Quite good looking graph derived from d3.js http://c3js.org
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
2.6 KiB

import CLASS from './class';
import { c3_chart_fn } from './core';
import { isDefined } from './util';
c3_chart_fn.selected = function (targetId) {
var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3;
return d3.merge(
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId)).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape)
.filter(function () { return d3.select(this).classed(CLASS.SELECTED); })
.map(function (d) { return d.map(function (d) { var data = d.__data__; return data.data ? data.data : data; }); })
c3_chart_fn.select = function (ids, indices, resetOther) {
var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
if (! config.data_selection_enabled) { return; }
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) {
var shape = d3.select(this), id = d.data ? d.data.id : d.id,
toggle = $$.getToggle(this, d).bind($$),
isTargetId = config.data_selection_grouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0,
isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(i) >= 0,
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED);
// line/area selection not supported yet
if (shape.classed(CLASS.line) || shape.classed(CLASS.area)) {
if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex) {
if (config.data_selection_isselectable(d) && !isSelected) {
toggle(true, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, true), d, i);
} else if (isDefined(resetOther) && resetOther) {
if (isSelected) {
toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i);
c3_chart_fn.unselect = function (ids, indices) {
var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
if (! config.data_selection_enabled) { return; }
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) {
var shape = d3.select(this), id = d.data ? d.data.id : d.id,
toggle = $$.getToggle(this, d).bind($$),
isTargetId = config.data_selection_grouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0,
isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(i) >= 0,
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED);
// line/area selection not supported yet
if (shape.classed(CLASS.line) || shape.classed(CLASS.area)) {
if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex) {
if (config.data_selection_isselectable(d)) {
if (isSelected) {
toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i);