import CLASS from './class'; import { c3_chart_internal_fn } from './core'; import { isValue, isFunction, isArray, notEmpty, hasValue } from './util'; c3_chart_internal_fn.isX = function (key) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config; return (config.data_x && key === config.data_x) || (notEmpty(config.data_xs) && hasValue(config.data_xs, key)); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.isNotX = function (key) { return !this.isX(key); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getXKey = function (id) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config; return config.data_x ? config.data_x : notEmpty(config.data_xs) ? config.data_xs[id] : null; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getXValuesOfXKey = function (key, targets) { var $$ = this, xValues, ids = targets && notEmpty(targets) ? $$.mapToIds(targets) : []; ids.forEach(function (id) { if ($$.getXKey(id) === key) { xValues = $$.data.xs[id]; } }); return xValues; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getXValue = function (id, i) { var $$ = this; return id in $$.data.xs && $$.data.xs[id] && isValue($$.data.xs[id][i]) ? $$.data.xs[id][i] : i; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getOtherTargetXs = function () { var $$ = this, idsForX = Object.keys($$.data.xs); return idsForX.length ? $$.data.xs[idsForX[0]] : null; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getOtherTargetX = function (index) { var xs = this.getOtherTargetXs(); return xs && index < xs.length ? xs[index] : null; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.addXs = function (xs) { var $$ = this; Object.keys(xs).forEach(function (id) { $$.config.data_xs[id] = xs[id]; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.addName = function (data) { var $$ = this, name; if (data) { name = $$.config.data_names[]; = name !== undefined ? name :; } return data; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getValueOnIndex = function (values, index) { var valueOnIndex = values.filter(function (v) { return v.index === index; }); return valueOnIndex.length ? valueOnIndex[0] : null; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetX = function (targets, x) { var $$ = this; targets.forEach(function (t) { t.values.forEach(function (v, i) { v.x = $$.generateTargetX(x[i],, i); }); $$.data.xs[] = x; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetXs = function (targets, xs) { var $$ = this; targets.forEach(function (t) { if (xs[]) { $$.updateTargetX([t], xs[]); } }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.generateTargetX = function (rawX, id, index) { var $$ = this, x; if ($$.isTimeSeries()) { x = rawX ? $$.parseDate(rawX) : $$.parseDate($$.getXValue(id, index)); } else if ($$.isCustomX() && !$$.isCategorized()) { x = isValue(rawX) ? +rawX : $$.getXValue(id, index); } else { x = index; } return x; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.cloneTarget = function (target) { return { id :, id_org : target.id_org, values : (d) { return {x: d.x, value: d.value, id:}; }) }; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getMaxDataCount = function () { var $$ = this; return $$.d3.max($$.data.targets, function (t) { return t.values.length; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.mapToIds = function (targets) { return (d) { return; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.mapToTargetIds = function (ids) { var $$ = this; return ids ? [].concat(ids) : $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.hasTarget = function (targets, id) { var ids = this.mapToIds(targets), i; for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i] === id) { return true; } } return false; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.isTargetToShow = function (targetId) { return this.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.isLegendToShow = function (targetId) { return this.hiddenLegendIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.filterTargetsToShow = function (targets) { var $$ = this; return targets.filter(function (t) { return $$.isTargetToShow(; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.mapTargetsToUniqueXs = function (targets) { var $$ = this; var xs = $$.d3.set($$.d3.merge( (t) { return (v) { return +v.x; }); }))).values(); xs = $$.isTimeSeries() ? (x) { return new Date(+x); }) : (x) { return +x; }); return xs.sort(function (a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.addHiddenTargetIds = function (targetIds) { targetIds = (targetIds instanceof Array) ? targetIds : new Array(targetIds); for (var i = 0; i < targetIds.length; i++) { if (this.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(targetIds[i]) < 0) { this.hiddenTargetIds = this.hiddenTargetIds.concat(targetIds[i]); } } }; c3_chart_internal_fn.removeHiddenTargetIds = function (targetIds) { this.hiddenTargetIds = this.hiddenTargetIds.filter(function (id) { return targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.addHiddenLegendIds = function (targetIds) { targetIds = (targetIds instanceof Array) ? targetIds : new Array(targetIds); for (var i = 0; i < targetIds.length; i++) { if (this.hiddenLegendIds.indexOf(targetIds[i]) < 0) { this.hiddenLegendIds = this.hiddenLegendIds.concat(targetIds[i]); } } }; c3_chart_internal_fn.removeHiddenLegendIds = function (targetIds) { this.hiddenLegendIds = this.hiddenLegendIds.filter(function (id) { return targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getValuesAsIdKeyed = function (targets) { var ys = {}; targets.forEach(function (t) { ys[] = []; t.values.forEach(function (v) { ys[].push(v.value); }); }); return ys; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.checkValueInTargets = function (targets, checker) { var ids = Object.keys(targets), i, j, values; for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { values = targets[ids[i]].values; for (j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { if (checker(values[j].value)) { return true; } } } return false; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.hasNegativeValueInTargets = function (targets) { return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, function (v) { return v < 0; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.hasPositiveValueInTargets = function (targets) { return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, function (v) { return v > 0; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.isOrderDesc = function () { var config = this.config; return typeof(config.data_order) === 'string' && config.data_order.toLowerCase() === 'desc'; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.isOrderAsc = function () { var config = this.config; return typeof(config.data_order) === 'string' && config.data_order.toLowerCase() === 'asc'; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getOrderFunction = function() { var $$ = this, config = $$.config, orderAsc = $$.isOrderAsc(), orderDesc = $$.isOrderDesc(); if (orderAsc || orderDesc) { var reducer = function (p, c) { return p + Math.abs(c.value); }; return function (t1, t2) { var t1Sum = t1.values.reduce(reducer, 0), t2Sum = t2.values.reduce(reducer, 0); return orderAsc ? t2Sum - t1Sum : t1Sum - t2Sum; }; } else if (isFunction(config.data_order)) { return config.data_order; } else if (isArray(config.data_order)) { var order = config.data_order; return function (t1, t2) { return order.indexOf( - order.indexOf(; }; } }; c3_chart_internal_fn.orderTargets = function (targets) { var fct = this.getOrderFunction(); if (fct) { targets.sort(fct); } return targets; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.filterByX = function (targets, x) { return this.d3.merge( (t) { return t.values; })).filter(function (v) { return v.x - x === 0; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.filterRemoveNull = function (data) { return data.filter(function (d) { return isValue(d.value); }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.filterByXDomain = function (targets, xDomain) { return (t) { return { id:, id_org: t.id_org, values: t.values.filter(function (v) { return xDomain[0] <= v.x && v.x <= xDomain[1]; }) }; }); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.hasDataLabel = function () { var config = this.config; if (typeof config.data_labels === 'boolean' && config.data_labels) { return true; } else if (typeof config.data_labels === 'object' && notEmpty(config.data_labels)) { return true; } return false; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.getDataLabelLength = function (min, max, key) { var $$ = this, lengths = [0, 0], paddingCoef = 1.3; $$'svg').selectAll('.dummy') .data([min, max]) .enter().append('text') .text(function (d) { return $$.dataLabelFormat(; }) .each(function (d, i) { lengths[i] = this.getBoundingClientRect()[key] * paddingCoef; }) .remove(); return lengths; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.isNoneArc = function (d) { return this.hasTarget(,; }, c3_chart_internal_fn.isArc = function (d) { return 'data' in d && this.hasTarget(,; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.findClosestFromTargets = function (targets, pos) { var $$ = this, candidates; // map to array of closest points of each target candidates = (target) { return $$.findClosest(target.values, pos); }); // decide closest point and return return $$.findClosest(candidates, pos); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.findClosest = function (values, pos) { var $$ = this, minDist = $$.config.point_sensitivity, closest; // find mouseovering bar values.filter(function (v) { return v && $$.isBarType(; }).forEach(function (v) { var shape = $$'.' + CLASS.bars + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix( + ' .' + + '-' + v.index).node(); if (!closest && $$.isWithinBar($$.d3.mouse(shape), shape)) { closest = v; } }); // find closest point from non-bar values.filter(function (v) { return v && !$$.isBarType(; }).forEach(function (v) { var d = $$.dist(v, pos); if (d < minDist) { minDist = d; closest = v; } }); return closest; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.dist = function (data, pos) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config, xIndex = config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0, yIndex = config.axis_rotated ? 0 : 1, y = $$.circleY(data, data.index), x = $$.x(data.x); return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - pos[xIndex], 2) + Math.pow(y - pos[yIndex], 2)); }; c3_chart_internal_fn.convertValuesToStep = function (values) { var converted = [].concat(values), i; if (!this.isCategorized()) { return values; } for (i = values.length + 1; 0 < i; i--) { converted[i] = converted[i - 1]; } converted[0] = { x: converted[0].x - 1, value: converted[0].value, id: converted[0].id }; converted[values.length + 1] = { x: converted[values.length].x + 1, value: converted[values.length].value, id: converted[values.length].id }; return converted; }; c3_chart_internal_fn.updateDataAttributes = function (name, attrs) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config, current = config['data_' + name]; if (typeof attrs === 'undefined') { return current; } Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function (id) { current[id] = attrs[id]; }); $$.redraw({withLegend: true}); return current; };