## Filing an issue Before filing an issue, please [search the queue](https://github.com/c3js/c3/issues) to make sure it hasn't already been reported. If a bug, please include the following — 1. What version of C3? 1. What browsers have you confirmed it in? 1. Can you isolate the issue by providing a jsFiddle demonstrating it in a minimalist capacity? Please *do not* ask for support using the issue queue. For support, please ask [on chat](https://gitter.im/c3js/c3) or [the mailing list](groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/c3js). ##Building C3 from sources 1. **Clone the repo from GitHub** git clone https://github.com/c3js/c3.git cd c3 2. **Acquire build dependencies.** Make sure you have [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) installed on your workstation. This is only needed to _build_ C3 from sources. C3 itself has no dependency on Node.js once it is built. Now run: npm install -g grunt-cli npm install The first `npm` command sets up the popular [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) build tool. You might need to run this command with `sudo` if you're on Linux or Mac OS X, or in an Administrator command prompt on Windows. The second `npm` command fetches the remaining build dependencies. 3. **Run the build tool** grunt Now you'll find the built files in `c3.js`, `c3.min.js`, `c3.css` & `c3.min.css`. ## Running the tests The `grunt` script will automatically run the specification suite and report its results. Or, if you want to run the specs in a browser (e.g., for debugging), simply open `spec/runner.html` in your browser. ## Contributing your changes Add something about PRs here, indicate that PRs should not bump the version number & the build output files (`c3.js`, `c3.min.js`, `c3.css` & `c3.min.css`) should be excluded