY.domain($$.y.domain()); $$.subY2.domain($$.y2.domain()); // Save original x domain for zoom update $$.orgXDomain = $$.x.domain(); // Set initialized scales to brush and zoom $$.brush.scale($$.subX); if ($$.config.zoom_enabled) { $$.zoom.scale($$.x); } /*-- Basic Elements --*/ // Define svgs $$.svg = $$.selectChart.append("svg") .style("overflow", "hidden") .on('mouseenter', function () { return $$.config.onmouseover.call(c3); }) .on('mouseleave', function () { return $$.config.onmouseout.call(c3); }); // Define defs $$.defs = $$.svg.append("defs"); $$.defs.append("clipPath").attr("id", $$.clipId).append("rect"); $$.defs.append("clipPath").attr("id", $$.clipIdForXAxis).append("rect"); $$.defs.append("clipPath").attr("id", $$.clipIdForYAxis).append("rect"); $$.updateSvgSize(); // Define regions $$.main = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.translate.main); $$.context = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.translate.context); $$.legend = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.translate.legend); if (!$$.config.subchart_show) { $$.context.style('visibility', 'hidden'); } if (!$$.config.legend_show) { $$.legend.style('visibility', 'hidden'); $$.hiddenLegendIds = $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets); } // Define tooltip $$.tooltip = $$.selectChart .style("position", "relative") .append("div") .style("position", "absolute") .style("pointer-events", "none") .style("z-index", "10") .style("display", "none"); // MEMO: call here to update legend box and tranlate for all // MEMO: translate will be upated by this, so transform not needed in updateLegend() $$.updateLegend($$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), {withTransform: false, withTransitionForTransform: false, withTransition: false}); /*-- Main Region --*/ // text when empty $$.main.append("text") .attr("class", this.CLASS.text + ' ' + this.CLASS.empty) .attr("text-anchor", "middle") // horizontal centering of text at x position in all browsers. .attr("dominant-baseline", "middle"); // vertical centering of text at y position in all browsers, except IE. // Regions $$.main.append('g') .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath) .attr("class", this.CLASS.regions); // Grids $$.grid = $$.main.append('g') .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath) .attr('class', this.CLASS.grid); if ($$.config.grid_x_show) { $$.grid.append("g").attr("class", this.CLASS.xgrids); } if ($$.config.grid_y_show) { $$.grid.append('g').attr('class', this.CLASS.ygrids); } $$.grid.append('g').attr("class", this.CLASS.xgridLines); $$.grid.append('g').attr('class', this.CLASS.ygridLines); if ($$.config.grid_focus_show) { $$.grid.append('g') .attr("class", this.CLASS.xgridFocus) .append('line') .attr('class', this.CLASS.xgridFocus); } // Define g for chart area $$.main.append('g') .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath) .attr('class', this.CLASS.chart); // Cover whole with rects for events eventRect = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.eventRects) .style('fill-opacity', 0); // Define g for bar chart area $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartBars); // Define g for line chart area $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartLines); // Define g for arc chart area arcs = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartArcs) .attr("transform", $$.translate.arc); arcs.append('text') .attr('class', this.CLASS.chartArcsTitle) .style("text-anchor", "middle") .text(this.getArcTitle()); if (this.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets)) { arcs.append('path') .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartArcsBackground) .attr("d", function () { var d = { data: [{value: $$.config.gauge_max}], startAngle: -1 * (Math.PI / 2), endAngle: Math.PI / 2 }; return this.getArc(d, true, true); }); arcs.append("text") .attr("dy", ".75em") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartArcsGaugeUnit) .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style("pointer-events", "none") .text($$.config.gauge_label_show ? $$.config.gauge_units : ''); arcs.append("text") .attr("dx", -1 * ($$.innerRadius + (($$.radius - $$.innerRadius) / 2)) + "px") .attr("dy", "1.2em") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartArcsGaugeMin) .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style("pointer-events", "none") .text($$.config.gauge_label_show ? $$.config.gauge_min : ''); arcs.append("text") .attr("dx", $$.innerRadius + (($$.radius - $$.innerRadius) / 2) + "px") .attr("dy", "1.2em") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartArcsGaugeMax) .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style("pointer-events", "none") .text($$.config.gauge_label_show ? $$.config.gauge_max : ''); } $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartTexts); // if zoom privileged, insert rect to forefront $$.main.insert('rect', $$.config.zoom_privileged ? null : 'g.' + this.CLASS.regions) .attr('class', this.CLASS.zoomRect) .attr('width', $$.width) .attr('height', $$.height) .style('opacity', 0) .on("dblclick.zoom", null); // Set default extent if defined if ($$.config.axis_x_default) { $$.brush.extent(typeof $$.config.axis_x_default !== 'function' ? $$.config.axis_x_default : $$.config.axis_x_default(this.getXDomain())); } // Add Axis $$.axes.x = $$.main.append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axis + ' ' + this.CLASS.axisX) .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForXAxis) .attr("transform", $$.translate.x) .style("visibility", $$.config.axis_x_show ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); $$.axes.x.append("text") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axisXLabel) .attr("transform", $$.config.axis_rotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "") .style("text-anchor", function () { return $$.textAnchorForXAxisLabel(); }); $$.axes.y = $$.main.append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axis + ' ' + this.CLASS.axisY) .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForYAxis) .attr("transform", $$.translate.y) .style("visibility", $$.config.axis_y_show ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); $$.axes.y.append("text") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axisYLabel) .attr("transform", $$.config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)") .style("text-anchor", function () { return $$.textAnchorForYAxisLabel(); }); $$.axes.y2 = $$.main.append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axis + ' ' + this.CLASS.axisY2) // clip-path? .attr("transform", $$.translate.y2) .style("visibility", $$.config.axis_y2_show ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); $$.axes.y2.append("text") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axisY2Label) .attr("transform", $$.config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)") .style("text-anchor", function () { return $$.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel(); }); /*-- Context Region --*/ // Define g for chart area $$.context.append('g') .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath) .attr('class', this.CLASS.chart); // Define g for bar chart area $$.context.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartBars); // Define g for line chart area $$.context.select('.' + this.CLASS.chart).append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.chartLines); // Add extent rect for Brush $$.context.append("g") .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath) .attr("class", this.CLASS.brush) .call($$.brush) .selectAll("rect") .attr($$.config.axis_rotated ? "width" : "height", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width2 : $$.height2); // ATTENTION: This must be called AFTER chart added // Add Axis $$.axes.subx = $$.context.append("g") .attr("class", this.CLASS.axisX) .attr("transform", $$.translate.subx) .attr("clip-path", $$.config.axis_rotated ? "" : $$.clipPathForXAxis); // Set targets this.updateTargets($$.data.targets); // Draw with targets if (binding) { this.updateDimension(); this.redraw({ withTransform: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withTransitionForAxis: false }); } // Show tooltip if needed if ($$.config.tooltip_init_show) { if ($$.isTimeSeries && typeof $$.config.tooltip_init_x === 'string') { $$.config.tooltip_init_x = this.parseDate($$.config.tooltip_init_x); for (i = 0; i < $$.data.targets[0].values.length; i++) { if (($$.data.targets[0].values[i].x - $$.config.tooltip_init_x) === 0) { break; } } $$.config.tooltip_init_x = i; } $$.tooltip.html($$.config.tooltip_contents.call($$, $$.data.targets.map(function (d) { return this.addName(d.values[$$.config.tooltip_init_x]); }), this.getXAxisTickFormat(), this.getYFormat(this.hasArcType($$.data.targets)), $$.color)); $$.tooltip.style("top", $$.config.tooltip_init_position.top) .style("left", $$.config.tooltip_init_position.left) .style("display", "block"); } // Bind resize event if (window.onresize == null) { window.onresize = this.generateResize(); } if (window.onresize.add) { window.onresize.add(function () { $$.config.onresize.call(c3); }); window.onresize.add(function () { $$.chart.flush(); }); window.onresize.add(function () { $$.config.onresized.call(c3); }); } // export element of the chart $$.chart.element = $$.selectChart.node(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.smoothLines = function (el, type) { var $$ = this; if (type === 'grid') { el.each(function () { var g = $$.d3.select(this), x1 = g.attr('x1'), x2 = g.attr('x2'), y1 = g.attr('y1'), y2 = g.attr('y2'); g.attr({ 'x1': Math.ceil(x1), 'x2': Math.ceil(x2), 'y1': Math.ceil(y1), 'y2': Math.ceil(y2) }); }); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateSizes = function () { var $$ = this; var legendHeight = $$.getLegendHeight(), legendWidth = $$.getLegendWidth(), legendHeightForBottom = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? 0 : legendHeight, hasArc = this.hasArcType($$.data.targets), xAxisHeight = $$.config.axis_rotated || hasArc ? 0 : this.getHorizontalAxisHeight('x'), subchartHeight = $$.config.subchart_show && !hasArc ? ($$.config.subchart_size_height + xAxisHeight) : 0; $$.currentWidth = this.getCurrentWidth(); $$.currentHeight = this.getCurrentHeight(); // for main, context if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { $$.margin = { top: this.getHorizontalAxisHeight('y2') + this.getCurrentPaddingTop(), right: hasArc ? 0 : this.getCurrentPaddingRight(), bottom: this.getHorizontalAxisHeight('y') + legendHeightForBottom + this.getCurrentPaddingBottom(), left: subchartHeight + (hasArc ? 0 : this.getCurrentPaddingLeft()) }; $$.margin2 = { top: $$.margin.top, right: NaN, bottom: 20 + legendHeightForBottom, left: $$.rotated_padding_left }; } else { $$.margin = { top: 4 + this.getCurrentPaddingTop(), // for top tick text right: hasArc ? 0 : this.getCurrentPaddingRight(), bottom: xAxisHeight + subchartHeight + legendHeightForBottom + this.getCurrentPaddingBottom(), left: hasArc ? 0 : this.getCurrentPaddingLeft() }; $$.margin2 = { top: this.currentHeight - subchartHeight - legendHeightForBottom, right: NaN, bottom: xAxisHeight + legendHeightForBottom, left: $$.margin.left }; } // for legend var insetLegendPosition = { top: $$.isLegendTop ? this.getCurrentPaddingTop() + $$.config.legend_inset_y + 5.5 : $$.currentHeight - legendHeight - this.getCurrentPaddingBottom() - $$.config.legend_inset_y, left: $$.isLegendLeft ? this.getCurrentPaddingLeft() + $$.config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 : $$.currentWidth - legendWidth - this.getCurrentPaddingRight() - $$.config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 }; $$.margin3 = { top: $$.isLegendRight ? 0 : $$.isLegendInset ? insetLegendPosition.top : $$.currentHeight - legendHeight, right: NaN, bottom: 0, left: $$.isLegendRight ? $$.currentWidth - legendWidth : $$.isLegendInset ? insetLegendPosition.left : 0 }; $$.width = $$.currentWidth - $$.margin.left - $$.margin.right; $$.height = $$.currentHeight - $$.margin.top - $$.margin.bottom; if ($$.width < 0) { $$.width = 0; } if ($$.height < 0) { $$.height = 0; } $$.width2 = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.margin.left - $$.rotated_padding_left - $$.rotated_padding_right : $$.width; $$.height2 = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : $$.currentHeight - $$.margin2.top - $$.margin2.bottom; if ($$.width2 < 0) { $$.width2 = 0; } if ($$.height2 < 0) { $$.height2 = 0; } // for arc $$.arcWidth = $$.width - ($$.isLegendRight ? legendWidth + 10 : 0); $$.arcHeight = $$.height - ($$.isLegendRight ? 0 : 10); this.updateRadius(); if ($$.isLegendRight && hasArc) { $$.margin3.left = $$.arcWidth / 2 + $$.radiusExpanded * 1.1; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateRadius = function () { var $$ = this; $$.radiusExpanded = Math.min($$.arcWidth, $$.arcHeight) / 2; $$.radius = $$.radiusExpanded * 0.95; if (this.hasDonutType($$.data.targets) || this.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets)) { $$.innerRadius = $$.radius * ($$.config.gauge_width ? ($$.radius - $$.config.gauge_width) / $$.radius : 0.6); } else { $$.innerRadius = 0; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateTargets = function (targets) { var mainLineEnter, mainLineUpdate, mainBarEnter, mainBarUpdate, mainPieEnter, mainPieUpdate, mainTextUpdate, mainTextEnter; var contextLineEnter, contextLineUpdate, contextBarEnter, contextBarUpdate; var $$ = this, main = $$.main, context = $$.context, CLASS = $$.CLASS; /*-- Main --*/ //-- Text --// mainTextUpdate = main.select('.' + CLASS.chartTexts).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartText) .data(targets) .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classChartText(d); }); mainTextEnter = mainTextUpdate.enter().append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classChartText(d); }) .style('opacity', 0) .style("pointer-events", "none"); mainTextEnter.append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classTexts(d); }); //-- Bar --// mainBarUpdate = main.select('.' + CLASS.chartBars).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartBar) .data(targets) .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classChartBar(d); }); mainBarEnter = mainBarUpdate.enter().append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classChartBar(d); }) .style('opacity', 0) .style("pointer-events", "none"); // Bars for each data mainBarEnter.append('g') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classBars(d); }) .style("cursor", function (d) { return $$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d) ? "pointer" : null; }); //-- Line --// mainLineUpdate = main.select('.' + CLASS.chartLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartLine) .data(targets) .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classChartLine(d); }); mainLineEnter = mainLineUpdate.enter().append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classChartLine(d); }) .style('opacity', 0) .style("pointer-events", "none"); // Lines for each data mainLineEnter.append('g') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classLines(d); }); // Areas mainLineEnter.append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classAreas(d); }); // Circles for each data point on lines mainLineEnter.append('g') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.generateClass(CLASS.selectedCircles, d.id); }); mainLineEnter.append('g') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classCircles(d); }) .style("cursor", function (d) { return $$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d) ? "pointer" : null; }); // Update date for selected circles targets.forEach(function (t) { main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(t.id)).selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircle).each(function (d) { d.value = t.values[d.index].value; }); }); // MEMO: can not keep same color... //mainLineUpdate.exit().remove(); //-- Pie --// mainPieUpdate = main.select('.' + CLASS.chartArcs).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc) .data($$.pie(targets)) .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classChartArc(d); }); mainPieEnter = mainPieUpdate.enter().append("g") .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classChartArc(d); }); mainPieEnter.append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classArcs(d); }); mainPieEnter.append("text") .attr("dy", $$.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets) ? "-0.35em" : ".35em") .style("opacity", 0) .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style("pointer-events", "none"); // MEMO: can not keep same color..., but not bad to update color in redraw //mainPieUpdate.exit().remove(); /*-- Context --*/ if ($$.config.subchart_show) { contextBarUpdate = context.select('.' + CLASS.chartBars).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartBar) .data(targets) .attr('class', $$.classChartBar); contextBarEnter = contextBarUpdate.enter().append('g') .style('opacity', 0) .attr('class', $$.classChartBar); // Bars for each data contextBarEnter.append('g') .attr("class", $$.classBars); //-- Line --// contextLineUpdate = context.select('.' + CLASS.chartLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartLine) .data(targets) .attr('class', $$.classChartLine); contextLineEnter = contextLineUpdate.enter().append('g') .style('opacity', 0) .attr('class', $$.classChartLine); // Lines for each data contextLineEnter.append("g") .attr("class", $$.classLines); // Area contextLineEnter.append("g") .attr("class", $$.classAreas); } /*-- Show --*/ // Fade-in each chart $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.target).filter(function (d) { return $$.isTargetToShow(d.id); }) .transition().duration($$.config.transition_duration) .style("opacity", 1); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) { var $$ = this, main = $$.main, context = $$.context, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3; var xgrid, xgridAttr, xgridData, xgridLines, xgridLine, ygrid, ygridLines, ygridLine, flushXGrid; var mainLine, mainArea, mainCircle, mainBar, mainArc, mainRegion, mainText, contextLine, contextArea, contextBar, eventRect, eventRectUpdate; var areaIndices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isAreaType), barIndices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isBarType), lineIndices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isLineType), maxDataCountTarget, tickOffset; var rectX, rectW; var withY, withSubchart, withTransition, withTransitionForExit, withTransitionForAxis, withTransform, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withLegend; var hideAxis = $$.hasArcType($$.data.targets); var drawArea, drawAreaOnSub, drawBar, drawBarOnSub, drawLine, drawLineOnSub, xForText, yForText; var duration, durationForExit, durationForAxis, waitForDraw; var targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets), tickValues, i, intervalForCulling; xgrid = xgridLines = mainCircle = mainText = $$.getEmptySelection(); options = options || {}; withY = $$.getOption(options, "withY", true); withSubchart = $$.getOption(options, "withSubchart", true); withTransition = $$.getOption(options, "withTransition", true); withTransform = $$.getOption(options, "withTransform", false); withUpdateXDomain = $$.getOption(options, "withUpdateXDomain", false); withUpdateOrgXDomain = $$.getOption(options, "withUpdateOrgXDomain", false); withLegend = $$.getOption(options, "withLegend", false); withTransitionForExit = $$.getOption(options, "withTransitionForExit", withTransition); withTransitionForAxis = $$.getOption(options, "withTransitionForAxis", withTransition); duration = withTransition ? $$.config.transition_duration : 0; durationForExit = withTransitionForExit ? duration : 0; durationForAxis = withTransitionForAxis ? duration : 0; transitions = transitions || $$.generateAxisTransitions(durationForAxis); // update legend and transform each g if (withLegend && $$.config.legend_show) { $$.updateLegend($$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), options, transitions); } // MEMO: needed for grids calculation if ($$.isCategorized && targetsToShow.length === 0) { $$.x.domain([0, $$.axes.x.selectAll('.tick').size()]); } if (targetsToShow.length) { $$.updateXDomain(targetsToShow, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain); // update axis tick values according to options if (!$$.config.axis_x_tick_values && ($$.config.axis_x_tick_fit || $$.config.axis_x_tick_count)) { tickValues = $$.generateTickValues($$.mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targetsToShow), $$.config.axis_x_tick_count); $$.xAxis.tickValues(tickValues); $$.subXAxis.tickValues(tickValues); } } else { $$.xAxis.tickValues([]); $$.subXAxis.tickValues([]); } $$.y.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y')); $$.y2.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y2')); // axes $$.axes.x.style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1); $$.axes.y.style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1); $$.axes.y2.style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1); $$.axes.subx.style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1); transitions.axisX.call($$.xAxis); transitions.axisY.call($$.yAxis); transitions.axisY2.call($$.y2Axis); transitions.axisSubX.call($$.subXAxis); // Update axis label $$.updateAxisLabels(withTransition); // show/hide if manual culling needed if (withUpdateXDomain && targetsToShow.length) { if ($$.config.axis_x_tick_culling && tickValues) { for (i = 1; i < tickValues.length; i++) { if (tickValues.length / i < $$.config.axis_x_tick_culling_max) { intervalForCulling = i; break; } } $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').each(function (e) { var index = tickValues.indexOf(e); if (index >= 0) { d3.select(this).style('display', index % intervalForCulling ? 'none' : 'block'); } }); } else { $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').style('display', 'block'); } } // rotate tick text if needed if (!$$.config.axis_rotated && $$.config.axis_x_tick_rotate) { $$.rotateTickText($$.axes.x, transitions.axisX, $$.config.axis_x_tick_rotate); } // setup drawer - MEMO: these must be called after axis updated drawArea = $$.generateDrawArea(areaIndices, false); drawBar = $$.generateDrawBar(barIndices); drawLine = $$.generateDrawLine(lineIndices, false); xForText = $$.generateXYForText(barIndices, true); yForText = $$.generateXYForText(barIndices, false); // Update sub domain $$.subY.domain($$.y.domain()); $$.subY2.domain($$.y2.domain()); // tooltip $$.tooltip.style("display", "none"); // xgrid focus $$.updateXgridFocus(); // Data empty label positioning and text. main.select("text." + CLASS.text + '.' + CLASS.empty) .attr("x", $$.width / 2) .attr("y", $$.height / 2) .text($$.config.data_empty_label_text) .transition() .style('opacity', targetsToShow.length ? 0 : 1); // grid main.select('line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus).style("visibility", "hidden"); if ($$.config.grid_x_show) { xgridAttr = $$.config.axis_rotated ? { 'x1': 0, 'x2': $$.width, 'y1': function (d) { return $$.x(d) - tickOffset; }, 'y2': function (d) { return $$.x(d) - tickOffset; } } : { 'x1': function (d) { return $$.x(d) + tickOffset; }, 'x2': function (d) { return $$.x(d) + tickOffset; }, 'y1': 0, 'y2': $$.height }; // this is used to flow flushXGrid = function (withoutUpdate) { xgridData = $$.generateGridData($$.config.grid_x_type, $$.x); tickOffset = $$.isCategorized ? $$.xAxis.tickOffset() : 0; xgrid = main.select('.' + CLASS.xgrids).selectAll('.' + CLASS.xgrid) .data(xgridData); xgrid.enter().append('line').attr("class", CLASS.xgrid); if (!withoutUpdate) { xgrid.attr(xgridAttr) .style("opacity", function () { return +d3.select(this).attr($$.config.axis_rotated ? 'y1' : 'x1') === ($$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : 0) ? 0 : 1; }); } xgrid.exit().remove(); }; flushXGrid(); } xgridLines = main.select('.' + CLASS.xgridLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.xgridLine) .data($$.config.grid_x_lines); // enter xgridLine = xgridLines.enter().append('g') .attr("class", function (d) { return CLASS.xgridLine + (d.class ? ' ' + d.class : ''); }); xgridLine.append('line') .style("opacity", 0); xgridLine.append('text') .attr("text-anchor", "end") .attr("transform", $$.config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)") .attr('dx', $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : -$$.margin.top) .attr('dy', -5) .style("opacity", 0); // udpate // done in d3.transition() of the end of this function // exit xgridLines.exit().transition().duration(duration) .style("opacity", 0) .remove(); // Y-Grid if (withY && $$.config.grid_y_show) { ygrid = main.select('.' + CLASS.ygrids).selectAll('.' + CLASS.ygrid) .data($$.y.ticks($$.config.grid_y_ticks)); ygrid.enter().append('line') .attr('class', CLASS.ygrid); ygrid.attr("x1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.y : 0) .attr("x2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.y : $$.width) .attr("y1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.y) .attr("y2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : $$.y); ygrid.exit().remove(); $$.smoothLines(ygrid, 'grid'); } if (withY) { ygridLines = main.select('.' + CLASS.ygridLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.ygridLine) .data($$.config.grid_y_lines); // enter ygridLine = ygridLines.enter().append('g') .attr("class", function (d) { return CLASS.ygridLine + (d.class ? ' ' + d.class : ''); }); ygridLine.append('line') .style("opacity", 0); ygridLine.append('text') .attr("text-anchor", "end") .attr("transform", $$.config.axis_rotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "") .attr('dx', $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : -$$.margin.top) .attr('dy', -5) .style("opacity", 0); // update var yv = function (d) { return $$.yv.call($$, d); }; ygridLines.select('line') .transition().duration(duration) .attr("x1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? yv : 0) .attr("x2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? yv : $$.width) .attr("y1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : yv) .attr("y2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : yv) .style("opacity", 1); ygridLines.select('text') .transition().duration(duration) .attr("x", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.width) .attr("y", yv) .text(function (d) { return d.text; }) .style("opacity", 1); // exit ygridLines.exit().transition().duration(duration) .style("opacity", 0) .remove(); } // rect for regions mainRegion = main.select('.' + CLASS.regions).selectAll('.' + CLASS.region) .data($$.config.regions); mainRegion.enter().append('g') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classRegion(d); }) .append('rect') .style("fill-opacity", 0); mainRegion.exit().transition().duration(duration) .style("opacity", 0) .remove(); // bars mainBar = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.bars).selectAll('.' + CLASS.bar) .data(function (d) { return $$.barData(d); }); mainBar.enter().append('path') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classBar(d); }) .style("stroke", function (d) { return $$.color(d.id); }) .style("fill", function (d) { return $$.color(d.id); }); mainBar .style("opacity", function (d) { return $$.initialOpacity(d); }); mainBar.exit().transition().duration(durationForExit) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); // lines, areas and cricles mainLine = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.lines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.line) .data(function (d) { return $$.lineData(d); }); mainLine.enter().append('path') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classLine(d); }) .style("stroke", $$.color); mainLine .style("opacity", function (d) { return $$.initialOpacity(d); }) .attr('transform', null); mainLine.exit().transition().duration(durationForExit) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); mainArea = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.areas).selectAll('.' + CLASS.area) .data(function (d) { return $$.lineData(d); }); mainArea.enter().append('path') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classArea(d); }) .style("fill", $$.color) .style("opacity", function () { $$.orgAreaOpacity = +d3.select(this).style('opacity'); return 0; }); mainArea .style("opacity", $$.orgAreaOpacity); mainArea.exit().transition().duration(durationForExit) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); if ($$.config.point_show) { mainCircle = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.circles).selectAll('.' + CLASS.circle) .data(function (d) { return $$.lineOrScatterData(d); }); mainCircle.enter().append("circle") .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classCircle(d); }) .attr("r", function (d) { return $$.pointR(d); }) .style("fill", $$.color); mainCircle .style("opacity", function (d) { return $$.initialOpacity(d); }); mainCircle.exit().remove(); } if ($$.hasDataLabel()) { mainText = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.texts).selectAll('.' + CLASS.text) .data($$.barOrLineData); mainText.enter().append('text') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classText(d); }) .attr('text-anchor', function (d) { return $$.config.axis_rotated ? (d.value < 0 ? 'end' : 'start') : 'middle'; }) .style("stroke", 'none') .style("fill", function (d) { return $$.color(d); }) .style("fill-opacity", 0); mainText .text(function (d) { return $$.formatByAxisId($$.getAxisId(d.id))(d.value, d.id); }); mainText.exit() .transition().duration(durationForExit) .style('fill-opacity', 0) .remove(); } // arc mainArc = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.arcs).selectAll('.' + CLASS.arc) .data(function (d) { return $$.arcData(d); }); mainArc.enter().append('path') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classArc(d); }) .style("fill", function (d) { return $$.color(d.data); }) .style("cursor", function (d) { return $$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d) ? "pointer" : null; }) .style("opacity", 0) .each(function (d) { if ($$.isGaugeType(d.data)) { d.startAngle = d.endAngle = -1 * (Math.PI / 2); } this._current = d; }) .on('mouseover', function (d) { var updated, arcData; if ($$.transiting) { // skip while transiting return; } updated = $$.updateAngle(d); arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated); // transitions $$.expandArc(updated.data.id); $$.toggleFocusLegend(updated.data.id, true); $$.config.data_onmouseover.call(c3, arcData, this); }) .on('mousemove', function (d) { var updated = $$.updateAngle(d), arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated), selectedData = [arcData]; $$.showTooltip(selectedData, d3.mouse(this)); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { var updated, arcData; if ($$.transiting) { // skip while transiting return; } updated = $$.updateAngle(d); arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated); // transitions $$.unexpandArc(updated.data.id); $$.revertLegend(); $$.hideTooltip(); $$.config.data_onmouseout.call(c3, arcData, this); }) .on('click', function (d, i) { var updated = $$.updateAngle(d), arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated); $$.toggleShape(this, arcData, i); // onclick called in toogleShape() }); mainArc .attr("transform", function (d) { return !$$.isGaugeType(d.data) && withTransform ? "scale(0)" : ""; }) .style("opacity", function (d) { return d === this._current ? 0 : 1; }) .each(function () { $$.transiting = true; }) .transition().duration(duration) .attrTween("d", function (d) { var updated = $$.updateAngle(d), interpolate; if (! updated) { return function () { return "M 0 0"; }; } /* if (this._current === d) { this._current = { startAngle: Math.PI*2, endAngle: Math.PI*2, }; } */ if (isNaN(this._current.endAngle)) { this._current.endAngle = this._current.startAngle; } interpolate = d3.interpolate(this._current, updated); this._current = interpolate(0); return function (t) { return $$.getArc(interpolate(t), true); }; }) .attr("transform", withTransform ? "scale(1)" : "") .style("fill", function (d) { return $$.levelColor ? $$.levelColor(d.data.values[0].value) : $$.color(d.data.id); }) // Where gauge reading color would receive customization. .style("opacity", 1) .call($$.endall, function () { $$.transiting = false; }); mainArc.exit().transition().duration(durationForExit) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc).select('text') .style("opacity", 0) .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.isGaugeType(d.data) ? CLASS.gaugeValue : ''; }) .text(function (d) { return $$.textForArcLabel(d); }) .attr("transform", function (d) { return $$.transformForArcLabel(d); }) .transition().duration(duration) .style("opacity", function (d) { return $$.isTargetToShow(d.data.id) && $$.isArcType(d.data) ? 1 : 0; }); main.select('.' + CLASS.chartArcsTitle) .style("opacity", $$.hasDonutType($$.data.targets) || $$.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets) ? 1 : 0); // subchart if ($$.config.subchart_show) { // reflect main chart to extent on subchart if zoomed if (d3.event && d3.event.type === 'zoom') { $$.brush.extent($$.x.orgDomain()).update(); } // update subchart elements if needed if (withSubchart) { // rotate tick text if needed if (!$$.config.axis_rotated && $$.config.axis_x_tick_rotate) { $$.rotateTickText($$.axes.subx, transitions.axisSubX, $$.config.axis_x_tick_rotate); } // extent rect if (!$$.brush.empty()) { $$.brush.extent($$.x.orgDomain()).update(); } // setup drawer - MEMO: this must be called after axis updated drawAreaOnSub = $$.generateDrawArea(areaIndices, true); drawBarOnSub = $$.generateDrawBar(barIndices, true); drawLineOnSub = $$.generateDrawLine(lineIndices, true); // bars contextBar = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS.bars).selectAll('.' + CLASS.bar) .data($$.barData); contextBar.enter().append('path') .attr("class", $$.classBar) .style("stroke", 'none') .style("fill", $$.color); contextBar .style("opacity", $$.initialOpacity) .transition().duration(duration) .attr('d', drawBarOnSub) .style('opacity', 1); contextBar.exit().transition().duration(duration) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); // lines contextLine = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS.lines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.line) .data($$.lineData); contextLine.enter().append('path') .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classLine(d); }) .style('stroke', $$.color); contextLine .style("opacity", $$.initialOpacity) .transition().duration(duration) .attr("d", drawLineOnSub) .style('opacity', 1); contextLine.exit().transition().duration(duration) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); // area contextArea = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS.areas).selectAll('.' + CLASS.area) .data($$.lineData); contextArea.enter().append('path') .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classArea(d); }) .style("fill", $$.color) .style("opacity", function () { $$.orgAreaOpacity = +d3.select(this).style('opacity'); return 0; }); contextArea .style("opacity", 0) .transition().duration(duration) .attr("d", drawAreaOnSub) .style("fill", $$.color) .style("opacity", $$.orgAreaOpacity); contextArea.exit().transition().duration(durationForExit) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); } } // circles for select main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircles) .filter(function (d) { return $$.isBarType(d); }) .selectAll('circle') .remove(); if ($$.config.interaction_enabled) { // rect for mouseover eventRect = main.select('.' + CLASS.eventRects) .style('cursor', $$.config.zoom_enabled ? $$.config.axis_rotated ? 'ns-resize' : 'ew-resize' : null); if ($$.notEmpty($$.config.data_xs) && !$$.isSingleX($$.config.data_xs)) { if (!eventRect.classed(CLASS.eventRectsMultiple)) { eventRect.classed(CLASS.eventRectsMultiple, true).classed(CLASS.eventRectsSingle, false) .selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect).remove(); } eventRectUpdate = main.select('.' + CLASS.eventRects).selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect) .data([0]); // enter : only one rect will be added $$.generateEventRectsForMultipleXs(eventRectUpdate.enter()); // update eventRectUpdate .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0) .attr('width', $$.width) .attr('height', $$.height); // exit : not needed because always only one rect exists } else { if (!eventRect.classed(CLASS.eventRectsSingle)) { eventRect.classed(CLASS.eventRectsMultiple, false).classed(CLASS.eventRectsSingle, true) .selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect).remove(); } if (($$.isCustomX() || $$.isTimeSeries) && !$$.isCategorized) { rectW = function (d) { var prevX = $$.getPrevX(d.index), nextX = $$.getNextX(d.index), dx = $$.data.xs[d.id][d.index], w = ($$.x(nextX ? nextX : dx) - $$.x(prevX ? prevX : dx)) / 2; return w < 0 ? 0 : w; }; rectX = function (d) { var prevX = $$.getPrevX(d.index), dx = $$.data.xs[d.id][d.index]; return ($$.x(dx) + $$.x(prevX ? prevX : dx)) / 2; }; } else { rectW = $$.getEventRectWidth(); rectX = function (d) { return $$.x(d.x) - (rectW / 2); }; } // Set data maxDataCountTarget = $$.getMaxDataCountTarget($$.data.targets); main.select('.' + CLASS.eventRects) .datum(maxDataCountTarget ? maxDataCountTarget.values : []); // Update rects eventRectUpdate = main.select('.' + CLASS.eventRects).selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect) .data(function (d) { return d; }); // enter $$.generateEventRectsForSingleX(eventRectUpdate.enter()); // update eventRectUpdate .attr('class', function (d) { return $$.classEvent(d); }) .attr("x", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : rectX) .attr("y", $$.config.axis_rotated ? rectX : 0) .attr("width", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : rectW) .attr("height", $$.config.axis_rotated ? rectW : $$.height); // exit eventRectUpdate.exit().remove(); } } // transition should be derived from one transition d3.transition().duration(duration).each(function () { var transitions = [], cx = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.circleY : $$.circleX, cy = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.circleX : $$.circleY; transitions.push(mainBar.transition() .attr('d', drawBar) .style("fill", $$.color) .style("opacity", 1)); transitions.push(mainLine.transition() .attr("d", drawLine) .style("stroke", $$.color) .style("opacity", 1)); transitions.push(mainArea.transition() .attr("d", drawArea) .style("fill", $$.color) .style("opacity", $$.orgAreaOpacity)); transitions.push(mainCircle.transition() .style('opacity', function (d) { return $$.opacityForCircle(d); }) .style("fill", $$.color) .attr("cx", function (d, i) { return cx.call($$, d, i); }) .attr("cy", function (d, i) { return cy.call($$, d, i); })); transitions.push(main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircle).transition() .attr("cx", function (d, i) { return cx.call($$, d, i); }) .attr("cy", function (d, i) { return cy.call($$, d, i); })); transitions.push(mainText.transition() .attr('x', xForText) .attr('y', yForText) .style("fill", $$.color) .style("fill-opacity", options.flow ? 0 : $$.opacityForText)); transitions.push(mainRegion.selectAll('rect').transition() .attr("x", $$.regionX) .attr("y", $$.regionY) .attr("width", $$.regionWidth) .attr("height", $$.regionHeight) .style("fill-opacity", function (d) { return $$.isValue(d.opacity) ? d.opacity : 0.1; })); transitions.push(xgridLines.select('line').transition() .attr("x1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.xv) .attr("x2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : $$.xv) .attr("y1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.xv : $$.margin.top) .attr("y2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.xv : $$.height) .style("opacity", 1)); transitions.push(xgridLines.select('text').transition() .attr("x", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : 0) .attr("y", $$.xv) .text(function (d) { return d.text; }) .style("opacity", 1)); // Wait for end of transitions if called from flow API if (options.flow) { waitForDraw = $$.generateWait(); transitions.forEach(function (t) { waitForDraw.add(t); }); } }) .call(waitForDraw ? waitForDraw : function () {}, function () { // only for flow var translateX, scaleX = 1, transform, flowIndex = options.flow.index, flowLength = options.flow.length, flowStart = $$.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, flowIndex), flowEnd = $$.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, flowIndex + flowLength), orgDomain = $$.x.domain(), domain, durationForFlow = options.flow.duration || duration, done = options.flow.done || function () {}, wait = $$.generateWait(); // remove head data after rendered $$.data.targets.forEach(function (d) { d.values.splice(0, flowLength); }); // update x domain to generate axis elements for flow domain = $$.updateXDomain(targetsToShow, true, true); // update elements related to x scale if (flushXGrid) { flushXGrid(true); } // generate transform to flow if (!options.flow.orgDataCount) { // if empty if ($$.data.targets[0].values.length !== 1) { translateX = $$.x(orgDomain[0]) - $$.x(domain[0]); } else { if ($$.isTimeSeries) { flowStart = $$.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, 0); flowEnd = $$.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, $$.data.targets[0].values.length - 1); translateX = $$.x(flowStart.x) - $$.x(flowEnd.x); } else { translateX = $$.diffDomain(domain) / 2; } } } else if (options.flow.orgDataCount === 1 || flowStart.x === flowEnd.x) { translateX = $$.x(orgDomain[0]) - $$.x(domain[0]); } else { if ($$.isTimeSeries) { translateX = ($$.x(orgDomain[0]) - $$.x(domain[0])); } else { translateX = ($$.x(flowStart.x) - $$.x(flowEnd.x)); } } scaleX = ($$.diffDomain(orgDomain) / $$.diffDomain(domain)); transform = 'translate(' + translateX + ',0) scale(' + scaleX + ',1)'; d3.transition().ease('linear').duration(durationForFlow).each(function () { wait.add($$.axes.x.transition().call($$.xAxis)); wait.add(mainBar.transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(mainLine.transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(mainArea.transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(mainCircle.transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(mainText.transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(mainRegion.filter($$.isRegionOnX).transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(xgrid.transition().attr('transform', transform)); wait.add(xgridLines.transition().attr('transform', transform)); }) .call(wait, function () { var i, shapes = [], texts = [], eventRects = []; // remove flowed elements if (flowLength) { for (i = 0; i < flowLength; i++) { shapes.push('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + (flowIndex + i)); texts.push('.' + CLASS.text + '-' + (flowIndex + i)); eventRects.push('.' + CLASS.eventRect + '-' + (flowIndex + i)); } $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll(shapes).remove(); $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.texts).selectAll(texts).remove(); $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRects).selectAll(eventRects).remove(); $$.svg.select('.' + CLASS.xgrid).remove(); } // draw again for removing flowed elements and reverting attr xgrid .attr('transform', null) .attr(xgridAttr); xgridLines .attr('transform', null); xgridLines.select('line') .attr("x1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.xv) .attr("x2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : $$.xv); xgridLines.select('text') .attr("x", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : 0) .attr("y", $$.xv); mainBar .attr('transform', null) .attr("d", drawBar); mainLine .attr('transform', null) .attr("d", drawLine); mainArea .attr('transform', null) .attr("d", drawArea); mainCircle .attr('transform', null) .attr("cx", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.circleY : $$.circleX) .attr("cy", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.circleX : $$.circleY); mainText .attr('transform', null) .attr('x', xForText) .attr('y', yForText) .style('fill-opacity', $$.opacityForText); mainRegion .attr('transform', null); mainRegion.select('rect').filter($$.isRegionOnX) .attr("x", $$.regionX) .attr("width", $$.regionWidth); eventRectUpdate .attr("x", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : rectX) .attr("y", $$.config.axis_rotated ? rectX : 0) .attr("width", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : rectW) .attr("height", $$.config.axis_rotated ? rectW : $$.height); // callback for end of flow done(); }); }); // update fadein condition $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets).forEach(function (id) { $$.withoutFadeIn[id] = true; }); $$.updateZoom(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.redrawForBrush = function () { var $$ = this, x = $$.x; $$.redraw({ withTransition: false, withY: false, withSubchart: false, withUpdateXDomain: true }); $$.config.subchart_onbrush.call(c3, x.orgDomain()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.redrawForZoom = function () { var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, zoom = $$.zoom, x = $$.x, orgXDomain = $$.orgXDomain; if (!$$.config.zoom_enabled) { return; } if ($$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).length === 0) { return; } if (d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 'mousemove' && zoom.altDomain) { x.domain(zoom.altDomain); zoom.scale(x).updateScaleExtent(); return; } if ($$.isCategorized && x.orgDomain()[0] === orgXDomain[0]) { x.domain([orgXDomain[0] - 1e-10, x.orgDomain()[1]]); } $$.redraw({ withTransition: false, withY: false, withSubchart: false }); if (d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 'mousemove') { $$.cancelClick = true; } $$.config.zoom_onzoom.call(c3, x.orgDomain()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateAndRedraw = function (options) { var $$ = this, transitions; options = options || {}; // same with redraw options.withTransition = $$.getOption(options, "withTransition", true); options.withTransform = $$.getOption(options, "withTransform", false); options.withLegend = $$.getOption(options, "withLegend", false); // NOT same with redraw options.withUpdateXDomain = true; options.withUpdateOrgXDomain = true; options.withTransitionForExit = false; options.withTransitionForTransform = $$.getOption(options, "withTransitionForTransform", options.withTransition); // MEMO: this needs to be called before updateLegend and it means this ALWAYS needs to be called) this.updateSizes(); // MEMO: called in updateLegend in redraw if withLegend if (!(options.withLegend && $$.config.legend_show)) { transitions = $$.generateAxisTransitions(options.withTransitionForAxis ? $$.config.transition_duration : 0); // Update scales $$.updateScales(); $$.updateSvgSize(); // Update g positions $$.transformAll(options.withTransitionForTransform, transitions); } // Draw with new sizes & scales $$.redraw(options, transitions); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateEventRectsForSingleX = function (eventRectEnter) { var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, CLASS = $$.CLASS; eventRectEnter.append("rect") .attr("class", function (d) { return $$.classEvent(d); }) .style("cursor", $$.config.data_selection_enabled && $$.config.data_selection_grouped ? "pointer" : null) .on('mouseover', function (d) { var index = d.index, selectedData, newData; if ($$.dragging) { return; } // do nothing if dragging if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } selectedData = $$.data.targets.map(function (t) { return $$.addName($$.getValueOnIndex(t.values, index)); }); // Sort selectedData as names order newData = []; Object.keys($$.config.data_names).forEach(function (id) { for (var j = 0; j < selectedData.length; j++) { if (selectedData[j] && selectedData[j].id === id) { newData.push(selectedData[j]); selectedData.shift(j); break; } } }); selectedData = newData.concat(selectedData); // Add remained // Expand shapes for selection if ($$.config.point_focus_expand_enabled) { $$.expandCircles(index); } $$.expandBars(index); // Call event handler $$.main.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.shape + '-' + index).each(function (d) { $$.config.data_onmouseover.call(c3, d); }); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { var index = d.index; if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } $$.hideXGridFocus(); $$.hideTooltip(); // Undo expanded shapes $$.unexpandCircles(index); $$.unexpandBars(); // Call event handler $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index).each(function (d) { $$.config.data_onmouseout.call(c3, d); }); }) .on('mousemove', function (d) { var selectedData, index = d.index, eventRect = $$.svg.select('.' + CLASS.eventRect + '-' + index); if ($$.dragging) { return; } // do nothing when dragging if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } // Show tooltip selectedData = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).map(function (t) { return $$.addName($$.getValueOnIndex(t.values, index)); }); if ($$.config.tooltip_grouped) { $$.showTooltip(selectedData, d3.mouse(this)); $$.showXGridFocus(selectedData); } if ($$.config.tooltip_grouped && (!$$.config.data_selection_enabled || $$.config.data_selection_grouped)) { return; } $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index) .each(function () { d3.select(this).classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, true); if ($$.config.data_selection_enabled) { eventRect.style('cursor', $$.config.data_selection_grouped ? 'pointer' : null); } if (!$$.config.tooltip_grouped) { $$.hideXGridFocus(); $$.hideTooltip(); if (!$$.config.data_selection_grouped) { $$.unexpandCircles(index); $$.unexpandBars(); } } }) .filter(function (d) { if (this.nodeName === 'circle') { return $$.isWithinCircle(this, $$.pointSelectR(d)); } else if (this.nodeName === 'path') { return $$.isWithinBar(this); } }) .each(function (d) { if ($$.config.data_selection_enabled && ($$.config.data_selection_grouped || $$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d))) { eventRect.style('cursor', 'pointer'); } if (!$$.config.tooltip_grouped) { $$.showTooltip([d], d3.mouse(this)); $$.showXGridFocus([d]); if ($$.config.point_focus_expand_enabled) { $$.expandCircles(index, d.id); } $$.expandBars(index, d.id); } }); }) .on('click', function (d) { var index = d.index; if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } if ($$.cancelClick) { $$.cancelClick = false; return; } $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index).each(function (d) { $$.toggleShape(this, d, index); }); }) .call( d3.behavior.drag().origin(Object) .on('drag', function () { $$.drag(d3.mouse(this)); }) .on('dragstart', function () { $$.dragstart(d3.mouse(this)); }) .on('dragend', function () { $$.dragend(); }) ) .on("dblclick.zoom", null); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateEventRectsForMultipleXs = function (eventRectEnter) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3; eventRectEnter.append('rect') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0) .attr('width', $$.width) .attr('height', $$.height) .attr('class', CLASS.eventRect) .on('mouseout', function () { if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } $$.hideXGridFocus(); $$.hideTooltip(); $$.unexpandCircles(); }) .on('mousemove', function () { var targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets); var mouse, closest, sameXData, selectedData; if ($$.dragging) { return; } // do nothing when dragging if ($$.hasArcType(targetsToShow)) { return; } mouse = d3.mouse(this); closest = $$.findClosestFromTargets(targetsToShow, mouse); if (! closest) { return; } if ($$.isScatterType(closest)) { sameXData = [closest]; } else { sameXData = $$.filterSameX(targetsToShow, closest.x); } // show tooltip when cursor is close to some point selectedData = sameXData.map(function (d) { return $$.addName(d); }); $$.showTooltip(selectedData, mouse); // expand points if ($$.config.point_focus_expand_enabled) { $$.unexpandCircles(); $$.expandCircles(closest.index, closest.id); } // Show xgrid focus line $$.showXGridFocus(selectedData); // Show cursor as pointer if point is close to mouse position if ($$.dist(closest, mouse) < 100) { $$.svg.select('.' + CLASS.eventRect).style('cursor', 'pointer'); if (!$$.mouseover) { $$.config.data_onmouseover.call(c3, closest); $$.mouseover = true; } } else { $$.svg.select('.' + CLASS.eventRect).style('cursor', null); $$.config.data_onmouseout.call(c3, closest); $$.mouseover = false; } }) .on('click', function () { var targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets); var mouse, closest; if ($$.hasArcType(targetsToShow)) { return; } mouse = d3.mouse(this); closest = $$.findClosestFromTargets(targetsToShow, mouse); if (! closest) { return; } // select if selection enabled if ($$.dist(closest, mouse) < 100) { $$.main.select('.' + CLASS.circles + '-' + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(closest.id)).select('.' + CLASS.circle + '-' + closest.index).each(function () { $$.toggleShape(this, closest, closest.index); }); } }) .call( d3.behavior.drag().origin(Object) .on('drag', function () { $$.drag(d3.mouse(this)); }) .on('dragstart', function () { $$.dragstart(d3.mouse(this)); }) .on('dragend', function () { $$.dragend(); }) ) .on("dblclick.zoom", null); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.initialOpacity = function (d) { var $$ = this; return d.value !== null && $$.withoutFadeIn[d.id] ? 1 : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.opacityForCircle = function (d) { return this.isValue(d.value) ? this.isScatterType(d) ? 0.5 : 1 : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.opacityForText = function () { return this.hasDataLabel() ? 1 : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xx = function (d) { var $$ = this; return d ? $$.x(d.x) : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xv = function (d) { return Math.ceil($$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(d.value) : d.value)); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.yv = function (d) { var $$ = this, yScale = d.axis && d.axis === 'y2' ? $$.y2 : $$.y; return Math.ceil(yScale(d.value)); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.subxx = function (d) { return d ? $$.subX(d.x) : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.transformMain = function (withTransition, transitions) { var $$ = this, xAxis, yAxis, y2Axis; if (transitions && transitions.axisX) { xAxis = transitions.axisX; } else { xAxis = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisX); if (withTransition) { xAxis = xAxis.transition(); } } if (transitions && transitions.axisY) { yAxis = transitions.axisY; } else { yAxis = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisY); if (withTransition) { yAxis = yAxis.transition(); } } if (transitions && transitions.axisY2) { y2Axis = transitions.axisY2; } else { y2Axis = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisY2); if (withTransition) { y2Axis = y2Axis.transition(); } } (withTransition ? $$.main.transition() : $$.main).attr("transform", $$.translate.main); xAxis.attr("transform", $$.translate.x); yAxis.attr("transform", $$.translate.y); y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.translate.y2); $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.chartArcs).attr("transform", $$.translate.arc); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.transformContext = function (withTransition, transitions) { var $$ = this.internal, subXAxis; if (transitions && transitions.axisSubX) { subXAxis = transitions.axisSubX; } else { subXAxis = $$.context.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisX); if (withTransition) { subXAxis = subXAxis.transition(); } } $$.context.attr("transform", $$.translate.context); subXAxis.attr("transform", $$.translate.subx); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.transformLegend = function (withTransition) { var $$ = this; (withTransition ? $$.legend.transition() : $$.legend).attr("transform", $$.translate.legend); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.transformAll = function (withTransition, transitions) { var $$ = this; $$.transformMain(withTransition, transitions); if ($$.config.subchart_show) { $$.transformContext(withTransition, transitions); } $$.transformLegend(withTransition); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateSvgSize = function () { var $$ = this; $$.svg.attr('width', $$.currentWidth).attr('height', $$.currentHeight); $$.svg.select('#' + $$.clipId).select('rect') .attr('width', $$.width) .attr('height', $$.height); $$.svg.select('#' + $$.clipIdForXAxis).select('rect') .attr('x', function () { return $$.getXAxisClipX(); }) .attr('y', function () { return $$.getXAxisClipY(); }) .attr('width', function () { return $$.getXAxisClipWidth(); }) .attr('height', function () { return $$.getXAxisClipHeight(); }); $$.svg.select('#' + $$.clipIdForYAxis).select('rect') .attr('x', function () { return $$.getYAxisClipX(); }) .attr('y', function () { return $$.getYAxisClipY(); }) .attr('width', function () { return $$.getYAxisClipWidth(); }) .attr('height', function () { return $$.getYAxisClipHeight(); }); $$.svg.select('.' + $$.CLASS.zoomRect) .attr('width', $$.width) .attr('height', $$.height); // MEMO: parent div's height will be bigger than svg when $$.selectChart.style('max-height', $$.currentHeight + "px"); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateDimension = function () { var $$ = this; if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { $$.axes.x.call($$.xAxis); $$.axes.subx.call($$.subXAxis); } else { $$.axes.y.call($$.yAxis); $$.axes.y2.call($$.y2Axis); } this.updateSizes(); this.updateScales(); this.updateSvgSize(); this.transformAll(false); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.observeInserted = function (selection) { var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if (mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.previousSibling) { observer.disconnect(); // need to wait for completion of load because size calculation requires the actual sizes determined after that completion var interval = window.setInterval(function () { // parentNode will NOT be null when completed if (selection.node().parentNode) { window.clearInterval(interval); this.updateDimension(); this.redraw({ withTransform: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withTransition: false, withTransitionForTransform: false, withLegend: true }); selection.transition().style('opacity', 1); } }, 10); } }); }); observer.observe(selection.node(), {attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true}); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateResize = function () { var resizeFunctions = []; function callResizeFunctions() { resizeFunctions.forEach(function (f) { f(); }); } callResizeFunctions.add = function (f) { resizeFunctions.push(f); }; return callResizeFunctions; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCurrentWidth = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.config.size_width ? $$.config.size_width : $$.getParentWidth(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCurrentHeight = function () { var $$ = this, h = $$.config.size_height ? $$.config.size_height : this.getParentHeight(); return h > 0 ? h : 320; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCurrentPaddingTop = function () { var $$ = this; return this.isValue($$.config.padding_top) ? $$.config.padding_top : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCurrentPaddingBottom = function () { var $$ = this; return this.isValue($$.config.padding_bottom) ? $$.config.padding_bottom : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCurrentPaddingLeft = function () { var $$ = this; if (this.isValue($$.config.padding_left)) { return $$.config.padding_left; } else if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { return !$$.config.axis_x_show ? 1 : Math.max(this.ceil10(this.getAxisWidthByAxisId('x')), 40); } else { return !$$.config.axis_y_show || $$.config.axis_y_inner ? 1 : this.ceil10(this.getAxisWidthByAxisId('y')); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCurrentPaddingRight = function () { var $$ = this, defaultPadding = 10, legendWidthOnRight = $$.isLegendRight ? this.getLegendWidth() + 20 : 0; if (this.isValue($$.config.padding_right)) { return $$.config.padding_right + 1; // 1 is needed not to hide tick line } else if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { return defaultPadding + legendWidthOnRight; } else { return (!$$.config.axis_y2_show || $$.config.axis_y2_inner ? defaultPadding : this.ceil10(this.getAxisWidthByAxisId('y2'))) + legendWidthOnRight; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getParentRectValue = function (key) { var $$ = this, parent = $$.selectChart.node(), v; while (parent && parent.tagName !== 'BODY') { v = parent.getBoundingClientRect()[key]; if (v) { break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return v; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getParentWidth = function () { return this.getParentRectValue('width'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getParentHeight = function () { var h = this.selectChart.style('height'); return h.indexOf('px') > 0 ? +h.replace('px', '') : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getSvgLeft = function () { var $$ = this, leftAxisClass = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.CLASS.axisX : $$.CLASS.axisY, leftAxis = $$.main.select('.' + leftAxisClass).node(), svgRect = leftAxis ? leftAxis.getBoundingClientRect() : {right: 0}, chartRect = $$.selectChart.node().getBoundingClientRect(), hasArc = $$.hasArcType($$.data.targets), svgLeft = svgRect.right - chartRect.left - (hasArc ? 0 : $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft()); return svgLeft > 0 ? svgLeft : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisWidthByAxisId = function (id) { var position = this.getAxisLabelPositionById(id); return position.isInner ? 20 + this.getMaxTickWidth(id) : 40 + this.getMaxTickWidth(id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getHorizontalAxisHeight = function (axisId) { var $$ = this; if (axisId === 'x' && !$$.config.axis_x_show) { return 0; } if (axisId === 'x' && $$.config.axis_x_height) { return $$.config.axis_x_height; } if (axisId === 'y' && !$$.config.axis_y_show) { return $$.config.legend_show && !$$.isLegendRight && !$$.isLegendInset ? 10 : 1; } if (axisId === 'y2' && !$$.config.axis_y2_show) { return $$.rotated_padding_top; } return ($$.getAxisLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 30 : 40) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getEventRectWidth = function () { var $$ = this; var target = this.getMaxDataCountTarget($$.data.targets), firstData, lastData, base, maxDataCount, ratio, w; if (!target) { return 0; } firstData = target.values[0], lastData = target.values[target.values.length - 1]; base = $$.x(lastData.x) - $$.x(firstData.x); if (base === 0) { return $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : $$.width; } maxDataCount = this.getMaxDataCount(); ratio = (this.hasBarType($$.data.targets) ? (maxDataCount - (this.isCategorized ? 0.25 : 1)) / maxDataCount : 1); w = maxDataCount > 1 ? (base * ratio) / (maxDataCount - 1) : base; return w < 1 ? 1 : w; }; /** * c3.tooltip.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.showTooltip = function (selectedData, mouse) { var $$ = this; var tWidth, tHeight, svgLeft, tooltipLeft, tooltipRight, tooltipTop, chartRight; var forArc = $$.hasArcType($$.data.targets), dataToShow = selectedData.filter(function (d) { return d && $$.isValue(d.value); }); if (dataToShow.length === 0 || !$$.config.tooltip_show) { return; } $$.tooltip.html($$.config.tooltip_contents.call($$, selectedData, $$.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat(forArc), $$.color)).style("display", "block"); // Get tooltip dimensions tWidth = $$.tooltip.property('offsetWidth'); tHeight = $$.tooltip.property('offsetHeight'); // Determin tooltip position if (forArc) { tooltipLeft = ($$.width / 2) + mouse[0]; tooltipTop = ($$.height / 2) + mouse[1] + 20; } else { if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { svgLeft = $$.getSvgLeft(); tooltipLeft = svgLeft + mouse[0] + 100; tooltipRight = tooltipLeft + tWidth; chartRight = $$.getCurrentWidth() - $$.getCurrentPaddingRight(); tooltipTop = $$.x(dataToShow[0].x) + 20; } else { svgLeft = $$.getSvgLeft(); tooltipLeft = svgLeft + $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft() + $$.x(dataToShow[0].x) + 20; tooltipRight = tooltipLeft + tWidth; chartRight = svgLeft + $$.getCurrentWidth() - $$.getCurrentPaddingRight(); tooltipTop = mouse[1] + 15; } if (tooltipRight > chartRight) { tooltipLeft -= tooltipRight - chartRight; } if (tooltipTop + tHeight > $$.getCurrentHeight()) { tooltipTop -= tHeight + 30; } } // Set tooltip $$.tooltip .style("top", tooltipTop + "px") .style("left", tooltipLeft + 'px'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hideTooltip = function () { var $$ = this; $$.tooltip.style("display", "none"); }; /** * c3.grid.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.showXGridFocus = function (selectedData) { var $$ = this, dataToShow = selectedData.filter(function (d) { return d && $$.isValue(d.value); }); if (! $$.config.tooltip_show) { return; } // Hide when scatter plot exists if (this.hasScatterType($$.data.targets) || this.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } var focusEl = $$.main.selectAll('line.' + this.CLASS.xgridFocus); focusEl .style("visibility", "visible") .data([dataToShow[0]]) .attr($$.config.axis_rotated ? 'y1' : 'x1', function (d) { return $$.xx(d); }) .attr($$.config.axis_rotated ? 'y2' : 'x2', function (d) { return $$.xx(d); }); this.smoothLines(focusEl, 'grid'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hideXGridFocus = function () { var $$ = this; $$.main.select('line.' + $$.CLASS.xgridFocus).style("visibility", "hidden"); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateXgridFocus = function () { var $$ = this; $$.main.select('line.' + this.CLASS.xgridFocus) .attr("x1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : -10) .attr("x2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : -10) .attr("y1", $$.config.axis_rotated ? -10 : 0) .attr("y2", $$.config.axis_rotated ? -10 : $$.height); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateGridData = function (type, scale) { var gridData = [], xDomain, firstYear, lastYear, i, tickNum = $$.main.select("." + this.CLASS.axisX).selectAll('.tick').size(); if (type === 'year') { xDomain = this.getXDomain(); firstYear = xDomain[0].getFullYear(); lastYear = xDomain[1].getFullYear(); for (i = firstYear; i <= lastYear; i++) { gridData.push(new Date(i + '-01-01 00:00:00')); } } else { gridData = scale.ticks(10); if (gridData.length > tickNum) { // use only int gridData = gridData.filter(function (d) { return ("" + d).indexOf('.') < 0; }); } } return gridData; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getGridFilterToRemove = function (params) { return params ? function (line) { var found = false; [].concat(params).forEach(function (param) { if ((('value' in param && line.value === params.value) || ('class' in param && line.class === params.class))) { found = true; } }); return found; } : function () { return true; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.removeGridLines = function (params, forX) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS, toRemove = $$.getGridFilterToRemove(params), toShow = function (line) { return !toRemove(line); }, classLines = forX ? CLASS.xgridLines : CLASS.ygridLines, classLine = forX ? CLASS.xgridLine : CLASS.ygridLine; $$.main.select('.' + classLines).selectAll('.' + classLine).filter(toRemove) .transition().duration($$.config.transition_duration) .style('opacity', 0).remove(); if (forX) { $$.config.grid_x_lines = $$.config.grid_x_lines.filter(toShow); } else { $$.config.grid_y_lines = $$.config.grid_y_lines.filter(toShow); } }; /** * c3.legend.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.updateLegendStep = function (step) { var $$ = this; $$.legendStep = step; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateLegendItemWidth = function (w) { var $$ = this; $$.legendItemWidth = w; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateLegendItemHeight = function (h) { var $$ = this; $$.legendItemHeight = h; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getLegendWidth = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.config.legend_show ? $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? $$.legendItemWidth * ($$.legendStep + 1) : $$.currentWidth : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getLegendHeight = function () { var $$ = this, h = 0; if ($$.config.legend_show) { if ($$.isLegendRight) { h = $$.currentHeight; } else if ($$.isLegendInset) { h = $$.config.legend_inset_step ? Math.max(20, $$.legendItemHeight) * ($$.config.legend_inset_step + 1) : $$.height; } else { h = Math.max(20, $$.legendItemHeight) * ($$.legendStep + 1); } } return h; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.opacityForLegend = function (legendItem) { var $$ = this; return legendItem.classed($$.CLASS.legendItemHidden) ? $$.legendOpacityForHidden : 1; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.opacityForUnfocusedLegend = function (legendItem) { var $$ = this; return legendItem.classed($$.CLASS.legendItemHidden) ? $$.legendOpacityForHidden : 0.3; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.toggleFocusLegend = function (id, focus) { var $$ = this; $$.legend.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem) .transition().duration(100) .style('opacity', function (_id) { var This = $$.d3.select(this); if (id && _id !== id) { return focus ? $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend(This) : $$.opacityForLegend(This); } else { return focus ? $$.opacityForLegend(This) : $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend(This); } }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.revertLegend = function () { var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3; $$.legend.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem) .transition().duration(100) .style('opacity', function () { return $$.opacityForLegend(d3.select(this)); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.showLegend = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this; if (!$$.config.legend_show) { $$.config.legend_show = true; $$.legend.style('visibility', 'visible'); } $$.removeHiddenLegendIds(targetIds); $$.legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)) .style('visibility', 'visible') .transition() .style('opacity', function () { return $$.opacityForLegend($$.d3.select(this)); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hideLegend = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this; if ($$.config.legend_show && $$.isEmpty(targetIds)) { $$.config.legend_show = false; $$.legend.style('visibility', 'hidden'); } $$.addHiddenLegendIds(targetIds); $$.legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)) .style('opacity', 0) .style('visibility', 'hidden'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) { var $$ = this; var xForLegend, xForLegendText, xForLegendRect, yForLegend, yForLegendText, yForLegendRect; var paddingTop = 4, paddingRight = 36, maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0, posMin = 10; var l, totalLength = 0, offsets = {}, widths = {}, heights = {}, margins = [0], steps = {}, step = 0; var withTransition, withTransitionForTransform; var hasFocused = $$.legend.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.legendItemFocused).size(); var texts, rects, tiles; options = options || {}; withTransition = $$.getOption(options, "withTransition", true); withTransitionForTransform = $$.getOption(options, "withTransitionForTransform", true); function updatePositions(textElement, id, reset) { var box = $$.getTextRect(textElement.textContent, $$.CLASS.legendItem), itemWidth = Math.ceil((box.width + paddingRight) / 10) * 10, itemHeight = Math.ceil((box.height + paddingTop) / 10) * 10, itemLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? itemHeight : itemWidth, areaLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? $$.getLegendHeight() : $$.getLegendWidth(), margin, maxLength; // MEMO: care about condifion of step, totalLength function updateValues(id, withoutStep) { if (!withoutStep) { margin = (areaLength - totalLength - itemLength) / 2; if (margin < posMin) { margin = (areaLength - itemLength) / 2; totalLength = 0; step++; } } steps[id] = step; margins[step] = $$.isLegendInset ? 10 : margin; offsets[id] = totalLength; totalLength += itemLength; } if (reset) { totalLength = 0; step = 0; maxWidth = 0; maxHeight = 0; } if ($$.config.legend_show && !$$.isLegendToShow(id)) { widths[id] = heights[id] = steps[id] = offsets[id] = 0; return; } widths[id] = itemWidth; heights[id] = itemHeight; if (!maxWidth || itemWidth >= maxWidth) { maxWidth = itemWidth; } if (!maxHeight || itemHeight >= maxHeight) { maxHeight = itemHeight; } maxLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? maxHeight : maxWidth; if ($$.config.legend_equally) { Object.keys(widths).forEach(function (id) { widths[id] = maxWidth; }); Object.keys(heights).forEach(function (id) { heights[id] = maxHeight; }); margin = (areaLength - maxLength * targetIds.length) / 2; if (margin < posMin) { totalLength = 0; step = 0; targetIds.forEach(function (id) { updateValues(id); }); } else { updateValues(id, true); } } else { updateValues(id); } } if ($$.isLegendRight) { xForLegend = function (id) { return maxWidth * steps[id]; }; yForLegend = function (id) { return margins[steps[id]] + offsets[id]; }; } else if ($$.isLegendInset) { xForLegend = function (id) { return maxWidth * steps[id] + 10; }; yForLegend = function (id) { return margins[steps[id]] + offsets[id]; }; } else { xForLegend = function (id) { return margins[steps[id]] + offsets[id]; }; yForLegend = function (id) { return maxHeight * steps[id]; }; } xForLegendText = function (id, i) { return xForLegend(id, i) + 14; }; yForLegendText = function (id, i) { return yForLegend(id, i) + 9; }; xForLegendRect = function (id, i) { return xForLegend(id, i) - 4; }; yForLegendRect = function (id, i) { return yForLegend(id, i) - 7; }; // Define g for legend area l = $$.legend.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem) .data(targetIds) .enter().append('g') .attr('class', function (id) { return $$.generateClass($$.CLASS.legendItem, id); }) .style('visibility', function (id) { return $$.isLegendToShow(id) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; }) .style('cursor', 'pointer') .on('click', function (id) { typeof $$.config.legend_item_onclick === 'function' ? $$.config.legend_item_onclick.call(c3, id) : $$.chart.toggle(id); }) .on('mouseover', function (id) { $$.d3.select(this).classed($$.CLASS.legendItemFocused, true); if (!$$.transiting) { $$.chart.focus(id); } if (typeof $$.config.legend_item_onmouseover === 'function') { $$.config.legend_item_onmouseover.call(c3, id); } }) .on('mouseout', function (id) { $$.d3.select(this).classed($$.CLASS.legendItemFocused, false); if (!$$.transiting) { $$.chart.revert(); } if (typeof $$.config.legend_item_onmouseout === 'function') { $$.config.legend_item_onmouseout.call(c3, id); } }); l.append('text') .text(function (id) { return $$.isDefined($$.config.data_names[id]) ? $$.config.data_names[id] : id; }) .each(function (id, i) { updatePositions(this, id, i === 0); }) .style("pointer-events", "none") .attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendText : -200) .attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendText); l.append('rect') .attr("class", $$.CLASS.legendItemEvent) .style('fill-opacity', 0) .attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendRect : -200) .attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendRect); l.append('rect') .attr("class", $$.CLASS.legendItemTile) .style("pointer-events", "none") .style('fill', $$.color) .attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendText : -200) .attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegend) .attr('width', 10) .attr('height', 10); // Set background for inset legend if ($$.isLegendInset && maxWidth !== 0) { $$.legend.insert('g', '.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem) .attr("class", $$.CLASS.legendBackground) .append('rect') .attr('height', $$.getLegendHeight() - 10) .attr('width', maxWidth * (step + 1) + 10); } texts = $$.legend.selectAll('text') .data(targetIds) .text(function (id) { return $$.isDefined($$.config.data_names[id]) ? $$.config.data_names[id] : id; }) // MEMO: needed for update .each(function (id, i) { updatePositions(this, id, i === 0); }); (withTransition ? texts.transition() : texts) .attr('x', xForLegendText) .attr('y', yForLegendText); rects = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + $$.CLASS.legendItemEvent) .data(targetIds); (withTransition ? rects.transition() : rects) .attr('width', function (id) { return widths[id]; }) .attr('height', function (id) { return heights[id]; }) .attr('x', xForLegendRect) .attr('y', yForLegendRect); tiles = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + $$.CLASS.legendItemTile) .data(targetIds); (withTransition ? tiles.transition() : tiles) .style('fill', $$.color) .attr('x', xForLegend) .attr('y', yForLegend); // toggle legend state $$.legend.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem) .classed($$.CLASS.legendItemHidden, function (id) { return !$$.isTargetToShow(id); }) .transition() .style('opacity', function (id) { var This = $$.d3.select(this); if ($$.isTargetToShow(id)) { return !hasFocused || This.classed($$.CLASS.legendItemFocused) ? $$.opacityForLegend(This) : $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend(This); } else { return $$.legendOpacityForHidden; } }); // Update all to reflect change of legend $$.updateLegendItemWidth(maxWidth); $$.updateLegendItemHeight(maxHeight); $$.updateLegendStep(step); // Update size and scale $$.updateSizes(); $$.updateScales(); $$.updateSvgSize(); // Update g positions $$.transformAll(withTransitionForTransform, transitions); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getClipPath = function (id) { var isIE9 = window.navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 9.") >= 0; return "url(" + (isIE9 ? "" : document.URL.split('#')[0]) + "#" + id + ")"; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisClipX = function (forHorizontal) { var $$ = this; // axis line width + padding for left return forHorizontal ? -(1 + 30) : -($$.margin.left - 1); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisClipY = function (forHorizontal) { return forHorizontal ? -20 : -4; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxisClipX = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.getAxisClipX(!$$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxisClipY = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipY(!$$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYAxisClipX = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipX($$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYAxisClipY = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipY($$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisClipWidth = function (forHorizontal) { var $$ = this; // width + axis line width + padding for left/right return forHorizontal ? $$.width + 2 + 30 + 30 : $$.margin.left + 20; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisClipHeight = function (forHorizontal) { var $$ = this; return forHorizontal ? ($$.config.axis_x_height ? $$.config.axis_x_height : 0) + 80 : $$.height + 8; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxisClipWidth = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipWidth(!$$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxisClipHeight = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipHeight(!$$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYAxisClipWidth = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipWidth($$.config.axis_rotated); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYAxisClipHeight = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisClipHeight($$.config.axis_rotated); }; /** * $$.data.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.isX = function (key) { var $$ = this; return ($$.config.data_x && key === $$.config.data_x) || (this.notEmpty($$.config.data_xs) && this.hasValue($$.config.data_xs, key)); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isNotX = function (key) { return !this.isX(key); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXKey = function (id) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.data_x ? $$.config.data_x : this.notEmpty($$.config.data_xs) ? $$.config.data_xs[id] : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXValuesOfXKey = function (key, targets) { var xValues, ids = targets && this.notEmpty(targets) ? mapToIds(targets) : []; ids.forEach(function (id) { if (this.getXKey(id) === key) { xValues = $$.data.xs[id]; } }); return xValues; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXValue = function (id, i) { return id in $$.data.xs && $$.data.xs[id] && this.isValue($$.data.xs[id][i]) ? $$.data.xs[id][i] : i; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getOtherTargetXs = function () { var idsForX = Object.keys($$.data.xs); return idsForX.length ? $$.data.xs[idsForX[0]] : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getOtherTargetX = function (index) { var xs = this.getOtherTargetXs(); return xs && index < xs.length ? xs[index] : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.addXs = function (xs) { Object.keys(xs).forEach(function (id) { $$.config.data_xs[id] = xs[id]; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isSingleX = function (xs) { return $$.d3.set(Object.keys(xs).map(function (id) { return xs[id]; })).size() === 1; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.addName = function (data) { var $$ = this, name; if (data) { name = $$.config.data_names[data.id]; data.name = name ? name : data.id; } return data; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getValueOnIndex = function (values, index) { var valueOnIndex = values.filter(function (v) { return v.index === index; }); return valueOnIndex.length ? valueOnIndex[0] : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateTargetX = function (targets, x) { targets.forEach(function (t) { t.values.forEach(function (v, i) { v.x = generateTargetX(x[i], t.id, i); }); $$.data.xs[t.id] = x; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateTargetXs = function (targets, xs) { targets.forEach(function (t) { if (xs[t.id]) { this.updateTargetX([t], xs[t.id]); } }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateTargetX = function (rawX, id, index) { var $$ = this, x; if ($$.isTimeSeries) { x = rawX ? $$.parseDate(rawX) : $$.parseDate($$.getXValue(id, index)); } else if ($$.isCustomX() && !$$.isCategorized) { x = $$.isValue(rawX) ? +rawX : $$.getXValue(id, index); } else { x = index; } return x; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.convertUrlToData = function (url, mimeType, keys, done) { var type = mimeType ? mimeType : 'csv'; $$.d3.xhr(url, function (error, data) { var d; if (type === 'json') { d = this.convertJsonToData(JSON.parse(data.response), keys); } else { d = this.convertCsvToData(data.response); } done(d); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.cloneTarget = function (target) { return { id : target.id, id_org : target.id_org, values : target.values.map(function (d) { return {x: d.x, value: d.value, id: d.id}; }) }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getPrevX = function (i) { var value = this.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, i - 1); return value ? value.x : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getNextX = function (i) { var value = this.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, i + 1); return value ? value.x : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getMaxDataCount = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.d3.max($$.data.targets, function (t) { return t.values.length; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getMaxDataCountTarget = function (targets) { var length = targets.length, max = 0, maxTarget; if (length > 1) { targets.forEach(function (t) { if (t.values.length > max) { maxTarget = t; max = t.values.length; } }); } else { maxTarget = length ? targets[0] : null; } return maxTarget; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getEdgeX = function (targets) { var target = this.getMaxDataCountTarget(targets), firstData, lastData; if (!target) { return [0, 0]; } firstData = target.values[0], lastData = target.values[target.values.length - 1]; return [firstData.x, lastData.x]; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.mapToIds = function (targets) { return targets.map(function (d) { return d.id; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.mapToTargetIds = function (ids) { return ids ? (typeof ids === 'string' ? [ids] : ids) : mapToIds($$.data.targets); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasTarget = function (targets, id) { var ids = this.mapToIds(targets), i; for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i] === id) { return true; } } return false; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isTargetToShow = function (targetId) { return this.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isLegendToShow = function (targetId) { return this.hiddenLegendIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.filterTargetsToShow = function (targets) { var $$ = this; return targets.filter(function (t) { return $$.isTargetToShow(t.id); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.mapTargetsToUniqueXs = function (targets) { var $$ = this; var xs = $$.d3.set($$.d3.merge(targets.map(function (t) { return t.values.map(function (v) { return v.x; }); }))).values(); return $$.isTimeSeries ? xs.map(function (x) { return new Date(x); }) : xs.map(function (x) { return +x; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.addHiddenTargetIds = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this; $$.hiddenTargetIds = $$.hiddenTargetIds.concat(targetIds); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.removeHiddenTargetIds = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this; $$.hiddenTargetIds = $$.hiddenTargetIds.filter(function (id) { return targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.addHiddenLegendIds = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this; $$.hiddenLegendIds = $$.hiddenLegendIds.concat(targetIds); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.removeHiddenLegendIds = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this; $$.hiddenLegendIds = $$.hiddenLegendIds.filter(function (id) { return targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getValuesAsIdKeyed = function (targets) { var ys = {}; targets.forEach(function (t) { ys[t.id] = []; t.values.forEach(function (v) { ys[t.id].push(v.value); }); }); return ys; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.checkValueInTargets = function (targets, checker) { var ids = Object.keys(targets), i, j, values; for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { values = targets[ids[i]].values; for (j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { if (checker(values[j].value)) { return true; } } } return false; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasNegativeValueInTargets = function (targets) { return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, function (v) { return v < 0; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasPositiveValueInTargets = function (targets) { return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, function (v) { return v > 0; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isOrderDesc = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.config.data_order && $$.config.data_order.toLowerCase() === 'desc'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isOrderAsc = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.config.data_order && $$.config.data_order.toLowerCase() === 'asc'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.orderTargets = function (targets) { var $$ = this, orderAsc = $$.isOrderAsc(), orderDesc = $$.isOrderDesc(); if (orderAsc || orderDesc) { targets.sort(function (t1, t2) { var reducer = function (p, c) { return p + Math.abs(c.value); }; var t1Sum = t1.values.reduce(reducer, 0), t2Sum = t2.values.reduce(reducer, 0); return orderAsc ? t2Sum - t1Sum : t1Sum - t2Sum; }); } else if (typeof $$.config.data_order === 'function') { targets.sort($$.config.data_order); } // TODO: accept name array for order return targets; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.filterSameX = function (targets, x) { return $$.d3.merge(targets.map(function (t) { return t.values; })).filter(function (v) { return v.x - x === 0; }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.filterRemoveNull = function (data) { var $$ = this; return data.filter(function (d) { return $$.isValue(d.value); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasDataLabel = function () { var $$ = this; if (typeof $$.config.data_labels === 'boolean' && $$.config.data_labels) { return true; } else if (typeof $$.config.data_labels === 'object' && this.notEmpty($$.config.data_labels)) { return true; } return false; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getDataLabelLength = function (min, max, axisId, key) { var lengths = [0, 0], paddingCoef = 1.3; $$.selectChart.select('svg').selectAll('.dummy') .data([min, max]) .enter().append('text') .text(function (d) { return this.formatByAxisId(axisId)(d); }) .each(function (d, i) { lengths[i] = this.getBoundingClientRect()[key] * paddingCoef; }) .remove(); return lengths; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isNoneArc = function (d) { var $$ = this; return $$.hasTarget($$.data.targets, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isArc = function (d) { var $$ = this; return 'data' in d && $$.hasTarget($$.data.targets, d.data.id); }; /** * c3.data.convert.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.convertCsvToData = function (csv) { var rows = $$.d3.csv.parseRows(csv), d; if (rows.length === 1) { d = [{}]; rows[0].forEach(function (id) { d[0][id] = null; }); } else { d = $$.d3.csv.parse(csv); } return d; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.convertJsonToData = function (json, keys) { var new_rows = [], targetKeys, data; if (keys) { // when keys specified, json would be an array that includes objects targetKeys = keys.value; if (keys.x) { targetKeys.push(keys.x); $$.config.data_x = keys.x; } new_rows.push(targetKeys); json.forEach(function (o) { var new_row = []; targetKeys.forEach(function (key) { // convert undefined to null because undefined data will be removed in convertDataToTargets() var v = typeof o[key] === 'undefined' ? null : o[key]; new_row.push(v); }); new_rows.push(new_row); }); data = this.convertRowsToData(new_rows); } else { Object.keys(json).forEach(function (key) { new_rows.push([key].concat(json[key])); }); data = this.convertColumnsToData(new_rows); } return data; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.convertRowsToData = function (rows) { var keys = rows[0], new_row = {}, new_rows = [], i, j; for (i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { new_row = {}; for (j = 0; j < rows[i].length; j++) { new_row[keys[j]] = rows[i][j]; } new_rows.push(new_row); } return new_rows; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.convertColumnsToData = function (columns) { var new_rows = [], i, j, key; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { key = columns[i][0]; for (j = 1; j < columns[i].length; j++) { if (this.isUndefined(new_rows[j - 1])) { new_rows[j - 1] = {}; } new_rows[j - 1][key] = columns[i][j]; } } return new_rows; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.convertDataToTargets = function (data, appendXs) { var $$ = this; var ids = $$.d3.keys(data[0]).filter($$.isNotX, $$), xs = $$.d3.keys(data[0]).filter($$.isX, $$), targets; // save x for update data by load when custom x and c3.x API ids.forEach(function (id) { var xKey = $$.getXKey(id); if ($$.isCustomX() || $$.isTimeSeries) { // if included in input data if (xs.indexOf(xKey) >= 0) { $$.data.xs[id] = (appendXs && $$.data.xs[id] ? $$.data.xs[id] : []).concat( data.map(function (d) { return d[xKey]; }) .filter(this.isValue) .map(function (rawX, i) { return this.generateTargetX(rawX, id, i); }) ); } // if not included in input data, find from preloaded data of other id's x else if ($$.config.data_x) { $$.data.xs[id] = this.getOtherTargetXs(); } // if not included in input data, find from preloaded data else if (this.notEmpty($$.config.data_xs)) { $$.data.xs[id] = this.getXValuesOfXKey(xKey, $$.data.targets); } // MEMO: if no x included, use same x of current will be used } else { $$.data.xs[id] = data.map(function (d, i) { return i; }); } }, this); // check x is defined ids.forEach(function (id) { if (!$$.data.xs[id]) { throw new Error('x is not defined for id = "' + id + '".'); } }); // convert to target targets = ids.map(function (id, index) { var convertedId = $$.config.data_id_converter(id); return { id: convertedId, id_org: id, values: data.map(function (d, i) { var xKey = $$.getXKey(id), rawX = d[xKey], x = $$.generateTargetX(rawX, id, i); // use x as categories if custom x and categorized if ($$.isCustomX() && $$.isCategorized && index === 0 && rawX) { if (i === 0) { $$.config.axis_x_categories = []; } $$.config.axis_x_categories.push(rawX); } // mark as x = undefined if value is undefined and filter to remove after mapped if (typeof d[id] === 'undefined' || $$.data.xs[id].length <= i) { x = undefined; } return {x: x, value: d[id] !== null && !isNaN(d[id]) ? +d[id] : null, id: convertedId}; }).filter(function (v) { return typeof v.x !== 'undefined'; }) }; }); // finish targets targets.forEach(function (t) { var i; // sort values by its x t.values = t.values.sort(function (v1, v2) { var x1 = v1.x || v1.x === 0 ? v1.x : Infinity, x2 = v2.x || v2.x === 0 ? v2.x : Infinity; return x1 - x2; }); // indexing each value i = 0; t.values.forEach(function (v) { v.index = i++; }); // this needs to be sorted because its index and value.index is identical $$.data.xs[t.id].sort(function (v1, v2) { return v1 - v2; }); }); // set target types if ($$.config.data_type) { this.setTargetType(this.mapToIds(targets).filter(function (id) { return ! (id in $$.config.data_types); }), $$.config.data_type); } // cache as original id keyed targets.forEach(function (d) { $$.addCache(d.id_org, d); }); return targets; }; /** * c3.data.load.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.load = function (targets, args) { var $$ = this; if (targets) { // filter loading targets if needed if (args.filter) { targets = targets.filter(args.filter); } // set type if args.types || args.type specified if (args.type || args.types) { targets.forEach(function (t) { $$.setTargetType(t.id, args.types ? args.types[t.id] : args.type); }); } // Update/Add data $$.data.targets.forEach(function (d) { for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if (d.id === targets[i].id) { d.values = targets[i].values; targets.splice(i, 1); break; } } }); $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.concat(targets); // add remained } // Set targets $$.updateTargets($$.data.targets); // Redraw with new targets $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withLegend: true}); if (typeof args.done === 'function') { args.done(); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.loadFromArgs = function (args) { var $$ = this; if (args.data) { $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets(args.data), args); } else if (args.url) { $$.convertUrlToData(args.url, args.mimeType, args.keys, function (data) { $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets(data), args); }); } else if (args.json) { $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets($$.convertJsonToData(args.json, args.keys)), args); } else if (args.rows) { $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets($$.convertRowsToData(args.rows)), args); } else if (args.columns) { $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets($$.convertColumnsToData(args.columns)), args); } else { $$.load(null, args); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.unload = function (targetIds, done) { var $$ = this; if (typeof done !== 'function') { done = function () {}; } // filter existing target targetIds = targetIds.filter(function (id) { return $$.hasTarget($$.data.targets, id); }); // If no target, call done and return if (!targetIds || targetIds.length === 0) { done(); return; } $$.svg.selectAll(targetIds.map(function (id) { return $$.selectorTarget(id); })) .transition() .style('opacity', 0) .remove() .call($$.endall, done); targetIds.forEach(function (id) { // Reset fadein for future load $$.withoutFadeIn[id] = false; // Remove target's elements $$.legend.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)).remove(); // Remove target $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter(function (t) { return t.id !== id; }); }); }; /** * c3.data.category.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.categoryName = function (i) { var $$ = this; return i < $$.config.axis_x_categories.length ? $$.config.axis_x_categories[i] : i; }; /** * c3.shape.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.getShapeIndices = function (typeFilter) { var $$ = this; var indices = {}, i = 0, j, k; $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets.filter(typeFilter, $$)).forEach(function (d) { for (j = 0; j < $$.config.data_groups.length; j++) { if ($$.config.data_groups[j].indexOf(d.id) < 0) { continue; } for (k = 0; k < $$.config.data_groups[j].length; k++) { if ($$.config.data_groups[j][k] in indices) { indices[d.id] = indices[$$.config.data_groups[j][k]]; break; } } } if ($$.isUndefined(indices[d.id])) { indices[d.id] = i++; } }); indices.__max__ = i - 1; return indices; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getShapeX = function (offset, targetsNum, indices, isSub) { var $$ = this, scale = isSub ? $$.subX : $$.x; return function (d) { var index = d.id in indices ? indices[d.id] : 0; return d.x || d.x === 0 ? scale(d.x) - offset * (targetsNum / 2 - index) : 0; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getShapeY = function (isSub) { var $$ = this; return function (d) { var scale = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale(d.id) : $$.getYScale(d.id); return scale(d.value); }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getShapeOffset = function (typeFilter, indices, isSub) { var $$ = this, targets = $$.orderTargets($$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets.filter(typeFilter, $$))), targetIds = targets.map(function (t) { return t.id; }); return function (d, i) { var scale = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale(d.id) : $$.getYScale(d.id), y0 = scale(0), offset = y0; targets.forEach(function (t) { if (t.id === d.id || indices[t.id] !== indices[d.id]) { return; } if (targetIds.indexOf(t.id) < targetIds.indexOf(d.id) && t.values[i].value * d.value >= 0) { offset += scale(t.values[i].value) - y0; } }); return offset; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getInterpolate = function (d) { var $$ = this; return $$.isSplineType(d) ? "cardinal" : $$.isStepType(d) ? "step-after" : "linear"; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.circleX = function (d) { var $$ = this; return d.x || d.x === 0 ? $$.x(d.x) : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.circleY = function (d, i) { var $$ = this, lineIndices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isLineType), getPoint = $$.generateGetLinePoint(lineIndices); return $$.config.data_groups.length > 0 ? getPoint(d, i)[0][1] : $$.getYScale(d.id)(d.value); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCircles = function (i, id) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS; return (id ? $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.circles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)) : $$.main).selectAll('.' + CLASS.circle + ($$.isValue(i) ? '-' + i : '')); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.expandCircles = function (i, id) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS; $$.getCircles(i, id) .classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, true) .attr('r', function (d) { return $$.pointExpandedR(d); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.unexpandCircles = function (i) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS; $$.getCircles(i) .filter(function () { return $$.d3.select(this).classed(CLASS.EXPANDED); }) .classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, false) .attr('r', function (d) { return $$.pointR(d); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.pointR = function (d) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.point_show && !$$.isStepType(d) ? (typeof $$.config.point_r === 'function' ? $$.config.point_r(d) : $$.config.point_r) : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.pointExpandedR = function (d) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.point_focus_expand_enabled ? ($$.config.point_focus_expand_r ? $$.config.point_focus_expand_r : $$.pointR(d) * 1.75) : $$.pointR(d); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.pointSelectR = function (d) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.point_select_r ? $$.config.point_select_r : $$.pointR(d) * 4; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getBarW = function (axis, barTargetsNum) { var $$ = this; return typeof $$.config.bar_width === 'number' ? $$.config.bar_width : barTargetsNum ? (axis.tickOffset() * 2 * $$.config.bar_width_ratio) / barTargetsNum : 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getBars = function (i) { var $$ = this; return $$.main.selectAll('.' + this.CLASS.bar + (this.isValue(i) ? '-' + i : '')); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.expandBars = function (i) { this.getBars(i).classed(this.CLASS.EXPANDED, true); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.unexpandBars = function (i) { this.getBars(i).classed(this.CLASS.EXPANDED, false); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateDrawBar = function (barIndices, isSub) { var $$ = this, getPoints = this.generateGetBarPoints(barIndices, isSub); return function (d, i) { // 4 points that make a bar var points = getPoints(d, i); // switch points if axis is rotated, not applicable for sub chart var indexX = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0; var indexY = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : 1; var path = 'M ' + points[0][indexX] + ',' + points[0][indexY] + ' ' + 'L' + points[1][indexX] + ',' + points[1][indexY] + ' ' + 'L' + points[2][indexX] + ',' + points[2][indexY] + ' ' + 'L' + points[3][indexX] + ',' + points[3][indexY] + ' ' + 'z'; return path; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateGetBarPoints = function (barIndices, isSub) { var $$ = this, barTargetsNum = barIndices.__max__ + 1, barW = $$.getBarW($$.xAxis, barTargetsNum), barX = $$.getShapeX(barW, barTargetsNum, barIndices, !!isSub), barY = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub), barOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isBarType, barIndices, !!isSub), yScale = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale : $$.getYScale; return function (d, i) { var y0 = yScale.call($$, d.id)(0), offset = barOffset(d, i) || y0, // offset is for stacked bar chart posX = barX(d), posY = barY(d); // fix posY not to overflow opposite quadrant if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { if ((0 < d.value && posY < y0) || (d.value < 0 && y0 < posY)) { posY = y0; } } // 4 points that make a bar return [ [posX, offset], [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)], [posX + barW, posY - (y0 - offset)], [posX + barW, offset] ]; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateDrawArea = function (areaIndices, isSub) { var $$ = this, area = $$.d3.svg.area(), getPoint = $$.generateGetAreaPoint(areaIndices, isSub), yScaleGetter = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale : $$.getYScale, xValue = function (d) { return (isSub ? $$.subxx : $$.xx).call($$, d); }, value0 = function (d, i) { return $$.config.data_groups.length > 0 ? getPoint(d, i)[0][1] : yScaleGetter.call($$, d.id)(0); }, value1 = function (d, i) { return $$.config.data_groups.length > 0 ? getPoint(d, i)[1][1] : yScaleGetter.call($$, d.id)(d.value); }; area = $$.config.axis_rotated ? area.x0(value0).x1(value1).y(xValue) : area.x(xValue).y0(value0).y1(value1); return function (d) { var data = $$.filterRemoveNull(d.values), x0 = 0, y0 = 0, path; if ($$.isAreaType(d)) { path = area.interpolate($$.getInterpolate(d))(data); } else { if (data[0]) { x0 = $$.x(data[0].x); y0 = $$.getYScale(d.id)(data[0].value); } path = $$.config.axis_rotated ? "M " + y0 + " " + x0 : "M " + x0 + " " + y0; } return path ? path : "M 0 0"; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateDrawLine = function (lineIndices, isSub) { var $$ = this, line = $$.d3.svg.line(), getPoint = $$.generateGetLinePoint(lineIndices, isSub), yScaleGetter = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale : $$.getYScale, xValue = function (d) { return (isSub ? $$.subxx : $$.xx).call($$, d); }, yValue = function (d, i) { return $$.config.data_groups.length > 0 ? getPoint(d, i)[0][1] : yScaleGetter.call($$, d.id)(d.value); }; line = $$.config.axis_rotated ? line.x(yValue).y(xValue) : line.x(xValue).y(yValue); if (!$$.config.line_connect_null) { line = line.defined(function (d) { return d.value != null; }); } return function (d) { var data = $$.config.line_connect_null ? $$.filterRemoveNull(d.values) : d.values, x = isSub ? $$.x : $$.subX, y = yScaleGetter.call($$, d.id), x0 = 0, y0 = 0, path; if ($$.isLineType(d)) { if ($$.config.data_regions[d.id]) { path = $$.lineWithRegions(data, x, y, $$.config.data_regions[d.id]); } else { path = line.interpolate($$.getInterpolate(d))(data); } } else { if (data[0]) { x0 = x(data[0].x); y0 = y(data[0].value); } path = $$.config.axis_rotated ? "M " + y0 + " " + x0 : "M " + x0 + " " + y0; } return path ? path : "M 0 0"; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateXYForText = function (barIndices, forX) { var getPoints = this.generateGetBarPoints(barIndices, false), getter = forX ? this.getXForText : this.getYForText; return function (d, i) { return getter(getPoints(d, i), d, this); }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXForText = function (points, d, textElement) { var box = textElement.getBoundingClientRect(), xPos, padding; if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { padding = this.isBarType(d) ? 4 : 6; xPos = points[2][1] + padding * (d.value < 0 ? -1 : 1); } else { xPos = points[0][0] + (points[2][0] - points[0][0]) / 2; } return xPos > $$.width ? $$.width - box.width : xPos; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYForText = function (points, d, textElement) { var box = textElement.getBoundingClientRect(), yPos; if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { yPos = (points[0][0] + points[2][0] + box.height * 0.6) / 2; } else { yPos = points[2][1] + (d.value < 0 ? box.height : this.isBarType(d) ? -3 : -6); } return yPos < box.height ? box.height : yPos; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateGetAreaPoint = function (areaIndices, isSub) { // partial duplication of generateGetBarPoints var $$ = this, areaTargetsNum = areaIndices.__max__ + 1, x = $$.getShapeX(0, areaTargetsNum, areaIndices, !!isSub), y = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub), areaOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isAreaType, areaIndices, !!isSub), yScale = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale : $$.getYScale; return function (d, i) { var y0 = yScale.call($$, d.id)(0), offset = areaOffset(d, i) || y0, // offset is for stacked area chart posX = x(d), posY = y(d); // fix posY not to overflow opposite quadrant if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { if ((0 < d.value && posY < y0) || (d.value < 0 && y0 < posY)) { posY = y0; } } // 1 point that marks the area position return [ [posX, offset], [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)] ]; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateGetLinePoint = function (lineIndices, isSub) { // partial duplication of generateGetBarPoints var $$ = this, lineTargetsNum = lineIndices.__max__ + 1, x = $$.getShapeX(0, lineTargetsNum, lineIndices, !!isSub), y = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub), lineOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isLineType, lineIndices, !!isSub), yScale = isSub ? $$.getSubYScale : $$.getYScale; return function (d, i) { var y0 = yScale.call($$, d.id)(0), offset = lineOffset(d, i) || y0, // offset is for stacked area chart posX = x(d), posY = y(d); // fix posY not to overflow opposite quadrant if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { if ((0 < d.value && posY < y0) || (d.value < 0 && y0 < posY)) { posY = y0; } } // 1 point that marks the line position return [ [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)] ]; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.lineWithRegions = function (d, x, y, _regions) { var prev = -1, i, j; var s = "M", sWithRegion; var xp, yp, dx, dy, dd, diff, diffx2; var xValue, yValue; var regions = []; // Check start/end of regions if (this.isDefined(_regions)) { for (i = 0; i < _regions.length; i++) { regions[i] = {}; if (this.isUndefined(_regions[i].start)) { regions[i].start = d[0].x; } else { regions[i].start = $$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(_regions[i].start) : _regions[i].start; } if (this.isUndefined(_regions[i].end)) { regions[i].end = d[d.length - 1].x; } else { regions[i].end = $$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(_regions[i].end) : _regions[i].end; } } } // Set scales xValue = $$.config.axis_rotated ? function (d) { return y(d.value); } : function (d) { return x(d.x); }; yValue = $$.config.axis_rotated ? function (d) { return x(d.x); } : function (d) { return y(d.value); }; // Define svg generator function for region if ($$.isTimeSeries) { sWithRegion = function (d0, d1, j, diff) { var x0 = d0.x.getTime(), x_diff = d1.x - d0.x, xv0 = new Date(x0 + x_diff * j), xv1 = new Date(x0 + x_diff * (j + diff)); return "M" + x(xv0) + " " + y(yp(j)) + " " + x(xv1) + " " + y(yp(j + diff)); }; } else { sWithRegion = function (d0, d1, j, diff) { return "M" + x(xp(j), true) + " " + y(yp(j)) + " " + x(xp(j + diff), true) + " " + y(yp(j + diff)); }; } // Generate for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { // Draw as normal if (this.isUndefined(regions) || ! this.isWithinRegions(d[i].x, regions)) { s += " " + xValue(d[i]) + " " + yValue(d[i]); } // Draw with region // TODO: Fix for horizotal charts else { xp = this.getScale(d[i - 1].x, d[i].x, $$.isTimeSeries); yp = this.getScale(d[i - 1].value, d[i].value); dx = x(d[i].x) - x(d[i - 1].x); dy = y(d[i].value) - y(d[i - 1].value); dd = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2)); diff = 2 / dd; diffx2 = diff * 2; for (j = diff; j <= 1; j += diffx2) { s += sWithRegion(d[i - 1], d[i], j, diff); } } prev = d[i].x; } return s; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isWithinCircle = function (_this, _r) { var mouse = $$.d3.mouse(_this), d3_this = $$.d3.select(_this); var cx = d3_this.attr("cx") * 1, cy = d3_this.attr("cy") * 1; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cx - mouse[0], 2) + Math.pow(cy - mouse[1], 2)) < _r; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isWithinBar = function (_this) { var mouse = $$.d3.mouse(_this), box = _this.getBoundingClientRect(), seg0 = _this.pathSegList.getItem(0), seg1 = _this.pathSegList.getItem(1); var x = seg0.x, y = Math.min(seg0.y, seg1.y), w = box.width, h = box.height, offset = 2; var sx = x - offset, ex = x + w + offset, sy = y + h + offset, ey = y - offset; return sx < mouse[0] && mouse[0] < ex && ey < mouse[1] && mouse[1] < sy; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isWithinRegions = function (x, regions) { var i; for (i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { if (regions[i].start < x && x <= regions[i].end) { return true; } } return false; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.findSameXOfValues = function (values, index) { var i, targetX = values[index].x, sames = []; for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (targetX !== values[i].x) { break; } sames.push(values[i]); } for (i = index; i < values.length; i++) { if (targetX !== values[i].x) { break; } sames.push(values[i]); } return sames; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.findClosestOfValues = function (values, pos, _min, _max) { // MEMO: values must be sorted by x var min = _min ? _min : 0, max = _max ? _max : values.length - 1, med = Math.floor((max - min) / 2) + min, value = values[med], diff = $$.x(value.x) - pos[$$.config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0], candidates; // Update range for search diff > 0 ? max = med : min = med; // if candidates are two closest min and max, stop recursive call if ((max - min) === 1 || (min === 0 && max === 0)) { // Get candidates that has same min and max index candidates = []; if (values[min].x || values[min].x === 0) { candidates = candidates.concat(this.findSameXOfValues(values, min)); } if (values[max].x || values[max].x === 0) { candidates = candidates.concat(this.findSameXOfValues(values, max)); } // Determine the closest and return return this.findClosest(candidates, pos); } return this.findClosestOfValues(values, pos, min, max); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.findClosestFromTargets = function (targets, pos) { var candidates; // map to array of closest points of each target candidates = targets.map(function (target) { return this.findClosestOfValues(target.values, pos); }); // decide closest point and return return this.findClosest(candidates, pos); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.findClosest = function (values, pos) { var minDist, closest; values.forEach(function (v) { var d = this.dist(v, pos); if (d < minDist || ! minDist) { minDist = d; closest = v; } }); return closest; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dist = function (data, pos) { var yScale = this.getAxisId(data.id) === 'y' ? $$.y : $$.y2, xIndex = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0, yIndex = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : 1; return Math.pow($$.x(data.x) - pos[xIndex], 2) + Math.pow(yScale(data.value) - pos[yIndex], 2); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.setTargetType = function (targetIds, type) { var $$ = this; $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds).forEach(function (id) { $$.withoutFadeIn[id] = (type === $$.config.data_types[id]); $$.config.data_types[id] = type; }); if (!targetIds) { $$.config.data_type = type; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasType = function (targets, type) { var $$ = this, has = false; targets.forEach(function (t) { if ($$.config.data_types[t.id] === type) { has = true; } if (!(t.id in $$.config.data_types) && type === 'line') { has = true; } }); return has; }; /* not used function hasLineType(targets) { return hasType(targets, 'line'); } */ c3.chart.internal.fn.hasAreaType = function (targets) { return this.hasType(targets, 'area') || this.hasType(targets, 'area-spline') || this.hasType(targets, 'area-step'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasBarType = function (targets) { return this.hasType(targets, 'bar'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasScatterType = function (targets) { return this.hasType(targets, 'scatter'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasPieType = function (targets) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.data_type === 'pie' || $$.hasType(targets, 'pie'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasGaugeType = function (targets) { return this.hasType(targets, 'gauge'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasDonutType = function (targets) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.data_type === 'donut' || $$.hasType(targets, 'donut'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasArcType = function (targets) { return this.hasPieType(targets) || this.hasDonutType(targets) || this.hasGaugeType(targets); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isLineType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return !$$.config.data_types[id] || ['line', 'spline', 'area', 'area-spline', 'step', 'area-step'].indexOf($$.config.data_types[id]) >= 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isStepType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return ['step', 'area-step'].indexOf($$.config.data_types[id]) >= 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isSplineType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return ['spline', 'area-spline'].indexOf($$.config.data_types[id]) >= 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isAreaType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return ['area', 'area-spline', 'area-step'].indexOf($$.config.data_types[id]) >= 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isBarType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return $$.config.data_types[id] === 'bar'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isScatterType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return $$.config.data_types[id] === 'scatter'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isPieType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return $$.config.data_types[id] === 'pie'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isGaugeType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return $$.config.data_types[id] === 'gauge'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isDonutType = function (d) { var $$ = this, id = (typeof d === 'string') ? d : d.id; return $$.config.data_types[id] === 'donut'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isArcType = function (d) { return this.isPieType(d) || this.isDonutType(d) || this.isGaugeType(d); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.lineData = function (d) { return this.isLineType(d) ? [d] : []; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.arcData = function (d) { return this.isArcType(d.data) ? [d] : []; }; /* not used function scatterData(d) { return isScatterType(d) ? d.values : []; } */ c3.chart.internal.fn.barData = function (d) { return this.isBarType(d) ? d.values : []; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.lineOrScatterData = function (d) { return this.isLineType(d) || this.isScatterType(d) ? d.values : []; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.barOrLineData = function (d) { return this.isBarType(d) || this.isLineType(d) ? d.values : []; }; /** * c3.date.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.parseDate = function (date) { var parsedDate; if (date instanceof Date) { parsedDate = date; } else if (typeof date === 'number') { parsedDate = new Date(date); } else { parsedDate = this.dataTimeFormat($$.config.data_x_format).parse(date); } if (!parsedDate || isNaN(+parsedDate)) { window.console.error("Failed to parse x '" + date + "' to Date object"); } return parsedDate; }; /** * c3.color.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.generateColor = function (colors, pattern, callback) { var ids = []; return function (d) { var id = d.id || d, color; // if callback function is provided if (colors[id] instanceof Function) { color = colors[id](d); } // if specified, choose that color else if (colors[id]) { color = colors[id]; } // if not specified, choose from pattern else { if (ids.indexOf(id) < 0) { ids.push(id); } color = pattern[ids.indexOf(id) % pattern.length]; colors[id] = color; } return callback instanceof Function ? callback(color, d) : color; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateLevelColor = function (colors, threshold) { var asValue = threshold.unit === 'value', values = threshold.values && threshold.values.length ? threshold.values : [], max = threshold.max || 100; return function (value) { var i, v, color = colors[colors.length - 1]; for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { v = asValue ? value : (value * 100 / max); if (v < values[i]) { color = colors[i]; break; } } return color; }; }; /** * c3.scale.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.getScale = function (min, max, forTimeseries) { return (forTimeseries ? this.d3.time.scale() : this.d3.scale.linear()).range([min, max]); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getX = function (min, max, domain, offset) { var $$ = this; var scale = this.getScale(min, max, $$.isTimeSeries), _scale = domain ? scale.domain(domain) : scale, key; // Define customized scale if categorized axis if ($$.isCategorized) { offset = offset || function () { return 0; }; scale = function (d, raw) { var v = _scale(d) + offset(d); return raw ? v : Math.ceil(v); }; } else { scale = function (d, raw) { var v = _scale(d); return raw ? v : Math.ceil(v); }; } // define functions for (key in _scale) { scale[key] = _scale[key]; } scale.orgDomain = function () { return _scale.domain(); }; // define custom domain() for categorized axis if ($$.isCategorized) { scale.domain = function (domain) { if (!arguments.length) { domain = this.orgDomain(); return [domain[0], domain[1] + 1]; } _scale.domain(domain); return scale; }; } return scale; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getY = function (min, max, domain) { var scale = this.getScale(min, max); if (domain) { scale.domain(domain); } return scale; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYScale = function (id) { var $$ = this; return $$.getAxisId(id) === 'y2' ? $$.y2 : $$.y; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getSubYScale = function (id) { var $$ = this; return $$.getAxisId(id) === 'y2' ? $$.subY2 : $$.subY; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateScales = function () { var $$ = this, xAxisTickFormat, xAxisTickValues, forInit = !$$.x; // update edges $$.xMin = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0; $$.xMax = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : $$.width; $$.yMin = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.height; $$.yMax = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : 1; $$.subXMin = $$.xMin; $$.subXMax = $$.xMax; $$.subYMin = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.height2; $$.subYMax = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width2 : 1; // update scales $$.x = $$.getX($$.xMin, $$.xMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.x.orgDomain(), function () { return $$.xAxis.tickOffset(); }); $$.y = $$.getY($$.yMin, $$.yMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.y.domain()); $$.y2 = $$.getY($$.yMin, $$.yMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.y2.domain()); $$.subX = $$.getX($$.xMin, $$.xMax, $$.orgXDomain, function (d) { return d % 1 ? 0 : $$.subXAxis.tickOffset(); }); $$.subY = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.subY.domain()); $$.subY2 = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? undefined : $$.subY2.domain()); // update axes $$.xAxisTickFormat = $$.getXAxisTickFormat(); $$.xAxisTickValues = $$.config.axis_x_tick_values ? $$.config.axis_x_tick_values : (forInit ? undefined : $$.xAxis.tickValues()); $$.xAxis = $$.getXAxis($$.x, $$.xOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues); $$.subXAxis = $$.getXAxis($$.subX, $$.subXOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues); $$.yAxis = $$.getYAxis($$.y, $$.yOrient, $$.config.axis_y_tick_format, $$.config.axis_y_ticks); $$.y2Axis = $$.getYAxis($$.y2, $$.y2Orient, $$.config.axis_y2_tick_format, $$.config.axis_y2_ticks); // Set initialized scales to brush and zoom if (!forInit) { $$.brush.scale($$.subX); if ($$.config.zoom_enabled) { $$.zoom.scale($$.x); } } // update for arc this.updateArc(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateArc = function () { var $$ = this; $$.svgArc = this.getSvgArc(); $$.svgArcExpanded = this.getSvgArcExpanded(); $$.svgArcExpandedSub = this.getSvgArcExpanded(0.98); }; /** * c3.domain.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.getYDomainMin = function (targets) { var $$ = this, ids = $$.mapToIds(targets), ys = $$.getValuesAsIdKeyed(targets), j, k, baseId, idsInGroup, id, hasNegativeValue; if ($$.config.data_groups.length > 0) { hasNegativeValue = $$.hasNegativeValueInTargets(targets); for (j = 0; j < $$.config.data_groups.length; j++) { // Determine baseId idsInGroup = $$.config.data_groups[j].filter(function (id) { return ids.indexOf(id) >= 0; }); if (idsInGroup.length === 0) { continue; } baseId = idsInGroup[0]; // Consider negative values if (hasNegativeValue && ys[baseId]) { ys[baseId].forEach(function (v, i) { ys[baseId][i] = v < 0 ? v : 0; }); } // Compute min for (k = 1; k < idsInGroup.length; k++) { id = idsInGroup[k]; if (! ys[id]) { continue; } ys[id].forEach(function (v, i) { if ($$.getAxisId(id) === $$.getAxisId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasNegativeValue && +v > 0)) { ys[baseId][i] += +v; } }); } } } return $$.d3.min(Object.keys(ys).map(function (key) { return $$.d3.min(ys[key]); })); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYDomainMax = function (targets) { var $$ = this, ids = $$.mapToIds(targets), ys = $$.getValuesAsIdKeyed(targets), j, k, baseId, idsInGroup, id, hasPositiveValue; if ($$.config.data_groups.length > 0) { hasPositiveValue = $$.hasPositiveValueInTargets(targets); for (j = 0; j < $$.config.data_groups.length; j++) { // Determine baseId idsInGroup = $$.config.data_groups[j].filter(function (id) { return ids.indexOf(id) >= 0; }); if (idsInGroup.length === 0) { continue; } baseId = idsInGroup[0]; // Consider positive values if (hasPositiveValue && ys[baseId]) { ys[baseId].forEach(function (v, i) { ys[baseId][i] = v > 0 ? v : 0; }); } // Compute max for (k = 1; k < idsInGroup.length; k++) { id = idsInGroup[k]; if (! ys[id]) { continue; } ys[id].forEach(function (v, i) { if ($$.getAxisId(id) === $$.getAxisId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasPositiveValue && +v < 0)) { ys[baseId][i] += +v; } }); } } } return $$.d3.max(Object.keys(ys).map(function (key) { return $$.d3.max(ys[key]); })); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYDomain = function (targets, axisId) { var $$ = this; var yTargets = targets.filter(function (d) { return $$.getAxisId(d.id) === axisId; }), yMin = axisId === 'y2' ? $$.config.axis_y2_min : $$.config.axis_y_min, yMax = axisId === 'y2' ? $$.config.axis_y2_max : $$.config.axis_y_max, yDomainMin = this.isValue(yMin) ? yMin : this.getYDomainMin(yTargets), yDomainMax = this.isValue(yMax) ? yMax : this.getYDomainMax(yTargets), domainLength, padding, padding_top, padding_bottom, center = axisId === 'y2' ? $$.config.axis_y2_center : $$.config.axis_y_center, yDomainAbs, lengths, diff, ratio, isAllPositive, isAllNegative, isZeroBased = (this.hasBarType(yTargets) && $$.config.bar_zerobased) || (this.hasAreaType(yTargets) && $$.config.area_zerobased), showHorizontalDataLabel = this.hasDataLabel() && $$.config.axis_rotated, showVerticalDataLabel = this.hasDataLabel() && !$$.config.axis_rotated; if (yTargets.length === 0) { // use current domain if target of axisId is none return axisId === 'y2' ? $$.y2.domain() : $$.y.domain(); } if (yDomainMin === yDomainMax) { yDomainMin < 0 ? yDomainMax = 0 : yDomainMin = 0; } isAllPositive = yDomainMin >= 0 && yDomainMax >= 0; isAllNegative = yDomainMin <= 0 && yDomainMax <= 0; // Bar/Area chart should be 0-based if all positive|negative if (isZeroBased) { if (isAllPositive) { yDomainMin = 0; } if (isAllNegative) { yDomainMax = 0; } } domainLength = Math.abs(yDomainMax - yDomainMin); padding = padding_top = padding_bottom = domainLength * 0.1; if (center) { yDomainAbs = Math.max(Math.abs(yDomainMin), Math.abs(yDomainMax)); yDomainMax = yDomainAbs - center; yDomainMin = center - yDomainAbs; } // add padding for data label if (showHorizontalDataLabel) { lengths = this.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, axisId, 'width'); diff = this.diffDomain($$.y.range()); ratio = [lengths[0] / diff, lengths[1] / diff]; padding_top += domainLength * (ratio[1] / (1 - ratio[0] - ratio[1])); padding_bottom += domainLength * (ratio[0] / (1 - ratio[0] - ratio[1])); } else if (showVerticalDataLabel) { lengths = this.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, axisId, 'height'); padding_top += lengths[1]; padding_bottom += lengths[0]; } if (axisId === 'y' && $$.config.axis_y_padding) { padding_top = this.getAxisPadding($$.config.axis_y_padding, 'top', padding, domainLength); padding_bottom = this.getAxisPadding($$.config.axis_y_padding, 'bottom', padding, domainLength); } if (axisId === 'y2' && $$.config.axis_y2_padding) { padding_top = this.getAxisPadding($$.config.axis_y2_padding, 'top', padding, domainLength); padding_bottom = this.getAxisPadding($$.config.axis_y2_padding, 'bottom', padding, domainLength); } // Bar/Area chart should be 0-based if all positive|negative if (isZeroBased) { if (isAllPositive) { padding_bottom = yDomainMin; } if (isAllNegative) { padding_top = -yDomainMax; } } return [yDomainMin - padding_bottom, yDomainMax + padding_top]; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXDomainMin = function (targets) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.axis_x_min ? ($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate($$.config.axis_x_min) : $$.config.axis_x_min) : $$.d3.min(targets, function (t) { return $$.d3.min(t.values, function (v) { return v.x; }); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXDomainMax = function (targets) { var $$ = this; return $$.config.axis_x_max ? ($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate($$.config.axis_x_max) : $$.config.axis_x_max) : $$.d3.max(targets, function (t) { return $$.d3.max(t.values, function (v) { return v.x; }); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXDomainPadding = function (targets) { var $$ = this; var edgeX = this.getEdgeX(targets), diff = edgeX[1] - edgeX[0], maxDataCount, padding, paddingLeft, paddingRight; if ($$.isCategorized) { padding = 0; } else if (this.hasBarType(targets)) { maxDataCount = this.getMaxDataCount(); padding = maxDataCount > 1 ? (diff / (maxDataCount - 1)) / 2 : 0.5; } else { padding = diff * 0.01; } if (typeof $$.config.axis_x_padding === 'object' && this.notEmpty($$.config.axis_x_padding)) { paddingLeft = this.isValue($$.config.axis_x_padding.left) ? $$.config.axis_x_padding.left : padding; paddingRight = this.isValue($$.config.axis_x_padding.right) ? $$.config.axis_x_padding.right : padding; } else if (typeof $$.config.axis_x_padding === 'number') { paddingLeft = paddingRight = $$.config.axis_x_padding; } else { paddingLeft = paddingRight = padding; } return {left: paddingLeft, right: paddingRight}; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXDomain = function (targets) { var $$ = this; var xDomain = [this.getXDomainMin(targets), this.getXDomainMax(targets)], firstX = xDomain[0], lastX = xDomain[1], padding = this.getXDomainPadding(targets), min = 0, max = 0; // show center of x domain if min and max are the same if ((firstX - lastX) === 0 && !$$.isCategorized) { firstX = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() * 0.5) : -0.5; lastX = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(lastX.getTime() * 1.5) : 0.5; } if (firstX || firstX === 0) { min = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding.left) : firstX - padding.left; } if (lastX || lastX === 0) { max = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(lastX.getTime() + padding.right) : lastX + padding.right; } return [min, max]; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateXDomain = function (targets, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, domain) { var $$ = this; if (withUpdateOrgXDomain) { $$.x.domain(domain ? domain : $$.d3.extent($$.getXDomain(targets))); $$.orgXDomain = $$.x.domain(); if ($$.config.zoom_enabled) { $$.zoom.scale($$.x).updateScaleExtent(); } $$.subX.domain($$.x.domain()); $$.brush.scale($$.subX); } if (withUpdateXDomain) { $$.x.domain(domain ? domain : $$.brush.empty() ? $$.orgXDomain : $$.brush.extent()); if ($$.config.zoom_enabled) { $$.zoom.scale($$.x).updateScaleExtent(); } } return $$.x.domain(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxis = function (scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues) { var $$ = this, axis = c3_axis($$.d3, $$.isCategorized).scale(scale).orient(orient); // Set tick axis.tickFormat(tickFormat).tickValues(tickValues); if ($$.isCategorized) { axis.tickCentered($$.config.axis_x_tick_centered); if ($$.isEmpty($$.config.axis_x_tick_culling)) { $$.config.axis_x_tick_culling = false; } } else { // TODO: move this to c3_axis axis.tickOffset = function () { var edgeX = $$.getEdgeX($$.data.targets), diff = $$.x(edgeX[1]) - $$.x(edgeX[0]), base = diff ? diff : ($$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : $$.width); return (base / $$.getMaxDataCount()) / 2; }; } return axis; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYAxis = function (scale, orient, tickFormat, ticks) { var $$ = this; return c3_axis($$.d3).scale(scale).orient(orient).tickFormat(tickFormat).ticks(ticks); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisId = function (id) { var $$ = this; return id in $$.config.data_axes ? $$.config.data_axes[id] : 'y'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxisTickFormat = function () { var $$ = this; var format = $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.defaultAxisTimeFormat : $$.isCategorized ? $$.categoryName : function (v) { return v < 0 ? v.toFixed(0) : v; }; if ($$.config.axis_x_tick_format) { if (typeof $$.config.axis_x_tick_format === 'function') { format = $$.config.axis_x_tick_format; } else if ($$.isTimeSeries) { format = function (date) { return date ? $$.axisTimeFormat($$.config.axis_x_tick_format)(date) : ""; }; } } return function (v) { return format.call($$, v); }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisLabelOptionByAxisId = function (axisId) { var $$ = this, option; if (axisId === 'y') { option = $$.config.axis_y_label; } else if (axisId === 'y2') { option = $$.config.axis_y2_label; } else if (axisId === 'x') { option = $$.config.axis_x_label; } return option; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisLabelText = function (axisId) { var option = this.getAxisLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId); return typeof option === 'string' ? option : option ? option.text : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.setAxisLabelText = function (axisId, text) { var option = this.getAxisLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId); if (typeof option === 'string') { if (axisId === 'y') { $$.config.axis_y_label = text; } else if (axisId === 'y2') { $$.config.axis_y2_label = text; } else if (axisId === 'x') { $$.config.axis_x_label = text; } } else if (option) { option.text = text; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisLabelPosition = function (axisId, defaultPosition) { var option = this.getAxisLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId), position = (option && typeof option === 'object' && option.position) ? option.position : defaultPosition; return { isInner: position.indexOf('inner') >= 0, isOuter: position.indexOf('outer') >= 0, isLeft: position.indexOf('left') >= 0, isCenter: position.indexOf('center') >= 0, isRight: position.indexOf('right') >= 0, isTop: position.indexOf('top') >= 0, isMiddle: position.indexOf('middle') >= 0, isBottom: position.indexOf('bottom') >= 0 }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getXAxisLabelPosition = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisLabelPosition('x', $$.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-top' : 'inner-right'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getYAxisLabelPosition = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisLabelPosition('y', $$.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getY2AxisLabelPosition = function () { var $$ = this; return this.getAxisLabelPosition('y2', $$.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisLabelPositionById = function (id) { var $$ = this; return id === 'y2' ? $$.getY2AxisLabelPosition() : id === 'y' ? $$.getYAxisLabelPosition() : $$.getXAxisLabelPosition(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textForXAxisLabel = function () { return this.getAxisLabelText('x'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textForYAxisLabel = function () { return this.getAxisLabelText('y'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textForY2AxisLabel = function () { return this.getAxisLabelText('y2'); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xForAxisLabel = function (forHorizontal, position) { var $$ = this; if (forHorizontal) { return position.isLeft ? 0 : position.isCenter ? $$.width / 2 : $$.width; } else { return position.isBottom ? -$$.height : position.isMiddle ? -$$.height / 2 : 0; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dxForAxisLabel = function (forHorizontal, position) { if (forHorizontal) { return position.isLeft ? "0.5em" : position.isRight ? "-0.5em" : "0"; } else { return position.isTop ? "-0.5em" : position.isBottom ? "0.5em" : "0"; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textAnchorForAxisLabel = function (forHorizontal, position) { if (forHorizontal) { return position.isLeft ? 'start' : position.isCenter ? 'middle' : 'end'; } else { return position.isBottom ? 'start' : position.isMiddle ? 'middle' : 'end'; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xForXAxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.xForAxisLabel(!$$.config.axis_rotated, $$.getXAxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xForYAxisLabel = function () { return this.xForAxisLabel(this.__axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xForY2AxisLabel = function () { return this.xForAxisLabel(this.__axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dxForXAxisLabel = function () { return this.dxForAxisLabel(!this.__axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dxForYAxisLabel = function () { return this.dxForAxisLabel(this.__axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dxForY2AxisLabel = function () { return this.dxForAxisLabel(this.__axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dyForXAxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this, position = $$.getXAxisLabelPosition(); if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -25 - $$.getMaxTickWidth('x'); } else { return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : $$.config.axis_x_height ? $$.config.axis_x_height - 10 : "3em"; } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dyForYAxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this, position = $$.getYAxisLabelPosition(); if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : "3em"; } else { return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -20 - $$.getMaxTickWidth('y'); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dyForY2AxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this, position = $$.getY2AxisLabelPosition(); if ($$.config.axis_rotated) { return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : "-2.2em"; } else { return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : 30 + this.getMaxTickWidth('y2'); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textAnchorForXAxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.textAnchorForAxisLabel(!$$.config.axis_rotated, $$.getXAxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textAnchorForYAxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, $$.getYAxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, $$.getY2AxisLabelPosition()); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.xForRotatedTickText = function (r) { return 10 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (r / 180)); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.yForRotatedTickText = function (r) { return 11.5 - 2.5 * (r / 15); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.rotateTickText = function (axis, transition, rotate) { axis.selectAll('.tick text') .style("text-anchor", "start"); transition.selectAll('.tick text') .attr("y", this.yForRotatedTickText(rotate)) .attr("x", this.xForRotatedTickText(rotate)) .attr("transform", "rotate(" + rotate + ")"); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getMaxTickWidth = function (id) { var $$ = this; var maxWidth = 0, targetsToShow, scale, axis; if ($$.svg) { targetsToShow = this.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets); if (id === 'y') { scale = $$.y.copy().domain(this.getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y')); axis = this.getYAxis(scale, $$.yOrient, $$.config.axis_y_tick_format, $$.config.axis_y_ticks); } else if (id === 'y2') { scale = $$.y2.copy().domain(this.getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y2')); axis = this.getYAxis(scale, $$.y2Orient, $$.config.axis_y2_tick_format, $$.config.axis_y2_ticks); } else { scale = $$.x.copy().domain(this.getXDomain(targetsToShow)); axis = this.getXAxis(scale, $$.xOrient, this.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.config.axis_x_tick_values ? $$.config.axis_x_tick_values : $$.xAxis.tickValues()); } $$.main.append("g").call(axis).each(function () { $$.d3.select(this).selectAll('text').each(function () { var box = this.getBoundingClientRect(); if (maxWidth < box.width) { maxWidth = box.width; } }); }).remove(); } $$.currentMaxTickWidth = maxWidth <= 0 ? $$.currentMaxTickWidth : maxWidth; return $$.currentMaxTickWidth; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.updateAxisLabels = function (withTransition) { var $$ = this; var axisXLabel = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisX + ' .' + this.CLASS.axisXLabel), axisYLabel = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisY + ' .' + this.CLASS.axisYLabel), axisY2Label = $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.axisY2 + ' .' + this.CLASS.axisY2Label); (withTransition ? axisXLabel.transition() : axisXLabel) .attr("x", function () { return $$.xForXAxisLabel(); }) .attr("dx", function () { return $$.dxForXAxisLabel(); }) .attr("dy", function () { return $$.dyForXAxisLabel(); }) .text(function () { return $$.textForXAxisLabel(); }); (withTransition ? axisYLabel.transition() : axisYLabel) .attr("x", function () { return $$.xForYAxisLabel(); }) .attr("dx", function () { return $$.dxForYAxisLabel(); }) .attr("dy", function () { return $$.dyForYAxisLabel(); }) .attr("dy", function () { return $$.dyForYAxisLabel(); }) .text(function () { return $$.textForYAxisLabel(); }); (withTransition ? axisY2Label.transition() : axisY2Label) .attr("x", function () { return $$.xForY2AxisLabel(); }) .attr("dx", function () { return $$.dxForY2AxisLabel(); }) .attr("dy", function () { return $$.dyForY2AxisLabel(); }) .text(function () { return $$.textForY2AxisLabel(); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getAxisPadding = function (padding, key, defaultValue, all) { var ratio = padding.unit === 'ratio' ? all : 1; return this.isValue(padding[key]) ? padding[key] * ratio : defaultValue; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateTickValues = function (xs, tickCount) { var $$ = this; var tickValues = xs, targetCount, start, end, count, interval, i, tickValue; if (tickCount) { targetCount = typeof tickCount === 'function' ? tickCount() : tickCount; // compute ticks according to $$.config.axis_x_tick_count if (targetCount === 1) { tickValues = [xs[0]]; } else if (targetCount === 2) { tickValues = [xs[0], xs[xs.length - 1]]; } else if (targetCount > 2) { count = targetCount - 2; start = xs[0]; end = xs[xs.length - 1]; interval = (end - start) / (count + 1); // re-construct uniqueXs tickValues = [start]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { tickValue = +start + interval * (i + 1); tickValues.push($$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(tickValue) : tickValue); } tickValues.push(end); } } if (!$$.isTimeSeries) { tickValues = tickValues.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); } return tickValues; }; /** * c3.region.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.regionX = function (d) { var xPos, yScale = d.axis === 'y' ? y : y2; if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') { xPos = $$.config.axis_rotated ? ('start' in d ? yScale(d.start) : 0) : 0; } else { xPos = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : ('start' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(d.start) : d.start) : 0); } return xPos; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.regionY = function (d) { var yPos, yScale = d.axis === 'y' ? y : y2; if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') { yPos = $$.config.axis_rotated ? 0 : ('end' in d ? yScale(d.end) : 0); } else { yPos = $$.config.axis_rotated ? ('start' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(d.start) : d.start) : 0) : 0; } return yPos; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.regionWidth = function (d) { var start = this.regionX(d), end, yScale = d.axis === 'y' ? y : y2; if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') { end = $$.config.axis_rotated ? ('end' in d ? yScale(d.end) : $$.width) : $$.width; } else { end = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : ('end' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(d.end) : d.end) : $$.width); } return end < start ? 0 : end - start; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.regionHeight = function (d) { var start = this.regionY(d), end, yScale = d.axis === 'y' ? y : y2; if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') { end = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : ('start' in d ? yScale(d.start) : $$.height); } else { end = $$.config.axis_rotated ? ('end' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(d.end) : d.end) : $$.height) : $$.height; } return end < start ? 0 : end - start; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isRegionOnX = function (d) { return !d.axis || d.axis === 'x'; }; /** * c3.arc.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.updateAngle = function (d) { var $$ = this, found = false, index = 0; $$.pie($$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets)).sort(this.descByStartAngle).forEach(function (t) { if (! found && t.data.id === d.data.id) { found = true; d = t; d.index = index; } index++; }); if (isNaN(d.endAngle)) { d.endAngle = d.startAngle; } if (this.isGaugeType(d.data)) { var gMin = $$.config.gauge_min, gMax = $$.config.gauge_max, gF = Math.abs(gMin) + gMax, aTic = (Math.PI) / gF; d.startAngle = (-1 * (Math.PI / 2)) + (aTic * Math.abs(gMin)); d.endAngle = d.startAngle + (aTic * ((d.value > gMax) ? gMax : d.value)); } return found ? d : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getSvgArc = function () { var $$ = this; var arc = $$.d3.svg.arc().outerRadius($$.radius).innerRadius($$.innerRadius), newArc = function (d, withoutUpdate) { var updated; if (withoutUpdate) { return arc(d); } // for interpolate updated = $$.updateAngle(d); return updated ? arc(updated) : "M 0 0"; }; // TODO: extends all function newArc.centroid = arc.centroid; return newArc; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getSvgArcExpanded = function (rate) { var $$ = this; var arc = $$.d3.svg.arc().outerRadius($$.radiusExpanded * (rate ? rate : 1)).innerRadius($$.innerRadius); return function (d) { var updated = $$.updateAngle(d); return updated ? arc(updated) : "M 0 0"; }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getArc = function (d, withoutUpdate, force) { return force || this.isArcType(d.data) ? this.svgArc(d, withoutUpdate) : "M 0 0"; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.transformForArcLabel = function (d) { var $$ = this, updated = $$.updateAngle(d), c, x, y, h, ratio, translate = ""; if (updated && !this.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets)) { c = this.svgArc.centroid(updated); x = isNaN(c[0]) ? 0 : c[0]; y = isNaN(c[1]) ? 0 : c[1]; h = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); // TODO: ratio should be an option? ratio = $$.radius && h ? (36 / $$.radius > 0.375 ? 1.175 - 36 / $$.radius : 0.8) * $$.radius / h : 0; translate = "translate(" + (x * ratio) + ',' + (y * ratio) + ")"; } return translate; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getArcRatio = function (d) { var $$ = this, whole = this.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets) ? Math.PI : (Math.PI * 2); return d ? (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / whole : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.convertToArcData = function (d) { return this.addName({ id: d.data.id, value: d.value, ratio: this.getArcRatio(d), index: d.index }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.textForArcLabel = function (d) { var $$ = this, updated, value, ratio, format; if (! $$.shouldShowArcLabel()) { return ""; } updated = $$.updateAngle(d); value = updated ? updated.value : null; ratio = $$.getArcRatio(updated); if (! $$.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets) && ! $$.meetsArcLabelThreshold(ratio)) { return ""; } format = $$.getArcLabelFormat(); return format ? format(value, ratio) : $$.defaultArcValueFormat(value, ratio); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.expandArc = function (id, withoutFadeOut) { var $$ = this, CLASS= $$.CLASS, target = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc + $$.selectorTarget(id)), noneTargets = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.arc).filter(function (data) { return data.data.id !== id; }); if ($$.shouldExpand(id)) { target.selectAll('path') .transition().duration(50) .attr("d", $$.svgArcExpanded) .transition().duration(100) .attr("d", $$.svgArcExpandedSub) .each(function (d) { if ($$.isDonutType(d.data)) { // callback here } }); } if (!withoutFadeOut) { noneTargets.style("opacity", 0.3); } }; c3.chart.internal.fn.unexpandArc = function (id) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS, target = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc + $$.selectorTarget(id)); target.selectAll('path.' + CLASS.arc) .transition().duration(50) .attr("d", $$.svgArc); $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.arc) .style("opacity", 1); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.shouldExpand = function (id) { var $$ = this; return ($$.isDonutType(id) && $$.config.donut_expand) || ($$.isGaugeType(id) && $$.config.gauge_expand) || ($$.isPieType(id) && $$.config.pie_expand); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.shouldShowArcLabel = function () { var $$ = this, shouldShow = true; if (this.hasDonutType($$.data.targets)) { shouldShow = $$.config.donut_label_show; } else if (this.hasPieType($$.data.targets)) { shouldShow = $$.config.pie_label_show; } // when gauge, always true return shouldShow; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.meetsArcLabelThreshold = function (ratio) { var $$ = this, threshold = this.hasDonutType($$.data.targets) ? $$.config.donut_label_threshold : $$.config.pie_label_threshold; return ratio >= threshold; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getArcLabelFormat = function () { var $$ = this, format = $$.config.pie_label_format; if (this.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets)) { format = $$.config.gauge_label_format; } else if (this.hasDonutType($$.data.targets)) { format = $$.config.donut_label_format; } return format; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getArcTitle = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.hasDonutType($$.data.targets) ? $$.config.donut_title : ""; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.descByStartAngle = function (a, b) { return a.startAngle - b.startAngle; }; /** * c3.cache.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.hasCaches = function (ids) { for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (! (ids[i] in $$.cache)) { return false; } } return true; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.addCache = function (id, target) { var $$ = this; $$.cache[id] = $$.cloneTarget(target); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getCaches = function (ids) { var targets = [], i; for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i] in $$.cache) { targets.push(this.cloneTarget($$.cache[ids[i]])); } } return targets; }; /** * c3.zoom.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.updateZoom = function () { var $$ = this, z = $$.config.zoom_enabled ? $$.zoom : function () {}; $$.main.select('.' + this.CLASS.zoomRect).call(z); $$.main.selectAll('.' + this.CLASS.eventRect).call(z); }; /** * c3.util.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.isValue = function (v) { return v || v === 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isUndefined = function (v) { return typeof v === 'undefined'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isDefined = function (v) { return typeof v !== 'undefined'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.ceil10 = function (v) { return Math.ceil(v / 10) * 10; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.asHalfPixel = function (n) { return Math.ceil(n) + 0.5; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.diffDomain = function (d) { return d[1] - d[0]; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.isEmpty = function (o) { return !o || (typeof o === 'string' && o.length === 0) || (typeof o === 'object' && Object.keys(o).length === 0); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.notEmpty = function (o) { return Object.keys(o).length > 0; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getOption = function (options, key, defaultValue) { return typeof options[key] !== 'undefined' ? options[key] : defaultValue; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.hasValue = function (dict, value) { var found = false; Object.keys(dict).forEach(function (key) { if (dict[key] === value) { found = true; } }); return found; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getPathBox = function (path) { var box = path.getBoundingClientRect(), items = [path.pathSegList.getItem(0), path.pathSegList.getItem(1)], minX = items[0].x, minY = Math.min(items[0].y, items[1].y); return {x: minX, y: minY, width: box.width, height: box.height}; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getTextRect = function (text, cls) { var $$ = this, rect; $$.d3.select('body').selectAll('.dummy') .data([text]) .enter().append('text') .classed(cls ? cls : "", true) .text(text) .each(function () { rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); }) .remove(); return rect; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getEmptySelection = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.d3.selectAll([]); }; /** * c3.selection.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.selectPoint = function (target, d, i) { var $$ = this; $$.config.data_onselected.call(c3, d, target.node()); // add selected-circle on low layer g main.select('.' + this.CLASS.selectedCircles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)).selectAll('.' + this.CLASS.selectedCircle + '-' + i) .data([d]) .enter().append('circle') .attr("class", function () { return generateClass(this.CLASS.selectedCircle, i); }) .attr("cx", $$.config.axis_rotated ? circleY : circleX) .attr("cy", $$.config.axis_rotated ? circleX : circleY) .attr("stroke", function () { return color(d); }) .attr("r", pointSelectR(d) * 1.4) .transition().duration(100) .attr("r", pointSelectR); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.unselectPoint = function (target, d, i) { var $$ = this; $$.config.data_onunselected.call(c3, d, target.node()); // remove selected-circle from low layer g main.select('.' + $$.CLASS.selectedCircles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)).selectAll('.' + this.CLASS.selectedCircle + '-' + i) .transition().duration(100).attr('r', 0) .remove(); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.togglePoint = function (selected, target, d, i) { selected ? selectPoint(target, d, i) : unselectPoint(target, d, i); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.selectBar = function (target, d) { $$.config.data_onselected.call(c3, d, target.node()); target.transition().duration(100).style("fill", function () { return $$.d3.rgb($$.color(d)).brighter(0.75); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.unselectBar = function (target, d) { $$.config.data_onunselected.call(c3, d, target.node()); target.transition().duration(100).style("fill", function () { return $$.color(d); }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.toggleBar = function (selected, target, d, i) { selected ? this.selectBar(target, d, i) : this.unselectBar(target, d, i); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.toggleArc = function (selected, target, d, i) { this.toggleBar(selected, target, d.data, i); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getToggle = function (that) { // path selection not supported yet return that.nodeName === 'circle' ? this.togglePoint : ($$.d3.select(that).classed(this.CLASS.bar) ? this.toggleBar : this.toggleArc); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.toggleShape = function (that, d, i) { var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3, shape = d3.select(that), isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED), isWithin, toggle; if (that.nodeName === 'circle') { isWithin = $$.isWithinCircle(that, $$.pointSelectR(d) * 1.5); toggle = $$.togglePoint; } else if (that.nodeName === 'path') { if (shape.classed(CLASS.bar)) { isWithin = $$.isWithinBar(that); toggle = $$.toggleBar; } else { // would be arc isWithin = true; toggle = $$.toggleArc; } } if ($$.config.data_selection_grouped || isWithin) { if ($$.config.data_selection_enabled && $$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d)) { if (!$$.config.data_selection_multiple) { $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes + ($$.config.data_selection_grouped ? $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id) : "")).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) { var shape = d3.select(this); if (shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED)) { toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i); } }); } shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, !isSelected); toggle(!isSelected, shape, d, i); } $$.config.data_onclick.call(c3, d, that); } }; /** * c3.transition.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.generateAxisTransitions = function (duration) { var $$ = this, axes = $$.axes; return { axisX: duration ? axes.x.transition().duration(duration) : axes.x, axisY: duration ? axes.y.transition().duration(duration) : axes.y, axisY2: duration ? axes.y2.transition().duration(duration) : axes.y2, axisSubX: duration ? axes.subx.transition().duration(duration) : axes.subx }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.endall = function (transition, callback) { var n = 0; transition .each(function () { ++n; }) .each("end", function () { if (!--n) { callback.apply(this, arguments); } }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateWait = function () { var transitionsToWait = [], f = function (transition, callback) { var timer = setInterval(function () { var done = 0; transitionsToWait.forEach(function (t) { if (t.empty()) { done += 1; return; } try { t.transition(); } catch (e) { done += 1; } }); if (done === transitionsToWait.length) { clearInterval(timer); if (callback) { callback(); } } }, 10); }; f.add = function (transition) { transitionsToWait.push(transition); }; return f; }; /** * c3.transform.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.transformTo = function (targetIds, type, optionsForRedraw) { var $$ = this, withTransitionForAxis = !$$.hasArcType($$.data.targets), options = optionsForRedraw || {withTransitionForAxis: withTransitionForAxis}; options.withTransitionForTransform = false; $$.transiting = false; $$.setTargetType(targetIds, type); $$.updateAndRedraw(options); }; /** * c3.class.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.CLASS = { target: 'c3-target', chart : 'c3-chart', chartLine: 'c3-chart-line', chartLines: 'c3-chart-lines', chartBar: 'c3-chart-bar', chartBars: 'c3-chart-bars', chartText: 'c3-chart-text', chartTexts: 'c3-chart-texts', chartArc: 'c3-chart-arc', chartArcs: 'c3-chart-arcs', chartArcsTitle: 'c3-chart-arcs-title', chartArcsBackground: 'c3-chart-arcs-background', chartArcsGaugeUnit: 'c3-chart-arcs-gauge-unit', chartArcsGaugeMax: 'c3-chart-arcs-gauge-max', chartArcsGaugeMin: 'c3-chart-arcs-gauge-min', selectedCircle: 'c3-selected-circle', selectedCircles: 'c3-selected-circles', eventRect: 'c3-event-rect', eventRects: 'c3-event-rects', eventRectsSingle: 'c3-event-rects-single', eventRectsMultiple: 'c3-event-rects-multiple', zoomRect: 'c3-zoom-rect', brush: 'c3-brush', focused: 'c3-focused', region: 'c3-region', regions: 'c3-regions', tooltip: 'c3-tooltip', tooltipName: 'c3-tooltip-name', shape: 'c3-shape', shapes: 'c3-shapes', line: 'c3-line', lines: 'c3-lines', bar: 'c3-bar', bars: 'c3-bars', circle: 'c3-circle', circles: 'c3-circles', arc: 'c3-arc', arcs: 'c3-arcs', area: 'c3-area', areas: 'c3-areas', empty: 'c3-empty', text: 'c3-text', texts: 'c3-texts', gaugeValue: 'c3-gauge-value', grid: 'c3-grid', xgrid: 'c3-xgrid', xgrids: 'c3-xgrids', xgridLine: 'c3-xgrid-line', xgridLines: 'c3-xgrid-lines', xgridFocus: 'c3-xgrid-focus', ygrid: 'c3-ygrid', ygrids: 'c3-ygrids', ygridLine: 'c3-ygrid-line', ygridLines: 'c3-ygrid-lines', axis: 'c3-axis', axisX: 'c3-axis-x', axisXLabel: 'c3-axis-x-label', axisY: 'c3-axis-y', axisYLabel: 'c3-axis-y-label', axisY2: 'c3-axis-y2', axisY2Label: 'c3-axis-y2-label', legendBackground: 'c3-legend-background', legendItem: 'c3-legend-item', legendItemEvent: 'c3-legend-item-event', legendItemTile: 'c3-legend-item-tile', legendItemHidden: 'c3-legend-item-hidden', legendItemFocused: 'c3-legend-item-focused', dragarea: 'c3-dragarea', EXPANDED: '_expanded_', SELECTED: '_selected_', INCLUDED: '_included_' }; c3.chart.internal.fn.generateClass = function (prefix, targetId) { var $$ = this; return " " + prefix + " " + prefix + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classText = function (d) { return this.generateClass(this.CLASS.text, d.index); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classTexts = function (d) { return this.generateClass(this.CLASS.texts, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classShape = function (d) { return this.generateClass(this.CLASS.shape, d.index); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classShapes = function (d) { return this.generateClass(this.CLASS.shapes, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classLine = function (d) { return this.classShape(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.line, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classLines = function (d) { return this.classShapes(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.lines, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classCircle = function (d) { return this.classShape(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.circle, d.index); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classCircles = function (d) { return this.classShapes(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.circles, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classBar = function (d) { return this.classShape(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.bar, d.index); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classBars = function (d) { return this.classShapes(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.bars, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classArc = function (d) { return this.classShape(d.data) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.arc, d.data.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classArcs = function (d) { return this.classShapes(d.data) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.arcs, d.data.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classArea = function (d) { return this.classShape(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.area, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classAreas = function (d) { return this.classShapes(d) + this.generateClass(this.CLASS.areas, d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classRegion = function (d, i) { return this.generateClass(this.CLASS.region, i) + ' ' + ('class' in d ? d.class : ''); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classEvent = function (d) { return this.generateClass(this.CLASS.eventRect, d.index); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classTarget = function (id) { var $$ = this; var additionalClassSuffix = $$.config.data_classes[id], additionalClass = ''; if (additionalClassSuffix) { additionalClass = ' ' + $$.CLASS.target + '-' + additionalClassSuffix; } return $$.generateClass($$.CLASS.target, id) + additionalClass; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classChartText = function (d) { return this.CLASS.chartText + this.classTarget(d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classChartLine = function (d) { return this.CLASS.chartLine + this.classTarget(d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classChartBar = function (d) { return this.CLASS.chartBar + this.classTarget(d.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.classChartArc = function (d) { return this.CLASS.chartArc + this.classTarget(d.data.id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.getTargetSelectorSuffix = function (targetId) { return targetId || targetId === 0 ? '-' + (targetId.replace ? targetId.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_])/g, '-') : targetId) : ''; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.selectorTarget = function (id) { var $$ = this; return '.' + $$.CLASS.target + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.selectorTargets = function (ids) { var $$ = this; return ids.length ? ids.map(function (id) { return $$.selectorTarget(id); }) : null; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.selectorLegend = function (id) { var $$ = this; return '.' + $$.CLASS.legendItem + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.selectorLegends = function (ids) { var $$ = this; return ids.length ? ids.map(function (id) { return $$.selectorLegend(id); }) : null; }; /** * c3.format.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.getYFormat = function (forArc) { var $$ = this, formatForY = forArc && !$$.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets) ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.yFormat, formatForY2 = forArc && !$$.hasGaugeType($$.data.targets) ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.y2Format; return function (v, ratio, id) { var format = $$.getAxisId(id) === 'y2' ? formatForY2 : formatForY; return format.call($$, v, ratio); }; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.yFormat = function (v) { var $$ = this, format = $$.config.axis_y_tick_format ? $$.config.axis_y_tick_format : $$.defaultValueFormat; return format.call($$, v); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.y2Format = function (v) { var $$ = this, format = $$.config.axis_y2_tick_format ? $$.config.axis_y2_tick_format : $$.defaultValueFormat; return format.call($$, v); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.defaultValueFormat = function (v) { return this.isValue(v) ? +v : ""; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.defaultArcValueFormat = function (v, ratio) { return (ratio * 100).toFixed(1) + '%'; }; c3.chart.internal.fn.formatByAxisId = function (axisId) { var $$ = this.internal, format = function (v) { return this.isValue(v) ? +v : ""; }; // find format according to axis id if (typeof $$.config.data_labels.format === 'function') { format = $$.config.data_labels.format; } else if (typeof $$.config.data_labels.format === 'object') { if (typeof $$.config.data_labels.format[axisId] === 'function') { format = $$.config.data_labels.format[axisId]; } } return format; }; /** * c3.drag.js */ c3.chart.internal.fn.drag = function (mouse) { var $$ = this, main = $$.main, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3; var sx, sy, mx, my, minX, maxX, minY, maxY; if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } if (! $$.config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable if ($$.config.zoom_enabled && ! $$.zoom.altDomain) { return; } // skip if zoomable because of conflict drag dehavior if (!$$.config.data_selection_multiple) { return; } // skip when single selection because drag is used for multiple selection sx = $$.dragStart[0]; sy = $$.dragStart[1]; mx = mouse[0]; my = mouse[1]; minX = Math.min(sx, mx); maxX = Math.max(sx, mx); minY = ($$.config.data_selection_grouped) ? $$.margin.top : Math.min(sy, my); maxY = ($$.config.data_selection_grouped) ? $$.height : Math.max(sy, my); main.select('.' + CLASS.dragarea) .attr('x', minX) .attr('y', minY) .attr('width', maxX - minX) .attr('height', maxY - minY); // TODO: binary search when multiple xs main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape) .filter(function (d) { return $$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d); }) .each(function (d, i) { var shape = d3.select(this), isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED), isIncluded = shape.classed(CLASS.INCLUDED), _x, _y, _w, _h, toggle, isWithin = false, box; if (shape.classed(CLASS.circle)) { _x = shape.attr("cx") * 1; _y = shape.attr("cy") * 1; toggle = $$.togglePoint; isWithin = minX < _x && _x < maxX && minY < _y && _y < maxY; } else if (shape.classed(CLASS.bar)) { box = $$.getPathBox(this); _x = box.x; _y = box.y; _w = box.width; _h = box.height; toggle = $$.toggleBar; isWithin = !(maxX < _x || _x + _w < minX) && !(maxY < _y || _y + _h < minY); } else { // line/area selection not supported yet return; } if (isWithin ^ isIncluded) { shape.classed(CLASS.INCLUDED, !isIncluded); // TODO: included/unincluded callback here shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, !isSelected); toggle.call($$, !isSelected, shape, d, i); } }); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dragstart = function (mouse) { var $$ = this; if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } if (! $$.config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable $$.dragStart = mouse; $$.main.select('.' + $$.CLASS.chart).append('rect') .attr('class', $$.CLASS.dragarea) .style('opacity', 0.1); $$.dragging = true; $$.config.data_ondragstart.call(c3); }; c3.chart.internal.fn.dragend = function () { var $$ = this; if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { return; } if (! $$.config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable $$.main.select('.' + $$.CLASS.dragarea) .transition().duration(100) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); $$.main.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS.shape) .classed($$.CLASS.INCLUDED, false); $$.dragging = false; $$.config.data_ondragend.call(c3); }; /** * c3.api.js (or c3.api.focus.js, etc?) */ c3.chart.fn.focus = function (targetId) { var $$ = this.internal, candidates = $$.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTarget(targetId)), candidatesForNoneArc = candidates.filter(function (d) { return $$.isNoneArc(d); }), candidatesForArc = candidates.filter(function (d) { return $$.isArc(d); }); function focus(targets) { $$.filterTargetsToShow(targets).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 1); } this.revert(); this.defocus(); focus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed($$.CLASS.focused, true)); focus(candidatesForArc); if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { $$.expandArc(targetId, true); } $$.toggleFocusLegend(targetId, true); }; c3.chart.fn.defocus = function (targetId) { var $$ = this.internal, candidates = $$.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTarget(targetId)), candidatesForNoneArc = candidates.filter(function (d) { return $$.isNoneArc(d); }), candidatesForArc = candidates.filter(function (d) { return $$.isArc(d); }); function defocus(targets) { $$.filterTargetsToShow(targets).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 0.3); } this.revert(); defocus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed($$.CLASS.focused, false)); defocus(candidatesForArc); if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { $$.unexpandArc(targetId); } $$.toggleFocusLegend(targetId, false); }; c3.chart.fn.revert = function (targetId) { var $$ = this.internal, candidates = $$.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTarget(targetId)), candidatesForNoneArc = candidates.filter(function (d) { return $$.isNoneArc(d); }), candidatesForArc = candidates.filter(function (d) { return $$.isArc(d); }); function revert(targets) { $$.filterTargetsToShow(targets).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 1); } revert(candidatesForNoneArc.classed($$.CLASS.focused, false)); revert(candidatesForArc); if ($$.hasArcType($$.data.targets)) { $$.unexpandArc(targetId); } $$.revertLegend(); }; c3.chart.fn.show = function (targetIds, options) { var $$ = this.internal; targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds); options = options || {}; $$.removeHiddenTargetIds(targetIds); $$.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(targetIds)) .transition() .style('opacity', 1); if (options.withLegend) { $$.showLegend(targetIds); } $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withLegend: true}); }; c3.chart.fn.hide = function (targetIds, options) { var $$ = this.internal; targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds); options = options || {}; $$.addHiddenTargetIds(targetIds); $$.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(targetIds)) .transition() .style('opacity', 0); if (options.withLegend) { $$.hideLegend(targetIds); } $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withLegend: true}); }; c3.chart.fn.toggle = function (targetId) { var $$ = this.internal; $$.isTargetToShow(targetId) ? this.hide(targetId) : this.show(targetId); }; c3.chart.fn.zoom = function () { }; c3.chart.fn.zoom.enable = function (enabled) { var $$ = this.internal; $$.config.zoom_enabled = enabled; $$.updateAndRedraw(); }; c3.chart.fn.unzoom = function () { var $$ = this.internal; $$.brush.clear().update(); $$.redraw({withUpdateXDomain: true}); }; c3.chart.fn.load = function (args) { var $$ = this.internal; // update xs if specified if (args.xs) { $$.addXs(args.xs); } // update classes if exists if ('classes' in args) { Object.keys(args.classes).forEach(function (id) { $$.config.data_classes[id] = args.classes[id]; }); } // update categories if exists if ('categories' in args && $$.isCategorized) { $$.config.axis_x_categories = args.categories; } // use cache if exists if ('cacheIds' in args && $$.hasCaches(args.cacheIds)) { $$.load($$.getCaches(args.cacheIds), args.done); return; } // unload if needed if ('unload' in args) { // TODO: do not unload if target will load (included in url/rows/columns) $$.unload($$.mapToTargetIds((typeof args.unload === 'boolean' && args.unload) ? null : args.unload), function () { $$.loadFromArgs(args); }); } else { $$.loadFromArgs(args); } }; c3.chart.fn.unload = function (args) { var $$ = this.internal; args = args || {}; $$.unload($$.mapToTargetIds(args.ids), function () { $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withLegend: true}); if (typeof args.done === 'function') { args.done(); } }); }; c3.chart.fn.flow = function (args) { var $$ = this.internal, targets = $$.convertDataToTargets($$.convertColumnsToData(args.columns), true), notfoundIds = [], orgDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount(), dataCount, domain, baseTarget, baseValue, length = 0, tail = 0, diff, to; // Update/Add data $$.data.targets.forEach(function (t) { var found = false, i, j; for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if (t.id === targets[i].id) { found = true; if (t.values[t.values.length - 1]) { tail = t.values[t.values.length - 1].index + 1; } length = targets[i].values.length; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { targets[i].values[j].index = tail + j; if (!$$.isTimeSeries) { targets[i].values[j].x = tail + j; } } t.values = t.values.concat(targets[i].values); targets.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (!found) { notfoundIds.push(t.id); } }); // Append null for not found targets $$.data.targets.forEach(function (t) { var i, j; for (i = 0; i < notfoundIds.length; i++) { if (t.id === notfoundIds[i]) { tail = t.values[t.values.length - 1].index + 1; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { t.values.push({ id: t.id, index: tail + j, x: $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.getOtherTargetX(tail + j) : tail + j, value: null }); } } } }); // Generate null values for new target if ($$.data.targets.length) { targets.forEach(function (t) { var i, missing = []; for (i = $$.data.targets[0].values[0].index; i < tail; i++) { missing.push({ id: t.id, index: i, x: $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.getOtherTargetX(i) : i, value: null }); } t.values.forEach(function (v) { v.index += tail; if (!$$.isTimeSeries) { v.x += tail; } }); t.values = missing.concat(t.values); }); } $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.concat(targets); // add remained // check data count because behavior needs to change when it's only one dataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount(); baseTarget = $$.data.targets[0]; baseValue = baseTarget.values[0]; // Update length to flow if needed if ($$.isDefined(args.to)) { length = 0; to = $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(args.to) : args.to; baseTarget.values.forEach(function (v) { if (v.x < to) { length++; } }); } else if ($$.isDefined(args.length)) { length = args.length; } // If only one data, update the domain to flow from left edge of the chart if (!orgDataCount) { if ($$.isTimeSeries) { if (baseTarget.values.length > 1) { diff = baseTarget.values[baseTarget.values.length - 1].x - baseValue.x; } else { diff = baseValue.x - $$.getXDomain($$.data.targets)[0]; } } else { diff = 1; } domain = [baseValue.x - diff, baseValue.x]; $$.updateXDomain(null, true, true, domain); } else if (orgDataCount === 1) { if ($$.isTimeSeries) { diff = (baseTarget.values[baseTarget.values.length - 1].x - baseValue.x) / 2; domain = [new Date(+baseValue.x - diff), new Date(+baseValue.x + diff)]; $$.updateXDomain(null, true, true, domain); } } // Set targets $$.updateTargets($$.data.targets); // Redraw with new targets $$.redraw({ flow: { index: baseValue.index, length: length, duration: $$.isValue(args.duration) ? args.duration : $$.config.transition_duration, done: args.done, orgDataCount: orgDataCount, }, withLegend: true, withTransition: orgDataCount > 1, }); }; c3.chart.fn.selected = function (targetId) { var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3, CLASS = $$.CLASS; return d3.merge( $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId)).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape) .filter(function () { return d3.select(this).classed(CLASS.SELECTED); }) .map(function (d) { return d.map(function (d) { var data = d.__data__; return data.data ? data.data : data; }); }) ); }; c3.chart.fn.select = function (ids, indices, resetOther) { var $$ = this.internal, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3; if (! $$.config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) { var shape = d3.select(this), id = d.data ? d.data.id : d.id, toggle = $$.getToggle(this), isTargetId = $$.config.data_selection_grouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0, isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(i) >= 0, isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED); // line/area selection not supported yet if (shape.classed(CLASS.line) || shape.classed(CLASS.area)) { return; } if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex) { if ($$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d) && !isSelected) { toggle(true, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, true), d, i); } } else if ($$.isDefined(resetOther) && resetOther) { if (isSelected) { toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i); } } }); }; c3.chart.fn.unselect = function (ids, indices) { var $$ = this.internal, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3; if (! $$.config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) { var shape = d3.select(this), id = d.data ? d.data.id : d.id, toggle = $$.getToggle(this), isTargetId = $$.config.data_selection_grouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0, isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(i) >= 0, isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED); // line/area selection not supported yet if (shape.classed(CLASS.line) || shape.classed(CLASS.area)) { return; } if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex) { if ($$.config.data_selection_isselectable(d)) { if (isSelected) { toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i); } } } }); }; c3.chart.fn.transform = function (type, targetIds) { var $$ = this.internal, options = ['pie', 'donut'].indexOf(type) >= 0 ? {withTransform: true} : null; $$.transformTo(targetIds, type, options); }; c3.chart.fn.groups = function (groups) { var $$ = this.internal; if ($$.isUndefined(groups)) { return $$.config.data_groups; } $$.config.data_groups = groups; $$.redraw(); return $$.config.data_groups; }; c3.chart.fn.xgrids = function (grids) { var $$ = this.internal; if (! grids) { return $$.config.grid_x_lines; } $$.config.grid_x_lines = grids; $$.redraw(); return $$.config.grid_x_lines; }; c3.chart.fn.xgrids.add = function (grids) { var $$ = this.internal; return this.xgrids($$.config.grid_x_lines.concat(grids ? grids : [])); }; c3.chart.fn.xgrids.remove = function (params) { // TODO: multiple var $$ = this.internal; $$.removeGridLines(params, true); }; c3.chart.fn.ygrids = function (grids) { var $$ = this.internal; if (! grids) { return $$.config.grid_y_lines; } $$.config.grid_y_lines = grids; $$.redraw(); return $$.config.grid_y_lines; }; c3.chart.fn.ygrids.add = function (grids) { var $$ = this.internal; return c3.ygrids($$.config.grid_y_lines.concat(grids ? grids : [])); }; c3.chart.fn.ygrids.remove = function (params) { // TODO: multiple var $$ = this.internal; $$.removeGridLines(params, false); }; c3.chart.fn.regions = function (regions) { var $$ = this.internal; if (!regions) { return $$.config.regions; } $$.config.regions = regions; $$.redraw(); return $$.config.regions; }; c3.chart.fn.regions.add = function (regions) { var $$ = this.internal; if (!regions) { return $$.config.regions; } $$.config.regions = $$.config.regions.concat(regions); $$.redraw(); return $$.config.regions; }; c3.chart.fn.regions.remove = function (options) { var $$ = this.internal, CLASS = $$.CLASS, duration, classes, regions; options = options || {}; duration = $$.getOption(options, "duration", $$.config.transition_duration); classes = $$.getOption(options, "classes", [CLASS.region]); regions = $$.main.select('.' + CLASS.regions).selectAll(classes.map(function (c) { return '.' + c; })); (duration ? regions.transition().duration(duration) : regions) .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); $$.config.regions = $$.config.regions.filter(function (region) { var found = false; if (!region.class) { return true; } region.class.split(' ').forEach(function (c) { if (classes.indexOf(c) >= 0) { found = true; } }); return !found; }); return $$.config.regions; }; c3.chart.fn.data = function () { }; c3.chart.fn.data.get = function (targetId) { var $$ = this.internal, target = this.data.getAsTarget(targetId); return $$.isDefined(target) ? target.values.map(function (d) { return d.value; }) : undefined; }; c3.chart.fn.data.getAsTarget = function (targetId) { var targets = this.data.targets.filter(function (t) { return t.id === targetId; }); return targets.length > 0 ? targets[0] : undefined; }; c3.chart.fn.data.names = function (names) { var $$ = this.internal; if (!arguments.length) { return $$.config.data_names; } Object.keys(names).forEach(function (id) { $$.config.data_names[id] = names[id]; }); $$.redraw({withLegend: true}); return $$.config.data_names; }; c3.chart.fn.data.colors = function (colors) { var $$ = this.internal; if (!arguments.length) { return $$.config.data_colors; } Object.keys(colors).forEach(function (id) { $$.config.data_colors[id] = colors[id]; }); $$.redraw({withLegend: true}); return $$.config.data_colors; }; c3.chart.fn.category = function (i, category) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length > 1) { $$.config.axis_x_categories[i] = category; $$.redraw(); } return $$.config.axis_x_categories[i]; }; c3.chart.fn.categories = function (categories) { var $$ = this.internal; if (!arguments.length) { return $$.config.axis_x_categories; } $$.config.axis_x_categories = categories; $$.redraw(); return $$.config.axis_x_categories; }; // TODO: fix c3.chart.fn.color = function (id) { var $$ = this.internal; return $$.color(id); // more patterns }; c3.chart.fn.x = function (x) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length) { $$.updateTargetX($$.data.targets, x); $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true}); } return $$.data.xs; }; c3.chart.fn.xs = function (xs) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length) { $$.updateTargetXs($$.data.targets, xs); $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true}); } return $$.data.xs; }; c3.chart.fn.axis = function () { }; c3.chart.fn.axis.labels = function (labels) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length) { Object.keys(labels).forEach(function (axisId) { $$.setAxisLabelText(axisId, labels[axisId]); }); $$.updateAxisLabels(); } // TODO: return some values? }; c3.chart.fn.axis.max = function (max) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length) { if (typeof max === 'object') { if ($$.isValue(max.x)) { $$.config.axis_x_max = max.x; } if ($$.isValue(max.y)) { $$.config.axis_y_max = max.y; } if ($$.isValue(max.y2)) { $$.config.axis_y2_max = max.y2; } } else { $$.config.axis_y_max = $$.config.axis_y2_max = max; } $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true}); } }; c3.chart.fn.axis.min = function (min) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length) { if (typeof min === 'object') { if ($$.isValue(min.x)) { $$.config.axis_x_min = min.x; } if ($$.isValue(min.y)) { $$.config.axis_y_min = min.y; } if ($$.isValue(min.y2)) { $$.config.axis_y2_min = min.y2; } } else { $$.config.axis_y_min = $$.config.axis_y2_min = min; } $$.redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true}); } }; c3.chart.fn.axis.range = function (range) { var $$ = this.internal; if (arguments.length) { if (typeof range.max !== 'undefined') { this.axis.max(range.max); } if (typeof range.min !== 'undefined') { this.axis.min(range.min); } } }; c3.chart.fn.legend = function () { }; c3.chart.fn.legend.show = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this.internal; $$.showLegend($$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds)); $$.updateAndRedraw({withLegend: true}); }; c3.chart.fn.legend.hide = function (targetIds) { var $$ = this.internal; $$.hideLegend($$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds)); $$.updateAndRedraw({withLegend: true}); }; c3.chart.fn.resize = function (size) { var $$ = this.internal; $$.config.size_width = size ? size.width : null; $$.config.size_height = size ? size.height : null; this.flush(); }; c3.chart.fn.flush = function () { var $$ = this.internal; $$.updateAndRedraw({withLegend: true, withTransition: false, withTransitionForTransform: false}); }; c3.chart.fn.destroy = function () { var $$ = this.internal; $$.data.targets = undefined; $$.data.xs = {}; $$.selectChart.classed('c3', false).html(""); window.onresize = null; }; /** * c3.axis.js */ // Features: // 1. category axis // 2. ceil values of translate/x/y to int for half pixel antialiasing function c3_axis(d3, isCategory) { var scale = d3.scale.linear(), orient = "bottom", innerTickSize = 6, outerTickSize = 6, tickPadding = 3, tickValues = null, tickFormat, tickArguments; var tickOffset = 0, tickCulling = true, tickCentered; function axisX(selection, x) { selection.attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + Math.ceil(x(d) + tickOffset) + ", 0)"; }); } function axisY(selection, y) { selection.attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(0," + Math.ceil(y(d)) + ")"; }); } function scaleExtent(domain) { var start = domain[0], stop = domain[domain.length - 1]; return start < stop ? [ start, stop ] : [ stop, start ]; } function generateTicks(scale) { var i, domain, ticks = []; if (scale.ticks) { return scale.ticks.apply(scale, tickArguments); } domain = scale.domain(); for (i = Math.ceil(domain[0]); i < domain[1]; i++) { ticks.push(i); } if (ticks.length > 0 && ticks[0] > 0) { ticks.unshift(ticks[0] - (ticks[1] - ticks[0])); } return ticks; } function copyScale() { var newScale = scale.copy(), domain; if (isCategory) { domain = scale.domain(); newScale.domain([domain[0], domain[1] - 1]); } return newScale; } function textFormatted(v) { return tickFormat ? tickFormat(v) : v; } function axis(g) { g.each(function () { var g = d3.select(this); var scale0 = this.__chart__ || scale, scale1 = this.__chart__ = copyScale(); var ticks = tickValues ? tickValues : generateTicks(scale1), tick = g.selectAll(".tick").data(ticks, scale1), tickEnter = tick.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick").style("opacity", 1e-6), // MEMO: No exit transition. The reason is this transition affects max tick width calculation because old tick will be included in the ticks. tickExit = tick.exit().remove(), tickUpdate = d3.transition(tick).style("opacity", 1), tickTransform, tickX; var range = scale.rangeExtent ? scale.rangeExtent() : scaleExtent(scale.range()), path = g.selectAll(".domain").data([ 0 ]), pathUpdate = (path.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"), d3.transition(path)); tickEnter.append("line"); tickEnter.append("text"); var lineEnter = tickEnter.select("line"), lineUpdate = tickUpdate.select("line"), text = tick.select("text").text(textFormatted), textEnter = tickEnter.select("text"), textUpdate = tickUpdate.select("text"); if (isCategory) { tickOffset = Math.ceil((scale1(1) - scale1(0)) / 2); tickX = tickCentered ? 0 : tickOffset; } else { tickOffset = tickX = 0; } function tickSize(d) { var tickPosition = scale(d) + tickOffset; return range[0] < tickPosition && tickPosition < range[1] ? innerTickSize : 0; } switch (orient) { case "bottom": { tickTransform = axisX; lineEnter.attr("y2", innerTickSize); textEnter.attr("y", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding); lineUpdate.attr("x1", tickX).attr("x2", tickX).attr("y2", tickSize); textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding); text.attr("dy", ".71em").style("text-anchor", "middle"); pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + outerTickSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + outerTickSize); break; } case "top": { tickTransform = axisX; lineEnter.attr("y2", -innerTickSize); textEnter.attr("y", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)); lineUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", -innerTickSize); textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)); text.attr("dy", "0em").style("text-anchor", "middle"); pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + -outerTickSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + -outerTickSize); break; } case "left": { tickTransform = axisY; lineEnter.attr("x2", -innerTickSize); textEnter.attr("x", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)); lineUpdate.attr("x2", -innerTickSize).attr("y2", 0); textUpdate.attr("x", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)).attr("y", tickOffset); text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "end"); pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + -outerTickSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + -outerTickSize); break; } case "right": { tickTransform = axisY; lineEnter.attr("x2", innerTickSize); textEnter.attr("x", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding); lineUpdate.attr("x2", innerTickSize).attr("y2", 0); textUpdate.attr("x", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding).attr("y", 0); text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "start"); pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + outerTickSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + outerTickSize); break; } } if (scale1.rangeBand) { var x = scale1, dx = x.rangeBand() / 2; scale0 = scale1 = function (d) { return x(d) + dx; }; } else if (scale0.rangeBand) { scale0 = scale1; } else { tickExit.call(tickTransform, scale1); } tickEnter.call(tickTransform, scale0); tickUpdate.call(tickTransform, scale1); }); } axis.scale = function (x) { if (!arguments.length) { return scale; } scale = x; return axis; }; axis.orient = function (x) { if (!arguments.length) { return orient; } orient = x in {top: 1, right: 1, bottom: 1, left: 1} ? x + "" : "bottom"; return axis; }; axis.tickFormat = function (format) { if (!arguments.length) { return tickFormat; } tickFormat = format; return axis; }; axis.tickCentered = function (isCentered) { if (!arguments.length) { return tickCentered; } tickCentered = isCentered; return axis; }; axis.tickOffset = function () { // This will be overwritten when normal x axis return tickOffset; }; axis.ticks = function () { if (!arguments.length) { return tickArguments; } tickArguments = arguments; return axis; }; axis.tickCulling = function (culling) { if (!arguments.length) { return tickCulling; } tickCulling = culling; return axis; }; axis.tickValues = function (x) { if (!arguments.length) { return tickValues; } tickValues = x; return axis; }; return axis; } c3.chart.fn.hoge = function () { console.log(this, this.internal.isTimeSeries); }; })(window.c3);