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<a href='/'>C3.js | D3-based reusable chart library</a> |
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<ul class='side-nav'> |
<li> |
<a href='#setup'>1. Setup</a> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href='#generate'>2. Generate chart</a> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href='#customize'>3. Customize chart</a> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href='#api'>4. Use APIs</a> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href='#style'>5. Customize style</a> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href='#more'>6. And more..</a> |
</li> |
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<div class='large-9 medium-8 columns column-content'> |
<section> |
<h2>Getting Started</h2> |
<p>In this guide, we are going to show you how to get started with C3.</p> |
</section> |
<hr> |
<section> |
<h3> |
<a href='#setup'>1. Setup</a> |
</h3> |
<p>Download the latest version here:</p> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="https://github.com/c3js/c3/releases/latest" target="_blank">https://github.com/c3js/c3/releases/latest</a></li> |
</ul> |
<p>Installing by Bower/Component is also available with the name <span class="code">c3</span>.</p> |
<p>Then, load the scripts and css:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='html xml'><span class="comment"><!-- Load c3.css --></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">link</span> <span class="attribute">href</span>=<span class="value">"/path/to/c3.css"</span> <span class="attribute">rel</span>=<span class="value">"stylesheet"</span>></span>

<span class="comment"><!-- Load d3.js and c3.js --></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">script</span> <span class="attribute">src</span>=<span class="value">"/path/to/d3.v3.min.js"</span> <span class="attribute">charset</span>=<span class="value">"utf-8"</span>></span><span class="tag"></<span class="title">script</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">script</span> <span class="attribute">src</span>=<span class="value">"/path/to/c3.min.js"</span>></span><span class="tag"></<span class="title">script</span>></span>
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>C3 depends on D3, so please load D3 too.</p> |
</section> |
<hr> |
<section> |
<h3> |
<a href='#generate'>2. Generate Chart</a> |
</h3> |
<p>C3 generates a chart by calling <span class="code">generate()</span> with the argument object, and an element including the chart will insert into the element specified as a selector in that argument as <span class="code">bindto</span>.</p> |
<p>Prepare the element to bind the chart:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='html xml'><span class="tag"><<span class="title">div</span> <span class="attribute">id</span>=<span class="value">"chart"</span>></<span class="title">div</span>></span>
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>And, call <span class="code">generate()</span> with arguments:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>var chart = c3.generate({
 bindto: '#chart',
 data: {
 columns: [
 ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
 ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>C3 supports the asynchronous module definition (AMD) API. If you use <a href="http://requirejs.org/" target="_blank">RequireJS</a>, you can load like this:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>require.config({
 baseUrl: '/js',
 paths: {
 d3: "http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min"

require(["d3", "c3"], function(d3, c3) {
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>Then, you will see the chart:</p> |
<div id='chart2_1'></div> |
<br> |
<p>Data can be loaded as <a href="/samples/data_columned.html">columned data</a> / <a href="/samples/data_rowed.html">rowed data</a> / <a href="/samples/data_url.html">csv in URL</a>.</p> |
<p>There are serveral options to customize the chart and you can see those here:</p> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="/examples.html">Examples</a></li> |
</ul> |
</section> |
<hr> |
<section> |
<h3> |
<a href='#customize'>3. Customize Chart</a> |
</h3> |
<p>The chart can be customize by giving some options when generating. We will introduce some of them here.</p> |
<h4>1. Additional Axis</h4> |
<p>Introduce additional axis for <span class="code">data2</span>. Add <span class="code">data.axes</span> and <span class="code">axis.y2.show</span> as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>var chart = c3.generate({
 bindto: '#chart',
 data: {
 columns: [
 ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
 ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
 axes: {
 data2: 'y2' // ADD
 axis: {
 y2: {
 show: true // ADD
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>Then, the chart will be like this:</p> |
<div id='chart3_1'></div> |
<br> |
<h4>2. Show Axis Label</h4> |
<p>Show labels for each axis. Add <span class="code">axis.y.label</span> and <span class="code">axis.y2.label</span> as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>var chart = c3.generate({
 bindto: '#chart',
 data: {
 columns: [
 ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
 ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
 axes: {
 data2: 'y2'
 axis: {
 y: {
 label: { // ADD
 text: 'Y Label',
 position: 'outer-middle'
 y2: {
 show: true,
 label: { // ADD
 text: 'Y2 Label',
 position: 'outer-middle'
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>Then, the chart will be like this:</p> |
<div id='chart3_2'></div> |
<br> |
<h4>3. Change Chart Type</h4> |
<p>Show <span class="code">data2</span> as Bar chart. Add <span class="code">data.types</span> as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>var chart = c3.generate({
 bindto: '#chart',
 data: {
 columns: [
 ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
 ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
 axes: {
 data2: 'y2'
 types: {
 data2: 'bar' // ADD
 axis: {
 y: {
 label: {
 text: 'Y Label',
 position: 'outer-middle'
 y2: {
 show: true,
 label: {
 text: 'Y2 Label',
 position: 'outer-middle'
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>Then, the chart will be like this:</p> |
<div id='chart3_3'></div> |
<br> |
<h4>4. Format values</h4> |
<p>Format the values of each data. Add <span class="code">axis.y.tick.format</span> as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>var chart = c3.generate({
 bindto: '#chart',
 data: {
 columns: [
 ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
 ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
 axes: {
 data2: 'y2'
 types: {
 data2: 'bar'
 axis: {
 y: {
 label: {
 text: 'Y Label',
 position: 'outer-middle'
 tick: {
 format: d3.format("$,") // ADD
 y2: {
 show: true,
 label: {
 text: 'Y2 Label',
 position: 'outer-middle'
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>Then, the chart will be like this:</p> |
<div id='chart3_4'></div> |
<br> |
<p>More information about the options, please see <a href="/examples.html">Examples</a>. (We'll add the reference soon)</p> |
</section> |
<hr> |
<section> |
<h3> |
<a href='#api'>4. Use APIs</a> |
</h3> |
<p>By using APIs, you can update the chart after it's been rendered. We will introduce some of APIs here. APIs can be called through the object returned from <span class="code">generate()</span>.</p> |
<h4>1. Load Data</h4> |
<p>By using <span class="code">load()</span> API, you can load data and update the chart dynamically as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>// var chart = c3.generate({ ... });

 columns: [
 ['data1', 300, 100, 250, 150, 300, 150, 500],
 ['data2', 100, 200, 150, 50, 100, 250]
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>If you push the button "Load" below, this code will run and the chart will be updated.</p> |
<button class='small' onclick='example4_1();'>Load</button> |
<div id='chart4_1'></div> |
<br> |
<h4>2. Unload Data</h4> |
<p>By using <span class="code">unload()</span> API, you can unload the data dynamically as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>// var chart = c3.generate({ ... });

 ids: ['data2', 'data3']
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>If you push the button "Unload" below, this code will run and the chart will be updated.</p> |
<button class='small' onclick='example4_2();'>Unload</button> |
<div id='chart4_2'></div> |
<br> |
<p>Please use <span class="code">unload</span> param in <span class="code">load()</span> API if load and unload need to run simultaneously. Please see <a href="/samples/data_load.html">this example</a>.</p> |
<h4>3. Show/Hide Data</h4> |
<p>By using <span class="code">show()</span> and <span class="code">hide()</span> API, you can show/hide the data dynamically as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='javascript'>// var chart = c3.generate({ ... });

chart.hide(['data2', 'data3']);
chart.show(['data2', 'data3']);
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<p>If you push the button "Show" and "Hide" below, this code will run and the chart will be updated.</p> |
<button class='small' onclick='example4_3_2();'>Hide</button> |
<button class='small' onclick='example4_3_1();'>Show</button> |
<div id='chart4_3'></div> |
<br> |
<p>The documentation about APIs is poor now, so please check the <a href="https://github.com/c3js/c3/issues?state=open">issues on github</a>. There might be some hints about what you want to do. (We will add the document soon)</p> |
</section> |
<hr> |
<section> |
<h3> |
<a href='#style'>5. Customize Style</a> |
</h3> |
<p>C3 give some classes for each element when generating. So, you can change the style of the elements by using those classes.</p> |
<h4>1. Line style</h4> |
<p>The lines have <span class="code">c3-line-[id]</span> class, so this class can be used to define the style in css as follows:</p> |
<div class='sourcecode highlight'> |
<pre><code class='css'>#chart .c3-line-data2 {
 stroke-width: 5px;
</code></pre> |
</div> |
<div id='chart5_1'></div> |
<br> |
<p>Please check the class for each element if you want to change the style. Web Inspector would be useful. (We will add the document for class definition soon)</p> |
</section> |
<hr> |
<section> |
<h3> |
<a href='#more'>6. And More..</a> |
</h3> |
<p>Please check the <a href="/examples.html">examples</a> and the <a href="https://github.com/c3js/c3/issues?state=open">issues</a> on github for more information. Sorry for the poor documentation. We're working on now and please give me some time. Thank you.</p> |
</section> |
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