(function() { var extra = {}; c3.chart.internal.fn.additionalConfig = { data_pairs: [], }; c3.chart.internal.fn.beforeInit = function (config) { var that = this; // update internals only when chart type is "bubble" if (config.data.type !== 'bubble') { return; } // Set extra to ba able to be used in other part this.extra = extra; extra.getKey = function (x, y) { return x + '::' + y; }; this.config.data_type = 'scatter'; this.config.axis_x_padding = 0; this.config.axis_y_padding = 0; this.config.axis_x_tick_centered = true; this.config.axis_x_tick_format = function (d) { return extra.names[d]; }; this.config.axis_y_tick_format = function (d) { return extra.names[d]; }; if (!config.color || !config.color.pattern) { this.config.color_pattern = ['#1f77b4']; } this.config.point_r = function (d) { var names = extra.names, values = extra.values, base_length = extra.base_length, x = names[d.x], y = d.id, key = extra.getKey(x, y), value = !values[key] ? 0 : values[key], max, max_r, max_area, min, min_r, min_area, a, area, r; if (!base_length) { base_length = extra.base_length = d3.min([ that.svg.select('.c3-axis.c3-axis-y path').node().getTotalLength(), that.svg.select('.c3-axis.c3-axis-x path').node().getTotalLength(), ]); } max = d3.max(Object.keys(values).map(function (key) { return values[key]; })); min = d3.min(Object.keys(values).map(function (key) { return values[key]; })); max_r = (base_length / (names.length * 2)); max_area = max_r * max_r * Math.PI; min_r = Math.sqrt(min * max_r * max_r / max); min_area = min_r * min_r * Math.PI; a = (max_area - min_area) / (max - min); area = value * a; r = Math.sqrt(area / Math.PI); return r; }; this.config.point_sensitivity = 25; this.config.point_focus_expand_enabled = false; this.config.legend_show = false; if (!config.tooltip || !config.tooltip.contents) { this.config.tooltip_contents = function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) { var x = extra.names[d[0].x], y = d[0].name, v = extra.values[extra.getKey(x, y)], text; text = ""; text += ""; text += ""; text += "
" + x + " / " + y + "
" + (!v ? 0 : v) + "
"; return text; }; } // construct bubble chart data and setup config based on the values var xs = this.config.data_pairs.map(function (pair) { return pair.x; }), ys = this.config.data_pairs.map(function (pair) { return pair.y; }); extra.names = d3.set(xs.concat(ys)).values().sort(); this.config.axis_y_tick_values = extra.names.map(function (name, i) { return i; }); var data_xs = {}; extra.names.forEach(function (name) { data_xs[name] = name + '_x'; }); var data_columns_xs = Object.keys(data_xs).map(function (key) { return [data_xs[key]].concat(extra.names.map(function (name, i) { return i; })); }); var data_columns_values = extra.names.map(function (name, i) { return [name].concat(extra.names.map(function (name) { return i; })); }); this.config.data_xs = data_xs; this.config.data_columns = data_columns_xs.concat(data_columns_values); var values = {}; this.config.data_pairs.forEach(function (pair) { if (!pair.x || !pair.y) { throw "x and y are required in data."; } values[extra.getKey(pair.x, pair.y)] = pair.value; }); extra.values = values; this.config.axis_x_min = this.config.axis_y_min = -0.5; this.config.axis_x_max = this.config.axis_y_max = extra.names.length - 0.5; }; })(window);